Yıl 2013,
Cilt: 6 Sayı: 12, 1 - 20, 01.12.2013
Ömer Torlak
Volkan Doğan
Behçet Yalın Özkara
Alışverişin değişen yapısı ve tüketici davranışı üzerindeki etkileri pazarlama literatürü ve uygulamacıları açısından önemli çıkarımlar sunmaktadır. Günlük yaşamda hissedilen zaman baskısı ile plansız satın alma eğilimi arasındaki ilişkiler de bu kapsamda önemli görülmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, algılanan zaman baskısının plansız satın alma eğilimi üzerindeki etkisini üniversite öğrencileri kapsamında incelemektir. Bu amaç doğrultusunda Eskişehir’deki üniversite öğrencilerini kapsayan bir araştırma gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre; algılanan zaman baskısının plansız satın alma eğilimi üzerinde pozitif yönde anlamlı bir etkiye sahip olduğu, kız üniversite öğrencilerinin algıladıkları zaman baskısının ve plansız satın alma eğilimlerinin erkek üniversite öğrencilerine kıyasla daha yüksek olduğu görülmüştür
- Abratt, R. ve Goodey, S. D. (1990). “Unplanned Buying and In-store Stimuli in Supermar- kets”, Managerial and Decision Economics, 11(2), 111-121.
- Belk, R. W. (1975). “Situational Variables and Consumer Behavior”, Journal of Consumer Research, 2 (December), 157-164.
- Bell, D. R.,Corsten, D. ve Knox, G. (2011). “From Point of Purchase to Path to Purchase: How Preshopping Factors Drive Unplanned Buying”, Journal of Marketing, 75 (Ja- nuary), 31-45.
- Berry, L. L. (1979). “The Time-Buying Consumer”, Journal of Retailing, 55(4), 58-69.
- Blaylock, J. R. ve Smallwood, D. M. (1987). “Intrahousehold Time Allocation: The Case of Grocery Shopping”, Journal of Consumer Affairs, 21 (Winter), 183-201.
- Block, L. G. ve Morwitz, V. G. (1999). “Shopping Lists as an External Memory Aid for Gro- cery Shopping: Influences on List Writing and List Fulfillment”, Journal of Consu- mer Psychology, 8(4), 343-375.
- George, B. P. ve Vaoyuneyong, G. (2010). “Impulsive Buying and Cognitive Dissonance: A Study Conducted Among The Spring Break Student Shoppers”, Young Custo- mers, 11(4), 291-306.
- Graham, R. J. (1981). “The Role of Perception of Time in Consumer Research”, Journal of Consumer Research, 7 (March), 335-342.
- Granbois, D. H. (1968). “Improving the Study of Customer In-Store Behavior”. Journal of Marketing, 32 (October), 28–33.
- Hahn, M., Lawson, R. ve Young, G. L. (1992). “The Effects of Time Pressure and Informa- tion Load on Decision Quality”, Psychology & Marketing, 9(5), 365-378.
- Herringto, J. D. ve Capella, L. M. (1995). “Shopper Reactions to Perceived Time Pressure”, International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 23(12), 13–20.
- Holman, R. H. ve Wilson, R. D. (1982). “Temporal Equilibrium as a Basis for Retail Shop- ping Behavior”, Journal of Retailing, 58 (Spring), 58-81.
- Huck, S. W. (2008). Reading Statistics and Research (Fifth edition). New York: Pearson.
- Iyer, E. S. (1989). “Unplanned Purchasing: Knowledge of Shopping Environment and Time Pressure”. Journal of Retailing, 65(Spring), 40-57.
- Kelly, J. P., Smith, S. M. ve Hunt, H. K. (2000). “Fulfilment of Planned and Unplanned Purchases of Sale and Regular-Price Items: a Benchmark Study”, International Re- view of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 10(3), 247–263.
- Kenhove, P. V. ve Wulf, K. D. (2000). “Income and Time Pressure: a Person–Situation Gro- cery Retail Typology”, The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 10(2), 149-166.
- Kollat, D. T. ve Willett, R. P. (1967). “Customer Impulse Purchasing Behavior”, Journal of Marketing Research, 4 (May), 21–31.
- Kotzman, J. A. ve Evanson, R. (1969). “Responsiveness of Drug Store Sales to Shelf Space Allocations”, Journal of Marketing Research, 6, 465-470.
- Kraak, V. ve Pelletier, D. L. (1998). “How Marketers Reach Young Consumers: Implicati- ons for Nutrition Education fnd Health Promotion Campaigns”, Family Economics and Nutrition Review, 11(4), 31-41.
- Lavin, M. (1993). “Wives’ Employment, Time Pressure, and Mail Phone Order Shopping – an Exploratory Study”, Journal of Direct Marketing, 7(Winter), 42-49.
- Liao, S., Shen, Y. ve Chu, C. (2009). “The Effects of Sales Promotion Strategy, Product Ap- peal and Consumer Traits on Reminder Impulsive Buying Behavior”, International Journal of Consumer Studies, 33(3), 274-284.
