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Üniversite Öğrencilerinde Çocukluk Dönemi Cinsel İstismar Mitlerinin Yordayıcıları Olarak Empati ve Cinsiyetçilik

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 13 Sayı: Ek 1 (Araştırma Sayısı), 172 - 186, 29.12.2021


Çocukluk dönemi cinsel istismarı (ÇDCİ), çocuğun duygusal, zihinsel ve sosyal yaşamını olumsuz etkileyebilen durumlardan biridir. Yetişkinlerin çocukluk dönemi cinsel istismarına bakış açısını belirleyen mitleri, çocuğun istismar sonrası yeni bir travma yaşamasına neden olabilir. Bu nedenle, bu çalışmanın amacı, cinsiyetçilik ve empati değişkenlerinin çocukluk dönemi cinsel istismar mitlerini yordayıp yordamadığını ve ÇDCİ mitlerinin cinsiyete göre farklılaşıp farklılaşmadığını incelemektir. Bu çalışmanın katılımcıları Türkiye’de bulunan bir kamu üniversitesinin öğrencilerinden oluşmaktadır. Çalışmada, veri toplamak için Toronto Empati Anketi, Çelişik Duygulu Cinsiyetçilik Ölçeği ve Çocukluk Dönemi Cinsel İstismarına İlişkin Mitler Ölçeği kullanılmıştır. İstatistiksel analiz için çoklu regresyon analizi yöntemi ve bağımsız örnekler t testi kullanılmıştır. Çoklu regresyon sonuçları, ÇDCİ mitleri ile korumacı ve düşmanca cinsiyetçilik ile empati değişkenleri (R = .36, R2 = .13, p = .00) arasında anlamlı bir ilişki olduğunu göstermektedir. Cinsiyetçilik ve empati değişkenleri öğrencilerin ÇDCİ mitlerindeki toplam varyansın %13'ünü açıklamaktadır. Ayrıca bu çalışmada kadınların erkeklere göre daha az mite sahip olduğu belirlenmiştir. Bu bulgular, bireysel düzeyde önleme çalışmalarının çocuk cinsel istismarını önlemek veya mağdurları uygun şekilde tedavi etmek için yeterli olmadığına ve toplumsal düzeyde çalışmaların gerekli olduğuna işaret etmektedir. Bu bağlamda, bu değişkenlerle ilgili eğitimlerin ÇDCİ mitleri üzerindeki etkileri daha sonraki çalışmalarda incelenebilir.

