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Dan Pagis'in Şiirinde Bir İletişim Aracı Olarak Sessizlik

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 1 - İletişim Felsefesi, 79 - 95, 15.06.2018


Romanya doğumlu İsrailli şair ve bir Holokost sağ kalanı Dan Pagis’in  (1930-1986) en iyi bilinen eseri kısa, yoğun ve çok katmanlı bir Holokost şiiri olan “Mühürlü Bir Tren Vagonunda Kurşun Kalemle Yazılmıştır” şiiridir. Kutsal Kitaba, Havva ile Adem’e, Kabil ile Habil’e gönderme yapan ve evrensel bir mesaj taşıyan bu tamamlanmamış şiir, okuyucularını Havva’nın asılı kalan, ifade edilmemiş mesajını tamamlamaya ve bu mesajı başkalarına iletmeye davet eder. Sessizlik, Pagis’in söylenemez ve tarif edilemez olanı ifade etme yoludur. Bu sessizlik, sözden daha yüksek sesle konuşan, daha derin ve oldukça etkileyici bir sessizliktir. Bu yazı Adorno’nun “Auschwitz’den sonra artık şiir yazılamaz” ifadesi bağlamında Pagis’in şiirini incelemektedir.


  • Adorno T. W. (2002) Commitment. (Francis Mc Donagh, Çev) Theodor Adorno vd. Aesthetics and Politics. The Key Texts of the Classic Debate Within German Marxism (s. 177-195) Londra: Verso.
  • Adorno, T. W. (2000) Minima Moralia. (Orhan Koçak ve Ahmet Doğukan, Çev.). İstanbul: Metis.
  • Alter, R. (1996). Dan Pagis and the Poetry of Displacement. Judaism, 45(4), 399-411.
  • Auslander, M. (2018). Worlds Lost and Worlds Regained. Erişim: 29 Ocak 2018,
  • Benjamin, W. (2004). Pasajlar. (Ahmet Cemal, Çev). İstanbul: YKY.
  • Boase-Beier, J. (2015). Translating the Poetry of the Holocaust: Translation, Style and the Reader. Londra ve New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
  • Bussie J. (2006). Laughter and the Limits of Holocaust Storytelling: Wiesel’s The Gates of the Forest. Rosemond Horowitz (Der.), içinde Elie Wiesel and the Art of Storytelling (s. 123-155). London: Mc Farland Press.
  • Chertok. H. (1988). We are All Close: Conversations with Israeli Writers. New York: Fordham University Press.
  • “Dan Pagis”. Erişim 13 Ocak 2018,
  • Dauenhauer B. P. (1980). Silence: The Phenomenological and its Ontological Significance. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press.
  • Eshel, Amir (2000). Eternal Present: Poetic Figuration and Cultural Memory in the Poetry of Yehuda Amichai, Dan Pagis and Tuvia Rübner. Jewish Social Studies, 7(1), 141-166.
  • Ezrahi, D. S. (2014). “Sacrificial Space: The Hebrew Imagination “Comes Home”. Joachim Küpper, Klaus W. Hempfer ve Erika Fischer-Lichte (Der.), içinde Religion and Society in the 21st Century (s. 115-133). Berlin ve Boston: Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG.
  • Ezrahi, D. S. (2000). Booking Passage: Exile and Homecoming in Modern Jewish Imagination. Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • Ezrahi, D. S. (1992). The Grave in the Air: Unbound Metaphors in Post-Holocaust Poetry. Saul Friedlander (Der.), Probing the Limits of Representation: Nazism and the “Final Solution” (s. 259-275). Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press.
  • Ezrahi, D. S. (1991) Shattering Memories. New Republic, 25 Şubat, 36-38.
  • Ezrahi, D. S. (1990). Dan Pagis-Out of Line: A Poetics of Decomposition. Prooftexts, 10(2), 335-363.
  • Felstiner, J. (1990). The Gilgul of Dan Pagis: Myth, History, Silence. Translation Review, 32-33(1), 8-11.
  • Garber, Z. ve Zuckerman, B. (2004). Why Do We Call the Holocaust “The Holocaust”? An Inquiry into the Psychology of Labels. Zev Garber ve Bruce Zuckerman (Der.), içinde Double Takes: Thinking and Rethinking Issues of Modern Judaism in Ancient Contexts (s. 3-30). New York, Oxford: University Press of America.
  • Gigliotti, S. (2009). The Train Journey: Transit, Captivity, and Witnessing in the Holocaust, New York: Berghahn.
  • Gubar, S. (2004). The Long and the Short of Holocaust Verse. New Literary History, 35(3), 443-468.
  • Gold, N. R. S. (2001). Betrayal of the Mother Tongue in the Creation of National Identity. Emily Miller Budick (Der.), içinde Ideology and Jewish Identity in Israeli and American Literature. (s. 235-258). Albany: State University of New York Press.
