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Geopolitical Regionalisms Resulting From US-Led GWOT, Colour Revolutions and Arab Spring: Implications for Turkish Defence and Foreign Policy

Yıl 2021, , 263 - 284, 26.09.2021


Geopolitical regionalisms are a mechanism of managing influence in a particular region at a particular point in time. They exist and are driven by powers vying for influence at the expense of others, in turn, influenced by the nature of the geopolitical era in which they exist. The Cold War saw a bipolar world, where geopolitical regionalisms were achieved by the two superpowers, often through their proxies. This was replaced by a monopolar world order after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. The current transforming global order towards a multipolar world has created a lot of chaos through the United States seeking to maintain its global hegemony and thwart competition. This is accomplished through creating branded events in international relations, such as the Global War On Terror or the Arab Spring. The goal is to manage the international system as envisaged by the strategic imperatives mentioned by Brzezinski in 1997, through weakening opponents and keeping allies dependent. As such, tremendous challenges have been created for Turkey in handling its foreign and security policy interests as a regional power in the Middle East.


  • Altunisik, M. B. (2006), Turkey’s Iraq Policy: The War and Beyond, Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 14(2), 183-196.
  • Altunisik, M. B. (2006), Turkey’s Iraq Policy: The War and Beyond, Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 14(2), 183-196.
  • Aras, B. (2009), The Davutoglu Era in Turkish Foreign Policy, Insight Turkey, 11(3), 127-142.
  • Aras, B. (2009), The Davutoglu Era in Turkish Foreign Policy, Insight Turkey, 11(3), 127-142.
  • Aras, B. & Yorulmazlar, E. (2014), Turkey and Iran After the Arab Spring: Finding a Middle Ground, Middle East Policy, XXI(4), Winter, 112-120.
  • Aras, B. & Yorulmazlar, E. (2014), Turkey and Iran After the Arab Spring: Finding a Middle Ground, Middle East Policy, XXI(4), Winter, 112-120.
  • Aronczyk, M. (2013), Branding the Nation: The Global Business of National Identity, New York: Oxford University Press
  • Aslam, M. K. (2019), Turkish Foreign Policy in the Post-Arab Spring Period: A Case Study of Syria, Muslim Perspectives, IV(2), 1-25
  • Barchard, D. (1985), Turkey and the West, London: Routledge Chatham House Papers 27
  • Bayram, D. C. & Tüfekçi, Ö. (2018), Turkey’s Black Sea Vision and its Dynamics, Karadeniz Arastirmalari, XV/57, 1-16.
  • Bayram, D. C. & Tüfekçi, Ö. (2018), Turkey’s Black Sea Vision and its Dynamics, Karadeniz Arastirmalari, XV/57, 1-16.
  • Bilgin, P. & Bilgic, A. (2011), Turkey’s “New” Foreign Policy Towards Eurasia, Eurasian Geography and Economics, 52(2), 173-195.
  • Bilgin, P. & Bilgic, A. (2011), Turkey’s “New” Foreign Policy Towards Eurasia, Eurasian Geography and Economics, 52(2), 173-195.
  • Braun-Dorrell, T., Kastetter, A., Manoli, P. & de Pedro, N. (July 2018), EU-Turkey Relations: Security Drivers From the Eastern Neighbourhood, FUTURE Online Paper No. 23 (available from:
  • Brzezinski, Z. (1997), The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and its Geostrategic Imperatives, New York: Basic Books
  • Cagaptay, S. (26 October 2009), Is Turkey Leaving the West?, Foreign Affairs, available at:
  • Carpenter, T. G. (2013), Tangled Web: The Syrian Civil War and Its Implications, Mediterranean Quarterly, 24(1), Winter, 1-11.
  • Carpenter, T. G. (2013), Tangled Web: The Syrian Civil War and Its Implications, Mediterranean Quarterly, 24(1), Winter, 1-11.
  • Cihangir-Tetik, D. & Muftuler-Bac, M. (2021), A Comparison of Development Assistance Policies: Turkey and the European Union in Sectoral and Humanitarian Aid, Journal of European Integration, 43(4), 439-457.
  • Cihangir-Tetik, D. & Muftuler-Bac, M. (2021), A Comparison of Development Assistance Policies: Turkey and the European Union in Sectoral and Humanitarian Aid, Journal of European Integration, 43(4), 439-457.
