Bireysel Kültürel Değerlerin Çalışan Sessizliği Üzerine Etkisi: ABD ve Türkiye'de Karşılaştırmalı Bir Araştırma
Yıl 2024,
Cilt: 19 Sayı: 2, 525 - 558, 01.08.2024
Gülden Karakuş
Tahsin Akçakanat
Bu çalışmada, bireysel kültürel değerlerin çalışan sessizliği üzerindeki etkileri araştırılmış ve bu etkiler Türkiye ve ABD’de karşılaştırmalı olarak incelenmiştir. Araştırma sonuçları, güç mesafesi yöneliminin kabullenici ve savunmacı sessizliği pozitif yönlü, belirsizlikten kaçınma eğiliminin örgüt yararına ve kabullenici sessizliği pozitif yönlü, toplulukçuluk eğiliminin kabullenici ve savunmacı sessizliği negatif yönlü, uzun dönem yöneliminin kabullenici ve savunmacı sessizliği negatif yönlü, örgüt yararına sessizliği pozitif yönlü ve maskulenlik eğiliminin örgüt yararına sessizliği negatif yönlü etkilediğini göstermiştir. Ayrıca güç mesafesi-savunmacı sessizlik, güç mesafesi-kabullenici sessizlik, uzun dönem yönelimi-savunmacı sessizlik, uzun dönem yönelimi-kabullenici sessizlik ve maskulenlik eğilimi-örgüt yararına sessizlik ilişkilerinde ülke değişkeninin düzenleyici etkisi olduğu bulunmuştur.
Etik Beyan
Doktora Tezinden üretilen bu makale için, tez için alınan Etik Kurul Onay Belgesi "Dosyalar" Bölümünde sunulmuştur.
- Argyris, C. (1977), “Double loop learning in organizations”, Harvard Business Review, 5(5), 115-129.
- Ashkanasy, N., Gupta, V., Mayfield, M. S., & Trevor-Roberts, E. (2004), “Future Orientation”, (Eds. R. J. House, P. J. Hanges, M. Javidan, P. W. Dorfman, & V. Gupta), Culture, Leadership, and Organizations the GLOBE Study of 62 Societies, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 282 – 342.
- Berdahl, J. L., Cooper, M., Glick, P., Livingston, R. W., & Williams, J. C. (2018), “Work as a masculinity contest”, Journal of Social Issues, 74(3), 422–448.
- Bommer, M., & DeLaPorte, R. (1992), “A point of view. A context for envisioning the future”, National Productivity Review, 11(4), 549–552.
- Caputo, A., Ayoko, O. B., Amoo, N., & Menke, C. (2019), “The relationship between cultural values, cultural intelligence, and negotiation styles”, Journal of Business Research, 99, 23–36.
- Carl, D., Gupta V., & Javidan, M. (2004), “Power Distance”, (Eds. R. J. House, P. J. Hanges, M. Javidan, P. W. Dorfman, & V. Gupta), Culture, Leadership, and Organizations the GLOBE Study of 62 Societies, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 513 – 563.
- Chou, S. Y., & Chang, T. (2017), “Employee Silence and Silence Antecedents: A Theoretical Classification”, International Journal of Business Communication, 57(3), 401-426.
- Daniels, M. A., & Greguras, G. J. (2014), “Exploring the Nature of Power Distance: Implications for Micro- and Macro-Level Theories, Processes, and Outcomes”, Journal of Management, 40(5), 1202-1229.
- De Jong, E., Smeets, R., & Smits, J. (2006), “Culture and Openness. Social Indicators Research”, 78(1), 111–136.
- De Luque, M. S., & Javidan, M. (2004), “Uncertainty Avoidance”, (Eds. R. J. House, P. J. Hanges, M. Javidan, P. W. Dorfman, & V. Gupta), Culture, Leadership, and Organizations the GLOBE Study of 62 Societies, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 602 – 653.
- Dedahanov, A. T., Kim, C., & Rhee, J. (2015), “Centralization and Communication Opportunities as Predictors of Acquiescent or Prosocial Silence”, Social Behavior and Personality: An International Journal, 43(3), 481–492.
- Den Hartog, D. N. (2004), “Assertiveness”, (Eds. R. J. House, P. J. Hanges, M. Javidan, P. W. Dorfman, & V. Gupta), Culture, Leadership, and Organizations the GLOBE Study of 62 Societies, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 395-436.
