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The Mapuche Conflict in Chile within the Framework of Basic Human Needs Theory

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2, 165 - 199, 31.10.2021


The Mapuche are an indigenous community with a history dating back to B.C. They have lived within the borders of Chile. They were invaded by the Inca Empire and the Spaniards and resisted them. After the State of Chile gained its final independence on February 12, 1818, the Mapuches have started to live within the borders of the State of Chile that tried to maintain its national unity from this date on. The Chilian State have gone through periods of ups and downs that sometimes include conflict and violence. This relationship between the State of Chile and the Mapuches have started after independence and extended to the present time that results in a conflict situation. This study aims to analyze and discuss in chronological order within the framework of John Burton's Basic Human Needs (BHNs) Theory argues that not satisfying the basic human needs, especially identity and security, causes conflicts. In this context, this study has emerged as a scientific study in the field of Latin American indigenous people's movements and conflict resolution that has an important place in the international literature. Due to the lack of and inadequacy in the field of conflict analysis and resolution about Latin America studies in Turkey, this academic study hopes to contribute to the Turkish literature. In addition, this study is applied to the qualitative research method with the literature review by analyzing the scope of obtained historical data. The basic needs of the Mapuche society and the Chilean State were determined in the light of the findings obtained by examining the relations between the Chilean State and the Mapuche society from a political, economic and sociological point of view and evaluating them within the framework of the BHNs Theory. As a result, it has been seen that basic needs that are not adequately met and satisfied are the deep-rooted and protracted nature of the conflicts. In this research, it is suggested that conflicts may be prevented before they break out in violent conflict in Chile by addressing the basic human needs issues, especially identity and security.


  • Al Jazeera Haber. (2019). Chile protests: New symbol calls attention to indigenous. Erişim:
  • Aylwin, J. (2002). Tierra y territorio Mapuche: un anàlisis desde una mirada històrico jurìdica, in territorialidad Mapuche en el siglo XX, by Morales Roberto. Temuco: Instituto de Estudios Indígenas, UFRO.
  • Azócar, G., Sanhueza, R., Aguayo, M., Romero, H. ve Muñoz, M. D. (2005). Conflicts for control of Mapuche-Pehuenche land and natural resources in the Bíobío highlands, Chile. Journal of Latin American Geography, 4(2), 57-76.
  • BBC Haber. (2019). Chile protests. Erişim:
  • Bengoa, J. (2008). Historia del pueblo Mapuche. Santiago de Chile: LOM Ediciones.
  • Buckman, R. T. (2013). The world today series, 2013. Latin America. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, Inc.
  • Burton, J. W. (1979). Deviance, terrorism and war: the process of resolving unsolved social and political problems. Oxford: Martin Robertson.
  • Burton, J. W. (1991). Conflict resolution as a political system. V. Volkan et al. (Ed.). The Psychodynamics of International Relationships: Volume II: Unofficial Diplomacy at Work. Lexington, MA: Lexington Books.
  • Burton, J. W. (1996). Conflict resolution: its language and processes. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press.
  • Burton, J. W. (1997). Violence explained: the sources of conflict, violence and system crime and their prevention. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
  • Carruthers, D. ve Rodriguez, P. (2009). Mapuche protest, environmental conflict and social movement linkage in Chile. Third World Quarterly, 30(4), 743-760. doi:10.1080/01436590902867193
  • Carter, D. (2010). Chile’s other history: Allende, Pinochet, and redemocratisation in Mapuche perspective. Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism, 10(1), 59-75.
  • Charters, C. ve Stavenhagen, R. (2009). The U.N. Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: How it came to be and what it heralds. Introduction to the book "making the declaration work: The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples". IWGIA tarafından yayınlanmıştır. Erişim:
  • Contesse, J. (2006). The rebel democracy: A look into the relationship between the Mapuche people and the Chilean state. Chicano Latino Law Review, 26(1), 131-154.
