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Yıl 2019, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 1, 268 - 290, 30.07.2019



  • Albrici monachi Triumfontium Chronicon. Scheffer-Boichorst P. (ed.). (1874). Monumenta Germaniae Historica. Scriptores, XXIII. Hannoverae, Impensis Bibliopolii A. Hahniani, ss. 631 - 950. - Asdracha C. (1976). La Région des Rhodopes aux XIII' et XIV' siècles: étude de géographie historique. Athènes, Verlag der Byzantinisch-Neugriechischen Jahrbücher, - Charanis P. (1961). Transfer of Population as a Policy in the Byzantine Empire. Comparative Studies in Society and History, no. 3/2, ss. 140 - 154. - Chronicon Claustroneuburgense. Rauch A. (ed.) (1793). Scriptores Rerum Austriacarum, I. Vindobonae, apud Iosephum Stahel, ss. 1 - 126. - Chronique rimée de Philippe Mouskés. Reiffenberg I. de (ed.), (1838). II. Bruxelles, M. Hayez. - Chronography of Gregory Abu'l-Faraj 1225–1286, the Son of Aaron, the Hebrew physician commonly known as Bar Hebraeus. Budge E.A.W. (ed. & trans.), (1932). I. London, Oxford University Press. - Dancheva-Vasileva A. (1985). B’lgariya i Latinskata imperiya (1204–1261) (Bulgaria and the Latin Empire (1204 - 1261). Sofia, BAN. - Fratris Gerardi de Fracheto O.P. Vitae fratrum ordinis Praedicatorum. Reichert M. (ed.). (1896). Monumenta Ordinis Fratrum Praedicatorum Historica, I, Leuven, Typis E. Charpentier. - Geoffroi de Villehardouin. La conquête de Constantinople. Texte et traduction nouvelle avec notice, notes et glossaire. Bouchet E.. (ed.). (1891). Paris, Lemerre. - George Akropolites. (2007). The History. Macrides R. (ed. & tr.). Oxford, Oxford University Press. - Georges Pachymérès. Relations Historiques, I. Failler A., Laurent V. (ed. & trans.). (1984). Paris, Société d’édition “Les Belles Lettres”. - Georgii Acropolitae Opera, I. Heisenberg A., Wirth P. (eds). (1903). Lipsiae, Bibliotheca Teubneriana. - Giebfried J. (2013). The Mongol Invasions and the Aegean world (1241 - 61). Mediterranean Historical Review,no. 28/2, ss. 129 - 139. - Golden P. Wolwes, (1997). Dogs and Qipchaq Religion. Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, no. 50, ss. 87 - 97. - Guguev Yu. K. (2009). Rasskaz Zhana de Zhuanvilya o pohoronah znatnogo kumana (Jean de Joinville’s Story about the Funeral of a Cuman Noble). Tyurkologicheskiy sbornik 2007- 2008: Istoriya i kul'tura tyurkskih narodov Rossii i sopredel'nyh stran (Turkological Collection 2007–2008: History and Culture of the Turkic Peoples of Russia and the Neigh-boring Countries). Moscow, Vostochnaya literatura, ss. 124 - 145. - Guilelmi Tyrensis Continuata belli sacri historia. Migne J.P. (ed.). (1853). Patrologiae Cursus Completus, Series Latina, CCI. Paris, Petit Montrouge, col. 893 - 1068. - Hautala R. (2015). Ot «Davida, tsarya Indiy» do «nenavistnogo plebsa satany»: antologiya rannih latinskih svedeniy o tataro-mongolah (From David, “Emperor of India” to the “Hateful Plebs of Satan”: Anthology of Early Latin Testimonies about the Tatar-Mongols). Kazan, Marjani Institute of History of Tatarstan Academy of Sciences Publ. - Henricus Imperator Constantinopolitanus. De varia Latinorum in Imperio fortuna. (1822).Recueil des Historiens des Gaules et de la France, XVIII. Paris, Imprimerie Royale, ss. 527 - 529. - Jackson P. (2005). The Mongols and the West (1221 - 1410). Harlow, Routledge. - Jean de Joinville. (1874). L’Histoire de Saint Louis. De Wailly N. (ed.). Paris, Typ. De Firmin Didot frères. Konovalova I.G. (2009). Vostochnaya Evropa v sochineniyah arabskih geografov XIII–XIV vv. – tekst, perevod, komentariy [Eastern Europe in the Works of the Arabic Geogra-phers of the 13th - 14th centuries – Texts, Translation, Commentaries]. Moscow, Vostoch-naya literatura Publ. 22. Korobeinikov D. (2008). A Broken Mirror: the Kıpçak World in the Thirteenth century. The Other Еurope in the Middle Ages. Curta F., Kovalev R. (eds). Leiden–Boston. Brill, ss. 379 - 412. - Korobeinikov D. (2015). The Cumans in Paphlagonia. Journal of Black Sea Studies, no. 18, ss. 29 - 44. - Kr’stev L. (1999). ‘Chudesata na sv. Dimit’r Solunski’ i uchastieto na alani i kumani pri obsadata na Solun v 1207 g. (The Miracles of St. Demetrius of Thessalonica and participa-tion of Alans and Cumans in the Siege of Thessalonica ), Istoriya(History),no. 4 - 5, ss. 61 - 65. - Li estoires de chiaus qui conquisent Constantinoble de Robert de Clari en Aminois, chevalier. Riant P.E. (ed.). Paris, Jouaust, 1868. - Longnon J. (1949). L’Empire latin de Constantinople et la principauté de Morée. Paris, Payot. 