  • Davutoglu, A. (2008), Turkey’s Foreign Policy Vision: An Assessment of 2007, Insight Turkey, 10(1), 77-96
  • Dihstelhoff, J. & Lohse, A. (2020), Political Islam as an Ordering Factor? The Reconfiguration of the Regional Order in the Middle East Since the Arab Spring, in Amour, P. O (Editor), The Regional Order in the Gulf Region and the Middle East, Cham: Springer, 29-59
  • Dinnie, K. (2008), Nation Branding: Concepts, Issues, Practice, London: Routledge
  • Eggling, K. A. (2020), Nation-Branding in Practice: The Politics of Promoting Sports, Cities and Universities in Kazakhstan and Qatar, London: Routledge Erickson, E. J. (2004), Turkey as a Regional Hegemon – 2014: Strategic Implications for the United States, Turkish Studies, 5(3), 25-45.
  • Eggling, K. A. (2020), Nation-Branding in Practice: The Politics of Promoting Sports, Cities and Universities in Kazakhstan and Qatar, London: Routledge Erickson, E. J. (2004), Turkey as a Regional Hegemon – 2014: Strategic Implications for the United States, Turkish Studies, 5(3), 25-45.
  • Fidan, H. (2010), Turkish Foreign Policy Towards Central Asia, Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, 12(1), 109-121. Franklin, B., Hogan, M., Langley, Q., Mosdell, N. and Pill, E. (2009), Key Concepts in Public Relations, London: Sage
  • Fidan, H. (2010), Turkish Foreign Policy Towards Central Asia, Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, 12(1), 109-121. Franklin, B., Hogan, M., Langley, Q., Mosdell, N. and Pill, E. (2009), Key Concepts in Public Relations, London: Sage
  • Hill, F. & Taspinar, O. (2006), Turkey and Russia: Axis of the Excluded?, Survival, 48(1), 81-92.
  • Hill, F. & Taspinar, O. (2006), Turkey and Russia: Axis of the Excluded?, Survival, 48(1), 81-92.
  • Hyslop, M. (2014), Obstructive marketing: Restricting distribution of products and services in the age of asymmetric warfare, Farnham: Ashgate
  • Jalilov, M. & Kelly, P. (30 October 2014), The Ukrainian Shatterbelt: A New Cold War?, I Report dell’IsAG
  • Jay, P. (1979), Regionalism as Geopolitics, Foreign Affairs 58(3), 485-514.
  • Jay, P. (1979), Regionalism as Geopolitics, Foreign Affairs 58(3), 485-514.
  • Kaliber, A. (2013), The Post-Cold War Regionalisms of Turkish Foreign Policy, Journal of Regional Security, 8(1), 25-48.
  • Kaliber, A. (2013), The Post-Cold War Regionalisms of Turkish Foreign Policy, Journal of Regional Security, 8(1), 25-48.
  • Karpovich, O. & Manoilo, A. (2015), Colour Revolutions: Techniques in Breaking Down Modern Political Regimes, Bloomington (IN): Author House
  • Kiniklioglu, S. & Morkva, V. (2007), An Anatomy of Turkish-Russian Relations, Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, 7(4), 533-553.
  • Kiniklioglu, S. & Morkva, V. (2007), An Anatomy of Turkish-Russian Relations, Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, 7(4), 533-553.
  • Köstem, S. (2020), Russian-Turkish Cooperation in Syria: Geopolitical Alignment with Limits, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, doi: 10.1080/09557571.2020.1719040
  • Köstem, S. (2020), Russian-Turkish Cooperation in Syria: Geopolitical Alignment with Limits, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, doi: 10.1080/09557571.2020.1719040
  • Larrabee, S. F. (2010), Troubled Partnership: U.S.-Turkish Relations in an Era of Global Geopolitical Change, Arlington (VA): RAND Corporation
  • Lesser, I. O. (2006), Turkey, the United States and the Delusion of Geopolitics, Survival, 48(3), 83-96.
  • Lesser, I. O. (2006), Turkey, the United States and the Delusion of Geopolitics, Survival, 48(3), 83-96.
  • Matusitz, J. (2015), Symbolism in terrorism: Motivation, communication and behaviour, Lanham (MD): Rowman and Littlefield.