  • Correa, M. ve Mella, E. (2010). Las razones del Illkun/enojo. Memoria, despojo y criminalizaciòn en el territorio Mapuche del Malleco. Santiago de Chile: LOM Ediciones.
  • Crow, J. (2013). The Mapuche in Modern Chile: a cultural history. Gainesville: University Press of Florida.
  • De la Maza, F. (2014). Between conflict and recognition: the construction of Chilean indigenous policy in the Araucanía region. Critique of Anthropology, 34(3), 346-366.
  • De Varennes, F. (2003). Peace accords and ethnic conflicts: a comparative analysis of content and approaches. J. Darby ve R. Mac Ginty (Ed.). Contemporary peacemaking: Conflict, violence and peace processes. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire, New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Fielding, G. (2018). Indigenous-state relations and conflict: Hegemony, agency and the Mapuche ‘problem’ in neoliberal Chile. Unpublished Master Thesis. Leiden University, Leiden.
  • Galtung, J. (2004). Transcend and Transform: An introduction to conflict work. London: Pluto Press.
  • Haughney, D. (2006). Neoliberal economics, democratic transition and Mapuche demands for rights in Chile. Florida: University Press of Florida.
  • Haughney, D. (2012) Defending territory, demanding participation: Mapuche struggles in Chile. Latin American Perspectives, Issue 185, 39(4), 201-217.
  • Henríquez, N. S. (2018). Mapuche political dissent in the context of neoliberal governance: The recuperation of ancestral land as a process of indigenous emancipation in Arauco Province, Chile. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation. Wageningen University, Wageningen.
  • Hillman, R. S. (2005). Understanding contemporary Latin America (3. Edition). Colorado: Lynne Rienner Publishers, Inc.
  • Hudson, E. ve Dussaillant, F. (2018). The conflict between the state of Chile and the Mapuche people in the national and regional Chilean press (2014-2016). Communication & Society, 31(4), 243-255.
  • Human Rights Watch. (2004). Undue process: Terrorism trials, military courts, and the Mapuche in southern Chile, 16(5). Erişim:
  • ILO No. 169. (1989). C169, Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention. Geneva: International Labour Organization (ILO). Erişim:
  • INE. (2019). Población total de Chile. Erişim:
  • INE Raporu. (2018). Reporte de Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas (INE). Radiografía de género: pueblos originarios en Chile 2017, Diciembre 2018. Unidad de Estudios y Estadísticas de Género. Erişim:
  • Jaimovich, D. (2018). The Mapuche lands throughout history. Mapuche Data Project (MPD) – Documento de Trabajo 4001. Universidad de Talca.
  • Langer, E. D., ve Muños E. (2003). Contemporary indigenous movements in Latin America. Wilmington: Scholarly Resources Inc.
  • Larrabure, M. ve Torchia, C. (2014). The 2011 Chilean student movement and the struggle for a new left. Latin American Perspectives, 42(5), 248-268.
  • Lynch, J. (2009). San Martín: Argentine soldier American hero. Cornwall: Yale University Press.
  • Morán Faúndes, J. M. (2012). La ley antiterrorista y la protesta social Mapuche: una mirada desde la gubernamentalidad y la soberanía. Espaco Ameríndio, Porto Alegre, 6(1), 48-68.
  • Morton, B. (2004). In defence of Rakgo Mapu: Building a case for Mapuche self-determination. Erişim:
  • Nesti, L. (2002). The Mapuche-Pehuenche and the Ralco Dam on the Bìo-Bìo River: The challenge of protecting indigenous land rights. International Journal of Minority and Group Rights, 9(1). 1-40.
  • Newbold, J. (2004). Balancing economic considerations and the rights of indigenous people, the Mapuche people of Chile. Sustainable Development, Wiley InterScience, 12. 175-182.
  • Osborne, R. L. (2002). A historical study of Chilean culture: A nation of familial society transformed by the imposition of capitalism within the confines of dictatorship. Unpublished Master Thesis. California State University Dominguez Hills, Carson, CA.
