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Comparison of EFNARC and Round Plate Bending Test Methods Used in Measurement of Toughness Index

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2, 120 - 126, 31.12.2021


It is defined as the concrete made by spraying and consisting of aggregate, cement, water and some chemical additives transmitted with compressed air through the sprayed concrete pipeline, which is frequently used especially in the mining and construction industry. It is widely used in many areas such as underground engineering constructions, rock and ground support, coating and repair of structures, as it can be applied quickly without the need for reinforcement, can be shaped as desired and applied to any surface. In addition to these advantages, different amounts and structures of fiber can be easily added to the concrete. With the developing technology, the use of fiber in concrete has increased. The main reason for the use of fiber is its energy absorption feature. This property, which is also called toughness and expresses the area under the load-deflection curve, is related to the mechanical property (Crack resistance, ductility, impact resistance as.) of the material. Toughness energy absorption is generally measured by two different methods. These are the EFNARC plate bending test and the round plate bending test. In this study, plate bending tests used in sprayed concrete and other fiber concretes were investigated in detail and literature studies were examined.


  • Arıoğlu, E., A. Yüksel, ve Ali Osman Yılmaz. 2008. Püskürtme Beton Bilgi Föyleri-Çözümlü Problemler. TMMOB Maden Müh. Odası İstanbul Şubesi.
  • ASTM C 1018. 1997. Standart Test Method for Flexural Toughness and First-Crack Strength of Fiber-Reinforced Concrete.
  • Ayış, H. İ. 2010. “Tünel Açma Sistemlerinde Çelik Lifli Püskürtme Betonun Uygulanabilirliği”. Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi.
  • Barros, J. A. O. ve J. Sena Cruz. 2001. “Fracture Energy of Steel Fiber-Reinforced Concrete”. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures 8(1):29–45.
  • Bernard, Erik Stefan. 2011. “Influence of geometric factors on the punching load resistance of early-age fibre reinforced shotcrete linings”. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 26(4):541–47.
  • Bolat, Hakan, Osman Şimşek, Mustafa Çullu, Gökhan Durmuş, ve Ömer Can. 2014. “The effects of macro synthetic fiber reinforcement use on physical and mechanical properties of concrete”. Composites Part B: Engineering 61:191–98.
  • Çakıroğlu, Alkan Melda, Terzi Serdal, ve Murat Gökhan Çakıroğlu. 2009. “Püskürtme Betonda Görülen Problemler Problemler”. 2009(2):43–49.
  • Ciancio, Daniela, Mirko Manca, Nicola Buratti, ve Claudio Mazzotti. 2016. “Structural and material properties of Mini notched Round Determinate Panels”. Construction and Building Materials 113:395–403.
  • Deng, Zongcai, Feng Shi, Shi Yin, ve Rabin Tuladhar. 2016. “Characterisation of macro polyolefin fibre reinforcement in concrete through round determinate panel test”. Construction and Building Materials 121:229–35.
  • Galan, Isabel, Andre Baldermann, Wolfgang Kusterle, Martin Dietzel, ve Florian Mittermayr. 2019. “Durability of shotcrete for underground support– Review and update”. Construction and Building Materials 202:465–93.
  • Galobardes, Isaac, Sergio H. Cavalaro, Antonio Aguado, ve Tomàs Garcia. 2014. “Estimation of the modulus of elasticity for sprayed concrete”. Construction and Building Materials 53:48–58.
  • Grünewald, Steffen ve Joost C. Walraven. 2001. “Parameter-study on the influence of steel fibers and coarse aggregate content on the fresh properties of self-compacting concrete”. Cement and Concrete Research 31(12):1793–98.
  • Hahn, T. ve J. Holmgren. 1979. “Adhesion Of Shotcrete To Various Types Of Rock Surfaces”. içinde 4th ISRM Congress.
  • Homgren, J. 1993. “The use of tyield line theory in the design of steel fiber reinforced concrete slabs”. içinde Shotcrete for Underground Support IV Proceeding of Engineering Foundation Conference.
  • Hooton, RD, ES Bernard, ve M. Pircher. 2001. “The Influence of Thickness on Performance of Fiber-Reinforced Concrete in a Round Determinate Panel Test”. Cement, Concrete and Aggregates 23(1):27.
