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Integrated Production-Distribution and Reverse Logistics Planning for a Multi-Echelon Supply Chain Network

Yıl 2019, , 55 - 71, 31.01.2019


As a general definition,
supply chain is the system that includes the whole of the transactions that the
product and service pass through from raw material to the end customer such as
demand forecast, supply, production, inventory management, distribution,
reverse logistic, etc. and flow of information and physical product. The
separate planning of the processes in the Supply Chain Network may lead to
wrong decisions due to the fact that the decisions made in each planning stage
are chained to the other. However, if it is planned integrated when, where and
how much a product on the network should be produced, when, how much and to where
it should be distributed, and when, how much and from where should be
collected, the more accurate decisions will be made in terms of cost and

In this study, an integrated production-distribution
and reverse logistics planning model for a multi-echelon supply chain network
is formulated. The proposed model considers a network consisting of a
production facility and multiple distribution centers. The facility produces a
single perishable product. A homogenous fleet of vehicles delivers the product
from facility to distribution centers and collects return product from
distribution centers to recycling center. The objective of the proposed mixed
integer linear model is to minimize the total cost of production, inventory
holding at facility and distribution centers and towards and reverse distribution.


  • Ahumada, O., Villalobos, J.R., 2011, “Operational model for planning the harvest and distribution of perishable agricultural products” International Journal of Production Economics, Volume 133, Issue 2, pages 677–687Banasik A., Kanellopoulos A., Claasen G.D.H., Bloemhof-Ruwaard M. ve von der Vorst J.G.A.J., 2017, Closing loops in Agricultural Supply Chains Using Multi-Objective Optimization: A Case Study of an Industrial Mushroom Supply Chain, International Journal of Production Economics, 183;409–420. Bernon M, Rossi S, Cullen J., 2011, Retail Reverse Logistics: A Call and Grounding Framework for Research. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management; 41(5):484–510.Biehl M, Prater E, Realff MJ., 2007, Assessing Performance and Uncertainty in Developing Carpet Reverse Logistics Systems, Computer & Operational Research;34(2):443–463.Cardoso, R.S., Barbosa-Póvoa, A.P. F.D., Relvas S. , 2013, “Design and planning of supply chains with integration of reverse logistics activities under demand uncertainty”, European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 226, Issue 3, Pages 436-451Chandra P., Fisher, M.L., 1994, “Coordination of production and distribution planning”, European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 72, Issue 3, Pages 503–517Chen, H.K., Hsueh, C.F., Chang, M.S., 2009, “Production scheduling and vehicle routing with time windows for perishable food products”, Computers & Operations Research, Volume 36, Issue 7, pp 2311De Brito, M.P., Dekker, R., Flapper, S.D.P., 2005. Reverse Logistics: A Review of Case Studies. In: Fleischmann, B. (Ed.), Distribution Logistics. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 243 – 281.Ekşioğlu, S.D, Jin, M., 2006, “Cross-Facility Production and Transportation Planning Problem with Perishable Inventory”, Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA, Volume 3982, pp 708Fleischmann, M., Bloemhof-Ruwaard, J.M, Dekker, R. van der Laan, E., van Nunen, A.E.E.J., Van Wassenhove, L. (1997). “Quantitative Models for Reverse Logistics: A Review”. European Journal of Operational Research. 103. 1-17. Fortes, J., 2009. Green Supply Chain Management: A Literature. Otago Management Graduate Review 7 (1), 51 – 62.Geismar, H.N., Laporte, G., Lei, L., Sriskandarajah, C., 2008, “The integrated production and transportation scheduling problem for a product with a short lifespan”, INFORMS Journal on Computing, Vol. 20, No. 1, pp. 21–33González-Torre PL, Adenso-Diaz B, Artiba H., 2004, Environmental and Reverse Logistics Policies in European Bottling and Packaging Firms, International Journal of Production Economics; 88(1):95–104.González-Torre PL, Adenso-Diaz B., 2006, Reverse Logistics Practices in the Glass Sector in Spain and Belgium, International Business Review;15(5):527–546.Govindan, K., Soleimani, H., 2017. A Review of Reverse Logistics and Closed-Loop Supply Chains: A Journal of Cleaner Production focus. Journal of Cleaner Production. 