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Yıl 2014, , 240 - 247, 02.11.2014


Turkey has some flaws and challenges in the functioning of agricultural products markets. The receipt warehouse system, which is used for various agricultural products and in many countries around the world is important in terms of proper functioning of agricultural products markets. Therefore, in recent years, creating a legal infrastructure for a receipt warehouse system has gathered speed in Turkey. The study is focused on the functioning of the receipt warehouse system which has existed in developed countries for a long time and recently put into practice in Turkey. The aim of the study is to evaluate the system in terms of Turkish agricultural products, discuss the potential advantages of the warehouse receipt system for farmers, agro-industry, traders, exporters, and more and the problems encountered in the improvement of the system. This review was performed based on domestic and international literature. According to the results of evaluation, primary advantages of the system are availability of high-quality products at desired times in sufficient quantities, price stability, decreasing the cost of stocking and offering farmers eligible loans and credit. In spite of its advantages, it seems that the development of the warehouse receipt system in agricultural markets will not be easy in Turkey because of small-scale enterprises in agriculture sector, the absence of a specialized commodity exchange and the high cost of establishing a licensed warehouse.


  • Anonymous. 2011. Announcement of Marmarabirlik. [Accessed: 10 November 2011].
  • Anonymous. 2012a. TMO-TOBB agricultural products warehouse receipt Inc. announcements. [Accessed: 25 December 2012].
  • Anonymous. 2012b. Republic of Turkey Ministry of customs and trade. [Accessed: 25 December 2012].
  • Anonymous. 2014. Ghana Grains Council. [Accessed: 12 August 2014].
  • Atlı, A., Hayoğlu, İ., Koçak, C., Özer, B., Soyer, A. 2010. Raw material requirements and adequacy of food industry. The Chamber of Agricultural Engineers VII. Technical Congress, 11-15 January, Ankara. (in Turkish)
  • Chanza, N. 2012. Warehouse receipt system. [Accessed: 25 December 2012].
  • Coulter, J., Onumah, G. 2002. The role of warehouse receipt systems in enhanced commodity marketing and rural livelihoods in Africa. Journal of Food Policy. 27: 319-337.
  • Coulter, J. 2009. Review of warehouse receipt system and inventory credit initiatives in Eastern & Southern Africa. UNCTAD. All ACP Agricultural Commodities Programme (AAACP).
  • Demirbaş, N. 2004. The place and importance of agroindustry in Ege region’s economy. Journal of Agricultural Faculty of Ege University. 41 (3): 209-220. (in Turkish)
  • Demirbaş, N., Tosun, D. 2005. The integration between agriculture and industry in Turkey, problems and suggestions for solution. Journal of Agricultural Faculty of Adnan Menderes. 2(2): 27-34. (in Turkish)
  • Doğan, B.B. 2010. An Overview of the development processes of board of trade in Turkey and the world. Atatürk University, Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences. 24(1): 43-61. (in Turkish)
  • Erbay, R. 2007. The impacts of warehouse receipt system and transactions for delivery on agricultural products and futures markets in Turkey. Istanbul Chamber of Commerce. p. 119. (in Turkish)
  • FAOSTAT. 2012. [Accessed: 2 November 2011].
  • General Directorate for Domestic Trade. (2011). Licensed warehouse enterprises. [Accessed: 2 November 2011]. (in Turkish)
