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En Uzun On Yıl: 11 Eylül Sonrası Ortadoğu

Yıl 2012, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2, 183 - 216, 15.07.2016


11 Eylül saldırılarının üzerinden on yıl geçmesine rağmen etkileri halen devam etmektedir. Saldırıları kuramsal olarak açıklamak ise saldırıların muhatabı A.B.D yönetiminin politikalarını belirlemesine yardımcı olmuştur. Bu politikalardan en fazla etkilenen bölge ise Ortadoğu’dur. Hem A.B.D’nin demokratikleştirme gündemi hem de teröre karşı yürüttüğü savaş, 11 Eylül sonrası dönemde Ortadoğu’yu uluslararası politikanın gündeminde en üst sıralara taşımıştır. Ne var ki, bu politik gündem ulus aşırı Kürt ulusçuluğunun yükselmesi, İran’ın Şiilik vasıtasıyla etki alanını genişletmesi, Suriye’nin iç ve dış politika gündeminin değişmesi, İsrailFilistin sorununun çözümsüzlüğe sürüklenmesi ve İslami radikalizmin güçlenmesi gibi sorunlarla doludur


  • Ajami, Fouad, “ The End of Pan-Arabism”, Foreign Affairs, Cilt 57, No.2, 1978.
  • Altunışık, Meliha Benli, “The Middle East in the Aftermath of September 11 Attacks”, Foreign Policy, Cilt 35, 2009.
  • Aras, Bülent ve Rabia Karakaya Polat, ”From Conflict to Cooperation: Desecuritization of Turkey’s Relations with Syria and Iran”, Security Dialogue, Cilt 39, No.5, 2008.
  • Bahgat, Gawdat, “ Nuclear Proliferation: The Islamic Republic of Iran”, Iranian Studies, Cilt 39, No.3, 2006.
  • “Barzani: A.B.D İzin Verdi, Bağdat Seyirci Kaldı”. 25 Şubat 2008, http:// guncel/haberdetayarsiv/01.06.2010/253348/default.htm.
  • Barzegar, Kayhan, “ Iran, the Middle East and International Security”, Ortadoğu Etüdleri, Cilt 1, No.1, 2009.
  • Brennan, John, “The Conundrum of Iran: Strengthening Moderates without Acquiescing to Belligerence”, The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Cilt 618, No.1, 2008.
  • “Bush Vows Democracy for Iraq and the Middle East”. 19 Kasım 2003.
  • “Büyükanıt: Kuzey Irak’a Operasyon Gerekli”. 13 Nisan 2007,
  • Byman, Daniel L., The Changing Nature of State Sponsorship of Terrorism, The Saban Center for Middle East Policy at the Brooking Institution Analysis Paper, 2006.
  • Cleveland, William L., Modern Ortadoğu Tarihi, (İstanbul: Agora Kitaplığı, 2008).
  • Cleveland, William Martin Bunton, “ Israeli-PalestinianRelations After the Oslo Accords”, içinde Karl Yambert (der.) The Contemporary Middle East, (Boulder: Westview Press, 2010).
  • Cole, Juan, “ A ‘Shiite Crescent’? The Regional Impact of the Iraqi War”, Current History, No. 687, 2006.
  • “Commencement Address at the United States Military Academy at West Point”. 1 Haziran 2002,
  • Cordesman, Anthony H., Iran’s Support of the Hezbollah in Lebanon, (Washington: Center for Strategic and International Studies, 2006).
  • Craner, Lorne, “Will US Democratization Policy Work”, Middle East Quarterly, Cilt 13, No.3, 2006.
  • Dalacoure, Katerina, “US Foreign Policy and Democracy Promotion in the Middle East: Theoretical Perspectives and Policy Recommendations”, Ortadoğu Etüdleri, Cilt 1, No. 3. 2010.
  • Dorraj, Manochehr, “Iran’s Regional Policy”, Yambert, Karl (der). The Contemporary Middle East, (Philadelphia: Westview Press, 2010).
  • El-Hokayem, Emile, “ Hizballah and Syria: Outgrowing the Proxy Relationship”, Washington Quarterly, Cilt 20, No.2, 2007.
  • Fukuyama, Francis, Neo-Conların Sonu: Yol Ayrımındaki Amerika, (İstanbul: Profil Yayınları, 2006).
  • Galbraith, Peter, Irak’ın Sonu: Ulus Devletlerin Çöküşü mü?, (İstanbul: Doğan Kitap, 2007).
  • Gause III, F. Gregory, “Can Democracy Stop Terrorism”. Foreign Affairs. Cilt 84, No.5, 2005.