1949. - Madgearu A. (2016). The Assanids. The Political and Military History of the Second Bul-garian Empire (1185 - 1280). Leiden–Boston, Brill. - Matthaei Parisiensis (1872). Chronica Majora, I–VII. Louard H. (ed.). London, Longman. - Memoirs of the Crusades by Villehardouin and de Joinville. Marzials F. (trans.). (1921). London–Toronto, J. M. Dent & Sons. - Nicephori Grеgorae (1829). Byzantina Historia, I. Schopen L. (ed.) Bonnae, Impensis Ed. Weberi. - Pavlov P. Srednovekovna (1989). B’lgariya i kumanite – Voennopoliticheski otnosheniya (1186 - 1241 g.) [Medieval Bulgaria and the Cumans – Military and Political Relations (1186 - 1241)]. Trudove na Velikot’rnovskiya universitet “Sv. sv. Kiril i Metodiy”(The Proceedings of the University of Veliko Tarnovo “St. Cyril and Methodius”), no. 27, ss. 7 - 59. - Pavlov P. (2006). T"rnovskite tsaritsi [The Empresses of Tarnovo]. Veliko T’rnovo, DAR–RKh. - Radoyichich G.S. (1960). Pandehovo skazanie 1259 g. (O Vizantii, tatarah, kumanah, russkih, vengrah, serbah, bolgarah) [The Legend of Pandech from 1259 (About Byzantium, Tatars, Cumans, Russians, Hungarians, Serbs and Bulgarians)]. Trudy Otdela drevnerusskoy literatury(Proceedings of the Department of Old Russian Literature), no. 16, ss. 161 - 166. - Richard J. (1992). À propos de la mission de Baudouin de Hainaut: l’empire latin de Con-stantinople et les Mongols. Journal des Savants, no. 1, ss. 115 - 121. - Rogerii Carmen Miserabile. Juhász L. (ed.). (1938). Scriptores rerum Hungaricarum, II. Budapestini, Academia Litter. Hungarica, ss. 543 - 588. - Shukurov R. (2016). The Byzantine Turks (1204 - 1261). Leiden–Boston, Brill. - Sinodik tsarya Borila (The Book of Boril). Popruzhenko M.G. (ed.). (1928). Sofia, BAN, 96 + clxxix p. - Sinor D. John of Plano-Carpini’s Return from the Mongols: New Light from a Luxembourg Manuscript. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 1957, ss. 193 - 206. - Spinei V. (2003). The Great Migrations in the East and South East of Europe from the Ninth to the Thirteenth Century. Cluj-Napoca, Center for Transylvanian Studies. - Studemund W. (1875). Zu Johannes de Alta Silva De Rege et septem sapientibus – zweiter artikel. eitschri t r deutsches lterthum, Neue Folge, 1875, no. 6, ss. 221 - 249. - Tizengauzen V.G. (1884). Sbornik materialov, otnosyashchihsya k istorii Zolotoy Ordy, Vol. I: Izvlecheniya iz arabskih istochnikov (Collection of Materials about the History of the Golden Horde: Excerpts from Arabic Sources). St. Petersburg, Imperatorskaya akademiya nauk. - Totev T. (1985). Za kumani v edin nadpis ot Preslav (About Cumans on an inscription from Preslav). Kulturata na srednovekovniya T’rnov (Culture of Medieval Tarnov). A. Popov A., Velkov V. (eds). Sofia, BAN, ss. 158 - 169. - Uzelac A. (2015). Latin Empire of Constantinople, the Jochids and Crimea in the Mid-Thirteenth Century. Zolotoordynskoe obozrenie=Golden Horde Review., no. 3, ss. 62 - 75. - Uzelac A. (2015). Pod senkom Psa – Tatari i јuzhnoslovenske zemlje u drugoј polovini XIII veka(Under the Shadow of the Dog: Tatars and South Slavic Lands in the Second Half of the 13th Century). Beograd, Utopiјa. van Tricht F. (2011). The Latin Renovatio of Byzantium: The Empire of Constantinople (1204–1228). Leiden–Boston, Brill. - Vasary I. (2005). Cumans and Tatars – Oriental Military in the Pre-Оttoman Balkans 1185 - 1365. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. -Zhavoronkov P.I. (1956). Polozhenie i rol' etnicheskih grupp v sotsial'no-politicheskoy strukture Nikeyskoy imperii (Position and role of Ethnic Groups in the Socio-Political Structure of the Empire of Nicaea). Vizantiyskiy Vremennik (Byzantina Kronika), no. 56, ss. 134 - 143.

