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Yıl 2009, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 4, 19 - 44, 01.12.2009


Tüketici birçok iç ve dış etkenin katılımı ile kendine en uygun tarzı belirler. Geliştirilen bu tarz, tüketicinin temel satın alma kararına yönelik tutumlarını açıklar. Tüketicilerin satın alma tarzının şekillenmesinde rol oynayan değişkenlerden birisi de kişisel değerlerdir. Tüketiciler kişisel değerlerini destekleyen tarzda alışverişler yapmaktadırlar. Bu çalışmada günümüz genç pazarının Y kuşağının satın alma tarzları ve kişisel değerler arasındaki ilişkiyi incelemek amaçlanmıştır. Çünkü gençler sahip oldukları özellikler dolayısıyla ayrı bir pazar olarak değerlendirilmektedirler. Bunun yanında Y kuşağının üyeleri olan günümüzün gençlerinin oldukça zor ve dikkat edilmesi gereken bir pazar olduğu belirtilmektedir. Bu nedenle çalışmada gençlerin satın alma tarzları ve kişisel değerleri arasındaki ilişkiyi incelemek ve yetişkin pazarlarına göre ne gibi farklılıklar gösterdiklerini incelemek amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmanın ana kitlesini Atatürk Üniversitesinde eğitim gören gençler oluşturmuştur. Yapılan analiz sonucu gençlerin kişisel değerleri ile satın alma tarzları arasında ilişki olduğu belirlenmiştir. Güçlü, başarılı ve çevresi ile yakın ilişkiler içerisinde olmak isteyen gençler aldıkları ürünlerde mükemmeli aramakta ve alışkın oldukları marka ve mağazaları tercih etmektedirler


  • American Demographics , Dec 2002/Jan 2003 24/11: 1-4
  • Bakewell, Cathy, Mitchell, Vincent-Wayne. (2003), “Generation Y female consumer decision-making styles”, International Journal of Retail&Distribution Management, 31/213:95-106.
  • Bauer, H. Hens, Sauer, Nicola E., Christine Beeker. (2002), “Product-Independent Consumer Decision-Making Styles Do They Really Exit?”, American Marketing Association Conference Proceedings, 13:174-175.
  • Beatty, E. Sheron/ KAHLE, Lynn R./ HOMER, Pamela/ MISRA Shekhor. (1985), “Alternative Measurement Approaches to Consumer Values: The List of Values and The Rokeach Value Survey”, Psychology&Marketing, 2/3:181-200.
  • Brier, Noah Rubin (2004) “Move Over Prime-Time”, American Demographics Jul/Aug, 26/6:14-20.
  • Capital 2000 Mart. 8/3: 96-100.
  • Chisnall, M.Peter. (1995), Consumer Behavior, Third Edition, McGraw Hill Inc.England. Clawson, C.J., Vinson, D.E. (1978). “Human Values: An Historical and Interdisciplinary Analysis” Advences in Consumer Research,5: 396-402.
  • Corbit Margaret.( 2005), “Moving into Cyberspace Knowledge”, Quest. Sep/Oct Vol: 34,1:18-22
  • Cui-Yenli, Elizabeth S.Trent, Sulivan Pauline M., Matiru Grace N. (2003) “Cause-related Marketing: How generation Y responds”, Journal of Retail &Distribution Management. 31/6-7: 310-320.
  • Darden R.Willian, Ashton, Dub. (1974), “Psychographic Profiles at Patronage Preference Groups”, Journal of Retailing, 50/4: 99-112
  • Durvasula, Srini, Lysonskı Steven, Andrews Craig. (1993), “Cross-Culturel Generalizability of a Scale for profiling Consumers’ Decision-Making Styles”, The Journal of Consumer Affairs, 27/1 :55-65.
  • Ebenkamp, Becky (1999), “ Tipping the Balance” , Brandweek, May 10 40,19: 4-6
  • Fan, Jessie Y., Xiao Jing J. (1998), “Consumer Decision-Making Styles of Young-Adult Chinese”, Journal of Consumer Affairs, 32:275-94.
  • Feather N.T., (1977). “Value Importance, Conservatism and Age”, European Journal of Social Psychology, 7/2: 241-245.
