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Yıl 2022, , 251 - 269, 27.06.2022


This study explores the life narratives of ten women who migrated from Turkey to Germany in order to understand gendering aspects of migration with inhabited power dynamics, constraints, and possibilities as well as their life trajectories. The interviews with women on their lives and migration stories were conducted through the photographs they chose to show and those on display in the houses. The research questions of the study are as follows: What do women do and say about their lives with the photos at home and with the ones that they show? Which themes, words and discourses are repeated, absent, or silenced? How do they construct and contest their identities and feelings of belongings? How do they remember and connect with their past places and relations and imagine a future?

Destekleyen Kurum


Proje Numarası

Locating Media


This research is supported by DFG. I would like to thank Destina Ünsalan who contributed in organizing the house visits and transcribing the interviews as well as all women who opened their houses and welcomed me.


  • Abadan-Unat, Nermin. (2006). Bitmeyen Göç: Konuk İşçilikten Ulus-ötesi Yurttaşlığa. İstanbul: Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları
  • Alpagu, Faime. (2015). ‘Involving Migrant Women in Research: Potential Benefits and Limitations of the Participatory Photo Interview’. Moment. Journal of Cultural Studies. 2(1): 186-206.
  • Alu, Giorgia. (2019). Journeys Exposed. Women’s Writing, Photography and Mobility. New York, London: Routledge.
  • Barthes, Roland. (2000). Camera Lucida. Reflections on Photography. translated by Richard Howard. London: Vintage.
  • Breckner, Roswitha. (2007). “Case-Oriented Comparative Approaches: the Biographical Perspective as Opportunity and Challenge in Migration Research”. 113-152. Karin Schittenhelm (ed.) Concepts and Methods in Migration Research. Conference Reader.
  • Breckner, Roswitha. (2014). Collective Identities in Migration. Biographical Perspectives on Ambivalences and Paradoxes. Sociology and Anthropology 2(1): 15-24, 2014
  • Depeli, Gülsüm. (2010). “Görsellik ve Kültürel Bellek İlişkisi: Göçmenin evi,” Kültür ve İletişim– Culture&Communication 13 (2): 9-40.
  • Edwards, Elizabeth. (2012). “Objects of Affect: Photography Beyond the Image” Annual Review of Anthropology. 41: 221–34
  • Erel, Umut. (2009). Migrant women transforming citizenship: life-stories from Britain and Germany. Ashgate. Surrey
  • Erkonan, Şahika. (2016). ‘Photography and the construction of family and memory’, pp. 257-272 L. Kramp (Eds.) Politics, Civil Society and Participation: Media and Communications in a Transforming Environment. Bremen: edition lumière
  • Gencel Bek, Mine and Patricia Prieto Blanco. (2020). ‘(Be)Longing through visual narrative: Mediation of (dis)affect and formation of politics through photographs and narratives of migration at DiasporaTürk. International Journal of Cultural Studies. 23(5) :709-727.
  • Giritli-Nygren, Katarina and Ulrika Schmauch. (2012). “Picturing Inclusive Spaces in Segregated Spaces: A Participatory Photo Project Conducted by Migrant Women in Sweden”. Gender, Place & Culture. 19: 5: 600-614.
  • Hirsch, Marianne. (2002). (2. ed.). Family Frames. Photography, Narrative and Postmemory. Harvard University Press: Cambridge, Massachusetts, and London.
  • Hirsch, Marianne. (2008). “The Generation of Postmemory”. Poetics Today. 29 (1). pp.103–128.
