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The Victims who are Under the Effect of Drugs Fall Into Sexual Assault:Case Reports

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 41 Sayı: 1, 95 - 101, 01.01.2019


Drug-facilitated sexual assault
is defined as a crime of sexual assault where victims are exposed to drugs and
/ or alcohol and as a result; they experience loss of consciousness and
inability to show resistance. Nowadays, the frequency of sexual attacks inflicted
this way is increasing.  Among these
substances, alcohol ranks first in terms of frequency. Various psychoactive
substances or central nervous system suppression drugs are given to the victim
in combination with alcohol for rapid effect. Another method is giving the
substances directly to the victim with a beverage other than alcohol. Many of
these substances are colorless, odorless and tasteless, easily soluble in
beverages and cannot be noticed when consumed. In the identification of
substance or drug-facilitated sexual assault cases, timely collection of
biological samples and forensic toxicological analysis is key. In this study,
we aimed to evaluate the toxicological analysis results of cases that were
alleged to be victims of sexual assault where alcohol and drugs that could
facilitate sexual assault were detected in their biological samples from among
the cases brought to the 5th Specialization Board of Forensic Medicine
Institution, and to evaluate the effects of these substances on the behavior
and self-defense attempts of the patients along with the literature.


  • 1. Maravelias C, Stefanidou M, Dona A, Athanaselis S, Spiliopoulou C. Drug-facilitated sexual assault provoked by the victim’s religious beliefs: A case report. Am J Forensic Med Pathol 2009;30(4):384–5. 2. Caballero CG, Jorge ÓQ, Landeira AC. Alleged drug-facilitated sexual assault in a Spanish population sample. Forensic Chem 2017;4:61–6. 3. Kintz P, Villain M, Dumestre-Toulet V, Ludes B. Drug-facilitated sexual assault and analytical toxicology: The role of LC-MS/MS. A case involving zolpidem. J Clin Forensic Med 2005;12:36–41. 4. Quintela Ó, Sauvage F-L, Charvier F, Gaulier J-M, Lachatre G, Marquet P. Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry for detection of low concentrations of 21 benzodiazepines, metabolites, and analogs in urine: method with forensic applications. Clin Chem 2006;52:1346–55. 5. Madea B, Musshoff F. Knock-out drugs: their prevalence, modes of action, and means of detection. Dtsch Arztebl Int 2009;106:341–7. 6. Hall JA, Moore CBT. Drug facilitated sexual assault - A review. J. Forensic Leg. Med. 2008;15:291–7. 7. McGregor MJ, Lipowska M, Shah S, Du Mont J, De Siato C. An exploratory analysis of suspected drug-facilitated sexual assault seen in a hospital emergency department. Women Health 2003;37:71–80. 8. Goullé JP, Anger JP. Drug-Facilitated Robbery or Sexual Assault: Problems Associated with Amnesia. In: Therapeutic Drug Monitoring. 2004; 206–10.9. McBrierty D, Wilkinson A, Tormey W. A review of drug-facilitated sexual assault evidence: An Irish perspective. J. Forensic Leg. Med. 2013;20:189–97. 10. LeBeau MA. Guidance for improved detection of drugs used to facilitate crimes. In: Therapeutic Drug Monitoring. 2008; 229–33.11. Kerrigan S. Clarke’s Analytical Forensic Toxicology. 2013.12. Schwartz RH, Milteer R, LeBeau M a. Drug-facilitated sexual assault (’date rape’). South Med J 2000;93:558–61. 13. Efeoglu P, Daglioglu N, Hilal A, Gulmen MK. Drugs Used in Sexual Assaults: Features and Toxicological Investigations. Arsiv Kaynak Tarama Derg. 2013;22(3):418–25. 14. Jones AW, Holmgren A, Ahlner J. Toxicological analysis of blood and urine samples from female victims of alleged sexual assault. Clin Toxicol [Internet] 2012;50(7):555–61. Available from: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2275774515. Acikkol M, Mercan S, Ziyalar N. A Forensıc And Social Approach To Drug-Facilitated Crımes. J Curr Issues Crime, Law Law Enforc. 2011;4(4):371–401. 16. Dinis-Oliveira RJ, Magalhães T. Forensic toxicology in drug-facilitated sexual assault. Toxicol. Mech. Methods. 2013;23:471–8. 17. Hindmarch I, ElSohly M, Gambles J, Salamone S. Forensic urinalysis of drug use in cases of alleged sexual assault. J Clin Forensic Med 2001;8:197–205. 18. Butler B, Welch J. Drug-facilitated sexual assault. CMAJ 2009;180:493–4. 19. M. S-H. Toxicological findings in cases of alleged drug-facilitated sexual assault in the United Kingdom over a 3-year period. J. Clin. Forensic Med. 2005;12:175–86. 20. Scott-Ham M, Burton FC. Toxicological findings in cases of alleged drug facilitated sexual assault in the United Kingdom. J Clin Forensic Med 2005;12:175–86.21. Hurley M, Parker H, Wells DL. The epidemiology of drug facilitated sexual assault. J Clin Forensic Med 2006;13:181–5. 22. Jones AW, Kugelberg FC, Holmgren A, Ahlner J. Occurrence of ethanol and other drugs in blood and urine specimens from female victims of alleged sexual assault. Forensic Sci Int 2008;181:40–6. 23. Pittel SM, Spina L. Investigating Drug-Facilitated Sexual Assault. In: Rape Investigation Handbook. 2011; 329–44.24. Jansen KLR, Theron L. Ecstasy (MDMA), methamphetamine, and date rape (drug-facilitated sexual assault): A consideration of the issues. J Psychoactive Drugs 2006;38:1–12. 25. De Castro A, Lendoiro E, Quintela Ó, Concheiro M, López-Rivadulla M, Cruz A. Hair analysis interpretation of an unusual case of alleged scopolamine-facilitated sexual assault. Forensic Toxicol 2012;30:193–8. 26. Rochholz G, Westphal F, Wiesbrock UO, Sch?tz HW. Detection of opiates in urine, blood and hair after consumption of bakery products containing poppy seeds | Opiat-nachweis in urin, blut und haaren nach verzehr mohnsamenhaltiger backwaren. Blutalkohol 2004;41(4).

