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Yıl 2021, , 236 - 261, 30.03.2021



Özel Sayı editörlerimiz Prof. Dr. Eyüp Artvinli'ye ve Prof. Dr. Bülent Aksoy'a anlamlı, değerli ve önemli girişimlerinden doğacak olan bu özel sayı için teşekkürlerimizi sunarız. Özel Sayı'nın bir parçası olabilmemiz temennisiyle...


  • Abbak, A. C. (2016). The research of map reading and interpretation skill according to teachers and students views. (Unpublished master thesis). Çukurova University Institute of Social Sciences, Adana. Retrieved from:
  • Aksoy, B. & Ablak, S. (2019). An evaluation of map literacy of social studies preservice teachers. Participatory Educational Research (PER), 6(2), 158-168.
  • Aksoy, B. & Akbaba, B. (2019). Skill training in social studies (Introduction). In B. Aksoy, B. Akbaba & B. Kılcan (Eds.). Skill training in Social Studies. (p. IX- XVII). Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
  • Aksoy, B. & Sönmez, Ö. F. (2012). Map skills on images and texts in social sciences course books. Journal of Social Sciences, 12(48), 65-79.
  • Aksoy, B. (2013). Investigation of mapping skills of pre-service teachers as regards to various parameters. Educational Research and Reviews, 8(4), 134-143.
  • Aksoy, B. (2019). Determination of map literacy of undergraduate geography students. Review of International Geographical Education Online (RIGEO), 9(3), 591-603. Retrieved from:
  • Aksoy, B., Kılıçoğlu, G. & Ablak, S. (2015). The relation of 11-14 years old students map skills and their achievement levels in mathematics. Journal of World of Turks, 7(2). 59-71.
  • Aktürk, V. (2012). The effects of using animation and digital map for students’ capabilities to perceive the space in social studies lesson. (Unpublished master thesis). Afyon Kocatepe Unıversıty Institute of Social Sciences, Afyonkarahisar. Retrieved from:
  • *Aladağ, E. (2007). The effect of geographic information system (GIS) in teaching social studies to the academic achievements and motivation of 7th grade students of primary education. (Unpublished doctoral thesis). Gazi University Institute of Educational Sciences, Ankara. Retrieved from:
  • Artvinli, E. (2010a). Configuring of geography lessons: Design of a lesson based on action research. Marmara Geographical Journal, 21, 184-218.
  • Artvinli, E. (2010b). The contribution of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to geography education and secondary school students’ attitudes related to GIS. Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice, 10(3). 1277-1292.
  • *Balkan, A. (2007). The effectts of using maps on lesson behaviors, achievement and memorization level in social studies to the seventh grade primary students. (Unpublished master thesis). Sakarya University Institute of Social Sciences, Sakarya. Retrieved from:
  • *Baloğlu Uğurlu, N. (2007). The effects on student attitude and achievement to teaching of geographic information systems supported subject of Turkey’s natural resources’ in social studies courses. (Unpublished doctoral thesis). Gazi University Institute of Educational Sciences, Ankara. Retrieved from:
  • Bathurst, L. H. (1961). Developing map reading skills. Journal of Geography, 60(1), 26-32. DOI: 10.1080/00221346108982096
  • Bednarz, R. & Bednarz, S. W. (1995). Teaching geography skills. In W. Kemball (Ed.). Space and place: A geography manual for teachers. (p. 53-72). Washington, DC: Geographic Education Implementation Project (GENIP).
  • Board, C. (1978). Map reading tasks appropriate in experimental studies in cartographic communication. Cartographica: The International Journal for Geographic Information and Geovisualization, 15(1), 1-12. DOI: 10.3138 / AG15-V252-3726-W346
  • Brown, R. G. (1986). Map, globe, and graphing readiness activities: Developing universal thinking skills. The Social Studies, 77(6), 229-233. DOI: 10.1080/00377996.1986. 9957432
  • Buğdaycı, İ. & Selvi, H. Z. (2018). The contribution to learning skills of maps designed for primary school pupils. Ömer Halisdemir University Journal of Engineering Sciences, 7(2), 672-684.
  • Buğdaycı, İ. (2012). An evaluatıon about map use in elementary schools. (Unpublished doctoral thesis). Selçuk University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Konya. Retrieved from:
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş., Kılıç Çakmak, E., Akgün, Ö. E., Karadeniz, Ş. & Demirel, F. (2012). Scientific research methods (Rev. Ed. 12th Edition). Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
  • Cendek, M. E. (2015). The opinions of social studies teachers related to development about student’s reading maps. (Unpublished master thesis). Marmara University Institute of Educational Sciences, İstanbul. Retrieved from:
  • Chang, C. Y. (2002). Does computer-assisted ınstruction + problem solving = ımproved science outcomes? A pioneer study. The Journal of Educational Research, 95(3), 143-150.
  • Çarkungöz, E. & Ediz. B. (2009). Meta analysis. Uludağ Univ. J. Fac. Vet. Med., 28(1), 33-37.
  • Çelikkaya, T. (2011). Transmission level of skills in the social studies curriculum: Theacher’s opinions. Kastamonu Education Journal, 19(3), 969-990.
  • Çelikkaya, T., Yıldırım, T. & Kürümlüoğlu, M. (2019). Ability hierarchies, reasons and recommendations of students and social studies teachers regardıng ability in social studies curriculum. Manas Journal of Social Studies, 8(1), 111-132.
  • *Daşdemir, İ. (2013). The effects of geographic informetion systems usage on students’ acedemic achievement in social studes teaching. (Unpublished master thesis). Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University Institute of Educational Sciences, Muğla. Retrieved from:
  • Demiralp, N. (2006). The development of map and globe skills by the use of demonstration method in geography education. (Unpublished doctoral thesis). Gazi University Institute of Educational Sciences, Ankara. Retrieved from:
  • Dijk, H. V., Schee, J. V. D., Trimp, H. & Zijpp, T. V. D. (1994) Map skills and geographical knowledge. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 3(1), 68-80. DOI: 10.1080/10382046.1994.9964928
  • Dikmen, M. & Tuncer, M. (2018). A meta-analysis of effects of computer assisted education on students’ academic achievement: A-10-year review of achievement effect. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education, 9(1), 97-121.
  • Dinçer, S. (2014). Applied meta-analysis in educational sciences (1st Edition). Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
  • Dochy, F., Segers, M., Bossche P. V. D. & Gijbels, D. (2003). Effects of problem-based learning: A meta-analysis. Learning and Instruction, 13(5), 533-568.
  • Doğanay, H. & Sever, R. (2011). General and physical geography (10th Edition). Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
  • Drumheller, S. J. (1968). Conjure up a map: A crucial but much neglected skill. Journal of Geography, 67(3), 140-146. DOI: 10.1080/00221346808980914
  • Duman, B. & Girgin, M. (2007). Views of education faculty students on map literacy. Eastern Geographical Review, 127, 185-202.
  • Duman, H. (2011). Using map in teaching of social studies and teachers’ opinions about using map. (Unpublished master thesis). Uludağ University Institute of Educational Sciences, Bursa. Retrieved from:
  • Duval, S. & Tweedie, R. (2000) A nonparametric “trim and fill” method of accounting for publication bias in meta-analysis. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 95(449), 89-98. DOI: 10.1080/01621459.2000.10473905
  • Erol, H. (2019). Social studies preservice teachers’ mapping skills. Kastamonu Education Journal, 27(2). 737-752. DOI: 10.24106/kefdergi.2710
  • Erol, H. (2020). 8th grade students’ positioning skills on the map. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 88, 67-86.
  • Fletcher-Flinn, C. M. & Gravatt, B. (1995). The efficacy of computer assisted instruction (CAI): A meta-analysis. J. Educatıonal Computıng Research, 12(3), 219-242.
  • Geography Education Standards Project [GESP]. (1994). Geography for life: National geography standards. Washington, DC: National Geographic Society. ISBN-0-7922-2775-1
  • Gerber, R. (1984). Factors affecting the competence and performance in map language for children at the concrete level of map-reasoning, Cartography, 13(3), 205-213. DOI: 10.1080/00690805.1984.10438268
  • Gilmartin, P. P. & Patton, J. C. (1984). Comparing the sexes on spatial abilities: Map-use skills. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 74(4), 605-619. DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-8306.1984.tb01477.x
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Examination of Studies Aimed at Developing Map Skills in Secondary School Students: A Meta-Analysis