- Deniz, N., Noyanb, A., & Ertosun, Ö. G. (2013), “The relationship between employee silence and organizational commitment in a private healthcare company”, Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 99, 691-700.
- Detert, J. R., Burris, E. R., & Harrison, D. A. (2010), “Debunking four myths about employee silence”, Harvard Business Review, 88(6), 26.
- Dorfman, P. W., & Howell, J. P. (1988), “Dimensions of national culture and effective leadership patterns: Hofstede revisited”, (Eds. Farmer, R. N., & McGoun, E. G.), Advances in International Comparative Management, 3, 127-150, Greenwich, CT: JAI Press Inc,, (Accessed: 01.09.2023).
- Emrich, C. G., Denmark, F. L., & Den Hartog, D. N. (2004), “Cross Cultural Differences in Gender Egalitarianism. Implications for Societies, Organizations, and Leaders”, (Eds. R. J. House, P. J. Hanges, M. Javidan, P. W. Dorfman, & V. Gupta), Culture, Leadership, and Organizations the GLOBE Study of 62 Societies, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 343-394
- Fornell C, Larcker DF. (1981), “Evaluating structural equation models with unobservable variables and measurement error”, Journal of Marketing Research, 18(1), 39-50.
- Fu, P.P., & Yukl, G. (2000), “Perceived effectiveness of influence tactics in the United States and China”, Leadership Quarterly, 11(2), 251-266.
- Gefen D, Straub D, Boudreau MC. (2000), “Structural equation modeling and regression: guidelines for research practice”, Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 4(1), 7.
- Gelfand, M. J., Bhawuk, D. P. S., Nishi, L. H., & Bechtold, D. J. (2004), “Individualism and Collectivism”, (Eds. R. J. House, P. J. Hanges, M. Javidan, P. W. Dorfman, & V. Gupta), Culture, Leadership, and Organizations the GLOBE Study of 62 Societies, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 437 – 512.
- GLOBE, 2020.
- Gupta, R. K., & Panda, A. (2003), “Individualised familial self: the evolving self of qualified technocrats in India”, Psychology and Developing Societies, 15(1), 1–29.
- Hair Jr J.F., Black W.C., Babin B.J., Anderson R.E. (2014). Multivariate Data Analysis. 7th Ed., Pearson.
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- Hofstede, G. (1983b). “National Cultures Revisited”, Behavior Science Research, 18(4), 285-305.
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- House, R. J., & Javidan, M. (2004), “Overview of GLOBE”, (Eds. R. J. House, P. J. Hanges, M. Javidan, P. W. Dorfman, & V. Gupta), Culture, Leadership, and Organizations the GLOBE Study of 62 Societies, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 9 – 28.
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Impact of Individual Cultural Values on Employee Silence: A Comparative Study of the USA and Türkiye
Yıl 2024,
Cilt: 19 Sayı: 2, 525 - 558, 01.08.2024
Gülden Karakuş
Tahsin Akçakanat
This study examines the impact of individual cultural values on employee silence and tests the differences between Türkiye and the USA. The study's findings reveal that power distance leads to an increase in acquiescent and defensive silence, and uncertainty avoidance leads to an increase in prosocial and acquiescent silence. In contrast, collectivism and long-term orientation cause a decrease in acquiescent and defensive silence while causing an increase in prosocial silence. Lastly, masculinity leads to a decrease in prosocial silence. Country factor has been found to moderate power distance- acquiescent and defensive silence, long-term orientation-acquiescent and defensive silence, and masculinity-prosocial silence relationships.
- Argyris, C. (1977), “Double loop learning in organizations”, Harvard Business Review, 5(5), 115-129.
- Ashkanasy, N., Gupta, V., Mayfield, M. S., & Trevor-Roberts, E. (2004), “Future Orientation”, (Eds. R. J. House, P. J. Hanges, M. Javidan, P. W. Dorfman, & V. Gupta), Culture, Leadership, and Organizations the GLOBE Study of 62 Societies, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 282 – 342.
- Berdahl, J. L., Cooper, M., Glick, P., Livingston, R. W., & Williams, J. C. (2018), “Work as a masculinity contest”, Journal of Social Issues, 74(3), 422–448.
