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Doğu Akdeniz Enerji Sarmalını İsrail Enerji Politikaları Penceresinden Değerlendirmek

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 11 Sayı: 2, 420 - 438, 30.12.2019


Doğu Akdeniz medeniyetler denkleminin merkezi olma pozisyonunu halen korumaktadır. Modern çağların en büyük ihtiyacı olan enerji konusunda da bu durumunu korumaktadır. Özellikle Doğu Akdeniz, uzun bir zamandır ticaret yollarının, enerji transfer güzergâhlarının ve ulaşımın temel noktalarından birisi durumundadır. 2010 yılından itibaren artan bir şekilde enerji kaynaklarının ardı ardına bulunduğu, doğalgaz yataklarının ülkelerin enerji politika ve stratejilerini yeniden şekillendirme ve yeniden inşa etme mecburiyetinde kaldığı bir bölge olmuştur.
İsrail, açık denizlerinde bulduğu doğalgaz yatakları ile tüm bu değişimin temelinde yer almaktadır. İsrail’in neredeyse tamamen dışa bağımlı olan enerji yönetimi ve politikalarının, gaz yataklarının keşfi ile yeniden şekillenmesi ve bu bağımlılıktan kurtulmasının üzerine enerji politikalarında ne gibi değişiklikler olacağı merak konusudur. İsrail, Ortadoğu’da, Doğu Akdeniz’de ve nihayetinde dünya genelinde etki gösteren devletlerden biriyken aynı zamanda genel devlet politikalarını uygularken enerji güvenliği, stabilizasyonu, ücretleri, temini, tüketim ve üretim dengesi gibi pek çok başlıktan etkilenmektedir. Başka bir ifade ile İsrail’i uyguladığı hangi politika olursa olsun bu politikayı tercih etmesinde etkili olan başat faktörlerden birisi içerisinde bulunduğu enerjiye bağlı-bağımlı jeopolitik ve stratejik durumdur. Bu nedenle İsrail’in enerji paradigmasında yaşanacak değişimlerin, diğer politika başlıklarında ve bu politikalardan etkilenecek diğer ülkelere de, değişimlere yol açacağı muhakkaktır.
İsrail’in sadece ülke içerisinde ve bölgesinde değil, enerji politikalarının ucunda Rusya, Avrupa bölgesi ülkeleri ve Amerika gibi ülkelerin de etkileneceği açıktır. Çalışma, İsrail’in temelinden değişen enerji politikalarını yeni keşifler doğrultusunda yeniden analiz etmeyi ve bu politikaların dolaylı ve dolaysız uzanımlarını ortaya çıkarmayı amaçlamaktadır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda İsrail’in bürüneceği yeni enerji politikalarının ilk elden Türkiye, Yunanistan ve Mısır gibi bölge ülkeleri ve ikincil olarak da Avrupa bölgesi ülkeleri, Amerika ve Rusya’ya etkilerinin neler olabileceğine dair çıkarımlar yapılmıştır.