142, 371 – 384.Guide, V.D.R., Harrison, T.P., Van Wassenhove, L.N., 2003. The Challenge of Closed-Loop Supply Chains. Interfaces, 33 (6), 3 – 6.Guo, J., Wang X., Fan S. ve Gen M., 2017, Forward and reverse logistics network and route planning under the environment of low-carbon emissions: A case study of Shanghai fresh food E-commerce enterprises, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 106;351–360.Hosseini, M.S., Ghoreyshi, S.M., 2014, “An integrated model for production and distribution planning of perishable products with inventory and routing considerations”, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2014 , Article ID 475606, 10 pagesJayaraman V, Patterson RA, Rolland E., 2003, The Design of Reverse Distribution Networks: Models and Solution Procedures. Eurepean Journal of Operational Research;150(1):128–149.Kannan G, Palaniappan M, Zhu Q, Kannan D. , 2012, Analysis of Third Party Reverse Logistics Provider Using Interpretive Structural Modeling. International Journal of Production Economics;140(1), 204 – 211.Narayana, A.S., Elias, A.A., Pati, K.R., 2014. Reverse Logistics in the Pharmaceuticals Industry: A Systemic Analysis. International Journal Logististics Management, 25 (2), 379 – 398. Kumar S, Craig S., 2007, Dell Inc.’s Closed Loop Supply Chain for Computer Assembly Plants. JournalInformation–Knowledge-Systems Managemen;6(3):197–214.Jing, Y., Li, W., 2018, Integrated recycling-integrated production - distribution planning for decentralized closed-loop supply chain, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, Vol.14, No:2Lau KH, Wang Y., 2009, Reverse Logistics in the Electronic Industry of China: A Case Study. Supply Chain Management,14(6):447–65.Lee, Y.H., Kim, S.H., 2002, “Production–distribution planning in supply chain considering capacity constraints”, Computers & Industrial Engineering, Volume 43, Issues 1–2, Pages 169–190Marandi F., Zegordi, S.H., 2017, “Integrated production and distribution scheduling for perishable products”, Scienta İrenica E, 24(4)Narayana SA, Elias AA, Pati RK., 2014, Reverse Logistics in the Pharmaceuticals Industry: A Systemic Analysis, International Journal of Logistics Management; 25(2):379–398.Park, Y.B., 2005, “An integrated approach for production and distribution planning in supply chain management”, International Journal of Production Research, Volume 43, Issue 6, pages 1205-1224Rahimi, M., Baboli, A. ve Rekik, Y., 2016, Sustainable Inventory Routing Problem for Perishable Products by Considering Reverse Logistic Reverse Logistic Reverse Logistic, IFAC – Papers OnLine; 49(12):949-954.Rathore P, Kota S, Chakrabarti A., 2011, Sustainability Through Remanufacturing in India: A Case Study on Mobile Handsets. Journal of Cleaner Production;19(15):1709–1722.Ravi V, Shankar R., 2006, Reverse Logistics Operations in Paper Industry: A Case Study, Journal of Advances in Management Research; 3(2):88–94.Stindt, D., Sahamie, R., Nuss, C., Tuma, A., 2016. How Transdisciplinarity can Help to Improve Operations Research on Sustainable Supply Chains - A Transdisciplinary Modeling Framework. Journal Bussiness Logistics. 37 (2), 113 – 131.Stock JR, Mulki J.P., 2009, Product Returns Processing: An Examination of Practices of Manufacturers, Wholesalers/Distributors and Retailers. Journal of Business Logistics, 30(1): 33 – 62.Subramanian N, Gunasekaran A, Abdulrahman M, Liu C., 2014, Factors for Implementing End-of-Life Product Reverse Logistics in the Chinese Manufacturing Sector, The International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology, 21(3):235–245.OECD, 2018, Extended Producer Responsibility, (ulaşım: 03.11.2018) Wang X, Gaustad G, Babbitt CW, Richa K., 2014, Economies of Scale for Future Lithium-Ion Battery Recycling Infrastructure, Resources, Conservation and Recycling;83:53–62.Wu CJ, Cheng WP. 2006, Reverse Logistics in the Publishing Industry: China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 36(7) : 507 – 523.Zegordi, S.H, Nia, M.A.B, 2009, “Integrating production and transportation scheduling in a two-stage supply chain considering order assignment” The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Volume 44, Issue 9, pp 928-939


Yıl 2019, , 55 - 71, 31.01.2019


Tedarik zinciri genel tanımıyla; ürün ve hizmetin
hammaddeden başlayıp son müşteriye ulaşana kadar geçirdiği talep tahmini,
tedarik, üretim, stok, dağıtım, geri dönüşüm vb. işlemlerin, bilgi ve fiziksel
ürün akışının bütününü içeren sistemdir. Tedarik Zinciri Ağında yer alan
işlemlerin ayrı ayrı planlanması, her planlama adımındaki kararların diğerini zincirleme
etkilemesi nedeniyle yanlış kararlara neden olabilmektedir. Oysa ağ üzerinde
bir ürünün ne zaman, ne miktarda üretileceği, hangi araçla ne miktarda
dağıtılacağı ve ne zaman nereden ne miktarda geri toplanacağı birlikte
planlandığında maliyet ve kalite bakımından daha doğru kararlar

