Araştırma Makalesi
BibTex RIS Kaynak Göster
Yıl 2023, Cilt: 13 Sayı: 1, 76 - 83, 01.07.2023



  • Abdelgadir, W., Nielsen, D., Hamad, S., & Jakobsen, M. (2008). A traditional Sudanese fermented camel's milk product, Gariss, as a habitat of Streptococcus infantarius subsp infantariusi. Int J Food Microbiol. 127: 215-219.
  • Akhmetsadykova, S. (2012). Impact de la pollution sur la qualité du lait de chamelle au Kazakhstan. Doctoral dissertation. Montpellier SupAgro.
  • Akhmetsadykova, S., Baubekova, A., Konuspayeva, G., Akhmetsadykov, N., & Loiseau, G. (2014). Microflora identification of fresh and fermented camel milk from Kazakhstan. Emir J Food Agric. 26: 327.
  • Atasever, MA., & Atasever, M. (2018). Some quality properties of Kurut, a traditional dairy product in Turkey. Manas Journal of Agriculture Veterinary and Life Sciences. 8(1): 68-74.
  • Biratu, K., & Seifu, E. (2016). Chemical composition and microbiological quality of Dhanaan: traditional fermented camel milk produced in eastern Ethiopia. Int Food Res. 23(5): 2223-2228.
  • Chaves López, C., Serio, A., Grande Tovar, CD., Cuervo Mulet, R., Delgado Ospina, J., & Paparella, A. (2014). Traditional fermented foods and beverages from a microbiological and nutritional perspective: The clombian heritage. Compr Rev Food Sci F. 13: 1031-1048.
  • Frank, J., Christen, G., & Bullerman, L. (1992). Marshall R. Standard Methods for the Examination of Dairy Products. American Public Health Association, Washington D.C.
  • Harrigan, WF., & McCance, ME. .(1976). Laboratory Methods in Food and Dairy Microbiology. Academic Press Inc. London, Ltd.
  • Hassan, R., El Zubeir, I., & Babiker, S. (2007). Effect of pasteurization of raw camel milk and storage temperature on the chemical composition of fermented camel milk International. J Dairy Sci. 2(2): 166-171.
  • Hassan, RA., El Zubeir, I., & Babiker, S. (2008). Chemical and microbial measurements of fermented camel milk gariss from transhumance and Nomadic herds in Sudan. Aust J Basic Appl Sci. 2: 800-804.
  • Ishii, S., & Nurtazin, S. (2014). Properties of camel milk liquor “shubat” in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Milk Sci: 55- 66.
  • Ismaili, MA., Hamama, A., Saidi, B., Zahar, M., & Meryem, A. (2017). Chemical composition, microbial profile and Identification of lactic acid bacteria of Moroccan fermented camel milk “Lfrik”. Curr Res Nutr Food Sci J. 5: 383- 390.
  • Karaçil, MŞ., & Tek, NA. (2013). Dünyada üretilen fermente ürünler: tarihsel süreç ve sağlık ile ilişkileri. Uludağ Üniv Ziraat Fak Derg. 27: 163-173.
  • Konuspayeva, G. (2007). Variabilité physico-chimique et biochimique du lait des grands camélidés (camelus bactrianus,camelus dromedarius et hybrides) au Kazakhstan. PhD Thesis. Food sciences, Université Montpellier II, France.
  • Konuspayeva, G., Jurjanz, S., Loiseau, G., Barci, V., Akhmetsadykova, S., Meldebekova, A., & Faye, B. (2011). Contamination of camel milk heavy metals, organic pollutants and radionuclides in Kazakhstan. J Environ Prot. 2: 90-96.
  • Kurzhembaeva, A. (2010). Production technology of shubat. J AU. 5(3).
  • Lore, TA. (2004). Studies on the microflora In Suusac, A Kenyan traditional fermented camel milk product. PhD Thesis.Food Science and Technology, Department of Food Technology and Nutrition University of Nairobi.
  • Mamatova, Z., & Aydın, A. (2022). İpek Yolu Coğrafyasının Ortak Kültürel Değeri “Kurut”. Manas Journal of Agriculture Veterinary and Life Sciences . 12 (2):, 158-165.