  • Hooks. Bell. (1991). Yearning: Race, Gender and Cultural Politics. London: Turnaround.
  • Kadıoğlu, Ayşe. (1997). 'Migration Experiences of Turkish Women: Notes From a Research Diary’, International Migration. 5(4): 537-56.
  • Karanfil, Gökçen. (2009). Pseudo-exiles and reluctant transnationals: disrupted nostalgia on Turkish satellite broadcasts. Media, Culture and Society. 31 (6): 887-899.
  • Kaya, Ayhan. (2005). Euro-Türkler: Türkiye ve AB Arasında Köprü mü, Engel mi? İstanbul: Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • Lockwood, Kelly and Kate Smith, and Jo Woodiwiss. (2017). “Moving Forward: Opportunities and Challenges”, 207-211. Jo Woodiwiss, Kate Smith and Kelly Lockwood (ed.) Feminist Narrative Research Opportunities and Challenges. Palgrave Macmillan UK.
  • Massey, Doreen. (1994). Space, Place and Gender. Cambridge: Polity Press.
  • Massey, Doreen. (2005). For Space. London: Sage.
  • Miller, Tina. (2017). “Doing Narrative Research? Thinking Through the Narrative Process. Jo Woodiwiss”, 39-64. Kate Smith and Kelly Lockwood (ed.) Feminist Narrative Research Opportunities and Challenges. Palgrave Macmillan UK.
  • Nocera, Lea. (2018). ‘Manikürlü Eller Almanya’da Elektrik Bobini Saracak’’. Toplumsal Cinsiyet Persketifi’nden Batı Almanya’ya Türk Göçü (1961-1984). İstanbul: Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • Pitt, Penelope. (2015). “Exploring subject positions and multiple temporalities through an Iranian migrant mother's family photograph albums”. Gender, Place & Culture. 22:2, 205-221.
  • Prieto Blanco, Patricia. (2016). Transnational (Dis)affect in the Digital Age: Photographic Practices of Irish-Spanish Families Living in Ireland. PhD thesis, National University of Ireland, Galway, Republic of Ireland.
  • Rose, Gillian. (2010). Doing Family Photography: The Domestic, the Public and the Politics of Sentiment. Surrey and Burlington: Ashgate Publishing
  • Said, Edward W. (2000). Reflections on Exile and Other Essays. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
  • Sanz, F. (2008). La Fotobiografia. Imágenes e Historias del Pasado para Vivir con Plenitud el Presente. Barcelona: Kairós.
  • Sinanan, Jolynna and Larissa Hjorth, Kana Ohashi, and Fumitoshi Kato. (2018). “Mobile Media Photography and Intergenerational Families”. International Journal of Communication. 12. 4106–4122.
  • Toksöz, Gülay. (1993). “Almanya’daki Türkiyeli Kadınlar, ‘Kızkardeşleri’ ve Etnomerkezcilik”. Birikim. 50: 35–42.
  • Tuncer, Selda. (2017). “Fotoğrafın Gör Dediği: Aile Fotoğrafları Üzerine Bir Analiz Denemesi Fe Dergi. 9 (1): 1-11.
  • Van Gorp, Jasmijn. (2014). ‘Modes of self-representation: Visualized identities of former Yugoslav migrant women in the Netherlands’, Crossings: Journal of Migration & Culture 5: 1:153–171.
  • Van House, Nancy A. (2011). Personal photography, digital technologies and the uses of the visual, Visual Studies, 26:2.125-134.
  • Veale, Angela and Giorgia Dona. (2014a). “Complex Migrations, Migrant Child and Family Life Trajectories and Globalization”. 1-20. Angela Veale, Giorgia Dona. Child and Youth Migration. Mobility-in-Migration in an Era of Globalization. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Veale, Angela and Giorgia Dona. (2014b). “Mobility-in-Migration in an Era of Globalization: Key Themes and Future Directions”. 234-244. Angela Veale, Giorgia Dona. Child and Youth Migration. Mobility-in-Migration in an Era of Globalization. Palgrave Macmillan