  • Adirii Committee, Ministry of Energy of Israel (2018) Conclusions of the Professional Team For the Periodic Examination of the Recommendations of the Committee on Examining the Government’s Policy in the Natural Gas Market Adopted in Government Decision 442 Dated June 23 2013,
  • Akyener, Oğuzhan (2017) Doğu Akdeniz (EASTMED) Boru Hattı Projesi, TESPAM, BBC, (2019) “Erdoğan'dan 'Libya'ya askerimiz gider mi?' sorusuna yanıt: Yönetimden davet gelmesi bizim için hak doğurur”, Erişim 10.12.2019
  • Bilgin, Mert, 2009. Geopolitics of European natural gas demand: supplies from Russia, Caspian and the Middle East. Energy Policy 37 (2009), 4482–4492.
  • Cropsey, Seth and Brown, Eric (2014) Energy: The West’s Strategic Opportunity in the Eastern Mediterranean, Hudson Institute Publishing.
  • Energy World Website,, Access Date: 12.12.2019
  • Fischhendler Itay and Daniel Nathan (2014) In the name of energy security: the struggle over the exportation of Israeli natural gas, Energy Policy70, pp.152–162.
  • Gart J, Murray (1992) Israel: The warrior nation in search of peace, Energy Policy, November, pp. 1055-1059
  • Griffiths, Steven (2017) A review and assessment of energy policy in the Middle East and North Africa region, Energy Policy, 102 pp. 249–269
  • Grigoriadis, I. N. (2014). Energy Discoveries in the Eastern Mediterranean: Conflict or Cooperation? Middle East Policy, 21(3), pp. 124–133
  • Henderson, Simon (2013) Natural Gas Export Options For Israel and Cyprus, Mediterranean Paper Series, The German Marshall Fund of the United States.
  • IEA International Energy Agency (2019) Data For Israel, 04.12.2019
  • IGI Poseidon Poseidon Pipiline Project,
  • Karakosta Charikleia, Doukas Haris, Psarras John (2009) Sustainable energy technologies in Israel under the CDM: Needs and prospects, Renewable Energy, 34, pp. 1399–1406.
  • Michales Lucy and Tal Alon (2015) Convergence and conflict with the ‘National Interest’: Why Israel abandoned its climate policy, Energy Policy 87, pp. 480–485.
  • Murison, Alexander (2008) Azerbaijan – Turkey – Israel Relations: The Energy Factor, Middle East Review of International Affairs, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 47-64
  • NewEurope Website, Access Date: 12.12.2019
  • Official Website for MFA Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkey, Türkiye’nin Enerji Stratejisi ve Profili, Erişim 12.12.2019
  • Official Website for the Ministry of National Infrastructure, Energy and Water,, Access Date: 04.12.2019
  • Official Website for the Ministry of National Infrastructure, Energy and Water,, Access Date: 04.05.2019
  • Report of Ministry of Energy of Israel, Energy Economy Objectives for the Year 2030,
  • Ruble, Isabella (2017) “European Union energy supply security: The benefits of natural gas imports from the Eastern Mediterranean” Energy Policy Volume 105, pp. 341–353
  • Ruble, Isabella (2017) European Union energy supply security: The benefits of natural gas imports from the Eastern Mediterranean, Energy Policy, Volume 105, pp. 341-353
  • Sachinis, Harry (2012) Assessment of Pipeline Options into Greece from the Eastern Mediterranean, Public Gas Cooperation
  • Sachs, Natan and Boersma, Tım (2015) The Energy Island: Israel Deals with its Natural Gas Discoveries, Policy Paper, Number 35, Foreign Policy at Brookings.
  • Shaffer, Brenda (2019) Israel—New natural gas producer in the Mediterranean Energy Policy 39, pp. 5379–5387
  • Stergiou, Andreas (2017) Russia’s Energy and Defense Strategy in the Eastern Mediterranean, Economics World, Mar.-Apr. Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 101-119
  • Winrow, Gareth M. (2016) The Anatomy of a Possible Pipeline: The Case of Turkey and Leviathan and Gas Politics in the Eastern Mediterranean, Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies,

Evaluating the Eastern Mediterranean Energy Spiral from the Israeli Energy Policy Perspective

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 11 Sayı: 2, 420 - 438, 30.12.2019


The Eastern Mediterranean still maintains its position as the center of the equation of civilizations. It also maintains its position in the field of energy, which is the greatest need of modern times. Especially the Eastern Mediterranean has long been one of the main points of trade routes, energy transfer and transportation. Recently, there has been an increasing number of energy resources in succession -since 2010- which natural gas deposits have found, that have been forced to re-shape and rebuild the energy policies and strategies of the countries.
Israel is at the core of this change with the natural gas deposits. It is a matter of curiosity about what these changes would be in energy policies upon the reshaping of Israel's energy management and policies, which are almost entirely dependent on foreign sources before, with the discovery of gas deposits, and the liberation of this dependency. While Israel is one of the most influential states in the Middle East, the Eastern Mediterranean and ultimately worldwide, it is also influenced by many headings such as energy security, stabilization, wages, supply, consumption and production balance when implementing general government policies. In other words, one of the main factors influencing Israel's preference for the policy, regardless of whatever it is, is its energy-dependent geopolitical and strategic situation. Therefore, it is certain that the changes in Israel's energy paradigm will lead to changes in other policy topics and other countries affected by these policies.
It is clear that not only in Israel and in the region of Israel, but also the countries of Russia, European countries and America will be affected at the end of energy policies. The study aims to re-analyze the energy policies that have changed from the base of Israel in the direction of new discoveries and reveal the indirect and direct extensions of these policies. For this purpose, Israel's assumed that the new energy policy of firsthand Turkey, Greece and the countries of the region and the secondary region countries in Europe such as Egypt, America and inferences that might be what the impact of Russia is made