  • Miyamoto, M., Seto, Y., Nakajima, H., Burenjargal, S., Gombojav, A., Demberel, S., & Miyamoto, T. (2010). Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis analysis of lactic acid bacteria and yeasts in traditional Mongolian fermented milk. Food Sci Technol Res. 16: 319-326.
  • Omarova, A., & Mashanova, NS. (2016). Improving the Technology of National Dairy Products Using Vegetable Raw Materials. Herald. 2:67-69.
  • Patır, B., & Ateş, G. (2002). “Kurut” un mikrobiyolojik ve kimyasal bazı nitelikleri üzerine araştırmalar. Turk J Vet Anim Sci. 26: 785-792.
  • Pincus, DH. (2006). Microbial identification using the bioMérieux Vitek®2 system. Encyclopedia of Rapid Microbiological Methods. Bethesda, MD. J. Parenter. Drug Assoc. 1-32.
  • Rahman, N., Xiaohong, C., Meiqin, F., & Mingsheng, D. (2009). Characterization of the dominant microflora in naturally fermented camel milk shubat. World J Microbiol Biotechnol. 25: 1941-1946.
  • Said, M., Saliha, B-H., Mostefa, D., & Zakaria, B. (2017). Evaluation of microflora variation of camel milk during fermentation. Int J. 73 (12).
  • Seitov, Z. (2005). Koumis and Shubat. Dauir (in Russian). Kosmos Publ. Almaty. Kazakhstan.
  • Serikbayeva, A., Konuspayeva, G., Faye, B., Loiseau, G., & Narmuratova, M. (2005). Probiotic properties of a sour-milk product: shubat from the camel milk. Desertification Combat and Food Safety: The Added Value of Camel Producers, 362: 187- 191.
  • Shingisov, A., Alibekov, R., Nurseitova, Z., Orymbetova, G., Kantureeva, G., & Mailybaeva, E. (2015). Desorption isotherms of the koumiss and shubat clots enriched by various additives. MAS. 9: 409.
  • Shori, AB. (2012). Comparative study of chemical composition, isolation and identification of micro-flora in traditional fermented camel milk products: Gariss, Suusac, and Shubat. JSSAS. 11: 79-88.
  • Sulieman, AME., Ilayan, AA., & Faki, AEE. (2006). Chemical and microbiological quality of Garris, Sudanese fermented camel's milk product. Int J Food Sci Technol. 41: 321-328.
  • Sulieman, AME., Osawa, R., & Tsenkova, R. (2007). Isolation and identification of lactobacilli from garris, a Sudanese fermented Camel’s milk product. Res J Microbiol. 2: 125-132.
  • Suliman, E., & El Zubeir, I. (2016). Microbial loads of gariss collected during movement and settlement of nomadic camel herders in Algadarif State, Sudan. Food Sci Nutr Technol. 1: 1-7.
  • Suliman, ES., & El Zubeir, IE. (2014). A Survey of the processing and chemical composition of gariss produced by nomadic camel women herders in Al Gaderif State, Sudan. Jordan J Biol Sci. 7: 95-100.
  • Tekinşen, OC., Atasever, M., Keleş, A., & Tekinşen, KK. (2002). Süt, Yoğurt, Tereyağı, Peynir: Üretim ve Kontrol.1. Baskı. Konya, Selçuk Üniversitesi Basımevi.
  • Temirova, G. (2016). Antibiotic resistance and probiotic properties of lactic acid bacteria isolated from camel milk and shubat. MSc Thesis, Faculty of Health, University of Eastern Finland.
  • Watanabe, K., Fujimoto, J., Sasamoto, M., Dugersuren, J., Tumursuh, T., & Demberel, S. (2008). Diversity of lactic acid bacteria and yeasts in airag and tarag, traditional fermented milk products of Mongolia. World J Microbiol Biotechnol. 24: 1313-1325.
  • Yam, BZ., Khomeiri, M., Mahounak, AS., & Jafari, SM. (2014). Hygienic quality of camel milk and fermented camel milk Chal in Golestan Province, Iran. J Microbiol Res. 4: 98-103.
  • Yam, BZ., Khomeiri, M., Mahounak, AS., Jafari, SM. (2015). Isolation and identification of yeasts and lactic acid bacteria from local traditional fermented camel milk, Chal. J Food Process Technol. 6: 1.
