Finansal Risk Algısının Yatırımlarda Davranışsal Finans Eğilimi Üzerindeki Etkisinde Finansal Okuryazarlığın Aracı Rolü
Yıl 2024,
, 1074 - 1084, 08.01.2025
Emre Hayri Baraz
Tuğba Dikbaş Çavuş
Bu çalışma, finansal risk algısının yatırım kararlarında davranışsal finans eğilimlerini nasıl etkilediğini ve finansal okuryazarlığın bu süreçteki aracı rolünü incelemektedir. Davranışsal finans, bireylerin yatırım kararlarını etkileyen irrasyonel davranışları ve bu davranışların altında yatan psikolojik faktörleri ele alır. Finansal risk algısı, bireylerin belirsizlik ve risk karşısında nasıl tepki verdiklerini ifade ederken, finansal okuryazarlık bireylerin bu riskleri anlama ve yönetme yeteneğini artırır. Çalışma, finansal risk algısı ile davranışsal finans eğilimleri arasındaki ilişkiyi ve bu süreçte finansal okuryazarlığın aracı rolünü teorik ve ampirik literatür ışığında detaylı bir şekilde analiz etmektedir. Elde edilen veriler SPSS ve AMOS programlarıyla analiz edilmiştir. Bu çalışmanın bulguları, finansal okuryazarlık ve finansal risk algısının yatırım kararları üzerindeki davranışsal eğilimler üzerindeki etkisini desteklemekte ve finansal okuryazarlığın bu süreçte aracı bir rol üstlenebileceğini göstermektedir. Yapısal Eşitlik Modellemesi (YEM) sonuçları, finansal risk algısının davranışsal finans eğilimleri üzerinde doğrudan bir etkisi olduğunu ve finansal okuryazarlığın bu etkiyi olumlu yönde şekillendirdiğini ortaya koymaktadır.
Etik Beyan
Bu makale Araştırma ve Yayın Etiğine uygundur. Beyan edilecek herhangi bir çıkar çatışması yoktur. Araştırmanın ortaya konulmasında herhangi bir mali destek alınmamıştır. Makale yazım ve intihal/benzerlik açısından kontrol edilmiştir. Makale, “en az iki dış hakem” ve “çift taraflı körleme” yöntemi ile değerlendirilmiştir. Makalede kullanılan ölçek için yazar(lar) tarafından ölçeğin orjinal sahibinden izin alındığı beyan edilmiştir. Yazar(lar), dergiye imzalı “Telif Devir Formu” belgesi göndermişlerdir. Bu araştırmanın yapılması ile ilgili olarak Kayseri Üniveritesi Etik Komisyonundan 12/11/2024 tarih ve 121457 sayılı “Etik İzni Belgesi” alınmıştır.
Destekleyen Kurum
Araştırmanın ortaya konulmasında herhangi bir mali destek alınmamıştır.
Makalenin süreç değerlendirmesinde katkılar sağlayan baş editöre, yayın kuruluna ve hakemlere teşekkür ederiz. Bu çalışmanın hayata geçirilmesinde destekleri için Prof. Dr. Derviş BOZTOSUN'a, Doktorant Ömer ÇAVUŞ'a ve Necla DİKBAŞ'a teşekkür ederiz.
- AHMAD, Maqsood (2024), “The Role of Cognitive Heuristic-Driven Biases in Investment Management Activities and Market Efficiency: A Research Synthesis", International Journal of Emerging Markets, S.19(2), ss.273-321.
- AHMED, Sarwar Uddin, AHMED, Samiul Parvez, ABDULLAH, Mohammad ve KARMAKER, Uttam (2022), “Do Socio-Political Factors Affect Investment Performance?", Cogent Economics & Finance, S.10(1), ss.1-22(2113496).
- AJZEN, Icek (1985), "From Intentions to Actions: A Theory of Planned Behavior", Action Control (Ed. Julius Kuhl, Jürgen Beckmann), Springer Publisher, Berlin - Heidelberg, ss.11-39.
