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Türkiye'deki Olimpik Boksörlerin Organik Gıdalarla Beslenme Bilgi Düzeyi

Yıl 2021, , 250 - 260, 15.12.2021


Organik gıdaların en önemli özelliklerinden biri, tarımsal üretimin çevreye duyarlı bir şekli olan organik tarım yöntemleriyle üretilmeleridir. Bu çalışma, Türkiye'deki tüm Olimpik boksörlerin organik gıda bilinç düzeyini ve organik gıdaya yönelik dezavantaj algısını ve organik gıdaya yönelik tutumlarını belirlemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Araştırmanın örneklemini Türkiye'deki 29 gönüllü sporcu, 19'u erkek ve 10'u kadın Olimpik boksör oluşturmaktadır. Bu çalışmadan elde edilen verilerin istatistiksel değerlendirmesinde SPSS 26.0 versiyonunun istatistiksel yazılımı; Cronbach's Alpha güvenirliği, Kruskal-Wallis H ve Mann Whitney U testleri uygulanmıştır. Sonuç olarak, organik gıda farkındalık düzeyi ve organik gıdalara yönelik tutum ile millilik sınıf değişkeni arasında p <0.05 düzeyinde anlamlı bir fark tespit edilmiştir.


  • [1] Yalcinkaya M., Saracaloglu A., Varol R. University students' views and expectations about sports. Journal of Sport Sciences, 1993; C: 4, p.2,13.
  • [2] DPT. Five-year development plan, youth and sports special expertise commission report, DPT. Undersecretariat Publications, Ankara; 1972.
  • [3] Karakucuk S. Training of a physical education teacher, Ankara, Gazi University Publications, 24. Ankara; 1989.
  • [4] Aoi W., Nait Y., Yoshikawa T. Exercise and functional foods. Nutrition Journal 2006; 5;5(15):1-5.
  • [5] Niess AM., Hipp A., Thoma S., Striegel H. Performance food in sports. Therapeutische Umschau, 2007; 64(3), 181-185.
  • [6] Baysal A. Nutrition. Ankara, Hatiboglu Publishing. (pp.12-24); 2012.
  • [7] Dulger H. Nutritional habits and obesity prevalence in Bartin University health services vocational school students. Health Sciences Institute, Master Thesis. Duzce: Bartın University, Bartın, 2015.
  • [8] Arikan ZY. Nutrition habits of university students: Dumlupınar University Case. Institute of Science. Master Thesis. Kutahya, Dumlupınar University, 2015.
  • [9] Karaagaoglu N., Samur GE. Mother and child nutrition, Ankara, Pegem Academy Publications, 69. Ankara, 2015.
  • [10] Zengin B., Yilmaz S., Gulmez I., Ramazanoglu N., Soykan A., Demir A. Investigation of the effects of fast weight loss on general strength in elite young female judoists. Istanbul University Journal of Sport Sciences, 2003, 123-126.
  • [11] Ertan S. Determination of health personnel's opinions on consumption of organic foods. Master Thesis, Gazi University Institute of Educational Sciences, Ankara, 2005.
  • [12] Tandona DA., Kaurd P., Kushwahf S., Salog J. Behavioral reasoning perspectives on organic food purchase. Appetite; 2020, 154, 104786.
  • [13] Gunduz Y., Kaya M. European Union agricultural policy and the possible impact on the development of organic agriculture in Turkey. Electronic Journal of Social Sciences; 2007, 6 (21), 305-330.
  • [14] Anonymous. Organic farming in Germany, Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture, 2017.
