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Yıl 2023, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 1, 32 - 54, 15.06.2023


Çalışmanın amacı, örgütsel öğrenme yeteneğinin, teknolojik inovasyon yeteneği ve firma performansı arasındaki ilişkide aracılık rolünün olup olmadığını tespit etmektir. Yapılan literatür incelemesi sonucunda, KOBİ firmaları üzerindeki örgütsel öğrenme yeteneği ve firma performansı arasındaki dolaylı ilişki üzerine yapılan çalışmaların sınırlı olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Bu nedenle, teknolojik inovasyon yeteneğinin firma performansı üzerindeki etkisinde örgütsel öğrenme yeteneğinin aracılık rolü İzmir bölgesindeki KOBİ firmaları üzerinde incelenmiştir. Araştırma verileri, üretim sanayi alt sektöründeki makine ve metal ürünleri meslek grubunda yer alan küçük ve orta ölçekli 127 firma sahibi ve departman yöneticisine internet üzerinden yapılan anket sonucunda elde edilmiştir. Veri analizinde kademeli olarak SPSS 22 ve AMOS programlarından yararlanılmış ve elde edilen veriler faktör analizi, korelasyon analizleri yardımıyla değerlendirilmiştir. Araştırma örnekleminden elde edilen bulgularda; örgütsel öğrenme yeteneğinin teknolojik inovasyon yeteneği ve firma performansı arasındaki ilişkide aracılık rolü olmadığı tespit edilmiştir.