  • Öğretir-Özçelik, A. D. (2017a). Aggression theories revisited: Lorenz’s instinctivism, Wilson’s socio-biology, and Skinner’s behavioral theories. Journal of Asian Scientific Research, 7(2), 38-45.
  • Öğretir-Özçelik, A. D. (2017b). Explanation and understanding of human aggression: Freudian psychoanalytical analysis, Fromm’s neo-Freudian perspectives, and Bandura’s social learning theory. International Journal of Social Science and Economic Research, 2(1), 2151-2164.
  • Öğretir, D. A. ve Özçelik, S. (2008). The Study of ethnocentrism, stereotype, and prejudice: Psycho-analytical and psycho-dynamic theories. Journal of Qafqaz University, 24, 236-244.
  • Öğretir, D. A. ve Özçelik, S. (2017). İslami barış paradigması ve İslami barış eğitimi. Yeni Türkiye, İslam Dünyası Özel Sayısı I, 95, 171-185.
  • Özçelik, S. (2005). From terrorism to nonviolence and Islamic peace paradigm: Jihad, just war, peace and Islamic nonviolence. Peace and Conflict Studies Journal, 12(2), 88-108.
  • Özçelik, S. (2006). Theories, practices, and research in conflict resolution and low-intensity conflicts: The Kurdish conflict in Turkey. Journal of Conflict Studies, 26(2), 133-153.
  • Özçelik, S. (2014). Kurdish Conflict in Turkey: A psychological conflict analysis. J. M. Ramirez, C. Morrison ve A. J. Kendall (Ed.), Conflict, violence, terrorism, and their prevention. Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2-16.
  • Özçelik, S. (2015). Çatışma bilimleri ve çatışma haritalaması çerçevesinde Balkanlar. Yeni Türkiye Özel Sayı-V, 70, 5966-5983.
  • Özçelik, S. (2016). Latin Amerika ve Ortadoğu: Benzerlikler ve farklılıklar. Yeni Türkiye: Ortadoğu Özel Sayısı-I, 82, 306-315.
  • Özçelik, S. (2018a). Latin Amerika Çatışmaları ve analizleri. İ. Ermağan (Ed.), Dünya siyasetinde Latin Amerika-2. Ankara: Nobel Yayınevi, 271-295.
  • Özçelik, S. (2018b). II. Soğuk Savaş ve Kırım’daki jeopolitik gambit: Rusya’nın stratejik derinliği bağlamında Kırım’ın işgali ve Kırım Tatarları. O. Orhan (Ed.). Karadeniz ve Kafkaslar: Riskler ve firsatlar: Ekonomi, enerji ve güvenlik. İstanbul: TASAM Yayınları, 57-77.
  • Özçelik, S. (2019). The role of the United Nations in conflict and peace in Latin America. M. H. Özev ve A. Erdoğan (Ed.). The United Nations and its conflict resolution role. İstanbul: İstanbul University Press, 213-233.
  • Özçelik, S. (2020a). Uluslararası çatışma analizi ve çözümü. Ankara: Nobel Yayınevi.
  • Özçelik, S. (2020b). The Analysis of the Crimean Tatars since 2014 Crimean hybrid conflict. Centre for European Studies Working Papers, 12(1), 42-64.
  • Özçelik, S. (2020c). The Russian occupation of Crimea in 2014: The second sürgün (the Soviet genocide) of the Crimean Tatars. Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 5(1), 29-44.
  • Postero, N., Risør, H. ve Prieto, M. (2018). Introduction: The politics of identity in neoliberal Chile. Latin American and Caribbean Ethnic Studies, 13(3), 203-213.
  • Ramay, A. B. (2009). Mapuche citizenship: Entangled histories in post-independence Chile. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation. University of California, Los Angeles.
  • Richards, P. (2010). Of Indians and terrorists: How the state and local elites construct the Mapuche in neoliberal multicultural Chile. Journal of Latin American Studies, 42(1), 59-90.