- ALMANSOUR, Bashar Yaser, ELKRGHLI, Sabri ve ALMANSOUR, Ammar Yaser (2023), “Behavioral Finance Factors and Investment Decisions: A Mediating Role of Risk Perception", Cogent Economics & Finance, S.11(2), ss.1-20(2239032).
- ALMENBERG, Johan ve DREBER, Anna (2015), "Gender, Stock Market Participation and Financial Literacy", Economics Letters, S.137, ss.140-142.
- ANSAR, Rudy, KARİM, Mohd Rahimie, OSMAN, Zaiton ve FAHMİ, Muhamad Shameer (2019), "The Impacts of Future Orientation and Financial Literacy on Personal Financial Management Practices Among Generation Y in Malaysia: The Moderating Role of Gender", Asian Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting, S.12(1), ss.1-10.
- BAIHAQQY, Mochammad Rizaldy Insan, DISMAN, Nugraha, SARI, Maya ve IKHSAN, Sugiyanto (2020), "The Effect of Financial Literacy on The İnvestment Decision", Budapest International Research and Critics Institute Journal (BIRCI-Journal), S.3(4), ss.3073-3083.
- BALCILAR, Mehmet, DEMİRER, Rıza ve HAMMOUDEH, Shawkat M. (2013), "Investor Herds and Regime-Switching: Evidence from Gulf Arab Stock Markets", Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, S.23(1), ss.295-321.
- BALCILAR, Mehmet, DEMİRER, Rıza ve HAMMOUDEH, Shawkat M. (2014), "What Drives Herding in Oil-Rich, Developing Stock Markets? Relative Roles of Own Volatility and Global Factors", The North American Journal of Economics and Finance, S.29, ss.418-440.
- BENARTZI, Shlomo ve THALER, Richard H. (2001), "Naive Diversification Strategies in Defined Contribution Saving Plans", American Economic Review, S.91(1), ss.79–98.
- CHEN, Yuh-Jen, CHEN, Yuh-Min, TSAO, Shiang-Ting ve HSIEH, Shu-Fan (2018), "A Novel Technical Analysis-Based Method for Stock Market Forecasting", Soft Computing, S.22, ss.1295-1312.
- CHO, Jinsook ve LEE, Jinkook (2006), "An Integrated Model of Risk and Risk-Reducing Strategies", Journal of Business Research, S.59(1), ss.112-120.
- DICKASON, Zandri ve FERREIRA, Sune (2018), "Establishing a Link Between Risk Tolerance, Investor Personality and Behavioural Finance in South Africa", Cogent Economics & Finance, S.6(1), ss.1–13.
- FERNANDES, Daniel, LYNCH, John G, ve NETEMEYER, Richard G. (2014), "Financial Literacy, Financial Education and Downstream Financial Behaviors", Management Science, S.60(8), ss.1861-1883.
- FRYDMAN, Cary, BARBERIS, Nicholas, CAMERER, Colin, BOSSAERTS, Peter ve RANGEL, Antonıo (2014), "Using Neural Data to Test a Theory of Investor Behavior: An Application to Realization Utility", The Journal of Finance, S.69(2), ss.907-946.
- GONZALEZ-IGUAL, Manuel, SANTAMARIA, Teresa Corzo ve VIEITES, Antonio Rua (2021), "Impact of Education, Age and Gender on Investor’s Sentiment: A Survey of Practitioners", Heliyon, S.7(3), ss.1-11(e06495).
- GRABLE, John ve LYTTON, Ruth H. (1999), "Financial Risk Tolerance Revisited: The Development of A Risk Assessment Instrument", Financial Services Review, S.8(3), ss.163-181.
- GROHMANN, Antonia, KLUHS, Theres ve MENKHOFF, Lukas (2018), "Does Financial Literacy Improve Financial Inclusion? Cross Country Evidence", World Development, S.111, ss.84-96.
- HAMZA, Nasrullah ve ARİF, İmtiyaz (2019), "Impact of Financial Literacy on Investment Decisions: The Mediating Effect of Big-Five Personality Traits", Market Forces, S.14(1), ss.19-38.