  • Freestone O. V., W. Mitchell. (2004). “Generation Y Attitudes Towards E-ethics and İnternet-related Misbehaviors”, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol:54:121-128.
  • Gardner, Susan, Eng Susana (2005) “What Students Want : Generation Y and the Changing Function of the Academic Library”, Portal : Libraries and the Academy . 5/3:405-420.
  • Goldsmith Ronald, Freiden E., Kilsheımer Jon B., (1993), “Social Values and Female Fashion Leadership: A Cross-Cultural Study”, Psycholog&Marketing.10/5: 399-413.
  • Gutman Jonathan. (1982), “A Means-end Chain Model Based on Consumer Categorization Processes”, Journal of Marketing, 56: 60-72.
  • Hafstrom, J.L., Chae, J.S , Chung, Y.S..(1992), “Consumer Decision-making Style: Comparison Between United States and Korean Young Consumers”, The Journal of Consumer Affairs, 26/1: 146-158.
  • Hiu, S.Y Alice, Siu, Noel Y.M., Wang, Charlie C.L., Chang, Ludwig M.K.. (2001), “An investigation of Decision-Making Styles of Consumers in China”, Journal of Consumer Affairs, 35/2: 326-345.
  • Homer, P.M., Kahle L.R. (1988), “A Stractural Equation Test of The Value-AttitudeBehavior Hieararchy”, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 4: 638-646.
  • Hoyer, D.Wayne, Maclnnis Deborah, J.(1997), Consumer Behaviour, Houghton Mufflin Company, USA.
  • Jacoby, Jacob, Chestnut Robert W.. (1976). Brand Loyalty: Measurement and Management, NewYork: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Kahle, Lynn R. (1983), “Social Values and Social Change”, Adaptation to Life in America. NewYork, Praeger. ABD.
  • Kahle, Lynn R., (1985), “Social Values in The Eighties: A Special Issue”, Psychology&Marketing. 2/4: 231-237.
  • Kahle, Lynn R., Beatty, Sharon E., Homer Pamela. (1986), “Research in Brief Alternative Measurement Approach to Consumer Values: The List of Values and Values Life Style”, Journal of Consumer Research. 3/3: 405-409.
  • Kahle, Lynn R., Kennedy Patricia,. (1989), “Using The List of Values to Understand Consumers”, The Journal of Consumer Marketing. 6/3: 5-12.
  • Kau, Ah, Yang, Keng C. (1993), “Personal Values, Demographics and Consumption Behavior A Staudy of Tawoinese Consumers”, Journal of International Consumer Marketing. 6/1: 27-48.
  • Kim, Yeonshin. (2002), The Impact of Personal Value Structures on Consumer Proenvironmental Attitudes, Behaviors, And Consumerism: A Cross-Cultural Study, Michigan State University. Advertising Department, Phd., Dissertation, UMI.
  • Lastovicka L.John. (1982), “On the Validation et. Lifestyle Traits: ARevievw and Illustration”, Journal of Marketing Research. 19/1:126-138.
  • Liu Annie, H. (1998), Examining The Role of Customer Value, Customer Satisfaction and Perceived Switching Costs: A Model of Repurchase Intention for Business-toBusiness Services, Georgia State University, College of Business Administration, Phd. Dissertation, USA. UMI.
  • Lysonski, Steven, Durvasula Srini, Yiorgos Zatos. (1996), “Consumer Decision-Making Styles: A Multi-Country Investigation”, European Journal of Marketing.30/12: 10- 27.
  • Madrigal, R., Kahle, L.R.. (1994), “Predicting Vacation Activity Preferences on The Basis of Value-System Segmentation”, Journal of Travel Research.:22-28.
  • Mcquarrıe ,F. Edward, Langmeyer, Daniel. (1985), “Using Values to Measure Attitudes Toward” Discontinuous Innovation”, Psychology&Marketing. 2/4: 239-252.
  • Mitchell Walsh. (2004). “Gender Differences in German Consumer Decision-Making Styles”, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, Vol:3/4:331-346.
  • Moschis P.George. (1976), “Shopping Orien Tations and Consumer Uses of Information” Journal of Retailing, Vol.52 No:2 Summer, ss.61-93.