  • Goldberg, David H. ve Bernard Reich, “ State of Israel”, içinde David E. Long, Bernard Reich ve Mark Gasirowski (der.) The Government and Politics of the Middle East and North Africa, (Boulder: Westview Press, 2011).
  • “Gül’den Kuzey Irak’a PKK Uyarısı,” 2 Kasım 2005, http://arsiv.ntvmsnbc. com/ news/347957.asp.
  • Haass, Richard N., “The New Middle East”, Foreign Affairs. Cilt 85, No.2, 2006.
  • Harris, William, “ Bashar Al-Asad’s Lebanon Gamble”, Middle East Quarterly, Cilt 12, No.3, 2005.
  • Hashim, Ahmed S., Insurgency and Counter Insurgency in Iraq, (New York: Cornell University Press, 2006).
  • Hawthorne, Amy, “ Can the United States Promote Democracy in the Middle East?”, Current History, 660, 2003.
  • Hegghammer, Thomas, “Global Jihadism after Iraq War”, Middle East Journal, Cilt 60, No.1, 2006.
  • Hinnebusch, Raymond, The International Politics of the Middle East, (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2003).
  • _______________, “ Syrian Foreign Policy under Bashar El-Asad”, Ortadoğu Etüdleri, Cilt 1, No.1, 2009.
  • Karagül, İbrahim, “Suudiler Bahreyn’de! Peki Iran Ne Diyecek?”, Yeni Şafak, 15 Şubat 2011.
  • Knio, Karim, “ Is Political Stability Sustainable in Post-Cedar Revolution in Lebanon”, Mediterranean Politics, Cilt 13, No.3, 2008.
  • Kurtuluş, Ersun N., “ The Cedar Revolution: Lebanese Independence and the Question of Collective Self Determination”, British Journal of Mİddle Eastern Studies, Cilt 36, No.2, 2009.
  • Lesch, David W., “ Israel, the Palestinians, Hamas and Hizbollah”, Karl Yambert (der.) The Contemporary Middle East, (Boulder: Westview Press, 2010).
  • Lesch, David W., “ Syrian Arab Republic”, içinde David E. Long, Bernard Reich ve Mark Gasirowski (der.) The Government and Politics of the Middle East and North Africa, (Boulder: Westview Press, 2011).
  • Lieber, Keir A. ve Alexander, Gerard, “Waiting for Balancing”, International Security, Cilt 30, No. 1, 2005.
  • Mansfield, Edward D. ve Jack Snyder, “ Democratization and War”, Foreign Affairs, Cilt 74, No. 3, 1995.
  • Montgomery, Evan Braden ve Stacie L. Pettyjohn, “ Democratization, Instability, and War: Israel’s 2006 Conflicts with Hamas and Hezbollah”, Security Studies, Cilt 19, No. 3, 2010.
  • Moshaver, Ziba, “ Revolution, Theocratic Leadership and Iran’s Foreign Policy. Implications for Iran-EU Relations”, The Revies of International Affairs, Cilt 3, No.2, 2003.
  • Nasr, Vali, “When the Shiites Rise”, Foreign Affairs, Cilt 85, No.4, 2006.
  • Özpek, Burak Bilgehan, “Çatışmadan İşbirliğine: Türkiye ve Iraklı Kürtler”, (Ankara: Seta Yayınları, 2011).
  • Pappe, Ilan, Ortadoğu’yu Anlamak, (İstanbul: NTV Yayınları, 2009). Rabil, Robert G., “ Has Hezbollah’s Rise Come at Syria’s Expense”, Middle East Quarterly, Cilt 14, No.4, 2007.
  • Robins, Philip, “The Overlord State: Turkish Policy and Kurdish Issue”, International Affairs, Cilt 69, No. 4, 1993.
  • Robinson, Glenn E., “ The Palestinians”, Karl Yambert (der.) The Contemporary Middle East, (Boulder: Westview Press, 2010).
  • Saikal, Amin, “Islam and the West: Challenges and Opportunities”, içinde Virginia Hooker, ve Amin Saikal, (der.), Islamic Perspectives on the New Millenium, (Singapore: ISEAS Publications, 2004).
  • Slavin, Barbara, “Should Israel Become a ‘Normal’ Nation”, Washington Quarterly, Cilt 33, No.4, 2010.
  • Tan, Altan, Kürt Sorunu, (İstanbul: Timaş, 2010).
  • “US Pulls Out of Saudi Arabia”. 29 Nisan 2003, hi/middle_east/2984547.stm.
  • Wallerstein, Immanuel, Avrupa Evrenselciliği: İktidarın Retoriği, (İstanbul: Aram Yayınları, 2007).
  • “Yemen: A Shia Shadow”. 19 Mayıs 2005. node/3992376.
  • Zakaria, Fareed, “ The Politics of Rage: Why Do They Hate Us?”, Newsweek, October, 2001.

