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Yeni bir restoratif materyal "Cention N"

Yıl 2021, , 84 - 90, 25.08.2021


Artan talep doğrultusunda, diş hekimliğindeki araştırmalar yeni restoratif maddelerinin üretimine veyahut mevcut dolgu maddelerinin özelliklerinin geliştirilmesine odaklanmıştır. Ivoclar Vivadent firması yeni bir dolgu maddesi geliştirmiş ve ticari olarak bu ürüne "Cention N" ismini vermiştir. Bu materyal kompozitlerin bir alt grubu "Alkazitler" olarak sınıflandırılabilecek, diş rengi ile uyumlu bir materyaldir. Toz ve sıvı kısımdan oluşan biyoaktif bir materyaldir. Karıştırılması elle yapılan materyal kendiliğinden sertleşebilir veya ışıkla sertleştirilir. Bulk-fill kompozitler gibi büyük bir kütle olarak da kullanılabilir. Henüz çok sayıda uzun süreli klinik çalışması bulunmasa da cam iyonomer simanlardan daha başarılı sonuçlar göstermiş, derin kavitelerde bulk-fill kompozitlere, estetik özellik göstermesi yönüyle de amalgam dolgulara alternatif bir materyal olarak diş hekimliği pratiğine sunulmuştur. Bu derlemenin amacı yeni geliştirilen Cention N materyali ile ilgili bilgiler sunmaktır

