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“Çin Mucizesi”nin Bir Çıkmazı: Bölgesel Eşitsizlikler

Yıl 2019, , 151 - 176, 31.12.2019


Çin, 1970’lerin sonunda reform dönemine girdikten sonra kaydettiği ekonomik büyüme ve ekonominin dışa açılması performansıyla bütün dünyanın ilgisini çekmiştir. Öte yandan Çin’deki eşitsizlikler bu kalkınma sürecinde çözülemeyen önemli sorunlar arasında yer almaktadır. Pek çok eşitsizlik türünün yanında, bu yazının esas konusu olan bölgesel eşitsizlikler, Çin’in kırk yıllık reform sürecinde ortadan kaldırılamamıştır. Çin kadar büyük bir ülkede, bölgesel eşitsizliklerde coğrafi farklılıkların rolü olsa da, temel neden reform döneminin başından itibaren Çin hükümetinin kalkınmada doğu bölgesine öncelik verme stratejisidir. Bu strateji kaynağını reform döneminin başlamasıyla Çin’de uygulamaya konulan neoliberal politikalar ve küresel ekonominin kurallarından almaktadır. Çin’deki eşitsizlikler ekonomik, toplumsal ve siyasi istikrarı tehdit etmesi nedeniyle, 1990’ların sonundan itibaren Çin hükümeti çeşitli önlemler almaya başlamıştır.


