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Yıl 2014, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 13, 1 - 26, 01.06.2014


Bütün ilişkilerde, taraflar arasında güvenin sağlanması, ilişkiyi başarıya götürecek önemli bir adımdır. Günümüz insanının içinde olduğu karmaşa ortamı, bireyin çevresinde karşılaştığı kişilere, faaliyetlere ve örgütlere yönelik güven duygusunu köreltmektedir. Bu bağlamda, hiçbir pazarda yalnız olmayan işletmelerin, rekabet avantajı sağlamak için tüketicilerin güvenini kazanmaları gerekmektedir. Tüketicilerin güvenini kazanan her işletme, kendine bağlı müşteriler oluşturarak amaçlarını gerçekleştirme yolunda ilerleyebilir. Buradan hareketle, bu çalışmada, hizmet sektöründe tüketici güveninin elde edilmesi için tüketicilerin fiyat algılamalarının ve hizmet kalitesi algılarının güven üzerinde nasıl etkili oldukları bir model yardımı ile ölçülmeye çalışılmıştır. Modelde, algılanan fiyat değişkeninin tüketici güveni üzerinde algılanan hizmet kalitesi değişkeninin aracılığı ile etkili olduğu öngörülmüştür. Ayrıca, araştırmanın modeli Bankacılık ve GSM hizmetlerine yönelik olarak ayrı ayrı analiz edilmiştir. Her iki sektör için veriler, Balıkesir Üniversitesi ve Çanakkale 18 Mart Üniversitesi personelinden, 506 anket formu ile toplanmıştır. Model, çoklu regresyon analizi kullanılarak test edilmiştir. Yapılan analizler sonucunda, her iki sektörde de, tüketicilerin fiyat algıları ile tüketici güveninin boyutları arasında hizmet kalitesinin aracı etkiye sahip olduğu tespit edilmiştir


  • Anuwichanont, Jiravat (2011). “The Impact of Price Perception on Customer Loyalty in The Airline Context”, Journal of Business & Economics Research, Sept., 9/9, 37-49.
  • Aydın, S. ve Özer, G. (2005). “National Customer Satisfaction Indices: An Implementation In The Turkish Mobile Telephone Market”, Marketing Intelligence and Planning, Vol. 23, No. 5, 486-504.
  • Ba, S. ve Pavlou, P. A. (2002). “Evidence of the Effect of Trust Building Technology in Electronic Markets: Price Premiums and Buyer Behavior”, MIS Quarterly, Vol. 26, No. 3, 243-268.
  • Baron, R. M. ve Kenny, D. A. (1986). “The Moderator-Mediator Variable Distinctionin Social Psychological Research: Conceptual, Strategic, And Statistical Considerations”, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 51 (6), 1173-1182.
  • Blomqvist, Kirsimarja (1997). “The Many Faces Of Trust”, Scandinav Journal of Management, 13(3), 271–286.
  • Brom, Frans W. A. (2000). “Food, Consumer Concerns, and Trust: Food Ethics For a Globalizing Market”, Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 12, 127–139
  • Burmaoğlu, S., M. Polat ve Meydan, C. H. (2013). “Örgütsel Davranış Alanında İlişkisel Analiz Yöntemleri ve Türkçe Yazında Aracılık Modeli Kullanımı Üzerine Bir İnceleme”, Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Vol. 13, No.1, 13.
  • Büyüköztürk, Şener (2006). “Sosyal Bilimler İçin Veri Analizi El Kitabı- İstatistik, Araştırma Deseni SPSS Uygulamaları Ve Yorum”, Pegem Akademi Yayıncılık, 6. Baskı, Ankara.
  • Casalo, V. L., Flavian Guinaliu, M. (2007).“The Role of Security, Privacy, Usability and Reputation In The Development of Online Banking”, Online Information Review, Vol. 31, No. 5, 583-603.
  • Castaldo S., (2007) “Trust In Market Relationships”, Edward Elgar Publishing, Inc., UK.