  • Zahedi, MT., Salami, M., & Moslehishad, M. (2016). Fermented camel milk (chal): chemical, microbial and functional properties. J Pharm Health Sci, 4: 193-204.

Kazakistan'da Tüketime Sunulan Shubatın Bazı Kimyasal ve Mikrobiyolojik Özelliklerinin Araştırılması

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 13 Sayı: 1, 76 - 83, 01.07.2023


Bu çalışmada, Kazakistan’dan temin edilen 60 shubat örneği mikrobiyolojik ve kimyasal açıdan incelenmiştir. Shubat örneklerinde ortalama toplam mezofilik aerobik mikroorganizma sayısı; 8.10±0.35 log kob/ml, toplam psikrofilik aerobik bakteri; 3.41±0.63 log kob/ml, maya-küf; 4.16±0.46 log kob/ml, Lactococcus spp. 6.35±0.44 log kob/ml, Lactobacillus spp. 7.12±0.49 log kob/ml, Staphylococcus-Micrococcus spp. 6.12±0.30 log kob/ml, koliform; 2.75 ±0.43 log kob/ml, Enterococcus spp. 4.82±0.44 log kob/ml olarak bulunmuştur. Konvansiyonel yöntemle izole edilen 32 adet Enterococcus spp. izolatı VITEK 2 sistemi ile tanımlanmıştır. Buna göre 9 izolat (%28) Enterococcus faecalis,10 izolat (%32) Enterococcus durans, 4 izolat (%12) Enterococcus hirae, 9 izolat (%28) ise Enterococcus gallinarium olarak identifiye edilmiştir. Shubat örneklerinde su aktivitesi; 0.9945±0.004, pH; 3.59±1.02, yağ; %2,76±1,16, asitlik (% laktik asit); 0.92±0.30, kurumadde %10.49±2.16, kül; %0.82±0.44, protein; %4.47±1.05 olarak belirlendi. Kazakistan’da satışa sunulan shubatların mikrobiyolojik kalitesinin düşük olmasının, halk sağlığı açısından potansiyel bir tehlike oluşturabileceği belirtilebilir. Bunun yanı sıra geleneksel shubat üretiminde ısıl işlem uygulaması yapılmamasının sağlık açısından önemli bir potansiyel risk oluşturabileceği ve halk sağlığını olumsuz etkileyebileceği kanaatine varılmıştır. Sağlıklı shubat üretimi için bu noktanın dikkate alınması ve üretimde hijyenik koşulların oluşturulmasının önemli olduğu düşünülmektedir. Özellikle shubatın tedavi amaçlı kullanımının da yaygın olduğu gerçeği göz önünde bulundurulduğunda düşük mikrobiyal kaliteli shubat kullanımının oluşturabileceği halk sağlığı sorunları ciddiyetle ele alınmalıdır.


  • Abdelgadir, W., Nielsen, D., Hamad, S., & Jakobsen, M. (2008). A traditional Sudanese fermented camel's milk product, Gariss, as a habitat of Streptococcus infantarius subsp infantariusi. Int J Food Microbiol. 127: 215-219.
  • Akhmetsadykova, S. (2012). Impact de la pollution sur la qualité du lait de chamelle au Kazakhstan. Doctoral dissertation. Montpellier SupAgro.
  • Akhmetsadykova, S., Baubekova, A., Konuspayeva, G., Akhmetsadykov, N., & Loiseau, G. (2014). Microflora identification of fresh and fermented camel milk from Kazakhstan. Emir J Food Agric. 26: 327.
  • Atasever, MA., & Atasever, M. (2018). Some quality properties of Kurut, a traditional dairy product in Turkey. Manas Journal of Agriculture Veterinary and Life Sciences. 8(1): 68-74.
  • Biratu, K., & Seifu, E. (2016). Chemical composition and microbiological quality of Dhanaan: traditional fermented camel milk produced in eastern Ethiopia. Int Food Res. 23(5): 2223-2228.
