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Yıl 2015, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 15, 69 - 88, 01.06.2015


Mal veya hizmetlerin üretilmesi, geliştirilmesi ve sunumu süreci içerisinde çalışanların fiziksel ve zihinsel yetenekleri, ürünün kalitesini ve elbette marka değerini doğrudan etkileyecektir. Bu sonucun ortaya çıkabilmesi için, çalışanların marka değeri üzerindeki etkilerinden farkında olmaları gerekmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, çalışanların marka değeri etki farkındalıklarını ve farkındalıklarını etkileyen faktörlerin ortaya konulmasıdır. Bu amaçla, Helm 2011 ’in kurumsal ün için geliştirmiş olduğu çalışanların etki farkındalığı modelini, tüketici temelli marka değeri Aaker, 1991 ve Keller, 1993 için yeniden kurgulanmıştır. Araştırma model ve hipotezlerinin testi için nicel bir çalışma gerçekleştirilmiş, hizmet sektörü ele alınmış ve 301 üniversite personelinde anket yöntemi ile veriler toplanmıştır. Yapılan açıklayıcı, doğrulayıcı faktör ve yapısal eşitlik modeli analizleri sonucunda, çalışanların marka değeri üzerindeki etki farkındalığının, duygusal bağlılıktan etkilendiği saptanmıştır. Helm 2011 ’in modelinde yer alan çalışanların iş tatminin ise marka değeri etki farkındalığı üzerinde istatistiksel açıdan bir etkisi bulunamamıştır. Sonuç olarak, algılanan marka değeri duygusal bağlılığı, duygusal bağlılık da marka değeri etki farkındalığını olumlu yönde etkilemektedir


  • Aaker, D. A., ve Keller K. L. (1990). Consumer Evaluations of Brand Exten- sions. The Journal of Marketing, 27-41.
  • Aaker, D.A. (1991). Managing brand equity: Capitalizing on the value of a brand name, Free Press, New York, NY.
  • Allen, N. J., ve Meyer, J. P. (1990). Organizational socialization tactics: A Longi- tudinal Analysis of Links to Newcomers' Commitment and Role Orien- tation. Academy of Management Journal, 33(4), 847-858.
  • Backhaus, K. ve Surinder T. (2004). Conceptualizing and Researching Employer Branding, Career Development International, 9(5), 501 – 517.
  • Biedenbach, G., Bengtsson, M. ve Wincent, J. (2011). Brand Equity In The Profes- sional Service Context: Analysing The Impact of Employee Role Behav- ior And Customer–Employee Rapport. Industrial Marketing Manage- ment, 40(7), 1093-1102.
  • Boo, S., Busser, J., ve Baloglu, S. (2009). A Model of Customer-Based Brand Equity and Its Application to Multiple Destinations. Tourism Management, 30(2), 219–231.
  • Buil, I., Martinez, E., ve Chernatony, L.D. (2013). The Influence of Brand Equity on Consumer Responses, Journal of Consumer Marketing, 30(1), 62–74.
  • Castro, C.B., Armario, E.M. ve Sanchez del Rio, M.E. (2005), Consequences of Market Orientation for Customers and Employees, European Journal of Marketing, 39(5/6), 646-75.
  • Cobb-Walgren, C.J., Beal, C., ve Donthu, N. (1995). Brand equity, Brand Prefer- ences, And Purchase Intent, Journal of Advertising, 24(3), 25-40.
  • Cook, K. S., ve Emerson. R. M. (1978). Power, Equity and Commitment in Ex- change Networks. American Sociological Review, 43, 712-39.
  • De Chernatony, L. ve Cottam, S. (2006). Internal Brand Factors Driving Successful Financial Services Brands. European Journal of Marketing, 40(5/6), 611- 633.
  • De Chernatony, L., ve Segal-Horn, S. (2001). Building On Services' Characteristics to Develop Successful Services Brands. Journal of Marketing Manage- ment, 17(7/8), 645-669.