  • JSCE SF-4. 1984. Standards For Tests Methods of Fiber Reinforced Concrete, Japan Concrete Institute.
  • Kim, Jihwan, Dong Joo Kim, ve Goangseup Zi. 2013. “Improvement of the biaxial flexure test method for concrete”. Cement and Concrete Composites 37:154–60.
  • Külekçi, Gökhan. 2018a. “Investigation of the utilization areas of construction and demolition wastes in the Black Sea region instead of aggregate and their areas of usage in the mining industry”. Karadeniz Tecnical universty.
  • Külekçi, Gökhan. 2018b. “Püskürtme Betonda Farklı Sentetik Lif Kullanımının Ultrasonik Dalga Hızına Etkisi" Ss. 493–99 içinde The 4’" INTERNATIONAL UNDERGROUND EXCAVATIONS SYMPOSJUM.
  • Külekçi, Gökhan. 2019. “Energy Absorption Measurement in Shotcrete by EFNARC Plaque Deflection Experiment”. Ss. 505–8 içinde 3. International Conference on Advanced Engineering Technologies.
  • Külekçi, Gökhan. 2021a. “Comparison of Field and Laboratory Result of Fiber Reinforced Shotcrete Application”. Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering 65(2):463–73.
  • Külekçi, Gökhan. 2021b. “Investigation of fly ash added light concretes with respect to gamma radiation transmission properties of 133 Ba and 137 Cs”. Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids 1–12.
  • Külekçi, Gökhan ve Mustafa Çullu. 2021. “Alternatif Atıkların Kullanımı ile Üretilen Polipropilen Lif Takviyeli Kompozitlerin Mekanik Özelliklerinin Araştırılması”. Journal of Polytechnic.
  • Külekçi, Gökhan ve Ali Osman Yılmaz. 2018. “Tünellerde Kaya Sınıflaması ve Tahkimat Uygulamaları , Gümüşhane Çevre Yolu Tünel Örneği, Ss. 535–40 içinde Tbe 4" Internatıonal underground excavatıons symposıum.
  • Külekçi, Gökhan, Ali Osman Yılmaz, Tekin Yılmaz, ve Berkay Özyazıcı. 2015. “Exeavation and Reinforcement Applications in Trabzon Akyazı tunnel”. Ss. 529–40 içinde IMCET2015. Antalya.
  • Malmgren, L., E. Nordlund, ve S. Rolund. 2005. “Adhesion strength and shrinkage of shotcrete”. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 20(1):33–48.
  • Manca, Mirko, Ali Karrech, Phil Dight, ve Daniela Ciancio. 2018. “Image Processing and Machine Learning to investigate fibre distribution on fibre-reinforced shotcrete Round Determinate Panels”. Construction and Building Materials 190:870–80.
  • Nemkumar, Banthia, Trottier Jean-Francois, Beaupre Denis, ve Wood David. 1994. “Steel Fiber Reinforced Wet-Mix Shotcrete: Influence of Diber Geometry”. Concrete International:Design and Construction 16(6):27–32.
  • Nour, Ali, Bruno Massicotte, Renaud De Montaignac, ve Jean-Philippe Charron. 2011. “Derivation of a crack opening deflection relationship for fibre reinforced concrete panels using a stochastic model: Application for predicting the flexural behaviour of round panels using stress crack opening diagrams”. Cement and Concrete Research 41(9):964–74.
  • Saiang, D., L. Malmgren, ve E. Nordlund. 2005. “Laboratory Tests on Shotcrete-Rock Joints in Direct Shear, Tension and Compression”. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 38(4):275–97.
  • Terzić, Anja, Ljubiša Andrić, ve Vojislav Mitić. 2014. “Mechanically activated coal ash as refractory bauxite shotcrete microfiller: Thermal interactions mechanism investigation”. Ceramics International 40(8 PART A):12055–65.
  • Tunçdemir, Hakan ve Erim Güçlü. 2014. “Post Crack Behavior of Shotcrete in Rock Support Interaction Curve”. Selcuk University Journal of Engineering ,Science and Technology 2(2):31–31.
  • Türk, Kâzım ve Ceren Kına. 2017. “The use of hybrid in cementitious composites”. Pamukkale University Journal of Engineering Sciences 23(6):671–78.
  • Yun, Kyong Ku, Sung Yong Choi, ve Jung Heum Yeon. 2015. “Effects of admixtures on the rheological properties of high-performance wet-mix shotcrete mixtures”. Construction and Building Materials 78:194–202.
  • Yurdakul, Ş. 2001. “Püskürtme Beton Teknolojisinin TTK Ocakları Ana Galerilerinde Uygulanabilirliğinin Araştırılması”. Zonguldak Karaelmas Üniversitesi.
  • Zain, Nadia E. L. 2018. An experimental study of the validity of the round panel test method for shotcrete.