  • Muftuler-Bac, M. (June 2020), Turkey and the European Union Refugee Deal: Assessing Turkish Migration Policies and the External Protection of European Borders, Working Paper, Migration Governance and Asylum Crises (MAGYC) Project
  • Murinson, A. (2006), The Strategic Depth of Turkish Foreign Policy, Middle Eastern Studies, 42(6), 945-964.
  • Murinson, A. (2006), The Strategic Depth of Turkish Foreign Policy, Middle Eastern Studies, 42(6), 945-964.
  • Newman, B. I. (2016), The marketing revolution in politics: What recent U.S. presidential campaigns can teach us about effective marketing, Buffalo: University of Toronto Press.
  • Noi, A. U. (2012), The Arab Spring, Its Effects on the Kurds, and the Approaches of Turkey, Iran, Syria, and Iraq on the Kurdish Issue, Middle East Review of International Affairs, 16(2), 15-29
  • Noi, A. U. (2012), The Arab Spring, Its Effects on the Kurds, and the Approaches of Turkey, Iran, Syria, and Iraq on the Kurdish Issue, Middle East Review of International Affairs, 16(2), 15-29
  • Oguzlu, T. (2004), Changing Dynamics of Turkey’s US and EU Relations, Middle East Policy, XI(1), Spring, 98-105.
  • Oguzlu, T. (2004), Changing Dynamics of Turkey’s US and EU Relations, Middle East Policy, XI(1), Spring, 98-105.
  • Oguzlu, T. (2007), Soft Power in Turkish Foreign Policy, Australian Journal of International Affairs, 61(1), 81-97.
  • Oguzlu, T. (2007), Soft Power in Turkish Foreign Policy, Australian Journal of International Affairs, 61(1), 81-97.
  • Oguzlu, T. (2008), Middle Easternisation of Turkey’s Foreign Policy: Does Turkey Disassociate from the West?, Turkish Studies, 9(1), 3-20.
  • Oguzlu, T. (2008), Middle Easternisation of Turkey’s Foreign Policy: Does Turkey Disassociate from the West?, Turkish Studies, 9(1), 3-20.
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  • Oguzlu, T. (February 2012), The ‘Arab Spring’ and the Rise of the 2.0 Version of Turkey’s ‘Zero Problems With Neighbours’ Policy, Centre for Strategic Research (SAM), SAM Papers No. 1 Önis, Z. (2012), Turkey and the Arab Spring: Between Ethics and Self-Interest, Insight Turkey, 14(3), 45-63
  • Önis, Z. & Yilmaz, S. (2009), Between Europeanisation and Euro-Asianism: Foreign Policy Activism in Turkey During the AKP Era, Turkish Studies, 10(1), 7-24.
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  • Önis, Z. & Yilmaz, S. (2016), Turkey and Russia in a Shifting Global Order: Cooperation, Conflict and Asymmetric Interdependence in a Turbulent Region, Third World Quarterly, 37(1), 71-95.
  • Önis, Z. & Yilmaz, S. (2016), Turkey and Russia in a Shifting Global Order: Cooperation, Conflict and Asymmetric Interdependence in a Turbulent Region, Third World Quarterly, 37(1), 71-95.