Yıl 2021, , 236 - 261, 30.03.2021


In this study, it was aimed to determine the effect of map skills studies conducted for secondary school students on students' academic success and to synthesize research findings. For this purpose, the results of the experimental studies were analyzed in the research by meta-analysis method. Studies within the scope of the research were survey with the main keywords such as map, secondary school, map skill, map literacy and obtained from the database of the National Thesis Center of the Council of Higher Education. In the collection of data, the coding form prepared by the researchers in accordance with the inclusion criteria was used. As a result of the literature, 10 studies were reached on the subject, including 7 Master's and 3 doctoral theses that meet the inclusion criteria. The studies were analyzed by transferring them to the CMA 3 (Comprehensive Meta-Analysis) program. In the data analysis, standard deviation, arithmetic mean and sample size values were used from the pretest-posttest measurements of the experimental and control group of the related studies. In the study, the effect size was calculated using the random effects model due to the fact that heterogeneity was observed among the studies included in the meta-analysis. The effect size of the study was interpreted according to Thalheimer and Cook (2002), and the effect size of the study was very broad, and the studies covered by the research had a positive effect on improving academic success. The results obtained in the study showed that studies aimed at improving map skills in the teaching process increased student success.


  • Abbak, A. C. (2016). The research of map reading and interpretation skill according to teachers and students views. (Unpublished master thesis). Çukurova University Institute of Social Sciences, Adana. Retrieved from:
  • Aksoy, B. & Ablak, S. (2019). An evaluation of map literacy of social studies preservice teachers. Participatory Educational Research (PER), 6(2), 158-168.
  • Aksoy, B. & Akbaba, B. (2019). Skill training in social studies (Introduction). In B. Aksoy, B. Akbaba & B. Kılcan (Eds.). Skill training in Social Studies. (p. IX- XVII). Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
  • Aksoy, B. & Sönmez, Ö. F. (2012). Map skills on images and texts in social sciences course books. Journal of Social Sciences, 12(48), 65-79.
  • Aksoy, B. (2013). Investigation of mapping skills of pre-service teachers as regards to various parameters. Educational Research and Reviews, 8(4), 134-143.
  • Aksoy, B. (2019). Determination of map literacy of undergraduate geography students. Review of International Geographical Education Online (RIGEO), 9(3), 591-603. Retrieved from:
  • Aksoy, B., Kılıçoğlu, G. & Ablak, S. (2015). The relation of 11-14 years old students map skills and their achievement levels in mathematics. Journal of World of Turks, 7(2). 59-71.
  • Aktürk, V. (2012). The effects of using animation and digital map for students’ capabilities to perceive the space in social studies lesson. (Unpublished master thesis). Afyon Kocatepe Unıversıty Institute of Social Sciences, Afyonkarahisar. Retrieved from:
  • *Aladağ, E. (2007). The effect of geographic information system (GIS) in teaching social studies to the academic achievements and motivation of 7th grade students of primary education. (Unpublished doctoral thesis). Gazi University Institute of Educational Sciences, Ankara. Retrieved from:
  • Artvinli, E. (2010a). Configuring of geography lessons: Design of a lesson based on action research. Marmara Geographical Journal, 21, 184-218.
  • Artvinli, E. (2010b). The contribution of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to geography education and secondary school students’ attitudes related to GIS. Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice, 10(3). 1277-1292.
  • *Balkan, A. (2007). The effectts of using maps on lesson behaviors, achievement and memorization level in social studies to the seventh grade primary students. (Unpublished master thesis). Sakarya University Institute of Social Sciences, Sakarya. Retrieved from:
  • *Baloğlu Uğurlu, N. (2007). The effects on student attitude and achievement to teaching of geographic information systems supported subject of Turkey’s natural resources’ in social studies courses. (Unpublished doctoral thesis). Gazi University Institute of Educational Sciences, Ankara. Retrieved from:
  • Bathurst, L. H. (1961). Developing map reading skills. Journal of Geography, 60(1), 26-32. DOI: 10.1080/00221346108982096
  • Bednarz, R. & Bednarz, S. W. (1995). Teaching geography skills. In W. Kemball (Ed.). Space and place: A geography manual for teachers. (p. 53-72). Washington, DC: Geographic Education Implementation Project (GENIP).