  • Diestel, S., Wegge, J., ve Schmidt, K. (2013). The Impact of Social Context on the Relationship between Individual Job Satisfaction and Absenteeism: The Roles of Different Foci of Job Satisfaction and Work-Unit Absentee- ism. Academy of Management Journal, amj-2010.
  • Ekinci, Y., Dawes, P.L., ve Massey, G.R. (2008). An Extended Model of the Ante- cedents and Consequences of Consumer Satisfaction For Hospitality Ser- vices. European Journal of Marketing, 42(1), 35–68.
  • Fornell, C. ve Larcker, D.F. (1981). Evaluating Structural Equation Models With Unobservable Variables And Measurement Error, Journal of Marketing Research, 27(February), 39-50.
  • Han, J., ve Collins, C. J. (2002). The Effects of Company Recruitment Practices on Job Seekers’ Perceived Employment Brand Equity and Intentions to Pur- sue Job Opportunities. Academy of Management Proceedings, 62, A1– A6
  • Harris, L. C., ve Ogbonna, E. (2000). The Responses of Front-Line Employees to Market-Oriented Culture Change. European Journal of Marketing, 34(3/4), 318-340.
  • Harris, F., ve De Chernatony, L. (2001). Corporate Branding and Corporate Brand Performance. European Journal of Marketing, 35(3/4), 441-456.
  • Helm, S. (2011). Employees' Awareness of Their Impact on Corporate Reputa- tion. Journal of Business Research, 64(7), 657-663.
  • Hira, A., ve Waqas, I. (2012). A Study of Job Satisfaction and its Impact on the Performance in the Banking Industry of Pakistan. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 3(19), 174–180.
  • Im, H. H., Kim, S. S., Elliot, S., ve Han, H. (2012). Conceptualizing Destination Brand Equity Dimensions from a Consumer-Based Brand Equity Per- spective. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 29(4), 385-403.
  • Jones, E., Busch, P. ve Dacin, P. (2003). Firm Market Orientation and Salesperson Customer Orientation: Interpersonal and Intrapersonal Influences on Customer Service and Retention in Business-To-Business Buyer-Seller Relationships, Journal of Business Research, 56, 323-40.
  • Jung, J., ve Sung, E.Y. (2008). Customer-based brand equity: Comparisons among Americans and South Koreans in the USA and South Koreans in Korea. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 12 (1), 24-35.
  • Keller, K.L. (1993). Conceptualizing, Measuring, and Managing Customer-Based Brand Equity, Journal of Marketing, 57(January), 1-22.
  • Kim, H., Kim, W.G., ve An, J.A. (2003). The Effect of Consumer-Based Brand Eq- uity on Firms’ Financial Performance, Journal of Consumer Marketing, 20 (4), 335-51.
  • Kim, K. H., Jeon, B. J., Jung, H. S., Lu, W., ve Jones, J. (2012). Effective Employment Brand Equity through Sustainable Competitive Advantage, Marketing Strategy, and Corporate Image. Journal of Business Research, 65(11), 1612-1617.
  • Kimpakorn, N., ve Tocquer, G. (2010). Service Brand Equity and Employee Brand Commitment. Journal of Services Marketing, 24(5), 378-388.
  • King, C., ve Grace, D. (2005). Exploring the Role of Employees in the Delivery of the Brand: A Case Study Approach. Qualitative Market Research: An In- ternational Journal, 8(3), 277-295.
  • King, C., ve Grace, D. (2009). Employee Based Brand Equity: A Third Perspec- tive. Services Marketing Quarterly, 30 (2), 122-147.
  • King, C., ve Grace, D. (2010). Building and Measuring Employee-Based Brand Equity. European Journal of Marketing, 44 (7/8), 938-971.
