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Yıl 2021, Cilt: 14 Sayı: 2, 759 - 784, 01.07.2021


Son yıllarda sahte ve korsan ürünlerin üretimi ve ticareti artış göstermiştir. Teknoloji, internet gibi nedenlerle artan sahte ve korsan ürünler piyasasının etkileri de buna paralel olarak artış göstermiştir. Sahte ve korsan ürünlerin etkilerinden birisi de vergilendirme ile ilgilidir. Sahte ve korsan ürünler, genel olarak vergi dışı kalmakta ve vergi geliri kaybına yol açmaktadır. Bu noktadan hareketle çalışmada dünyada ve Türkiye’de sahte ve korsan ürünlerin oluşturduğu vergi geliri kaybı tahminleri ve tahminlerin önündeki engeller araştırılmıştır. Çalışmanın sonucuna göre, dünyada ve Türkiye’de sahte ve korsan ürünler önemli derecede vergi geliri kaybı oluşturmakta iken, söz konusu kaybın boyutu hakkında güncel ve tutarlı bir tahmin yapmanın önünde birtakım engeller bulunmaktadır.


  • Addison, G. (2018). Top 5 reasons why counterfeit goods are getting harder to spot. Çevrimiçi https://www.ipwatchdog.com.
  • Andrés, A. R., ve Goel, R. K. (2012). Does software piracy affect economic growth? Evidence across countries. Journal of Policy Modeling, 34(2), 284–95.
  • Aregbeyen, O. (2010). Final report of the study on counterfeiting and smuggling of manufactured products in Nigeria. Çevrimiçi https://open.unido.org.
  • Bamossy, G. ve Scammon, D. L. (1985). Product Counterfeiting: Consumers and Manufacturers Beware. Hirschman, E. ve Holbrook, M. (Eds) içinde Advances in consumer research volume 12,, (ss. 334-339), Provo: Association for Consumer Research.
  • Banerjee, D. (2013). Effect of piracy on innovation in the presence of network externalities. Economic Modelling, 33, 526–532.
  • Banerjee, D. ve Chatterjee, I. (2010). The impact of piracy on innovation in the presence of technological and market uncertainty. Information Economics and Policy, 22, 391–397. B
  • BASCAP (2013). Long term impacts of counterfeiting and piracy on increased foreign direct investment and employment in Kenya. Çevrimiçi https://iccwbo.org/content/uploads/sites/3/2016/11/FDI-and-employment-in-Kenya.pdf
  • Behner, P., Hecht, M. ve Wahl, F. (2017). Fighting counterfeit pharmaceuticals new defenses foran underestimated and growing menace. Çevrimiçi https://www.strategyand.pwc.com/gx/en/reports/fighting-counterfeit-pharmaceuticals.pdf
  • Bekhouche, I. E. (2018). Copyright and trademark offences which might infringe the consumer’s rights. Athens Journal of Law, 4(3), 243-254.
  • Blackburn, D., Eisenach, J. A. ve Harrison, D. (2019). Impacts of digital video piracy on the U.S. economy. Çevrimiçi https://www.theglobalipcenter.com.
  • Blackstone E., Fuhr J. ve Pociask, S. (2014). The health and economic effects of counterfeit drugs. American Health & Drug Benefits, 7, 216–224
  • Bradley, W.ve Kolev, J. (2019). Can piracy increase innovation? The software industry’s response to online file sharing. SMU Cox School of Business Research Paper, No. 19-12.
  • BSA (2008). Piracy reduction impact study. Çevrimiçi https://ww2.bsa.org.
  • Butticè, V., Caviggioli, F., Franzoni, C., Scellato, G. ve Thumm, N. (2018). Impact of counterfeiting on the performance of digital technology companies. JRC Digital Economy Working Paper, No. 2018-03
  • Cademan, A., Henriksson, R. ve Nyqvist, V. (2012). The effect of counterfeit products on luxury brands: An empirical investigation from the consumer perspective. Çevrimiçi http://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:530386/fulltext01.pdf
  • Cannon, R. M. (2017). Enforcement of media piracy: America's hardline approach versus japan's lackadaisical approach and the future of enforcement in Japan under the trans-pacific partnership. Washington University Global Studies Law Review, 16(3), 483-512.