Destekleyen Kurum


Proje Numarası





  • Abbey A, Jacques‐Tiura AJ, LeBreton JM (2011) Risk factors for sexual aggression in young men: An expansion of the confluence model. Aggressive Behav, 37:450-464. doi:10.1002/ab.20399
  • Aosved AC, Long PJ (2006) Co-occurrence of rape myth acceptance, sexism, racism, homophobia, ageism, classism, and religious intolerance. Sex Roles, 55:481-492. doi:10.1007/s11199-006-9101-4
  • Boakye KE (2009) Culture and nondisclosure of child sexual abuse in Ghana: A theoretical and empirical exploration. Law Soc Inq, 34:951-979. doi:10.1111/j.1747-4469.2009.01170.x
  • Bronfenbrenner U (1979) The ecology of human development: Experiments by nature and design. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
  • Brown S, Harkins L, Beech AR (2012) General and victim-specific empathy: Associations with actuarial risk, treatment outcome, and sexual recidivism. Sexual Abuse, 24:411-430. doi:10.1177/1079063211423944
  • Brownmiller S (2013) Against our will: Men, women and rape. Open Road Media.
  • Burt MR (1980) Cultural myths and supports for rape. J Pers Soc Psychol, 38:217-230. doi:10.1037/0022-3514.38.2.217
  • Büyüköztürk Ş (2007) Sosyal bilimler için veri analizi el kitabı. Ankara: Pegem A Yayıncılık.
  • Cossins A, Goodman-Delahunty J, O'Brien K (2009) Uncertainty and misconceptions about child sexual abuse: Implications for the criminal justice system. Psychiatr Psychol Law, 16:435-452. doi:10.1080/13218710902930234
  • Cromer LD (2006) Factors That influence the believing of child sexual abuse disclosure (Doctoral dissertation, University of Oregon) Retrieved from:
  • Cromer LD, Freyd JJ (2009) Hear no evil, see no evil? Associations of gender, trauma history, and values with believing trauma vignettes. Anal Soc Issues Public Policy, 9:85-96. doi:10.1111/j.1530-2415.2009.01185.x
  • Cromer LD, Goldsmith RE (2010) Child sexual abuse myths: Attitudes, beliefs, and individual differences. J Child Sex Abus, 19:618-647. doi:10.1080/10538712.2010.522493
  • Diehl C, Glaser T, Bohner G (2014) Face the consequences: Learning about victim's suffering reduces sexual harassment myth acceptance and men's likelihood to sexually harass. Aggressive Behav, 40:489-503. doi:10.1002/ab.21553
  • Dobash RE, Dobash RP (2003) Women, violence and social change. Routledge.
  • Doğan T, Bayar Ö (2018) Çocuk cinsel istismarı: Geleceğin öğretmenleri ve okul psikolojik danışmanları ne kadar biliyor?. Journal of International Social Research, 11:571-581. doi:10.17719/jisr.20185537230
  • Dörnyei Z (2007) Research methods in applied linguistics. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Flood M, Pease B (2009) Factors influencing attitudes to violence against women. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 10:125-142. doi:10.1177/1524838009334131
  • Foshee VA, Linder F, MacDougall JE, Bangdiwala S (2001) Gender differences in the longitudinal predictors of adolescent dating violence. Preventive Medicine, 32:128-141. doi:10.1006/pmed.2000.0793
  • Finnilä‐Tuohimaa K, Santtila P, Björnberg L, Hakala N, Niemi P, Sandnabba K (2008) Attitudes related to child sexual abuse: Scale construction and explorative study among psychologists. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 49:311-323. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9450.2008.00635.x
  • Glick, P, Fiske TS (1996) The ambivalent sexism inventory: Differentiating hostile and benevolent sexism. J Pers Soc Psychol, 70:491-512. doi:10.1037/0022-3514.70.3.491
  • Goodman-Delahunty J, Martschuk N, Cossins A (2017) Validation of the Child Sexual Abuse Knowledge Questionnaire. Psychology, Crime & Law, 23:391-412. doi:10.1080/1068316X.2016.1258469
  • Gravetter FJ, Wallnau LB (2007) Statistics for the behavioral sciences (7. Ed.) Belmont: Thomson Wadsworth.
  • Grubb A, Turner, E (2012) Attribution of blame in rape cases: A review of the impact of rape myth acceptance, gender role conformity and substance use on victim blaming. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 17:443-452.doi:10.1016/j.avb.2012.06.002
  • Hall GCN, Barongan C (1997) Prevention of sexual aggression: Sociocultural risk and protective factors. American Psychologist, 52:5-14. doi:10.1037/0003-066X.52.1.5
  • Hal GCN, Sue S, Narang DS, Lilly RS (2000) Culture-specific models of men's sexual aggression: Intra-and interpersonal determinants. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 6:252-267. doi:10.1037/1099-9809.6.3.252
  • Hestick H, Perrino CS (2009) African-American undergraduates' perceptions and attributions of child sexual abuse. J Child Sex Abus, 18:61-77. doi:10.1080/10538710802584619
  • Ige OK, Fawole OI (2011) Preventing child sexual abuse: parents' perceptions and practices in urban Nigeria. J Child Sex Abus, 20:695-707. doi:10.1080/10538712.2011.627584
  • Jones ME, Russell RL, Bryant FB (1998) The structure of rape attitudes for men and women: A three-factor model. J Res Pers, 32:331-350. doi:10.1006/jrpe.1998.2217
  • Karasar N (2012) Bilimsel araştırma yöntemi. Ankara: Nobel Yayın Dağıtım.
  • Kassing LR, Prieto LR (2003) The rape-myth and blame-based beliefs of counselors-in-training toward male victims of rape. Journal of Counseling and Development, 81:455-461. doi:10.1002/j.1556-6678.2003.tb00272.x
  • Kgalema L (2002) Victim awareness and trauma management in metropolitan police services. Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation. Retrieved from