Destekleyen Kurum


Proje Numarası





  • Fugolin APP, Pfeifer CS. New resins for dental composites. J Dent Res 2017;96(10):1085-91.
  • Nayyer M, Zahid S, Hassan SH, Mian SA, Mehmood S, Khan HA, Kaleem M, Zafar MS, Khan AS. Comparative abrasive wear resistance and surface analysis of dental resin-based materials. Eur J Dent 2018;12(1):57-66.
  • Naz F, Yousaf O, Chattha MR. Preference regarding technique selection for posterior composite restorations among the dentists in Lahore. Pak. Oral Dent. J 2015;35: 500-3.
  • Giachetti L, Scaminaci Russo D, Bambi C, Grandini R. A review of polymerization shrinkage stress: current techniques for posterior direct resin restorations. J Contemp Dent Pract 2006;7(4):79-88.
  • Sidhu SK. Clinical evaluations of resin-modified glass-ionomer restorations. Dent Mater 2010;26(1):7-12.
  • Nicholson JW, Swift EJ. “Ask the Experts: Is there a place in dentistry for compomers”. J. Esthet Rest Dent 2008;20: 3-4.
  • Balkaya H, Arslan S, Pala K. A randomized, prospective clinical study evaluating effectiveness of a bulk-fill composite resin, a conventional composite resin and a reinforced glass ionomer in Class II cavities: one-year results. J Appl Oral Sci 2019;7;27:e20180678.
  • Samanta S, Das UK, Mitra A. Comparison of microleakage in class V cavity restored with flowable composite resin, glass ionomer cement and centionn. Imp. J. Interdiscip. Res 2017;3:180-3.
  • Todd JC. Scientific Documentation: Cention N; Ivoclar-Vivadent Press: Schaan, Liechtenstein 2016; 1-58.
  • Ilie N. Comparative effect of self- or dual-curing on polymerization kinetics and mechanical properties in a novel, dental-resinbased composite with alkaline filler. Running title: resin-composites with alkaline fillers. Materials 2018;11:E108.
  • Mazumdar P, Das A, Guha C. Comparative evaluation of hardness of different restorative materials (restorative gic, cention n, nanohybrid composite resin and silver amalgam)-an in vitro study. Int. J. Adv. Res 2018;6:826-32.
  • Jayaraj D, Simon EP, Kumar MR, Ravi SV. Cention N: A review. Dental Bite 2018;5:14-21.
  • Moszner N, Fischer UK, Angermann J, Rheinberger V. A partially aromatic urethane dimethacrylate as a new substitute for Bis-GMA in restorative composites. Dent Mater 2008;24:694-9.
  • Singh H, Rashmi S, Pai S, Kini S. Comparative evaluation of fluoride release from two different glass ionomer cement and a novel alkasite restorative material – an in vitro study. Pesqui Bras Odontopediatria Clín Integr 2020;20:e5209.
  • Chowdhury D, Guha C, Desai P. Comparative evaluation of fracture resistance of dental amalgam, Z350 composite resin and cention-N restoration in class II cavity. J. Dent. Med. Sci 2018;17:52–6.
  • Kaur M, Mann NS, Jhamb A, Batra D, A comparative evaluation of compressive strength of Cention N with glass Ionomer cement: An in-vitro study. Int J Appl Dent Sci 2019;5:5-9.
  • Valencia JJC, Felix VMC, Afrashtehfar KI. Alkasites, a new alternative to amalgam. report of a clinical case. Acta Scient Dent Sci 2019;3;11-9.
  • Meshram P, Meshram V, Palve D, Patil S, Gade V, Raut A. Comparative evaluation of microleakage around class v cavities restored with alkasite restorative material with and without bonding agent and flowable composite resin: An in vitro study. Indian J Dent Res 2019;30:403-7.
  • Francois P, Fouquet V, Attal JP, Dursun E. Commercially available fluoride-releasing restorative materials: A review and a proposal for classification. Materials (Basel). 2020;13:2313.
  • Lee D, Kim J, Han M, Shin J. Fluoride release and recharge properties of several fluoride-containing restorative materials. J Korean Academy of Pediatr Dent 2020;47:196-204.
  • Gupta N, Jaiswal S, Nikhil V, Gupta S, Jha P, Bansal P. Comparison of fluoride ion release and alkalizing potential of a new bulk-fill alkasite. J Conserv Dent. 2019;22:296-9.
  • Mair L, Stolarski T, Vowles R, Lloyd C. Wear: mechanisms, manifestations and measurement. Report of a workshop. J.Dent 1996;24:141-8.
  • Hegde MN, Bhandary S. An evaluation and comparison of shear bond strength of composite resin to dentin, using newer dentin bonding agents. J. Conserv. Dent 2008;11:71-5.
