تُعَدُّ قضية
اللفظ والمعنى إحدى القضايا النّقديّة المهمّة في النّقد العربي
القديم، إذ شغلت بال النّقاد زمنًا طويلًا، فمنهم من رأى أنّ المزيّة في الكلام
عائدة إلى اللفظ، ومنهم من رأى أنّ المزيّة عائدة إلى المعنى، ومنهم من وجد أنّهما
وجهان لعملة واحدة لا تنفصم عُراهما.
وقد تفرّعت عن هذه القضيّة فنون بلاغية كثيرة، إذ لا يخلو فنّ بلاغي من
النّظر إلى لفظه أو معناه أو لفظه ومعناه معًا، ومن أهم هذه الفنون فن تمثيل
وتمثيل المعنى يعني أن يُمثّل الأديب المعنى الذي يجول في خاطره في أقرب
صورة محسوسة ليُوصِل المعنى إلى ذهن المتلقي ويجعله محسوسًا واقعيًّا أمامه،
فيؤثّر فيه أبلغَ تأثير، ويبلغه الرسالة أشدَّ إبلاغ.
هذا البحث إلى عرض نماذج من شعر الشاعر الأندلسي يحيى بن حكم الغَزَال (156 -
250 هـ = 773 - 864 م)، تضمّنت هذا الفنّ من خلال أخذ نماذج من
شعره، وقد اشتهر شعره بالنقد الاجتماعي
وامتاز بالنقد الاجتماعي الساخر، فاجتمع في شعره حسّ الدّعابة، وجمال
التصوير، واللمحات الدّالة، واللُمَع الذّكية. وفي شعره مقطوعات وقصائد في الهجاء
والغزل والمديح والوصف، لا يخلو أغلبها من النقد الاجتماعي الممزوج بالسّخرية
تارة، والدّعابة تارة أخرى. ([i]).، وقد قسَّمنا هذه
النماذج إلى نموذج النقد الاجتماعي، والنموذج الديني، والنموذج العاطفي، ونموذج
الفلسفة الحياتية، ونموذج العلوم العقلية.
بعد مقدمة تتحدث عن قضية اللفظ والمعنى، ثم الانتقال إلى الحديث عن التمثيل
لغة واصطلاحًا، والتفريق بين التمثيل والتشبيه والمَثَل، ثم عرض نبذة موجزة عن
حياة الشاعر، والانتقال إلى نماذج من شعره ورد فيها فنّ التمثيل، والتعليق عليها
وبيان غاية التمثيل في كلّ منها، واختتام البحث بأبرز النتائج التي سعى البحث إلى
إبرازها، من مثل: غاية التمثيل، وافتراقه عن التشبيه في التأوّل والخصوص
يُنظر: ابن دحية الكلبي (ت 633هـ): المطرب من أشعار أهل المغرب، تحقيق: إبراهيم
الأبياري، وحامد عبد المجيد، وأحمد أحمد بدوي، راجعه: الدكتور طه حسين، دار العلم
للجميع للطباعة والنشر والتوزيع، بيروت – لبنان، 1374 هـ - 1955م، ص133-150. وأبو
الحسن المغربي (ت 685هـ): المغرب في حلى المغرب، تحقيق: شوقي ضيف، دار المعارف-
القاهرة، ط3، 1955م، 2/57-58. وديوان يحيى بن حكم الغزال: جمع وشرح وتحقيق: محمد
رضوان الداية، دار الفكر المعاصر، بيروت- لبنان، دار الفكر، دمشق- سورية، ط1،
1993م، مقدمة المحقق ص6-24. والأعلام، 8/143.
Word and meaning have occupied the
minds of critics for a long time as one of the important topics of criticism in
classical Arabic literature. Some critics have argued that the supremacy of the
word belongs to the word, while others say that the meaning belongs to the
meaning, and the other part argues that the meaning is two sides of a coin and
that it is impossible to distinguish them from each other.
Many eloquence arts have been
derived from this subject. Therefore, the art of eloquence either refer to the
letter or meaning of the word or refer to both. One of the most important of
these arts is the art of imagery.