  • CEBR (2002). Counting counterfeits: Defining a method to collect, analyse and compare data on counterfeiting and piracy in the single market. Çevrimiçi http://www.hamisitasellen.hu/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/final-report-cebr_en.pdf
  • Chaudhry, P. E. ve Zimmerman, A. (2012). Protecting your intellectual property rights: Understanding the role of management, governments, consumers and pirates. London: Springer.
  • Chow, D. C. (2015). International business transactions: problems, cases, and materials. New York: Wolters Kluwer Law & Business.
  • Cordell, V. V., Wongtada, N. ve Kieschnick, R. L. (1996). Counterfeit purchase intentions: Role of lawfulness attitudes and product traits as determinants. Journal of Business Research, 35, 41–53.
  • Crettez, B., Hayek, N. ve Zaccour, G. (2019). Non-deceptive counterfeiting and consumer welfare: A differential game approach. CRED Working Paper, No. 2019-5.
  • Çan, O. ve Utku, F. (2018). Turkey - transit passing goods as per the new ip code. Çevrimiçi https://legal.deris.com/en/insights/anti-counterfeiting-and-customs-ip-enforcement/34-turkey-transit-passing-goods-as-per-the-new-ip-code
  • D’Astous, A. ve Gargouri, E. (2001). Consumer evaluations of brand imitations. European Journal of Marketing, 35(1/2), 153-167.
  • ECOFIN (2017). The thirteenth session: march 31 to april 2, 2017. Ecofin background guide. Çevrimiçi https://static1.squarespace.com.
  • Eisend, M. ve Schuchert-Güler, P. (2006). Explaining counterfeit purchases: A review and preview. Academy of Marketing Science Review, 2006(12), 1-22.
  • Emmanuel, I. E. ve Leah, M. (2016). Counterfeit and unwholesome product: An integrated management approach. Jurnal Kemanusiaan, 14(3), 61-73.
  • Ene, C. ve Mihăescu, G. L. (2014). The fight against consumer goods counterfeiting - dimensions, challenges, solution. Economic Insights Trends and Challenges, 3(4), 53-67.
  • EUIPO (2017). The economic cost of IPR infringement in the smartphones sector. Çevrimiçi https://euipo.europa.eu.
  • EUIPO (2019). 2019 status report on IPR infringement. Çevrimiçi https://op.europa.eu.
  • European Consumer Centre (2017). The impact of counterfeiting on online consumer rights in Europe. Çevrimiçi https://www.eccireland.ie/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/counterfeiting-report-final.pdf
  • Europol (t.y.). Counterfeiting and product piracy. Çevrimiçi https://www.europol.europa.eu.
  • Fernandez, R.N., Ribeiro, F.G. ve Duarte, J. (2018) Effects of software piracy on economic growth. International Journal of Economics and Finance, 10, 1-11.
  • FRONTIER (2009). The impact of counterfeiting on governments and consumers. Çevrimiçi https://iccwbo.org.
  • FRONTIER (2011a). Estimating the global economic and social impacts of counterfeiting and piracy. Çevrimiçi https://iccwbo.org.
  • FRONTIER (2011b). The economic and social impacts of counterfeiting and piracy in Turkey. Çevrimiçi https://iccwbo.org.
  • FRONTIER (2017). The economic ımpacts of counterfeiting and piracy. Çevrimiçi https://www.inta.org/Communications/Documents/2017_Frontier_Report.pdf
  • Fuchs, H. J. (t.y.). The efficiency of anti–counterfeiting. Çevrimiçi https://aippi.org.
  • GAO (2010). Intellectual property observations on efforts to quantify the economic effects of counterfeit and pirated goods. Çevrimiçi https://www.gao.gov/new.items/d10423.pdf
  • GIABA (2017). Anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism. Çevrimiçi https://www.giaba.org.
  • Green, R.T. ve Smith, T. (2002). Executive insights: countering brand counterfeiters. Journal of International Marketing, 10(4), 89-106.
  • Grossman, G.M. ve Shapiro, C. (1988). Foreign counterfeiting of status goods. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 103(1), 79-100.
