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Enerji Eşya Yoluyla Bulaşır mı? Tüketici Davranışının Soyut Bulaşma Etkisi Kapsamında İncelenmesi

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 20 Sayı: 1, 149 - 181


Bu çalışmada kaynağın soyut özelliklerinin (örn. huy, ruh hâli, öz vb.), temas ettiği alıcıya bulaştığı yönündeki rasyonel olmayan düşünce olarak ifade edilebilecek soyut bulaşma etkisinin tüketici davranışındaki yansımalarını ortaya çıkarmak amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda soyut bulaşma etkisi ile tüketici davranışını ilişkilendiren senaryolar hazırlanmış ve katılımcıların bu senaryolardaki soyut bulaşma etkisini deneyimleyen tüketicilerin tutumları hakkındaki düşünceleri, derinlemesine görüşme tekniğiyle elde edilmiştir. Nitel içerik analizi yaklaşımıyla yapılan analiz sonucunda manevi öz bulaşması, çağrışımsal bulaşma ve sembolik bulaşma türünde soyut bulaşma etkilerine yönelik tüketici davranışı bulguları tespit edilmiştir.


  • Aaron L. M. (2010). “Klaus Conrad (1905–1961): delusional mood, psychosis, and beginning schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 36 (1), 9–13.
  • Argo, J. J., Dahl, D. W., & Morales, A. C. (2006). Consumer contamination: how consumers react to products touched by others. Journal of Marketing, 70 (2), 81-94.
  • Baek, E., & Oh, G. (2021). Diverse values of fashion rental service and contamination concerns of consumers. Journal of Business Research, 123, 165-175.
  • Belk, R. W. (1988). Possessions and the extended self. Journal of Consumer Research, 15 (2), 139–168.
  • Bialek, M., Gao, Y., Yao, D., & Feldman, G. (2023). Owning leads to valuing: meta-analysis of the mere ownership effect. European Journal of Social Psychology, 53 (1), 90-107.
  • Braun, V., & Clarke, V. (2019). Psikolojide Tematik Analizin Kullanımı. (Çev. S. N. Şad, N. Özer ve A. Atli), Eğitimde Nitel Araştırmalar Dergisi – Journal of Qualitative Research in Education, 7 (2), 873-898.
  • Charmaz, K. (2006). Constructing grounded theory. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2017). Araştırma deseni. Nitel, nicel ve karma yöntem yaklaşımları. (Çev. Edt. Selçuk Beşir Demir), 3. Baskı, Ankara: Eğiten Kitap.
  • Creswell, J. W., & Miller, D. (2000). Determining validity in qualitative inquiry. Theory Into Practice, 39, (3), 124-130.
  • Corbin, J. M., & Strauss, J. M. (2007). Basics of qualitative research: techniques and procedures for developing grounded theory. 3. Baskı, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • Çakır, İ., & Özhan Dedeoğlu, A. (2020). İkinci el giysi satın alımında algılanan risklerin satın alma niyeti üzerine etkisi. Uluslararası İktisadi Ve İdari İncelemeler Dergisi, (27), 55-72.
  • Fedotova, N. O., & Rozin, P. (2018). Contamination, association, or social communication: an examination of alternative accounts for contagion effects. Judgment and Decision Making, 13 (2), 150–62.
  • Frazer, J. (1890). Altın dal dinin ve folklorun kökleri I. (Çev. M. H. Doğan). Payel Yayınevi, İstanbul.
  • Gawronski, B., Bodenhausen, G. V., & Becker, A. P. (2007). I like it, because I like myself: associative self-anchoring and post-decisional change of implicit evaluations. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 43 (2), 221-232.
  • Gibbs, G. R. (2007). Analyzing qualitative data. The Sage Qualitative Research Kit, (Ed. U. Flick), Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • Grohmann, B., Spangenberg, E. R., & Sprott, D. E. (2007). The influence of tactile input on the evaluation of retail product offerings. Journal of Retailing, 83 (2), 237-245.
  • Guido, G., Pino, G., & Peluso, A. M. (2018). The impact of disgust on consumers’ purchase ıntentions: an empirical assessment. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 35 (1), 105-115.
  • Gupta, S., & Coşkun, M. (2021). The influence of human crowding and store messiness on consumer purchase intention- the role of contamination and scarcity perceptions. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 61, 102511.
  • Holstein A. J., & Gubrium, J.F. (2004). The active ınterview, qualitative research theory method and practice. (Ed. D. Silverman), London: Sage Publications.
  • Huang, J. Y., Ackerman, J. M., & Newman, G. E. (2017). Catching (up with) magical contagion: a review of contagion effects in consumer contexts. Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 2 (4), 430–443.
  • İşçioğlu, T. E 6 Yurdakul, D. (2018). İkinci el giyim motivasyonları ve sürdürülebilirlik üzerine keşifsel bir araştırma. Pazarlama Teorisi ve Uygulamaları Dergisi, 4 (2), 253-280.
  • Kassarjian, H. H. (1977). Content analysis in consumer research. Journal of Consumer Research, 4 (1), 8-18.