- HASTINGS, Justine S, MADRIAN, Brigitte C. ve SKIMMYHORN, William L.(2013), "Financial Literacy, Financial Education and Economic Outcomes", Annual Review of Economics, S.5(1), ss.347-373.
- HOSSAIN, Tanzina ve SIDDIQUA, Pallabi (2024), "Exploring the Influence of Behavioral Aspects on Stock Investment Decision-Making: A Study on Bangladeshi Individual Investors", PSU Research Review, S.8(2), ss.467-483.
- KAHNEMAN, Daniel ve TVERSKY, Amos (1979), "Prospect Theory: An Analysis of Decision Under Risk", Econometrica, S.47(2), ss.263–291.
- KAHNEMAN, Daniel (2011), “Thinking, Fast and Slow”, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, S.27(8), ss.54-57.
- KLAPPER, Lynn, LUSARDI, Annamaria ve PANOS, Gregory A. (2013), "Financial Literacy and its Consequences: Evidence from Russia During the Financial Crisis", Journal of Banking & Finance, S.37(10), ss.3904-3923.
- KUMARI, D. Thankshila (2020), "The Impact of Financial Literacy on Investment Decisions: With Special Reference to Undergraduates in Western Province, Sri Lanka", Asian Journal of Contemporary Education, S.4(2), ss.110–126.
- LUSARDI, Annamaria (2019), "Financial Literacy and the Need for Financial Education: Evidence and Implications", Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics, S.155(1), ss.1-8.
- LUSARDI, Annamaria ve MITCHELL, Olivia S. (2014), "The Economic Importance of Financial Literacy: Theory and Evidence", Journal of Economic Literature, S.52(1), ss.5-44.
- LUSARDI, Annamaria ve TUFANO, Peter (2015), "Debt Literacy, Financial Experiences and Overindebtedness", Journal of Pension Economics & Finance, S.14(4), ss.332–368.
- MADAAN, Geetika ve SINGH, Singh (2019), "An Analysis of Behavioral Biases in Investment Decision-Making", International Journal of Financial Research, S.10(4), ss.55-67.
- MAHAPATRA, Mousumi Singha ve MISHRA, Ramkuma (2020), "Behavioral Influence and Financial Decision of Individuals: A Study on Mental Accounting Process Among Indian Households", Cogent Economics & Finance, S.8(1), ss.(1827762).
- MEDETOĞLU, Batuhan ve SALDANLI, Arif (2022), "Bireylerin Yatırım Kararlarında Maruz Kaldığı Anomali ve Hevristikler Üzerine Ampirik Bir Çalışma", İktisat Politikası Araştırmaları Dergisi, S.9(1), ss.53-74.
- MOUNA, Amari ve ANIS, Jarboui (2015), "The Factors Forming Investor’s Failure: Is Financial Literacy a Matter? Viewing Test by Cognitive Mapping Technique", Cogent Economics & Finance, S.3(1), ss.1-16(1057923).
- MUSHINADA, Venkata Narasimha Chary ve VELURI, Venkata Subrahmanya Sarma (2019), "Elucidating Investors Rationality and Behavioural Biases in Indian Stock Market", Review of Behavioral Finance, S.11(2), ss.201-219.
- NOVITASARI, Dewiana, JULIANA, Juliana, ASBARI, Masduki ve PURWANTO, Agus (2021), "The Effect of Financial Literacy, Parents’ Social Economic and Student Lifestyle on Students Personal Financial Management", Economic Education Analysis Journal, S.10(3), ss.522–531.
- OPPONG, Clement, SALIFU, Atchulo Abukari, AKWAA-SEKYI, Ellis Kofi, GRANT, Dianne Dogbey ve KPEGBA, Silas Apealete (2023), "Financial Literacy, Investment and Personal Financial Management Nexus: Empirical Evidence on Private Sector Employees", Cogent Business & Management, S.10(2), ss.1-20(2229106).
- OTENG, Evans (2019), "Financial Literacy and Investment Decisions Among Traders in the Techiman Municipality", Research Journal of Finance & Accounting, S.10(6), ss.50–60.