  • AIGUO, L. (2000), China and the Global Economy since 1840. ABD: St. Martin’s Press.
  • BAO, S., CHANG, G. H., SACHS, J. D., WOO, W. T. (2002), “Geographic factors and China’s regional development under market reforms, 1978–1998”, China Economic Review, 13(1), 89-111.
  • BAUM, R. (2011), “The Road to Tiananmen: Chinese Politics in the 1980s”, The Politics of China-Sixty Years of The People’s Republic of China,( Ed. R. Macfarquhar). New York: Cambridge University Press, 337-467.
  • BENJAMIN, D., BRANDT, L., GILES, J., WANG, S. (2005), “Income Inequality During China's Economic Transition”, Working Papers tecipa, 238, University of Toronto.
  • BRAMALL, C. (2009), Chinese Economic Development. Londra ve New York: Routledge.
  • CAI, F., WANG, D., DU, Y. (2002), “Regional Disparity and economic growth in China, the impact of labor market distortions”, China Economic Review, 13(2-3), 197-212. CAI, F., DU, Y., WANG, M. (2010), “Employment and Inequality Outcomes in China”,
  • CEIS (2017), “Report of Foreign Direct Investment in China”,
  • CHAN K. (2009), "Harmonious Society", International Encyclopedia of Civil Society,( Ed. H. K. Anheier, S. Toepler), Springer, New York, 821 – 825.
  • CHENG, F. (2007), “Income Disparity in China and Its Policy Implications”,
  • CHUNLAI, C. (2003), “Location Determinants and Provincial Distribution of FDI”, China: New Engine of World Growth, (Ed. R. Garnaut, L. Song). Avustralya: ANU Press, 189-216.
  • ÇİN ULUSAL İSTATISTIK BÜROSU. Çin İstatistik Yıllığı (1999, 2001, 2016, 2017),
  • DÜNYA BANKASI (2009), From Poor Areas to Poor People-China’s Evolving Poverty Reduction Agenda, 47349-CN.
  • FAIRBANK, J. K., GOLDMAN, M. (2006), China: A New History. ABD: Harvard University Press.
  • FAN, C. C. (1997), “Uneven Development and Beyond: Regional Development Theory in Post-Mao China”,  International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 21(4), 620-639.
  • FAN, C. C., SUN, M. (2008), “Regional Inequality in China, 1978–2006”, Eurasian Geography and Economics, 49 (1), 1-20.
  • FAN, S., KANBUR, R., ZHANG, X. (2011), “China’s regional disparities: experience and policy”, Review of Development Finance, 1(1), 47-56.
  • GABRIEL, S. J. (1998), “The Structure of a Post-Revolutionary Economic Transformation: The Chinese Economy from the 1949 Revolution to the Great Leap Forward”,
  • GU, E. X. (2001), “Beyond the Property Rights Approach: Welfare Policy and the Reform of State-Owned Enterprises in China”, Development and Change, 32 (1), 129-150.
  • HERD, R. (2010), “A Pause in the Inequality of China”, OECD Economic Department Working Papers, 748.
  • HU, A., HU, L., CHANG, Z. (2005), “China’s economic growth and poverty reduction (1978-2002)”, India’s and China’s Recent Experience with Reform and Growth,( Ed. W. Tseng, D. Cowen). New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 59-90.
  • JEFFERSON, G.H., RAWSKI, T.G. (1994), “Enterprise Reform in Chinese Industry”, Journal of Economic Perspectives, 8 (2), 47-70. KHAN, A. R. (2005), “Inequality and Poverty in China in the Post-Reform Period: An Overview”,
  • KHAN, A. R., RISKIN, C. (2001), Inequality and Poverty in China in the Age of Globalization. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • LEE, C. K., SELDEN, M. (2007), “China's Durable Inequality: Legacies of Revolution and Pitfalls of Reform”, The Asia-Pacific Journal, 5 (1), 1-19.
  • LEE, J. C., YU, Z., HUANG, X., LAW, E. H. (2016), “ Educational Development in Western China, Towards Quality and Equity ”, Educational Development in Western China, Towards Quality and Equity, (Ed. Lee vd.). Hollanda: Sense Publishers, 1-20.
  • LI, C., GIBSON, J. (2013), “Rising Regional Inequality in China: Fact or Artifact?”, World Development, 47, July, 16-29.
  • LI, Y., HU, Z. (2015), “Approaching Integrated Urban-Rural Development in China: The Changing Institutional Roles”, Sustainability, 7 (6), 7031-7048.
  • LI, B., PIACHAUD, D. (2004), “Poverty and Inequality and Social Policy in China”, Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion London School of Economics Case Paper, 87.
  • LI, Y., WEI, Y. H. D. (2010), “The spatial-temporal hierarchy of regional inequality of China”, Applied Geography, 30 (3), 303-316.