  • Naz F, Abdul SK, Mohammed AK, Lamis OSG, Nada MAM, Raghad SHA, et al. Comparative evaluation of mechanical and physical properties of a new bulk-fill alkasite with conventional restorative materials. Saudi Dent J 2020.
  • Navarro L, Minari RJ, Vaillard SE. Photo-curable poly- (ethylene glycol)–fumarate elastomers with controlled structural composition and their evaluation as eluting systems. RSC Adv 2019;9:482-90.
  • Seker A, Arslan B, Chen S. Recovery of polyphenols from grape pomace using polyethylene glycol (peg)-grafted silica particles and peg-assisted cosolvent elution. Molecules 2019;24;2199.
  • Dionysopoulos D, Tolidis K, Sfeikos T, Karanasiou C, Parisi, X. Evaluation of surface microhardness and abrasion resistance of two dental glass ionomer cement materials after radiant heat treatment. Adv. Mater. Sci. Eng 2017.
  • Bala O, Arisu HD, Yikilgan I, Arslan S, Gullu A. Evaluation of surface roughness and hardness of different glass ionomer cements. Eur. J. Dent 2012;6:79-86.
  • Park C, Park H, Lee j, Seo H, Lee S. Surface roughness and microbial adhesion after finishing of alkasite restorative material. J Korean Acad Pediatr Dent 2020;47:188-95.
  • Nayak M, Shenoy V. Sorption and solubility of alkasite restorative material - an ın vitro study. J Dental and Medical Sciences 2019;18(5):69-73.
  • Šalinović I, Stunja M, Schauperl Z, Verzak Ž, Ivanišević Malčić A, Brzović Rajić V. Mechanical properties of high viscosity glass ionomer and glass hybrid restorative materials.Acta Stomatol Croat 2019;53:125-31. Meshram P, Meshram V, Palve D, Patil S, Gade V, Raut A. Comparative evaluation of microleakage around class v cavities restored with alkasite restorative material with and without bonding agent and flowable composite resin: An in vitro study. Indian J Dent Res 2019;30:403-7.
  • Burgess J. Microleakage of Cention N compared to dental amalgam. Final report. May 2015. In: Todd JC. Scientific Documentation: Cention N; Ivoclar-Vivadent. Press: Schaan, Liechtenstein 2016: 26-7.
  • Kini A, Shetty S, Bhat R, Shetty P. Microleakage evaluation of an alkasite restorative material: an ın vitro dye penetration study. J Contemp Dent Pract 2019;20:1315-18.
  • Sahu S, Ali N, Misuriya A, Vijaywargiya P, Saha AG, Bharadwaj A. Comparative evaluation of microleakage in class ı cavities restored with amalgam, bulk-fill composite and Cention-N – An in vitro confocal laser scanning microscope study. Int J Oral Care Research 2018;6:81-5.
  • Mazumdar P, Das A, Das UK. Comparative evaluation of microleakage of three different direct restorative materials (silver amalgam, glass ionomer cement, cention N), in Class II restorations using stereomicroscope: An in vitro study. Indian J Dent Res. 2019;30(2):277-281.
  • Bharath MJ, Sahadev CK, Sandeep R, Santhosh PS, Ananda Gowda R, Abhisek G. Comparative evaluation of microleakage in alkasite and glass-hybrid restorative system: an in-vitro. Int J Research - Granthaalayah, 2019;7:199-205.
  • Chakravarthy Y, Nanthini ACR. Evaluation of extrinsic discoloration of new alkasite resin with the microhybrid composite using natural beverages: An in vitro study. Int J Appl Dent Sci 2020;6:600-3.
  • Ozmen B, Nayir Y. Kompomer Rezinin Renk Stabilitesine İçeceklerin, Ağız Çalkalama Solüsyonlarının ve Diş Macunlarının Etkisi. Cumhuriyet Dent J 2018;21:40-8.
  • Ağlarcı OS, Garip G, Ok E, Altunsoy M. Fosfor plak kullanılarak farklı kaide materyallerinin radyoopasitelerinin karşılaştırılması. Selcuk Dent J 2015;1:7-12.
  • Dodiya PV, Parekh V, Gupta MS, Patel N, Shah M, Tatu S. Clinical evaluation of Cention–N and nano hybrid composite resin as a restoration of non-carious cervical lesion. J Dent Specialities 2019;7(1):3-5.
  • Özcan M, Öztürk Bozkurt F, Toz T, Kuşdemir M, Özsoy A, Yüzbaşıoğlu E. Clinical evaluation of Cention N basic filling material in Class I and II cavities without the use of an adhesive resin: A prospective controlled clinical trial of up to 3 years. 6-month results. August 2016. In: Todd JC. Scientific Documentation: Cention N; Ivoclar-Vivadent. Press: Schaan, Liechtenstein 2016:51-2
  • Burgess J. Clinical evaluation of an amalgam replacement dental filling material: 6-month recall. August 2016. In: Todd JC. Scientific Documentation: Cention N; Ivoclar-Vivadent. Press: Schaan, Liechtenstein 2016:53-4