  • Board, C. (1978). Map reading tasks appropriate in experimental studies in cartographic communication. Cartographica: The International Journal for Geographic Information and Geovisualization, 15(1), 1-12. DOI: 10.3138 / AG15-V252-3726-W346
  • Brown, R. G. (1986). Map, globe, and graphing readiness activities: Developing universal thinking skills. The Social Studies, 77(6), 229-233. DOI: 10.1080/00377996.1986. 9957432
  • Buğdaycı, İ. & Selvi, H. Z. (2018). The contribution to learning skills of maps designed for primary school pupils. Ömer Halisdemir University Journal of Engineering Sciences, 7(2), 672-684.
  • Buğdaycı, İ. (2012). An evaluatıon about map use in elementary schools. (Unpublished doctoral thesis). Selçuk University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Konya. Retrieved from:
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş., Kılıç Çakmak, E., Akgün, Ö. E., Karadeniz, Ş. & Demirel, F. (2012). Scientific research methods (Rev. Ed. 12th Edition). Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
  • Cendek, M. E. (2015). The opinions of social studies teachers related to development about student’s reading maps. (Unpublished master thesis). Marmara University Institute of Educational Sciences, İstanbul. Retrieved from:
  • Chang, C. Y. (2002). Does computer-assisted ınstruction + problem solving = ımproved science outcomes? A pioneer study. The Journal of Educational Research, 95(3), 143-150.
  • Çarkungöz, E. & Ediz. B. (2009). Meta analysis. Uludağ Univ. J. Fac. Vet. Med., 28(1), 33-37.
  • Çelikkaya, T. (2011). Transmission level of skills in the social studies curriculum: Theacher’s opinions. Kastamonu Education Journal, 19(3), 969-990.
  • Çelikkaya, T., Yıldırım, T. & Kürümlüoğlu, M. (2019). Ability hierarchies, reasons and recommendations of students and social studies teachers regardıng ability in social studies curriculum. Manas Journal of Social Studies, 8(1), 111-132.
  • *Daşdemir, İ. (2013). The effects of geographic informetion systems usage on students’ acedemic achievement in social studes teaching. (Unpublished master thesis). Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University Institute of Educational Sciences, Muğla. Retrieved from:
  • Demiralp, N. (2006). The development of map and globe skills by the use of demonstration method in geography education. (Unpublished doctoral thesis). Gazi University Institute of Educational Sciences, Ankara. Retrieved from:
  • Dijk, H. V., Schee, J. V. D., Trimp, H. & Zijpp, T. V. D. (1994) Map skills and geographical knowledge. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 3(1), 68-80. DOI: 10.1080/10382046.1994.9964928
  • Dikmen, M. & Tuncer, M. (2018). A meta-analysis of effects of computer assisted education on students’ academic achievement: A-10-year review of achievement effect. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education, 9(1), 97-121.
  • Dinçer, S. (2014). Applied meta-analysis in educational sciences (1st Edition). Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
  • Dochy, F., Segers, M., Bossche P. V. D. & Gijbels, D. (2003). Effects of problem-based learning: A meta-analysis. Learning and Instruction, 13(5), 533-568.
  • Doğanay, H. & Sever, R. (2011). General and physical geography (10th Edition). Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
  • Drumheller, S. J. (1968). Conjure up a map: A crucial but much neglected skill. Journal of Geography, 67(3), 140-146. DOI: 10.1080/00221346808980914
  • Duman, B. & Girgin, M. (2007). Views of education faculty students on map literacy. Eastern Geographical Review, 127, 185-202.
  • Duman, H. (2011). Using map in teaching of social studies and teachers’ opinions about using map. (Unpublished master thesis). Uludağ University Institute of Educational Sciences, Bursa. Retrieved from:
  • Duval, S. & Tweedie, R. (2000) A nonparametric “trim and fill” method of accounting for publication bias in meta-analysis. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 95(449), 89-98. DOI: 10.1080/01621459.2000.10473905
  • Erol, H. (2019). Social studies preservice teachers’ mapping skills. Kastamonu Education Journal, 27(2). 737-752. DOI: 10.24106/kefdergi.2710
  • Erol, H. (2020). 8th grade students’ positioning skills on the map. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 88, 67-86.
  • Fletcher-Flinn, C. M. & Gravatt, B. (1995). The efficacy of computer assisted instruction (CAI): A meta-analysis. J. Educatıonal Computıng Research, 12(3), 219-242.
  • Geography Education Standards Project [GESP]. (1994). Geography for life: National geography standards. Washington, DC: National Geographic Society. ISBN-0-7922-2775-1
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Toplam 96 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Makaleler

