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Ekmeklik Buğdayda Geliştirilen Rekombinant Kendilenmiş Hat Populasyonunda Kalite Özellikleri İçin Fenotipik ve Genotipik Değişim

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 36 Sayı: 3, 418 - 432, 12.10.2021


Rekombinant kendilenmiş hat populasyonları tarımsal araştırmalarda kullanılan önemli haritalama populasyonlarıdır. Çalışmada, Tosunbey ve Tahirova-2000 çeşitleri melezlenerek 420 ve 362 adet hat bulunan resiprokal rekombinant kendilenmiş hat populasyonu geliştirilmiştir. Populasyonların geliştirilmesinde tek tohum soy yöntemi kullanılmıştır. F7 generasyondaki homozigot hatlar, Samsun lokasyonunda Agumented deneme desenine göre 6 m2 alanındaki parsellerde yetiştirilmiştir. Hatların Yüksek ve Düşük Molekül Ağırlıklı Glutenin Alt Üniteleri (YMA-GA ve DMA-GA) ile çavdar translokasyonu varlığı SDS-PAGE yöntemiyle belirlenmiştir. Tosunbey çeşidi YMA-GA için 1, 17+18, 5+10 alt ünitelerini ve DMA-GA için GluA3b, GluB3b ve GluD3b allellerini taşırken, Tahirova-2000 çeşidi YMA-GA için 2*, 7+9, 5+10 alt ünitelerini ve DMA-GA için GluA3e, GluB3j ve GluD3b allellerini ve 1BL.1RS çavdar translokasyonu taşımaktadır. Denemede tane verimi, bitki boyu, başaklanma gün süresi gibi agronomik özellikler yanında protein içeriği, SDS sedimentasyon değeri, hektolitre ağırlığı, bin tane ağırlığı, kül oranı ve L renk değeri saptanmıştır. Tosunbey × Tahirova-2000ve Tahirova-2000 × Tosunbey populasyonlarında denemelerin ortalama tane verimi sırasıyla 399.5 kgda-1 ve 328.9 kgda-1’dır. Populasyonlarda bitki boyu ve başaklanma süresi için önemli seviyede transgresif açılım gözlenmiştir. Üçyüzyirmidört hattın çavdar translokasyonu (1BL.1RS) taşıdığı ve çavdar translokasyonunun protein kalitesine etkisinin olumsuz olduğu saptanmıştır. GluA3b alleli taşıyan hatların SDS sedimentasyon değeri, GluA3e alleli taşıyanlara kıyasla daha yüksektir. Araştırma sonuçları populasyonların ekmeklik buğdayda kalite ve kuraklık çalışmalarında kullanılabilecek elit materyale sahip olduğunu göstermiştir.