A new restorative material "Cention N"

Yıl 2021, , 84 - 90, 25.08.2021


In line with the increasing demand, researches in dentistry have focused on the production of new restorative materials or the improvement of the properties of existing filling materials. Ivoclar Vivadent company has developed a new restorative material and commercially named it "Cention N". It is a material compatible with tooth color, which can be classified as "Alkasites", a subgroup of composites. It is a bioactive material consisting of powder and liquid part. Hand-mixed material exhibits self-cure and light-cure properties. The material can also be used as a large mass such as bulk-fill composites. Although there are not enough long-term clinical studies yet, it has shown more successful results than glass ionomer cements, and it has been presented to dentistry practice as an alternative material to bulk-fill composites in deep cavities and to amalgam fillings due to its aesthetic properties. The purpose of this review is to provide information on the newly developed Cention N material.

Proje Numarası



  • Fugolin APP, Pfeifer CS. New resins for dental composites. J Dent Res 2017;96(10):1085-91.
  • Nayyer M, Zahid S, Hassan SH, Mian SA, Mehmood S, Khan HA, Kaleem M, Zafar MS, Khan AS. Comparative abrasive wear resistance and surface analysis of dental resin-based materials. Eur J Dent 2018;12(1):57-66.
  • Naz F, Yousaf O, Chattha MR. Preference regarding technique selection for posterior composite restorations among the dentists in Lahore. Pak. Oral Dent. J 2015;35: 500-3.
  • Giachetti L, Scaminaci Russo D, Bambi C, Grandini R. A review of polymerization shrinkage stress: current techniques for posterior direct resin restorations. J Contemp Dent Pract 2006;7(4):79-88.
  • Sidhu SK. Clinical evaluations of resin-modified glass-ionomer restorations. Dent Mater 2010;26(1):7-12.
  • Nicholson JW, Swift EJ. “Ask the Experts: Is there a place in dentistry for compomers”. J. Esthet Rest Dent 2008;20: 3-4.
  • Balkaya H, Arslan S, Pala K. A randomized, prospective clinical study evaluating effectiveness of a bulk-fill composite resin, a conventional composite resin and a reinforced glass ionomer in Class II cavities: one-year results. J Appl Oral Sci 2019;7;27:e20180678.
  • Samanta S, Das UK, Mitra A. Comparison of microleakage in class V cavity restored with flowable composite resin, glass ionomer cement and centionn. Imp. J. Interdiscip. Res 2017;3:180-3.
  • Todd JC. Scientific Documentation: Cention N; Ivoclar-Vivadent Press: Schaan, Liechtenstein 2016; 1-58.
  • Ilie N. Comparative effect of self- or dual-curing on polymerization kinetics and mechanical properties in a novel, dental-resinbased composite with alkaline filler. Running title: resin-composites with alkaline fillers. Materials 2018;11:E108.
  • Mazumdar P, Das A, Guha C. Comparative evaluation of hardness of different restorative materials (restorative gic, cention n, nanohybrid composite resin and silver amalgam)-an in vitro study. Int. J. Adv. Res 2018;6:826-32.
  • Jayaraj D, Simon EP, Kumar MR, Ravi SV. Cention N: A review. Dental Bite 2018;5:14-21.
  • Moszner N, Fischer UK, Angermann J, Rheinberger V. A partially aromatic urethane dimethacrylate as a new substitute for Bis-GMA in restorative composites. Dent Mater 2008;24:694-9.
  • Singh H, Rashmi S, Pai S, Kini S. Comparative evaluation of fluoride release from two different glass ionomer cement and a novel alkasite restorative material – an in vitro study. Pesqui Bras Odontopediatria Clín Integr 2020;20:e5209.
  • Chowdhury D, Guha C, Desai P. Comparative evaluation of fracture resistance of dental amalgam, Z350 composite resin and cention-N restoration in class II cavity. J. Dent. Med. Sci 2018;17:52–6.
  • Kaur M, Mann NS, Jhamb A, Batra D, A comparative evaluation of compressive strength of Cention N with glass Ionomer cement: An in-vitro study. Int J Appl Dent Sci 2019;5:5-9.
  • Valencia JJC, Felix VMC, Afrashtehfar KI. Alkasites, a new alternative to amalgam. report of a clinical case. Acta Scient Dent Sci 2019;3;11-9.
  • Meshram P, Meshram V, Palve D, Patil S, Gade V, Raut A. Comparative evaluation of microleakage around class v cavities restored with alkasite restorative material with and without bonding agent and flowable composite resin: An in vitro study. Indian J Dent Res 2019;30:403-7.
  • Francois P, Fouquet V, Attal JP, Dursun E. Commercially available fluoride-releasing restorative materials: A review and a proposal for classification. Materials (Basel). 2020;13:2313.
  • Lee D, Kim J, Han M, Shin J. Fluoride release and recharge properties of several fluoride-containing restorative materials. J Korean Academy of Pediatr Dent 2020;47:196-204.
  • Gupta N, Jaiswal S, Nikhil V, Gupta S, Jha P, Bansal P. Comparison of fluoride ion release and alkalizing potential of a new bulk-fill alkasite. J Conserv Dent. 2019;22:296-9.