  • Chaves López, C., Serio, A., Grande Tovar, CD., Cuervo Mulet, R., Delgado Ospina, J., & Paparella, A. (2014). Traditional fermented foods and beverages from a microbiological and nutritional perspective: The clombian heritage. Compr Rev Food Sci F. 13: 1031-1048.
  • Frank, J., Christen, G., & Bullerman, L. (1992). Marshall R. Standard Methods for the Examination of Dairy Products. American Public Health Association, Washington D.C.
  • Harrigan, WF., & McCance, ME. .(1976). Laboratory Methods in Food and Dairy Microbiology. Academic Press Inc. London, Ltd.
  • Hassan, R., El Zubeir, I., & Babiker, S. (2007). Effect of pasteurization of raw camel milk and storage temperature on the chemical composition of fermented camel milk International. J Dairy Sci. 2(2): 166-171.
  • Hassan, RA., El Zubeir, I., & Babiker, S. (2008). Chemical and microbial measurements of fermented camel milk gariss from transhumance and Nomadic herds in Sudan. Aust J Basic Appl Sci. 2: 800-804.
  • Ishii, S., & Nurtazin, S. (2014). Properties of camel milk liquor “shubat” in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Milk Sci: 55- 66.
  • Ismaili, MA., Hamama, A., Saidi, B., Zahar, M., & Meryem, A. (2017). Chemical composition, microbial profile and Identification of lactic acid bacteria of Moroccan fermented camel milk “Lfrik”. Curr Res Nutr Food Sci J. 5: 383- 390.
  • Karaçil, MŞ., & Tek, NA. (2013). Dünyada üretilen fermente ürünler: tarihsel süreç ve sağlık ile ilişkileri. Uludağ Üniv Ziraat Fak Derg. 27: 163-173.
  • Konuspayeva, G. (2007). Variabilité physico-chimique et biochimique du lait des grands camélidés (camelus bactrianus,camelus dromedarius et hybrides) au Kazakhstan. PhD Thesis. Food sciences, Université Montpellier II, France.
  • Konuspayeva, G., Jurjanz, S., Loiseau, G., Barci, V., Akhmetsadykova, S., Meldebekova, A., & Faye, B. (2011). Contamination of camel milk heavy metals, organic pollutants and radionuclides in Kazakhstan. J Environ Prot. 2: 90-96.
  • Kurzhembaeva, A. (2010). Production technology of shubat. J AU. 5(3).
  • Lore, TA. (2004). Studies on the microflora In Suusac, A Kenyan traditional fermented camel milk product. PhD Thesis.Food Science and Technology, Department of Food Technology and Nutrition University of Nairobi.
  • Mamatova, Z., & Aydın, A. (2022). İpek Yolu Coğrafyasının Ortak Kültürel Değeri “Kurut”. Manas Journal of Agriculture Veterinary and Life Sciences . 12 (2):, 158-165.
  • Miyamoto, M., Seto, Y., Nakajima, H., Burenjargal, S., Gombojav, A., Demberel, S., & Miyamoto, T. (2010). Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis analysis of lactic acid bacteria and yeasts in traditional Mongolian fermented milk. Food Sci Technol Res. 16: 319-326.
  • Omarova, A., & Mashanova, NS. (2016). Improving the Technology of National Dairy Products Using Vegetable Raw Materials. Herald. 2:67-69.
  • Patır, B., & Ateş, G. (2002). “Kurut” un mikrobiyolojik ve kimyasal bazı nitelikleri üzerine araştırmalar. Turk J Vet Anim Sci. 26: 785-792.
  • Pincus, DH. (2006). Microbial identification using the bioMérieux Vitek®2 system. Encyclopedia of Rapid Microbiological Methods. Bethesda, MD. J. Parenter. Drug Assoc. 1-32.
  • Rahman, N., Xiaohong, C., Meiqin, F., & Mingsheng, D. (2009). Characterization of the dominant microflora in naturally fermented camel milk shubat. World J Microbiol Biotechnol. 25: 1941-1946.
  • Said, M., Saliha, B-H., Mostefa, D., & Zakaria, B. (2017). Evaluation of microflora variation of camel milk during fermentation. Int J. 73 (12).
  • Seitov, Z. (2005). Koumis and Shubat. Dauir (in Russian). Kosmos Publ. Almaty. Kazakhstan.
