The randan expression considered
to be one of the most important expressions in Hafeze's poems, also the randan
concept that used in the mystic subjects of Hawez'sit attracted him and Hafiz;s
thought affected him. Kasid's Flirtation besides to its fluency and artistic
acceptance sides it has a randan, romantic, gnostic core, also it is full of
social and religious contents. The result of this research shows the use of the
randan thought in the core of Hawez's flirtation in a special way. Kasid's
gnostic depends on the continuous reading of the religious and mystic texts and
the deep scientific comprehension with the artistic taste thoroughness and the
randan tendencies that affected it a lot. This research clarified the randan
concept of Hawez's and his criticism of the hypocrisy of some people. Hawez's
anger of the hypocrites was the reason behind the randan core of his poet.
Structured Abstract
Becker bin Mohammed Hawezi (1885-1855) was one of the
eighteenth and nineteenth-century famous Persian poets and ghazals who showed a
keen interest in intellectual and relational sciences at a young age. Hawezi's
tendency to live with asceticism has made him a popular figure in a special and
general sense, and since he was honored by the people of his time, he was
appointed to command the narrative. In addition to his mother tongue in Arabic,
Persian and Turkish, he has a thorough knowledge of the Divine Ghazaliat, as
well as a number of Mathnavi and Makhmamis, whose skill and proficiency in
poetry and lectures show. What attracts him literally is his Persian poetry,
which has a mystical and romantic aroma and much of it comes from his mystical
experiences that have a mystical and romantic aroma. The most prominent feature
of the Hawezi is the popularity of Persian poets, especially Hafiz, Sa'adi, and
Attar Neyshaburi. This is the effect of the content and the words and the
combinations it has used. A mystique of mysticism and asceticism and
secularism, and the emergence and expression of these tendencies, apart from
overwhelming sectarianism and lawsuits, has led to mysticism, individual and
mysticism. Randy, is one of the main branches of mystical literature in the
poetry of Hafiz and Hawez's, has a special place and a great deal of attention
is given to these two poets in their poems, and this concept (Randy) as one of
the branches Mysticism has been a major focus of mysticism. In the court of Hawezi's,
Hafiz has been a source of inspiration and a model of perfection for Hawez's,
and the prominent lines of Persian poetry and literature can be found in Hawezi's poetry. The randan expression considered to
be one of the most important expressions in Hafeze's poems, also the randan
concept that used in the mystic subjects of Hawez'sit attracted him and Hafiz;s
thought affected him. The universe of Hafiz's excitement
in "The Ghostly Spirit" has drawn more attention to itself. The pursuit of
happiness, the fight against religious hypocrisy, and the pursuit of love are
prominent lines of Hafiz's thought that have attracted the attention of Hawezi's
that is addressed in this study. Has Hawezi's used the same terms as Hafiz Shirazi to reflect Randy's ideas? And what
are the main characteristics of Randy's ideas on the level of intellectual
power? The present study attempts to answer
three main questions: What is the position of Randy in the Hoysian thought and
what are the meanings of Randy's ideas in the Hoysian sonnets? And has Hoji used the same terms as Hafiz Shirazi to
reflect Randy's ideas? And what are the main characteristics of Randy's ideas
on the level of intellectual power? Nonetheless, the study
of Hawezi's sonnets from the perspective of Hafiz's sonnets as one of the most
prominent examples of Randy's poetry in Persian literature provides the main
features of Randy's ideas. As can be seen from this study, the character of Hawezi's and the language of his poetry is Randy. The research method is
descriptive-analytic and with a text-oriented approach in which he attempts to
analyze Hawez's thoughts on Hundred's perspective on Hafiz Shirazi's perspective on this
subject. Randy's and Malaty's thoughts as a particular
approach to conduct have always been important in the study of Islamic mystical
thought streams, the manifestations of which are evident in the hymns. In the
content analysis of the Frequency sonnets the notions of Randy and Symmetry are
noteworthy. In addition to his intellectual and poetic innovations
and creations, Huzzi has added to the richness of his works, like any other
poet, influenced by his precious mystical tradition. Calendars and rendezvous
spirits are mystical subjects that have been widely used in Heavenly poetry and
thought and can be interpreted as the mystical principles of Heaven's attention
so far as Randy can be regarded as one of the manifestations of thought and
poetic style that influenced Hafiz. Kasid's gnostic depends on the continuous
reading of the religious and mystic texts and the deep scientific comprehension
with the artistic taste thoroughness and the randan tendencies that affected it
a lot. This research clarified the randan concept of Hawez's and his criticism
of the hypocrisy of some people. Hawez's anger of the hypocrites was the reason
behind the randan core of his poet.