- Lin, C. ve Lin, H. (2005). “An Exploration of Taiwanese Adolescents' Impulsive Buying Tendency”, Adolescence, 40(157), 215-223.
- Mihic, M. ve Kursan, I. (2010). “Assessing the Buying Behavior: Market Segmentation Approach”, Management, 15(2), 47-66.
- Nicholls, J. A. F., Li, F., Roslow, S., Kranendonk, C. F. ve Mandakovic, T. (2001). “Inter- American Perspectives from Mall Shoppers”, Journal of Global Marketing, 15(1), 87- 103.
- Nunnally, J. C. (1978). Psychometric Theory (Second edition). New York: McGraw-Hill.
- Park, C. W., Iyer, E. S. ve Smith, D. C. (1989). “The Effects of Situational Factors on In-Store Grocery Shopping Behavior: The Role of Store Environment and Time Available for Shopping”, Journal of Consumer Research, 15(March), 422-433.
- Phau, I. ve Woo, C. (2008). “Understanding Compulsive Buying Tendencies Among Yo- ung Australians: The Roles of Money Attitude and Credit Card Usage”, Marketing Intelligence& Planning, 26(5), 441-458.
- Prasad, V. K. (1975). “Unplanned Buying in Two Retail Settings”. Journal of Retailing, 51(3), 3-12.
- Reilly, M. (1982). “Working Wives and Convenience Consumption”, Journal of Consumer Research, 8(March), 407-418.
- Saleh, M. A. H. (2012). “An Investigation of The Relationship Between Unplanned Buying and Post-Purchase Regret”, International Journal of Marketing Studies, 4(4), 106-120.
- Solomon, M. R. (2002). Consumer Behavior. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Engelwood Cliffs.
- Stevens, J. (1996). Applied Multivariate Statistics for The Social Sciences (3rd edition).New Jer- sey: Mahwah, Lawrence Erlbaum.
- Stilley, K. M., Inman, J. J. ve Wakefield, K. L. (2010). “Planning to Make Unplanned Purc- hases? The Role of In-Store Slack in Budget Deviation”, Journal of Consumer Rese- arch, 37(August), 264-278.
- Tabachnick, B. G. ve Fidell, L. S. (2007). Using Multivariate Statistics (5th edition). Boston: Pearson Education.
- Venkatesan, R., Kumar, V. ve Ravishanker, N. (2007). “Multichannel Shopping: Causes and Consequences”, Journal of Marketing, 71, 114–132.
- Xu-Prior, D. L., Cliquet, G. ve Fu, G. (2012). “The Combined Influence of Time Pressure and Time Orientation on Consumers’ Multichannel Choice: Evidence From China”, The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 22(5), 529-546.
Yıl 2013,
Cilt: 6 Sayı: 12, 1 - 20, 01.12.2013
Ömer Torlak
Volkan Doğan
Behçet Yalın Özkara
The changing nature and effects of shopping on consumer behavior provide important implications for marketing literature and practitioners. The relationships between time pressure felt in daily life and unplanned purchasing tendencies are considered important in this sense. The aim of this study was to examine the effects of perceived time pressure on unplanned purchasing tendencies among university students. For this purpose, this study was conducted with university students in Eskisehir. The study found that perceived time pressure had a positive significant effect on unplanned purchasing tendencies, female students have a higher level of perceived time pressure and tendency towards unplanned purchasing than men
- Abratt, R. ve Goodey, S. D. (1990). “Unplanned Buying and In-store Stimuli in Supermar- kets”, Managerial and Decision Economics, 11(2), 111-121.
- Belk, R. W. (1975). “Situational Variables and Consumer Behavior”, Journal of Consumer Research, 2 (December), 157-164.
- Bell, D. R.,Corsten, D. ve Knox, G. (2011). “From Point of Purchase to Path to Purchase: How Preshopping Factors Drive Unplanned Buying”, Journal of Marketing, 75 (Ja- nuary), 31-45.
- Berry, L. L. (1979). “The Time-Buying Consumer”, Journal of Retailing, 55(4), 58-69.
- Blaylock, J. R. ve Smallwood, D. M. (1987). “Intrahousehold Time Allocation: The Case of Grocery Shopping”, Journal of Consumer Affairs, 21 (Winter), 183-201.
- Block, L. G. ve Morwitz, V. G. (1999). “Shopping Lists as an External Memory Aid for Gro- cery Shopping: Influences on List Writing and List Fulfillment”, Journal of Consu- mer Psychology, 8(4), 343-375.
- George, B. P. ve Vaoyuneyong, G. (2010). “Impulsive Buying and Cognitive Dissonance: A Study Conducted Among The Spring Break Student Shoppers”, Young Custo- mers, 11(4), 291-306.
- Graham, R. J. (1981). “The Role of Perception of Time in Consumer Research”, Journal of Consumer Research, 7 (March), 335-342.
- Granbois, D. H. (1968). “Improving the Study of Customer In-Store Behavior”. Journal of Marketing, 32 (October), 28–33.