- PANGESTU, Stevanus, KARNADI, Erwin Bramana ve FOROUDI, Pantea (2020), "The Effects of Financial Literacy and Materialism on the Savings Decision of Generation Z Indonesians", Cogent Business & Management, S.7(1), ss.1-18(1743618).
- RICHARDS, Daniel W., RUTTERFORD, Janeete, KODWANI, Devendra ve FENTON O’CREEVY, Mark (2017), "Stock Market Investors’ Use of Stop Losses and the Disposition Effect", European Journal of Finance, S.23(2), ss.130-152.
- SARIGÜL, Haşmet (2015), "Finansal Okuryazarlık Tutum ve Davranış Ölçeği: Geliştirme, Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik", Yönetim ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi, S.13(1), ss.200-218.
- SHILLER, Robet J. (2020), "Narrative Economics: How Stories Go Viral & Drive Major Economic Events", Princeton University Press, S.67(2), ss.257-263.
- SIVARAMAKRISHNAN, Sreeram, SRIVASTAVA, Mala ve RASTOGI, Anupam (2017), "Attitudinal Factors, Financial Literacy and Stock Market Participation", International Journal of Bank Marketing, S.35(5), ss.818-841.
- THALER, Richard H. (2015), Misbehaving: The Making of Behavioral Economics, WW Norton & Company Publisher, New York (US).
- ULLAH, Saif, ELAHI, Muhammad Ather, ULLAH, Atta, PINGLU, Chen ve SUBHANI, Bilal Haider (2020), "Behavioral Biases in Investment Decision Making and Moderating Role of Investor’s Type", Intellectual Economics, S.14(2), ss.87-105.
- WANGI, Lalgc ve BASKARA, I. Gde Kajeng (2021), "The Effect of Financial Attitude, Financial Behavior, Financial Knowledge and Sociodemographic Factors on Individual Investment Decision Behavior", American Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research (AJHSSR), S.5(2), ss.519-527.
- WILDAVSKY, Aaron ve DAKE, Karl (1990), "Theories of Risk Perception: Who Fears What and Why?", Daedalus, S.119(4), ss.41-60.
- YÜCEKAYA, Polat (2024), "Kişilik Özelliklerinin Finansal Risk Algı ve Davranışlarına Etkisi: Marmara Bölgesi Örneği", Doktora Tezi, Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Karaman.
- ZHANG, Mingming, NAZIR, Mian Sajid, FAROOQI, Rabia ve ISHFAQ, Muhammad (2022), "Moderating Role of Information Asymmetry Between Cognitive Biases and Investment Decisions: A Mediating Effect of Risk Perception", Frontiers in Psychology, S.1-13(828956).
The Mediating Role of Financial Literacy in the Effect of Financial Risk Perception on Behavioral Finance Tendency in Investments
Yıl 2024,
, 1074 - 1084, 08.01.2025
Emre Hayri Baraz
Tuğba Dikbaş Çavuş
This study examines how financial risk perception influences behavioral finance tendencies in investment decisions and explores the mediating role of financial literacy in this process. Behavioral finance addresses the irrational behaviors that affect individuals' investment decisions and the psychological factors underlying these behaviors. Financial risk perception reflects how individuals respond to uncertainty and risk; financial literacy enhances their ability to understand and manage these risks. The study provides a detailed analysis of the relationship between financial risk perception and behavioral finance tendencies, as well as the mediating role of financial literacy, in light of theoretical and empirical literature. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS and AMOS software. The findings of this study support the impact of financial literacy and financial risk perception on behavioral tendencies in investment decisions, demonstrating that financial literacy may assume a mediating role in this process. The results of the Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) reveal that financial risk perception has a direct effect on behavioral finance tendencies and that financial literacy positively shapes this effect.
Etik Beyan
This paper complies with Research and Publication Ethics, has no conflict of interest to declare, and has received no financial support. The article has been checked for spelling and plagiarism/similarity. The article was evaluated by "at least two external referees" and "double blinding" method. For the scale used in the article, it is declared by the authors that permission was obtained from the original owner of the scale. The author(s) sent a signed "Copyright Transfer Form" to the journal. Regarding the conduct of this research, an “Ethics Permission Certificate” dated 12/11/2024 and numbered 121457 was obtained from the Ethics Committee of the University of Kayseri University.