  • Serikbayeva, A., Konuspayeva, G., Faye, B., Loiseau, G., & Narmuratova, M. (2005). Probiotic properties of a sour-milk product: shubat from the camel milk. Desertification Combat and Food Safety: The Added Value of Camel Producers, 362: 187- 191.
  • Shingisov, A., Alibekov, R., Nurseitova, Z., Orymbetova, G., Kantureeva, G., & Mailybaeva, E. (2015). Desorption isotherms of the koumiss and shubat clots enriched by various additives. MAS. 9: 409.
  • Shori, AB. (2012). Comparative study of chemical composition, isolation and identification of micro-flora in traditional fermented camel milk products: Gariss, Suusac, and Shubat. JSSAS. 11: 79-88.
  • Sulieman, AME., Ilayan, AA., & Faki, AEE. (2006). Chemical and microbiological quality of Garris, Sudanese fermented camel's milk product. Int J Food Sci Technol. 41: 321-328.
  • Sulieman, AME., Osawa, R., & Tsenkova, R. (2007). Isolation and identification of lactobacilli from garris, a Sudanese fermented Camel’s milk product. Res J Microbiol. 2: 125-132.
  • Suliman, E., & El Zubeir, I. (2016). Microbial loads of gariss collected during movement and settlement of nomadic camel herders in Algadarif State, Sudan. Food Sci Nutr Technol. 1: 1-7.
  • Suliman, ES., & El Zubeir, IE. (2014). A Survey of the processing and chemical composition of gariss produced by nomadic camel women herders in Al Gaderif State, Sudan. Jordan J Biol Sci. 7: 95-100.
  • Tekinşen, OC., Atasever, M., Keleş, A., & Tekinşen, KK. (2002). Süt, Yoğurt, Tereyağı, Peynir: Üretim ve Kontrol.1. Baskı. Konya, Selçuk Üniversitesi Basımevi.
  • Temirova, G. (2016). Antibiotic resistance and probiotic properties of lactic acid bacteria isolated from camel milk and shubat. MSc Thesis, Faculty of Health, University of Eastern Finland.
  • Watanabe, K., Fujimoto, J., Sasamoto, M., Dugersuren, J., Tumursuh, T., & Demberel, S. (2008). Diversity of lactic acid bacteria and yeasts in airag and tarag, traditional fermented milk products of Mongolia. World J Microbiol Biotechnol. 24: 1313-1325.
  • Yam, BZ., Khomeiri, M., Mahounak, AS., & Jafari, SM. (2014). Hygienic quality of camel milk and fermented camel milk Chal in Golestan Province, Iran. J Microbiol Res. 4: 98-103.
  • Yam, BZ., Khomeiri, M., Mahounak, AS., Jafari, SM. (2015). Isolation and identification of yeasts and lactic acid bacteria from local traditional fermented camel milk, Chal. J Food Process Technol. 6: 1.
  • Zahedi, MT., Salami, M., & Moslehishad, M. (2016). Fermented camel milk (chal): chemical, microbial and functional properties. J Pharm Health Sci, 4: 193-204.

Investigation of Some Chemical and Microbiological Properties of Shubat Consumed in Kazakhstan

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 13 Sayı: 1, 76 - 83, 01.07.2023


In this study, 60 shubat samples were examined for microbiological and chemical properties. In shubat samples, mean total microorganism counts were 8.10±0.35 log kob/ml for mesophilic aerobic bacteria, 3.41±0.63 log kob/ml for total psychrophilic aerobic bacteria 4.16±0.46 log kob/ml for yeast-mold, 6.35±0.44 log kob/ml for Lactococcus, 7.12±0.49 log kob/ml for Lactobacillus, 6.12±0.30 log kob/ml for Staphylococcus-Micrococcus, 2.75±0.43 log kob/ml for coliform, 4.82±0.44 log kob/ml for Enterococcus. Thirty two isolates of Enterococcus spp. suspected were identified by the VITEK 2 system. Nine isolates (28%) were identified as Enterococcus faecalis, 10 isolates (32%) Enterococcus durans, 4 isolates (32%) Enterococcus hirae, 9 isolates (28%) Enterococcus gallinarium. Shubat samples had the following chemical properties: water activity; 0.9945±0.004, pH; 3.59±1.02, percent fat; 2.76±1.16, acidity (% lactic acid); 0.92±0.30, percent dry matter; 10.49±2.16, percent ash; 0.82±0.44, percent protein; 4.47±1.05. As a result, it can be stated that the low microbiological quality of the shubat sold in Kazakhstan may constitute a potential hazard for public health. In addition, it has been concluded that there is no application of heat treatment to traditional shubat production, which may constitute a significant potential risk to health and negatively affect public health. It is thought that for healthy shubat production, consideration of this point and creating hygienic conditions in production is important. Due to the widespread use of shubat for therapeutic purposes, public health problems that may arise from the use of low microbial quality shubat should be taken seriously.