- Hahn, M., Lawson, R. ve Young, G. L. (1992). “The Effects of Time Pressure and Informa- tion Load on Decision Quality”, Psychology & Marketing, 9(5), 365-378.
- Herringto, J. D. ve Capella, L. M. (1995). “Shopper Reactions to Perceived Time Pressure”, International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 23(12), 13–20.
- Holman, R. H. ve Wilson, R. D. (1982). “Temporal Equilibrium as a Basis for Retail Shop- ping Behavior”, Journal of Retailing, 58 (Spring), 58-81.
- Huck, S. W. (2008). Reading Statistics and Research (Fifth edition). New York: Pearson.
- Iyer, E. S. (1989). “Unplanned Purchasing: Knowledge of Shopping Environment and Time Pressure”. Journal of Retailing, 65(Spring), 40-57.
- Kelly, J. P., Smith, S. M. ve Hunt, H. K. (2000). “Fulfilment of Planned and Unplanned Purchases of Sale and Regular-Price Items: a Benchmark Study”, International Re- view of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 10(3), 247–263.
- Kenhove, P. V. ve Wulf, K. D. (2000). “Income and Time Pressure: a Person–Situation Gro- cery Retail Typology”, The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 10(2), 149-166.
- Kollat, D. T. ve Willett, R. P. (1967). “Customer Impulse Purchasing Behavior”, Journal of Marketing Research, 4 (May), 21–31.
- Kotzman, J. A. ve Evanson, R. (1969). “Responsiveness of Drug Store Sales to Shelf Space Allocations”, Journal of Marketing Research, 6, 465-470.
- Kraak, V. ve Pelletier, D. L. (1998). “How Marketers Reach Young Consumers: Implicati- ons for Nutrition Education fnd Health Promotion Campaigns”, Family Economics and Nutrition Review, 11(4), 31-41.
- Lavin, M. (1993). “Wives’ Employment, Time Pressure, and Mail Phone Order Shopping – an Exploratory Study”, Journal of Direct Marketing, 7(Winter), 42-49.
- Liao, S., Shen, Y. ve Chu, C. (2009). “The Effects of Sales Promotion Strategy, Product Ap- peal and Consumer Traits on Reminder Impulsive Buying Behavior”, International Journal of Consumer Studies, 33(3), 274-284.
- Lin, C. ve Lin, H. (2005). “An Exploration of Taiwanese Adolescents' Impulsive Buying Tendency”, Adolescence, 40(157), 215-223.
- Mihic, M. ve Kursan, I. (2010). “Assessing the Buying Behavior: Market Segmentation Approach”, Management, 15(2), 47-66.
- Nicholls, J. A. F., Li, F., Roslow, S., Kranendonk, C. F. ve Mandakovic, T. (2001). “Inter- American Perspectives from Mall Shoppers”, Journal of Global Marketing, 15(1), 87- 103.
- Nunnally, J. C. (1978). Psychometric Theory (Second edition). New York: McGraw-Hill.
- Park, C. W., Iyer, E. S. ve Smith, D. C. (1989). “The Effects of Situational Factors on In-Store Grocery Shopping Behavior: The Role of Store Environment and Time Available for Shopping”, Journal of Consumer Research, 15(March), 422-433.
- Phau, I. ve Woo, C. (2008). “Understanding Compulsive Buying Tendencies Among Yo- ung Australians: The Roles of Money Attitude and Credit Card Usage”, Marketing Intelligence& Planning, 26(5), 441-458.
- Prasad, V. K. (1975). “Unplanned Buying in Two Retail Settings”. Journal of Retailing, 51(3), 3-12.
- Reilly, M. (1982). “Working Wives and Convenience Consumption”, Journal of Consumer Research, 8(March), 407-418.
- Saleh, M. A. H. (2012). “An Investigation of The Relationship Between Unplanned Buying and Post-Purchase Regret”, International Journal of Marketing Studies, 4(4), 106-120.
- Solomon, M. R. (2002). Consumer Behavior. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Engelwood Cliffs.
- Stevens, J. (1996). Applied Multivariate Statistics for The Social Sciences (3rd edition).New Jer- sey: Mahwah, Lawrence Erlbaum.
- Stilley, K. M., Inman, J. J. ve Wakefield, K. L. (2010). “Planning to Make Unplanned Purc- hases? The Role of In-Store Slack in Budget Deviation”, Journal of Consumer Rese- arch, 37(August), 264-278.
- Tabachnick, B. G. ve Fidell, L. S. (2007). Using Multivariate Statistics (5th edition). Boston: Pearson Education.
- Venkatesan, R., Kumar, V. ve Ravishanker, N. (2007). “Multichannel Shopping: Causes and Consequences”, Journal of Marketing, 71, 114–132.
- Xu-Prior, D. L., Cliquet, G. ve Fu, G. (2012). “The Combined Influence of Time Pressure and Time Orientation on Consumers’ Multichannel Choice: Evidence From China”, The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 22(5), 529-546.