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Akut multifokal osteomiyelit: Tc-99m Methylendiphosphanate, Tc-99m HMPAO lökosit ve Tc-99m (V) dimercaptosuccinic acid görüntüleme

Yıl 2021, , 496 - 498, 01.04.2021


13 yaşındaki erkek çocuk, şüpheli akut multifokal osteomiyelitin için nükleer tıp bölümüne sevk edildi. Kan kültüründe stafilokok enfeksiyonu gösterdi. Tc-99m MDP kemik, Tc-99m HMPAO lökosit tüm vücut taraması ve Tc-99m (V) dimerkaptosüksinik asit tüm vücut sintigrafisi yapıldı. Kemik ve yumuşak doku enfeksiyonunun Tc-99m (V) DMSA tutulumu, Tc-99m MDP ve Tc-99m HMPAO lökosit tutulumları ile eş zamanlı olarak değerlendirebildi. Tc-99m (V) DMSA tutulumu, Tc-99m MDP ve Tc-99m HMPAO lökositte benzerdi.


  • 1. Elgazzar AH, Abdel-Dayem HM, Clark JD, Maxon III HR. Multimodality imaging of osteomyelitis. Eur J Nucl Med 1995;22:1043-1063
  • 2. Ertay T. Enfeksiyon-Enflamasyon: Moleküler Görüntülemede Kullanılan SPECT Radyofarmasötikleri. Nucl Med Semin 2016;2:63-70
  • 3. Lantto T, Kaukonen JP, Kokkola A, Laitinen R. Tc-99m HMPAO labeled leucocytes superior to bone scan in the detection of osteomyelitis in children. Clin Nucl Med 1992;17:7-10
  • 4. Jeghers O, Puttemans N, Urbain D, Ham HR. Technetium-99m DMSA Uptake by Metastatic Carcinoma of the Prostate. J Nucl Med 1986; 27: 1223-1224
  • 5. Wulfrank D, Schelstraete KH, Small F et al. Analogy between tumor uptake of technetium-99m (V) dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) and Technetium-99m-MDP.ClinNuclMed 1989; 14: 58-93
  • 6. Sarikaya A, Sen S, Hacimahmutoglu S, Pekindil G. 99mTc(V)-DMSA scintigraphy in monitoring the response of bone disease to vitamin D3 therapy in renal osteodystrophy. Ann Nucl Med. 2002;16:19-23.
  • 7. Devranoðlu G, Sayman HB, Sönmezoğlu K. Comparative evaluation of Tc-99m (V) DMSA with Tc-99m MDP in primary bone tumours. (Abst) Eur Nucl Med 1995; 22: 737
  • 8. Lin WY, Chao TH, Wang SJ. Early detection of intra-abdominal abscesses with Tc-99m (V) DMSA scanning and comparison with Ga-67 imaging.Clin Nucl Med. 2002; 27:753-754.
  • 9. Sun SS, Kao CH.Demonstration of skeletal tuberculosis with Tc-99m (V) DMSA scintigraphy and a negative Ga-67 scan. Clin Nucl Med. 2002;27:539.
  • 10. Lee BF, Chiu NT, Wu DC, Tsai KB, Liu GC, Yu HS, Wang ST. Use of 99mTc (V) DMSA scintigraphy in the detection and localization of intestinal inflammation: comparison of findings and colonoscopy and biopsy.Radiology. 2001;220:381-385.
  • 11. Lee BF, Chiu NT, Chang JK, Liu GC, Yu HS. Technetium-99m(V)-DMSA and gallium-67 in the assessment of bone and joint infection. J Nucl Med. 1998; 39:2128-31.
  • 12. Hirano T, Otake H, Yoshida I, Endo K.Primary Lung Cancer SPECT Imaging with 99mTc Pentavalent DMSA. J Nucl Med 1995; 36: 202-7
  • 13. Jeghers O, Puttemans N, Urbain D, Lefebvre J, Ham H. Comparison of 99mTc(V)-Dimercaptosuccinic Acid Preparations. Appl Radiat Isot 1987; 38:13-8
  • 14. Babbar A, Kashyap R, Chauhan PS. A Convenient Method for the Preparation of 99mTc Pentavalent DMSA and Its Evaluation as a Tumour Imaging Agent. J Nucl Biol Med 1991; 35:100-4

Acute multifocal osteomyelitis: Tc-99m Methylendiphosphanate, Tc-99m HMPAO leucocytes and Tc-99m (V) dimercaptosuccinic acid imaging