  • Adirii Committee, Ministry of Energy of Israel (2018) Conclusions of the Professional Team For the Periodic Examination of the Recommendations of the Committee on Examining the Government’s Policy in the Natural Gas Market Adopted in Government Decision 442 Dated June 23 2013,
  • Akyener, Oğuzhan (2017) Doğu Akdeniz (EASTMED) Boru Hattı Projesi, TESPAM, BBC, (2019) “Erdoğan'dan 'Libya'ya askerimiz gider mi?' sorusuna yanıt: Yönetimden davet gelmesi bizim için hak doğurur”, Erişim 10.12.2019
  • Bilgin, Mert, 2009. Geopolitics of European natural gas demand: supplies from Russia, Caspian and the Middle East. Energy Policy 37 (2009), 4482–4492.
  • Cropsey, Seth and Brown, Eric (2014) Energy: The West’s Strategic Opportunity in the Eastern Mediterranean, Hudson Institute Publishing.
  • Energy World Website,, Access Date: 12.12.2019
  • Fischhendler Itay and Daniel Nathan (2014) In the name of energy security: the struggle over the exportation of Israeli natural gas, Energy Policy70, pp.152–162.
  • Gart J, Murray (1992) Israel: The warrior nation in search of peace, Energy Policy, November, pp. 1055-1059
  • Griffiths, Steven (2017) A review and assessment of energy policy in the Middle East and North Africa region, Energy Policy, 102 pp. 249–269
  • Grigoriadis, I. N. (2014). Energy Discoveries in the Eastern Mediterranean: Conflict or Cooperation? Middle East Policy, 21(3), pp. 124–133
  • Henderson, Simon (2013) Natural Gas Export Options For Israel and Cyprus, Mediterranean Paper Series, The German Marshall Fund of the United States.
  • IEA International Energy Agency (2019) Data For Israel, 04.12.2019
  • IGI Poseidon Poseidon Pipiline Project,
  • Karakosta Charikleia, Doukas Haris, Psarras John (2009) Sustainable energy technologies in Israel under the CDM: Needs and prospects, Renewable Energy, 34, pp. 1399–1406.
  • Michales Lucy and Tal Alon (2015) Convergence and conflict with the ‘National Interest’: Why Israel abandoned its climate policy, Energy Policy 87, pp. 480–485.
  • Murison, Alexander (2008) Azerbaijan – Turkey – Israel Relations: The Energy Factor, Middle East Review of International Affairs, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 47-64
  • NewEurope Website, Access Date: 12.12.2019
  • Official Website for MFA Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkey, Türkiye’nin Enerji Stratejisi ve Profili, Erişim 12.12.2019
  • Official Website for the Ministry of National Infrastructure, Energy and Water,, Access Date: 04.12.2019
  • Official Website for the Ministry of National Infrastructure, Energy and Water,, Access Date: 04.05.2019
  • Report of Ministry of Energy of Israel, Energy Economy Objectives for the Year 2030,
  • Ruble, Isabella (2017) “European Union energy supply security: The benefits of natural gas imports from the Eastern Mediterranean” Energy Policy Volume 105, pp. 341–353
  • Ruble, Isabella (2017) European Union energy supply security: The benefits of natural gas imports from the Eastern Mediterranean, Energy Policy, Volume 105, pp. 341-353
  • Sachinis, Harry (2012) Assessment of Pipeline Options into Greece from the Eastern Mediterranean, Public Gas Cooperation
  • Sachs, Natan and Boersma, Tım (2015) The Energy Island: Israel Deals with its Natural Gas Discoveries, Policy Paper, Number 35, Foreign Policy at Brookings.
  • Shaffer, Brenda (2019) Israel—New natural gas producer in the Mediterranean Energy Policy 39, pp. 5379–5387
  • Stergiou, Andreas (2017) Russia’s Energy and Defense Strategy in the Eastern Mediterranean, Economics World, Mar.-Apr. Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 101-119
  • Winrow, Gareth M. (2016) The Anatomy of a Possible Pipeline: The Case of Turkey and Leviathan and Gas Politics in the Eastern Mediterranean, Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies,
Toplam 27 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
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Bölüm Makaleler

Ömer Fuad Kahraman

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Aralık 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 11 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

Chicago Kahraman, Ömer Fuad. “Doğu Akdeniz Enerji Sarmalını İsrail Enerji Politikaları Penceresinden Değerlendirmek”. Ortadoğu Etütleri 11, sy. 2 (Aralık 2019): 420-38.

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