Tokluk İndeksi Ölçümünde Kullanılan, EFNARC ve Yuvarlak Plaka Eğilme Deney Yöntemlerinin Karşılaştırılması

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2, 120 - 126, 31.12.2021


Özellikle madencilik ve inşaat sektöründe sıkça kullanılan püskürtme beton boru hattı aracılığıyla basınçlı hava ile iletilen agrega, çimento, su ve bazı kimyasal katkı maddelerinden oluşan ve püskürtme yoluyla yapılan beton olarak tanımlanır. Tahkimat gerektirmeden hızlı bir şekilde uygulanabildiği, istenilen şekilde şekillendirilebildiği ve her türlü yüzeye uygulanabildiği için yeraltı mühendisliği inşaatları, kaya ve zemin desteği, yapıların kaplama ve onarımı gibi birçok alanda yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır. Bu avantajlarına ek olarak, beton içerisinde farklı miktar ve yapıda lif kolaylıkla katıla bilinir. Gelişen teknoloji ile betonda lif kullanımı artmıştır. Lif kullanımının temel nedeni enerji sönümleme özelliğidir. Tokluk olarak da isimlendirilen, yük-sehim eğrisinin altında kalan alanı ile ifade eden bu özellik, malzemenin mekanik (Çatlak direnci, süneklilik, darbe direnci vb.) özelliği ile bağlantılıdır. Tokluk enerji absorbsiyonu genel olarak iki farklı yöntemle ölçülmektedir. Bunlar EFNARC plaka eğilme deneyi ve yuvarlak plaka eğilme deneyleridir. Bu çalışmada püskürtme betonda ve diğer lifli betonlarda kullanılan plaka eğilme deneyleri ayrıntılı bir şekilde araştırılmış ve literatür çalışmaları incelenmiştir.