  • Chapman, J., ve Wahlers, R. (1999). “A Revision And Empirical Test Of The Extended Price-Perceived Quality Model”, Journal of Marketing: Theory and Practice, Summer, 53–64.
  • Chaudhuri, A. ve Holbrook, M. B. (2001). “The Chain Of Effects From Brand Trust And Brand Affect To Brand Performance: The Role Of Brand Loyalty”, Journal of Marketing, 65 (2), 81–93.
  • Chen, I. J., Gupta, Rom, W. (1994). “A Study Of Price And Quality in Service Operations”, International Journal of Service Industry Management, 5 (2), 23- 33.
  • Chenet, P., Dagger, T. S. ve O’Sullivan, D. (2010). “Service Quality, Trust, Commitment And Service Differentiation in Business Relationships” Journal of Services Marketing, 24/5, 336–346.
  • Chiou, J-S. ve Droge, C. (2006). “Service Quality, Trust, Specific Asset Investment, and Expertise: Direct and Indirect Effects in A Satisfaction-Loyalty Framework”, Academy of Marketing Science Journal, 34/ 4, 613-627.
  • Chu, P.Y., Lee G. Y. ve Chao, Y. (2012). “Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Trust, And Loyalty In An E-Banking Context”, Social Behavior And Personality, 40(8), 1271-1284.
  • Covey, S. M. R. ve Merrill, R. R. (2010). “Her Şeyi Değiştiren Tek Şey: Güven”, Çev., Çulpan Erhan, Varlık Yayınları, 2. Baskı.
  • Devebakan, Nevzat (2005). “Sağlık İşletmelerinde Algılanan Hizmet Kalitesi Ve Ölçümü”, Kalder Yayınları, İzmir.
  • Dos Santos, C. P. ve Basso, K. (2012). “Price Unfairness: The Indirect Effect On Switching And Negative Word-Of-Mouth”, Journal of Product & Brand Management, 21(7), 547–557.
  • Eisingerich, A.S. ve Bell, S. J. (2007). “Maintaining Customer Relationships in High Credence Services”, Journal of Service Marketing, 21 (4), 253–262
  • Estalami, Hooman (2008). “Consumer Use of The Price-Quality Cue in Financial Services”, Journal of Product & Brand Management 17(3), 197–208.
  • Ferreira, D. A., Avila, M. G. ve Faria, M. D. (2010). “Corporate Social Responsibility And Consumers’ Perception Of Price”, Social Responsibility Journal, 6(2), 208-221.
  • Field, Andy (2006), “Discovering Statistics Using SPSS”, Sage Publications, Second Editon, London.
  • Ganesan, Shankar (1994). “Determinats Of Long-Term Orientation In BuyerSeller Relationship”, Journal of Marketing, 58(2), 1-19.
  • Garbarino, E. ve Lee, O. F. (2003). “Dynamic Pricing in Internet Retail: Effects on Consumer Trust”, Psychology & Marketing, 20(6), 495–513.
  • Gefen, David (2000). “E-Commerce: The Role of Familiarity and Trust”, Omega: The International Journal of Management Science, 286, 725-737.
  • Grewal D., Hardesty, D. M. ve Iyer, G. R. (2004). “The Effects of Buyer Identification and Purchase Timing on Consumers’ Perceptions of Trust, Price Fairness, And Repurchase Intentions”, Journal of Interactive Marketing, 18(4) Autumn, 87-100.
  • Grewal, D., Gotlieb, J. ve Marmorstein, H. (2000), “The Moderating Effect of the Service Context on the Relationship Between Price and Post Consumption Perceptions of Service Quality”, Journal of Business and Psychology, 14 (4) Summer, 579-591.
  • Grewal, D., Monroe, K. B. ve Krishnan, R. (1998). “The Effects of Price- Comparison Advertising on Buyers’ Perceptions of Acquisition Value, Transaction Value and Behavioural Intentions”, Journal of Marketing, Vol: 62, (April), 46-59.
