Yıl 2013,
, 150 - 156, 05.10.2013
Cem Egesel
Fatih Kahrıman
Nur Çorbacıoğlu
Among the quality traits of maize grain, protein ratio and protein quality are two main components. The objective of the study was to investigate changes of endosperm protein ratio and protein fractions in successive generations of different hybrid combinations having a high lysine mutant parent, opaque2 (o2). The study was carried out using seed samples generated at 2010 and 2011 growing seasons in Dardanos Research and Experiment Center of Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University. To produce the plant material, an o2 line was pollinated with two different inbreds. The seeds of F0:1 and F1:2 generations from these hybrids, as well as selfed seeds from the parents, were used to detect protein ratio and protein fractions. The results showed that there were significant differences between parent lines and F1:2 seeds of hybrid combinations for endosperm protein ratios. Endosperm protein ratios ranged between 5.54% and 8.93%. There was a significant male parent effect on albumin + globulin and zein fractions as well as total protein ratio. Albumin + globulin fractions ranged between 3.46-8.71 mg/g. Lower values were detected for zein and total protein ratios in F1:2 seeds as compared to the seeds of F0:1 generation. In terms of zein fractions the range was between 16.9 and 61.0 mg/g.
- AACC, 2009. International. Moisture-Air-Oven Method. In Approved Methods of Analysis, 11th ed.; AACC International: St. Paul, MN, USA.
- Akuamoa-Boateng, A. 2002. Quality Protein Maize: Infant Feeding Trials in Ghana. Ghana Health Service, Ashanti, Ghana.
- Bhatnagar, S., Bertan, F.J., Transue, D.K., 2003. Agronomic performance, aflatoxin accumulation and protein quality of subtropical and tropical QPM hybrids in souther U.S., Maydica, 48:113-124.
- Bradford, M.M., 1976. A rapid and sensitive method for the quantitaton of microgram quantities of protein utilizing the principle of protein-dye binding. Analytical Biochemestry, 722: p. 248-254.
- Burgoon, K.G., J.A. Hansen, D.A. Knabe, and A.J. Bockholt. 19 Nutritional value of quality protein maize for starter and finisher swine. Journal of Animal Science 70:811-817. CRA, 1980. Protein. In Standard Analytical Methods of the Member Companies; Corn Refiners Association: Washington, DC, Method A-18.
- Crow, J.F., Kermicle, J., 2002. Oliver Nelson and Quality Protein Maize, Genetics 160: 819–821.
- FAO, 2008. Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations. 2008. The state of food insecurity in the world 2008: high food prices and food security-threats and opportunities. Available from: Accessed Oct 2009 .
- FAO. 1992. Maize in human nutrition. FAO, Rome.
- Gorinstein S., Nue I. A. D. ve de Arruda P., 1991. AlcoholSoluble and Total Proteins from Amaranth Seeds and Their Comparison with Other Cereals. J. Agric. Food Chem., 39: 848-850.
- Ignjatovic-Micic, D., Stankovic, G., Markovic, K., Drinic, S.M., Lazic-Jancic, V., Denic, M., 2010. Kernel Modifications And Tryptophan Content in QPM Segregating Generations ,Genetika, Vol. 42, No. 2, 2672
- Landry, J., Delheya, S., Damerval, C., 2002. Effect of opaque2 gene on accumulation of protein fractions in maize endosperm, Maydica, 47:59-66.
- Ming-sheng, C., Meng-qian, Z., 1994. Electromicropographic analysis storage protein accumulation in endosperms of maize with qualified protein. Acta Boranica Sinica, 36(2):123-129.
- Motto, M., Hartings, H., Fracassetti, M., Consonni, G., 2011. Grain quality-related traits in maize: gene identification and exploitation, Maydica 56:291-314.
- Osborne, T.B. 1987. The amount and properties of the proteins of the maize kernel. J. Am Chem. Soc. 19: 525-532.