- Bommer, M., & DeLaPorte, R. (1992), “A point of view. A context for envisioning the future”, National Productivity Review, 11(4), 549–552.
- Caputo, A., Ayoko, O. B., Amoo, N., & Menke, C. (2019), “The relationship between cultural values, cultural intelligence, and negotiation styles”, Journal of Business Research, 99, 23–36.
- Carl, D., Gupta V., & Javidan, M. (2004), “Power Distance”, (Eds. R. J. House, P. J. Hanges, M. Javidan, P. W. Dorfman, & V. Gupta), Culture, Leadership, and Organizations the GLOBE Study of 62 Societies, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 513 – 563.
- Chou, S. Y., & Chang, T. (2017), “Employee Silence and Silence Antecedents: A Theoretical Classification”, International Journal of Business Communication, 57(3), 401-426.
- Daniels, M. A., & Greguras, G. J. (2014), “Exploring the Nature of Power Distance: Implications for Micro- and Macro-Level Theories, Processes, and Outcomes”, Journal of Management, 40(5), 1202-1229.
- De Jong, E., Smeets, R., & Smits, J. (2006), “Culture and Openness. Social Indicators Research”, 78(1), 111–136.
- De Luque, M. S., & Javidan, M. (2004), “Uncertainty Avoidance”, (Eds. R. J. House, P. J. Hanges, M. Javidan, P. W. Dorfman, & V. Gupta), Culture, Leadership, and Organizations the GLOBE Study of 62 Societies, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 602 – 653.
- Dedahanov, A. T., Kim, C., & Rhee, J. (2015), “Centralization and Communication Opportunities as Predictors of Acquiescent or Prosocial Silence”, Social Behavior and Personality: An International Journal, 43(3), 481–492.
- Den Hartog, D. N. (2004), “Assertiveness”, (Eds. R. J. House, P. J. Hanges, M. Javidan, P. W. Dorfman, & V. Gupta), Culture, Leadership, and Organizations the GLOBE Study of 62 Societies, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 395-436.
- Deniz, N., Noyanb, A., & Ertosun, Ö. G. (2013), “The relationship between employee silence and organizational commitment in a private healthcare company”, Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 99, 691-700.
- Detert, J. R., Burris, E. R., & Harrison, D. A. (2010), “Debunking four myths about employee silence”, Harvard Business Review, 88(6), 26.
- Dorfman, P. W., & Howell, J. P. (1988), “Dimensions of national culture and effective leadership patterns: Hofstede revisited”, (Eds. Farmer, R. N., & McGoun, E. G.), Advances in International Comparative Management, 3, 127-150, Greenwich, CT: JAI Press Inc,, (Accessed: 01.09.2023).
- Emrich, C. G., Denmark, F. L., & Den Hartog, D. N. (2004), “Cross Cultural Differences in Gender Egalitarianism. Implications for Societies, Organizations, and Leaders”, (Eds. R. J. House, P. J. Hanges, M. Javidan, P. W. Dorfman, & V. Gupta), Culture, Leadership, and Organizations the GLOBE Study of 62 Societies, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 343-394
- Fornell C, Larcker DF. (1981), “Evaluating structural equation models with unobservable variables and measurement error”, Journal of Marketing Research, 18(1), 39-50.
- Fu, P.P., & Yukl, G. (2000), “Perceived effectiveness of influence tactics in the United States and China”, Leadership Quarterly, 11(2), 251-266.
- Gefen D, Straub D, Boudreau MC. (2000), “Structural equation modeling and regression: guidelines for research practice”, Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 4(1), 7.
- Gelfand, M. J., Bhawuk, D. P. S., Nishi, L. H., & Bechtold, D. J. (2004), “Individualism and Collectivism”, (Eds. R. J. House, P. J. Hanges, M. Javidan, P. W. Dorfman, & V. Gupta), Culture, Leadership, and Organizations the GLOBE Study of 62 Societies, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 437 – 512.
- GLOBE, 2020.
- Gupta, R. K., & Panda, A. (2003), “Individualised familial self: the evolving self of qualified technocrats in India”, Psychology and Developing Societies, 15(1), 1–29.
- Hair Jr J.F., Black W.C., Babin B.J., Anderson R.E. (2014). Multivariate Data Analysis. 7th Ed., Pearson.