  • Itzhaki, M. (2017). La Litttérature Hébraique Contemporaine Dialogue Avec La bible. G. Ayoub ve A. Guetta (Der.), içinde La Langue et Le Sacré, (s. 381-400). Paris: Geuthner.
  • Itzhaki, M. (2013) Israeli Poetry. Alain Dieckhoff (Der.), içinde Routledge Handbook of Modern Israel. (Carolyn Shread, Çev.) (s. 263-72). Londra: Routledge.
  • Johson, S. G. (2012). Dan Pagis. Rosemary M. Canfield Reisman (Der.), içinde Critical Survey of Poetry: Eastern European Poets (s. 164-169). Massachusetts: Salem Press,
  • Karpel D. (27 Ağustos 2003). Long-Term Memory. Haaretz. Erişim: 30 Ocak 2018,
  • Kartun-Blum, R. (1999). Profane Scriptures: Reflections on the Dialogue with the Bible in Modern Hebrew Poetry. Cincinnati: Hebrew Union College Press.
  • Kockelmans, J. J. (1994) Edmund Husserl’s Phenomenology, West Lafayette, Indiana: Purdue University Press.
  • Kopuri, S. (2015). The Mythical Cycle of Mortal Legacy in Dan Pagis Written in Pencil in the Sealed Railway-Car. 2nd National Conference on Translation, Language and Literature. ELK Asia-Pacific Journals, 68-69. Erişim: 3 Şubat 2018,
  • Leech, G. N. ve Short, M. H. (2007). Style in Fiction: A Linguistic Introduction to English Fictional Prose. (2. Basım). Harlow: Pearson.
  • Martin, E. (2011). The Poetics of Silence: Nelly Sachs. Gert Hofmann, , Rachel MagShamhrain, Marko Pajevic, Michael Shields (Der.), içinde German and European Poetics After the Holocaust: Crisis and Creativity. Rochester, New York: Camden House.
  • McCollough, S. G. (2016). Engaging the Shoah through the Poetry of Dan Pagis: Memory and Metaphor. Londra ve New York: Lexington Books.
  • Metzger, J. Commemoration and Poetry. Erişim 30 Ocak 2018.
  • Nietzsche, F. (2012). The Gay Science, çev. Thomas Common, Mieola, New York: Dover Publications.
  • Omer-Sherman, R. (2003). Dan Pagis. S. Lillian Kremer (Der.), içinde Holocaust Literature: Vol II Lerner to Zychlinsky, (s. 913-917) Londra ve New York: Routledge.
  • Pagis, D. (1989) The Selected Poetry of Dan Pagis. (Stephen Mitchell, Çev.). Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • Plank, K. A. (1994). Mother of the Wire Fence: Inside and Outside the Holocaust.
  • Kentucky: Westminster John Knox Press.
  • Plank, K. A. (1993). Scripture in a Sealed Railway-Car: Poem of Dan Pagis. Literature and Theology, 7(1), 354-364.
  • Rokem N. (2017). Dan Pagis’s Laboratory: Between German and Hebrew. Amir Eshel ve Rachel Seeling (Der.), içinde The German-Hebrew Dialogue: Studies of Encounter and Exchange (s. 61-75). Berlin ve Boston: De Gruyter.
  • Rotherberg, M. (2000). Traumatic Realism: The Demands of Holocaust Representation. Minneapolis ve Londra: University of Minnesota Press.
  • Schweitzer, P. M. (2016). Gendered Testimonies of the Holocaust: Writing Life. Londra: Lexington Books.
  • Shapiro, S. (1984). Hearing Testimony of Radical Negation. Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza ve David Tracy (Der.), içinde The Holocaust as Interruption. Edinburg: T. & T. Clark.
  • Sibelman, S. P. (1995). Silence in the Novels of Elie Wiesel. New York: St. Martin’s Press.
  • Sokoloff, N. (1984). Transformations: Holocaust Poems in Dan Pagis’ Gilgul. Hebrew Annual Review, 8, 215-240.
  • Steiner G. (1969). Language and Silence: Essays 1958-1966, Harmondsworth: Penguin.
  • Stier, O. B. (2009). Committed to Memory: Cultural Meditations of the Holocaust.
  • Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press.
  • White, H. (2004). Figural Realism in Witness Literature. Parallax, 10(1), 113-124.
  • Zanger, A. (2003). Hole in the Moon, or Zionism and the Binding (Ha-Akeda) Myth in Israeli Cinema. Shofar: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Jewish Studies, 22(1), 95-109.
  • Zierler, W. (1992) Footprints, Traces, Remnants: The Operations of Memory in Dan Pagis’ ‘Aqebot’. Judaism: A Quarterly Journal of Jewish Life and Thought, 41(4), s. 316-333.