  • Denison, D. R. (2000). “Organizational culture: can it be a key lever for driving organizational change” The handbook of organizational culture, London: Wiley.
  • Langlois, R. N. (2007). Dynamics of industrial capitalism: Schumpeter, Chandler, and the new economy, Routledge.
  • Öcal, H. (2020). Uluslararasılaşmada Yeni Perspektifler ve Network Teori, Nisan Kitabevi, Ankara. Shao, A. T. (2002). Marketing Research: An Aid to Decision Making, Cincinnati, Ohio: South-Western/Thomson Learning.
  • Abdi, K., Mardani, A., Senin, A. A., Tupenaite, L., Naimaviciene, J., Kanapeckiene, L. ve Kutut, V. (2018). The Effect of Knowledge Management, Organizational Culture and Organizational Learning on Innovation in Automotive Industry, Journal of Business Economics and Management, 19(1), 1-19.
  • Abell, P., Felin, T. & Foss, N. (2008). Building micro‐foundations for the routines, capabilities, and performance links, Managerial and decision economics, 29(6), 489-502.
  • Akinwale, Y. O., Adepoju, A. O. ve Olomu, M. O. (2017). The impact of technological innovation on SME’s profitability in Nigeria, International Journal of Research, Innovation and Commercialisation, 1(1), 74-92.
  • Alegre, J. ve Chiva, R. (2008). Assessing the impact of organizational learning capability on product innovation performance: An empirical test, Technovation, 28, 315-326.
  • Alegre, J. ve Chiva, R. (2013). Linking entrepreneurial orientation and firm performance: The role of organizational learning capability and innovation performance, Journal of Small Business Management, 51(4), 491-507.
  • Aljanabi, A. R. A. (2018). The mediating role of absorptive capacity on the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and technological innovation capabilities, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 24(4), 818-841.
  • Altinay, L., Madanoglu, M., De Vita, G., Arasli, H. ve Ekinci, Y. (2016). The interface between organizational learning capability, entrepreneurial orientation, and SME growth, Journal of Small Business Management, 54(3), 871-891.
  • Andersson, S. & Wictor, I. (2003). Innovative internationalisation in new firms: born globals–the Swedish case, Journal of international Entrepreneurship, 1(3), 249-275.
  • Aznar-Sánchez, J. A., Velasco-Munoz, J. F., Belmonte-Urena, L. J. ve Manzano-Agugliaro, F. (2019). Innovation and technology for sustainable mining activity: A worldwide research assessment, Journal of Cleaner Production, 221, 38-54.
  • Azubuike, V. M. U. (2013). Technological innovation capability and firm's performance in new product development, Communications of the IIMA, 13(1), 43-55.
  • Bağış, M., Kryeziu, L., Akbaba, Y., Ramadani, V., Karagüzel, E. S., & Krasniqi, B. A. (2022). The micro-foundations of a dynamic technological capability in the automotive industry, Technology in Society, 70, 102060.
  • Camisón, C. ve Villar-López, A. (2014). Organizational innovation as an enabler of technological innovation capabilities and firm performance, Journal of Business Research, 67, 2891-2902.
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  • Cheng, Y. ve Lin, Y. (2012). Performance Evaluation of Technological Innovation Capabilities In Uncertainty, Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 40, 287-314.
  • Chia, P. L., Yahya, K. K. ve Yean, T. F. (2016). The Relationship between Commitment-based HR Practices and Organizational Performance: The Role of Organizational Learning Capabilities as a Mediator, Information Management and Business Review (ISSN 2220-3796), 8(2), 63-75.
  • Chiva, R., Alegre, J. ve Lapiedra, R. (2007). Measuring organisational learning capability among the workforce, International Journal of Manpower, 28(3/4), 224-242.
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  • Felin, T. & Foss, N. (2006). Individuals and organizations: Thoughts on a micro-foundations project for strategic management and organizational analysis, Research methodology in strategy and management, 3, 253-288.
  • Ferreira J., Cardim S. ve Coelho, A. (2020). Dynamic capabilities and mediating effects of innovation on the competitive advantage and firm’s performance: the moderating role of organizational learning capability, Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 1-25.
  • Foss, N. J. (2010). Micro-foundations for management research: What, why, and whither?, Cuadernos de Economía y Dirección de la Empresa, 13(42), 11-34.
  • Frishammar, J., Kurkkio, M., Abrahamsson, L. ve Lichtenthaler, U. (2012). Antecedents and consequences of firms' process innovation capability: a literature review and a conceptual framework, I E E E Transactions on Engineering Management, 59(4), 519-529.
  • Fu, X., Mohnen, P. ve Zanello, G. (2018). Innovation and productivity in formal and informal firms in Ghana, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 131, 315-325.
  • García-Morales, V. J., Jiménez-Barrionuevo, M. M. ve Gutiérrez-Gutiérrez, L. (2012), Transformational leadership influence on organizational performance through organizational learning and innovation, Journal Business Research, 65(8), 1040-1050.
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  • Goh, S. C., Elliott, C. ve Quon, T. K. (2012). The relationship between learning capability and organizational performance: A meta-analytic examination, The Learning Organization, 19(2), 92-108.
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  • Hailekiros, G. S. ve Renyong, H. (2016). The effect of organizational learning capability on firm performance: Mediated by technological innovation capability, European Journal of Business Management, 8(30), 87-95.
  • Hitt, M. A., Ireland, R. D. ve Lee, H. (2000). Technological learning, knowledge management, firm growth and performance, Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 17, 231-246.
  • Hooi, L. W. (2019). Firm performance: is organizational learning capability the magic wand?, International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 68(8), 1411-1433.
  • Hooi, L. W. ve Ngui, K. S. (2014). Enhancing organizational performance of Malaysian SMEs The role of HRM and organizationl learning capability, International Journal of Manpower, 35(7), 973-995.
  • Imran, M. K., Ilyas, M. ve Fatima, T. (2017). Achieving Organizational Performance through Knowledge Management Capabilities: Mediating Role of Organizational Learning, Pakistan Journal of Commerece and Social Science, 11(1), 105-124.
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  • Ju, X., Ferreira, F. A. F. ve Wang, M. (2020). Innovation, agile Project management and firm performance in a public sector-dominated economy: Empirical evidence from high-tech small and medium-sized enterprises in China, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 72, 1-14.
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Mediating Role of Organizational Learning Capability in the Relationship Between Technological Innovation Capability and Firm Performance: A Research on İzmir SME Firms

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 1, 32 - 54, 15.06.2023


The aim of the study is to determine whether organizational learning capability has a mediating role in the relationship between technological innovation capability and firm performance. As a result of the literature review, it has been determined that the studies on the indirect relationship between organizational learning capability and firm performance on SME firms are limited. Therefore, the mediating role of organizational learning capability in the effect of technological innovation capability on firm performance has been examined on SME companies in the Izmir region. The research data were obtained as a result of the internet survey conducted to 127 small and medium-sized firm owners and department managers in the machine and metal products occupational group in the manufacturing industry sub-sector. In data analysis, SPSS 22 and AMOS programs were used gradually and the data obtained were evaluated with the help of factor analysis and correlation analysis. Findings obtained from the research sample; It has been determined that organizational learning capability does not have a mediating role in the relationship between technological innovation capability and firm performance.