Destekleyen Kurum
No financial support was received for the conduct of the research.
We would like to thank the editor-in-chief, the editorial board and referees for their contributions to the evaluation of the article. We would like to thank Prof. Dr. Derviş BOZTOSUN, PhD Ömer ÇAVUŞ and Necla DİKBAŞ for their support in the implementation of this study.
- AHMAD, Maqsood (2024), “The Role of Cognitive Heuristic-Driven Biases in Investment Management Activities and Market Efficiency: A Research Synthesis", International Journal of Emerging Markets, S.19(2), ss.273-321.
- AHMED, Sarwar Uddin, AHMED, Samiul Parvez, ABDULLAH, Mohammad ve KARMAKER, Uttam (2022), “Do Socio-Political Factors Affect Investment Performance?", Cogent Economics & Finance, S.10(1), ss.1-22(2113496).
- AJZEN, Icek (1985), "From Intentions to Actions: A Theory of Planned Behavior", Action Control (Ed. Julius Kuhl, Jürgen Beckmann), Springer Publisher, Berlin - Heidelberg, ss.11-39.
- ALMANSOUR, Bashar Yaser, ELKRGHLI, Sabri ve ALMANSOUR, Ammar Yaser (2023), “Behavioral Finance Factors and Investment Decisions: A Mediating Role of Risk Perception", Cogent Economics & Finance, S.11(2), ss.1-20(2239032).
- ALMENBERG, Johan ve DREBER, Anna (2015), "Gender, Stock Market Participation and Financial Literacy", Economics Letters, S.137, ss.140-142.
- ANSAR, Rudy, KARİM, Mohd Rahimie, OSMAN, Zaiton ve FAHMİ, Muhamad Shameer (2019), "The Impacts of Future Orientation and Financial Literacy on Personal Financial Management Practices Among Generation Y in Malaysia: The Moderating Role of Gender", Asian Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting, S.12(1), ss.1-10.
- BAIHAQQY, Mochammad Rizaldy Insan, DISMAN, Nugraha, SARI, Maya ve IKHSAN, Sugiyanto (2020), "The Effect of Financial Literacy on The İnvestment Decision", Budapest International Research and Critics Institute Journal (BIRCI-Journal), S.3(4), ss.3073-3083.
- BALCILAR, Mehmet, DEMİRER, Rıza ve HAMMOUDEH, Shawkat M. (2013), "Investor Herds and Regime-Switching: Evidence from Gulf Arab Stock Markets", Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, S.23(1), ss.295-321.
- BALCILAR, Mehmet, DEMİRER, Rıza ve HAMMOUDEH, Shawkat M. (2014), "What Drives Herding in Oil-Rich, Developing Stock Markets? Relative Roles of Own Volatility and Global Factors", The North American Journal of Economics and Finance, S.29, ss.418-440.
- BENARTZI, Shlomo ve THALER, Richard H. (2001), "Naive Diversification Strategies in Defined Contribution Saving Plans", American Economic Review, S.91(1), ss.79–98.
- CHEN, Yuh-Jen, CHEN, Yuh-Min, TSAO, Shiang-Ting ve HSIEH, Shu-Fan (2018), "A Novel Technical Analysis-Based Method for Stock Market Forecasting", Soft Computing, S.22, ss.1295-1312.
- CHO, Jinsook ve LEE, Jinkook (2006), "An Integrated Model of Risk and Risk-Reducing Strategies", Journal of Business Research, S.59(1), ss.112-120.
- DICKASON, Zandri ve FERREIRA, Sune (2018), "Establishing a Link Between Risk Tolerance, Investor Personality and Behavioural Finance in South Africa", Cogent Economics & Finance, S.6(1), ss.1–13.
- FERNANDES, Daniel, LYNCH, John G, ve NETEMEYER, Richard G. (2014), "Financial Literacy, Financial Education and Downstream Financial Behaviors", Management Science, S.60(8), ss.1861-1883.