  • Gürbüz, S. ve Bekmezci, M. (2012). “İnsan Kaynakları Yönetimi Uygulamalarının Bilgi İşçilerinin İşten Ayrılma Niyetine Etkisinde Duygusal Bağlılığın Aracılık Ve Düzenleyicilik Rolü”, İstanbul Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, 41(2), 189-213.
  • Hartmann, A. ve Caerteling, J. (2010), “Subcontractor Procurement in Construction: The Interplay Of Price And Trust”, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 15, 354 – 362.
  • Hayes, Andrew, “”, Erişim tarihi: 30.04.2013.
  • Hazra S. G., ve Srivastava, K. (2009), “Impact of Service Quality on Customer Loyalty, Commitment and Trust in The Indian Banking Sector”, The IUP Journal of Marketing Management, 8(3&4), 74-95.
  • Howell, David C. (2013) “Statistical Methods for Psychology”, Wadsworth, Cengage Learning, 8.Edt., Belmont.
  • İslamoğlu, Ahmet H. (2006), “Pazarlama Yönetimi”, Beta Yayınları, Genişletilmiş 3. Baskı, İstanbul.
  • Jih W.Y., Lee Tsai, Y.C. (2007). “Effect of Service Quality and Shared Value on Trust and Commitment: An Empirical Study 3Cs Product Customers in Taiwan”, International Journal of Business Studies, 15(2), December, 83-98.
  • Kalaycı, Şeref (2008). “SPSS Uygulamalı Çok Değişkenli İstatistik Teknikleri”, Asil Yayın Dağıtım, 3. Baskı, Ankara.
  • Kanstperger, R. ve Kunz, H. W. (2010). “Consumer Trust in Service Companies: A Multiple Mediating Analysis”, Managing Service Quality, 20(1), 4-25.
  • Koç, Erdoğan, (2011). “Tüketici Davranışı ve Pazarlama Stratejileri: Global ve Yerel Yaklaşım”, Seçkin Yayıncılık, Genişletilmiş 3. Baskı, Ankara.
  • Kurtuluş, K. ve Okumuş, A. (2006). “Fiyat Algılamasının Boyutları Arasındaki İlişkilerin Yapısal Eşitlik Modellemesi İle İncelenmesi”, Yönetim, 17(53), 3-17.
  • Lee, F. S., (2012). “Wine and the Consumer Price-perceived Quality Heuristics”, International Journal of Marketing Studies, 4(3), 31-35.
  • Maxwell, Sarah, (2009). “The Effects of Differential Textbook Pricing: Online Versus In Store, Journal of Media Economics”, Journal of Media Economics, 16 (2), 87–95.
  • McKinnon, D. P., Fairchild, A. J. ve Fritz, M. S. (2010). “Mediation Analysis”, Annual Review of Psychology, 58, 593–614.
  • McKnight, D. H. ve Chervany, L. N. (2002). “What Trust Means in E-Commerce Customer Relationships: An Interdisciplinary Conceptual Typology”, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 6(2), Winter, 35–59.
  • Monroe, K. B. ve Chapman, J. D. (1987). “Framing Effects on Buyers' Subjective Product Evaluations”, Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 14, 193-197
  • Moorman, C., Deshpande Zaltman, G. (1993). “Factors Affecting Trust in Market Research Relationships”, Journal of Marketing, 57(1), January, 81- 101.
  • Morgan, R. M. ve Hunt, S. D. (1994). “The Commitment-Trust Theory of Relationship Marketing”, Journal of Marketing, 58 (July), 20-38.
  • Mucuk, İsmet (2010). “Pazarlama İlkeleri”, Türkmen Kitapevi, 18. Basım, İstanbul.
  • Pagan J. A., Balasubramanian, Pauly, M. V (2007). “Physicians’ Career Satisfaction, Quality Of Care And Patients’ Trust: The Role Of Community Uninsurance”, Health Economics Policy and Law, 2, 347–362.