  • Simon, J. W. ve González-Parra, C. (2018). National development and indigenous rights in Latin America: Analysis of the tensions produced with the Chilean State by the Mapuche demand for self-determination. Review of Asian and Pacific Studies, 43, 177-195.
  • TMK. (18.314 Sayılı Kanun). (1984). Determina conductas terroristas y fija su penalidad. Erişim:
  • Tvedt, T. ve Jakobsson, E. (Ed.). (2006). A history of water: Volume I: Water control and river biographies. London – New York: I.B. Tauris.

Temel İnsan İhtiyaçları Teorisi ve Şili’deki Mapuçe Çatışması

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2, 165 - 199, 31.10.2021


Mapuçeler, tarihi geçmişi M.Ö.’ye dayanan yerli topluluktur. Şili sınırları içinde yaşamaktadırlar. İnka İmparatorluğu ve İspanyolların işgaline uğramış ve direnmişlerdir. Mapuçeler, nihai bağımsızlığını 12 Şubat 1818 tarihinde elde ederek bu tarihten itibaren ulusal birliğini sağlamaya çalışan Şili Devleti sınırları içinde yaşamaya başladıktan sonra bazen çatışma ve şiddet içeren inişli ve çıkışlı dönemler geçirmişlerdir. Bağımsızlık sonrası başlayan ve günümüze kadar uzanan bu ilişki ve buna bağlı ortaya çıkan çatışma durumu, John Burton’un, temel insan ihtiyaçlarının karşılanmamasının veya engellenmesinin çatışmalara neden olduğunu savunan Temel İnsan İhtiyaçları Teorisi (TİİT) çerçevesinde kronolojik düzen içerisinde ele alınmıştır. Bu bağlamda, bu çalışma ile uluslararası literatürde önemli yere sahip Latin Amerika yerli halk hareketleri ve çatışma çözümü alanında bilimsel çalışma olarak ortaya çıkmıştır. Latin Amerika’ya yönelik çatışma analizi ve çözümü alanındaki yetersiz durumu, Türkçe alan yazınına akademik çalışmayla katkıda bulunmaktadır. Ayrıca nitel araştırma yöntemine başvurulan bu çalışma kapsamında literatür taraması sonucu elde edilen tarihi veriler analiz edilmiştir. Şili Devleti ile Mapuçe toplumu arasındaki ilişkilerin politik, ekonomik ve sosyolojik açıdan incelenmesi ve TİİT çerçevesinde değerlendirilmesi suretiyle elde edilen bulgular ışığında Mapuçe toplumu ile Şili Devleti’nin temel ihtiyaçları belirlenmiştir. Sonuç olarak, bu araştırmayla yeterince karşılanmayan temel ihtiyaçların çatışmalara neden olduğu görülmüş ve buna bağlı olarak Şili’de şiddetli çatışma potansiyeli olan konuda çatışmaların çıkmadan önlenebilmesine olanak sağlayabilecek öneriler sunulmuştur.


  • Al Jazeera Haber. (2019). Chile protests: New symbol calls attention to indigenous. Erişim:
  • Aylwin, J. (2002). Tierra y territorio Mapuche: un anàlisis desde una mirada històrico jurìdica, in territorialidad Mapuche en el siglo XX, by Morales Roberto. Temuco: Instituto de Estudios Indígenas, UFRO.
  • Azócar, G., Sanhueza, R., Aguayo, M., Romero, H. ve Muñoz, M. D. (2005). Conflicts for control of Mapuche-Pehuenche land and natural resources in the Bíobío highlands, Chile. Journal of Latin American Geography, 4(2), 57-76.
  • BBC Haber. (2019). Chile protests. Erişim:
  • Bengoa, J. (2008). Historia del pueblo Mapuche. Santiago de Chile: LOM Ediciones.
  • Buckman, R. T. (2013). The world today series, 2013. Latin America. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, Inc.
  • Burton, J. W. (1979). Deviance, terrorism and war: the process of resolving unsolved social and political problems. Oxford: Martin Robertson.