  • Abdelgadir, W., Nielsen, D., Hamad, S., & Jakobsen, M. (2008). A traditional Sudanese fermented camel's milk product, Gariss, as a habitat of Streptococcus infantarius subsp infantariusi. Int J Food Microbiol. 127: 215-219.
  • Akhmetsadykova, S. (2012). Impact de la pollution sur la qualité du lait de chamelle au Kazakhstan. Doctoral dissertation. Montpellier SupAgro.
  • Akhmetsadykova, S., Baubekova, A., Konuspayeva, G., Akhmetsadykov, N., & Loiseau, G. (2014). Microflora identification of fresh and fermented camel milk from Kazakhstan. Emir J Food Agric. 26: 327.
  • Atasever, MA., & Atasever, M. (2018). Some quality properties of Kurut, a traditional dairy product in Turkey. Manas Journal of Agriculture Veterinary and Life Sciences. 8(1): 68-74.
  • Biratu, K., & Seifu, E. (2016). Chemical composition and microbiological quality of Dhanaan: traditional fermented camel milk produced in eastern Ethiopia. Int Food Res. 23(5): 2223-2228.
  • Chaves López, C., Serio, A., Grande Tovar, CD., Cuervo Mulet, R., Delgado Ospina, J., & Paparella, A. (2014). Traditional fermented foods and beverages from a microbiological and nutritional perspective: The clombian heritage. Compr Rev Food Sci F. 13: 1031-1048.
  • Frank, J., Christen, G., & Bullerman, L. (1992). Marshall R. Standard Methods for the Examination of Dairy Products. American Public Health Association, Washington D.C.
  • Harrigan, WF., & McCance, ME. .(1976). Laboratory Methods in Food and Dairy Microbiology. Academic Press Inc. London, Ltd.
  • Hassan, R., El Zubeir, I., & Babiker, S. (2007). Effect of pasteurization of raw camel milk and storage temperature on the chemical composition of fermented camel milk International. J Dairy Sci. 2(2): 166-171.
  • Hassan, RA., El Zubeir, I., & Babiker, S. (2008). Chemical and microbial measurements of fermented camel milk gariss from transhumance and Nomadic herds in Sudan. Aust J Basic Appl Sci. 2: 800-804.
  • Ishii, S., & Nurtazin, S. (2014). Properties of camel milk liquor “shubat” in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Milk Sci: 55- 66.
  • Ismaili, MA., Hamama, A., Saidi, B., Zahar, M., & Meryem, A. (2017). Chemical composition, microbial profile and Identification of lactic acid bacteria of Moroccan fermented camel milk “Lfrik”. Curr Res Nutr Food Sci J. 5: 383- 390.
  • Karaçil, MŞ., & Tek, NA. (2013). Dünyada üretilen fermente ürünler: tarihsel süreç ve sağlık ile ilişkileri. Uludağ Üniv Ziraat Fak Derg. 27: 163-173.
  • Konuspayeva, G. (2007). Variabilité physico-chimique et biochimique du lait des grands camélidés (camelus bactrianus,camelus dromedarius et hybrides) au Kazakhstan. PhD Thesis. Food sciences, Université Montpellier II, France.
  • Konuspayeva, G., Jurjanz, S., Loiseau, G., Barci, V., Akhmetsadykova, S., Meldebekova, A., & Faye, B. (2011). Contamination of camel milk heavy metals, organic pollutants and radionuclides in Kazakhstan. J Environ Prot. 2: 90-96.