Yıl 2021, , 496 - 498, 01.04.2021


A 13 year old male was referred to nuclear medicine department for evaluation of suspected acute multifocal osteomyelitis. Blood culture showed staphylococcal infection. We performed Tc- 99m methylendiphosphanate (MDP) bone scan, Tc-99m HMPAO leukocyte scan and Tc-99m (V) dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) scintigraphy. In this case, we were able to evaluate simultaneously Tc-99m (V) DMSA uptake of the bone and soft tissue infection as comparing with Tc-99m MDP and Tc-99m HMPAO leucocytes. Tc-99m (V) DMSA uptake was similar to Tc-99m MDP and Tc-99m HMPAO leucocytes


  • 1. Elgazzar AH, Abdel-Dayem HM, Clark JD, Maxon III HR. Multimodality imaging of osteomyelitis. Eur J Nucl Med 1995;22:1043-1063
  • 2. Ertay T. Enfeksiyon-Enflamasyon: Moleküler Görüntülemede Kullanılan SPECT Radyofarmasötikleri. Nucl Med Semin 2016;2:63-70
  • 3. Lantto T, Kaukonen JP, Kokkola A, Laitinen R. Tc-99m HMPAO labeled leucocytes superior to bone scan in the detection of osteomyelitis in children. Clin Nucl Med 1992;17:7-10
  • 4. Jeghers O, Puttemans N, Urbain D, Ham HR. Technetium-99m DMSA Uptake by Metastatic Carcinoma of the Prostate. J Nucl Med 1986; 27: 1223-1224
  • 5. Wulfrank D, Schelstraete KH, Small F et al. Analogy between tumor uptake of technetium-99m (V) dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) and Technetium-99m-MDP.ClinNuclMed 1989; 14: 58-93
  • 6. Sarikaya A, Sen S, Hacimahmutoglu S, Pekindil G. 99mTc(V)-DMSA scintigraphy in monitoring the response of bone disease to vitamin D3 therapy in renal osteodystrophy. Ann Nucl Med. 2002;16:19-23.
  • 7. Devranoðlu G, Sayman HB, Sönmezoğlu K. Comparative evaluation of Tc-99m (V) DMSA with Tc-99m MDP in primary bone tumours. (Abst) Eur Nucl Med 1995; 22: 737
  • 8. Lin WY, Chao TH, Wang SJ. Early detection of intra-abdominal abscesses with Tc-99m (V) DMSA scanning and comparison with Ga-67 imaging.Clin Nucl Med. 2002; 27:753-754.
  • 9. Sun SS, Kao CH.Demonstration of skeletal tuberculosis with Tc-99m (V) DMSA scintigraphy and a negative Ga-67 scan. Clin Nucl Med. 2002;27:539.
  • 10. Lee BF, Chiu NT, Wu DC, Tsai KB, Liu GC, Yu HS, Wang ST. Use of 99mTc (V) DMSA scintigraphy in the detection and localization of intestinal inflammation: comparison of findings and colonoscopy and biopsy.Radiology. 2001;220:381-385.
  • 11. Lee BF, Chiu NT, Chang JK, Liu GC, Yu HS. Technetium-99m(V)-DMSA and gallium-67 in the assessment of bone and joint infection. J Nucl Med. 1998; 39:2128-31.
  • 12. Hirano T, Otake H, Yoshida I, Endo K.Primary Lung Cancer SPECT Imaging with 99mTc Pentavalent DMSA. J Nucl Med 1995; 36: 202-7
  • 13. Jeghers O, Puttemans N, Urbain D, Lefebvre J, Ham H. Comparison of 99mTc(V)-Dimercaptosuccinic Acid Preparations. Appl Radiat Isot 1987; 38:13-8
  • 14. Babbar A, Kashyap R, Chauhan PS. A Convenient Method for the Preparation of 99mTc Pentavalent DMSA and Its Evaluation as a Tumour Imaging Agent. J Nucl Biol Med 1991; 35:100-4
Toplam 14 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Radyoloji ve Organ Görüntüleme
Bölüm Olgu Sunumu

Doğangün Yüksel 0000-0003-0983-2834

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Nisan 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 29 Eylül 2020
Kabul Tarihi 13 Kasım 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021

Kaynak Göster

AMA Yüksel D. Acute multifocal osteomyelitis: Tc-99m Methylendiphosphanate, Tc-99m HMPAO leucocytes and Tc-99m (V) dimercaptosuccinic acid imaging. Pam Tıp Derg. Nisan 2021;14(2):496-498. doi:10.31362/patd.801737
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