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Applicability of the Delphi technique as an analytical tool used in impact assessment processes

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 14 Sayı: 4, 1566 - 1580, 13.10.2021


Analytical tools are necessary instruments used in the integration of impact assessment systems into decisionmaking processes in order to give appropriate decisions. The techniques using at assessment stages may vary according to scope and scale of the studies. The reliability of impact predictions will ensure that the assessment in the following stages is objective and comparable. Within the scope of this study, an examination is conducted on the applicability of the Delphi technique, which is one of the analytical tools used in impact assessment processes. Within this context, firstly, it is examined the conceptual and technical features of impact assessment systems and Delphi technique in detail. The information gathered directly from the source provided guidance on how and at which stages the Delphi technique need to be applied to impact assessment processes. As a conclusion, it is highlighted the importance of analytical tools and the necessity of using them effectively, especially within the scope of the integration of SEA processes with sectoral planning processes.


  • BCC. (2012). Benguela current large marine ecosystem strategic environmental assessment scoping report. Benguela Current Commission, Benguela, Angola.
  • BCC. (2017). Scoping report strategic environmental assessment ınner northwest masterplan 2017 (draft). Belfast City Council, Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK.
  • Beamish, A. J., Brown, C., Abdelrahman, T., Ryan, H. E., Harries, R. l., & Egan, R. J. (2020). International surgical guidance for COVID-19: Validation using an international Delphi process - Cross-sectional study. International Journal of Surgery, Volume 79, July 2020, Pages 309-316.
  • Bozhesku, M. G., & Fischer, T. B. (2011). Benefits of and barriers to SEA follow-up Theory and Practice. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 34 (2012): pp.22-30.
  • Brown A.L., & Affum J.K. (2000, June). Strategic environmental assessment in road network planning. 20th Annual Meeting of the International Association for Impact Assessment IAIA’00, Hong Kong.
  • Brown, L. (2000). SEA experience in development assistance using the environmental overview. (Ed. M.R. Partidario, R. Clark) Perspectives on Strategic Environmental Assessment. Lewis Publishers: Boco Rator, pp.131-140.
  • Buckley, R. (1998). Strategic Environmental Assessment. In Porter and Fittipaldi, pp. 77–86.
  • CAAS. (2013). Strategic environmental assessment scoping report for the Longford county development plan 2015-2021. CAAS Ltd, Longford County Council, Longford, Ireland.
  • CAAS. (2014). Strategic environmental assessment scoping report for the wild Atlantic way signature tourism experience. Failte Ireland. CAAS Ltd, National Tourism Development Authority, Dublin, Ireland.
  • CAG. & DBC. (2010). SA/SEA scoping report Darlington borough council local transport plan. 3. Darlington Borough Council, Darlington, UK.
  • CDC. (2019). Scoping report for strategic environmental assessment (SEA) of Boxgrove Neighbourhood plan. Chichester District Council, England, UK.
  • Cochran, S. W. (1983). The Delphi method: formulating and refining group judgments. Journal of Human Sciences, 11(2), 111-117.
  • Cross, V. (1999). The Same But Different A Delphi study of clinicians' and academics' perceptions of physiotherapy undergraduates. Physiotherapy, Volume 85, Issue 1, January 1999, Pages 28-39.
  • Dalkey, N. C. (1972). The Delphi method: An experimental study of group opinion. In N. C. Dalkey, D. L. Rourke, R. Lewis, & D. Snyder (Eds.), Studies in the quality of life: Delphi and decision-making (ss. 13-54). Lexington, MA: Lexington Books.
  • Dalkey, N., & Helmer, O. (1962). An experimental application of the Delphi method to the use of experts. The RAND Corporation, Santa Monica.
  • Davidson, B. (2009). SEA scoping report background document-greater Dublin area draft transport strategy 2011-2030 (2030 vision). Dublin Transportation Office, Dublin, Ireland.
  • DGC. (2009). SEA scoping report cover note Dumfries & Galloway council local development plan. Planning & Environment, Dumfries & Galloway Council, Scotland, UK.
  • DoCENR. (2016). Draft renewable electricity policy and development framework-draft strategic environmental assessment scoping report. Department of Communications, Energy & Natural Resources, Ireland.
  • DoID. (2005). Strategic environment & social assessment scoping report for Kenya education support programme. Department of International Development, British High Commission.
  • EaP. (2016). SEA scoping report application of sea to the strategic development plan, road map and long term investment plan for the solid waste management sector in Armenia. EapGreen, Yerevan, Albania.
  • Feuerstein, L., Busacker, T., & Xu, J. (2018). Factors Influencing Open Access Competition in the European Long-distance Passenger Rail Transport-A Delphi Study. Research in Transportation Economics, Volume 69, September 2018, pp. 300-309.