çalışmada, bozulabilir bir ürünün, bir fabrikada üretimi, bu fabrikadan birden
fazla dağıtım merkezine birden fazla araç ile dağıtımı ve iade ürünlerin geri
toplanarak yeniden işleme merkezine satılmasını birleşik ele alan çok kademeli
bir tedarik zinciri ağı tasarlanmıştır. Çalışmada önerilen karma tamsayılı
programlama modelin amacı, toplam üretim, ileri ve geri dağıtım ve stok
maliyetlerini (sabit üretim, değişken üretim, fabrikadaki stok, dağıtım merkezindeki
stok ve aracı kullanmanın ve geri dönüşüm merkezine uğramanın sabit ulaştırma
maliyetleri toplamı) en az yapmaktır.


  • Ahumada, O., Villalobos, J.R., 2011, “Operational model for planning the harvest and distribution of perishable agricultural products” International Journal of Production Economics, Volume 133, Issue 2, pages 677–687Banasik A., Kanellopoulos A., Claasen G.D.H., Bloemhof-Ruwaard M. ve von der Vorst J.G.A.J., 2017, Closing loops in Agricultural Supply Chains Using Multi-Objective Optimization: A Case Study of an Industrial Mushroom Supply Chain, International Journal of Production Economics, 183;409–420. Bernon M, Rossi S, Cullen J., 2011, Retail Reverse Logistics: A Call and Grounding Framework for Research. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management; 41(5):484–510.Biehl M, Prater E, Realff MJ., 2007, Assessing Performance and Uncertainty in Developing Carpet Reverse Logistics Systems, Computer & Operational Research;34(2):443–463.Cardoso, R.S., Barbosa-Póvoa, A.P. F.D., Relvas S. , 2013, “Design and planning of supply chains with integration of reverse logistics activities under demand uncertainty”, European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 226, Issue 3, Pages 436-451Chandra P., Fisher, M.L., 1994, “Coordination of production and distribution planning”, European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 72, Issue 3, Pages 503–517Chen, H.K., Hsueh, C.F., Chang, M.S., 2009, “Production scheduling and vehicle routing with time windows for perishable food products”, Computers & Operations Research, Volume 36, Issue 7, pp 2311De Brito, M.P., Dekker, R., Flapper, S.D.P., 2005. Reverse Logistics: A Review of Case Studies. In: Fleischmann, B. (Ed.), Distribution Logistics. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 243 – 281.Ekşioğlu, S.D, Jin, M., 2006, “Cross-Facility Production and Transportation Planning Problem with Perishable Inventory”, Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA, Volume 3982, pp 708Fleischmann, M., Bloemhof-Ruwaard, J.M, Dekker, R. van der Laan, E., van Nunen, A.E.E.J., Van Wassenhove, L. (1997). “Quantitative Models for Reverse Logistics: A Review”. European Journal of Operational Research. 103. 1-17. Fortes, J., 2009. Green Supply Chain Management: A Literature. Otago Management Graduate Review 7 (1), 51 – 62.Geismar, H.N., Laporte, G., Lei, L., Sriskandarajah, C., 2008, “The integrated production and transportation scheduling problem for a product with a short lifespan”, INFORMS Journal on Computing, Vol. 20, No. 1, pp. 21–33González-Torre PL, Adenso-Diaz B, Artiba H., 2004, Environmental and Reverse Logistics Policies in European Bottling and Packaging Firms, International Journal of Production Economics; 88(1):95–104.González-Torre PL, Adenso-Diaz B., 2006, Reverse Logistics Practices in the Glass Sector in Spain and Belgium, International Business Review;15(5):527–546.Govindan, K., Soleimani, H., 2017. A Review of Reverse Logistics and Closed-Loop Supply Chains: A Journal of Cleaner Production focus. Journal of Cleaner Production. 