  • Klettke B, Mellor D (2018) The effects of victim age, perceiver gender, and parental status on perceptions of victim culpability when girls or women are sexually abused. Violence Against Women, 24:650-667. doi:10.1177/1077801217717355
  • Koçtürk N (2018) Çocuk ihmalini ve istismarını önlemede okul çalışanlarının sorumlulukları, Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 5:38-47. doi:10.21666/muefd.336170
  • Koçtürk N, Kızıldağ S (2018) Çocukluk Dönemi Cinsel İstismarına İlişkin Mitler Ölçeği’nin Geliştirilmesi: Geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması. Adıyaman Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 30:778-808. doi:10.14520/adyusbd.406626
  • Long AD (2018) An empathy prime study of narcissism and rape myth acceptance among heterosexual college males (Doctoral dissertation, American University) Retrieved from
  • Man-Ging CI, Böhm B, Fuchs KA, Witte S, Frick E (2015) Improving empathy in the prevention of sexual abuse against children and youngsters. J Child Sex Abus, 24:796-815. doi: 10.1080/10538712.2015.1077366
  • Márquez-Flores MM, Márquez-Hernández VV, Granados-Gámez G (2016) Teachers’ knowledge and beliefs about child sexual abuse. J Child Sex Abus, 25:538-555. doi:10.1080/10538712.2016.1189474
  • McMillan JH, Schumacher S (2006) Research in education: Evidence-based inquiry (6th ed.) Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon. Mendel MP (1995) The male survivor. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • Miller AK, Amacker AM, King AR (2011) Sexual victimization history and perceived similarity to a sexual assault victim: A path model of perceiver variables predicting victim culpability attributions. Sex Roles, 64:372-381. doi:10.1007/s11199-010-9910-3
  • Muller RT, Caldwell RA, Hunter JE (1994) Factors predicting the blaming of victims of physical child abuse or rape. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, 26:259-279. doi:10.1037/0008-400X.26.2.259.
  • O’Donohue W, Yeater EA, Fanetti M (2003) Rape prevention with college males: The roles of rape myth acceptance, victim empathy, and outcome expectancies. J Interpers Violence, 18:513-531. doi:10.1177/0886260503251070
  • Osman SL (2011) Predicting rape empathy based on victim, perpetrator, and participant gender, and history of sexual aggression. Sex Roles, 64:506-515. doi:10.1007/s11199-010-9919-7
  • Pereda N, Arch M, Guerra-González R, Llerena G, Berta-Alemany M, Saccinto E, et al (2012) Knowledge and beliefs on child sexual abuse by Spanish university students. Annals of Psychology, 28:524-531. doi:10.6018/analesps.28.2.148801
  • Prince ER, Andrews SJ, Lamb ME, Foster JL (2018) The construction of allegedly abused children’s narratives in Scottish criminal courts. Psychol Crime Law, 24:621-651. doi:10.1080/1068316X.2017.1399395
  • Popović S (2017) Media role in supporting child sexual abuse myths and stereotypes: Content analysis of online CSA news and comments. In Child maltreatment & well-being: Contemporary issues, research & practice (pp. 62-63) Retrieved from
  • Postmus JL, McMahon S, Warrener C, Macri L (2011) Factors that influence attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors of students toward survivors of violence. J Soc Work Educ, 47:303-319. doi:10.5175/JSWE.2011.200900122
  • Potts E. D (2009) Responding to reported rapes: A comparison of human services students' attitudes, knowledge, and counseling skills (Doctoral dissertation, Capella University) Retrieved from
  • Russell KJ, Hand CJ (2017) Rape myth acceptance, victim blame attribution and Just World Beliefs: A rapid evidence assessment. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 37:153-160. doi:10.1016/j.avb.2017.10.008
  • Sakallı-Uğurlu N (2002) Çelişik Duygulu Cinsiyetçilik Ölçeği: Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik Çalışması. Türk Psikoloji Dergisi, 17:47-58.
  • Spreng RN, McKinnon MC, Mar RA, Levine B (2009) The Toronto Empathy Questionnaire: Scale development and initial validation of a factor-analytic solution to multiple empathy measures. Journal of Personality Assessment, 91:62-71. doi:10.1080/00223890802484381
  • Stermac LE, Segal ZV, Gillis R (1990) Social and cultural factors in sexual assault. In WL Marshall, DR Laws, HE Barbaree (Eds), Handbook of sexual assault (pp. 143-159) Boston, MA: Springer.
  • Tabachnick BG, Fidell LS (2007) Using multivariate statistics (5th ed.) Boston: Pearson/Allyn & Bacon.
  • Tang CSK, Yan ECW (2004) Intention to participate in child sexual abuse prevention programs: A study of Chinese adults in Hong Kong. Child Abuse Negl, 28:1187-1197. doi:10.1016/j.chiabu.2004.06.008
  • Totan T, Doğan T, Sapmaz F (2012) The Toronto Empathy Questionnaire: Evaluation of psychometric properties among Turkish university students. Eğitim Araştırmaları-Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 46:179-198.
  • Truman DM, Tokar DM, Fischer AR (1996) Dimensions of masculinity: Relations to date rape supportive attitudes and sexual aggression in dating situations. Journal of Counseling & Development, 74:555-562. doi:10.1002/j.1556-6676.1996.tb02292.x
  • Xenos S, Smith D (2001) Perceptions of rape and sexual assault among Australian adolescents and young adults. J Interpers Violence, 16:1103-1119. doi:10.1177/088626001016011001
  • Zafar S, Ross EC (2013) Perceptions of childhood sexual abuse survivors: Development and initial validation of a new scale to measure stereotypes of adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse. J Child Sex Abus, 22:358-378. doi:10.1080/10538712.2013.743955

