Tüm diller gibi Arap dili de diğer dillerden etkilenmiş, kelime ödünç vermiş ve almıştır. Bu durum Arapçanın yerel lehçelerini klasik Arapçaya göre daha etkilemiştir. Arapçayı etkileyen diller farklı dönemlere göre değişiklik göstermiştir. Bu etkiden en büyük payı alan Türk dili, özellikle Memluklular döneminde ve öncesinden başlayarak yerel lehçelerde, ardından da yerel Arap lehçeleri ile Türk dili arasındaki temasın en uzun olduğu dönem olan Osmanlı döneminde devam etmiştir. Bu yerel lehçeler arasında halen kullanımda olan birçok Türkçe kelimeyi ödünç almış ve bu kelimelerden birçok fiil türetmiş olan Suriye lehçesi de bulunmaktadır. Dolayısıyla mevcut çalışma, bu etkiyi kanıtlamak ve tespit etmek için betimsel morfolojik bir yaklaşım izlemekte ve iddiasını Suriyelilerin günlük yaşamlarında kullandıkları cümle ve deyim örnekleriyle destekleyerek bunları nasıl kullandıklarını kayıt altına almaktadır. Türkçe kelimelerden türemiş yaklaşık yüz altı fiil tespit edilmiş, türevleriyle birlikte yüz elliden fazla fiile ulaşılmış ve fiiller türetildiği baba göre morfolojik olarak tahlil edilmiş ve Suriye lehçelerinde telaffuz edildikleri şekliyle bu çalışmaya dahil edilmiştir. Ödünç fiillerin anlamları, kullanımları ve bunların alındığı Türkçe telaffuzları incelenmiş , Türkçe sözlükteki anlamları verilmiş, daha sonra konuşma dilindeki örnekler ve hangi bağlamlarda kullanıldıkları açıklanmıştır. Çalışmanın en önemli kısıtlılığı ise, Suriye'nin yaşadığı istisnai koşullar nedeniyle incelenen fiillerin Suriye'nin farklı bölgelerindeki telaffuzlarının izinin sürülememesidir.
Arap Dili ve Edebiyatı Türkçe Kelimeler Yabancı Kelimeler Suriye Lehçesi Türetilmiş Fiiller
تأثرت اللغة العربيّة كغيرها باللغات الأخرى فأخذت وأعطت، وكان هذا التأثير في لهاجتها المحلية في البلدان العربيّة أكبر منه في اللغة العربيّة الفصحى وتنوعت اللغات التي تأثرت بها العربيّة باختلاف العصور، وكان للغة التركيّة النصيب الأكبر من هذا التأثير لا سيما في اللهجات المحلية بداية من العهد المملوكي وما قبله وانتهاء بالعهد العثماني الذي شكل الفترة الأطول لاحتكاك اللهجات العربيّة المحليّة باللغة التركية، ومن هذه اللهجات المحلية كانت اللهجة السوريّة التي أخذتْ كثيراً من الألفاظ التركيّة التي ما زالت قيد الاستعمال واشتقتْ من تلك الألفاظ الكثير من الأفعال، من هنا جاءت هذه الدراسة متبعة المنهج الوصفي لتثبت هذه الأفعال وتؤصلها، وتذكر استخدام السوريين لها من خلال دعمها بالأمثلة من جمل وعبارات يتداولونها في حياتهم اليوميّة، فرصدت ما يقارب من مائة وستة أفعال اشتُقت من ألفاظ تركيّة، ووصلت إلى أكثر من مائة وخمسين فعلاً مع مشتقاتها، وقد قسمت تلك الأفعال صرفيّاً حسب الباب الذي اشتقت منه، وأصّلتها من خلال كتابة الفعل كما يلفظه السوريون وذكر معناه ودلالته عندهم، ورده إلى اللفظ التركيّ الذي أخذ منه، وذكر معناه في المعاجم التركيّة، ثمّ أوردت الأمثلة المستخدمة في كلامهم والسياق الذي وردت به تلك الأفعال، وقد تمثلت الصعوبة التي واجهتها الدراسة بعدم القدرة على تتبع اللفظ في المناطق السوريّة المختلفة بسبب الظروف الاستثنائيّة التي تعيشها سوريّة
اللغة العربيّة وبلاغتها الألفاظ التركيّة الألفاظ الدخيلة اللهجة السورية الأفعال المشتقة
Political, economic, social and cultural relations between peoples lead to influence and influence in all areas of life. This is what happened between the Arab and Turkish peoples, whose communication started from the pre-Islamic period and where Turks or Turks are mentioned in their poems. In addition, Turkish goods, including tents, were spreading among Arab tribes at that time. Later, with the emergence of Islam and the beginning of Islamic conquests towards the east and the Caucasus countries adjacent to the borders of the Turkish tribes, this communication increased further. The first direct contact between the Arab and Turkish peoples took place during the caliphate of Omar bin Al-Khattab. Later, in the Battle of Talas in 751 AD, where Arab and Turkish armies participated shoulder to shoulder against the Chinese threat, this