  • Moschis, G.P., Mitchell, L.G. (1986), “Televised advertising and interpersonal influences on teenager’s participation in family consumer decisions”, Advances in Consumer Research.13, Association for Consumer Research, Provo, : 181-186.
  • Mowen C.John. (1993), Consumer Behavior, Third Edition, MacMillan Publishing Company, NewYork.
  • Odabaşı Yavuz, Barış, Gülfidan (2002). Tüketici Davranışı. Kapital Medya Hizmetleri AŞ., İstanbul.
  • Pitts Robert, E., Canty Ann L., Tsalikis, John,. (1985), “Eploring The Impact of Personal Values on Socially Oriented Communications”, Psychology &Marketing. 2/4: 267-278.
  • Prakash, Ved. J., Munson, Michael. (1985), “Values, Expectations From The Marketing System and Product Expectations”, Psychology&Marketing. 2/:4: 279-296.
  • Schiffman G.Leon, Sherman Elaine, Long Mary M., (2003), Toward a Beter Understanding of The Interplay of Personal Values and The Internet”, Psychology&Marketing. 20/2: 169-186.
  • Shao, Yu-Lin. (2002), An Exploratory Examination of The Impact of Personal Values on Sport Consumption Preferences and Behavior: A Cross-Cultural Study, Ohio State University, Phd Dissertation, USA. UMI.
  • Solomon Micheal, R. (1996), Consumer Behavior, Third Edition. Prentice Hall International Editions, USA.
  • Solomon R. Michael, Greg W. Marshall, Elnora W. Stuart. 2006. Marketing, Real People, Real Choices. Pearson Prentice Hall. USA.
  • Sproles B.George. (1983a), “Conceptualization and Measurement of Optimal Consumer Decision-Making”, The Journal of Consumer Affairs. 17/2: 421-438.
  • Sproles B.George. (1983b), “From Perfectionism to fadism: Measuring Consumers’ Decision-Making Styles”, Proceedings American Council on Consumer Interests. 31: 79-85.
  • Sproles Elizabeth Kendall, George B. Sproles. (1990), “Consumer Decision-Making Styles as a Function of Individual Learning Styles”, The Journal of Consumer Affairs Summer. 24/1: 134-147.
  • Sproles George B., Kendall Elizabeth L.. (1986), “A Methodology for profiling Consumers’ Decision-Making Styles”, The Journal of Consumer Affairs. 20/2: 267-279.
  • Steeter Bill .(2004). “Next Generation Employees, Yeah, They’re Different”, American Bankers Association, ABA Banking Journal. Dec, Vol: 96, 12:12.
  • Sukhdial A.S., Chakraborty G., Steger E.K.. (1995), “Measuring Values Can Sharpen Segmentation in The Luxury Auto Market”, Journal of Advertising Research. 35: 9-22.
  • Şengüder Turan. (2000), An Examination of Personal and Cultural Values Between Turkish and America Consumers Concerning Cross-National Customer Satisfaction Judgement. Nova Southeastern University, Phd. Dissertation, UMI.
  • Tai Susan H.C. (2005), “Shopping styles of Working Chinese females”, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. 12: 191-203.
  • Ünal Sevtap, Erciş Aysel. (2006). “Tüketicilerin Kişisel Değerlerinin Satın Alma Tarzları Üzerindeki Etkisi”, Gazi Üniversitesi, Ticaret ve Turizm Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, Sayı:1, ss.23-48.
  • Walsh Ganfranco/THORSTEN Hennig-Thurau/WAYNE-MITCHELL Vincent/ WIEDMANN Klaus-Peter. (2001), “Consumers’ decision-making style as a basis for market segmentation”, Journal of Measurement and Analysis for Marketing. 10/2: 117-131.
  • Wang Cheng-Lu, Siu, Noel Y. , Hui, M ve. (2004), “Consumer Decision-Making Styles on Domestic and Imported Brand Clothing”, Europen Journal of Marketing. 38/ ½: 239-252.
  • Weiss Michael J.(2003). “To be about to be”, American Demographics, 25,7:28-36
  • Westbrook A.Robert, Black William C.. (1985), A Motivation-Based Shoppen Typology, Journal of Retailing, 61/1: 78-103.