  • LIAO, F. H., WEI, D. (2016), “Regional Inequality in China: Trends, Scales and Mechanisms”, Territorial Cohesion for Development Working Group Working Paper Series, 202.
  • LU, Z., DENG, X. (2011), “China’s Western Development Strategy: Policies, Effects and Prospects”, MPRA Paper, 35201
  • LUM, T. (2006), “Social Unrest in China”, Congressional Research Service, Washington, DC,
  • MA, D., SUMMERS, T. (2009), “Is China’s Growth Moving Inland? A Decade of ‘Develop the West’”, Asia Programme Paper, ASP PP 2009/02.
  • MACFARQUHAR, R., SCHOENHALS, M. (2006), Mao’s Last Revolution. ABD: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.
  • McBRIDE, JAMES. (2015), “Building the New Silk Road”,
  • MEISNER, M. (1999), Mao’s China and After, History of the People’s Republic. ABD: The Free Press.
  • QIAN, J. (2010), “Regional Inequality in Healthcare in China”, East Asian Policy, 2 (4), 86-95.
  • RAVALLION, M., CHEN, S. (2007), “China’s (uneven) progress against poverty”, Journal of Development Economics, 82 (1), 1-42. SHI, L.(2016), “Recent Changes in Income Inequality in China”, World Social Science Report, Chapter 2. Paris: UNESCO ve ISSC, 84-88.
  • SICULAR, T. (2013), “The Challenge of High Inequality in China”, World Bank Inequality in Focus, 2 (2), 1-8. SICULAR, T., XIMING, Y., GUSTAFSSON, B., SHI, L. (2007), “The Urban-Rural Gap and Inequality in China”, Review of Income and Wealth Series 53 (1).
  • SU, B., HESHMATI, A. (2013), “Analysis of the Determinants of Income and Income Gap between urban and Rural China”, IZA DP No. 7162.
  • UNDP ( 2016), Human Development Report.
  • WANG, S., HU, A. (1999), The Political Economy of Uneven Development, the Case of China. ABD: M. E. Sharpe.
  • WHYTE, M. K. (2010), “Fair versus Unfair: How do Chinese Citizens View Current Inequalities?”, Growing Pains: Tensions and Opportunity in China's Transformation, (Ed. J.C. Oi, S. Rozelle, X. Zhou). Stanford: Shorenstein Center, 305-332.
  • WU, Y. (2002), “Regional Disparities in China: an alternative view”, International Journal of Social Economics, 29 (7), 575-589.
  • XUE, J. (2013), “Income Inequality in China”, World Economics Association (WEA) Conference Paper, No.3, 27 Mayıs-12 Temmuz.
  • YAO, S., ZHANG, Z., HANMER, L. (2004), “Growing inequality and poverty in China”, China Economic Review, 15 (2), 145-163.
  • ZENG, J. (2013), State-led Privatization in China, The Politics of Economic Reform. Londra ve New York: Routledge.
  • ZHANG, X., KANBUR, R. (2005), “Spatial inequality in education and health care in China”, China Economic Review, 16 (2), 189-204.
  • ZHANG, X., ZHANG, K. H. (2003), “How Does Globalisation Affect Regional Inequality within A Developing Country? Evidence from China”, The Journal of Development Studies, 39 (4), 47–67.
  • ZHANG, X., ZHAO, L., CUI, Z. VE WANG, Y. (2015), “Study on Equity and Efficiency of Health Resources and Services Based on Key Indicators in China”, PLoS ONE 10(12), e0144809,
  • ZHANG, Q., ZOU, H. (2012), “Regional Inequality in Contemporary China”, Annals of Economics and Finance, 13 (1), 113-137.
  • ZHANG, T., XU, Y., REN, J., SUN, L., LIU, C. (2017), “Inequality in the distribution of health resources and health services in China: hospitals versus primary care institutions”, International Journal for Equity in Health, 16(42), 1-8
  • ZHOU, Y., SONG, L. (2016), “Income Inequality in China: Causes and Policy Responses”, China Economic Journal, 9(2), 186-208.
  • Gazeteler
  • CHINA BRIEFING (8 Ocak 2013). Central China On the Rise. Y. Lu
  • CHINA BUSINESS REVIEW (1 Kasım 2010). Economic Development Policies for Central and Western China.
  • CHINA CURRENT (16 Nisan 2014). China’s Western Development Programme. M. Horvath-Papp.
  • CHINA DAILY (9 Ağustos 2007). Plan to revitalize northeast region. F. Li.
  • CHINA DAILY (18 Ekim 2007). CPC aims for common prosperity. P. Whiteley.
  • CHİNA DAILY (20 Ağustos 2014). In quotes: Deng Xiaoping.
  • CNN, (30 Mart 2016). China On Strike, J. Griffiths.
  • REUTERS (30 Mart 2018). China enlists richer provinces in tie-ups to revive rustbelt northeast.
  • THE ATLANTIC (5 Ocak 2012). How China Stays Stable Despite 500 Protests Every Day. M. Fisher
  • THE NEW YORK TIMES (15 Mart 2008). Violance in Tibet as Monks Clash With the Police. J. Yardley.
  • THE NEW YORK TIMES (5 Temmuz 2009). Riots in Western China Amid Ethnic Tension. E. Wong.