  • Kurzhembaeva, A. (2010). Production technology of shubat. J AU. 5(3).
  • Lore, TA. (2004). Studies on the microflora In Suusac, A Kenyan traditional fermented camel milk product. PhD Thesis.Food Science and Technology, Department of Food Technology and Nutrition University of Nairobi.
  • Mamatova, Z., & Aydın, A. (2022). İpek Yolu Coğrafyasının Ortak Kültürel Değeri “Kurut”. Manas Journal of Agriculture Veterinary and Life Sciences . 12 (2):, 158-165.
  • Miyamoto, M., Seto, Y., Nakajima, H., Burenjargal, S., Gombojav, A., Demberel, S., & Miyamoto, T. (2010). Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis analysis of lactic acid bacteria and yeasts in traditional Mongolian fermented milk. Food Sci Technol Res. 16: 319-326.
  • Omarova, A., & Mashanova, NS. (2016). Improving the Technology of National Dairy Products Using Vegetable Raw Materials. Herald. 2:67-69.
  • Patır, B., & Ateş, G. (2002). “Kurut” un mikrobiyolojik ve kimyasal bazı nitelikleri üzerine araştırmalar. Turk J Vet Anim Sci. 26: 785-792.
  • Pincus, DH. (2006). Microbial identification using the bioMérieux Vitek®2 system. Encyclopedia of Rapid Microbiological Methods. Bethesda, MD. J. Parenter. Drug Assoc. 1-32.
  • Rahman, N., Xiaohong, C., Meiqin, F., & Mingsheng, D. (2009). Characterization of the dominant microflora in naturally fermented camel milk shubat. World J Microbiol Biotechnol. 25: 1941-1946.
  • Said, M., Saliha, B-H., Mostefa, D., & Zakaria, B. (2017). Evaluation of microflora variation of camel milk during fermentation. Int J. 73 (12).
  • Seitov, Z. (2005). Koumis and Shubat. Dauir (in Russian). Kosmos Publ. Almaty. Kazakhstan.
  • Serikbayeva, A., Konuspayeva, G., Faye, B., Loiseau, G., & Narmuratova, M. (2005). Probiotic properties of a sour-milk product: shubat from the camel milk. Desertification Combat and Food Safety: The Added Value of Camel Producers, 362: 187- 191.
  • Shingisov, A., Alibekov, R., Nurseitova, Z., Orymbetova, G., Kantureeva, G., & Mailybaeva, E. (2015). Desorption isotherms of the koumiss and shubat clots enriched by various additives. MAS. 9: 409.
  • Shori, AB. (2012). Comparative study of chemical composition, isolation and identification of micro-flora in traditional fermented camel milk products: Gariss, Suusac, and Shubat. JSSAS. 11: 79-88.
  • Sulieman, AME., Ilayan, AA., & Faki, AEE. (2006). Chemical and microbiological quality of Garris, Sudanese fermented camel's milk product. Int J Food Sci Technol. 41: 321-328.
  • Sulieman, AME., Osawa, R., & Tsenkova, R. (2007). Isolation and identification of lactobacilli from garris, a Sudanese fermented Camel’s milk product. Res J Microbiol. 2: 125-132.
  • Suliman, E., & El Zubeir, I. (2016). Microbial loads of gariss collected during movement and settlement of nomadic camel herders in Algadarif State, Sudan. Food Sci Nutr Technol. 1: 1-7.
  • Suliman, ES., & El Zubeir, IE. (2014). A Survey of the processing and chemical composition of gariss produced by nomadic camel women herders in Al Gaderif State, Sudan. Jordan J Biol Sci. 7: 95-100.
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Toplam 38 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Veteriner Cerrahi
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Nazym Tokmambetova Bu kişi benim 0000-0001-9481-2701

Meryem Aydemir Atasever 0000-0003-2938-5808

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 24 Haziran 2023
Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Temmuz 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Şubat 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Cilt: 13 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Tokmambetova, N., & Aydemir Atasever, M. (2023). Kazakistan’da Tüketime Sunulan Shubatın Bazı Kimyasal ve Mikrobiyolojik Özelliklerinin Araştırılması. Manas Journal of Agriculture Veterinary and Life Sciences, 13(1), 76-83.