Imagery, in other words, is to
convey the meaning to the mind of the recipient by likening it to a concrete
image that expresses the meaning in the author's mind most closely, on the
other hand it is concretization through association. Thus, the message is
transmitted in the most effective and clear way.
In the introduction to this work,
the subject of words and meaning is discussed. Afterwards, An example of the
poems of andalusian poet Yahia bin Hakam al-Ghazal, which
includes the art of imagery, has been tried to be given. In addition, the
dictionary and term meanings of imagery were explained. In these works,
information is given about the poet's biography. In the following chapter, the
poet's examples of poetry including the art of imagery were emphasized and they
were interpreted, and the reasons were tried to be explained. In the conclusion
section of the study, the purpose of imagery, in general and in particular, the
aspects separated from the presentation and the results reached in different
contexts due to the frequency of use are specified.
Key words: Poems, Rhetoric, Imaging, Yahia
bin Hakam al-Ghazal.
Structured Abstract
The word and meaning has occupied the minds
of critics for a long time as one of the major criticism issues in classical
Arabic literature criticism. Some critics argue that the superiority of the
word belongs to word, while others say that word and meaning are two sides of a
coin and it is not possible to distinguish between them.
Discussions about word and meaning have not
been outdated. In both classical and modern times, critics have addressed this
issue as a research problem. One of the most important critics on this subject
was al-Jahız.
It is not possible here to explain all views
of critics within details. However, ʻAbd al-Qâdir al-Jurjânî (D. 474 A.H) in his famous work “Dalailu al-I'jaz” clearly separates the word and meaning from each other by taking the
side of the meaning before the words against those who take the side of word
and in brief, he evaluates the words as the servants of meanings. This idea,
also known as the theory of verse, is also based on one of the most important
proofs that the Qur'an is a miracle.
Many rhetorical arts derive from this
research subject. Because the rhetorical arts either have to look at the word
or meaning of the word or both. One of the most important of these arts is the
art of imagination. Imagination literally means assimilation and creation. On
the other hand, imagination in the sense of the term is not much different from
the dictionary meaning and it is considered as also assimilation or creation.
Imagination as a term refers to using of a poet a word indicating another
meaning to point to a meaning. Thus, this word and other meaning together
awaken the meaning that the poet wants to refer.
Imagining, in other words, is to convey the
meaning to the mind of the recipient and to concretize it through a connotation
in a sense, by assimilating the concrete image that most closely expresses the
meaning of the literary mind. Thus, the message is transmitted in the most
effective and most terse way.
In the introductory chapter of this
research, the subject of word and meaning is discussed; followed by this, it is
tried to give examples from the poems of the poet Yahia
bin Hakam al-Ghazal which includes the art of imagination. In
addition to this, the dictionary and term meanings of imagination were
explained, and then the differences between imagination, assimilation and
proverbs were examined together with the information was given about the
biography of the poet. In the following sections, examples of poetry including
the art of imagination of the poet are emphasized, tried to be interpreted and
the reasons are tried to be explained. In the conclusion part of the study, the
aim of the imagination in general and in particular, the aspects separated from
the assimilation and the frequency of its use in terms of the differences
reached from the issue are stated. The views of the critics about the
differences between these terms are also explained. ʻAbd
al-Qâhir al-Jurjânî stated that the imagination constitutes one of the
rhetorical aspects of the Qur'an, therefore the meaning of the Qur'an requires
examination and interpretation, and the method of assimilation is completely
rational. The difference between imagination and assimilation is hidden not
only in the fact that imagination is an assimilation, but also in the fact that
it is a special type of assimilation.
Therefore, every imagination is an assimilation, but not every
assimilation is imagination.
One of the differences between imagination
and assimilation is related to the frequency of use. The use of imagination
becomes idiom if it is common, otherwise it remains an imagery by analogy.
In the study, critics' views about the
effect of imagination on the recipient are also included. In this rhetorical
discourse, Issa al-‘Akoub examined
the work of al-Jurjani's Asrar al-Balagha by compiling the most important effects of
imagination and stated that man tended to receive emotional information. He
stated that through imagination, he could have a strong, firm and beautiful
effect on the receiver, and that all of this comes about in the imagination. In
addition to these determinations, brief biography of the poet and the period in
which he lived were given. Besides, the important issues of rethorics and
eloquence in the Diwan of the poet are mentioned.