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  • Öcal, H. (2020). Uluslararasılaşmada Yeni Perspektifler ve Network Teori, Nisan Kitabevi, Ankara. Shao, A. T. (2002). Marketing Research: An Aid to Decision Making, Cincinnati, Ohio: South-Western/Thomson Learning.
  • Abdi, K., Mardani, A., Senin, A. A., Tupenaite, L., Naimaviciene, J., Kanapeckiene, L. ve Kutut, V. (2018). The Effect of Knowledge Management, Organizational Culture and Organizational Learning on Innovation in Automotive Industry, Journal of Business Economics and Management, 19(1), 1-19.
  • Abell, P., Felin, T. & Foss, N. (2008). Building micro‐foundations for the routines, capabilities, and performance links, Managerial and decision economics, 29(6), 489-502.
  • Akinwale, Y. O., Adepoju, A. O. ve Olomu, M. O. (2017). The impact of technological innovation on SME’s profitability in Nigeria, International Journal of Research, Innovation and Commercialisation, 1(1), 74-92.
  • Alegre, J. ve Chiva, R. (2008). Assessing the impact of organizational learning capability on product innovation performance: An empirical test, Technovation, 28, 315-326.
  • Alegre, J. ve Chiva, R. (2013). Linking entrepreneurial orientation and firm performance: The role of organizational learning capability and innovation performance, Journal of Small Business Management, 51(4), 491-507.
  • Aljanabi, A. R. A. (2018). The mediating role of absorptive capacity on the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and technological innovation capabilities, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 24(4), 818-841.
  • Altinay, L., Madanoglu, M., De Vita, G., Arasli, H. ve Ekinci, Y. (2016). The interface between organizational learning capability, entrepreneurial orientation, and SME growth, Journal of Small Business Management, 54(3), 871-891.
  • Andersson, S. & Wictor, I. (2003). Innovative internationalisation in new firms: born globals–the Swedish case, Journal of international Entrepreneurship, 1(3), 249-275.
  • Aznar-Sánchez, J. A., Velasco-Munoz, J. F., Belmonte-Urena, L. J. ve Manzano-Agugliaro, F. (2019). Innovation and technology for sustainable mining activity: A worldwide research assessment, Journal of Cleaner Production, 221, 38-54.
  • Azubuike, V. M. U. (2013). Technological innovation capability and firm's performance in new product development, Communications of the IIMA, 13(1), 43-55.
  • Bağış, M., Kryeziu, L., Akbaba, Y., Ramadani, V., Karagüzel, E. S., & Krasniqi, B. A. (2022). The micro-foundations of a dynamic technological capability in the automotive industry, Technology in Society, 70, 102060.
  • Camisón, C. ve Villar-López, A. (2014). Organizational innovation as an enabler of technological innovation capabilities and firm performance, Journal of Business Research, 67, 2891-2902.
  • Chan, Y. H. (2003), Biostatistics 101: data presentation, Singapore medical journal, 44(6), 280-285.
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  • Chia, P. L., Yahya, K. K. ve Yean, T. F. (2016). The Relationship between Commitment-based HR Practices and Organizational Performance: The Role of Organizational Learning Capabilities as a Mediator, Information Management and Business Review (ISSN 2220-3796), 8(2), 63-75.
  • Chiva, R., Alegre, J. ve Lapiedra, R. (2007). Measuring organisational learning capability among the workforce, International Journal of Manpower, 28(3/4), 224-242.
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  • Eisenhardt, K. M. & Martin, J. A. (2000). Dynamic capabilities: what are they?, Strategic management journal, 21(10‐11), 1105-1121.
  • Felin, T. & Foss, N. (2006). Individuals and organizations: Thoughts on a micro-foundations project for strategic management and organizational analysis, Research methodology in strategy and management, 3, 253-288.
  • Ferreira J., Cardim S. ve Coelho, A. (2020). Dynamic capabilities and mediating effects of innovation on the competitive advantage and firm’s performance: the moderating role of organizational learning capability, Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 1-25.
  • Foss, N. J. (2010). Micro-foundations for management research: What, why, and whither?, Cuadernos de Economía y Dirección de la Empresa, 13(42), 11-34.
  • Frishammar, J., Kurkkio, M., Abrahamsson, L. ve Lichtenthaler, U. (2012). Antecedents and consequences of firms' process innovation capability: a literature review and a conceptual framework, I E E E Transactions on Engineering Management, 59(4), 519-529.