Empathy and Sexism as Predictors of Childhood Sexual Abuse Myths in University Students

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 13 Sayı: Ek 1 (Araştırma Sayısı), 172 - 186, 29.12.2021


Childhood sexual abuse (CSA) is one of the situations that can negatively affect the emotional, mental and social life of the child. Myths that determine adults' perspectives on CSA may cause the child to experience a new trauma after sexual abuse. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate whether sexism and empathy variables predict childhood sexual abuse myths and whether CSA myths differentiate based on gender. Participants consist of students of a state university in Turkey. In this study, Toronto Empathy Questionnaire, Ambivalent Sexism Inventory, and Childhood Sexual Abuse Myth Scale were used to collect data. Multiple regression analysis method and independent samples t test were used for statistical analysis. Multiple regression results show that there is a meaningful relation between CSA myths and sexism (benevolent and hostile dimensions) and empathy variables (R = .36, R2 = .13, p = .00). The combination of sexism and empathy variables explains 13% of total variance in students’ CSA myths. Moreover, in this study, it was determined that women had fewer myths than men. These results suggest that prevention studies at an individual level are not sufficient to prevent child sexual abuse or treat victims appropriately, and it proves that studies on a social level is absolutely necessary. In this respect, further studies may examine the effects of trainings about these variables on the embracing CSA myths.