  • ICC (2016). Counterfeiting, piracy and smuggling in India effects and potential solutions. https://cdn.iccwbo.org.
  • IMC (2007). Assessment of brand names protection in Egypt. Çevrimiçi https://www.academia.edu/5397014/Assessment_of_Brand_Names_Protection_in_Egypt_-EN
  • İzmen, Ü. (2019). 21. yüzyılın sorunu kaçak, taklit ve sahte ürünlerin ticareti. Çevrimiçi http://markakorumagrubu.org/yayinlar
  • Jain, S. (2008). Digital piracy: A competitive analysis. Marketing Science, 27(4), 610-626
  • Karaganis, J. (2011). Rethinking piracy. Çevrimiçi http://piracy.americanassembly.org.
  • Kim, J. E., Cho, H. J. ve Johnson, K. K. (2009). Influence of moral affect, judgment, and intensity on decision making concerning counterfeit, gray-market, and imitation products. Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, 27(3), 211-226.
  • Kumar, R., Yadav, S. K. ve Verma, S. (2018). Intellectual property rights protection and foreign direct investment: a study of BRICS countries. World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, 14(6), 694-704.
  • Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı Teftiş Kurulu Başkanlığı (t.y.). Ticaretle bağlantılı fikri mülkiyet anlaşması (TRIPS) (1994). Çevrimiçi https://teftis.ktb.gov.tr/TR-14266/uluslararasi-sozlesmeler.html
  • Lin, Y. C. J. (2011). Fake stuff: China and the rise of counterfeit goods. Oxon, UK: Routledge.
  • Maliye Postası (2015). Yurtdışına sahte ürün götürenlere rüşvet karşılığı çıkış sağladığı öne sürülen 9 gümrük muhafaza memuru gözaltına alındı. Çevrimiçi http://www.maliyepostasi.com.
  • McDonald, G. ve Roberts, C. (1994). Product piracy: The problem that will not go away. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 3(4), 55-65.
  • Meraviglia, L. (2018). Technology and counterfeiting in the fashion industry: Friends or foes?. Business Horizons, 61(3), 1-9.
  • NetNames (2015). Counting the cost of counterfeiting. Çevrimiçi https://www.gtld.com.
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Yıl 2021, Cilt: 14 Sayı: 2, 759 - 784, 01.07.2021


Production and trade of counterfeit and pirated products have increased in recent years. The effects of the market of counterfeit and pirated products, which increased due to reasons like technology and internet, increased in parallel. One of the effects of counterfeit and pirated products is related to taxation. Counterfeit and pirated products are generally non-taxable and result in tax revenue loss. From this point on, in this study, estimates about the loss of tax revenue created by counterfeit and pirated products in the world and Turkey and obstacles to estimate the tax loss were investigated. According to the results of the study, in the world and Turkey, counterfeit and pirated products cause substantial tax loss and there are some obstacles to making an up-to-date and consistent estimate of the amount of the loss in question.


  • Addison, G. (2018). Top 5 reasons why counterfeit goods are getting harder to spot. Çevrimiçi https://www.ipwatchdog.com.
  • Andrés, A. R., ve Goel, R. K. (2012). Does software piracy affect economic growth? Evidence across countries. Journal of Policy Modeling, 34(2), 284–95.
  • Aregbeyen, O. (2010). Final report of the study on counterfeiting and smuggling of manufactured products in Nigeria. Çevrimiçi https://open.unido.org.
  • Bamossy, G. ve Scammon, D. L. (1985). Product Counterfeiting: Consumers and Manufacturers Beware. Hirschman, E. ve Holbrook, M. (Eds) içinde Advances in consumer research volume 12,, (ss. 334-339), Provo: Association for Consumer Research.
  • Banerjee, D. (2013). Effect of piracy on innovation in the presence of network externalities. Economic Modelling, 33, 526–532.