Silence as A Means of Communication in The Poetry of Dan Pagis

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 1 - İletişim Felsefesi, 79 - 95, 15.06.2018


Dan Pagis (1930-1986), the Romanian born Israeli poet and Holocaust survivor, is best known for his short, concentrated and multilayered Holocaust poem “Written in Pencil in the Sealed Railway-Car”. This unfinished poem which carries a universal message with Biblical allusions to Adam and Eve and Cain and Abel invites its readers to complete Eve’s hanging and unarticulated message and to transmit it to others. Silence is Pagis’ way of communicating the unspeakable, the ineffable. This is a highly expressive silence that speaks louder and deeper than words do. This paper analyzes Pagis’ poem in the context of Adorno’s statement that “there can be no poetry after Auschwitz”.


  • Adorno T. W. (2002) Commitment. (Francis Mc Donagh, Çev) Theodor Adorno vd. Aesthetics and Politics. The Key Texts of the Classic Debate Within German Marxism (s. 177-195) Londra: Verso.
  • Adorno, T. W. (2000) Minima Moralia. (Orhan Koçak ve Ahmet Doğukan, Çev.). İstanbul: Metis.
  • Alter, R. (1996). Dan Pagis and the Poetry of Displacement. Judaism, 45(4), 399-411.
  • Auslander, M. (2018). Worlds Lost and Worlds Regained. Erişim: 29 Ocak 2018,
  • Benjamin, W. (2004). Pasajlar. (Ahmet Cemal, Çev). İstanbul: YKY.
  • Boase-Beier, J. (2015). Translating the Poetry of the Holocaust: Translation, Style and the Reader. Londra ve New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
  • Bussie J. (2006). Laughter and the Limits of Holocaust Storytelling: Wiesel’s The Gates of the Forest. Rosemond Horowitz (Der.), içinde Elie Wiesel and the Art of Storytelling (s. 123-155). London: Mc Farland Press.
  • Chertok. H. (1988). We are All Close: Conversations with Israeli Writers. New York: Fordham University Press.
  • “Dan Pagis”. Erişim 13 Ocak 2018,
  • Dauenhauer B. P. (1980). Silence: The Phenomenological and its Ontological Significance. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press.
  • Eshel, Amir (2000). Eternal Present: Poetic Figuration and Cultural Memory in the Poetry of Yehuda Amichai, Dan Pagis and Tuvia Rübner. Jewish Social Studies, 7(1), 141-166.
  • Ezrahi, D. S. (2014). “Sacrificial Space: The Hebrew Imagination “Comes Home”. Joachim Küpper, Klaus W. Hempfer ve Erika Fischer-Lichte (Der.), içinde Religion and Society in the 21st Century (s. 115-133). Berlin ve Boston: Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG.
  • Ezrahi, D. S. (2000). Booking Passage: Exile and Homecoming in Modern Jewish Imagination. Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • Ezrahi, D. S. (1992). The Grave in the Air: Unbound Metaphors in Post-Holocaust Poetry. Saul Friedlander (Der.), Probing the Limits of Representation: Nazism and the “Final Solution” (s. 259-275). Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press.
  • Ezrahi, D. S. (1991) Shattering Memories. New Republic, 25 Şubat, 36-38.
  • Ezrahi, D. S. (1990). Dan Pagis-Out of Line: A Poetics of Decomposition. Prooftexts, 10(2), 335-363.
  • Felstiner, J. (1990). The Gilgul of Dan Pagis: Myth, History, Silence. Translation Review, 32-33(1), 8-11.
  • Garber, Z. ve Zuckerman, B. (2004). Why Do We Call the Holocaust “The Holocaust”? An Inquiry into the Psychology of Labels. Zev Garber ve Bruce Zuckerman (Der.), içinde Double Takes: Thinking and Rethinking Issues of Modern Judaism in Ancient Contexts (s. 3-30). New York, Oxford: University Press of America.
  • Gigliotti, S. (2009). The Train Journey: Transit, Captivity, and Witnessing in the Holocaust, New York: Berghahn.
  • Gubar, S. (2004). The Long and the Short of Holocaust Verse. New Literary History, 35(3), 443-468.
  • Gold, N. R. S. (2001). Betrayal of the Mother Tongue in the Creation of National Identity. Emily Miller Budick (Der.), içinde Ideology and Jewish Identity in Israeli and American Literature. (s. 235-258). Albany: State University of New York Press.
  • Itzhaki, M. (2017). La Litttérature Hébraique Contemporaine Dialogue Avec La bible. G. Ayoub ve A. Guetta (Der.), içinde La Langue et Le Sacré, (s. 381-400). Paris: Geuthner.