Proje Numarası



  • Abbey A, Jacques‐Tiura AJ, LeBreton JM (2011) Risk factors for sexual aggression in young men: An expansion of the confluence model. Aggressive Behav, 37:450-464. doi:10.1002/ab.20399
  • Aosved AC, Long PJ (2006) Co-occurrence of rape myth acceptance, sexism, racism, homophobia, ageism, classism, and religious intolerance. Sex Roles, 55:481-492. doi:10.1007/s11199-006-9101-4
  • Boakye KE (2009) Culture and nondisclosure of child sexual abuse in Ghana: A theoretical and empirical exploration. Law Soc Inq, 34:951-979. doi:10.1111/j.1747-4469.2009.01170.x
  • Bronfenbrenner U (1979) The ecology of human development: Experiments by nature and design. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
  • Brown S, Harkins L, Beech AR (2012) General and victim-specific empathy: Associations with actuarial risk, treatment outcome, and sexual recidivism. Sexual Abuse, 24:411-430. doi:10.1177/1079063211423944
  • Brownmiller S (2013) Against our will: Men, women and rape. Open Road Media.
  • Burt MR (1980) Cultural myths and supports for rape. J Pers Soc Psychol, 38:217-230. doi:10.1037/0022-3514.38.2.217
  • Büyüköztürk Ş (2007) Sosyal bilimler için veri analizi el kitabı. Ankara: Pegem A Yayıncılık.
  • Cossins A, Goodman-Delahunty J, O'Brien K (2009) Uncertainty and misconceptions about child sexual abuse: Implications for the criminal justice system. Psychiatr Psychol Law, 16:435-452. doi:10.1080/13218710902930234
  • Cromer LD (2006) Factors That influence the believing of child sexual abuse disclosure (Doctoral dissertation, University of Oregon) Retrieved from:
  • Cromer LD, Freyd JJ (2009) Hear no evil, see no evil? Associations of gender, trauma history, and values with believing trauma vignettes. Anal Soc Issues Public Policy, 9:85-96. doi:10.1111/j.1530-2415.2009.01185.x
  • Cromer LD, Goldsmith RE (2010) Child sexual abuse myths: Attitudes, beliefs, and individual differences. J Child Sex Abus, 19:618-647. doi:10.1080/10538712.2010.522493
  • Diehl C, Glaser T, Bohner G (2014) Face the consequences: Learning about victim's suffering reduces sexual harassment myth acceptance and men's likelihood to sexually harass. Aggressive Behav, 40:489-503. doi:10.1002/ab.21553
  • Dobash RE, Dobash RP (2003) Women, violence and social change. Routledge.
  • Doğan T, Bayar Ö (2018) Çocuk cinsel istismarı: Geleceğin öğretmenleri ve okul psikolojik danışmanları ne kadar biliyor?. Journal of International Social Research, 11:571-581. doi:10.17719/jisr.20185537230
  • Dörnyei Z (2007) Research methods in applied linguistics. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Flood M, Pease B (2009) Factors influencing attitudes to violence against women. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 10:125-142. doi:10.1177/1524838009334131
  • Foshee VA, Linder F, MacDougall JE, Bangdiwala S (2001) Gender differences in the longitudinal predictors of adolescent dating violence. Preventive Medicine, 32:128-141. doi:10.1006/pmed.2000.0793
  • Finnilä‐Tuohimaa K, Santtila P, Björnberg L, Hakala N, Niemi P, Sandnabba K (2008) Attitudes related to child sexual abuse: Scale construction and explorative study among psychologists. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 49:311-323. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9450.2008.00635.x
  • Glick, P, Fiske TS (1996) The ambivalent sexism inventory: Differentiating hostile and benevolent sexism. J Pers Soc Psychol, 70:491-512. doi:10.1037/0022-3514.70.3.491
  • Goodman-Delahunty J, Martschuk N, Cossins A (2017) Validation of the Child Sexual Abuse Knowledge Questionnaire. Psychology, Crime & Law, 23:391-412. doi:10.1080/1068316X.2016.1258469
  • Gravetter FJ, Wallnau LB (2007) Statistics for the behavioral sciences (7. Ed.) Belmont: Thomson Wadsworth.
  • Grubb A, Turner, E (2012) Attribution of blame in rape cases: A review of the impact of rape myth acceptance, gender role conformity and substance use on victim blaming. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 17:443-452.doi:10.1016/j.avb.2012.06.002