- FRYDMAN, Cary, BARBERIS, Nicholas, CAMERER, Colin, BOSSAERTS, Peter ve RANGEL, Antonıo (2014), "Using Neural Data to Test a Theory of Investor Behavior: An Application to Realization Utility", The Journal of Finance, S.69(2), ss.907-946.
- GONZALEZ-IGUAL, Manuel, SANTAMARIA, Teresa Corzo ve VIEITES, Antonio Rua (2021), "Impact of Education, Age and Gender on Investor’s Sentiment: A Survey of Practitioners", Heliyon, S.7(3), ss.1-11(e06495).
- GRABLE, John ve LYTTON, Ruth H. (1999), "Financial Risk Tolerance Revisited: The Development of A Risk Assessment Instrument", Financial Services Review, S.8(3), ss.163-181.
- GROHMANN, Antonia, KLUHS, Theres ve MENKHOFF, Lukas (2018), "Does Financial Literacy Improve Financial Inclusion? Cross Country Evidence", World Development, S.111, ss.84-96.
- HAMZA, Nasrullah ve ARİF, İmtiyaz (2019), "Impact of Financial Literacy on Investment Decisions: The Mediating Effect of Big-Five Personality Traits", Market Forces, S.14(1), ss.19-38.
- HASTINGS, Justine S, MADRIAN, Brigitte C. ve SKIMMYHORN, William L.(2013), "Financial Literacy, Financial Education and Economic Outcomes", Annual Review of Economics, S.5(1), ss.347-373.
- HOSSAIN, Tanzina ve SIDDIQUA, Pallabi (2024), "Exploring the Influence of Behavioral Aspects on Stock Investment Decision-Making: A Study on Bangladeshi Individual Investors", PSU Research Review, S.8(2), ss.467-483.
- KAHNEMAN, Daniel ve TVERSKY, Amos (1979), "Prospect Theory: An Analysis of Decision Under Risk", Econometrica, S.47(2), ss.263–291.
- KAHNEMAN, Daniel (2011), “Thinking, Fast and Slow”, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, S.27(8), ss.54-57.
- KLAPPER, Lynn, LUSARDI, Annamaria ve PANOS, Gregory A. (2013), "Financial Literacy and its Consequences: Evidence from Russia During the Financial Crisis", Journal of Banking & Finance, S.37(10), ss.3904-3923.
- KUMARI, D. Thankshila (2020), "The Impact of Financial Literacy on Investment Decisions: With Special Reference to Undergraduates in Western Province, Sri Lanka", Asian Journal of Contemporary Education, S.4(2), ss.110–126.
- LUSARDI, Annamaria (2019), "Financial Literacy and the Need for Financial Education: Evidence and Implications", Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics, S.155(1), ss.1-8.
- LUSARDI, Annamaria ve MITCHELL, Olivia S. (2014), "The Economic Importance of Financial Literacy: Theory and Evidence", Journal of Economic Literature, S.52(1), ss.5-44.
- LUSARDI, Annamaria ve TUFANO, Peter (2015), "Debt Literacy, Financial Experiences and Overindebtedness", Journal of Pension Economics & Finance, S.14(4), ss.332–368.
- MADAAN, Geetika ve SINGH, Singh (2019), "An Analysis of Behavioral Biases in Investment Decision-Making", International Journal of Financial Research, S.10(4), ss.55-67.
- MAHAPATRA, Mousumi Singha ve MISHRA, Ramkuma (2020), "Behavioral Influence and Financial Decision of Individuals: A Study on Mental Accounting Process Among Indian Households", Cogent Economics & Finance, S.8(1), ss.(1827762).
- MEDETOĞLU, Batuhan ve SALDANLI, Arif (2022), "Bireylerin Yatırım Kararlarında Maruz Kaldığı Anomali ve Hevristikler Üzerine Ampirik Bir Çalışma", İktisat Politikası Araştırmaları Dergisi, S.9(1), ss.53-74.