مفهوم رندی یکی از
بنیادی ترین مفاهیم موجود در سروده های حافظ می باشد و روحیات رندانه از جمله
موضوعات عرفانی است که کاربرد زیادی در شعر و اندیشة حویزی داشته است و از آن میتوان
به عنوان اصول عرفانی مورد توجه حویزی تعبیر کرد که شاعر تحت نفوذ اندیشه و بینش
شاعرانة حافظ قرار گرفته است. غزلیات حویزی در عین روانی، دلنشینی و هنری، دارای
مضامینی رندانه، عاشقانه، عارفانه و قلندرانه است و از درونمایه های اجتماعی و
اعتقادی فراوانی برخوردار می باشد. نتایج حاصل آمده از این پژوهش حاکی از آن است
که استفاده کردن از مضامین رندانه در غزلیات حویزی از جایگاه ویژه ای برخوردار
بوده است. عرفان او مبتنی بر مطالعات پیوسته متون و تجربه های دینی و عرفانی و دریافت
های عمیق علمی و آمیختنش با ظرایف هنری و ذوقی و شور عاشقانه و رندانه است و سعی
نگارنده برآن است تا نشان دهد که سلوک، تأملات و ملاحظات رندانه اش به شاعری همچون،
حافظ شباهت دارد. دایرة واژگانی و تعبیرات رندانه حویزی، کاملا متناسب با مشرب
رندی و خوش باشی و عاشقانة او و نیز برآیند تأملات انتقادی اش از بی عملان ریاکار
و قشری مشربان متظاهر است. بیزاری و نفرت بسیار حویزی از ریاکاران و دغلکاری آنان و
مخلص دیدن اهل ملامت سبب گشته که شعر او از نظر مضمون، بیشتر ملامتی و رند بنماید.
Rintlik terimi Hafız’ın
şiirlerinde en çok kullanılan terimlerinden biridir ve bu rindane atmosfer
Haveyzi’nin şiirleri ve görüşlerinde sıklıkla kullandığı tasavvufi
konulardandır. Haveyzi’nin gazelleri aynı şekilde ruhsal,
sanatsal, rindane, aşıkane, arifane ve felsefi bir değere sahiptir ve toplumsal
ve inançsal bir yönü de vardır. Bu araştırmada elde edilen sonuçlara göre
Haveyzi’nin gazellerinde rindane mazmunlardan istifade edilmesinin özel bir
yeri vardır. Onun irfanı metinleri sürekli analiz etme, dini ve irfani tecrübe
ve ilmi kazanımlarına dayanır ve tüm bunların karışı sanatsal, aşıkane ve
rindane bir özellik taşır. Bu çalışmadaki amaç onun rintlik hakkındaki Hafız
ile benzer yönlerine işaret etmektir. Haveyzi’nin kelime dağarcığı ve rindane
tabirleri onun rintlik meşrebi ve aşıkane halleri ile uyumludur. Haveyzi’nin
şiirlerinde riyakârlar ve ikiyüzlülerden bezginlik ve nefret sıklıkla görüldüğü
için onun şiirleri rindane ve melameti bir atmosfere sahiptir.
Birincil Dil | Farsça |
Konular | Sanat ve Edebiyat |
Bölüm | Makaleler |
Yazarlar | |
Yayımlanma Tarihi | 29 Aralık 2019 |
Gönderilme Tarihi | 26 Ağustos 2019 |
Kabul Tarihi | 25 Kasım 2019 |
Yayımlandığı Sayı | Yıl 2019 Cilt: 19 Sayı: 49 |