  • Banerjee, D. ve Chatterjee, I. (2010). The impact of piracy on innovation in the presence of technological and market uncertainty. Information Economics and Policy, 22, 391–397. B
  • BASCAP (2013). Long term impacts of counterfeiting and piracy on increased foreign direct investment and employment in Kenya. Çevrimiçi https://iccwbo.org/content/uploads/sites/3/2016/11/FDI-and-employment-in-Kenya.pdf
  • Behner, P., Hecht, M. ve Wahl, F. (2017). Fighting counterfeit pharmaceuticals new defenses foran underestimated and growing menace. Çevrimiçi https://www.strategyand.pwc.com/gx/en/reports/fighting-counterfeit-pharmaceuticals.pdf
  • Bekhouche, I. E. (2018). Copyright and trademark offences which might infringe the consumer’s rights. Athens Journal of Law, 4(3), 243-254.
  • Blackburn, D., Eisenach, J. A. ve Harrison, D. (2019). Impacts of digital video piracy on the U.S. economy. Çevrimiçi https://www.theglobalipcenter.com.
  • Blackstone E., Fuhr J. ve Pociask, S. (2014). The health and economic effects of counterfeit drugs. American Health & Drug Benefits, 7, 216–224
  • Bradley, W.ve Kolev, J. (2019). Can piracy increase innovation? The software industry’s response to online file sharing. SMU Cox School of Business Research Paper, No. 19-12.
  • BSA (2008). Piracy reduction impact study. Çevrimiçi https://ww2.bsa.org.
  • Butticè, V., Caviggioli, F., Franzoni, C., Scellato, G. ve Thumm, N. (2018). Impact of counterfeiting on the performance of digital technology companies. JRC Digital Economy Working Paper, No. 2018-03
  • Cademan, A., Henriksson, R. ve Nyqvist, V. (2012). The effect of counterfeit products on luxury brands: An empirical investigation from the consumer perspective. Çevrimiçi http://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:530386/fulltext01.pdf
  • Cannon, R. M. (2017). Enforcement of media piracy: America's hardline approach versus japan's lackadaisical approach and the future of enforcement in Japan under the trans-pacific partnership. Washington University Global Studies Law Review, 16(3), 483-512.
  • CEBR (2002). Counting counterfeits: Defining a method to collect, analyse and compare data on counterfeiting and piracy in the single market. Çevrimiçi http://www.hamisitasellen.hu/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/final-report-cebr_en.pdf
  • Chaudhry, P. E. ve Zimmerman, A. (2012). Protecting your intellectual property rights: Understanding the role of management, governments, consumers and pirates. London: Springer.
  • Chow, D. C. (2015). International business transactions: problems, cases, and materials. New York: Wolters Kluwer Law & Business.
  • Cordell, V. V., Wongtada, N. ve Kieschnick, R. L. (1996). Counterfeit purchase intentions: Role of lawfulness attitudes and product traits as determinants. Journal of Business Research, 35, 41–53.
  • Crettez, B., Hayek, N. ve Zaccour, G. (2019). Non-deceptive counterfeiting and consumer welfare: A differential game approach. CRED Working Paper, No. 2019-5.
  • Çan, O. ve Utku, F. (2018). Turkey - transit passing goods as per the new ip code. Çevrimiçi https://legal.deris.com/en/insights/anti-counterfeiting-and-customs-ip-enforcement/34-turkey-transit-passing-goods-as-per-the-new-ip-code
  • D’Astous, A. ve Gargouri, E. (2001). Consumer evaluations of brand imitations. European Journal of Marketing, 35(1/2), 153-167.
  • ECOFIN (2017). The thirteenth session: march 31 to april 2, 2017. Ecofin background guide. Çevrimiçi https://static1.squarespace.com.
  • Eisend, M. ve Schuchert-Güler, P. (2006). Explaining counterfeit purchases: A review and preview. Academy of Marketing Science Review, 2006(12), 1-22.
  • Emmanuel, I. E. ve Leah, M. (2016). Counterfeit and unwholesome product: An integrated management approach. Jurnal Kemanusiaan, 14(3), 61-73.
  • Ene, C. ve Mihăescu, G. L. (2014). The fight against consumer goods counterfeiting - dimensions, challenges, solution. Economic Insights Trends and Challenges, 3(4), 53-67.
  • EUIPO (2017). The economic cost of IPR infringement in the smartphones sector. Çevrimiçi https://euipo.europa.eu.
  • EUIPO (2019). 2019 status report on IPR infringement. Çevrimiçi https://op.europa.eu.