  • Fuller, K., Rendall, S., Sadler, B. (1998). The status and practice of strategic and environmental assessment. Report to the Japan Environment Agency.
  • HBC. (2011). The third local transport plan for Halton transport: sustainable appraisal/strategic environmental assessment scoping report. Halton Borough Council.
  • IEC. (2017). Strategic environmental assessment of potential threats to the world heritage values of wood buffalo national park world heritage site addendum to the august 2017 draft scoping report. Independent Environmental Consultants, Canada.
  • Linstone, H., & Tomlin, M. (1975). The Delphi method: techniques and applications. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley. LPC. (2018). Limpsfield neighbourhood plan-strategic environmental assessment scoping report may 2018 final (updated following consultation). Limpsfield Parish Council, England, UK.
  • MDC. (2009). Strategic environmental assessment of the transport ıntegration plan of ghana scoping report. Mott MacDonald In association with MDC.
  • Nijkamp, P. & Blaas, E. (1994). Principles of Impact Assessment. Impact Assessment and Evaluation in Transportation Planning. Kluwer Academic Publishers, p.35-50.
  • O’Regan, M. (2018). Strategic environmental assessment scoping report, port of Waterford master plan. Port of Waterport Company, Dublin, Ireland.
  • Partidario, M. R. (1996). Strategic Environmental Assessment: Key Issues Emerging from Recent Practice. Environmental Impact Assessment Review. Volume 16, Issue 1, January 1996, pp. 31-55.
  • Pulido, C. J., Rivero, A. J., & Navara, J. G. (2020). Sustainable Management of the Building Stock: A Delphi Study as a Decision-Support Tool for Improved Inspections. Sustainable Cities and Society, Volume 61, October 2020.
  • RPS. (2015). Eastern CFRAM study strategic environmental assessment scoping report. Eastern Catchment Flood Risk Assessment and Management Study, Ireland.
  • RPS. (2017). Strategic environmental assessment scoping report-ıreland 2040 our plan national planning framework. Department of Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government, Ireland.
  • Sadler, B. (1998, November). Strategic Environmental Assessment: Institutional Arrangements, Practical Experience and Future Directions. International Workshop on Strategic Environmental Assessment. Organised by the Japan Environment Agency, Tokyo.
  • Sadler, B. (2005). Canada (Ed. C. Jones, M. Baker, J. Carter, S. Jay, M. Short ve C. Wood). Strategical Environmental Assessment and Land Use Planning, An International Evaluation. Earthscan Publishing, p.44-61.
  • Saekman, H. (1975). Delphi Critique: Expert Opinion. Lexington, MA: Lexington Books.
  • Say, N. P. (2004). Stratejik çevresel değerlendirmenin beş yıllık kalkınma planları ve enerji sektörü örneğinde araştırılması ve bir uygulama modelinin geliştirilmesi. Doktora Tezi. Çukurova Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Peyzaj Mimarlığı Anabilim Dalı, Adana, 128s.
  • SBB. (2021). T.C. 1982 Anayasası. 3067 sayılı Kalkınma Planlarının Yürürlüğe Konması ve Bütünlüğünün Korunması Hakkında Kanun, 13 sayılı Strateji ve Bütçe Başkanlığı Teşkilatı Hakkında Cumhurbaşkanlığı Kararnamesi.
  • SÇD Yönetmeliği. (2017). Stratejik Çevresel Değerlendirme Yönetmeliği. Resmi Gazete,, (Erişim Tarihi: 10.04.2021).
  • SEPA. (2013). Strategic environmental assessment for flood risk management strategies scoping report. Scottish Environment Protection Agency.
  • Soon, J. M., Davies, W. P., Chadd, S. A., & Baines, R. N. (2012). A Delphi-based approach to developing and validating a farm food safety risk assessment tool by experts. Expert Systems with Applications, Volume 39, Issue 9, July 2012, Pages 8325-8336.
  • Şahin, A. E. (2001). Eğitim Araştırmalarında Delphi Tekniği ve Kullanımı. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 20: 215-220.
  • Şeker, Ş. E. (2014). Delfi Metodu (Delphi Method). MISSözlük,, (erişim tarihi: 20.08.2019).
  • Turoff, M., & Hiltz, S. R. (2001). Computer-based Delphi processes. London: Kingsley.
  • Vreys, K., Lizin, S., Dael, M. V., Tharakan, J., Malina, R. (2019). Exploring the Future of Carbon Capture and Utilisation by Combining an International Delphi Study with Local Scenario Development. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, Volume 146, July 2019, pp.484-501.
  • WC. (2011). Wiltshire local transport plan 2011–2026 sea scoping report. Wiltshire Council.
  • Wood, C. (2003). Environmental Impact Assessment in Developing Countries: An Overview. Conference on New Directions in Impact Assessment for Development: Methods and Practice, 24-25 November 2003.
  • Yalçınkaya, N. M. (2019). Ulaşım sektöründe stratejik çevresel değerlendirme uygulamasının Türkiye açısından irdelenmesi. Doktora Tezi. Çukurova Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Peyzaj Mimarlığı Anabilim Dalı, Adana, 339s.
  • Yalçınkaya, N. M. (2021). Türkiye’de Sektörel Planlama Süreçlerine Etki Değerlendirme Sistemlerinin Entegrasyonu: Kurumsal ve Yasal Çerçeve. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 2021, 39(2), 323-337.