  • Arıoğlu, E., A. Yüksel, ve Ali Osman Yılmaz. 2008. Püskürtme Beton Bilgi Föyleri-Çözümlü Problemler. TMMOB Maden Müh. Odası İstanbul Şubesi.
  • ASTM C 1018. 1997. Standart Test Method for Flexural Toughness and First-Crack Strength of Fiber-Reinforced Concrete.
  • Ayış, H. İ. 2010. “Tünel Açma Sistemlerinde Çelik Lifli Püskürtme Betonun Uygulanabilirliği”. Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi.
  • Barros, J. A. O. ve J. Sena Cruz. 2001. “Fracture Energy of Steel Fiber-Reinforced Concrete”. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures 8(1):29–45.
  • Bernard, Erik Stefan. 2011. “Influence of geometric factors on the punching load resistance of early-age fibre reinforced shotcrete linings”. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 26(4):541–47.
  • Bolat, Hakan, Osman Şimşek, Mustafa Çullu, Gökhan Durmuş, ve Ömer Can. 2014. “The effects of macro synthetic fiber reinforcement use on physical and mechanical properties of concrete”. Composites Part B: Engineering 61:191–98.
  • Çakıroğlu, Alkan Melda, Terzi Serdal, ve Murat Gökhan Çakıroğlu. 2009. “Püskürtme Betonda Görülen Problemler Problemler”. 2009(2):43–49.
  • Ciancio, Daniela, Mirko Manca, Nicola Buratti, ve Claudio Mazzotti. 2016. “Structural and material properties of Mini notched Round Determinate Panels”. Construction and Building Materials 113:395–403.
  • Deng, Zongcai, Feng Shi, Shi Yin, ve Rabin Tuladhar. 2016. “Characterisation of macro polyolefin fibre reinforcement in concrete through round determinate panel test”. Construction and Building Materials 121:229–35.
  • Galan, Isabel, Andre Baldermann, Wolfgang Kusterle, Martin Dietzel, ve Florian Mittermayr. 2019. “Durability of shotcrete for underground support– Review and update”. Construction and Building Materials 202:465–93.
  • Galobardes, Isaac, Sergio H. Cavalaro, Antonio Aguado, ve Tomàs Garcia. 2014. “Estimation of the modulus of elasticity for sprayed concrete”. Construction and Building Materials 53:48–58.
  • Grünewald, Steffen ve Joost C. Walraven. 2001. “Parameter-study on the influence of steel fibers and coarse aggregate content on the fresh properties of self-compacting concrete”. Cement and Concrete Research 31(12):1793–98.
  • Hahn, T. ve J. Holmgren. 1979. “Adhesion Of Shotcrete To Various Types Of Rock Surfaces”. içinde 4th ISRM Congress.
  • Homgren, J. 1993. “The use of tyield line theory in the design of steel fiber reinforced concrete slabs”. içinde Shotcrete for Underground Support IV Proceeding of Engineering Foundation Conference.
  • Hooton, RD, ES Bernard, ve M. Pircher. 2001. “The Influence of Thickness on Performance of Fiber-Reinforced Concrete in a Round Determinate Panel Test”. Cement, Concrete and Aggregates 23(1):27.
  • JSCE SF-4. 1984. Standards For Tests Methods of Fiber Reinforced Concrete, Japan Concrete Institute.
  • Kim, Jihwan, Dong Joo Kim, ve Goangseup Zi. 2013. “Improvement of the biaxial flexure test method for concrete”. Cement and Concrete Composites 37:154–60.
  • Külekçi, Gökhan. 2018a. “Investigation of the utilization areas of construction and demolition wastes in the Black Sea region instead of aggregate and their areas of usage in the mining industry”. Karadeniz Tecnical universty.
  • Külekçi, Gökhan. 2018b. “Püskürtme Betonda Farklı Sentetik Lif Kullanımının Ultrasonik Dalga Hızına Etkisi" Ss. 493–99 içinde The 4’" INTERNATIONAL UNDERGROUND EXCAVATIONS SYMPOSJUM.
  • Külekçi, Gökhan. 2019. “Energy Absorption Measurement in Shotcrete by EFNARC Plaque Deflection Experiment”. Ss. 505–8 içinde 3. International Conference on Advanced Engineering Technologies.
  • Külekçi, Gökhan. 2021a. “Comparison of Field and Laboratory Result of Fiber Reinforced Shotcrete Application”. Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering 65(2):463–73.
  • Külekçi, Gökhan. 2021b. “Investigation of fly ash added light concretes with respect to gamma radiation transmission properties of 133 Ba and 137 Cs”. Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids 1–12.
  • Külekçi, Gökhan ve Mustafa Çullu. 2021. “Alternatif Atıkların Kullanımı ile Üretilen Polipropilen Lif Takviyeli Kompozitlerin Mekanik Özelliklerinin Araştırılması”. Journal of Polytechnic.
  • Külekçi, Gökhan ve Ali Osman Yılmaz. 2018. “Tünellerde Kaya Sınıflaması ve Tahkimat Uygulamaları , Gümüşhane Çevre Yolu Tünel Örneği, Ss. 535–40 içinde Tbe 4" Internatıonal underground excavatıons symposıum.
  • Külekçi, Gökhan, Ali Osman Yılmaz, Tekin Yılmaz, ve Berkay Özyazıcı. 2015. “Exeavation and Reinforcement Applications in Trabzon Akyazı tunnel”. Ss. 529–40 içinde IMCET2015. Antalya.
  • Malmgren, L., E. Nordlund, ve S. Rolund. 2005. “Adhesion strength and shrinkage of shotcrete”. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 20(1):33–48.
  • Manca, Mirko, Ali Karrech, Phil Dight, ve Daniela Ciancio. 2018. “Image Processing and Machine Learning to investigate fibre distribution on fibre-reinforced shotcrete Round Determinate Panels”. Construction and Building Materials 190:870–80.
  • Nemkumar, Banthia, Trottier Jean-Francois, Beaupre Denis, ve Wood David. 1994. “Steel Fiber Reinforced Wet-Mix Shotcrete: Influence of Diber Geometry”. Concrete International:Design and Construction 16(6):27–32.
  • Nour, Ali, Bruno Massicotte, Renaud De Montaignac, ve Jean-Philippe Charron. 2011. “Derivation of a crack opening deflection relationship for fibre reinforced concrete panels using a stochastic model: Application for predicting the flexural behaviour of round panels using stress crack opening diagrams”. Cement and Concrete Research 41(9):964–74.
  • Saiang, D., L. Malmgren, ve E. Nordlund. 2005. “Laboratory Tests on Shotcrete-Rock Joints in Direct Shear, Tension and Compression”. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 38(4):275–97.
  • Terzić, Anja, Ljubiša Andrić, ve Vojislav Mitić. 2014. “Mechanically activated coal ash as refractory bauxite shotcrete microfiller: Thermal interactions mechanism investigation”. Ceramics International 40(8 PART A):12055–65.
  • Tunçdemir, Hakan ve Erim Güçlü. 2014. “Post Crack Behavior of Shotcrete in Rock Support Interaction Curve”. Selcuk University Journal of Engineering ,Science and Technology 2(2):31–31.
  • Türk, Kâzım ve Ceren Kına. 2017. “The use of hybrid in cementitious composites”. Pamukkale University Journal of Engineering Sciences 23(6):671–78.
  • Yun, Kyong Ku, Sung Yong Choi, ve Jung Heum Yeon. 2015. “Effects of admixtures on the rheological properties of high-performance wet-mix shotcrete mixtures”. Construction and Building Materials 78:194–202.
  • Yurdakul, Ş. 2001. “Püskürtme Beton Teknolojisinin TTK Ocakları Ana Galerilerinde Uygulanabilirliğinin Araştırılması”. Zonguldak Karaelmas Üniversitesi.
  • Zain, Nadia E. L. 2018. An experimental study of the validity of the round panel test method for shotcrete.
Toplam 36 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Derleme

Gökhan Külekçi 0000-0002-2971-4045

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Külekçi, G. (2021). Tokluk İndeksi Ölçümünde Kullanılan, EFNARC ve Yuvarlak Plaka Eğilme Deney Yöntemlerinin Karşılaştırılması. Recep Tayyip Erdogan University Journal of Science and Engineering, 2(2), 120-126.

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