  • Burton, J. W. (1991). Conflict resolution as a political system. V. Volkan et al. (Ed.). The Psychodynamics of International Relationships: Volume II: Unofficial Diplomacy at Work. Lexington, MA: Lexington Books.
  • Burton, J. W. (1996). Conflict resolution: its language and processes. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press.
  • Burton, J. W. (1997). Violence explained: the sources of conflict, violence and system crime and their prevention. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
  • Carruthers, D. ve Rodriguez, P. (2009). Mapuche protest, environmental conflict and social movement linkage in Chile. Third World Quarterly, 30(4), 743-760. doi:10.1080/01436590902867193
  • Carter, D. (2010). Chile’s other history: Allende, Pinochet, and redemocratisation in Mapuche perspective. Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism, 10(1), 59-75.
  • Charters, C. ve Stavenhagen, R. (2009). The U.N. Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: How it came to be and what it heralds. Introduction to the book "making the declaration work: The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples". IWGIA tarafından yayınlanmıştır. Erişim:
  • Contesse, J. (2006). The rebel democracy: A look into the relationship between the Mapuche people and the Chilean state. Chicano Latino Law Review, 26(1), 131-154.
  • Correa, M. ve Mella, E. (2010). Las razones del Illkun/enojo. Memoria, despojo y criminalizaciòn en el territorio Mapuche del Malleco. Santiago de Chile: LOM Ediciones.
  • Crow, J. (2013). The Mapuche in Modern Chile: a cultural history. Gainesville: University Press of Florida.
  • De la Maza, F. (2014). Between conflict and recognition: the construction of Chilean indigenous policy in the Araucanía region. Critique of Anthropology, 34(3), 346-366.
  • De Varennes, F. (2003). Peace accords and ethnic conflicts: a comparative analysis of content and approaches. J. Darby ve R. Mac Ginty (Ed.). Contemporary peacemaking: Conflict, violence and peace processes. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire, New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Fielding, G. (2018). Indigenous-state relations and conflict: Hegemony, agency and the Mapuche ‘problem’ in neoliberal Chile. Unpublished Master Thesis. Leiden University, Leiden.
  • Galtung, J. (2004). Transcend and Transform: An introduction to conflict work. London: Pluto Press.
  • Haughney, D. (2006). Neoliberal economics, democratic transition and Mapuche demands for rights in Chile. Florida: University Press of Florida.
  • Haughney, D. (2012) Defending territory, demanding participation: Mapuche struggles in Chile. Latin American Perspectives, Issue 185, 39(4), 201-217.
  • Henríquez, N. S. (2018). Mapuche political dissent in the context of neoliberal governance: The recuperation of ancestral land as a process of indigenous emancipation in Arauco Province, Chile. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation. Wageningen University, Wageningen.
  • Hillman, R. S. (2005). Understanding contemporary Latin America (3. Edition). Colorado: Lynne Rienner Publishers, Inc.
  • Hudson, E. ve Dussaillant, F. (2018). The conflict between the state of Chile and the Mapuche people in the national and regional Chilean press (2014-2016). Communication & Society, 31(4), 243-255.
  • Human Rights Watch. (2004). Undue process: Terrorism trials, military courts, and the Mapuche in southern Chile, 16(5). Erişim:
  • ILO No. 169. (1989). C169, Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention. Geneva: International Labour Organization (ILO). Erişim:
  • INE. (2019). Población total de Chile. Erişim:
  • INE Raporu. (2018). Reporte de Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas (INE). Radiografía de género: pueblos originarios en Chile 2017, Diciembre 2018. Unidad de Estudios y Estadísticas de Género. Erişim:
  • Jaimovich, D. (2018). The Mapuche lands throughout history. Mapuche Data Project (MPD) – Documento de Trabajo 4001. Universidad de Talca.
  • Langer, E. D., ve Muños E. (2003). Contemporary indigenous movements in Latin America. Wilmington: Scholarly Resources Inc.
  • Larrabure, M. ve Torchia, C. (2014). The 2011 Chilean student movement and the struggle for a new left. Latin American Perspectives, 42(5), 248-268.