Etki değerlendirme süreçlerinde kullanılan analitik araçlar kapsamında Delphi tekniğinin uygulanabilirliği

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 14 Sayı: 4, 1566 - 1580, 13.10.2021


Etki değerlendirme sistemlerinin karar verme süreçlerine entegrasyonunda farklı analitik araçlardan yararlanmak, etkin kararlar üretebilmek adına önemli bir gerekliliktir. Kullanılan değerlendirme teknikleri ilgili çalışmanın kapsamına ve ölçeğine bağlı olarak değişkenlik gösterebilir. Etki değerlendirme süreçlerine yönelik öngörülerin doğruluğu, ilerleyen aşamalardaki değerlendirmenin objektif ve karşılaştırılabilir nitelikte olmasını sağlayacaktır. Bu çalışma kapsamında, etki değerlendirme süreçlerinde kullanılan analitik araçlar arasında yer alan Delphi tekniğinin uygulanabilirliği üzerine bir inceleme yürütülmüştür. Bu kapsamda, öncelikle etki değerlendirme sistemlerinin ve Delphi tekniğinin kavramsal ve teknik altyapısı irdelenmiştir. Elde edilen bulgular, Delphi tekniğinin etki değerlendirme süreçlerine uygulanmasının hangi aşamalarda ve nasıl olması gerektiği ile ilgili yol gösterici olmuştur. Çalışmanın sonucunda, etki değerlendirme sistemleri kapsamında, özellikle stratejik çevresel değerlendirme (SÇD) süreçlerinin sektörel planlama süreçleri ile entegre yürütülmesi kapsamında analitik araçların önemine ve etkin kullanılması gerekliliğine dikkat çekilmiştir.