An Impasse of the “Chinese Miracle”: Regional Inequalities

Yıl 2019, , 151 - 176, 31.12.2019


China has attracted the attention of the whole world with its economic growth and performance on opening the economy since it entered the reform period at the end of the 1970s. On the other hand, inequalities in China are among the important problems which have not been solved during this development process. In addition to many other types of inequalities, regional inequalities that are the main issue of this paper, have not been eliminated during the forty year reform process. Although geographical differences play a role in regional inequalities in a country as large as China, main reason has been Chinese government’s strategy of giving priority to the eastern region in development. This strategy stems from the neoliberal policies and rules of global economy which entered China as the reform period began. As inequalities in China reached the levels of threatening economic, social and political stability, Chinese government have taken some measures since the end of the 1990s.


  • AIGUO, L. (2000), China and the Global Economy since 1840. ABD: St. Martin’s Press.
  • BAO, S., CHANG, G. H., SACHS, J. D., WOO, W. T. (2002), “Geographic factors and China’s regional development under market reforms, 1978–1998”, China Economic Review, 13(1), 89-111.
  • BAUM, R. (2011), “The Road to Tiananmen: Chinese Politics in the 1980s”, The Politics of China-Sixty Years of The People’s Republic of China,( Ed. R. Macfarquhar). New York: Cambridge University Press, 337-467.
  • BENJAMIN, D., BRANDT, L., GILES, J., WANG, S. (2005), “Income Inequality During China's Economic Transition”, Working Papers tecipa, 238, University of Toronto.
  • BRAMALL, C. (2009), Chinese Economic Development. Londra ve New York: Routledge.
  • CAI, F., WANG, D., DU, Y. (2002), “Regional Disparity and economic growth in China, the impact of labor market distortions”, China Economic Review, 13(2-3), 197-212. CAI, F., DU, Y., WANG, M. (2010), “Employment and Inequality Outcomes in China”,
  • CEIS (2017), “Report of Foreign Direct Investment in China”,
  • CHAN K. (2009), "Harmonious Society", International Encyclopedia of Civil Society,( Ed. H. K. Anheier, S. Toepler), Springer, New York, 821 – 825.
  • CHENG, F. (2007), “Income Disparity in China and Its Policy Implications”,
  • CHUNLAI, C. (2003), “Location Determinants and Provincial Distribution of FDI”, China: New Engine of World Growth, (Ed. R. Garnaut, L. Song). Avustralya: ANU Press, 189-216.
  • ÇİN ULUSAL İSTATISTIK BÜROSU. Çin İstatistik Yıllığı (1999, 2001, 2016, 2017),
  • DÜNYA BANKASI (2009), From Poor Areas to Poor People-China’s Evolving Poverty Reduction Agenda, 47349-CN.
  • FAIRBANK, J. K., GOLDMAN, M. (2006), China: A New History. ABD: Harvard University Press.
  • FAN, C. C. (1997), “Uneven Development and Beyond: Regional Development Theory in Post-Mao China”,  International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 21(4), 620-639.
  • FAN, C. C., SUN, M. (2008), “Regional Inequality in China, 1978–2006”, Eurasian Geography and Economics, 49 (1), 1-20.
  • FAN, S., KANBUR, R., ZHANG, X. (2011), “China’s regional disparities: experience and policy”, Review of Development Finance, 1(1), 47-56.
  • GABRIEL, S. J. (1998), “The Structure of a Post-Revolutionary Economic Transformation: The Chinese Economy from the 1949 Revolution to the Great Leap Forward”,
  • GU, E. X. (2001), “Beyond the Property Rights Approach: Welfare Policy and the Reform of State-Owned Enterprises in China”, Development and Change, 32 (1), 129-150.
  • HERD, R. (2010), “A Pause in the Inequality of China”, OECD Economic Department Working Papers, 748.
  • HU, A., HU, L., CHANG, Z. (2005), “China’s economic growth and poverty reduction (1978-2002)”, India’s and China’s Recent Experience with Reform and Growth,( Ed. W. Tseng, D. Cowen). New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 59-90.
  • JEFFERSON, G.H., RAWSKI, T.G. (1994), “Enterprise Reform in Chinese Industry”, Journal of Economic Perspectives, 8 (2), 47-70. KHAN, A. R. (2005), “Inequality and Poverty in China in the Post-Reform Period: An Overview”,
  • KHAN, A. R., RISKIN, C. (2001), Inequality and Poverty in China in the Age of Globalization. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • LEE, C. K., SELDEN, M. (2007), “China's Durable Inequality: Legacies of Revolution and Pitfalls of Reform”, The Asia-Pacific Journal, 5 (1), 1-19.
  • LEE, J. C., YU, Z., HUANG, X., LAW, E. H. (2016), “ Educational Development in Western China, Towards Quality and Equity ”, Educational Development in Western China, Towards Quality and Equity, (Ed. Lee vd.). Hollanda: Sense Publishers, 1-20.
  • LI, C., GIBSON, J. (2013), “Rising Regional Inequality in China: Fact or Artifact?”, World Development, 47, July, 16-29.
  • LI, Y., HU, Z. (2015), “Approaching Integrated Urban-Rural Development in China: The Changing Institutional Roles”, Sustainability, 7 (6), 7031-7048.