  • 12.12.2006
  • www.generation_Y.wikix.ipupdater.com12.12.2006
  • 15.12.2006.


Yıl 2009, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 4, 19 - 44, 01.12.2009


The consumer determines a decision-making style with the participation of some internal and external factors. This style explains the attitudes of consumer towards his/her basic purchasing decision. The personal values are one of the factors that effect consumer decision-making sytle. Consumers do shopping support theır personal values. In this study, it is aimed to investigate the relationship between values and decision-making styles of young people Y generation . Because of these young people have some characteristic they are assessed different sub market. In addition to the this it is mentioned that young people of Y generation’s members is hard at work and a market that have to be carefull. For this reason in this study, it is aimed to investigate the relationship between values and decision-making styles of young people Y generation and determine whether there is a difference according to the adults market. The population of the study was consisted of students of Erzurum Atatürk University. As a result of the analysis, it was found that there is a relationship between decision-making styles and personal values of Y generation’s members


  • American Demographics , Dec 2002/Jan 2003 24/11: 1-4
  • Bakewell, Cathy, Mitchell, Vincent-Wayne. (2003), “Generation Y female consumer decision-making styles”, International Journal of Retail&Distribution Management, 31/213:95-106.
  • Bauer, H. Hens, Sauer, Nicola E., Christine Beeker. (2002), “Product-Independent Consumer Decision-Making Styles Do They Really Exit?”, American Marketing Association Conference Proceedings, 13:174-175.
  • Beatty, E. Sheron/ KAHLE, Lynn R./ HOMER, Pamela/ MISRA Shekhor. (1985), “Alternative Measurement Approaches to Consumer Values: The List of Values and The Rokeach Value Survey”, Psychology&Marketing, 2/3:181-200.
  • Brier, Noah Rubin (2004) “Move Over Prime-Time”, American Demographics Jul/Aug, 26/6:14-20.
  • Capital 2000 Mart. 8/3: 96-100.
  • Chisnall, M.Peter. (1995), Consumer Behavior, Third Edition, McGraw Hill Inc.England. Clawson, C.J., Vinson, D.E. (1978). “Human Values: An Historical and Interdisciplinary Analysis” Advences in Consumer Research,5: 396-402.
  • Corbit Margaret.( 2005), “Moving into Cyberspace Knowledge”, Quest. Sep/Oct Vol: 34,1:18-22
  • Cui-Yenli, Elizabeth S.Trent, Sulivan Pauline M., Matiru Grace N. (2003) “Cause-related Marketing: How generation Y responds”, Journal of Retail &Distribution Management. 31/6-7: 310-320.
  • Darden R.Willian, Ashton, Dub. (1974), “Psychographic Profiles at Patronage Preference Groups”, Journal of Retailing, 50/4: 99-112
  • Durvasula, Srini, Lysonskı Steven, Andrews Craig. (1993), “Cross-Culturel Generalizability of a Scale for profiling Consumers’ Decision-Making Styles”, The Journal of Consumer Affairs, 27/1 :55-65.
  • Ebenkamp, Becky (1999), “ Tipping the Balance” , Brandweek, May 10 40,19: 4-6
  • Fan, Jessie Y., Xiao Jing J. (1998), “Consumer Decision-Making Styles of Young-Adult Chinese”, Journal of Consumer Affairs, 32:275-94.
  • Feather N.T., (1977). “Value Importance, Conservatism and Age”, European Journal of Social Psychology, 7/2: 241-245.
  • Freestone O. V., W. Mitchell. (2004). “Generation Y Attitudes Towards E-ethics and İnternet-related Misbehaviors”, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol:54:121-128.
  • Gardner, Susan, Eng Susana (2005) “What Students Want : Generation Y and the Changing Function of the Academic Library”, Portal : Libraries and the Academy . 5/3:405-420.
  • Goldsmith Ronald, Freiden E., Kilsheımer Jon B., (1993), “Social Values and Female Fashion Leadership: A Cross-Cultural Study”, Psycholog&Marketing.10/5: 399-413.
  • Gutman Jonathan. (1982), “A Means-end Chain Model Based on Consumer Categorization Processes”, Journal of Marketing, 56: 60-72.