- MOUNA, Amari ve ANIS, Jarboui (2015), "The Factors Forming Investor’s Failure: Is Financial Literacy a Matter? Viewing Test by Cognitive Mapping Technique", Cogent Economics & Finance, S.3(1), ss.1-16(1057923).
- MUSHINADA, Venkata Narasimha Chary ve VELURI, Venkata Subrahmanya Sarma (2019), "Elucidating Investors Rationality and Behavioural Biases in Indian Stock Market", Review of Behavioral Finance, S.11(2), ss.201-219.
- NOVITASARI, Dewiana, JULIANA, Juliana, ASBARI, Masduki ve PURWANTO, Agus (2021), "The Effect of Financial Literacy, Parents’ Social Economic and Student Lifestyle on Students Personal Financial Management", Economic Education Analysis Journal, S.10(3), ss.522–531.
- OPPONG, Clement, SALIFU, Atchulo Abukari, AKWAA-SEKYI, Ellis Kofi, GRANT, Dianne Dogbey ve KPEGBA, Silas Apealete (2023), "Financial Literacy, Investment and Personal Financial Management Nexus: Empirical Evidence on Private Sector Employees", Cogent Business & Management, S.10(2), ss.1-20(2229106).
- OTENG, Evans (2019), "Financial Literacy and Investment Decisions Among Traders in the Techiman Municipality", Research Journal of Finance & Accounting, S.10(6), ss.50–60.
- PANGESTU, Stevanus, KARNADI, Erwin Bramana ve FOROUDI, Pantea (2020), "The Effects of Financial Literacy and Materialism on the Savings Decision of Generation Z Indonesians", Cogent Business & Management, S.7(1), ss.1-18(1743618).
- RICHARDS, Daniel W., RUTTERFORD, Janeete, KODWANI, Devendra ve FENTON O’CREEVY, Mark (2017), "Stock Market Investors’ Use of Stop Losses and the Disposition Effect", European Journal of Finance, S.23(2), ss.130-152.
- SARIGÜL, Haşmet (2015), "Finansal Okuryazarlık Tutum ve Davranış Ölçeği: Geliştirme, Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik", Yönetim ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi, S.13(1), ss.200-218.
- SHILLER, Robet J. (2020), "Narrative Economics: How Stories Go Viral & Drive Major Economic Events", Princeton University Press, S.67(2), ss.257-263.
- SIVARAMAKRISHNAN, Sreeram, SRIVASTAVA, Mala ve RASTOGI, Anupam (2017), "Attitudinal Factors, Financial Literacy and Stock Market Participation", International Journal of Bank Marketing, S.35(5), ss.818-841.
- THALER, Richard H. (2015), Misbehaving: The Making of Behavioral Economics, WW Norton & Company Publisher, New York (US).
- ULLAH, Saif, ELAHI, Muhammad Ather, ULLAH, Atta, PINGLU, Chen ve SUBHANI, Bilal Haider (2020), "Behavioral Biases in Investment Decision Making and Moderating Role of Investor’s Type", Intellectual Economics, S.14(2), ss.87-105.
- WANGI, Lalgc ve BASKARA, I. Gde Kajeng (2021), "The Effect of Financial Attitude, Financial Behavior, Financial Knowledge and Sociodemographic Factors on Individual Investment Decision Behavior", American Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research (AJHSSR), S.5(2), ss.519-527.
- WILDAVSKY, Aaron ve DAKE, Karl (1990), "Theories of Risk Perception: Who Fears What and Why?", Daedalus, S.119(4), ss.41-60.
- YÜCEKAYA, Polat (2024), "Kişilik Özelliklerinin Finansal Risk Algı ve Davranışlarına Etkisi: Marmara Bölgesi Örneği", Doktora Tezi, Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Karaman.
- ZHANG, Mingming, NAZIR, Mian Sajid, FAROOQI, Rabia ve ISHFAQ, Muhammad (2022), "Moderating Role of Information Asymmetry Between Cognitive Biases and Investment Decisions: A Mediating Effect of Risk Perception", Frontiers in Psychology, S.1-13(828956).