The Longest Decade: The Middle East After 9/11

Yıl 2012, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2, 183 - 216, 15.07.2016


After a decade, the repurcussions of the September 11 attacks still continue. The theoretical explainations of these attacks helped the U.S administration to develop policies, which mostly affected the Middle East. In post 9/11 period, the Middle East came into focus of the international politics since the U.S democratization agenda and war against terrorism. Nevertheless, this period is characterized by the problems such as the rise of transnational Kurdish nationalism, enlargement of Iran’s sphere of influence through Shiism, changing domestic and foreign policy agenda of Syria, Israel-Palestine stalemate and escalation of radical Islam


  • Ajami, Fouad, “ The End of Pan-Arabism”, Foreign Affairs, Cilt 57, No.2, 1978.
  • Altunışık, Meliha Benli, “The Middle East in the Aftermath of September 11 Attacks”, Foreign Policy, Cilt 35, 2009.
  • Aras, Bülent ve Rabia Karakaya Polat, ”From Conflict to Cooperation: Desecuritization of Turkey’s Relations with Syria and Iran”, Security Dialogue, Cilt 39, No.5, 2008.
  • Bahgat, Gawdat, “ Nuclear Proliferation: The Islamic Republic of Iran”, Iranian Studies, Cilt 39, No.3, 2006.
  • “Barzani: A.B.D İzin Verdi, Bağdat Seyirci Kaldı”. 25 Şubat 2008, http:// guncel/haberdetayarsiv/01.06.2010/253348/default.htm.
  • Barzegar, Kayhan, “ Iran, the Middle East and International Security”, Ortadoğu Etüdleri, Cilt 1, No.1, 2009.
  • Brennan, John, “The Conundrum of Iran: Strengthening Moderates without Acquiescing to Belligerence”, The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Cilt 618, No.1, 2008.
  • “Bush Vows Democracy for Iraq and the Middle East”. 19 Kasım 2003.
  • “Büyükanıt: Kuzey Irak’a Operasyon Gerekli”. 13 Nisan 2007,
  • Byman, Daniel L., The Changing Nature of State Sponsorship of Terrorism, The Saban Center for Middle East Policy at the Brooking Institution Analysis Paper, 2006.
  • Cleveland, William L., Modern Ortadoğu Tarihi, (İstanbul: Agora Kitaplığı, 2008).
  • Cleveland, William Martin Bunton, “ Israeli-PalestinianRelations After the Oslo Accords”, içinde Karl Yambert (der.) The Contemporary Middle East, (Boulder: Westview Press, 2010).
  • Cole, Juan, “ A ‘Shiite Crescent’? The Regional Impact of the Iraqi War”, Current History, No. 687, 2006.
  • “Commencement Address at the United States Military Academy at West Point”. 1 Haziran 2002,
  • Cordesman, Anthony H., Iran’s Support of the Hezbollah in Lebanon, (Washington: Center for Strategic and International Studies, 2006).
  • Craner, Lorne, “Will US Democratization Policy Work”, Middle East Quarterly, Cilt 13, No.3, 2006.
  • Dalacoure, Katerina, “US Foreign Policy and Democracy Promotion in the Middle East: Theoretical Perspectives and Policy Recommendations”, Ortadoğu Etüdleri, Cilt 1, No. 3. 2010.
  • Dorraj, Manochehr, “Iran’s Regional Policy”, Yambert, Karl (der). The Contemporary Middle East, (Philadelphia: Westview Press, 2010).
  • El-Hokayem, Emile, “ Hizballah and Syria: Outgrowing the Proxy Relationship”, Washington Quarterly, Cilt 20, No.2, 2007.
  • Fukuyama, Francis, Neo-Conların Sonu: Yol Ayrımındaki Amerika, (İstanbul: Profil Yayınları, 2006).
  • Galbraith, Peter, Irak’ın Sonu: Ulus Devletlerin Çöküşü mü?, (İstanbul: Doğan Kitap, 2007).
  • Gause III, F. Gregory, “Can Democracy Stop Terrorism”. Foreign Affairs. Cilt 84, No.5, 2005.
  • Goldberg, David H. ve Bernard Reich, “ State of Israel”, içinde David E. Long, Bernard Reich ve Mark Gasirowski (der.) The Government and Politics of the Middle East and North Africa, (Boulder: Westview Press, 2011).
  • “Gül’den Kuzey Irak’a PKK Uyarısı,” 2 Kasım 2005, http://arsiv.ntvmsnbc. com/ news/347957.asp.
  • Haass, Richard N., “The New Middle East”, Foreign Affairs. Cilt 85, No.2, 2006.