  • Hafstrom, J.L., Chae, J.S , Chung, Y.S..(1992), “Consumer Decision-making Style: Comparison Between United States and Korean Young Consumers”, The Journal of Consumer Affairs, 26/1: 146-158.
  • Hiu, S.Y Alice, Siu, Noel Y.M., Wang, Charlie C.L., Chang, Ludwig M.K.. (2001), “An investigation of Decision-Making Styles of Consumers in China”, Journal of Consumer Affairs, 35/2: 326-345.
  • Homer, P.M., Kahle L.R. (1988), “A Stractural Equation Test of The Value-AttitudeBehavior Hieararchy”, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 4: 638-646.
  • Hoyer, D.Wayne, Maclnnis Deborah, J.(1997), Consumer Behaviour, Houghton Mufflin Company, USA.
  • Jacoby, Jacob, Chestnut Robert W.. (1976). Brand Loyalty: Measurement and Management, NewYork: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Kahle, Lynn R. (1983), “Social Values and Social Change”, Adaptation to Life in America. NewYork, Praeger. ABD.
  • Kahle, Lynn R., (1985), “Social Values in The Eighties: A Special Issue”, Psychology&Marketing. 2/4: 231-237.
  • Kahle, Lynn R., Beatty, Sharon E., Homer Pamela. (1986), “Research in Brief Alternative Measurement Approach to Consumer Values: The List of Values and Values Life Style”, Journal of Consumer Research. 3/3: 405-409.
  • Kahle, Lynn R., Kennedy Patricia,. (1989), “Using The List of Values to Understand Consumers”, The Journal of Consumer Marketing. 6/3: 5-12.
  • Kau, Ah, Yang, Keng C. (1993), “Personal Values, Demographics and Consumption Behavior A Staudy of Tawoinese Consumers”, Journal of International Consumer Marketing. 6/1: 27-48.
  • Kim, Yeonshin. (2002), The Impact of Personal Value Structures on Consumer Proenvironmental Attitudes, Behaviors, And Consumerism: A Cross-Cultural Study, Michigan State University. Advertising Department, Phd., Dissertation, UMI.
  • Lastovicka L.John. (1982), “On the Validation et. Lifestyle Traits: ARevievw and Illustration”, Journal of Marketing Research. 19/1:126-138.
  • Liu Annie, H. (1998), Examining The Role of Customer Value, Customer Satisfaction and Perceived Switching Costs: A Model of Repurchase Intention for Business-toBusiness Services, Georgia State University, College of Business Administration, Phd. Dissertation, USA. UMI.
  • Lysonski, Steven, Durvasula Srini, Yiorgos Zatos. (1996), “Consumer Decision-Making Styles: A Multi-Country Investigation”, European Journal of Marketing.30/12: 10- 27.
  • Madrigal, R., Kahle, L.R.. (1994), “Predicting Vacation Activity Preferences on The Basis of Value-System Segmentation”, Journal of Travel Research.:22-28.
  • Mcquarrıe ,F. Edward, Langmeyer, Daniel. (1985), “Using Values to Measure Attitudes Toward” Discontinuous Innovation”, Psychology&Marketing. 2/4: 239-252.
  • Mitchell Walsh. (2004). “Gender Differences in German Consumer Decision-Making Styles”, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, Vol:3/4:331-346.
  • Moschis P.George. (1976), “Shopping Orien Tations and Consumer Uses of Information” Journal of Retailing, Vol.52 No:2 Summer, ss.61-93.
  • Moschis, G.P., Mitchell, L.G. (1986), “Televised advertising and interpersonal influences on teenager’s participation in family consumer decisions”, Advances in Consumer Research.13, Association for Consumer Research, Provo, : 181-186.
  • Mowen C.John. (1993), Consumer Behavior, Third Edition, MacMillan Publishing Company, NewYork.
  • Odabaşı Yavuz, Barış, Gülfidan (2002). Tüketici Davranışı. Kapital Medya Hizmetleri AŞ., İstanbul.
  • Pitts Robert, E., Canty Ann L., Tsalikis, John,. (1985), “Eploring The Impact of Personal Values on Socially Oriented Communications”, Psychology &Marketing. 2/4: 267-278.