  • Itzhaki, M. (2013) Israeli Poetry. Alain Dieckhoff (Der.), içinde Routledge Handbook of Modern Israel. (Carolyn Shread, Çev.) (s. 263-72). Londra: Routledge.
  • Johson, S. G. (2012). Dan Pagis. Rosemary M. Canfield Reisman (Der.), içinde Critical Survey of Poetry: Eastern European Poets (s. 164-169). Massachusetts: Salem Press,
  • Karpel D. (27 Ağustos 2003). Long-Term Memory. Haaretz. Erişim: 30 Ocak 2018,
  • Kartun-Blum, R. (1999). Profane Scriptures: Reflections on the Dialogue with the Bible in Modern Hebrew Poetry. Cincinnati: Hebrew Union College Press.
  • Kockelmans, J. J. (1994) Edmund Husserl’s Phenomenology, West Lafayette, Indiana: Purdue University Press.
  • Kopuri, S. (2015). The Mythical Cycle of Mortal Legacy in Dan Pagis Written in Pencil in the Sealed Railway-Car. 2nd National Conference on Translation, Language and Literature. ELK Asia-Pacific Journals, 68-69. Erişim: 3 Şubat 2018,
  • Leech, G. N. ve Short, M. H. (2007). Style in Fiction: A Linguistic Introduction to English Fictional Prose. (2. Basım). Harlow: Pearson.
  • Martin, E. (2011). The Poetics of Silence: Nelly Sachs. Gert Hofmann, , Rachel MagShamhrain, Marko Pajevic, Michael Shields (Der.), içinde German and European Poetics After the Holocaust: Crisis and Creativity. Rochester, New York: Camden House.
  • McCollough, S. G. (2016). Engaging the Shoah through the Poetry of Dan Pagis: Memory and Metaphor. Londra ve New York: Lexington Books.
  • Metzger, J. Commemoration and Poetry. Erişim 30 Ocak 2018.
  • Nietzsche, F. (2012). The Gay Science, çev. Thomas Common, Mieola, New York: Dover Publications.
  • Omer-Sherman, R. (2003). Dan Pagis. S. Lillian Kremer (Der.), içinde Holocaust Literature: Vol II Lerner to Zychlinsky, (s. 913-917) Londra ve New York: Routledge.
  • Pagis, D. (1989) The Selected Poetry of Dan Pagis. (Stephen Mitchell, Çev.). Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • Plank, K. A. (1994). Mother of the Wire Fence: Inside and Outside the Holocaust.
  • Kentucky: Westminster John Knox Press.
  • Plank, K. A. (1993). Scripture in a Sealed Railway-Car: Poem of Dan Pagis. Literature and Theology, 7(1), 354-364.
  • Rokem N. (2017). Dan Pagis’s Laboratory: Between German and Hebrew. Amir Eshel ve Rachel Seeling (Der.), içinde The German-Hebrew Dialogue: Studies of Encounter and Exchange (s. 61-75). Berlin ve Boston: De Gruyter.
  • Rotherberg, M. (2000). Traumatic Realism: The Demands of Holocaust Representation. Minneapolis ve Londra: University of Minnesota Press.
  • Schweitzer, P. M. (2016). Gendered Testimonies of the Holocaust: Writing Life. Londra: Lexington Books.
  • Shapiro, S. (1984). Hearing Testimony of Radical Negation. Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza ve David Tracy (Der.), içinde The Holocaust as Interruption. Edinburg: T. & T. Clark.
  • Sibelman, S. P. (1995). Silence in the Novels of Elie Wiesel. New York: St. Martin’s Press.
  • Sokoloff, N. (1984). Transformations: Holocaust Poems in Dan Pagis’ Gilgul. Hebrew Annual Review, 8, 215-240.
  • Steiner G. (1969). Language and Silence: Essays 1958-1966, Harmondsworth: Penguin.
  • Stier, O. B. (2009). Committed to Memory: Cultural Meditations of the Holocaust.
  • Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press.
  • White, H. (2004). Figural Realism in Witness Literature. Parallax, 10(1), 113-124.
  • Zanger, A. (2003). Hole in the Moon, or Zionism and the Binding (Ha-Akeda) Myth in Israeli Cinema. Shofar: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Jewish Studies, 22(1), 95-109.
  • Zierler, W. (1992) Footprints, Traces, Remnants: The Operations of Memory in Dan Pagis’ ‘Aqebot’. Judaism: A Quarterly Journal of Jewish Life and Thought, 41(4), s. 316-333.
Toplam 50 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Konular İletişim ve Medya Çalışmaları
Bölüm Makaleler (Tema)

Arus Yumul

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Haziran 2018
Gönderilme Tarihi 15 Haziran 2018
Kabul Tarihi 15 Haziran 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018 Cilt: 5 Sayı: 1 - İletişim Felsefesi

Kaynak Göster

APA Yumul, A. (2018). Dan Pagis’in Şiirinde Bir İletişim Aracı Olarak Sessizlik. Moment Dergi, 5(1), 79-95.