  • Fu, X., Mohnen, P. ve Zanello, G. (2018). Innovation and productivity in formal and informal firms in Ghana, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 131, 315-325.
  • García-Morales, V. J., Jiménez-Barrionuevo, M. M. ve Gutiérrez-Gutiérrez, L. (2012), Transformational leadership influence on organizational performance through organizational learning and innovation, Journal Business Research, 65(8), 1040-1050.
  • Gault, F. (2018). Defining and measuring innovation in all sectors of the economy, Research Policy, 47, 617-622.
  • Goh, S. C. (2001). The learning organization: an empirical test of a normative perspective, International Journal of Organization Theory and Behavior, 4(3-4), 329-55.
  • Goh, S. C., Elliott, C. ve Quon, T. K. (2012). The relationship between learning capability and organizational performance: A meta-analytic examination, The Learning Organization, 19(2), 92-108.
  • Goh, S. C. ve Richards, G. (1997). Benchmarking the Learning Capability of Organizations, European Management Journal, 15(5), 575-583.
  • Gomes, G. ve Wojahn, R. M. (2017). Organizational learning capability, innovation and performance: Study in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMES), Revista de Administração, 52, 163-175.
  • Gunday, G., Ulusoy, G., Kilic, K. ve Alpkan, L. (2011). Effects of Innovation Types on Firm Performance, International Journal of Production Economics, 133, 662-676.
  • Guta, A. L. (2018). Organizational Learning Capability. Model Testing in Universities, SEA-Practical Application of Science, 4(17), 229-240.
  • Hailekiros, G. S. ve Renyong, H. (2016). The effect of organizational learning capability on firm performance: Mediated by technological innovation capability, European Journal of Business Management, 8(30), 87-95.
  • Hitt, M. A., Ireland, R. D. ve Lee, H. (2000). Technological learning, knowledge management, firm growth and performance, Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 17, 231-246.
  • Hooi, L. W. (2019). Firm performance: is organizational learning capability the magic wand?, International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 68(8), 1411-1433.
  • Hooi, L. W. ve Ngui, K. S. (2014). Enhancing organizational performance of Malaysian SMEs The role of HRM and organizationl learning capability, International Journal of Manpower, 35(7), 973-995.
  • Imran, M. K., Ilyas, M. ve Fatima, T. (2017). Achieving Organizational Performance through Knowledge Management Capabilities: Mediating Role of Organizational Learning, Pakistan Journal of Commerece and Social Science, 11(1), 105-124.
  • Isaacs, W. (1993). Dialogue, collective thinking, and organizational learning, Organizational Dynamics, 22(2), 24-39.
  • Jiménez-Jiménez, D. ve Sanz-Valle, R. (2011). Innovation, organizational learning, and performance, Journal of Business Research, 64, 408-417.
  • Ju, X., Ferreira, F. A. F. ve Wang, M. (2020). Innovation, agile Project management and firm performance in a public sector-dominated economy: Empirical evidence from high-tech small and medium-sized enterprises in China, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 72, 1-14.
  • Koellinger, P. (2008). The relationship between technology, innovation, and firm performance—Empirical evidence from e-business in Europe, Research policy, 37(8), 1317-1328.
  • Krejcie, R. V. ve Morgan, D. W. (1970). Determining sample size for research activities, Educational and psychological measurement, 30, 607-610.
  • Lafuente, E., Solano, A., Leiva, J. C. ve Mora-Esquivel, R. (2019). Determinants of innovation performance: Exploring the role of organisational learning capability in knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS) firms, Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administración, 32(1), 40-62.
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  • Mahmood, S., Qadeer, F. ve Ahmad, A. (2015). “The Role of Organizational Learning in Understanding Relationship between Total Quality Management and Organizational Performance, Pakistan Journal of Commerce and Social Sciences, 9(1), 282-302.
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Toplam 78 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bülent Örmeci 0000-0001-8459-8115

Hülya Öcal 0000-0001-8830-3484

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 15 Haziran 2023
Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Haziran 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 9 Mart 2023
Kabul Tarihi 27 Mart 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Cilt: 5 Sayı: 1

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