Uyuşturucu Madde Etkisi Altındaki Mağdurların Uğradığı Cinsel Saldırılar:Olgu Serisi

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 41 Sayı: 1, 95 - 101, 01.01.2019


Uyuşturucu maddeyle
kolaylaştırılmış cinsel saldırı, uyuşturucu ve/veya alkol etkisi altındaki
mağdurlarda meydana gelen bilinç kaybı ve direnç gösterememe sonucu istemsiz olarak
maruz kaldıkları cinsel saldırı suçu olarak tanımlanmıştır. Günümüzde cinsel
saldırıların bu yolla yapılma sıklığı artış göstermektedir.  Bu maddeler arasında sıklık bakımından alkol
ilk sırada yer almaktadır. Alkolle birlikte etkinin hızlı ortaya çıkması için
çeşitli psikoaktif maddeler veya santral sinir sistemini baskılayıcı ilaçlar
kombinasyon halinde verilmektedir. Maddelerin alkol olmadan doğrudan başka bir
içecek içerisinde mağdura verilmesi de bir başka yöntemdir. Bu maddelerin
birçoğu renksiz, kokusuz ve tatsız olup içecekler içerisinde kolaylıkla
çözünebilmekte ve tüketilirken anlaşılamamaktadırlar. Madde veya ilaçla
kolaylaştırılmış cinsel saldırı vakalarının ortaya çıkarılması için biyolojik
örneklerin zamanında toplanması ve adli toksikolojik analiz ön plana
çıkmaktadır. Bu çalışmada Adli Tıp Kurumu 5. İhtisas Kuruluna gelen vakalar
arasından cinsel saldırı mağduru olduğu iddia edilen ve biyolojik örneklerinde
alkol, uyuşturucu madde ve cinsel saldırıyı kolaylaştırabilen ilaçların
saptandığı olguların toksikolojik analiz sonuçları ile bu maddelerin bireyin
davranış ve kendini savunmaya yönelik hareketleri üzerine olan etkilerinin
literatür eşliğinde değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. 