  • Mair L, Stolarski T, Vowles R, Lloyd C. Wear: mechanisms, manifestations and measurement. Report of a workshop. J.Dent 1996;24:141-8.
  • Hegde MN, Bhandary S. An evaluation and comparison of shear bond strength of composite resin to dentin, using newer dentin bonding agents. J. Conserv. Dent 2008;11:71-5.
  • Naz F, Abdul SK, Mohammed AK, Lamis OSG, Nada MAM, Raghad SHA, et al. Comparative evaluation of mechanical and physical properties of a new bulk-fill alkasite with conventional restorative materials. Saudi Dent J 2020.
  • Navarro L, Minari RJ, Vaillard SE. Photo-curable poly- (ethylene glycol)–fumarate elastomers with controlled structural composition and their evaluation as eluting systems. RSC Adv 2019;9:482-90.
  • Seker A, Arslan B, Chen S. Recovery of polyphenols from grape pomace using polyethylene glycol (peg)-grafted silica particles and peg-assisted cosolvent elution. Molecules 2019;24;2199.
  • Dionysopoulos D, Tolidis K, Sfeikos T, Karanasiou C, Parisi, X. Evaluation of surface microhardness and abrasion resistance of two dental glass ionomer cement materials after radiant heat treatment. Adv. Mater. Sci. Eng 2017.
  • Bala O, Arisu HD, Yikilgan I, Arslan S, Gullu A. Evaluation of surface roughness and hardness of different glass ionomer cements. Eur. J. Dent 2012;6:79-86.
  • Park C, Park H, Lee j, Seo H, Lee S. Surface roughness and microbial adhesion after finishing of alkasite restorative material. J Korean Acad Pediatr Dent 2020;47:188-95.
  • Nayak M, Shenoy V. Sorption and solubility of alkasite restorative material - an ın vitro study. J Dental and Medical Sciences 2019;18(5):69-73.
  • Šalinović I, Stunja M, Schauperl Z, Verzak Ž, Ivanišević Malčić A, Brzović Rajić V. Mechanical properties of high viscosity glass ionomer and glass hybrid restorative materials.Acta Stomatol Croat 2019;53:125-31. Meshram P, Meshram V, Palve D, Patil S, Gade V, Raut A. Comparative evaluation of microleakage around class v cavities restored with alkasite restorative material with and without bonding agent and flowable composite resin: An in vitro study. Indian J Dent Res 2019;30:403-7.
  • Burgess J. Microleakage of Cention N compared to dental amalgam. Final report. May 2015. In: Todd JC. Scientific Documentation: Cention N; Ivoclar-Vivadent. Press: Schaan, Liechtenstein 2016: 26-7.
  • Kini A, Shetty S, Bhat R, Shetty P. Microleakage evaluation of an alkasite restorative material: an ın vitro dye penetration study. J Contemp Dent Pract 2019;20:1315-18.
  • Sahu S, Ali N, Misuriya A, Vijaywargiya P, Saha AG, Bharadwaj A. Comparative evaluation of microleakage in class ı cavities restored with amalgam, bulk-fill composite and Cention-N – An in vitro confocal laser scanning microscope study. Int J Oral Care Research 2018;6:81-5.
  • Mazumdar P, Das A, Das UK. Comparative evaluation of microleakage of three different direct restorative materials (silver amalgam, glass ionomer cement, cention N), in Class II restorations using stereomicroscope: An in vitro study. Indian J Dent Res. 2019;30(2):277-281.
  • Bharath MJ, Sahadev CK, Sandeep R, Santhosh PS, Ananda Gowda R, Abhisek G. Comparative evaluation of microleakage in alkasite and glass-hybrid restorative system: an in-vitro. Int J Research - Granthaalayah, 2019;7:199-205.
  • Chakravarthy Y, Nanthini ACR. Evaluation of extrinsic discoloration of new alkasite resin with the microhybrid composite using natural beverages: An in vitro study. Int J Appl Dent Sci 2020;6:600-3.
  • Ozmen B, Nayir Y. Kompomer Rezinin Renk Stabilitesine İçeceklerin, Ağız Çalkalama Solüsyonlarının ve Diş Macunlarının Etkisi. Cumhuriyet Dent J 2018;21:40-8.
  • Ağlarcı OS, Garip G, Ok E, Altunsoy M. Fosfor plak kullanılarak farklı kaide materyallerinin radyoopasitelerinin karşılaştırılması. Selcuk Dent J 2015;1:7-12.
  • Dodiya PV, Parekh V, Gupta MS, Patel N, Shah M, Tatu S. Clinical evaluation of Cention–N and nano hybrid composite resin as a restoration of non-carious cervical lesion. J Dent Specialities 2019;7(1):3-5.
  • Özcan M, Öztürk Bozkurt F, Toz T, Kuşdemir M, Özsoy A, Yüzbaşıoğlu E. Clinical evaluation of Cention N basic filling material in Class I and II cavities without the use of an adhesive resin: A prospective controlled clinical trial of up to 3 years. 6-month results. August 2016. In: Todd JC. Scientific Documentation: Cention N; Ivoclar-Vivadent. Press: Schaan, Liechtenstein 2016:51-2
  • Burgess J. Clinical evaluation of an amalgam replacement dental filling material: 6-month recall. August 2016. In: Todd JC. Scientific Documentation: Cention N; Ivoclar-Vivadent. Press: Schaan, Liechtenstein 2016:53-4
Toplam 42 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Diş Hekimliği

Bilal Özmen 0000-0002-4435-288X

Proje Numarası yoktur
Yayımlanma Tarihi 25 Ağustos 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 25 Mart 2021
Kabul Tarihi 24 Haziran 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Özmen B. Yeni bir restoratif materyal "Cention N". NEU Dent J. 2021;3(2):84-90.