  • King, L. A., Burton, C. M., Hicks, J. A., & Drigotas, S. M. (2007). Ghosts, UFOs, and magic: positive affect and the experiential system. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 92 (5), 905-919.
  • Kramer, T., & Block, L. (2014). Like Mike: ability contagion through touched objects increases confidence and improves performance. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 124 (2), 215-228.
  • Kramer, T., & Block, L. (2011). Nonconscious effects of peculiar beliefs on consumer psychology and choice. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 21 (1), 101-111.
  • Marlow, N., & Jansson-Boyd, C. V. (2011). To touch or not to touch; that is the question. should consumers always be encouraged to touch products, and does it always alter product perception? Psychology & Marketing, 28 (3), 256–266.
  • Marshall, C., & Rossman, G. B. (1989). Designing qualitative research. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
  • Mayring, P. (2011). Nitel sosyal araştırmaya giriş nitel düşünce için bir rehber. (Çev. A. Gümüş & M. S. Durgun), Ankara: Bilgesu Yayıncılık.
  • Merriam, S. B. (1988). Qualitative research and case study applications in education. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
  • Morales, A. C., Dahl, D. W., & Argo, J. J. (2018). Amending the law of contagion: a general theory of property transference. Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 3 (4), 555-565. Morewedge, C. K., & Giblin, C. E. (2015). Explanations of the endowment effect: an integrative review. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 19 (6), 339-348.
  • Nemeroff, C., & Rozin, P. (2018). Back in touch with contagion: some essential issues. Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 3 (4), 612-624.
  • Nemeroff, C., & Rozin, P. (1994). The contagion concept in adult thinking in the United States: transmission of germs and of interpersonal influence. Ethos, 22 (2), 158-186.
  • Newman, G. E., & Bloom, P. (2014). Physical contact influences how much people pay at celebrity auctions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111 (11), 3705-3708.
  • Newman, G. E., Diesendruck, G., & Bloom, P. (2011). Celebrity contagion and the value of objects. Journal of Consumer Research, 38 (2), 215-228.
  • Newman, G. E., & Dhar, R. (2014). Authenticity is contagion: brand essence and the original source of production. Journal of Marketing Research, 51 (3), 371-386.
  • Piaget, J. (1967). The child’s conception of the world. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
  • Rozin, P., Millman, L., & Nemeroff, C. (1986). Operation of the laws of sympathetic magic in disgust and other domains. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 50 (4), 703-712.
  • Rozin, P., & Nemeroff, C. (2002). Sympathetic magical thinking: the contagion and similarity “heuristics”. Heuristics and biases, (Ed. T. Gilovich, D. Griffin, D. Kahneman), The Psychology of Intuitive Judgment, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Rozin, P., & Nemeroff, C. (1990). The laws of sympathetic magic. a psychological analysis of similarity and contagion. Cultural Psychology. Essays on Comparative Human Development, (Ed. J.W. Stigler, R.A. Shweder, G. Herdt), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Rozin, P., & Royzman, E. (2001). Negativity bias, negativity dominance, and contagion. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 5, 296–320.
  • Saldana, J. (2019). Nitel araştırmacılar için kodlama el kitabı. (Çev. A. Tüfekçi Akcan, S. N. Şad), 3. Baskı, Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
  • Stavrova, O., Newman, G. E., Kulemann, A., & Fetchenhauer, D. (2016). Contamination without contact: an examination of intention-based contagion. Judgment and Decision Making, 11 (6), 554–571.
  • Stevenson, H. N. C. (1954). Status evaluation in the Hindu caste system. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, 84: 45–65.
  • Tal, A., Gvili, Y., Amar, M., & Wansink, B. (2017). Can political cookies leave a bad taste in one's mouth? political ideology influences taste. European Journal of Marketing, 51 (11-12), 2175–2191.
  • Teddlie, C., & Tashakkori, A. (2009). Foundations of mixed methods research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
  • Tekin, H. H., & Tekin, H. (2006). Nitel araştırma yönteminin bir veri toplama tekniği olarak derinlemesine görüşme. İstanbul University Journal of Sociology, 3 (13), 101-116. Tylor, E. B. (1871). Primitive culture: researches into the development of mythology, philosophy, religion, art, and custom. New York: Gordon.
  • (https 1).
  • (https 2).
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  • (https 4).
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  • (https 9).