  • Koçak A., Abimbola, T., ve Özer, A. (2007). Consumer Brand Equity in A Cross- Cultural Replication: An Evaluation of A Scale, Journal of Marketing Management, 23 (1-2), 157-173
  • Konecnik, M., ve Gartner, W. C. (2007). Customer-based Brand Equity for a Des- tination. Annals of Tourism Research, 34(2), 400-421.
  • Locke, E. A. (1976). The Nature and Causes of Job Satisfaction. Handbook of In- dustrial and Organizational Psychology, 1, 1297-1343.
  • Maio Mackay, M. (2001). Evaluation of Brand Equity Measures: Further Empirical Results, Journal of Product and Brand Management, 10 (1), 38-51.
  • Mohr, L. A., ve Bitner, M. J. (1995). The Role of Employee Effort in Satisfaction with Service Transactions. Journal of Business Research, 32 (3), 239-252.
  • Oliveria-Castro, J.M. Foxall, G.R., James, V.K., Roberta, H.B.F., Pohl, M.B., Dias, B., and Chang, S.W. (2008). Consumer-based Brand Equity and Brand Performance. Service Industries Journal, 28 (4), 445-461.
  • Pappu, R., Quester, G.P., ve Cooksey, W.R. (2005). Consumer-based Brand Eq- uity: Improving the Measurement Empirical Evidence, The Journal of Product & Brand Management, 14 (2/3), 143-54.
  • Pappu, R., ve Quester, P. (2006). Does Customer Satisfaction Lead To Improved Brand Equity? An Empirical Examination of Two Categories of Retail Brands. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 15 (1), 4-14.
  • Pike, S., Bianchi, C., Kerr, G., ve Patti, C. (2010). Consumer-based Brand Equity for Australia as a Long-Haul Tourism Destination in an Emerging Mar- ket. International Marketing Review, 27 (4), 434-449.
  • Pitta, D.A., ve Katsanis, L.P. (1995). Understanding Brand Equity for Successful Brand Extension, Journal of Consumer Marketing, 12 (4), 51-64.
  • Punjaisri, K., ve Wilson, A. (2007). The Role of Internal Branding In the Delivery of Employee Brand Promise. Journal of Brand Management, 15(1), 57-70.
  • Rego, L. L., Billett, M. T., ve Morgan, N. A. (2009). Consumer-based Brand Equity and Firm Risk. Journal of Marketing, 73 (6), 47-60.
  • Rhoades, L., Eisenberger, R., ve Armeli, S. (2001). Affective Commitment to the Organization: The Contribution of Perceived Organizational Sup- port. Journal of applied psychology, 86 (5), 825.
  • Robertson, R., Gockel, C., ve Brauner, E. (2012). Trust Your Teammates Or Bosses? Differential Effects of Trust on Transactive Memory, Job Satisfaction, and Performance. Employee Relations, 35(2), 222-242.
  • Samli, C.A. ve Frohlich, C.J. (1992), Service: The Competitive Edge in Banking, The Journal of Services Marketing, 6 (1), 15-22.
  • Simon, C. J., ve Sullivan, M. W. (1993). The Measurement and Determinants of Brand Equity: A Financial Approach. Marketing Science, 12 (1), 28-52.
  • Tolba, A. H., ve Hassan, S.S. (2009). Linking Customer-based Brand Equity with Brand Market Performance: A Managerial Approach, Journal of Product and Brand Management, 18 (5), 356-66.
  • Vance, R. J. (2006). Employee Engagement and Commitment. SHRM Foundation.
  • Weiss, H. M., ve Cropanzano, R. (1996). An Affective Events Approach to Job Satisfaction. Research in Organizational Behavior, 18 (1/74).
  • Wiener, Y. (1982). Commitment in Organizations: A Normative View. Academy of Management Review, 7(3), 418-428.
  • Xu, J. B., ve Chan, A. A. (2010). Conceptual Framework of Hotel Experience and Customer-based Brand Equity. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 22 (2), 174–193.
  • Yoo, B. ve Donthu, N. (2001). Developing and Validating a Multidimensional Consumer-Based Brand Equity Scale, Journal of Business Research, 52 (1), 1-14.