- Panda A. K., Raju M. V. L. N., Rao R. S. V., Lavanya G., Reddy E. P. K. ve de Sunder G. S., 2011. Nutritional Evaluation and Utilisation of Quality Protein Maize, Nityasrhee Hybrid Maize, and Normal Maize in Broiler Chickens. British Poultry Science., 52: 632-638.
- Paulis, J.W., Peplinski, A.J., Bietz, J.A., Nelsen, T.C., Bergquist, R.R., 1993. Relation of Kernel Hardness and Lysine to Alcohol-Soluble Protein Composition in Quality Protein Maize Hybrids, J. Agric. Food Chem., 41, 224922
- SAS 1999. SAS V8 User Manual. SAS Institute, Cary NC.
- Sofi, P.A., Wani S.A., Rather, A.G., Wani, S.H., 2009. Review article: Quality protein maize (QPM): Genetic manipulation for the nutritional fortification of mazie, Journal of Plant Breeding and Crop Science, 1(6):244-253.
- Vasal S. K., 1999. Quality Protein Maize Story, CIMMYT., 1: 1Vasal, S.K., 2002. Quality Protein Maize: Overcoming the Hurdles, Journal of Crop Production, 6:1-2, 193-227.
- Vietmeyer, N.D. 2000. A drama in three long acts: the story behind the story of the development of quality-protein maize. Diversity 16:29-32.
- Yau J. C., Bockholt A. J., Smith J. D., Rooney L. W. ve de Waniska R. D.,1999. Maize Endosperm Proteins That Contribute to Endosperm Lysine Content. Cereal Chem., 76: 668-672.
Yıl 2013,
, 150 - 156, 05.10.2013
Cem Egesel
Fatih Kahrıman
Nur Çorbacıoğlu
Mısırda tane kalitesinin belirleyici unsurları arasında, protein oranı ve protein kalitesi önemli yer tutmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, yüksek lisin içeriğine sahip opaque-2 (o2) mutant hattı ile oluşturulan farklı melez kombinasyonların endosperm protein oranının ve portein fraksiyonlarının farklı generasyonlarda değişiminin incelenmesidir. Çalışma Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi Dardanos Araştırma ve Uygulama Birimi’nde 2010 ve 2011 yetiştirme sezonlarında oluşturulan tohumluk setleri kullanılarak yürütülmüştür. Araştırmada bir o2 hattı iki farklı baba hat ile melezlenmiş ve bu melezlerin F0:1 ve F 1:2 tohumlukları ile ebeveyn hatların kendilenmiş örneklerinde protein oranı ve protein fraksiyonlarını belirlemek için analizler yapılmıştır. Araştırma bulgularına göre endosperm protein oranı bakımından ebeveyn hatlar ve hibrit kombinasyonların F1:2 generasyonundaki tohumlukları arasında önemli ölçüde farklılık olduğu görülmüştür. Genotiplerin endosperm protein oranı % 5.54-8.93 arasında değişim göstermiştir. Baba hatların etkisinin albümin+globülin ve zein proteinlerinin içeriği kadar, toplam protein içeriğine de etkili olduğu görülmüştür. Albümin+globülin fraksiyonları 3.46-8.71 mg/g arasında değişim göstermiştir. Ayrıca zein ve toplam protein içeriğinin, F1:2 generasyonunda F0:1 generasyonuna göre daha düşük olduğu tespit edilmiş, zein proteinleri ise 16.9-61.0 mg/g arasında değişmiştir.
- AACC, 2009. International. Moisture-Air-Oven Method. In Approved Methods of Analysis, 11th ed.; AACC International: St. Paul, MN, USA.
- Akuamoa-Boateng, A. 2002. Quality Protein Maize: Infant Feeding Trials in Ghana. Ghana Health Service, Ashanti, Ghana.