  • [15] Coskun R., Altunisik R., Yildirim E. Research methods in social sciences SPSS applied, 2017. Sakarya Publishing, Updated 9th Edition, Sakarya.
  • [16] Sarikaya N. A field study on factors and attitudes affecting organic product consumption, Kocaeli University Journal of Social Sciences Institute, Kocaeli; 2007, 2 (14), 110-125.
  • [17] Kacur LL. Perception of organic products by academic and administrative staff of Erciyes University and faculty of business administration day and evening education. Erciyes University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Journal, Issue: 33, July-December 2009, ss.249-277.
  • [18] Yildiz D., Uzunsakal E. Comparison of reliability tests in field studies and an application on agricultural data. Journal of Applied Social Sciences, 2018. Issue: 1.1: 14-28.
  • [19] Acar G. Determining the nutritional knowledge and habits of boxers. Konya, Selcuk University, Institute of Health Sciences, Master's Thesis, 2008.
  • [20] Cupisti A., D'Alessandro C., Castrogiovanni S., Barale A., Morelli E. Nutrition knowledge and dietary composition in Italian adolescent female athletes and non-athletes. Int J Sport. Nutr Exerc Metab, 2002, 12: 207-19.
  • [21] Inal E., Akin M., Cicek R., Toksari M. A research to examine the relationship between consumers' beliefs on organic foods, demographic characteristics and ındividual values. 13. National Marketing Congress, Sustainability and Marketing Proceedings, 30 October-1 November, Adana, 2008, p. 195-213.
  • [22] Sayin C., Mencet N., Ozkan B., Brumfield RG. The organic farming movement in Turkey, Hortechnology, 2005, October-December, Vol. 15, No. 4, ss. 1-8.
  • [23] Corley G., Demarest-Litcfort M., Bazzarre TL. Nutrition knowledge and dietary practices of college coaches. J Am Diet Assoc, 1990, 90, 705-709.
  • [24] Ozcelik AO., Surucuoglu SMT. A study on the nutritional knowledge of medical doctors, Nutrition and Diy Derg, 2000, 29,11–16.
  • [25] Akil M. Determination and evaluation of nutritional awareness of athletes dealing with throwing branches of athletics, Konya, Selcuk University Institute of Health Sciences, Master's Thesis, 2004.
  • [26] Congar O., Ozdemir L. Knowledge levels of physical education teachers about general nutrition and sports nutrition in Sivas city center. C.U. Faculty of Medicine Journal, 2004), 26, 123-118.
  • [27] Goktas Z. Nutritional habits of active national athletes and evaluation of contamination and positive doping risk in nutritional supplements used frequently. Master Thesis, Hacettepe University, Institute of Health Sciences, Ankara, 2010.
  • [28] Koc M. Investigation of nutritional habits of wrestlers participating in national team development camps and their use of nutritional support products. Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam University, Institute of Health Sciences, Department of Physical Education and Sports. Master Thesis, 2014.
  • [29] Yarar H., Gokdemir K., Eroglu H., Ozdemir G. Evaluation of the nutritional knowledge and habits of elite athletes. Selcuk University Journal of Physical Education and Sports Science, 2011, 13 (3): 368–371.