  • Parasuraman, A., Zeithaml, V. Berry, L. L. (1985). “A Conceptual Model of Service Quality and Its Implications for Future Research”, Journal of Marketing, Fall, 41-50.
  • Parasuraman, A., Zeithaml, V. A. ve Berry, L. L. (1988). “SERVQUAL: A Multiple-Item Scale for Measuring Customer Perceptions of Service Quality”, Journal of Retailing, Spring, 12-40.
  • Peterson, R. A. (1970). “The Price-Perceived Quality Relationship; Experimental Evidence”, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. VII, November, 525- 528
  • Selnes F., (1998) “Antecedents And Consequences of Trust And Satisfaction In Buyer-Seller Relationships”, European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 32, 305- 322.
  • Shpetim, Çerri (2012). “Exploring the Relationships among Service Quality, Satisfaction, Trust and Store Loyalty among Retail Customers” Journal of Competitiveness, 4(4), December, 16-35.
  • Sjolander, Richard (1992). “Cross Cultural Effects of Price on Perceived Service Quality”, European Journal Of Marketing, 26(7), 33-44
  • Sobel, M. E. (1982). “Asymptotic Confidence Intervals for Indirect Effects in Structural Equations Models”, In S. Leinhart (Ed.), Sociological Methodology, Vol.13, 290-312.
  • Swaen V. ve Chumpitaz, R. C. (2008). “Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility On Consumer Trust, Recherche et Applications en Marketing, 23(4), 7- 33.
  • Toncar, M. F., Alon Misati, E. (2010). “The Importance Of Meeting Price Expectations: Linking Price To Service Quality”, Journal of Product & Brand Management, 19/4, 295–305.
  • Turan, A. H. ve Çolakoğlu, B. E. (2009). “Yaşlı Tüketicilerde Algılanan Marka Değeri Ve Satınalma Niyeti”, Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi İ.İ.B.F. Dergisi, (C.XI, S.I, ), 227-296.
  • Zeithaml, V. A. (1988). “Consumer Perceptions of Price, Quality, and Value: A Means-End Model and Synthesis of Evidence”, Journal of Marketing, Vol.52 (July), 2-22.


Yıl 2014, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 13, 1 - 26, 01.06.2014


In all relationships, ensuring mutual trust is an important step to drive the relationships to success. Chaotic environment that modern human lives in reduces the sense of trust in people, activities and organizations around them. In this context, businesses, which are not alone in any market, need to gain consumer trust to have competitive advantages. Every business that attained consumer trust may progress on the way of achieving their aims by gaining loyal customers. From this point of view, it was measured through modeling that in order to attain consumer trust in service sector how consumer price perceptions and service quality perceptions affect consumer trust. It was purposed in the model that perceived price variable effects consumer trust, and perceived service quality has a mediator role on this relationship. In addition, the model of the research was analyzed separately for banking service and GSM service. Data for both sectors were derived from Balıkesir University and Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University personnel and 506 questionnaires were collected. Multiple regression analysis was used to test the relationships in the model. It is found that service quality has a mediator effect on the relationships between consumers’ price perceptions and dimensions of consumer trust in both sectors


  • Anuwichanont, Jiravat (2011). “The Impact of Price Perception on Customer Loyalty in The Airline Context”, Journal of Business & Economics Research, Sept., 9/9, 37-49.
  • Aydın, S. ve Özer, G. (2005). “National Customer Satisfaction Indices: An Implementation In The Turkish Mobile Telephone Market”, Marketing Intelligence and Planning, Vol. 23, No. 5, 486-504.
  • Ba, S. ve Pavlou, P. A. (2002). “Evidence of the Effect of Trust Building Technology in Electronic Markets: Price Premiums and Buyer Behavior”, MIS Quarterly, Vol. 26, No. 3, 243-268.