  • LI, B., PIACHAUD, D. (2004), “Poverty and Inequality and Social Policy in China”, Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion London School of Economics Case Paper, 87.
  • LI, Y., WEI, Y. H. D. (2010), “The spatial-temporal hierarchy of regional inequality of China”, Applied Geography, 30 (3), 303-316.
  • LIAO, F. H., WEI, D. (2016), “Regional Inequality in China: Trends, Scales and Mechanisms”, Territorial Cohesion for Development Working Group Working Paper Series, 202.
  • LU, Z., DENG, X. (2011), “China’s Western Development Strategy: Policies, Effects and Prospects”, MPRA Paper, 35201
  • LUM, T. (2006), “Social Unrest in China”, Congressional Research Service, Washington, DC,
  • MA, D., SUMMERS, T. (2009), “Is China’s Growth Moving Inland? A Decade of ‘Develop the West’”, Asia Programme Paper, ASP PP 2009/02.
  • MACFARQUHAR, R., SCHOENHALS, M. (2006), Mao’s Last Revolution. ABD: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.
  • McBRIDE, JAMES. (2015), “Building the New Silk Road”,
  • MEISNER, M. (1999), Mao’s China and After, History of the People’s Republic. ABD: The Free Press.
  • QIAN, J. (2010), “Regional Inequality in Healthcare in China”, East Asian Policy, 2 (4), 86-95.
  • RAVALLION, M., CHEN, S. (2007), “China’s (uneven) progress against poverty”, Journal of Development Economics, 82 (1), 1-42. SHI, L.(2016), “Recent Changes in Income Inequality in China”, World Social Science Report, Chapter 2. Paris: UNESCO ve ISSC, 84-88.
  • SICULAR, T. (2013), “The Challenge of High Inequality in China”, World Bank Inequality in Focus, 2 (2), 1-8. SICULAR, T., XIMING, Y., GUSTAFSSON, B., SHI, L. (2007), “The Urban-Rural Gap and Inequality in China”, Review of Income and Wealth Series 53 (1).
  • SU, B., HESHMATI, A. (2013), “Analysis of the Determinants of Income and Income Gap between urban and Rural China”, IZA DP No. 7162.
  • UNDP ( 2016), Human Development Report.
  • WANG, S., HU, A. (1999), The Political Economy of Uneven Development, the Case of China. ABD: M. E. Sharpe.
  • WHYTE, M. K. (2010), “Fair versus Unfair: How do Chinese Citizens View Current Inequalities?”, Growing Pains: Tensions and Opportunity in China's Transformation, (Ed. J.C. Oi, S. Rozelle, X. Zhou). Stanford: Shorenstein Center, 305-332.
  • WU, Y. (2002), “Regional Disparities in China: an alternative view”, International Journal of Social Economics, 29 (7), 575-589.
  • XUE, J. (2013), “Income Inequality in China”, World Economics Association (WEA) Conference Paper, No.3, 27 Mayıs-12 Temmuz.
  • YAO, S., ZHANG, Z., HANMER, L. (2004), “Growing inequality and poverty in China”, China Economic Review, 15 (2), 145-163.
  • ZENG, J. (2013), State-led Privatization in China, The Politics of Economic Reform. Londra ve New York: Routledge.
  • ZHANG, X., KANBUR, R. (2005), “Spatial inequality in education and health care in China”, China Economic Review, 16 (2), 189-204.
  • ZHANG, X., ZHANG, K. H. (2003), “How Does Globalisation Affect Regional Inequality within A Developing Country? Evidence from China”, The Journal of Development Studies, 39 (4), 47–67.
  • ZHANG, X., ZHAO, L., CUI, Z. VE WANG, Y. (2015), “Study on Equity and Efficiency of Health Resources and Services Based on Key Indicators in China”, PLoS ONE 10(12), e0144809,
  • ZHANG, Q., ZOU, H. (2012), “Regional Inequality in Contemporary China”, Annals of Economics and Finance, 13 (1), 113-137.
  • ZHANG, T., XU, Y., REN, J., SUN, L., LIU, C. (2017), “Inequality in the distribution of health resources and health services in China: hospitals versus primary care institutions”, International Journal for Equity in Health, 16(42), 1-8
  • ZHOU, Y., SONG, L. (2016), “Income Inequality in China: Causes and Policy Responses”, China Economic Journal, 9(2), 186-208.
  • Gazeteler
  • CHINA BRIEFING (8 Ocak 2013). Central China On the Rise. Y. Lu
  • CHINA BUSINESS REVIEW (1 Kasım 2010). Economic Development Policies for Central and Western China.
  • CHINA CURRENT (16 Nisan 2014). China’s Western Development Programme. M. Horvath-Papp.
  • CHINA DAILY (9 Ağustos 2007). Plan to revitalize northeast region. F. Li.
  • CHINA DAILY (18 Ekim 2007). CPC aims for common prosperity. P. Whiteley.
  • CHİNA DAILY (20 Ağustos 2014). In quotes: Deng Xiaoping.
  • CNN, (30 Mart 2016). China On Strike, J. Griffiths.
  • REUTERS (30 Mart 2018). China enlists richer provinces in tie-ups to revive rustbelt northeast.
  • THE ATLANTIC (5 Ocak 2012). How China Stays Stable Despite 500 Protests Every Day. M. Fisher
  • THE NEW YORK TIMES (15 Mart 2008). Violance in Tibet as Monks Clash With the Police. J. Yardley.
  • THE NEW YORK TIMES (5 Temmuz 2009). Riots in Western China Amid Ethnic Tension. E. Wong.
Toplam 64 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Ekonomi
Bölüm Makaleler

Meryem Nergis Ataçay 0000-0002-9723-0536

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019

Kaynak Göster

APA Ataçay, M. N. (2019). “Çin Mucizesi”nin Bir Çıkmazı: Bölgesel Eşitsizlikler. Politik Ekonomik Kuram, 3(2), 151-176.

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