  • Anonim, 1990. Cereals. PBI Cambridge, Plant Breeding International, Cambridge.
  • Anonim, 2010. Industry Brifing Paper. Test Weight of Australian Wheat 2010 and Beyond, Page 5. Grain Trade Australia. PO Box R1829, Royal Exchange NSW 1225.
  • Assanga, S.O., Fuentealba, M., Zhang ,G., Tan, C., Dhakal, S., Rudd, J.C., Ibrahim, A.M.H., Xue, Q., Haley, S., Chen, J., Chao, S., Baker, J., Jessup, K., Liu, S.,2017. Mapping of Quantitative Trait Loci for Grain Yield and Its Components in A Us Popular Winter Wheat TAM 111 using 90K SNPs. PLoS ONE 12(12): e0189669
  • Atlı, A., 1999. Buğday ve Ürünleri Kalitesi. Orta Anadolu'da Hububat Tarımının Sorunları ve Çözüm Yolları Sempozyumu, 8-11 Haziran, Konya.
  • Aydın, N., TÜBİTAK Projesi Sonuç Raporu, Proje No: 112O135.
  • Baenziger, P.S., Shelton, D.R., Shipman, M.J., Graybosch, R.A., 2001. Breeding for End Use Quality: Reflections on The Nebraska Experience. Euphytica, 119 (4): 95-100.
  • Basavaraddi, P.A., Savini, R., Sukumaran, S., Reynolds, M., Griffiths, S., Slafer, G., 2021. Genotypic Differences in Wheat Yield Determinants Within A NAM Population Based on Elite Parents. European Journal of Agronomy, 123: 16-26.
  • Blade, S.F., Baker, R.J., 1991. Kernel Weight Response to Source Sink Changes in Spring Wheat Crop Sci, 31: 1117-1120.
  • Bohn, M., Utz, H.F., Melchinger, A.E., 1998. Genetic Similarities Among Winter Wheat Cultivars Determined on The Basis of RFLPs, AFLPs and SSRs and Their Use for Predicting Progeny Variance. Crop Sci, 39 (1): 228-237.
  • Bonafede, M.D., Tranquilli, G., Pflüger, L.A., Pena, R.J., Dubcovsky, J., 2015. Effect of Allelic Variation at The Glu-3/Gli-1 Loci On Breadmaking Quality Parameters in Hexaploid Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). J Cereal Sci, 62: 143-150.
  • Brim, C.A., 1966. A Modified Pedigree Method of Selection in Soybeans. Crop Sci, 6: 220.
  • Bushuk, W., 1998. Wheat Breeding for and Product Use. Euphytica, 100: 137-145.
  • Butow BJ, Ma W, Gale KR, Cornish GB, Rampling L, Larroque O, Morell MK, Békés F 2003. Molecular Discrimination of Bx7 Alleles Demonstrates That a Highly Expressed High Molecular Weight Glutenin Allele Has a Major Impact on Wheat Flour Dough Strength. Theoretical and Applied Genetics107: 1524-1532.
  • Cook, R.J., 1992. Wheat Root Heath Management and Environmental Concern. Can. J. Plant Pathol, 14: 76-85.
  • Costa, J.M., Kronstad, W.E., 1994. Association of Grain Protein Concentration and Selected Traits in Hard Red Winter Wheat Populations in The Pacific Northwest. Crop Sci, 34: 1234-1239.
  • D’Ovidio, R., Masci, S., 2004. The Low Molecular Weight Glutenin Subunits of Wheat Gluten. J Cereal Sci, 39: 321-339.
  • Dhaliwal, A.S., MacRitche, F., 1990. Contributions of Protein Fractions to Dough Handling Properties of Wheat Rye Translocation Cultivars. J Cereal Sci, 12: 113-122.
  • Dreisigacker, S., Sukumaran, S., Guzmán, C., He, X., Bonnett, D., Crossa, J., 2016. Molecular Marker Based Selection Tools in Spring Bread Wheat Improvement: CIMMYT Experience and Prospects. Mol Breed Sustain Crop Improv, 11(3): 421-474.
  • Ehdaie, B., Layne, A.P., Waines, J.G., 2011. Root System Plasticity to Drought Influences Grain Yield in Bread Wheat. Euphytica, 186(4): 219-232.
  • Engelbrecht, M.L., 2008. Assesment of Variance In Measurement of Hectolitre Mass of Wheat and Maize Using Equipment From Different Grain Producing and Exporting Countries. Master of Science in Food Science. Faculty of Agri Sciences, 12: 111.
  • Espi, A., Quijano, M.R., Vazquez, J.F., Carrillo, J.M., Giraldo, P., 2014. Molecular Characterization of Glu-B3 Locus in Wheat Cultivars and Segregating Populations. J Cereal Sci, 60: 374-381.
  • Everts, K.L., Leath, S., Finney, P.L., 2001. Impact of Powdery Mildew and Leaf Rust on Milling and Baking Quality of Soft Red Winter Wheat. Plant Dis, 85(4): 423-429.
  • Faheem, M., Mahmood, T., Shabbir, G., Akhtar, N., Kazi, A., Kazi, A.M., 2015. Assessment of D-Genome Based Genetic Diversity in Drought Tolerant Wheat Germplasm. Int J Agric Biol,17: 791-796.
  • Fischer, R.A., Bidinger, F., Syme, J.R., Wall, P.C., 1981. Leaf Photosynthesis, Lead Permeability, Crop Growth, and Yield of Short Spring Wheat Genotypes Under İrrigation. Crop Sci, 21: 367-373.
  • Genç, İ., Yağbasanlar, T., Özkan, H., 1993. Akdeniz İklim Kuşağına Uygun Makarnalık Buğday Çeşitlerinin Belirlenmesi Üzerinde Araştırmalar. Makarnalık Buğday ve Mamülleri Sempozyumu, 30 Kasım-3 Aralık, Ankara.
  • Gianibelli, M.C., Lagudah, E.S., Wrigley, C.W., MacRitchie, F., 2002. Biochemical and Genetic Characterization of a Monomeric Storage Protein (T1) With an Unusually High Molecular Weight in Triticum tauschii. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 104: 497-504.
  • Graybosch, R.A., 2001. Uneasy Unions: Quality Effects of Rye Chromatin Tranfers to Wheat. J Cereal Sci, 33: 3-16.
  • Graybosch, R.A., Peterson, C.J., Shelton, D.R., Baenziger, P.S., 1996. Genotypic and Environmental Modification of Wheat Flour Protein Composition in Relation to End-Use Quality. Crop Sci, 36 (2): 296-300.
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  • Guo, H., Wu, J., Lu, Y., Yan, Y., 2019. High Molecular Weight Glutenin 1Bx17 and 1By18 Subunits Encoded by Glu-B1i Enhance Wheat Dough Rheological Properties and Breadmaking Quality. J Food Quality, 15: 145-153.
  • Güleç, T., 2020. Ekmeklik Buğdayda Geliştirilen Resiprokal Rekombinant Kendilenmiş Hat Populasyonunda Çavdar Translokasyonu Taşıyan Hatların Yarı Bodurluk, Fotoperiyod, Vernalizasyon ve Waxy Genlerinin Taraması. KMÜ, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Biyomühendislik Anabilim Dalı, Doktora Tezi, 136 sy.
  • Henkrar, F., El-Haddoury, J., Iraqi, D., Bendaou, N., Udupa, S.M., 2017. Allelic Variation at High Molecular Weight and Low Molecular Weight Glutenin Subunit Genes In Moroccan Bread Wheat and Durum Wheat Cultivars. 3 Biotech,3: 17-24.
  • Hsam, S.L., Mohler, V., Hartly, L., Wenzel, G., Zeller, F.J., 2000. Mapping of Powdery Mildew and Leaf Rust Resistance Genes on Wheat-Rye Translocated Chromosome T1BL.1RS Using Molecular ve Biochemical Markers. Plant Breeding, 119: 87-89. Hsia, C.C., Anderson, O.D., 2001. Isolation and Characterization of Wheat ω-Gliadin Genes. Theor. Appl Genet, 103(5): 37-44.
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Phenotypic and Genotypic Variation For Quality Traits In The Recombinant Inbred Line Population Developed in Bread Wheat