Konstantinopolis Latin İmparatorluğu’ndaki Kumanlar

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 1, 268 - 290, 30.07.2019


Pontus bozkırları ve Konstantinopolis’teki kaçak
Kumanların aralarındaki birliğin sonlanması, hattâ dağılmasına neden olan arka
plan, şart ve etkenlerin analizi. Bazı kronolojik konu ve Kumanların Frenk
askeri harekatlarına katılımlarına da dikkat çekilmektedir.

En ünlüleri Bizans tarihçisi George Akropolites,
Fransız vakanüvis Alberic (Aubry) de Trois-Fontaines ve Fransa Kralı IX.
Louis’nin (1226 - 1270) biyografisinin yazarı diğer bir Fransız tarihçi Jean de
Joinville’e ait olan, bu bölümde detaylandırılmış güncel kaynaklar.

ve çalışmanın orijinalliği
: Kuman ve Frenkler arasında 1239’un
sonlarına doğru Konstantinopolis’te neticelenen ittifakın Batı dünyasında bir
benzeri daha yoktur. Törene Frenk şövalyeleriyle birlikte katılan Kumanlar
göçebe adetlerine göre hareket etmişlerdi. Sonuçta bu iki grup arasındaki ‘kan
kardeşliği’ askeri bağlar sayesinde güçlenmiştir. Kumanları entegre etme
girişiminin, yeni gelenler ile yerel nüfus arasındaki güçlü kültürel, sosyal
farklılıklar ve aynı zamanda iç istikrarsızlıktan ötürü başarısızlıkla
sonuçlandığı Macaristan’ın aksine, Konstantinopolis’teki Frenk eliti,
göçebelerle uzlaşma ve ittifak adına herhangi bir engel bulunmadığı hususunda
hemfikir idi. Halbuki Kumanların son derece dostane bir davranışla kabul
edilmeleri gerçeği, Frenk liderinin onları yüksek bir saygı ile karşılaması ve
geleneklerini muhafaza etmelerine izin vermesine rağmen aralarındaki ittifak
kısa süreli olmuş ve de başarısızlığa mahkum idi. Bu durum, göçmenlerin
yaşamsal anlamda desteklenmelerindeki yetersizlik, Latin İmparatorluğu’nda beliren
Moğol tehdidi, kişisel otoritesiyle söz konusu ittifakın garantisi durumundaki
Kuman lideri Iona’nın 1241’deki zamansız ölümü gibi karmaşık iç ve dış
faktörlerden dolayı meydana gelmiştir.