- Bhatnagar, S., Bertan, F.J., Transue, D.K., 2003. Agronomic performance, aflatoxin accumulation and protein quality of subtropical and tropical QPM hybrids in souther U.S., Maydica, 48:113-124.
- Bradford, M.M., 1976. A rapid and sensitive method for the quantitaton of microgram quantities of protein utilizing the principle of protein-dye binding. Analytical Biochemestry, 722: p. 248-254.
- Burgoon, K.G., J.A. Hansen, D.A. Knabe, and A.J. Bockholt. 19 Nutritional value of quality protein maize for starter and finisher swine. Journal of Animal Science 70:811-817. CRA, 1980. Protein. In Standard Analytical Methods of the Member Companies; Corn Refiners Association: Washington, DC, Method A-18.
- Crow, J.F., Kermicle, J., 2002. Oliver Nelson and Quality Protein Maize, Genetics 160: 819–821.
- FAO, 2008. Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations. 2008. The state of food insecurity in the world 2008: high food prices and food security-threats and opportunities. Available from: Accessed Oct 2009 .
- FAO. 1992. Maize in human nutrition. FAO, Rome.
- Gorinstein S., Nue I. A. D. ve de Arruda P., 1991. AlcoholSoluble and Total Proteins from Amaranth Seeds and Their Comparison with Other Cereals. J. Agric. Food Chem., 39: 848-850.
- Ignjatovic-Micic, D., Stankovic, G., Markovic, K., Drinic, S.M., Lazic-Jancic, V., Denic, M., 2010. Kernel Modifications And Tryptophan Content in QPM Segregating Generations ,Genetika, Vol. 42, No. 2, 2672
- Landry, J., Delheya, S., Damerval, C., 2002. Effect of opaque2 gene on accumulation of protein fractions in maize endosperm, Maydica, 47:59-66.
- Ming-sheng, C., Meng-qian, Z., 1994. Electromicropographic analysis storage protein accumulation in endosperms of maize with qualified protein. Acta Boranica Sinica, 36(2):123-129.
- Motto, M., Hartings, H., Fracassetti, M., Consonni, G., 2011. Grain quality-related traits in maize: gene identification and exploitation, Maydica 56:291-314.
- Osborne, T.B. 1987. The amount and properties of the proteins of the maize kernel. J. Am Chem. Soc. 19: 525-532.
- Panda A. K., Raju M. V. L. N., Rao R. S. V., Lavanya G., Reddy E. P. K. ve de Sunder G. S., 2011. Nutritional Evaluation and Utilisation of Quality Protein Maize, Nityasrhee Hybrid Maize, and Normal Maize in Broiler Chickens. British Poultry Science., 52: 632-638.
- Paulis, J.W., Peplinski, A.J., Bietz, J.A., Nelsen, T.C., Bergquist, R.R., 1993. Relation of Kernel Hardness and Lysine to Alcohol-Soluble Protein Composition in Quality Protein Maize Hybrids, J. Agric. Food Chem., 41, 224922
- SAS 1999. SAS V8 User Manual. SAS Institute, Cary NC.
- Sofi, P.A., Wani S.A., Rather, A.G., Wani, S.H., 2009. Review article: Quality protein maize (QPM): Genetic manipulation for the nutritional fortification of mazie, Journal of Plant Breeding and Crop Science, 1(6):244-253.
- Vasal S. K., 1999. Quality Protein Maize Story, CIMMYT., 1: 1Vasal, S.K., 2002. Quality Protein Maize: Overcoming the Hurdles, Journal of Crop Production, 6:1-2, 193-227.
- Vietmeyer, N.D. 2000. A drama in three long acts: the story behind the story of the development of quality-protein maize. Diversity 16:29-32.
- Yau J. C., Bockholt A. J., Smith J. D., Rooney L. W. ve de Waniska R. D.,1999. Maize Endosperm Proteins That Contribute to Endosperm Lysine Content. Cereal Chem., 76: 668-672.