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 36 Sayı: 3, 418 - 432, 12.10.2021


Recombinant inbred line (RILs) populations are substantial mapping populations used in agricultural research.In the study, a reciprocal recombinant inbred line population with 420 and 362 lines was developed by crossing Tosunbey and Tahirova-2000 varieties. The single-seed descent method was used to create the mapping populations. RILs in the F7 generation were grown in plots in a 6 m2 area according to the Augmented design in Samsun location. The presence of rye translocation and High and Low Molecular Weight Gluten Subunits (HMW-GS and LMW-GS) of the lines was determined by the SDS-PAGE method. Tosunbey variety has 1, 17+18, 5+10 subunits for YMA-GA and GluA3b, GluB3b, GluD3b alleles for LMW-GS, while Tahirova-2000 variety has 2*, 7+9, 5+10 subunits for HMW-GS and GluA3e, GluB3j, GluD3b alleles for DMA-GA and 1BL.1RS rye translocation. The data of grain yield, plant height, and heading time were recorded as agronomic traits, while protein content, SDS sedimentation value, hectoliter weight, thousand-grain weight, ash ratio, and L color value as the quality traits. The average grain yield of Tosunbey × Tahirova-2000and Tahirova-2000 × Tosunbey populations is 399.5 kg/da and 328.9 kg/da, respectively. Significant transgressive segregation was observed for plant height and heading time in the mapping populations. Three hundred twenty-four lines have rye translocation (1BL.1RS), and the effect of rye translocation on protein quality was negative. The SDS sedimentation value of the lines with the GluA3b allele is higher than those with the GluA3e allele. These results indicated that the populations have the elite lines for bread wheat quality and drought studies.