communication between the two peoples deepened and turned into a relationship of cooperation, sacrifice and victory. As a result of this war, Islam began to spread greatly among the Turkic tribes and the peoples of Central Asia, and the Turks began to advance westward to become an integral part of the Islamic State and an important element and component of it. While preserving their identity and privacy, they gained access to Islamic civilization by benefiting from it and by giving it to it, they added a new diversity, and thus a social and cultural cohesion began between the Arab peoples and the Turkish peoples, unprecedented in inter-people relations throughout history. This fusion reached its peak when the Ottoman Turks dominated the Islamic and Arab world and declared the Ottoman Caliphate, which ruled the Arab world for approximately 400 years and in which all ethnic elements united under the banner of Islam. Since language is a living organism that affects and is affected by the cultural, environmental, social, political, economic and other factors that surround it; It created an important area of mutual influence between Arab and Turkish peoples. Turks used the Arabic language and were greatly influenced by it, and many Arabic words that have survived until today entered Turkish. The Arabic language, like other languages, has been influenced by many factors, other languages have borrowed from them, and this impact on the local dialect in Arab countries has been greater than the classical Arabic language. The languages that influenced Arabic varied according to different periods. While Persian, Greek and Syriac words were abundant in later periods of history, Turkish and Persian words were abundant in Islamic periods, foreign words from European languages such as English, French and Italian also increased in later periods. The biggest share of this influence was the Turkish language, which had the biggest share in local dialects, especially starting from the Mamluk period and before and extending to the Ottoman period, which constituted the longest period of contact of local Arabic dialects with the Turkish language. In addition, the Turkish language has played an intermediary role between Arabic and other languages. Local Arabic dialects influenced by the Turkish language include the Syrian dialect, which borrows many Turkish words and derives many verbs from some of them. Therefore, in this study, a descriptive and historical approach was followed to prove and identify these verbs by researching more than 1,250 words from the Turkish language that entered the Syrian dialect, and their usage was touched upon, supported by examples of sentences and idioms used by Syrians in their daily lives. He identified nearly one hundred and six verbs derived from Turkish words. He wrote the verb as the Syrians pronounce it, talked about the meaning and signification between them, converted it to the Turkish pronunciation from which it was taken, and made it original by stating its Turkish meaning. I then presented the examples used in their speeches. In the study, verbs such as deveşe, debek, tap, takaş, tabash, escape, kapat, reşeme, cat and serge, whose origins were not previously mentioned, were identified. The difficulty faced by the study was that due to the exceptional conditions that Syria has experienced since 2011, it was not possible to trace the words used in various regions of Syria and in popular language.
Arabic Language and Literature Turkish Words Foreign Words Syrian Dialect Derived Verbs
Birincil Dil | Arapça |
Konular | Arap Dili, Edebiyatı ve Kültürü |
Bölüm | Araştırma Makalesi |
Yazarlar | |
Erken Görünüm Tarihi | 27 Aralık 2024 |
Yayımlanma Tarihi | 30 Aralık 2024 |
Gönderilme Tarihi | 3 Mart 2024 |
Kabul Tarihi | 19 Aralık 2024 |
Yayımlandığı Sayı | Yıl 2024 |