  • BCC. (2012). Benguela current large marine ecosystem strategic environmental assessment scoping report. Benguela Current Commission, Benguela, Angola.
  • BCC. (2017). Scoping report strategic environmental assessment ınner northwest masterplan 2017 (draft). Belfast City Council, Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK.
  • Beamish, A. J., Brown, C., Abdelrahman, T., Ryan, H. E., Harries, R. l., & Egan, R. J. (2020). International surgical guidance for COVID-19: Validation using an international Delphi process - Cross-sectional study. International Journal of Surgery, Volume 79, July 2020, Pages 309-316.
  • Bozhesku, M. G., & Fischer, T. B. (2011). Benefits of and barriers to SEA follow-up Theory and Practice. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 34 (2012): pp.22-30.
  • Brown A.L., & Affum J.K. (2000, June). Strategic environmental assessment in road network planning. 20th Annual Meeting of the International Association for Impact Assessment IAIA’00, Hong Kong.
  • Brown, L. (2000). SEA experience in development assistance using the environmental overview. (Ed. M.R. Partidario, R. Clark) Perspectives on Strategic Environmental Assessment. Lewis Publishers: Boco Rator, pp.131-140.
  • Buckley, R. (1998). Strategic Environmental Assessment. In Porter and Fittipaldi, pp. 77–86.
  • CAAS. (2013). Strategic environmental assessment scoping report for the Longford county development plan 2015-2021. CAAS Ltd, Longford County Council, Longford, Ireland.
  • CAAS. (2014). Strategic environmental assessment scoping report for the wild Atlantic way signature tourism experience. Failte Ireland. CAAS Ltd, National Tourism Development Authority, Dublin, Ireland.
  • CAG. & DBC. (2010). SA/SEA scoping report Darlington borough council local transport plan. 3. Darlington Borough Council, Darlington, UK.
  • CDC. (2019). Scoping report for strategic environmental assessment (SEA) of Boxgrove Neighbourhood plan. Chichester District Council, England, UK.
  • Cochran, S. W. (1983). The Delphi method: formulating and refining group judgments. Journal of Human Sciences, 11(2), 111-117.
  • Cross, V. (1999). The Same But Different A Delphi study of clinicians' and academics' perceptions of physiotherapy undergraduates. Physiotherapy, Volume 85, Issue 1, January 1999, Pages 28-39.
  • Dalkey, N. C. (1972). The Delphi method: An experimental study of group opinion. In N. C. Dalkey, D. L. Rourke, R. Lewis, & D. Snyder (Eds.), Studies in the quality of life: Delphi and decision-making (ss. 13-54). Lexington, MA: Lexington Books.
  • Dalkey, N., & Helmer, O. (1962). An experimental application of the Delphi method to the use of experts. The RAND Corporation, Santa Monica.
  • Davidson, B. (2009). SEA scoping report background document-greater Dublin area draft transport strategy 2011-2030 (2030 vision). Dublin Transportation Office, Dublin, Ireland.
  • DGC. (2009). SEA scoping report cover note Dumfries & Galloway council local development plan. Planning & Environment, Dumfries & Galloway Council, Scotland, UK.
  • DoCENR. (2016). Draft renewable electricity policy and development framework-draft strategic environmental assessment scoping report. Department of Communications, Energy & Natural Resources, Ireland.
  • DoID. (2005). Strategic environment & social assessment scoping report for Kenya education support programme. Department of International Development, British High Commission.
  • EaP. (2016). SEA scoping report application of sea to the strategic development plan, road map and long term investment plan for the solid waste management sector in Armenia. EapGreen, Yerevan, Albania.
  • Feuerstein, L., Busacker, T., & Xu, J. (2018). Factors Influencing Open Access Competition in the European Long-distance Passenger Rail Transport-A Delphi Study. Research in Transportation Economics, Volume 69, September 2018, pp. 300-309.
  • Fuller, K., Rendall, S., Sadler, B. (1998). The status and practice of strategic and environmental assessment. Report to the Japan Environment Agency.
  • HBC. (2011). The third local transport plan for Halton transport: sustainable appraisal/strategic environmental assessment scoping report. Halton Borough Council.
  • IEC. (2017). Strategic environmental assessment of potential threats to the world heritage values of wood buffalo national park world heritage site addendum to the august 2017 draft scoping report. Independent Environmental Consultants, Canada.
  • Linstone, H., & Tomlin, M. (1975). The Delphi method: techniques and applications. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley. LPC. (2018). Limpsfield neighbourhood plan-strategic environmental assessment scoping report may 2018 final (updated following consultation). Limpsfield Parish Council, England, UK.