  • Hall GCN, Barongan C (1997) Prevention of sexual aggression: Sociocultural risk and protective factors. American Psychologist, 52:5-14. doi:10.1037/0003-066X.52.1.5
  • Hal GCN, Sue S, Narang DS, Lilly RS (2000) Culture-specific models of men's sexual aggression: Intra-and interpersonal determinants. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 6:252-267. doi:10.1037/1099-9809.6.3.252
  • Hestick H, Perrino CS (2009) African-American undergraduates' perceptions and attributions of child sexual abuse. J Child Sex Abus, 18:61-77. doi:10.1080/10538710802584619
  • Ige OK, Fawole OI (2011) Preventing child sexual abuse: parents' perceptions and practices in urban Nigeria. J Child Sex Abus, 20:695-707. doi:10.1080/10538712.2011.627584
  • Jones ME, Russell RL, Bryant FB (1998) The structure of rape attitudes for men and women: A three-factor model. J Res Pers, 32:331-350. doi:10.1006/jrpe.1998.2217
  • Karasar N (2012) Bilimsel araştırma yöntemi. Ankara: Nobel Yayın Dağıtım.
  • Kassing LR, Prieto LR (2003) The rape-myth and blame-based beliefs of counselors-in-training toward male victims of rape. Journal of Counseling and Development, 81:455-461. doi:10.1002/j.1556-6678.2003.tb00272.x
  • Kgalema L (2002) Victim awareness and trauma management in metropolitan police services. Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation. Retrieved from
  • Klettke B, Mellor D (2018) The effects of victim age, perceiver gender, and parental status on perceptions of victim culpability when girls or women are sexually abused. Violence Against Women, 24:650-667. doi:10.1177/1077801217717355
  • Koçtürk N (2018) Çocuk ihmalini ve istismarını önlemede okul çalışanlarının sorumlulukları, Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 5:38-47. doi:10.21666/muefd.336170
  • Koçtürk N, Kızıldağ S (2018) Çocukluk Dönemi Cinsel İstismarına İlişkin Mitler Ölçeği’nin Geliştirilmesi: Geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması. Adıyaman Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 30:778-808. doi:10.14520/adyusbd.406626
  • Long AD (2018) An empathy prime study of narcissism and rape myth acceptance among heterosexual college males (Doctoral dissertation, American University) Retrieved from
  • Man-Ging CI, Böhm B, Fuchs KA, Witte S, Frick E (2015) Improving empathy in the prevention of sexual abuse against children and youngsters. J Child Sex Abus, 24:796-815. doi: 10.1080/10538712.2015.1077366
  • Márquez-Flores MM, Márquez-Hernández VV, Granados-Gámez G (2016) Teachers’ knowledge and beliefs about child sexual abuse. J Child Sex Abus, 25:538-555. doi:10.1080/10538712.2016.1189474
  • McMillan JH, Schumacher S (2006) Research in education: Evidence-based inquiry (6th ed.) Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon. Mendel MP (1995) The male survivor. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • Miller AK, Amacker AM, King AR (2011) Sexual victimization history and perceived similarity to a sexual assault victim: A path model of perceiver variables predicting victim culpability attributions. Sex Roles, 64:372-381. doi:10.1007/s11199-010-9910-3
  • Muller RT, Caldwell RA, Hunter JE (1994) Factors predicting the blaming of victims of physical child abuse or rape. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, 26:259-279. doi:10.1037/0008-400X.26.2.259.
  • O’Donohue W, Yeater EA, Fanetti M (2003) Rape prevention with college males: The roles of rape myth acceptance, victim empathy, and outcome expectancies. J Interpers Violence, 18:513-531. doi:10.1177/0886260503251070
  • Osman SL (2011) Predicting rape empathy based on victim, perpetrator, and participant gender, and history of sexual aggression. Sex Roles, 64:506-515. doi:10.1007/s11199-010-9919-7