  • Höllinger, F., Rutten, L. 2009. The use of warehouse receipt finance in agriculture in ECA countries. Technical background paper for the World Grain Forum 2009. June 6-7, Russian Federation.
  • Izmir Commodity Exchange. 2011. Projects have been carried out by Izmir Commodity Exchange. [Accessed: 5 November 2011]. (in Turkish)
  • Karabaş, S., Gürler, A.Z. 2010. The Mechanism of licensed warehousing system and its applicability in Turkey. Gaziosmanpaşa University The Journal of Social Sciences Research. 1:196-210. (in Turkish)
  • Keskin, B., Demirbaş, N. 2012. An evaluation on food security and it’s calculation methods: constraints and recommendations, national congress of agricultural economics. 10th National Agricultural Economy Congress. 5-7 September, Konya. (in Turkish).
  • Lyimo, A.P. 2009. Warehouse receipt system Rudi experience, ESAANET Nairobi Meeting. 17th May, Nairobi.
  • Martin, E., Bryde, P. 1999. Agricultural finance and credit infrastructure in transition economies. Grain receipts in economies in transition: an introduction to financing of warehouse receipts. OECD. 218-232. France.
  • Mızrak, G. 2007. The role of receipt warehouse system in specialized commodity exchange. Journal of Konya Exchange of Commerce. [Accessed: 5 November 2011] (in Turkish).
  • Official Journal. 2005a. Agricultural products licensed warehouse law. no: 5300. 17 February 2005. (in Turkish)
  • Official Journal. 2005b. Regulation on principles of the establishment, operation and audit of specialized product exchanges. (in Turkish)
  • Official Journal. 2010. Regulation on licensed olive warehouse and licensed olive oil warehouse. no: 27775. 4 December 2010.
  • Onumah, G. 2010. Implementing warehouse receipt systems in Africa potential and challenges. 4th African Agricultural Markets Program Policy Symposium. 6-7 September, Lilongwe, Malawi.
  • Pascal, R. 2010. The experience of warehouse receipt system in Tanzania, [Accessed: 25 December 2012].
  • Saran, P., Bindra, P.S., Mehta, S.M., Mishra, A., Unnikrishnan, K., Kaul, A., Taori, K.J., Kumar, S., Bansal, R.K., Vilasachandran, T.  Samantaray, M.K. 2005. Report of the working group on warehouse receipts and commodity futures. Department Reserve Bank of India. Mumbai.
  • Taşkesen, M., Kaban, A. 2009. Hazelnut in 20 questions. [Accessed: 29 September 2011]. (in Turkish)
  • Tektaş, N.S. 2008. Possible impacts of warehouses system on agricultural markets in Turkey: The example of Thrace Region. Master Thesis. Namık Kemal University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences. Tekirdağ.
  • Tosun, D., Yercan, M.  Demirbaş, N. 2013. The place and importance of cooperatives in food supply chain in Turkey. 24th International Scientific-Expert Conference of Agriculture and Food Industry. 25-28 September 2013, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
  • TUIK. Several years. Agricultural structure, production price value. Ankara.
  • TUIK, 2013. Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu, . [Accessed: June 2013].
  • USAID. 2007. Necessary conditions for an effective warehouse receipts activity. Concept Paper. [Accessed: 25 December 2012].
  • USDA. 2012. [Accessed: 2 November 2011].
  • Ünal, R. M. 2011. Warehouse receipt system in agricultural products. Research Report, Fırat Development Agency. Malatya (in Turkish)
  • Varangis, P., Larson, D. 1996. How warehouse receipts help commodity trading and financing, World Bank DEC Note no. 21.
  • Yücel, İ. 2011. The receipt warehouse system and specialized commodity exchange., [Accessed:20 September 2011] (in Turkish).