  • Zeithaml, V. (1988). Consumer Perceptions of Price, Quality, and Value: A Means- End Model and Synthesis of the Evidence. Journal of Marketing, 52 (3), 2–22.
  • transfor- ming-employees-into-brand-ambassadors/


Yıl 2015, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 15, 69 - 88, 01.06.2015


Employees’ physical and mental capabilities affect the products’ qualities and the overall brand equity when producing, developing and delivering the product and service. For this, firm’s employees must be aware of their impact on the brand equity. In this study, we are aim to determine the employees’ awareness of their impact on the brand equity and its antecedents. We reconsidered the Helm 2011 ’s corporate reputation awareness study for the consumer-based brand equity Aaker, 1991 and Keller, 1993 . In order to test the research model and hypotheses, we used quantitative methods and collected data from 301 employees work at the university in Bolu. Using exploratory, confirmatory factor and structural equation model analyses, we founded that employees’ awareness of their impact on the brand equity is affected by employees’ affective commitment towards the organization. However, the findings didn’t support the effect of job satisfaction on the employees’ awareness of their impact on brand equity. In conclusion, employees’ brand equity perceptions positively effect on their affective commitment and it turns to employees’ awareness of their impact on brand equity


  • Aaker, D. A., ve Keller K. L. (1990). Consumer Evaluations of Brand Exten- sions. The Journal of Marketing, 27-41.
  • Aaker, D.A. (1991). Managing brand equity: Capitalizing on the value of a brand name, Free Press, New York, NY.
  • Allen, N. J., ve Meyer, J. P. (1990). Organizational socialization tactics: A Longi- tudinal Analysis of Links to Newcomers' Commitment and Role Orien- tation. Academy of Management Journal, 33(4), 847-858.
  • Backhaus, K. ve Surinder T. (2004). Conceptualizing and Researching Employer Branding, Career Development International, 9(5), 501 – 517.
  • Biedenbach, G., Bengtsson, M. ve Wincent, J. (2011). Brand Equity In The Profes- sional Service Context: Analysing The Impact of Employee Role Behav- ior And Customer–Employee Rapport. Industrial Marketing Manage- ment, 40(7), 1093-1102.
  • Boo, S., Busser, J., ve Baloglu, S. (2009). A Model of Customer-Based Brand Equity and Its Application to Multiple Destinations. Tourism Management, 30(2), 219–231.
  • Buil, I., Martinez, E., ve Chernatony, L.D. (2013). The Influence of Brand Equity on Consumer Responses, Journal of Consumer Marketing, 30(1), 62–74.
  • Castro, C.B., Armario, E.M. ve Sanchez del Rio, M.E. (2005), Consequences of Market Orientation for Customers and Employees, European Journal of Marketing, 39(5/6), 646-75.
  • Cobb-Walgren, C.J., Beal, C., ve Donthu, N. (1995). Brand equity, Brand Prefer- ences, And Purchase Intent, Journal of Advertising, 24(3), 25-40.
  • Cook, K. S., ve Emerson. R. M. (1978). Power, Equity and Commitment in Ex- change Networks. American Sociological Review, 43, 712-39.
  • De Chernatony, L. ve Cottam, S. (2006). Internal Brand Factors Driving Successful Financial Services Brands. European Journal of Marketing, 40(5/6), 611- 633.
  • De Chernatony, L., ve Segal-Horn, S. (2001). Building On Services' Characteristics to Develop Successful Services Brands. Journal of Marketing Manage- ment, 17(7/8), 645-669.
  • Diestel, S., Wegge, J., ve Schmidt, K. (2013). The Impact of Social Context on the Relationship between Individual Job Satisfaction and Absenteeism: The Roles of Different Foci of Job Satisfaction and Work-Unit Absentee- ism. Academy of Management Journal, amj-2010.