  • Özdemir, E. & Serin, Z. V. (2016), Trading State and Reflections of Foreign Policy: Evidence From Turkish Foreign Policy, Procedia Economics and Finance, 38, 468-475. Doi: 10.1016/S2212-5671(16)30218-0
  • Özdemir, E. & Serin, Z. V. (2016), Trading State and Reflections of Foreign Policy: Evidence From Turkish Foreign Policy, Procedia Economics and Finance, 38, 468-475. Doi: 10.1016/S2212-5671(16)30218-0
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Teröre Karşı Küresel Savaş, Renkli Devrimler, ve Arap Baharı’ndan Jeopolitik Bölgeselciliğe: Türk Savunma ve Dış Politikasına Etkileri

Yıl 2021, , 263 - 284, 26.09.2021


Jeopolitik bölgeselcilik belli bir bölgede belli bir zamanda etki yönetme mekanizmasıdır. Bu amaçla aktörler, içinde bulundukları jeopolitik dönemin doğasından etkilenirken, başkaları pahasına var olmak ve güç elde etmek adına mücadele ederler. Soğuk Savaş dönemi, jeopolitik bölgeselciliğin iki süper güç tarafından, genellikle vekilleri aracılığıyla elde edildiği iki kutuplu bir dünyaya şahit oldu. 1991’de Sovyetler Birliği’nin yıkılması ile tek kutuplu dünya düzeni hâkim hale geldi. Günümüzde çok kutuplu dünyaya doğru evrilen bu küresel düzenin dönüşüm süreci ise sancılı oldu. Dünya çapında hegemonyasını korumaya ve rekabeti engellemeye çalışan ABD bu dönüşümün sancılı olmasında büyük rol oynadı. ABD hegemonyasını devam ettirmek için Teröre Karşı Küresel Savaş veya Arap Baharı gibi olayları markalaştırarak uluslararası ilişkilerin temel konusu haline getirdi. ABD’nin bununla ulaşmak istediği hedef, Brzezinski'nin 1997'de belirttiği stratejik zorunlulukların öngördüğü uluslararası sistemi, muhalifleri zayıflatarak ve müttefikleri bağımlı tutarak yönetmekti. Bu iklimde, Ortadoğu'da bölgesel bir güç olarak Türkiye'nin dış ve güvenlik politikası çıkarlarını gerçekleştirmesinde ciddi zorluklar yaratılmıştır.


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  • Altunisik, M. B. (2006), Turkey’s Iraq Policy: The War and Beyond, Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 14(2), 183-196.
  • Aras, B. (2009), The Davutoglu Era in Turkish Foreign Policy, Insight Turkey, 11(3), 127-142.
  • Aras, B. (2009), The Davutoglu Era in Turkish Foreign Policy, Insight Turkey, 11(3), 127-142.
  • Aras, B. & Yorulmazlar, E. (2014), Turkey and Iran After the Arab Spring: Finding a Middle Ground, Middle East Policy, XXI(4), Winter, 112-120.
  • Aras, B. & Yorulmazlar, E. (2014), Turkey and Iran After the Arab Spring: Finding a Middle Ground, Middle East Policy, XXI(4), Winter, 112-120.
  • Aronczyk, M. (2013), Branding the Nation: The Global Business of National Identity, New York: Oxford University Press
  • Aslam, M. K. (2019), Turkish Foreign Policy in the Post-Arab Spring Period: A Case Study of Syria, Muslim Perspectives, IV(2), 1-25
  • Barchard, D. (1985), Turkey and the West, London: Routledge Chatham House Papers 27
  • Bayram, D. C. & Tüfekçi, Ö. (2018), Turkey’s Black Sea Vision and its Dynamics, Karadeniz Arastirmalari, XV/57, 1-16.
  • Bayram, D. C. & Tüfekçi, Ö. (2018), Turkey’s Black Sea Vision and its Dynamics, Karadeniz Arastirmalari, XV/57, 1-16.
  • Bilgin, P. & Bilgic, A. (2011), Turkey’s “New” Foreign Policy Towards Eurasia, Eurasian Geography and Economics, 52(2), 173-195.
  • Bilgin, P. & Bilgic, A. (2011), Turkey’s “New” Foreign Policy Towards Eurasia, Eurasian Geography and Economics, 52(2), 173-195.
  • Braun-Dorrell, T., Kastetter, A., Manoli, P. & de Pedro, N. (July 2018), EU-Turkey Relations: Security Drivers From the Eastern Neighbourhood, FUTURE Online Paper No. 23 (available from:
  • Brzezinski, Z. (1997), The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and its Geostrategic Imperatives, New York: Basic Books
  • Cagaptay, S. (26 October 2009), Is Turkey Leaving the West?, Foreign Affairs, available at:
  • Carpenter, T. G. (2013), Tangled Web: The Syrian Civil War and Its Implications, Mediterranean Quarterly, 24(1), Winter, 1-11.
  • Carpenter, T. G. (2013), Tangled Web: The Syrian Civil War and Its Implications, Mediterranean Quarterly, 24(1), Winter, 1-11.
  • Cihangir-Tetik, D. & Muftuler-Bac, M. (2021), A Comparison of Development Assistance Policies: Turkey and the European Union in Sectoral and Humanitarian Aid, Journal of European Integration, 43(4), 439-457.