  • Pereda N, Arch M, Guerra-González R, Llerena G, Berta-Alemany M, Saccinto E, et al (2012) Knowledge and beliefs on child sexual abuse by Spanish university students. Annals of Psychology, 28:524-531. doi:10.6018/analesps.28.2.148801
  • Prince ER, Andrews SJ, Lamb ME, Foster JL (2018) The construction of allegedly abused children’s narratives in Scottish criminal courts. Psychol Crime Law, 24:621-651. doi:10.1080/1068316X.2017.1399395
  • Popović S (2017) Media role in supporting child sexual abuse myths and stereotypes: Content analysis of online CSA news and comments. In Child maltreatment & well-being: Contemporary issues, research & practice (pp. 62-63) Retrieved from
  • Postmus JL, McMahon S, Warrener C, Macri L (2011) Factors that influence attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors of students toward survivors of violence. J Soc Work Educ, 47:303-319. doi:10.5175/JSWE.2011.200900122
  • Potts E. D (2009) Responding to reported rapes: A comparison of human services students' attitudes, knowledge, and counseling skills (Doctoral dissertation, Capella University) Retrieved from
  • Russell KJ, Hand CJ (2017) Rape myth acceptance, victim blame attribution and Just World Beliefs: A rapid evidence assessment. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 37:153-160. doi:10.1016/j.avb.2017.10.008
  • Sakallı-Uğurlu N (2002) Çelişik Duygulu Cinsiyetçilik Ölçeği: Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik Çalışması. Türk Psikoloji Dergisi, 17:47-58.
  • Spreng RN, McKinnon MC, Mar RA, Levine B (2009) The Toronto Empathy Questionnaire: Scale development and initial validation of a factor-analytic solution to multiple empathy measures. Journal of Personality Assessment, 91:62-71. doi:10.1080/00223890802484381
  • Stermac LE, Segal ZV, Gillis R (1990) Social and cultural factors in sexual assault. In WL Marshall, DR Laws, HE Barbaree (Eds), Handbook of sexual assault (pp. 143-159) Boston, MA: Springer.
  • Tabachnick BG, Fidell LS (2007) Using multivariate statistics (5th ed.) Boston: Pearson/Allyn & Bacon.
  • Tang CSK, Yan ECW (2004) Intention to participate in child sexual abuse prevention programs: A study of Chinese adults in Hong Kong. Child Abuse Negl, 28:1187-1197. doi:10.1016/j.chiabu.2004.06.008
  • Totan T, Doğan T, Sapmaz F (2012) The Toronto Empathy Questionnaire: Evaluation of psychometric properties among Turkish university students. Eğitim Araştırmaları-Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 46:179-198.
  • Truman DM, Tokar DM, Fischer AR (1996) Dimensions of masculinity: Relations to date rape supportive attitudes and sexual aggression in dating situations. Journal of Counseling & Development, 74:555-562. doi:10.1002/j.1556-6676.1996.tb02292.x
  • Xenos S, Smith D (2001) Perceptions of rape and sexual assault among Australian adolescents and young adults. J Interpers Violence, 16:1103-1119. doi:10.1177/088626001016011001
  • Zafar S, Ross EC (2013) Perceptions of childhood sexual abuse survivors: Development and initial validation of a new scale to measure stereotypes of adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse. J Child Sex Abus, 22:358-378. doi:10.1080/10538712.2013.743955
Toplam 57 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Psikolojide Davranış-Kişilik Değerlendirmesi
Bölüm Araştırma

Nilüfer Koçtürk 0000-0001-6124-1842

Seval Kızıldag Sahın 0000-0002-3357-7186

Proje Numarası -
Yayımlanma Tarihi 29 Aralık 2021
Kabul Tarihi 25 Ağustos 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Cilt: 13 Sayı: Ek 1 (Araştırma Sayısı)

Kaynak Göster

AMA Koçtürk N, Kızıldag Sahın S. Üniversite Öğrencilerinde Çocukluk Dönemi Cinsel İstismar Mitlerinin Yordayıcıları Olarak Empati ve Cinsiyetçilik. Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar. Aralık 2021;13(Ek 1):172-186.

Creative Commons Lisansı
Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar Creative Commons Atıf-Gayriticari-Türetilemez 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı ile lisanslanmıştır.