  • Lynch, J. (2009). San Martín: Argentine soldier American hero. Cornwall: Yale University Press.
  • Morán Faúndes, J. M. (2012). La ley antiterrorista y la protesta social Mapuche: una mirada desde la gubernamentalidad y la soberanía. Espaco Ameríndio, Porto Alegre, 6(1), 48-68.
  • Morton, B. (2004). In defence of Rakgo Mapu: Building a case for Mapuche self-determination. Erişim:
  • Nesti, L. (2002). The Mapuche-Pehuenche and the Ralco Dam on the Bìo-Bìo River: The challenge of protecting indigenous land rights. International Journal of Minority and Group Rights, 9(1). 1-40.
  • Newbold, J. (2004). Balancing economic considerations and the rights of indigenous people, the Mapuche people of Chile. Sustainable Development, Wiley InterScience, 12. 175-182.
  • Osborne, R. L. (2002). A historical study of Chilean culture: A nation of familial society transformed by the imposition of capitalism within the confines of dictatorship. Unpublished Master Thesis. California State University Dominguez Hills, Carson, CA.
  • Öğretir-Özçelik, A. D. (2017a). Aggression theories revisited: Lorenz’s instinctivism, Wilson’s socio-biology, and Skinner’s behavioral theories. Journal of Asian Scientific Research, 7(2), 38-45.
  • Öğretir-Özçelik, A. D. (2017b). Explanation and understanding of human aggression: Freudian psychoanalytical analysis, Fromm’s neo-Freudian perspectives, and Bandura’s social learning theory. International Journal of Social Science and Economic Research, 2(1), 2151-2164.
  • Öğretir, D. A. ve Özçelik, S. (2008). The Study of ethnocentrism, stereotype, and prejudice: Psycho-analytical and psycho-dynamic theories. Journal of Qafqaz University, 24, 236-244.
  • Öğretir, D. A. ve Özçelik, S. (2017). İslami barış paradigması ve İslami barış eğitimi. Yeni Türkiye, İslam Dünyası Özel Sayısı I, 95, 171-185.
  • Özçelik, S. (2005). From terrorism to nonviolence and Islamic peace paradigm: Jihad, just war, peace and Islamic nonviolence. Peace and Conflict Studies Journal, 12(2), 88-108.
  • Özçelik, S. (2006). Theories, practices, and research in conflict resolution and low-intensity conflicts: The Kurdish conflict in Turkey. Journal of Conflict Studies, 26(2), 133-153.
  • Özçelik, S. (2014). Kurdish Conflict in Turkey: A psychological conflict analysis. J. M. Ramirez, C. Morrison ve A. J. Kendall (Ed.), Conflict, violence, terrorism, and their prevention. Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2-16.
  • Özçelik, S. (2015). Çatışma bilimleri ve çatışma haritalaması çerçevesinde Balkanlar. Yeni Türkiye Özel Sayı-V, 70, 5966-5983.
  • Özçelik, S. (2016). Latin Amerika ve Ortadoğu: Benzerlikler ve farklılıklar. Yeni Türkiye: Ortadoğu Özel Sayısı-I, 82, 306-315.
  • Özçelik, S. (2018a). Latin Amerika Çatışmaları ve analizleri. İ. Ermağan (Ed.), Dünya siyasetinde Latin Amerika-2. Ankara: Nobel Yayınevi, 271-295.
  • Özçelik, S. (2018b). II. Soğuk Savaş ve Kırım’daki jeopolitik gambit: Rusya’nın stratejik derinliği bağlamında Kırım’ın işgali ve Kırım Tatarları. O. Orhan (Ed.). Karadeniz ve Kafkaslar: Riskler ve firsatlar: Ekonomi, enerji ve güvenlik. İstanbul: TASAM Yayınları, 57-77.
  • Özçelik, S. (2019). The role of the United Nations in conflict and peace in Latin America. M. H. Özev ve A. Erdoğan (Ed.). The United Nations and its conflict resolution role. İstanbul: İstanbul University Press, 213-233.