Organic Food Nutrition Knowledge Level of Olympic Boxers in Turkey

Yıl 2021, , 250 - 260, 15.12.2021


One of the most important features of organic foods is that they are produced by organic farming methods, which is an environmentally friendly form of agricultural production. This study aims to determine the organic food awareness level and the perception of disadvantage towards organic food of all Olympic boxers in Turkey and attitudes towards organic food. The sample of the study consists of 29 volunteer athletes, 19 men, and 10 women, Olympic boxers in Turkey. In the statistical evaluation of the data obtained from this study, the statistical software of SPSS 26.0 version; Cronbach's Alpha reliability, Kruskal-Wallis H and Mann Whitney U tests were applied. In conclusion, a significant difference was determined between the organic food awareness level and attitudes towards organic foods and the national class variable at the level of p<0.05.


  • [1] Yalcinkaya M., Saracaloglu A., Varol R. University students' views and expectations about sports. Journal of Sport Sciences, 1993; C: 4, p.2,13.
  • [2] DPT. Five-year development plan, youth and sports special expertise commission report, DPT. Undersecretariat Publications, Ankara; 1972.
  • [3] Karakucuk S. Training of a physical education teacher, Ankara, Gazi University Publications, 24. Ankara; 1989.
  • [4] Aoi W., Nait Y., Yoshikawa T. Exercise and functional foods. Nutrition Journal 2006; 5;5(15):1-5.
  • [5] Niess AM., Hipp A., Thoma S., Striegel H. Performance food in sports. Therapeutische Umschau, 2007; 64(3), 181-185.
  • [6] Baysal A. Nutrition. Ankara, Hatiboglu Publishing. (pp.12-24); 2012.
  • [7] Dulger H. Nutritional habits and obesity prevalence in Bartin University health services vocational school students. Health Sciences Institute, Master Thesis. Duzce: Bartın University, Bartın, 2015.
  • [8] Arikan ZY. Nutrition habits of university students: Dumlupınar University Case. Institute of Science. Master Thesis. Kutahya, Dumlupınar University, 2015.
  • [9] Karaagaoglu N., Samur GE. Mother and child nutrition, Ankara, Pegem Academy Publications, 69. Ankara, 2015.
  • [10] Zengin B., Yilmaz S., Gulmez I., Ramazanoglu N., Soykan A., Demir A. Investigation of the effects of fast weight loss on general strength in elite young female judoists. Istanbul University Journal of Sport Sciences, 2003, 123-126.
  • [11] Ertan S. Determination of health personnel's opinions on consumption of organic foods. Master Thesis, Gazi University Institute of Educational Sciences, Ankara, 2005.
  • [12] Tandona DA., Kaurd P., Kushwahf S., Salog J. Behavioral reasoning perspectives on organic food purchase. Appetite; 2020, 154, 104786.
  • [13] Gunduz Y., Kaya M. European Union agricultural policy and the possible impact on the development of organic agriculture in Turkey. Electronic Journal of Social Sciences; 2007, 6 (21), 305-330.
  • [14] Anonymous. Organic farming in Germany, Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture, 2017.
  • [15] Coskun R., Altunisik R., Yildirim E. Research methods in social sciences SPSS applied, 2017. Sakarya Publishing, Updated 9th Edition, Sakarya.
  • [16] Sarikaya N. A field study on factors and attitudes affecting organic product consumption, Kocaeli University Journal of Social Sciences Institute, Kocaeli; 2007, 2 (14), 110-125.
  • [17] Kacur LL. Perception of organic products by academic and administrative staff of Erciyes University and faculty of business administration day and evening education. Erciyes University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Journal, Issue: 33, July-December 2009, ss.249-277.
  • [18] Yildiz D., Uzunsakal E. Comparison of reliability tests in field studies and an application on agricultural data. Journal of Applied Social Sciences, 2018. Issue: 1.1: 14-28.
  • [19] Acar G. Determining the nutritional knowledge and habits of boxers. Konya, Selcuk University, Institute of Health Sciences, Master's Thesis, 2008.
  • [20] Cupisti A., D'Alessandro C., Castrogiovanni S., Barale A., Morelli E. Nutrition knowledge and dietary composition in Italian adolescent female athletes and non-athletes. Int J Sport. Nutr Exerc Metab, 2002, 12: 207-19.
  • [21] Inal E., Akin M., Cicek R., Toksari M. A research to examine the relationship between consumers' beliefs on organic foods, demographic characteristics and ındividual values. 13. National Marketing Congress, Sustainability and Marketing Proceedings, 30 October-1 November, Adana, 2008, p. 195-213.
  • [22] Sayin C., Mencet N., Ozkan B., Brumfield RG. The organic farming movement in Turkey, Hortechnology, 2005, October-December, Vol. 15, No. 4, ss. 1-8.
  • [23] Corley G., Demarest-Litcfort M., Bazzarre TL. Nutrition knowledge and dietary practices of college coaches. J Am Diet Assoc, 1990, 90, 705-709.
  • [24] Ozcelik AO., Surucuoglu SMT. A study on the nutritional knowledge of medical doctors, Nutrition and Diy Derg, 2000, 29,11–16.
  • [25] Akil M. Determination and evaluation of nutritional awareness of athletes dealing with throwing branches of athletics, Konya, Selcuk University Institute of Health Sciences, Master's Thesis, 2004.
  • [26] Congar O., Ozdemir L. Knowledge levels of physical education teachers about general nutrition and sports nutrition in Sivas city center. C.U. Faculty of Medicine Journal, 2004), 26, 123-118.
  • [27] Goktas Z. Nutritional habits of active national athletes and evaluation of contamination and positive doping risk in nutritional supplements used frequently. Master Thesis, Hacettepe University, Institute of Health Sciences, Ankara, 2010.
  • [28] Koc M. Investigation of nutritional habits of wrestlers participating in national team development camps and their use of nutritional support products. Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam University, Institute of Health Sciences, Department of Physical Education and Sports. Master Thesis, 2014.
  • [29] Yarar H., Gokdemir K., Eroglu H., Ozdemir G. Evaluation of the nutritional knowledge and habits of elite athletes. Selcuk University Journal of Physical Education and Sports Science, 2011, 13 (3): 368–371.
Toplam 29 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Gıda Mühendisliği, Ziraat Mühendisliği (Diğer)
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri (RESEARCH ARTICLES)