  • Cihangir-Tetik, D. & Muftuler-Bac, M. (2021), A Comparison of Development Assistance Policies: Turkey and the European Union in Sectoral and Humanitarian Aid, Journal of European Integration, 43(4), 439-457.
  • Davutoglu, A. (2008), Turkey’s Foreign Policy Vision: An Assessment of 2007, Insight Turkey, 10(1), 77-96
  • Dihstelhoff, J. & Lohse, A. (2020), Political Islam as an Ordering Factor? The Reconfiguration of the Regional Order in the Middle East Since the Arab Spring, in Amour, P. O (Editor), The Regional Order in the Gulf Region and the Middle East, Cham: Springer, 29-59
  • Dinnie, K. (2008), Nation Branding: Concepts, Issues, Practice, London: Routledge
  • Eggling, K. A. (2020), Nation-Branding in Practice: The Politics of Promoting Sports, Cities and Universities in Kazakhstan and Qatar, London: Routledge Erickson, E. J. (2004), Turkey as a Regional Hegemon – 2014: Strategic Implications for the United States, Turkish Studies, 5(3), 25-45.
  • Eggling, K. A. (2020), Nation-Branding in Practice: The Politics of Promoting Sports, Cities and Universities in Kazakhstan and Qatar, London: Routledge Erickson, E. J. (2004), Turkey as a Regional Hegemon – 2014: Strategic Implications for the United States, Turkish Studies, 5(3), 25-45.
  • Fidan, H. (2010), Turkish Foreign Policy Towards Central Asia, Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, 12(1), 109-121. Franklin, B., Hogan, M., Langley, Q., Mosdell, N. and Pill, E. (2009), Key Concepts in Public Relations, London: Sage
  • Fidan, H. (2010), Turkish Foreign Policy Towards Central Asia, Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, 12(1), 109-121. Franklin, B., Hogan, M., Langley, Q., Mosdell, N. and Pill, E. (2009), Key Concepts in Public Relations, London: Sage
  • Hill, F. & Taspinar, O. (2006), Turkey and Russia: Axis of the Excluded?, Survival, 48(1), 81-92.
  • Hill, F. & Taspinar, O. (2006), Turkey and Russia: Axis of the Excluded?, Survival, 48(1), 81-92.
  • Hyslop, M. (2014), Obstructive marketing: Restricting distribution of products and services in the age of asymmetric warfare, Farnham: Ashgate
  • Jalilov, M. & Kelly, P. (30 October 2014), The Ukrainian Shatterbelt: A New Cold War?, I Report dell’IsAG
  • Jay, P. (1979), Regionalism as Geopolitics, Foreign Affairs 58(3), 485-514.
  • Jay, P. (1979), Regionalism as Geopolitics, Foreign Affairs 58(3), 485-514.
  • Kaliber, A. (2013), The Post-Cold War Regionalisms of Turkish Foreign Policy, Journal of Regional Security, 8(1), 25-48.
  • Kaliber, A. (2013), The Post-Cold War Regionalisms of Turkish Foreign Policy, Journal of Regional Security, 8(1), 25-48.
  • Karpovich, O. & Manoilo, A. (2015), Colour Revolutions: Techniques in Breaking Down Modern Political Regimes, Bloomington (IN): Author House
  • Kiniklioglu, S. & Morkva, V. (2007), An Anatomy of Turkish-Russian Relations, Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, 7(4), 533-553.
  • Kiniklioglu, S. & Morkva, V. (2007), An Anatomy of Turkish-Russian Relations, Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, 7(4), 533-553.
  • Köstem, S. (2020), Russian-Turkish Cooperation in Syria: Geopolitical Alignment with Limits, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, doi: 10.1080/09557571.2020.1719040
  • Köstem, S. (2020), Russian-Turkish Cooperation in Syria: Geopolitical Alignment with Limits, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, doi: 10.1080/09557571.2020.1719040
  • Larrabee, S. F. (2010), Troubled Partnership: U.S.-Turkish Relations in an Era of Global Geopolitical Change, Arlington (VA): RAND Corporation
  • Lesser, I. O. (2006), Turkey, the United States and the Delusion of Geopolitics, Survival, 48(3), 83-96.