Yıl 2014, , 240 - 247, 02.11.2014


Türkiye’de tarım ve gıda ürünleri piyasalarının işleyişinde bir takım aksaklıklar ve sorunlar ortaya çıkabilmektedir. Başta gelişmiş ülkeler olmak üzere dünyada birçok ülkede ve üründe yaygın bir şekilde uygulanan lisanslı depoculuk sistemi, Türkiye’de belirli tarım ve gıda ürünleri piyasalarının düzgün bir biçimde işlemesi açısından önemli görülmektedir. Nitekim Türkiye’de de lisanslı depoculuk sisteminin yasal altyapısının hazırlanması çalışmaları son yıllarda hızlanmıştır. Bu çalışmada, lisanslı depoculuk sisteminin Türk tarım ve gıda ürünleri açısından genel bir değerlendirmesinin yapılması amaçlanmaktadır. Çalışmada, lisanslı depoculuk sisteminde yer alan ana unsurların sistemden sağlayacağı avantajlar ve lisanslı depoculuğun gelişmesinin önünde duran sorunlar için alınması gereken önlemler tartışılmıştır. Bu çalışma yerli ve uluslararası literatürden yararlanılarak hazırlanmıştır. Yapılan değerlendirmeye göre, kaliteli ürünün istenilen zamanda ve miktarda elde edilmesi, fiyat istikrarı sağlaması, stok maliyetinin azaltılması ve üreticilere uygun kredi olanaklarının sağlanması lisanslı depoculuk sisteminin başlıca avantajlarıdır. Bu avantajlarına rağmen, Türkiye’de lisanslı depoculuk sisteminin gelişimi, tarımsal işletmelerin küçük ölçekli olması, ürün ihtisas borsalarının mevcut olmayışı ve lisanslı depo kurma maliyetlerinin çok yüksek olması gibi nedenlerle kolay görülmemektedir.


