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Adaptasyon kaymaları üzerine karşılaştırmalı bir çalışma: Alice Harikalar Diyarında romanı ve Alice: Madness Returns video oyunu

Yıl 2022, Sayı: 30, 1155 - 1169, 21.10.2022


Bu çalışmanın amacı, Lewis Carroll'un kanonik romanı Alice Harikalar Diyarında ile onun uyarlanmış video oyunu versiyonu olan Alice: Madness Returns arasında meydana gelen değişiklikleri, uyarlamayı bir göstergeler arası ve işlevsel çeviri biçimi olarak ele alarak araştırmaktır (Gottlieb, 2005). Analizi gerçekleştirmek için Perdikaki(2017a) tarafından önerilen disiplinler arası adaptasyon kaymaları modeli kullanılmıştır. Bu model, uyarlamalarda meydana gelen değişikliklerin sistematik bir analizini sunan ilk model olduğu için seçilmiştir. Bu model film uyarlamaları için geliştirilmiş olmasına rağmen, Perdikaki(2017a) bu modeli farklı türlere ve uyarlama türlerine uygulamayı önermektedir. Onun önerisi doğrultusunda, bu çalışma, uyarlama kaymaları modelini yukarıda bahsedilen video oyununa görsel-işitsel bir ürün ve çoklu ortam metni olarak ele alarak uygulamaktadır. Analizde bu modelin, metin türünden bağımsız olarak uyarlama kaymaların gözlemlenebildiği faktörleri dikkate alan betimleyici kategorisine odaklanılmıştır. Sonuç olarak, olay örgüsü yapısı, anlatım teknikleri, karakterizasyon ve mekan gibi betimsel düzeyde uyarlama kaymalarının gözlemlenebilir olduğu ve bu kaymaların modifikasyon ve modülasyonlar yoluyla ortaya çıktığı; ve bunlarla birlikte uyarlanan ürünün, kaynak metin ile birlikte yeniden şekillendirildiği görülmüştür. Bu çalışma aynı zamanda uyarlama kaymaları modelinin farklı metin türlerinin yanısıra, uyarlanmış metin türlerine de uygulanabilirliğini gösteren ilk çalışmalardan biri olma özelliğini taşımaktadır.