  • European Consumer Centre (2017). The impact of counterfeiting on online consumer rights in Europe. Çevrimiçi https://www.eccireland.ie/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/counterfeiting-report-final.pdf
  • Europol (t.y.). Counterfeiting and product piracy. Çevrimiçi https://www.europol.europa.eu.
  • Fernandez, R.N., Ribeiro, F.G. ve Duarte, J. (2018) Effects of software piracy on economic growth. International Journal of Economics and Finance, 10, 1-11.
  • FRONTIER (2009). The impact of counterfeiting on governments and consumers. Çevrimiçi https://iccwbo.org.
  • FRONTIER (2011a). Estimating the global economic and social impacts of counterfeiting and piracy. Çevrimiçi https://iccwbo.org.
  • FRONTIER (2011b). The economic and social impacts of counterfeiting and piracy in Turkey. Çevrimiçi https://iccwbo.org.
  • FRONTIER (2017). The economic ımpacts of counterfeiting and piracy. Çevrimiçi https://www.inta.org/Communications/Documents/2017_Frontier_Report.pdf
  • Fuchs, H. J. (t.y.). The efficiency of anti–counterfeiting. Çevrimiçi https://aippi.org.
  • GAO (2010). Intellectual property observations on efforts to quantify the economic effects of counterfeit and pirated goods. Çevrimiçi https://www.gao.gov/new.items/d10423.pdf
  • GIABA (2017). Anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism. Çevrimiçi https://www.giaba.org.
  • Green, R.T. ve Smith, T. (2002). Executive insights: countering brand counterfeiters. Journal of International Marketing, 10(4), 89-106.
  • Grossman, G.M. ve Shapiro, C. (1988). Foreign counterfeiting of status goods. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 103(1), 79-100.
  • ICC (2016). Counterfeiting, piracy and smuggling in India effects and potential solutions. https://cdn.iccwbo.org.
  • IMC (2007). Assessment of brand names protection in Egypt. Çevrimiçi https://www.academia.edu/5397014/Assessment_of_Brand_Names_Protection_in_Egypt_-EN
  • İzmen, Ü. (2019). 21. yüzyılın sorunu kaçak, taklit ve sahte ürünlerin ticareti. Çevrimiçi http://markakorumagrubu.org/yayinlar
  • Jain, S. (2008). Digital piracy: A competitive analysis. Marketing Science, 27(4), 610-626
  • Karaganis, J. (2011). Rethinking piracy. Çevrimiçi http://piracy.americanassembly.org.
  • Kim, J. E., Cho, H. J. ve Johnson, K. K. (2009). Influence of moral affect, judgment, and intensity on decision making concerning counterfeit, gray-market, and imitation products. Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, 27(3), 211-226.
  • Kumar, R., Yadav, S. K. ve Verma, S. (2018). Intellectual property rights protection and foreign direct investment: a study of BRICS countries. World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, 14(6), 694-704.
  • Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı Teftiş Kurulu Başkanlığı (t.y.). Ticaretle bağlantılı fikri mülkiyet anlaşması (TRIPS) (1994). Çevrimiçi https://teftis.ktb.gov.tr/TR-14266/uluslararasi-sozlesmeler.html
  • Lin, Y. C. J. (2011). Fake stuff: China and the rise of counterfeit goods. Oxon, UK: Routledge.
  • Maliye Postası (2015). Yurtdışına sahte ürün götürenlere rüşvet karşılığı çıkış sağladığı öne sürülen 9 gümrük muhafaza memuru gözaltına alındı. Çevrimiçi http://www.maliyepostasi.com.
  • McDonald, G. ve Roberts, C. (1994). Product piracy: The problem that will not go away. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 3(4), 55-65.
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Toplam 95 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular İşletme
Bölüm Sayı

Mehmet Ela 0000-0001-7341-6312

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Temmuz 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 22 Ocak 2020
Kabul Tarihi 21 Kasım 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Cilt: 14 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Ela, M. (2021). SAHTE VE KORSAN ÜRÜNLERİN VERGİ GELİRLERİNE ETKİSİ. Journal of Accounting and Taxation Studies, 14(2), 759-784. https://doi.org/10.29067/muvu.678636

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