  • Harris, William, “ Bashar Al-Asad’s Lebanon Gamble”, Middle East Quarterly, Cilt 12, No.3, 2005.
  • Hashim, Ahmed S., Insurgency and Counter Insurgency in Iraq, (New York: Cornell University Press, 2006).
  • Hawthorne, Amy, “ Can the United States Promote Democracy in the Middle East?”, Current History, 660, 2003.
  • Hegghammer, Thomas, “Global Jihadism after Iraq War”, Middle East Journal, Cilt 60, No.1, 2006.
  • Hinnebusch, Raymond, The International Politics of the Middle East, (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2003).
  • _______________, “ Syrian Foreign Policy under Bashar El-Asad”, Ortadoğu Etüdleri, Cilt 1, No.1, 2009.
  • Karagül, İbrahim, “Suudiler Bahreyn’de! Peki Iran Ne Diyecek?”, Yeni Şafak, 15 Şubat 2011.
  • Knio, Karim, “ Is Political Stability Sustainable in Post-Cedar Revolution in Lebanon”, Mediterranean Politics, Cilt 13, No.3, 2008.
  • Kurtuluş, Ersun N., “ The Cedar Revolution: Lebanese Independence and the Question of Collective Self Determination”, British Journal of Mİddle Eastern Studies, Cilt 36, No.2, 2009.
  • Lesch, David W., “ Israel, the Palestinians, Hamas and Hizbollah”, Karl Yambert (der.) The Contemporary Middle East, (Boulder: Westview Press, 2010).
  • Lesch, David W., “ Syrian Arab Republic”, içinde David E. Long, Bernard Reich ve Mark Gasirowski (der.) The Government and Politics of the Middle East and North Africa, (Boulder: Westview Press, 2011).
  • Lieber, Keir A. ve Alexander, Gerard, “Waiting for Balancing”, International Security, Cilt 30, No. 1, 2005.
  • Mansfield, Edward D. ve Jack Snyder, “ Democratization and War”, Foreign Affairs, Cilt 74, No. 3, 1995.
  • Montgomery, Evan Braden ve Stacie L. Pettyjohn, “ Democratization, Instability, and War: Israel’s 2006 Conflicts with Hamas and Hezbollah”, Security Studies, Cilt 19, No. 3, 2010.
  • Moshaver, Ziba, “ Revolution, Theocratic Leadership and Iran’s Foreign Policy. Implications for Iran-EU Relations”, The Revies of International Affairs, Cilt 3, No.2, 2003.
  • Nasr, Vali, “When the Shiites Rise”, Foreign Affairs, Cilt 85, No.4, 2006.
  • Özpek, Burak Bilgehan, “Çatışmadan İşbirliğine: Türkiye ve Iraklı Kürtler”, (Ankara: Seta Yayınları, 2011).
  • Pappe, Ilan, Ortadoğu’yu Anlamak, (İstanbul: NTV Yayınları, 2009). Rabil, Robert G., “ Has Hezbollah’s Rise Come at Syria’s Expense”, Middle East Quarterly, Cilt 14, No.4, 2007.
  • Robins, Philip, “The Overlord State: Turkish Policy and Kurdish Issue”, International Affairs, Cilt 69, No. 4, 1993.
  • Robinson, Glenn E., “ The Palestinians”, Karl Yambert (der.) The Contemporary Middle East, (Boulder: Westview Press, 2010).
  • Saikal, Amin, “Islam and the West: Challenges and Opportunities”, içinde Virginia Hooker, ve Amin Saikal, (der.), Islamic Perspectives on the New Millenium, (Singapore: ISEAS Publications, 2004).
  • Slavin, Barbara, “Should Israel Become a ‘Normal’ Nation”, Washington Quarterly, Cilt 33, No.4, 2010.
  • Tan, Altan, Kürt Sorunu, (İstanbul: Timaş, 2010).
  • “US Pulls Out of Saudi Arabia”. 29 Nisan 2003, hi/middle_east/2984547.stm.
  • Wallerstein, Immanuel, Avrupa Evrenselciliği: İktidarın Retoriği, (İstanbul: Aram Yayınları, 2007).
  • “Yemen: A Shia Shadow”. 19 Mayıs 2005. node/3992376.
  • Zakaria, Fareed, “ The Politics of Rage: Why Do They Hate Us?”, Newsweek, October, 2001.
Toplam 52 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA34PC92MH
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Burak Bilgehan Özpek Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Temmuz 2016
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2012 Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

Chicago Özpek, Burak Bilgehan. “En Uzun On Yıl: 11 Eylül Sonrası Ortadoğu”. Ortadoğu Etütleri 3, sy. 2 (Temmuz 2016): 183-216.

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