Yıl 2022, , 251 - 269, 27.06.2022


Türkiye’den Almanya’ya göç etmiş ve halen Almanya’da yaşamakta olan 10 kadının yaşam anlatılarının izlerini fotoğrafları aracılığıyla süren bu çalışma, içerdiği iktidar dinamikleri, kısıtlamalar ve olasılıklarla birlikte göçmenliği toplumsal cinsiyet açısından anlamayı da amaçlamaktadır. Çalışmada bu süreçte fotoğraflar hem pratik hem de içerik açısından analiz edildi. Kadınlarla hayatları ve göçmenlik hikayeleri üzerine görüşmeler, onların göstermek üzere seçtiklerinin yanısıra evde görülebilen (duvarda, evin değişik kısımlarında, buzdolabı kapağında vb.) fotoğraflar aracılığıyla gerçekleştirildi. Araştırmanın belli başlı soruları şunlardı: Görüşme boyunca hangi temalar, sözcükler, söylemler tekrarlandı, hiç yer almadı ya da sessizce geçiştirildi? Kadınlar kimliklerini ve aidiyetlerini nasıl inşa ediyorlar? Geçmiş yaşamlarındaki yerleri ve ilişkileri nasıl hatırlıyor, bunlarla nasıl bağlantı kuruyor ve geleceği nasıl tasavvur ediyorlar?  