  • Baron, R. M. ve Kenny, D. A. (1986). “The Moderator-Mediator Variable Distinctionin Social Psychological Research: Conceptual, Strategic, And Statistical Considerations”, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 51 (6), 1173-1182.
  • Blomqvist, Kirsimarja (1997). “The Many Faces Of Trust”, Scandinav Journal of Management, 13(3), 271–286.
  • Brom, Frans W. A. (2000). “Food, Consumer Concerns, and Trust: Food Ethics For a Globalizing Market”, Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 12, 127–139
  • Burmaoğlu, S., M. Polat ve Meydan, C. H. (2013). “Örgütsel Davranış Alanında İlişkisel Analiz Yöntemleri ve Türkçe Yazında Aracılık Modeli Kullanımı Üzerine Bir İnceleme”, Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Vol. 13, No.1, 13.
  • Büyüköztürk, Şener (2006). “Sosyal Bilimler İçin Veri Analizi El Kitabı- İstatistik, Araştırma Deseni SPSS Uygulamaları Ve Yorum”, Pegem Akademi Yayıncılık, 6. Baskı, Ankara.
  • Casalo, V. L., Flavian Guinaliu, M. (2007).“The Role of Security, Privacy, Usability and Reputation In The Development of Online Banking”, Online Information Review, Vol. 31, No. 5, 583-603.
  • Castaldo S., (2007) “Trust In Market Relationships”, Edward Elgar Publishing, Inc., UK.
  • Chapman, J., ve Wahlers, R. (1999). “A Revision And Empirical Test Of The Extended Price-Perceived Quality Model”, Journal of Marketing: Theory and Practice, Summer, 53–64.
  • Chaudhuri, A. ve Holbrook, M. B. (2001). “The Chain Of Effects From Brand Trust And Brand Affect To Brand Performance: The Role Of Brand Loyalty”, Journal of Marketing, 65 (2), 81–93.
  • Chen, I. J., Gupta, Rom, W. (1994). “A Study Of Price And Quality in Service Operations”, International Journal of Service Industry Management, 5 (2), 23- 33.
  • Chenet, P., Dagger, T. S. ve O’Sullivan, D. (2010). “Service Quality, Trust, Commitment And Service Differentiation in Business Relationships” Journal of Services Marketing, 24/5, 336–346.
  • Chiou, J-S. ve Droge, C. (2006). “Service Quality, Trust, Specific Asset Investment, and Expertise: Direct and Indirect Effects in A Satisfaction-Loyalty Framework”, Academy of Marketing Science Journal, 34/ 4, 613-627.
  • Chu, P.Y., Lee G. Y. ve Chao, Y. (2012). “Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Trust, And Loyalty In An E-Banking Context”, Social Behavior And Personality, 40(8), 1271-1284.
  • Covey, S. M. R. ve Merrill, R. R. (2010). “Her Şeyi Değiştiren Tek Şey: Güven”, Çev., Çulpan Erhan, Varlık Yayınları, 2. Baskı.
  • Devebakan, Nevzat (2005). “Sağlık İşletmelerinde Algılanan Hizmet Kalitesi Ve Ölçümü”, Kalder Yayınları, İzmir.
  • Dos Santos, C. P. ve Basso, K. (2012). “Price Unfairness: The Indirect Effect On Switching And Negative Word-Of-Mouth”, Journal of Product & Brand Management, 21(7), 547–557.
  • Eisingerich, A.S. ve Bell, S. J. (2007). “Maintaining Customer Relationships in High Credence Services”, Journal of Service Marketing, 21 (4), 253–262
  • Estalami, Hooman (2008). “Consumer Use of The Price-Quality Cue in Financial Services”, Journal of Product & Brand Management 17(3), 197–208.
  • Ferreira, D. A., Avila, M. G. ve Faria, M. D. (2010). “Corporate Social Responsibility And Consumers’ Perception Of Price”, Social Responsibility Journal, 6(2), 208-221.
