With the new communication technologies, digital broadcasting platforms which have become increasingly widespread, have enabled sharing functions of cinema and television. These platforms have become an important tool in ideological reproduction with the films, series and documentaries broadcasted in their content. Although these tools sometimes pump ideologies parallel to the dominant discourse and beliefs in the power or society, sometimes they create an alternative discourse to the dominant discourse. In this study, the mini-series When They See Us broadcasted on Netflix, was analyzed with the method of critical discourse analysis. It has been seen that the series, which deals with a rape incident taken place in the USA at the end of the 80s, reveal the racism in the system and presents to the audience how marginalization is done through state institutions and the media, and with which discursive structures racism is placed in society. After the broadcast of When They See Us, the resignations from those responsible for this event in the USA also show the importance of the series. Created by Ava DuVerney, a black producer and director, the series mirrored the prejudiced and racist justice system in the system and media with a critical point of view, in today’s world where racist attitudes and policies still continue.