Proje Numarası

Locating Media


  • Abadan-Unat, Nermin. (2006). Bitmeyen Göç: Konuk İşçilikten Ulus-ötesi Yurttaşlığa. İstanbul: Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları
  • Alpagu, Faime. (2015). ‘Involving Migrant Women in Research: Potential Benefits and Limitations of the Participatory Photo Interview’. Moment. Journal of Cultural Studies. 2(1): 186-206.
  • Alu, Giorgia. (2019). Journeys Exposed. Women’s Writing, Photography and Mobility. New York, London: Routledge.
  • Barthes, Roland. (2000). Camera Lucida. Reflections on Photography. translated by Richard Howard. London: Vintage.
  • Breckner, Roswitha. (2007). “Case-Oriented Comparative Approaches: the Biographical Perspective as Opportunity and Challenge in Migration Research”. 113-152. Karin Schittenhelm (ed.) Concepts and Methods in Migration Research. Conference Reader.
  • Breckner, Roswitha. (2014). Collective Identities in Migration. Biographical Perspectives on Ambivalences and Paradoxes. Sociology and Anthropology 2(1): 15-24, 2014
  • Depeli, Gülsüm. (2010). “Görsellik ve Kültürel Bellek İlişkisi: Göçmenin evi,” Kültür ve İletişim– Culture&Communication 13 (2): 9-40.
  • Edwards, Elizabeth. (2012). “Objects of Affect: Photography Beyond the Image” Annual Review of Anthropology. 41: 221–34
  • Erel, Umut. (2009). Migrant women transforming citizenship: life-stories from Britain and Germany. Ashgate. Surrey
  • Erkonan, Şahika. (2016). ‘Photography and the construction of family and memory’, pp. 257-272 L. Kramp (Eds.) Politics, Civil Society and Participation: Media and Communications in a Transforming Environment. Bremen: edition lumière
  • Gencel Bek, Mine and Patricia Prieto Blanco. (2020). ‘(Be)Longing through visual narrative: Mediation of (dis)affect and formation of politics through photographs and narratives of migration at DiasporaTürk. International Journal of Cultural Studies. 23(5) :709-727.
  • Giritli-Nygren, Katarina and Ulrika Schmauch. (2012). “Picturing Inclusive Spaces in Segregated Spaces: A Participatory Photo Project Conducted by Migrant Women in Sweden”. Gender, Place & Culture. 19: 5: 600-614.
  • Hirsch, Marianne. (2002). (2. ed.). Family Frames. Photography, Narrative and Postmemory. Harvard University Press: Cambridge, Massachusetts, and London.
  • Hirsch, Marianne. (2008). “The Generation of Postmemory”. Poetics Today. 29 (1). pp.103–128.
  • Hooks. Bell. (1991). Yearning: Race, Gender and Cultural Politics. London: Turnaround.
  • Kadıoğlu, Ayşe. (1997). 'Migration Experiences of Turkish Women: Notes From a Research Diary’, International Migration. 5(4): 537-56.
  • Karanfil, Gökçen. (2009). Pseudo-exiles and reluctant transnationals: disrupted nostalgia on Turkish satellite broadcasts. Media, Culture and Society. 31 (6): 887-899.
  • Kaya, Ayhan. (2005). Euro-Türkler: Türkiye ve AB Arasında Köprü mü, Engel mi? İstanbul: Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • Lockwood, Kelly and Kate Smith, and Jo Woodiwiss. (2017). “Moving Forward: Opportunities and Challenges”, 207-211. Jo Woodiwiss, Kate Smith and Kelly Lockwood (ed.) Feminist Narrative Research Opportunities and Challenges. Palgrave Macmillan UK.
  • Massey, Doreen. (1994). Space, Place and Gender. Cambridge: Polity Press.
  • Massey, Doreen. (2005). For Space. London: Sage.
  • Miller, Tina. (2017). “Doing Narrative Research? Thinking Through the Narrative Process. Jo Woodiwiss”, 39-64. Kate Smith and Kelly Lockwood (ed.) Feminist Narrative Research Opportunities and Challenges. Palgrave Macmillan UK.
  • Nocera, Lea. (2018). ‘Manikürlü Eller Almanya’da Elektrik Bobini Saracak’’. Toplumsal Cinsiyet Persketifi’nden Batı Almanya’ya Türk Göçü (1961-1984). İstanbul: Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • Pitt, Penelope. (2015). “Exploring subject positions and multiple temporalities through an Iranian migrant mother's family photograph albums”. Gender, Place & Culture. 22:2, 205-221.
  • Prieto Blanco, Patricia. (2016). Transnational (Dis)affect in the Digital Age: Photographic Practices of Irish-Spanish Families Living in Ireland. PhD thesis, National University of Ireland, Galway, Republic of Ireland.
  • Rose, Gillian. (2010). Doing Family Photography: The Domestic, the Public and the Politics of Sentiment. Surrey and Burlington: Ashgate Publishing
  • Said, Edward W. (2000). Reflections on Exile and Other Essays. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
  • Sanz, F. (2008). La Fotobiografia. Imágenes e Historias del Pasado para Vivir con Plenitud el Presente. Barcelona: Kairós.
  • Sinanan, Jolynna and Larissa Hjorth, Kana Ohashi, and Fumitoshi Kato. (2018). “Mobile Media Photography and Intergenerational Families”. International Journal of Communication. 12. 4106–4122.
  • Toksöz, Gülay. (1993). “Almanya’daki Türkiyeli Kadınlar, ‘Kızkardeşleri’ ve Etnomerkezcilik”. Birikim. 50: 35–42.
  • Tuncer, Selda. (2017). “Fotoğrafın Gör Dediği: Aile Fotoğrafları Üzerine Bir Analiz Denemesi Fe Dergi. 9 (1): 1-11.
  • Van Gorp, Jasmijn. (2014). ‘Modes of self-representation: Visualized identities of former Yugoslav migrant women in the Netherlands’, Crossings: Journal of Migration & Culture 5: 1:153–171.
  • Van House, Nancy A. (2011). Personal photography, digital technologies and the uses of the visual, Visual Studies, 26:2.125-134.
  • Veale, Angela and Giorgia Dona. (2014a). “Complex Migrations, Migrant Child and Family Life Trajectories and Globalization”. 1-20. Angela Veale, Giorgia Dona. Child and Youth Migration. Mobility-in-Migration in an Era of Globalization. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Veale, Angela and Giorgia Dona. (2014b). “Mobility-in-Migration in an Era of Globalization: Key Themes and Future Directions”. 234-244. Angela Veale, Giorgia Dona. Child and Youth Migration. Mobility-in-Migration in an Era of Globalization. Palgrave Macmillan
Toplam 35 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular İletişim ve Medya Çalışmaları
Bölüm Makaleler (Tema)

Mine Gencel Bek 0000-0001-5699-7637

Proje Numarası Locating Media
Yayımlanma Tarihi 27 Haziran 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 10 Mart 2022
Kabul Tarihi 9 Mayıs 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

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