Can Spiritual Energy Be Transferred Through Items? Investigation of Consumer Behavior within Spiritual Contagion Effect

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 20 Sayı: 1, 149 - 181


The objective of this study is to elucidate the impact of the spiritual contagion effect on consumer behaviour. This effect can be conceptualised as the non-rational thought that the intangible characteristics of the source (e.g. temperament, mood, essence, etc.) contaminate the recipient. In order to achieve this, scenarios were created which linked the spiritual contagion effect with consumer behaviour. Subsequently, the participants' thoughts about the attitudes of consumers who had experienced the spiritual contagion effect in these scenarios were obtained through an in-depth interview technique. The results of the qualitative content analysis indicated that some consumers exhibited behaviours influenced by the spiritual contagion, including the spiritual essence model, the associative model and the symbolic interaction model of the contagion effect.


  • Aaron L. M. (2010). “Klaus Conrad (1905–1961): delusional mood, psychosis, and beginning schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 36 (1), 9–13.
  • Argo, J. J., Dahl, D. W., & Morales, A. C. (2006). Consumer contamination: how consumers react to products touched by others. Journal of Marketing, 70 (2), 81-94.
  • Baek, E., & Oh, G. (2021). Diverse values of fashion rental service and contamination concerns of consumers. Journal of Business Research, 123, 165-175.
  • Belk, R. W. (1988). Possessions and the extended self. Journal of Consumer Research, 15 (2), 139–168.
  • Bialek, M., Gao, Y., Yao, D., & Feldman, G. (2023). Owning leads to valuing: meta-analysis of the mere ownership effect. European Journal of Social Psychology, 53 (1), 90-107.
  • Braun, V., & Clarke, V. (2019). Psikolojide Tematik Analizin Kullanımı. (Çev. S. N. Şad, N. Özer ve A. Atli), Eğitimde Nitel Araştırmalar Dergisi – Journal of Qualitative Research in Education, 7 (2), 873-898.
  • Charmaz, K. (2006). Constructing grounded theory. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2017). Araştırma deseni. Nitel, nicel ve karma yöntem yaklaşımları. (Çev. Edt. Selçuk Beşir Demir), 3. Baskı, Ankara: Eğiten Kitap.
  • Creswell, J. W., & Miller, D. (2000). Determining validity in qualitative inquiry. Theory Into Practice, 39, (3), 124-130.
  • Corbin, J. M., & Strauss, J. M. (2007). Basics of qualitative research: techniques and procedures for developing grounded theory. 3. Baskı, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • Çakır, İ., & Özhan Dedeoğlu, A. (2020). İkinci el giysi satın alımında algılanan risklerin satın alma niyeti üzerine etkisi. Uluslararası İktisadi Ve İdari İncelemeler Dergisi, (27), 55-72.
  • Fedotova, N. O., & Rozin, P. (2018). Contamination, association, or social communication: an examination of alternative accounts for contagion effects. Judgment and Decision Making, 13 (2), 150–62.
  • Frazer, J. (1890). Altın dal dinin ve folklorun kökleri I. (Çev. M. H. Doğan). Payel Yayınevi, İstanbul.
  • Gawronski, B., Bodenhausen, G. V., & Becker, A. P. (2007). I like it, because I like myself: associative self-anchoring and post-decisional change of implicit evaluations. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 43 (2), 221-232.
  • Gibbs, G. R. (2007). Analyzing qualitative data. The Sage Qualitative Research Kit, (Ed. U. Flick), Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • Grohmann, B., Spangenberg, E. R., & Sprott, D. E. (2007). The influence of tactile input on the evaluation of retail product offerings. Journal of Retailing, 83 (2), 237-245.
  • Guido, G., Pino, G., & Peluso, A. M. (2018). The impact of disgust on consumers’ purchase ıntentions: an empirical assessment. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 35 (1), 105-115.
  • Gupta, S., & Coşkun, M. (2021). The influence of human crowding and store messiness on consumer purchase intention- the role of contamination and scarcity perceptions. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 61, 102511.
  • Holstein A. J., & Gubrium, J.F. (2004). The active ınterview, qualitative research theory method and practice. (Ed. D. Silverman), London: Sage Publications.
  • Huang, J. Y., Ackerman, J. M., & Newman, G. E. (2017). Catching (up with) magical contagion: a review of contagion effects in consumer contexts. Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 2 (4), 430–443.
  • İşçioğlu, T. E 6 Yurdakul, D. (2018). İkinci el giyim motivasyonları ve sürdürülebilirlik üzerine keşifsel bir araştırma. Pazarlama Teorisi ve Uygulamaları Dergisi, 4 (2), 253-280.
  • Kassarjian, H. H. (1977). Content analysis in consumer research. Journal of Consumer Research, 4 (1), 8-18.
  • King, L. A., Burton, C. M., Hicks, J. A., & Drigotas, S. M. (2007). Ghosts, UFOs, and magic: positive affect and the experiential system. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 92 (5), 905-919.