  • Prakash, Ved. J., Munson, Michael. (1985), “Values, Expectations From The Marketing System and Product Expectations”, Psychology&Marketing. 2/:4: 279-296.
  • Schiffman G.Leon, Sherman Elaine, Long Mary M., (2003), Toward a Beter Understanding of The Interplay of Personal Values and The Internet”, Psychology&Marketing. 20/2: 169-186.
  • Shao, Yu-Lin. (2002), An Exploratory Examination of The Impact of Personal Values on Sport Consumption Preferences and Behavior: A Cross-Cultural Study, Ohio State University, Phd Dissertation, USA. UMI.
  • Solomon Micheal, R. (1996), Consumer Behavior, Third Edition. Prentice Hall International Editions, USA.
  • Solomon R. Michael, Greg W. Marshall, Elnora W. Stuart. 2006. Marketing, Real People, Real Choices. Pearson Prentice Hall. USA.
  • Sproles B.George. (1983a), “Conceptualization and Measurement of Optimal Consumer Decision-Making”, The Journal of Consumer Affairs. 17/2: 421-438.
  • Sproles B.George. (1983b), “From Perfectionism to fadism: Measuring Consumers’ Decision-Making Styles”, Proceedings American Council on Consumer Interests. 31: 79-85.
  • Sproles Elizabeth Kendall, George B. Sproles. (1990), “Consumer Decision-Making Styles as a Function of Individual Learning Styles”, The Journal of Consumer Affairs Summer. 24/1: 134-147.
  • Sproles George B., Kendall Elizabeth L.. (1986), “A Methodology for profiling Consumers’ Decision-Making Styles”, The Journal of Consumer Affairs. 20/2: 267-279.
  • Steeter Bill .(2004). “Next Generation Employees, Yeah, They’re Different”, American Bankers Association, ABA Banking Journal. Dec, Vol: 96, 12:12.
  • Sukhdial A.S., Chakraborty G., Steger E.K.. (1995), “Measuring Values Can Sharpen Segmentation in The Luxury Auto Market”, Journal of Advertising Research. 35: 9-22.
  • Şengüder Turan. (2000), An Examination of Personal and Cultural Values Between Turkish and America Consumers Concerning Cross-National Customer Satisfaction Judgement. Nova Southeastern University, Phd. Dissertation, UMI.
  • Tai Susan H.C. (2005), “Shopping styles of Working Chinese females”, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. 12: 191-203.
  • Ünal Sevtap, Erciş Aysel. (2006). “Tüketicilerin Kişisel Değerlerinin Satın Alma Tarzları Üzerindeki Etkisi”, Gazi Üniversitesi, Ticaret ve Turizm Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, Sayı:1, ss.23-48.
  • Walsh Ganfranco/THORSTEN Hennig-Thurau/WAYNE-MITCHELL Vincent/ WIEDMANN Klaus-Peter. (2001), “Consumers’ decision-making style as a basis for market segmentation”, Journal of Measurement and Analysis for Marketing. 10/2: 117-131.
  • Wang Cheng-Lu, Siu, Noel Y. , Hui, M ve. (2004), “Consumer Decision-Making Styles on Domestic and Imported Brand Clothing”, Europen Journal of Marketing. 38/ ½: 239-252.
  • Weiss Michael J.(2003). “To be about to be”, American Demographics, 25,7:28-36
  • Westbrook A.Robert, Black William C.. (1985), A Motivation-Based Shoppen Typology, Journal of Retailing, 61/1: 78-103.
  • 12.12.2006
  • www.generation_Y.wikix.ipupdater.com12.12.2006
  • 15.12.2006.
Toplam 61 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Research Article

Aysel Erciş Bu kişi benim

Sevtap Ünal Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2009
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2009 Cilt: 2 Sayı: 4

Kaynak Göster

APA Erciş, A., & Ünal, S. (2009). GENÇLERİN KİŞİSEL DEĞERLERİ İLE SATIN ALMA TARZLARI ARASINDAKİ İLİŞKİLERİN BELİRLENMESİ. Pazarlama Ve Pazarlama Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2(4), 19-44.