Murat Kul 0000-0001-6391-8079

Betül Gıdık 0000-0002-3617-899X

Osman Gıdık 0000-0003-0811-9324

Onur Şipal 0000-0002-4064-6813

Önder Şipal 0000-0001-6018-548X

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Aralık 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 2 Mayıs 2021
Kabul Tarihi 8 Temmuz 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021

Kaynak Göster

APA Kul, M., Gıdık, B., Gıdık, O., Şipal, O., vd. (2021). Organic Food Nutrition Knowledge Level of Olympic Boxers in Turkey. Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 4(3), 250-260.
AMA Kul M, Gıdık B, Gıdık O, Şipal O, Şipal Ö. Organic Food Nutrition Knowledge Level of Olympic Boxers in Turkey. OKÜ Fen Bil. Ens. Dergisi ((OKU Journal of Nat. & App. Sci). Aralık 2021;4(3):250-260. doi:10.47495/okufbed.931446
Chicago Kul, Murat, Betül Gıdık, Osman Gıdık, Onur Şipal, ve Önder Şipal. “Organic Food Nutrition Knowledge Level of Olympic Boxers in Turkey”. Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 4, sy. 3 (Aralık 2021): 250-60.
EndNote Kul M, Gıdık B, Gıdık O, Şipal O, Şipal Ö (01 Aralık 2021) Organic Food Nutrition Knowledge Level of Olympic Boxers in Turkey. Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 4 3 250–260.
IEEE M. Kul, B. Gıdık, O. Gıdık, O. Şipal, ve Ö. Şipal, “Organic Food Nutrition Knowledge Level of Olympic Boxers in Turkey”, OKÜ Fen Bil. Ens. Dergisi ((OKU Journal of Nat. & App. Sci), c. 4, sy. 3, ss. 250–260, 2021, doi: 10.47495/okufbed.931446.
ISNAD Kul, Murat vd. “Organic Food Nutrition Knowledge Level of Olympic Boxers in Turkey”. Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 4/3 (Aralık 2021), 250-260.
JAMA Kul M, Gıdık B, Gıdık O, Şipal O, Şipal Ö. Organic Food Nutrition Knowledge Level of Olympic Boxers in Turkey. OKÜ Fen Bil. Ens. Dergisi ((OKU Journal of Nat. & App. Sci). 2021;4:250–260.
MLA Kul, Murat vd. “Organic Food Nutrition Knowledge Level of Olympic Boxers in Turkey”. Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, c. 4, sy. 3, 2021, ss. 250-6, doi:10.47495/okufbed.931446.
Vancouver Kul M, Gıdık B, Gıdık O, Şipal O, Şipal Ö. Organic Food Nutrition Knowledge Level of Olympic Boxers in Turkey. OKÜ Fen Bil. Ens. Dergisi ((OKU Journal of Nat. & App. Sci). 2021;4(3):250-6.



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