- Hofstede, G. (1980), “Motivation, leadership, and organization: Do American theories apply abroad?”, Organizational Dynamics, 9(1), 42-58.
- Hofstede, G. (1983a), “National cultures in four dimensions”, International Studies of Management and Organization, 13, 46-74.
- Hofstede, G. (1983b). “National Cultures Revisited”, Behavior Science Research, 18(4), 285-305.
- Hofstede, G. (2001). Culture’s Consequences, 2nd Ed., Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
- Hofstede Insights, 2023.ürkiye/, (Accessed: 04.04.2023).
- Hofstede, G., & Hofstede, G. J. (2005), Cultures and Organizations Software of the Mind, 2nd Ed., New York: McGraw-Hill.
- Hofstede, G., Hofstede, G. J., & Minkov, M. (2010), Cultures and Organizations Software of The Mind, 3rd Ed., USA: McGraw-Hill.
- House, R. J., & Javidan, M. (2004), “Overview of GLOBE”, (Eds. R. J. House, P. J. Hanges, M. Javidan, P. W. Dorfman, & V. Gupta), Culture, Leadership, and Organizations the GLOBE Study of 62 Societies, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 9 – 28.
- Huang, X., Van de Vliert, E., & Van der Vegt, G. (2005), “Breaking the silence culture: Stimulation of participation and employee opinion withholding cross-nationally”, Management and Organization Review, 1(3), 459-482.
- Jain, A. K. (2015), “An interpersonal perspective to study silence in Indian organizations: Investigation of dimensionality and development of measures”, Personnel Review, 44(12), 1010-1035.
- Jöreskog, K., & Sörbom, D. (1993), LISREL 8: Structural equation modeling with the simplis command language, Chicago, IL: Scientific Software International Inc.
- Kağıtçıbaşı, Ç. (1970), “Social norms and authoritarianism: a Turkish American comparison”, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 16(3), 444-451.
- Kirkman, B. L., Lowe, K. B., & Gibson, C. B. (2006), “A quarter century of Culture’s Consequences: a review of empirical research incorporating Hofstede’s cultural values framework”, Journal of International Business Studies, 37(3), 285–320.
- Kirkman, B. L., Chen, G., Farh, J.-L., Chen, Z. X., & Lowe, K. B. (2009), “Individual power distance orientation and follower reactions to transformational leaders: A cross-level, cross-cultural examination”, Academy of Management Journal, 52(4), 744–764.
- Kline, R. B. (1998). Principles and Practice Of Structural Equation Modeling, New York: Guilford Press.
- Knoll, M., Götz, M., Adriasola, E., et al. (2021), “International differences in employee silence motives: scale validation, prevalence, and relationships with culture characteristics across 33 countries”, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 42, 619-648
- Knoll, M., & van Dick, R. (2013), “Do I hear the whistle . . . ? A first attempt to measure four forms of employee silence and their correlates”, Journal of Business Ethics, 113(2), 349-362.
- Kwon, B., & Farndale, E. (2020), “Employee voice viewed through a cross-cultural lens”, Human Resource Management Review, 30(1).
- Lease, S. H., Montes, S. H., Baggett, L. R., Sawyer, R. J., Fleming-Norwood, K. M., Hampton, A. B., Ovrebo, E., Çiftçi, A., & Boyraz, G. (2013), “A cross-cultural exploration of masculinity and relationships in men from Turkey, Norway, and the United States”, Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 44(1), 84-105.
- LePine, J. A., &Van Dyne, L. (2001), “Voice and cooperative behavior as contrasting forms of contextual performance: Evidence of differential relationships with Big Five personality characteristics and cognitive ability”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 86(2), 326-336.
- Mancheno-Smoak, L., Endres, G. M., Polak, R., & Athanasaw, Y. (2009), “The individual cultural values and job satisfaction of the transformational leader”, Organization Development Journal, 27(3), 9-21.
- Matos, K., O’Neill, O. M., & Lei, X. (2018), “Toxic leadership and the masculinity contest culture: how ‘win or die’ cultures breed abusive leadership”, Journal of Social Issues, 74(3), 500–528.
- Matsumoto, D., & Juang, L. (2013), Culture and Psychology, 5th Ed., Canada: Nelson.
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