  • Lesser, I. O. (2006), Turkey, the United States and the Delusion of Geopolitics, Survival, 48(3), 83-96.
  • Matusitz, J. (2015), Symbolism in terrorism: Motivation, communication and behaviour, Lanham (MD): Rowman and Littlefield.
  • Muftuler-Bac, M. (June 2020), Turkey and the European Union Refugee Deal: Assessing Turkish Migration Policies and the External Protection of European Borders, Working Paper, Migration Governance and Asylum Crises (MAGYC) Project
  • Murinson, A. (2006), The Strategic Depth of Turkish Foreign Policy, Middle Eastern Studies, 42(6), 945-964.
  • Murinson, A. (2006), The Strategic Depth of Turkish Foreign Policy, Middle Eastern Studies, 42(6), 945-964.
  • Newman, B. I. (2016), The marketing revolution in politics: What recent U.S. presidential campaigns can teach us about effective marketing, Buffalo: University of Toronto Press.
  • Noi, A. U. (2012), The Arab Spring, Its Effects on the Kurds, and the Approaches of Turkey, Iran, Syria, and Iraq on the Kurdish Issue, Middle East Review of International Affairs, 16(2), 15-29
  • Noi, A. U. (2012), The Arab Spring, Its Effects on the Kurds, and the Approaches of Turkey, Iran, Syria, and Iraq on the Kurdish Issue, Middle East Review of International Affairs, 16(2), 15-29
  • Oguzlu, T. (2004), Changing Dynamics of Turkey’s US and EU Relations, Middle East Policy, XI(1), Spring, 98-105.
  • Oguzlu, T. (2004), Changing Dynamics of Turkey’s US and EU Relations, Middle East Policy, XI(1), Spring, 98-105.
  • Oguzlu, T. (2007), Soft Power in Turkish Foreign Policy, Australian Journal of International Affairs, 61(1), 81-97.
  • Oguzlu, T. (2007), Soft Power in Turkish Foreign Policy, Australian Journal of International Affairs, 61(1), 81-97.
  • Oguzlu, T. (2008), Middle Easternisation of Turkey’s Foreign Policy: Does Turkey Disassociate from the West?, Turkish Studies, 9(1), 3-20.
  • Oguzlu, T. (2008), Middle Easternisation of Turkey’s Foreign Policy: Does Turkey Disassociate from the West?, Turkish Studies, 9(1), 3-20.
  • Oguzlu, T. (February 2012), The ‘Arab Spring’ and the Rise of the 2.0 Version of Turkey’s ‘Zero Problems With Neighbours’ Policy, Centre for Strategic Research (SAM), SAM Papers No. 1 Önis, Z. (2012), Turkey and the Arab Spring: Between Ethics and Self-Interest, Insight Turkey, 14(3), 45-63
  • Oguzlu, T. (February 2012), The ‘Arab Spring’ and the Rise of the 2.0 Version of Turkey’s ‘Zero Problems With Neighbours’ Policy, Centre for Strategic Research (SAM), SAM Papers No. 1 Önis, Z. (2012), Turkey and the Arab Spring: Between Ethics and Self-Interest, Insight Turkey, 14(3), 45-63
  • Önis, Z. & Yilmaz, S. (2009), Between Europeanisation and Euro-Asianism: Foreign Policy Activism in Turkey During the AKP Era, Turkish Studies, 10(1), 7-24.
  • Önis, Z. & Yilmaz, S. (2009), Between Europeanisation and Euro-Asianism: Foreign Policy Activism in Turkey During the AKP Era, Turkish Studies, 10(1), 7-24.
  • Önis, Z. & Yilmaz, S. (2016), Turkey and Russia in a Shifting Global Order: Cooperation, Conflict and Asymmetric Interdependence in a Turbulent Region, Third World Quarterly, 37(1), 71-95.
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Toplam 86 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Konular Uluslararası İlişkiler
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Greg Simons Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-6111-5325

Yayımlanma Tarihi 26 Eylül 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021

Kaynak Göster

APA Simons, G. (2021). Geopolitical Regionalisms Resulting From US-Led GWOT, Colour Revolutions and Arab Spring: Implications for Turkish Defence and Foreign Policy. Marmara Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilimler Dergisi, 9(2), 263-284.