  • Albrici monachi Triumfontium Chronicon. Scheffer-Boichorst P. (ed.). (1874). Monumenta Germaniae Historica. Scriptores, XXIII. Hannoverae, Impensis Bibliopolii A. Hahniani, ss. 631 - 950. - Asdracha C. (1976). La Région des Rhodopes aux XIII' et XIV' siècles: étude de géographie historique. Athènes, Verlag der Byzantinisch-Neugriechischen Jahrbücher, - Charanis P. (1961). Transfer of Population as a Policy in the Byzantine Empire. Comparative Studies in Society and History, no. 3/2, ss. 140 - 154. - Chronicon Claustroneuburgense. Rauch A. (ed.) (1793). Scriptores Rerum Austriacarum, I. Vindobonae, apud Iosephum Stahel, ss. 1 - 126. - Chronique rimée de Philippe Mouskés. Reiffenberg I. de (ed.), (1838). II. Bruxelles, M. Hayez. - Chronography of Gregory Abu'l-Faraj 1225–1286, the Son of Aaron, the Hebrew physician commonly known as Bar Hebraeus. Budge E.A.W. (ed. & trans.), (1932). I. London, Oxford University Press. - Dancheva-Vasileva A. (1985). B’lgariya i Latinskata imperiya (1204–1261) (Bulgaria and the Latin Empire (1204 - 1261). Sofia, BAN. - Fratris Gerardi de Fracheto O.P. Vitae fratrum ordinis Praedicatorum. Reichert M. (ed.). (1896). Monumenta Ordinis Fratrum Praedicatorum Historica, I, Leuven, Typis E. Charpentier. - Geoffroi de Villehardouin. La conquête de Constantinople. Texte et traduction nouvelle avec notice, notes et glossaire. Bouchet E.. (ed.). (1891). Paris, Lemerre. - George Akropolites. (2007). The History. Macrides R. (ed. & tr.). Oxford, Oxford University Press. - Georges Pachymérès. Relations Historiques, I. Failler A., Laurent V. (ed. & trans.). (1984). Paris, Société d’édition “Les Belles Lettres”. - Georgii Acropolitae Opera, I. Heisenberg A., Wirth P. (eds). (1903). Lipsiae, Bibliotheca Teubneriana. - Giebfried J. (2013). The Mongol Invasions and the Aegean world (1241 - 61). Mediterranean Historical Review,no. 28/2, ss. 129 - 139. - Golden P. Wolwes, (1997). Dogs and Qipchaq Religion. Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, no. 50, ss. 87 - 97. - Guguev Yu. K. (2009). Rasskaz Zhana de Zhuanvilya o pohoronah znatnogo kumana (Jean de Joinville’s Story about the Funeral of a Cuman Noble). Tyurkologicheskiy sbornik 2007- 2008: Istoriya i kul'tura tyurkskih narodov Rossii i sopredel'nyh stran (Turkological Collection 2007–2008: History and Culture of the Turkic Peoples of Russia and the Neigh-boring Countries). Moscow, Vostochnaya literatura, ss. 124 - 145. - Guilelmi Tyrensis Continuata belli sacri historia. Migne J.P. (ed.). (1853). Patrologiae Cursus Completus, Series Latina, CCI. Paris, Petit Montrouge, col. 893 - 1068. - Hautala R. (2015). Ot «Davida, tsarya Indiy» do «nenavistnogo plebsa satany»: antologiya rannih latinskih svedeniy o tataro-mongolah (From David, “Emperor of India” to the “Hateful Plebs of Satan”: Anthology of Early Latin Testimonies about the Tatar-Mongols). Kazan, Marjani Institute of History of Tatarstan Academy of Sciences Publ. - Henricus Imperator Constantinopolitanus. De varia Latinorum in Imperio fortuna. (1822).Recueil des Historiens des Gaules et de la France, XVIII. Paris, Imprimerie Royale, ss. 527 - 529. - Jackson P. (2005). The Mongols and the West (1221 - 1410). Harlow, Routledge. - Jean de Joinville. (1874). L’Histoire de Saint Louis. De Wailly N. (ed.). Paris, Typ. De Firmin Didot frères. Konovalova I.G. (2009). Vostochnaya Evropa v sochineniyah arabskih geografov XIII–XIV vv. – tekst, perevod, komentariy [Eastern Europe in the Works of the Arabic Geogra-phers of the 13th - 14th centuries – Texts, Translation, Commentaries]. Moscow, Vostoch-naya literatura Publ. 22. Korobeinikov D. (2008). A Broken Mirror: the Kıpçak World in the Thirteenth century. The Other Еurope in the Middle Ages. Curta F., Kovalev R. (eds). Leiden–Boston. Brill, ss. 379 - 412. - Korobeinikov D. (2015). The Cumans in Paphlagonia. Journal of Black Sea Studies, no. 18, ss. 29 - 44. - Kr’stev L. (1999). ‘Chudesata na sv. Dimit’r Solunski’ i uchastieto na alani i kumani pri obsadata na Solun v 1207 g. (The Miracles of St. Demetrius of Thessalonica and participa-tion of Alans and Cumans in the Siege of Thessalonica ), Istoriya(History),no. 4 - 5, ss. 61 - 65. - Li estoires de chiaus qui conquisent Constantinoble de Robert de Clari en Aminois, chevalier. Riant P.E. (ed.). Paris, Jouaust, 1868. - Longnon J. (1949). L’Empire latin de Constantinople et la principauté de Morée. Paris, Payot. 