  • Field, Andy (2006), “Discovering Statistics Using SPSS”, Sage Publications, Second Editon, London.
  • Ganesan, Shankar (1994). “Determinats Of Long-Term Orientation In BuyerSeller Relationship”, Journal of Marketing, 58(2), 1-19.
  • Garbarino, E. ve Lee, O. F. (2003). “Dynamic Pricing in Internet Retail: Effects on Consumer Trust”, Psychology & Marketing, 20(6), 495–513.
  • Gefen, David (2000). “E-Commerce: The Role of Familiarity and Trust”, Omega: The International Journal of Management Science, 286, 725-737.
  • Grewal D., Hardesty, D. M. ve Iyer, G. R. (2004). “The Effects of Buyer Identification and Purchase Timing on Consumers’ Perceptions of Trust, Price Fairness, And Repurchase Intentions”, Journal of Interactive Marketing, 18(4) Autumn, 87-100.
  • Grewal, D., Gotlieb, J. ve Marmorstein, H. (2000), “The Moderating Effect of the Service Context on the Relationship Between Price and Post Consumption Perceptions of Service Quality”, Journal of Business and Psychology, 14 (4) Summer, 579-591.
  • Grewal, D., Monroe, K. B. ve Krishnan, R. (1998). “The Effects of Price- Comparison Advertising on Buyers’ Perceptions of Acquisition Value, Transaction Value and Behavioural Intentions”, Journal of Marketing, Vol: 62, (April), 46-59.
  • Gürbüz, S. ve Bekmezci, M. (2012). “İnsan Kaynakları Yönetimi Uygulamalarının Bilgi İşçilerinin İşten Ayrılma Niyetine Etkisinde Duygusal Bağlılığın Aracılık Ve Düzenleyicilik Rolü”, İstanbul Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, 41(2), 189-213.
  • Hartmann, A. ve Caerteling, J. (2010), “Subcontractor Procurement in Construction: The Interplay Of Price And Trust”, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 15, 354 – 362.
  • Hayes, Andrew, “”, Erişim tarihi: 30.04.2013.
  • Hazra S. G., ve Srivastava, K. (2009), “Impact of Service Quality on Customer Loyalty, Commitment and Trust in The Indian Banking Sector”, The IUP Journal of Marketing Management, 8(3&4), 74-95.
  • Howell, David C. (2013) “Statistical Methods for Psychology”, Wadsworth, Cengage Learning, 8.Edt., Belmont.
  • İslamoğlu, Ahmet H. (2006), “Pazarlama Yönetimi”, Beta Yayınları, Genişletilmiş 3. Baskı, İstanbul.
  • Jih W.Y., Lee Tsai, Y.C. (2007). “Effect of Service Quality and Shared Value on Trust and Commitment: An Empirical Study 3Cs Product Customers in Taiwan”, International Journal of Business Studies, 15(2), December, 83-98.
  • Kalaycı, Şeref (2008). “SPSS Uygulamalı Çok Değişkenli İstatistik Teknikleri”, Asil Yayın Dağıtım, 3. Baskı, Ankara.
  • Kanstperger, R. ve Kunz, H. W. (2010). “Consumer Trust in Service Companies: A Multiple Mediating Analysis”, Managing Service Quality, 20(1), 4-25.
  • Koç, Erdoğan, (2011). “Tüketici Davranışı ve Pazarlama Stratejileri: Global ve Yerel Yaklaşım”, Seçkin Yayıncılık, Genişletilmiş 3. Baskı, Ankara.
  • Kurtuluş, K. ve Okumuş, A. (2006). “Fiyat Algılamasının Boyutları Arasındaki İlişkilerin Yapısal Eşitlik Modellemesi İle İncelenmesi”, Yönetim, 17(53), 3-17.
  • Lee, F. S., (2012). “Wine and the Consumer Price-perceived Quality Heuristics”, International Journal of Marketing Studies, 4(3), 31-35.