  • Anonymous. 2011. Announcement of Marmarabirlik. [Accessed: 10 November 2011].
  • Anonymous. 2012a. TMO-TOBB agricultural products warehouse receipt Inc. announcements. [Accessed: 25 December 2012].
  • Anonymous. 2012b. Republic of Turkey Ministry of customs and trade. [Accessed: 25 December 2012].
  • Anonymous. 2014. Ghana Grains Council. [Accessed: 12 August 2014].
  • Atlı, A., Hayoğlu, İ., Koçak, C., Özer, B., Soyer, A. 2010. Raw material requirements and adequacy of food industry. The Chamber of Agricultural Engineers VII. Technical Congress, 11-15 January, Ankara. (in Turkish)
  • Chanza, N. 2012. Warehouse receipt system. [Accessed: 25 December 2012].
  • Coulter, J., Onumah, G. 2002. The role of warehouse receipt systems in enhanced commodity marketing and rural livelihoods in Africa. Journal of Food Policy. 27: 319-337.
  • Coulter, J. 2009. Review of warehouse receipt system and inventory credit initiatives in Eastern & Southern Africa. UNCTAD. All ACP Agricultural Commodities Programme (AAACP).
  • Demirbaş, N. 2004. The place and importance of agroindustry in Ege region’s economy. Journal of Agricultural Faculty of Ege University. 41 (3): 209-220. (in Turkish)
  • Demirbaş, N., Tosun, D. 2005. The integration between agriculture and industry in Turkey, problems and suggestions for solution. Journal of Agricultural Faculty of Adnan Menderes. 2(2): 27-34. (in Turkish)
  • Doğan, B.B. 2010. An Overview of the development processes of board of trade in Turkey and the world. Atatürk University, Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences. 24(1): 43-61. (in Turkish)
  • Erbay, R. 2007. The impacts of warehouse receipt system and transactions for delivery on agricultural products and futures markets in Turkey. Istanbul Chamber of Commerce. p. 119. (in Turkish)
  • FAOSTAT. 2012. [Accessed: 2 November 2011].
  • General Directorate for Domestic Trade. (2011). Licensed warehouse enterprises. [Accessed: 2 November 2011]. (in Turkish)
  • Höllinger, F., Rutten, L. 2009. The use of warehouse receipt finance in agriculture in ECA countries. Technical background paper for the World Grain Forum 2009. June 6-7, Russian Federation.
  • Izmir Commodity Exchange. 2011. Projects have been carried out by Izmir Commodity Exchange. [Accessed: 5 November 2011]. (in Turkish)
  • Karabaş, S., Gürler, A.Z. 2010. The Mechanism of licensed warehousing system and its applicability in Turkey. Gaziosmanpaşa University The Journal of Social Sciences Research. 1:196-210. (in Turkish)
  • Keskin, B., Demirbaş, N. 2012. An evaluation on food security and it’s calculation methods: constraints and recommendations, national congress of agricultural economics. 10th National Agricultural Economy Congress. 5-7 September, Konya. (in Turkish).
  • Lyimo, A.P. 2009. Warehouse receipt system Rudi experience, ESAANET Nairobi Meeting. 17th May, Nairobi.
  • Martin, E., Bryde, P. 1999. Agricultural finance and credit infrastructure in transition economies. Grain receipts in economies in transition: an introduction to financing of warehouse receipts. OECD. 218-232. France.
  • Mızrak, G. 2007. The role of receipt warehouse system in specialized commodity exchange. Journal of Konya Exchange of Commerce. [Accessed: 5 November 2011] (in Turkish).
  • Official Journal. 2005a. Agricultural products licensed warehouse law. no: 5300. 17 February 2005. (in Turkish)
  • Official Journal. 2005b. Regulation on principles of the establishment, operation and audit of specialized product exchanges. (in Turkish)
  • Official Journal. 2010. Regulation on licensed olive warehouse and licensed olive oil warehouse. no: 27775. 4 December 2010.
  • Onumah, G. 2010. Implementing warehouse receipt systems in Africa potential and challenges. 4th African Agricultural Markets Program Policy Symposium. 6-7 September, Lilongwe, Malawi.
  • Pascal, R. 2010. The experience of warehouse receipt system in Tanzania, [Accessed: 25 December 2012].
  • Saran, P., Bindra, P.S., Mehta, S.M., Mishra, A., Unnikrishnan, K., Kaul, A., Taori, K.J., Kumar, S., Bansal, R.K., Vilasachandran, T.  Samantaray, M.K. 2005. Report of the working group on warehouse receipts and commodity futures. Department Reserve Bank of India. Mumbai.
  • Taşkesen, M., Kaban, A. 2009. Hazelnut in 20 questions. [Accessed: 29 September 2011]. (in Turkish)
  • Tektaş, N.S. 2008. Possible impacts of warehouses system on agricultural markets in Turkey: The example of Thrace Region. Master Thesis. Namık Kemal University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences. Tekirdağ.
  • Tosun, D., Yercan, M.  Demirbaş, N. 2013. The place and importance of cooperatives in food supply chain in Turkey. 24th International Scientific-Expert Conference of Agriculture and Food Industry. 25-28 September 2013, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
  • TUIK. Several years. Agricultural structure, production price value. Ankara.
  • TUIK, 2013. Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu, . [Accessed: June 2013].
  • USAID. 2007. Necessary conditions for an effective warehouse receipts activity. Concept Paper. [Accessed: 25 December 2012].
  • USDA. 2012. [Accessed: 2 November 2011].
  • Ünal, R. M. 2011. Warehouse receipt system in agricultural products. Research Report, Fırat Development Agency. Malatya (in Turkish)
  • Varangis, P., Larson, D. 1996. How warehouse receipts help commodity trading and financing, World Bank DEC Note no. 21.
  • Yücel, İ. 2011. The receipt warehouse system and specialized commodity exchange., [Accessed:20 September 2011] (in Turkish).
Toplam 37 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Derleme

Duygu Tosun

Kerem Savran Bu kişi benim

Özge Niyaz

Berkay Keskin

Nevin Demirbaş

Yayımlanma Tarihi 2 Kasım 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2014

Kaynak Göster

APA Tosun, D., Savran, K., Niyaz, Ö., Keskin, B., vd. (2014). THE EVALUATION OF THE WAREHOUSE RECEIPT SYSTEM FOR AGRO-FOOD PRODUCTS IN TURKEY. Anadolu Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 29(3), 240-247.
Online ISSN: 1308-8769