142, 371 – 384.Guide, V.D.R., Harrison, T.P., Van Wassenhove, L.N., 2003. The Challenge of Closed-Loop Supply Chains. Interfaces, 33 (6), 3 – 6.Guo, J., Wang X., Fan S. ve Gen M., 2017, Forward and reverse logistics network and route planning under the environment of low-carbon emissions: A case study of Shanghai fresh food E-commerce enterprises, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 106;351–360.Hosseini, M.S., Ghoreyshi, S.M., 2014, “An integrated model for production and distribution planning of perishable products with inventory and routing considerations”, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2014 , Article ID 475606, 10 pagesJayaraman V, Patterson RA, Rolland E., 2003, The Design of Reverse Distribution Networks: Models and Solution Procedures. Eurepean Journal of Operational Research;150(1):128–149.Kannan G, Palaniappan M, Zhu Q, Kannan D. , 2012, Analysis of Third Party Reverse Logistics Provider Using Interpretive Structural Modeling. International Journal of Production Economics;140(1), 204 – 211.Narayana, A.S., Elias, A.A., Pati, K.R., 2014. Reverse Logistics in the Pharmaceuticals Industry: A Systemic Analysis. International Journal Logististics Management, 25 (2), 379 – 398. Kumar S, Craig S., 2007, Dell Inc.’s Closed Loop Supply Chain for Computer Assembly Plants. JournalInformation–Knowledge-Systems Managemen;6(3):197–214.Jing, Y., Li, W., 2018, Integrated recycling-integrated production - distribution planning for decentralized closed-loop supply chain, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, Vol.14, No:2Lau KH, Wang Y., 2009, Reverse Logistics in the Electronic Industry of China: A Case Study. Supply Chain Management,14(6):447–65.Lee, Y.H., Kim, S.H., 2002, “Production–distribution planning in supply chain considering capacity constraints”, Computers & Industrial Engineering, Volume 43, Issues 1–2, Pages 169–190Marandi F., Zegordi, S.H., 2017, “Integrated production and distribution scheduling for perishable products”, Scienta İrenica E, 24(4)Narayana SA, Elias AA, Pati RK., 2014, Reverse Logistics in the Pharmaceuticals Industry: A Systemic Analysis, International Journal of Logistics Management; 25(2):379–398.Park, Y.B., 2005, “An integrated approach for production and distribution planning in supply chain management”, International Journal of Production Research, Volume 43, Issue 6, pages 1205-1224Rahimi, M., Baboli, A. ve Rekik, Y., 2016, Sustainable Inventory Routing Problem for Perishable Products by Considering Reverse Logistic Reverse Logistic Reverse Logistic, IFAC – Papers OnLine; 49(12):949-954.Rathore P, Kota S, Chakrabarti A., 2011, Sustainability Through Remanufacturing in India: A Case Study on Mobile Handsets. Journal of Cleaner Production;19(15):1709–1722.Ravi V, Shankar R., 2006, Reverse Logistics Operations in Paper Industry: A Case Study, Journal of Advances in Management Research; 3(2):88–94.Stindt, D., Sahamie, R., Nuss, C., Tuma, A., 2016. How Transdisciplinarity can Help to Improve Operations Research on Sustainable Supply Chains - A Transdisciplinary Modeling Framework. Journal Bussiness Logistics. 37 (2), 113 – 131.Stock JR, Mulki J.P., 2009, Product Returns Processing: An Examination of Practices of Manufacturers, Wholesalers/Distributors and Retailers. Journal of Business Logistics, 30(1): 33 – 62.Subramanian N, Gunasekaran A, Abdulrahman M, Liu C., 2014, Factors for Implementing End-of-Life Product Reverse Logistics in the Chinese Manufacturing Sector, The International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology, 21(3):235–245.OECD, 2018, Extended Producer Responsibility, (ulaşım: 03.11.2018) Wang X, Gaustad G, Babbitt CW, Richa K., 2014, Economies of Scale for Future Lithium-Ion Battery Recycling Infrastructure, Resources, Conservation and Recycling;83:53–62.Wu CJ, Cheng WP. 2006, Reverse Logistics in the Publishing Industry: China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 36(7) : 507 – 523.Zegordi, S.H, Nia, M.A.B, 2009, “Integrating production and transportation scheduling in a two-stage supply chain considering order assignment” The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Volume 44, Issue 9, pp 928-939
Toplam 1 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Erdal Yılmaz 0000-0002-7730-2096

Elif Bilgin 0000-0002-5823-3822

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Ocak 2019
Gönderilme Tarihi 5 Kasım 2018
Kabul Tarihi 23 Kasım 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019

Kaynak Göster

APA Yılmaz, E., & Bilgin, E. (2019). ÇOK KADEMELİ BİR TEDARİK ZİNCİRİ AĞI İÇİN ÜRETİM-DAĞITIM VE TERSİNE LOJİSTİK PLANLAMASI. R&S - Research Studies Anatolia Journal, 2(4), 55-71.
R&S - Research Studies Anatolia Journal