  • Maxwell, Sarah, (2009). “The Effects of Differential Textbook Pricing: Online Versus In Store, Journal of Media Economics”, Journal of Media Economics, 16 (2), 87–95.
  • McKinnon, D. P., Fairchild, A. J. ve Fritz, M. S. (2010). “Mediation Analysis”, Annual Review of Psychology, 58, 593–614.
  • McKnight, D. H. ve Chervany, L. N. (2002). “What Trust Means in E-Commerce Customer Relationships: An Interdisciplinary Conceptual Typology”, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 6(2), Winter, 35–59.
  • Monroe, K. B. ve Chapman, J. D. (1987). “Framing Effects on Buyers' Subjective Product Evaluations”, Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 14, 193-197
  • Moorman, C., Deshpande Zaltman, G. (1993). “Factors Affecting Trust in Market Research Relationships”, Journal of Marketing, 57(1), January, 81- 101.
  • Morgan, R. M. ve Hunt, S. D. (1994). “The Commitment-Trust Theory of Relationship Marketing”, Journal of Marketing, 58 (July), 20-38.
  • Mucuk, İsmet (2010). “Pazarlama İlkeleri”, Türkmen Kitapevi, 18. Basım, İstanbul.
  • Pagan J. A., Balasubramanian, Pauly, M. V (2007). “Physicians’ Career Satisfaction, Quality Of Care And Patients’ Trust: The Role Of Community Uninsurance”, Health Economics Policy and Law, 2, 347–362.
  • Parasuraman, A., Zeithaml, V. Berry, L. L. (1985). “A Conceptual Model of Service Quality and Its Implications for Future Research”, Journal of Marketing, Fall, 41-50.
  • Parasuraman, A., Zeithaml, V. A. ve Berry, L. L. (1988). “SERVQUAL: A Multiple-Item Scale for Measuring Customer Perceptions of Service Quality”, Journal of Retailing, Spring, 12-40.
  • Peterson, R. A. (1970). “The Price-Perceived Quality Relationship; Experimental Evidence”, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. VII, November, 525- 528
  • Selnes F., (1998) “Antecedents And Consequences of Trust And Satisfaction In Buyer-Seller Relationships”, European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 32, 305- 322.
  • Shpetim, Çerri (2012). “Exploring the Relationships among Service Quality, Satisfaction, Trust and Store Loyalty among Retail Customers” Journal of Competitiveness, 4(4), December, 16-35.
  • Sjolander, Richard (1992). “Cross Cultural Effects of Price on Perceived Service Quality”, European Journal Of Marketing, 26(7), 33-44
  • Sobel, M. E. (1982). “Asymptotic Confidence Intervals for Indirect Effects in Structural Equations Models”, In S. Leinhart (Ed.), Sociological Methodology, Vol.13, 290-312.
  • Swaen V. ve Chumpitaz, R. C. (2008). “Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility On Consumer Trust, Recherche et Applications en Marketing, 23(4), 7- 33.
  • Toncar, M. F., Alon Misati, E. (2010). “The Importance Of Meeting Price Expectations: Linking Price To Service Quality”, Journal of Product & Brand Management, 19/4, 295–305.
  • Turan, A. H. ve Çolakoğlu, B. E. (2009). “Yaşlı Tüketicilerde Algılanan Marka Değeri Ve Satınalma Niyeti”, Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi İ.İ.B.F. Dergisi, (C.XI, S.I, ), 227-296.
  • Zeithaml, V. A. (1988). “Consumer Perceptions of Price, Quality, and Value: A Means-End Model and Synthesis of Evidence”, Journal of Marketing, Vol.52 (July), 2-22.
Toplam 60 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Research Article

Fatih Koç Bu kişi benim

Nihat Kaya Bu kişi benim

Volkan Özbek Bu kişi benim

M. Emin Akkılıç Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2014 Cilt: 7 Sayı: 13

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