  • Kramer, T., & Block, L. (2014). Like Mike: ability contagion through touched objects increases confidence and improves performance. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 124 (2), 215-228.
  • Kramer, T., & Block, L. (2011). Nonconscious effects of peculiar beliefs on consumer psychology and choice. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 21 (1), 101-111.
  • Marlow, N., & Jansson-Boyd, C. V. (2011). To touch or not to touch; that is the question. should consumers always be encouraged to touch products, and does it always alter product perception? Psychology & Marketing, 28 (3), 256–266.
  • Marshall, C., & Rossman, G. B. (1989). Designing qualitative research. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
  • Mayring, P. (2011). Nitel sosyal araştırmaya giriş nitel düşünce için bir rehber. (Çev. A. Gümüş & M. S. Durgun), Ankara: Bilgesu Yayıncılık.
  • Merriam, S. B. (1988). Qualitative research and case study applications in education. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
  • Morales, A. C., Dahl, D. W., & Argo, J. J. (2018). Amending the law of contagion: a general theory of property transference. Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 3 (4), 555-565. Morewedge, C. K., & Giblin, C. E. (2015). Explanations of the endowment effect: an integrative review. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 19 (6), 339-348.
  • Nemeroff, C., & Rozin, P. (2018). Back in touch with contagion: some essential issues. Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 3 (4), 612-624.
  • Nemeroff, C., & Rozin, P. (1994). The contagion concept in adult thinking in the United States: transmission of germs and of interpersonal influence. Ethos, 22 (2), 158-186.
  • Newman, G. E., & Bloom, P. (2014). Physical contact influences how much people pay at celebrity auctions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111 (11), 3705-3708.
  • Newman, G. E., Diesendruck, G., & Bloom, P. (2011). Celebrity contagion and the value of objects. Journal of Consumer Research, 38 (2), 215-228.
  • Newman, G. E., & Dhar, R. (2014). Authenticity is contagion: brand essence and the original source of production. Journal of Marketing Research, 51 (3), 371-386.
  • Piaget, J. (1967). The child’s conception of the world. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
  • Rozin, P., Millman, L., & Nemeroff, C. (1986). Operation of the laws of sympathetic magic in disgust and other domains. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 50 (4), 703-712.
  • Rozin, P., & Nemeroff, C. (2002). Sympathetic magical thinking: the contagion and similarity “heuristics”. Heuristics and biases, (Ed. T. Gilovich, D. Griffin, D. Kahneman), The Psychology of Intuitive Judgment, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Rozin, P., & Nemeroff, C. (1990). The laws of sympathetic magic. a psychological analysis of similarity and contagion. Cultural Psychology. Essays on Comparative Human Development, (Ed. J.W. Stigler, R.A. Shweder, G. Herdt), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Rozin, P., & Royzman, E. (2001). Negativity bias, negativity dominance, and contagion. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 5, 296–320.
  • Saldana, J. (2019). Nitel araştırmacılar için kodlama el kitabı. (Çev. A. Tüfekçi Akcan, S. N. Şad), 3. Baskı, Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
  • Stavrova, O., Newman, G. E., Kulemann, A., & Fetchenhauer, D. (2016). Contamination without contact: an examination of intention-based contagion. Judgment and Decision Making, 11 (6), 554–571.
  • Stevenson, H. N. C. (1954). Status evaluation in the Hindu caste system. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, 84: 45–65.
  • Tal, A., Gvili, Y., Amar, M., & Wansink, B. (2017). Can political cookies leave a bad taste in one's mouth? political ideology influences taste. European Journal of Marketing, 51 (11-12), 2175–2191.
  • Teddlie, C., & Tashakkori, A. (2009). Foundations of mixed methods research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
  • Tekin, H. H., & Tekin, H. (2006). Nitel araştırma yönteminin bir veri toplama tekniği olarak derinlemesine görüşme. İstanbul University Journal of Sociology, 3 (13), 101-116. Tylor, E. B. (1871). Primitive culture: researches into the development of mythology, philosophy, religion, art, and custom. New York: Gordon.
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Toplam 55 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Makaleler

Gizem Tokmak Danışman 0000-0002-5855-6728

Yayımlanma Tarihi
Gönderilme Tarihi 23 Temmuz 2024
Kabul Tarihi 28 Eylül 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025 Cilt: 20 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Tokmak Danışman, G. (t.y.). Enerji Eşya Yoluyla Bulaşır mı? Tüketici Davranışının Soyut Bulaşma Etkisi Kapsamında İncelenmesi. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 20(1), 149-181.