  • Ekinci, Y., Dawes, P.L., ve Massey, G.R. (2008). An Extended Model of the Ante- cedents and Consequences of Consumer Satisfaction For Hospitality Ser- vices. European Journal of Marketing, 42(1), 35–68.
  • Fornell, C. ve Larcker, D.F. (1981). Evaluating Structural Equation Models With Unobservable Variables And Measurement Error, Journal of Marketing Research, 27(February), 39-50.
  • Han, J., ve Collins, C. J. (2002). The Effects of Company Recruitment Practices on Job Seekers’ Perceived Employment Brand Equity and Intentions to Pur- sue Job Opportunities. Academy of Management Proceedings, 62, A1– A6
  • Harris, L. C., ve Ogbonna, E. (2000). The Responses of Front-Line Employees to Market-Oriented Culture Change. European Journal of Marketing, 34(3/4), 318-340.
  • Harris, F., ve De Chernatony, L. (2001). Corporate Branding and Corporate Brand Performance. European Journal of Marketing, 35(3/4), 441-456.
  • Helm, S. (2011). Employees' Awareness of Their Impact on Corporate Reputa- tion. Journal of Business Research, 64(7), 657-663.
  • Hira, A., ve Waqas, I. (2012). A Study of Job Satisfaction and its Impact on the Performance in the Banking Industry of Pakistan. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 3(19), 174–180.
  • Im, H. H., Kim, S. S., Elliot, S., ve Han, H. (2012). Conceptualizing Destination Brand Equity Dimensions from a Consumer-Based Brand Equity Per- spective. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 29(4), 385-403.
  • Jones, E., Busch, P. ve Dacin, P. (2003). Firm Market Orientation and Salesperson Customer Orientation: Interpersonal and Intrapersonal Influences on Customer Service and Retention in Business-To-Business Buyer-Seller Relationships, Journal of Business Research, 56, 323-40.
  • Jung, J., ve Sung, E.Y. (2008). Customer-based brand equity: Comparisons among Americans and South Koreans in the USA and South Koreans in Korea. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 12 (1), 24-35.
  • Keller, K.L. (1993). Conceptualizing, Measuring, and Managing Customer-Based Brand Equity, Journal of Marketing, 57(January), 1-22.
  • Kim, H., Kim, W.G., ve An, J.A. (2003). The Effect of Consumer-Based Brand Eq- uity on Firms’ Financial Performance, Journal of Consumer Marketing, 20 (4), 335-51.
  • Kim, K. H., Jeon, B. J., Jung, H. S., Lu, W., ve Jones, J. (2012). Effective Employment Brand Equity through Sustainable Competitive Advantage, Marketing Strategy, and Corporate Image. Journal of Business Research, 65(11), 1612-1617.
  • Kimpakorn, N., ve Tocquer, G. (2010). Service Brand Equity and Employee Brand Commitment. Journal of Services Marketing, 24(5), 378-388.
  • King, C., ve Grace, D. (2005). Exploring the Role of Employees in the Delivery of the Brand: A Case Study Approach. Qualitative Market Research: An In- ternational Journal, 8(3), 277-295.
  • King, C., ve Grace, D. (2009). Employee Based Brand Equity: A Third Perspec- tive. Services Marketing Quarterly, 30 (2), 122-147.
  • King, C., ve Grace, D. (2010). Building and Measuring Employee-Based Brand Equity. European Journal of Marketing, 44 (7/8), 938-971.
  • Koçak A., Abimbola, T., ve Özer, A. (2007). Consumer Brand Equity in A Cross- Cultural Replication: An Evaluation of A Scale, Journal of Marketing Management, 23 (1-2), 157-173
  • Konecnik, M., ve Gartner, W. C. (2007). Customer-based Brand Equity for a Des- tination. Annals of Tourism Research, 34(2), 400-421.
  • Locke, E. A. (1976). The Nature and Causes of Job Satisfaction. Handbook of In- dustrial and Organizational Psychology, 1, 1297-1343.