When the poet's Diwan is examined, the
phenomenon of imagination in his poems is evident: In our study, some examples
related to this were examined and interpreted; the purposes of imagination in
the examples given are explained.
In the conclusion part of the study, the
results are stated of which the most important as the following:
The problem of word and meaning is an
important research problem. Many critics and writers have evaluated this
problem as two sides of a coin, and many of the literary arts and imagery have
arisen from this.
Yahia bin Hakam al-Ghazal is a social
critic who gives the utmost importance to the problems of the society in which
he lives. For this reason, he tried to make his poetry easy to understand.
al-Ghazal utilized the advantage of imagination in many parts of his poems.
Therefore, the purpose of his imagery in our study was examined on the examples
from the poetry of al-Ghazal.
Imagination is one of the types of
assimilation, critics advocated different views on assimilation and
imagination. Some critics have stated that both assimilation and imagination
are the same, while others have considered imagination as an unrealistic
rationalization. On the other hand, al-Jurjânî thought that imagination is an
unrealistic rationalization at the level of words and phrases and that
imagination is more descriptive at the level of phrases.
While assimilation has a more general
concept, imagination has a more specific concept that requires interpretation.
Every imagination is an assimilation, but every assimilation is not an
imagination. One of the differences between imagery and assimilation is related
to the prevalence of use. The frequent use of imagination may make it idiom if
it is common, otherwise it remains an imagery by analogy. In this context, an
understanding of imagination is found in Yahia bin Hakam al-Ghazal's poem. In al-Ghazal's poems, we see that imagination
is made for different purposes. The most important of these purposes are:
attention, warning, acceptance, etc. according to the context mentioned.
Lafız ve anlam Klasik Arap Edebiyatı
eleştirisinde önemli eleştiri konularından biri olarak uzun bir süre
eleştirmenlerin zihnini meşgul etmiştir. Bazı eleştirmenler sözdeki üstünlüğün
lafza ait olduğunu bazıları da anlama ait olduğunu söylerken diğer bir kısım da
lafız ve anlamın bir madalyonun iki yüzü olduğunu ve bunları birbirinden
ayırmanın mümkün olmadığı görüşünü savunmuşlardır.
Bu konudan birçok belagat sanatları
türemiştir. Zira belagi sanatlar ya sözün lafzına veya manasına ya da her
ikisine birden bakmak durumundadır. Bu sanatların en önemlilerinden biri de
imgeleme sanatıdır.
İmgelemek başka bir deyişle edebiyatçının
aklında gezen anlamı en yakın biçimde ifade eden somut bir imgeye benzeterek
anlamı alıcının zihnine ulaştırması ve bir anlamda çağrışım yoluyla
somutlaştırmasıdır. Böylece mesaj en etkili ve en veciz biçimde iletilmiş olur.
Bu çalışmanın giriş bölümünde lafız ve
anlam konusunun ele alınmış; ardından, Endülüs şairi Yahya b. Hakem el-Gazâl’in
imgeleme sanatını içeren şiirlerinden örnek verilmeye çalışılmıştır. Buna ek
olarak imgelemin sözlük ve terim anlamlarının izahı yapılmış daha sonra imgeleme,
teşbih ve mesel arasındaki farklar irdelenerek, şairin öz geçmişi hakkında
bilgi verilmiştir. İlerleyen kısımda, şairin imgeleme sanatını içeren şiir
örnekleri üzerinde durularak, bunlar yorumlanmış ve sebepleri açıklanmaya
çalışılmıştır. Çalışmanın sonuç bölümünde, imgelemin amacı, genelde ve özelde
teşbihten ayrılan yönleri ile kullanım sıklığı bakımından meselden farkı
bağlamında ulaşılan sonuçlar belirtilmiştir.
Birincil Dil | Arapça |
Konular | Dil Çalışmaları |
Bölüm | Makaleler |
Yazarlar | |
Yayımlanma Tarihi | 29 Aralık 2019 |
Gönderilme Tarihi | 28 Ekim 2019 |
Kabul Tarihi | 29 Aralık 2019 |
Yayımlandığı Sayı | Yıl 2019 |