  • Anonim, 1990. Cereals. PBI Cambridge, Plant Breeding International, Cambridge.
  • Anonim, 2010. Industry Brifing Paper. Test Weight of Australian Wheat 2010 and Beyond, Page 5. Grain Trade Australia. PO Box R1829, Royal Exchange NSW 1225.
  • Assanga, S.O., Fuentealba, M., Zhang ,G., Tan, C., Dhakal, S., Rudd, J.C., Ibrahim, A.M.H., Xue, Q., Haley, S., Chen, J., Chao, S., Baker, J., Jessup, K., Liu, S.,2017. Mapping of Quantitative Trait Loci for Grain Yield and Its Components in A Us Popular Winter Wheat TAM 111 using 90K SNPs. PLoS ONE 12(12): e0189669
  • Atlı, A., 1999. Buğday ve Ürünleri Kalitesi. Orta Anadolu'da Hububat Tarımının Sorunları ve Çözüm Yolları Sempozyumu, 8-11 Haziran, Konya.
  • Aydın, N., TÜBİTAK Projesi Sonuç Raporu, Proje No: 112O135.
  • Baenziger, P.S., Shelton, D.R., Shipman, M.J., Graybosch, R.A., 2001. Breeding for End Use Quality: Reflections on The Nebraska Experience. Euphytica, 119 (4): 95-100.
  • Basavaraddi, P.A., Savini, R., Sukumaran, S., Reynolds, M., Griffiths, S., Slafer, G., 2021. Genotypic Differences in Wheat Yield Determinants Within A NAM Population Based on Elite Parents. European Journal of Agronomy, 123: 16-26.
  • Blade, S.F., Baker, R.J., 1991. Kernel Weight Response to Source Sink Changes in Spring Wheat Crop Sci, 31: 1117-1120.
  • Bohn, M., Utz, H.F., Melchinger, A.E., 1998. Genetic Similarities Among Winter Wheat Cultivars Determined on The Basis of RFLPs, AFLPs and SSRs and Their Use for Predicting Progeny Variance. Crop Sci, 39 (1): 228-237.
  • Bonafede, M.D., Tranquilli, G., Pflüger, L.A., Pena, R.J., Dubcovsky, J., 2015. Effect of Allelic Variation at The Glu-3/Gli-1 Loci On Breadmaking Quality Parameters in Hexaploid Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). J Cereal Sci, 62: 143-150.
  • Brim, C.A., 1966. A Modified Pedigree Method of Selection in Soybeans. Crop Sci, 6: 220.
  • Bushuk, W., 1998. Wheat Breeding for and Product Use. Euphytica, 100: 137-145.
  • Butow BJ, Ma W, Gale KR, Cornish GB, Rampling L, Larroque O, Morell MK, Békés F 2003. Molecular Discrimination of Bx7 Alleles Demonstrates That a Highly Expressed High Molecular Weight Glutenin Allele Has a Major Impact on Wheat Flour Dough Strength. Theoretical and Applied Genetics107: 1524-1532.
  • Cook, R.J., 1992. Wheat Root Heath Management and Environmental Concern. Can. J. Plant Pathol, 14: 76-85.
  • Costa, J.M., Kronstad, W.E., 1994. Association of Grain Protein Concentration and Selected Traits in Hard Red Winter Wheat Populations in The Pacific Northwest. Crop Sci, 34: 1234-1239.
  • D’Ovidio, R., Masci, S., 2004. The Low Molecular Weight Glutenin Subunits of Wheat Gluten. J Cereal Sci, 39: 321-339.
  • Dhaliwal, A.S., MacRitche, F., 1990. Contributions of Protein Fractions to Dough Handling Properties of Wheat Rye Translocation Cultivars. J Cereal Sci, 12: 113-122.
  • Dreisigacker, S., Sukumaran, S., Guzmán, C., He, X., Bonnett, D., Crossa, J., 2016. Molecular Marker Based Selection Tools in Spring Bread Wheat Improvement: CIMMYT Experience and Prospects. Mol Breed Sustain Crop Improv, 11(3): 421-474.
  • Ehdaie, B., Layne, A.P., Waines, J.G., 2011. Root System Plasticity to Drought Influences Grain Yield in Bread Wheat. Euphytica, 186(4): 219-232.