Elvan Yalçınkaya 0000-0003-1838-0411

Ayten Karaca 0000-0003-3723-7063

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Mart 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 15 Aralık 2020
Kabul Tarihi 19 Nisan 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021

Kaynak Göster

APA Yalçınkaya, E., & Karaca, A. (2021). Examination of Studies Aimed at Developing Map Skills in Secondary School Students: A Meta-Analysis. Review of International Geographical Education Online, 11(1), 236-261.
AMA Yalçınkaya E, Karaca A. Examination of Studies Aimed at Developing Map Skills in Secondary School Students: A Meta-Analysis. Review of International Geographical Education Online. Mart 2021;11(1):236-261. doi:10.33403/rigeo.841330
Chicago Yalçınkaya, Elvan, ve Ayten Karaca. “Examination of Studies Aimed at Developing Map Skills in Secondary School Students: A Meta-Analysis”. Review of International Geographical Education Online 11, sy. 1 (Mart 2021): 236-61.
EndNote Yalçınkaya E, Karaca A (01 Mart 2021) Examination of Studies Aimed at Developing Map Skills in Secondary School Students: A Meta-Analysis. Review of International Geographical Education Online 11 1 236–261.
IEEE E. Yalçınkaya ve A. Karaca, “Examination of Studies Aimed at Developing Map Skills in Secondary School Students: A Meta-Analysis”, Review of International Geographical Education Online, c. 11, sy. 1, ss. 236–261, 2021, doi: 10.33403/rigeo.841330.
ISNAD Yalçınkaya, Elvan - Karaca, Ayten. “Examination of Studies Aimed at Developing Map Skills in Secondary School Students: A Meta-Analysis”. Review of International Geographical Education Online 11/1 (Mart 2021), 236-261.
JAMA Yalçınkaya E, Karaca A. Examination of Studies Aimed at Developing Map Skills in Secondary School Students: A Meta-Analysis. Review of International Geographical Education Online. 2021;11:236–261.
MLA Yalçınkaya, Elvan ve Ayten Karaca. “Examination of Studies Aimed at Developing Map Skills in Secondary School Students: A Meta-Analysis”. Review of International Geographical Education Online, c. 11, sy. 1, 2021, ss. 236-61, doi:10.33403/rigeo.841330.
Vancouver Yalçınkaya E, Karaca A. Examination of Studies Aimed at Developing Map Skills in Secondary School Students: A Meta-Analysis. Review of International Geographical Education Online. 2021;11(1):236-61.