  • Özçelik, S. (2020a). Uluslararası çatışma analizi ve çözümü. Ankara: Nobel Yayınevi.
  • Özçelik, S. (2020b). The Analysis of the Crimean Tatars since 2014 Crimean hybrid conflict. Centre for European Studies Working Papers, 12(1), 42-64.
  • Özçelik, S. (2020c). The Russian occupation of Crimea in 2014: The second sürgün (the Soviet genocide) of the Crimean Tatars. Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 5(1), 29-44.
  • Postero, N., Risør, H. ve Prieto, M. (2018). Introduction: The politics of identity in neoliberal Chile. Latin American and Caribbean Ethnic Studies, 13(3), 203-213.
  • Ramay, A. B. (2009). Mapuche citizenship: Entangled histories in post-independence Chile. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation. University of California, Los Angeles.
  • Richards, P. (2010). Of Indians and terrorists: How the state and local elites construct the Mapuche in neoliberal multicultural Chile. Journal of Latin American Studies, 42(1), 59-90.
  • Simon, J. W. ve González-Parra, C. (2018). National development and indigenous rights in Latin America: Analysis of the tensions produced with the Chilean State by the Mapuche demand for self-determination. Review of Asian and Pacific Studies, 43, 177-195.
  • TMK. (18.314 Sayılı Kanun). (1984). Determina conductas terroristas y fija su penalidad. Erişim:
  • Tvedt, T. ve Jakobsson, E. (Ed.). (2006). A history of water: Volume I: Water control and river biographies. London – New York: I.B. Tauris.
Toplam 59 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Siyaset Bilimi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Sezai Ozcelik 0000-0003-0845-8465

Sedat Taşkıran 0000-0003-3644-4968

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Ekim 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Ozcelik, S., & Taşkıran, S. (2021). Temel İnsan İhtiyaçları Teorisi ve Şili’deki Mapuçe Çatışması. Novus Orbis: Siyaset Bilimi Ve Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi, 3(2), 165-199.
AMA Ozcelik S, Taşkıran S. Temel İnsan İhtiyaçları Teorisi ve Şili’deki Mapuçe Çatışması. Novus Orbis. Ekim 2021;3(2):165-199.
Chicago Ozcelik, Sezai, ve Sedat Taşkıran. “Temel İnsan İhtiyaçları Teorisi Ve Şili’deki Mapuçe Çatışması”. Novus Orbis: Siyaset Bilimi Ve Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi 3, sy. 2 (Ekim 2021): 165-99.
EndNote Ozcelik S, Taşkıran S (01 Ekim 2021) Temel İnsan İhtiyaçları Teorisi ve Şili’deki Mapuçe Çatışması. Novus Orbis: Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi 3 2 165–199.
IEEE S. Ozcelik ve S. Taşkıran, “Temel İnsan İhtiyaçları Teorisi ve Şili’deki Mapuçe Çatışması”, Novus Orbis, c. 3, sy. 2, ss. 165–199, 2021.
ISNAD Ozcelik, Sezai - Taşkıran, Sedat. “Temel İnsan İhtiyaçları Teorisi Ve Şili’deki Mapuçe Çatışması”. Novus Orbis: Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi 3/2 (Ekim 2021), 165-199.
JAMA Ozcelik S, Taşkıran S. Temel İnsan İhtiyaçları Teorisi ve Şili’deki Mapuçe Çatışması. Novus Orbis. 2021;3:165–199.
MLA Ozcelik, Sezai ve Sedat Taşkıran. “Temel İnsan İhtiyaçları Teorisi Ve Şili’deki Mapuçe Çatışması”. Novus Orbis: Siyaset Bilimi Ve Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi, c. 3, sy. 2, 2021, ss. 165-99.
Vancouver Ozcelik S, Taşkıran S. Temel İnsan İhtiyaçları Teorisi ve Şili’deki Mapuçe Çatışması. Novus Orbis. 2021;3(2):165-99.