  • 1. Maravelias C, Stefanidou M, Dona A, Athanaselis S, Spiliopoulou C. Drug-facilitated sexual assault provoked by the victim’s religious beliefs: A case report. Am J Forensic Med Pathol 2009;30(4):384–5. 2. Caballero CG, Jorge ÓQ, Landeira AC. Alleged drug-facilitated sexual assault in a Spanish population sample. Forensic Chem 2017;4:61–6. 3. Kintz P, Villain M, Dumestre-Toulet V, Ludes B. Drug-facilitated sexual assault and analytical toxicology: The role of LC-MS/MS. A case involving zolpidem. J Clin Forensic Med 2005;12:36–41. 4. Quintela Ó, Sauvage F-L, Charvier F, Gaulier J-M, Lachatre G, Marquet P. Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry for detection of low concentrations of 21 benzodiazepines, metabolites, and analogs in urine: method with forensic applications. Clin Chem 2006;52:1346–55. 5. Madea B, Musshoff F. Knock-out drugs: their prevalence, modes of action, and means of detection. Dtsch Arztebl Int 2009;106:341–7. 6. Hall JA, Moore CBT. Drug facilitated sexual assault - A review. J. Forensic Leg. Med. 2008;15:291–7. 7. McGregor MJ, Lipowska M, Shah S, Du Mont J, De Siato C. An exploratory analysis of suspected drug-facilitated sexual assault seen in a hospital emergency department. Women Health 2003;37:71–80. 8. Goullé JP, Anger JP. Drug-Facilitated Robbery or Sexual Assault: Problems Associated with Amnesia. In: Therapeutic Drug Monitoring. 2004; 206–10.9. McBrierty D, Wilkinson A, Tormey W. A review of drug-facilitated sexual assault evidence: An Irish perspective. J. Forensic Leg. Med. 2013;20:189–97. 10. LeBeau MA. Guidance for improved detection of drugs used to facilitate crimes. In: Therapeutic Drug Monitoring. 2008; 229–33.11. Kerrigan S. Clarke’s Analytical Forensic Toxicology. 2013.12. Schwartz RH, Milteer R, LeBeau M a. Drug-facilitated sexual assault (’date rape’). South Med J 2000;93:558–61. 13. Efeoglu P, Daglioglu N, Hilal A, Gulmen MK. Drugs Used in Sexual Assaults: Features and Toxicological Investigations. Arsiv Kaynak Tarama Derg. 2013;22(3):418–25. 14. Jones AW, Holmgren A, Ahlner J. Toxicological analysis of blood and urine samples from female victims of alleged sexual assault. Clin Toxicol [Internet] 2012;50(7):555–61. Available from: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2275774515. Acikkol M, Mercan S, Ziyalar N. A Forensıc And Social Approach To Drug-Facilitated Crımes. J Curr Issues Crime, Law Law Enforc. 2011;4(4):371–401. 16. Dinis-Oliveira RJ, Magalhães T. Forensic toxicology in drug-facilitated sexual assault. Toxicol. Mech. Methods. 2013;23:471–8. 17. Hindmarch I, ElSohly M, Gambles J, Salamone S. Forensic urinalysis of drug use in cases of alleged sexual assault. J Clin Forensic Med 2001;8:197–205. 18. Butler B, Welch J. Drug-facilitated sexual assault. CMAJ 2009;180:493–4. 19. M. S-H. Toxicological findings in cases of alleged drug-facilitated sexual assault in the United Kingdom over a 3-year period. J. Clin. Forensic Med. 2005;12:175–86. 20. Scott-Ham M, Burton FC. Toxicological findings in cases of alleged drug facilitated sexual assault in the United Kingdom. J Clin Forensic Med 2005;12:175–86.21. Hurley M, Parker H, Wells DL. The epidemiology of drug facilitated sexual assault. J Clin Forensic Med 2006;13:181–5. 22. Jones AW, Kugelberg FC, Holmgren A, Ahlner J. Occurrence of ethanol and other drugs in blood and urine specimens from female victims of alleged sexual assault. Forensic Sci Int 2008;181:40–6. 23. Pittel SM, Spina L. Investigating Drug-Facilitated Sexual Assault. In: Rape Investigation Handbook. 2011; 329–44.24. Jansen KLR, Theron L. Ecstasy (MDMA), methamphetamine, and date rape (drug-facilitated sexual assault): A consideration of the issues. J Psychoactive Drugs 2006;38:1–12. 25. De Castro A, Lendoiro E, Quintela Ó, Concheiro M, López-Rivadulla M, Cruz A. Hair analysis interpretation of an unusual case of alleged scopolamine-facilitated sexual assault. Forensic Toxicol 2012;30:193–8. 26. Rochholz G, Westphal F, Wiesbrock UO, Sch?tz HW. Detection of opiates in urine, blood and hair after consumption of bakery products containing poppy seeds | Opiat-nachweis in urin, blut und haaren nach verzehr mohnsamenhaltiger backwaren. Blutalkohol 2004;41(4).
Toplam 1 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi

Emre Mutlu 0000-0003-2772-2364

Faruk Aşıcıoğlu Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-1691-6171

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ocak 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 41 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Mutlu E, Aşıcıoğlu F. Uyuşturucu Madde Etkisi Altındaki Mağdurların Uğradığı Cinsel Saldırılar:Olgu Serisi. Osmangazi Tıp Dergisi. 2019;41(1):95-101.

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