1949. - Madgearu A. (2016). The Assanids. The Political and Military History of the Second Bul-garian Empire (1185 - 1280). Leiden–Boston, Brill. - Matthaei Parisiensis (1872). Chronica Majora, I–VII. Louard H. (ed.). London, Longman. - Memoirs of the Crusades by Villehardouin and de Joinville. Marzials F. (trans.). (1921). London–Toronto, J. M. Dent & Sons. - Nicephori Grеgorae (1829). Byzantina Historia, I. Schopen L. (ed.) Bonnae, Impensis Ed. Weberi. - Pavlov P. Srednovekovna (1989). B’lgariya i kumanite – Voennopoliticheski otnosheniya (1186 - 1241 g.) [Medieval Bulgaria and the Cumans – Military and Political Relations (1186 - 1241)]. Trudove na Velikot’rnovskiya universitet “Sv. sv. Kiril i Metodiy”(The Proceedings of the University of Veliko Tarnovo “St. Cyril and Methodius”), no. 27, ss. 7 - 59. - Pavlov P. (2006). T"rnovskite tsaritsi [The Empresses of Tarnovo]. Veliko T’rnovo, DAR–RKh. - Radoyichich G.S. (1960). Pandehovo skazanie 1259 g. (O Vizantii, tatarah, kumanah, russkih, vengrah, serbah, bolgarah) [The Legend of Pandech from 1259 (About Byzantium, Tatars, Cumans, Russians, Hungarians, Serbs and Bulgarians)]. Trudy Otdela drevnerusskoy literatury(Proceedings of the Department of Old Russian Literature), no. 16, ss. 161 - 166. - Richard J. (1992). À propos de la mission de Baudouin de Hainaut: l’empire latin de Con-stantinople et les Mongols. Journal des Savants, no. 1, ss. 115 - 121. - Rogerii Carmen Miserabile. Juhász L. (ed.). (1938). Scriptores rerum Hungaricarum, II. Budapestini, Academia Litter. Hungarica, ss. 543 - 588. - Shukurov R. (2016). The Byzantine Turks (1204 - 1261). Leiden–Boston, Brill. - Sinodik tsarya Borila (The Book of Boril). Popruzhenko M.G. (ed.). (1928). Sofia, BAN, 96 + clxxix p. - Sinor D. John of Plano-Carpini’s Return from the Mongols: New Light from a Luxembourg Manuscript. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 1957, ss. 193 - 206. - Spinei V. (2003). The Great Migrations in the East and South East of Europe from the Ninth to the Thirteenth Century. Cluj-Napoca, Center for Transylvanian Studies. - Studemund W. (1875). Zu Johannes de Alta Silva De Rege et septem sapientibus – zweiter artikel. eitschri t r deutsches lterthum, Neue Folge, 1875, no. 6, ss. 221 - 249. - Tizengauzen V.G. (1884). Sbornik materialov, otnosyashchihsya k istorii Zolotoy Ordy, Vol. I: Izvlecheniya iz arabskih istochnikov (Collection of Materials about the History of the Golden Horde: Excerpts from Arabic Sources). St. Petersburg, Imperatorskaya akademiya nauk. - Totev T. (1985). Za kumani v edin nadpis ot Preslav (About Cumans on an inscription from Preslav). Kulturata na srednovekovniya T’rnov (Culture of Medieval Tarnov). A. Popov A., Velkov V. (eds). Sofia, BAN, ss. 158 - 169. - Uzelac A. (2015). Latin Empire of Constantinople, the Jochids and Crimea in the Mid-Thirteenth Century. Zolotoordynskoe obozrenie=Golden Horde Review., no. 3, ss. 62 - 75. - Uzelac A. (2015). Pod senkom Psa – Tatari i јuzhnoslovenske zemlje u drugoј polovini XIII veka(Under the Shadow of the Dog: Tatars and South Slavic Lands in the Second Half of the 13th Century). Beograd, Utopiјa. van Tricht F. (2011). The Latin Renovatio of Byzantium: The Empire of Constantinople (1204–1228). Leiden–Boston, Brill. - Vasary I. (2005). Cumans and Tatars – Oriental Military in the Pre-Оttoman Balkans 1185 - 1365. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. -Zhavoronkov P.I. (1956). Polozhenie i rol' etnicheskih grupp v sotsial'no-politicheskoy strukture Nikeyskoy imperii (Position and role of Ethnic Groups in the Socio-Political Structure of the Empire of Nicaea). Vizantiyskiy Vremennik (Byzantina Kronika), no. 56, ss. 134 - 143.
Toplam 1 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Aleksandar Uzelac Bu kişi benim


Ebru Emine Oğuz Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Temmuz 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 3 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Uzelac, A. (2019). Konstantinopolis Latin İmparatorluğu’ndaki Kumanlar (E. E. Oğuz, çev.). Oğuz-Türkmen Araştırmaları Dergisi, 3(1), 268-290.