  • MDC. (2009). Strategic environmental assessment of the transport ıntegration plan of ghana scoping report. Mott MacDonald In association with MDC.
  • Nijkamp, P. & Blaas, E. (1994). Principles of Impact Assessment. Impact Assessment and Evaluation in Transportation Planning. Kluwer Academic Publishers, p.35-50.
  • O’Regan, M. (2018). Strategic environmental assessment scoping report, port of Waterford master plan. Port of Waterport Company, Dublin, Ireland.
  • Partidario, M. R. (1996). Strategic Environmental Assessment: Key Issues Emerging from Recent Practice. Environmental Impact Assessment Review. Volume 16, Issue 1, January 1996, pp. 31-55.
  • Pulido, C. J., Rivero, A. J., & Navara, J. G. (2020). Sustainable Management of the Building Stock: A Delphi Study as a Decision-Support Tool for Improved Inspections. Sustainable Cities and Society, Volume 61, October 2020.
  • RPS. (2015). Eastern CFRAM study strategic environmental assessment scoping report. Eastern Catchment Flood Risk Assessment and Management Study, Ireland.
  • RPS. (2017). Strategic environmental assessment scoping report-ıreland 2040 our plan national planning framework. Department of Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government, Ireland.
  • Sadler, B. (1998, November). Strategic Environmental Assessment: Institutional Arrangements, Practical Experience and Future Directions. International Workshop on Strategic Environmental Assessment. Organised by the Japan Environment Agency, Tokyo.
  • Sadler, B. (2005). Canada (Ed. C. Jones, M. Baker, J. Carter, S. Jay, M. Short ve C. Wood). Strategical Environmental Assessment and Land Use Planning, An International Evaluation. Earthscan Publishing, p.44-61.
  • Saekman, H. (1975). Delphi Critique: Expert Opinion. Lexington, MA: Lexington Books.
  • Say, N. P. (2004). Stratejik çevresel değerlendirmenin beş yıllık kalkınma planları ve enerji sektörü örneğinde araştırılması ve bir uygulama modelinin geliştirilmesi. Doktora Tezi. Çukurova Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Peyzaj Mimarlığı Anabilim Dalı, Adana, 128s.
  • SBB. (2021). T.C. 1982 Anayasası. 3067 sayılı Kalkınma Planlarının Yürürlüğe Konması ve Bütünlüğünün Korunması Hakkında Kanun, 13 sayılı Strateji ve Bütçe Başkanlığı Teşkilatı Hakkında Cumhurbaşkanlığı Kararnamesi.
  • SÇD Yönetmeliği. (2017). Stratejik Çevresel Değerlendirme Yönetmeliği. Resmi Gazete,, (Erişim Tarihi: 10.04.2021).
  • SEPA. (2013). Strategic environmental assessment for flood risk management strategies scoping report. Scottish Environment Protection Agency.
  • Soon, J. M., Davies, W. P., Chadd, S. A., & Baines, R. N. (2012). A Delphi-based approach to developing and validating a farm food safety risk assessment tool by experts. Expert Systems with Applications, Volume 39, Issue 9, July 2012, Pages 8325-8336.
  • Şahin, A. E. (2001). Eğitim Araştırmalarında Delphi Tekniği ve Kullanımı. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 20: 215-220.
  • Şeker, Ş. E. (2014). Delfi Metodu (Delphi Method). MISSözlük,, (erişim tarihi: 20.08.2019).
  • Turoff, M., & Hiltz, S. R. (2001). Computer-based Delphi processes. London: Kingsley.
  • Vreys, K., Lizin, S., Dael, M. V., Tharakan, J., Malina, R. (2019). Exploring the Future of Carbon Capture and Utilisation by Combining an International Delphi Study with Local Scenario Development. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, Volume 146, July 2019, pp.484-501.
  • WC. (2011). Wiltshire local transport plan 2011–2026 sea scoping report. Wiltshire Council.
  • Wood, C. (2003). Environmental Impact Assessment in Developing Countries: An Overview. Conference on New Directions in Impact Assessment for Development: Methods and Practice, 24-25 November 2003.
  • Yalçınkaya, N. M. (2019). Ulaşım sektöründe stratejik çevresel değerlendirme uygulamasının Türkiye açısından irdelenmesi. Doktora Tezi. Çukurova Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Peyzaj Mimarlığı Anabilim Dalı, Adana, 339s.
  • Yalçınkaya, N. M. (2021). Türkiye’de Sektörel Planlama Süreçlerine Etki Değerlendirme Sistemlerinin Entegrasyonu: Kurumsal ve Yasal Çerçeve. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 2021, 39(2), 323-337.
Toplam 48 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Nermin Merve Yalçınkaya 0000-0002-0860-1498

Yayımlanma Tarihi 13 Ekim 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 6 Temmuz 2021
Kabul Tarihi 17 Eylül 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Cilt: 14 Sayı: 4

Kaynak Göster

APA Yalçınkaya, N. M. (2021). Etki değerlendirme süreçlerinde kullanılan analitik araçlar kapsamında Delphi tekniğinin uygulanabilirliği. Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 14(4), 1566-1580.
Creative Commons Lisansı
Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi Creative Commons Atıf-GayriTicari-AynıLisanslaPaylaş 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı ile lisanslanmıştır.