  • Maio Mackay, M. (2001). Evaluation of Brand Equity Measures: Further Empirical Results, Journal of Product and Brand Management, 10 (1), 38-51.
  • Mohr, L. A., ve Bitner, M. J. (1995). The Role of Employee Effort in Satisfaction with Service Transactions. Journal of Business Research, 32 (3), 239-252.
  • Oliveria-Castro, J.M. Foxall, G.R., James, V.K., Roberta, H.B.F., Pohl, M.B., Dias, B., and Chang, S.W. (2008). Consumer-based Brand Equity and Brand Performance. Service Industries Journal, 28 (4), 445-461.
  • Pappu, R., Quester, G.P., ve Cooksey, W.R. (2005). Consumer-based Brand Eq- uity: Improving the Measurement Empirical Evidence, The Journal of Product & Brand Management, 14 (2/3), 143-54.
  • Pappu, R., ve Quester, P. (2006). Does Customer Satisfaction Lead To Improved Brand Equity? An Empirical Examination of Two Categories of Retail Brands. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 15 (1), 4-14.
  • Pike, S., Bianchi, C., Kerr, G., ve Patti, C. (2010). Consumer-based Brand Equity for Australia as a Long-Haul Tourism Destination in an Emerging Mar- ket. International Marketing Review, 27 (4), 434-449.
  • Pitta, D.A., ve Katsanis, L.P. (1995). Understanding Brand Equity for Successful Brand Extension, Journal of Consumer Marketing, 12 (4), 51-64.
  • Punjaisri, K., ve Wilson, A. (2007). The Role of Internal Branding In the Delivery of Employee Brand Promise. Journal of Brand Management, 15(1), 57-70.
  • Rego, L. L., Billett, M. T., ve Morgan, N. A. (2009). Consumer-based Brand Equity and Firm Risk. Journal of Marketing, 73 (6), 47-60.
  • Rhoades, L., Eisenberger, R., ve Armeli, S. (2001). Affective Commitment to the Organization: The Contribution of Perceived Organizational Sup- port. Journal of applied psychology, 86 (5), 825.
  • Robertson, R., Gockel, C., ve Brauner, E. (2012). Trust Your Teammates Or Bosses? Differential Effects of Trust on Transactive Memory, Job Satisfaction, and Performance. Employee Relations, 35(2), 222-242.
  • Samli, C.A. ve Frohlich, C.J. (1992), Service: The Competitive Edge in Banking, The Journal of Services Marketing, 6 (1), 15-22.
  • Simon, C. J., ve Sullivan, M. W. (1993). The Measurement and Determinants of Brand Equity: A Financial Approach. Marketing Science, 12 (1), 28-52.
  • Tolba, A. H., ve Hassan, S.S. (2009). Linking Customer-based Brand Equity with Brand Market Performance: A Managerial Approach, Journal of Product and Brand Management, 18 (5), 356-66.
  • Vance, R. J. (2006). Employee Engagement and Commitment. SHRM Foundation.
  • Weiss, H. M., ve Cropanzano, R. (1996). An Affective Events Approach to Job Satisfaction. Research in Organizational Behavior, 18 (1/74).
  • Wiener, Y. (1982). Commitment in Organizations: A Normative View. Academy of Management Review, 7(3), 418-428.
  • Xu, J. B., ve Chan, A. A. (2010). Conceptual Framework of Hotel Experience and Customer-based Brand Equity. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 22 (2), 174–193.
  • Yoo, B. ve Donthu, N. (2001). Developing and Validating a Multidimensional Consumer-Based Brand Equity Scale, Journal of Business Research, 52 (1), 1-14.
  • Zeithaml, V. (1988). Consumer Perceptions of Price, Quality, and Value: A Means- End Model and Synthesis of the Evidence. Journal of Marketing, 52 (3), 2–22.
  • transfor- ming-employees-into-brand-ambassadors/
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Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2015 Cilt: 8 Sayı: 15

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