  • Engelbrecht, M.L., 2008. Assesment of Variance In Measurement of Hectolitre Mass of Wheat and Maize Using Equipment From Different Grain Producing and Exporting Countries. Master of Science in Food Science. Faculty of Agri Sciences, 12: 111.
  • Espi, A., Quijano, M.R., Vazquez, J.F., Carrillo, J.M., Giraldo, P., 2014. Molecular Characterization of Glu-B3 Locus in Wheat Cultivars and Segregating Populations. J Cereal Sci, 60: 374-381.
  • Everts, K.L., Leath, S., Finney, P.L., 2001. Impact of Powdery Mildew and Leaf Rust on Milling and Baking Quality of Soft Red Winter Wheat. Plant Dis, 85(4): 423-429.
  • Faheem, M., Mahmood, T., Shabbir, G., Akhtar, N., Kazi, A., Kazi, A.M., 2015. Assessment of D-Genome Based Genetic Diversity in Drought Tolerant Wheat Germplasm. Int J Agric Biol,17: 791-796.
  • Fischer, R.A., Bidinger, F., Syme, J.R., Wall, P.C., 1981. Leaf Photosynthesis, Lead Permeability, Crop Growth, and Yield of Short Spring Wheat Genotypes Under İrrigation. Crop Sci, 21: 367-373.
  • Genç, İ., Yağbasanlar, T., Özkan, H., 1993. Akdeniz İklim Kuşağına Uygun Makarnalık Buğday Çeşitlerinin Belirlenmesi Üzerinde Araştırmalar. Makarnalık Buğday ve Mamülleri Sempozyumu, 30 Kasım-3 Aralık, Ankara.
  • Gianibelli, M.C., Lagudah, E.S., Wrigley, C.W., MacRitchie, F., 2002. Biochemical and Genetic Characterization of a Monomeric Storage Protein (T1) With an Unusually High Molecular Weight in Triticum tauschii. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 104: 497-504.
  • Graybosch, R.A., 2001. Uneasy Unions: Quality Effects of Rye Chromatin Tranfers to Wheat. J Cereal Sci, 33: 3-16.
  • Graybosch, R.A., Peterson, C.J., Shelton, D.R., Baenziger, P.S., 1996. Genotypic and Environmental Modification of Wheat Flour Protein Composition in Relation to End-Use Quality. Crop Sci, 36 (2): 296-300.
  • Griffey, C.A., Das, M.K., Stromberg, E.L., 1993. Effectiveness of Adult-Plant Resistance in Reducing Grain Yield Loss to Powdery Mildew in Winter Wheat. Plant Dis, 77: 618-622.
  • Guo, H., Wu, J., Lu, Y., Yan, Y., 2019. High Molecular Weight Glutenin 1Bx17 and 1By18 Subunits Encoded by Glu-B1i Enhance Wheat Dough Rheological Properties and Breadmaking Quality. J Food Quality, 15: 145-153.
  • Güleç, T., 2020. Ekmeklik Buğdayda Geliştirilen Resiprokal Rekombinant Kendilenmiş Hat Populasyonunda Çavdar Translokasyonu Taşıyan Hatların Yarı Bodurluk, Fotoperiyod, Vernalizasyon ve Waxy Genlerinin Taraması. KMÜ, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Biyomühendislik Anabilim Dalı, Doktora Tezi, 136 sy.
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Toplam 67 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Anadolu Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi

Nevzat Aydın 0000-0003-3251-6880

Bedrettin Demir 0000-0002-8892-2282

Tuğba Güleç 0000-0002-1755-1082

Cemal Şermet 0000-0002-3428-6022

Hasan Orhan Bayramoğlu 0000-0002-1354-6796

Abdulvahit Sayaslan 0000-0001-7161-1552

Zeki Mut 0000-0002-1465-3630

Yayımlanma Tarihi 12 Ekim 2021
Kabul Tarihi 1 Temmuz 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Cilt: 36 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Aydın, N., Demir, B., Güleç, T., Şermet, C., vd. (2021). Ekmeklik Buğdayda Geliştirilen Rekombinant Kendilenmiş Hat Populasyonunda Kalite Özellikleri İçin Fenotipik ve Genotipik Değişim. Anadolu Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 36(3), 418-432.
Online ISSN: 1308-8769