  • Akseki, S. (2019). A critique on the film adaptation of Neil Gaiman's novel Stardust . Çeviribilim ve Uygulamaları Dergisi , (27) 1-15 . DOI: 10.37599/ceviri.572745
  • Bastin, G. (2014). Adaptation is the paramount communication strategy. Linguaculture. 2014.10.1515/lincu-2015-0013.
  • Baydaş Sayılgan Ö. (2012). Bir Siberdrama Biçimi Olarak Dijital Oyun: ‘alice Harikalar Diyarında’ Örneği.Folklor/Edebiyat
  • Cattrysse, P. (2014). Descriptive adaptation studies: Epistemological and Methodological Issues. Antwerp and Apeldoorn: Garant
  • Cintas, J.D., & Remael, A. (2007). Audiovisual translation: Subtitling (1st ed.). Routledge.
  • Carroll, L. (1865). Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. London: Penguin, 1994.
  • Desilla, L. (2012). Implicatures in film: Construal and functions in Bridget Jones romantic comedies, Journal of Pragmatics 44: 30-53.
  • Fawcett, C. (2016). American McGee’s Alice: Madness returns and traumatic memory. The Journal of Popular Culture .49. 492-521. 10.1111/jpcu.12414.
  • Farrell, J. K. (2015). Psychology is technology: A steampunk reading of alice: Madness returns. Foundation, 44(120), 42-51. Retrieved from
  • Folléa C. (2020). Videogames’ Specific Forms of Immersion into the Past, Present, and Future:Experiencing Progress in American McGee’s Alice (2000) and Alice: Madness Returns (2011) , Polysèmes [En ligne], 23 | 2020, mis en ligne le 30 juin 2020, consulté le 05 janvier 2022. URL : ; DOI :
  • Gottlieb, H. (2007). Multidimensional translation: Semantics turned semiotics. H. Gerzymisch-Arbogast & S. Nauert (Eds.), Proceedings of the Marie Curie Euroconferences MuTra “Challenges of Multidimensional Translation” (2-6 May 2005, pp. 33-61). Retrieved January 01,2022 from
  • Flanagan, K. (2017). Videogame adaptation. In T. Leitch (eds). The Oxford Handbook of Adaptation Studies, (pp. 441-55). Oxford: Oxford UP.
  • Harris, D. (2013, December 13). Little China Doll: How Spicy Horse Imagined Alice: Madness Returns. RPS,, last accessed 03 January 2022.
  • Hutcheon, L. (2013). A theory of adaptation. (2nd ed.). London and New York: Routledge.
  • Jakobson, R. (1959/2000) On linguistic aspects of translation, in R. Brower (ed.) (1959) On Translation, Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press, (pp.232–9), reprinted in L. Venuti(ed.), (2000), 113–18.
  • Karamitroglou F. (1998). A proposed set of subtitling standards in Europe. Translation Journal 2 (2), 1-15, 1998. 509, 1998.
  • Kerchy, A. (2016). Alice in Transmedia Wonderland: Curiouser and Curiouser New Forms of a Children’s Classic. Jefferson, N. C.: McFarland & Co.
  • Loffredo, E., and M. Perteghella (2006). Introduction in Translation and Creativity, Manuela Perteghella and Eugenia Loffredo (eds), London, Continuum: 1-16.
  • Littau, K. (2011). First steps towards a media history of translation, Translation Studies 4, (3): 261-81.
  • Manning, K. M. (2011). ‘That’s the effect of living backwards’: Technological change, Lewis Carroll’s Alice Books, and Tim Burton’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Neo-Victorian Studies 4.2 (2011): 154-179.
  • McGee, A. (2018, March 22). Let’s Play ‘American McGee’s Alice’ with American McGee!!![Video].Youtube., last accessed 01 January 2022
  • Milton, J. (2009). Between the cat and the devil: Adaptation studies and translation studies. Journal of Adaptation in Film & Performance. 2. 47-64. 10.1386/jafp.2.1.47_1.
  • Molina, L. & Albir, A. (2002). Translation techniques revisited: A dynamic and functionalist approach. Meta: Journal des traducteurs. 47. 498. 10.7202/008033ar.
  • Nedergaard‐Larsen, B. (2010). Culture-Bound problems in subtitling. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology. 1. 207-240. 10.1080/0907676X.1993.9961214.
  • Nord, C. (1994) Translation as a Process of Linguistic and Cultural Adaption. In: Dollerup, C. and Lindegaard, A., Eds., Teaching Translation and Interpreting 2: Insights, Aims, Visions. Papers from the Second Language International Conference Elsinore, Denmark, 4-6 June 1993, Benjamins, Amsterdam, Philadelphia, 59-67.
  • Perdikaki, K. (2017a). Towards a model for the study of film adaptation as intersemiotic translation. In TRAlinea, special issue: Building bridges between film studies and translation studies.
  • Perdikaki, K. (2017b). Film adaptation as an act of communication: Adopting a translation oriented approach to the analysis of adaptation shifts. Meta, 62(1), 3-18.doi:10.7202/1040464ar
  • Perdikaki, K. (2017c). Film adaptation as translation: An analysis of adaptation shifts in Silver Linings Playbook. Anafora, 4(2), 249-265. doi: 10. 29162/ANAFORA.v4i2.5
  • Perdikaki, K. (2018). Film adaptation as the interface between creative translation and cultural transformation: The case of Baz Luhrmann’s The Great Gatsby. The Journal of Specialized Translation, 29, 169-187.
  • Pérez-González, L. (2014). Multimodality in translation and interpreting studies in Bermann S. and Porter C. (eds), A Companion to Translation Studies, Chichester, Wiley-Blackwell: 119-31.
  • Stobbart, D. (2018). Adaptation and new media:Establishing the videogame as an adaptive medium. The Routledge Companion to Adaptation. Routledge Companions. Routledge, London (pp. 382-389). ISBN 9781138915404
  • Valdés, C. (2011) Advertising translation. in Gambier Y. and van Doorslaer L. (eds) Handbook of Translation Studies 2. Amsterdam and Philadelphia, John Benjamins: 1-5.
  • Vandal-Sirois, H., and Bastin G. (2012) Adaptation and appropriation: Is there a limit? Laurence Raw (ed.), Translation, Adaptation and Transformation, London, Continuum: 21-41.
  • Van Leuven-Zwart, K. (1989) Translation and original: Similarities and dissimilarities, Target 1, (2):151-81.
  • Venuti, L. (2007). Adaptation, translation, critique. Journal of Visual Culture. 6. 25-43. 10.1177/1470412907075066.
  • Vinay, J. P. & J. Darbelnet (1958/1995). trans. and ed. J. C. Sager and M.-J. Hamel (1995) as Comparative Stylistics of French and English: A Methodology for Translation, Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
  • Tymoczko, M. (2007). Enlarging translation, empowering translators. Manchester, UK: St. Jerome Pub.

Investigating adaptation shifts: Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland vs. Alice: Madness Returns

Yıl 2022, Sayı: 30, 1155 - 1169, 21.10.2022


This study aims to investigate the changes that occurred between Lewis Carroll’s canonical novel Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and its adapted video game version, Alice: Madness Returns by treating adaptation as a form of intersemiotic and functional translation (Gottlieb,2005). In order to conduct the analysis, the interdisciplinary model of adaptation shifts proposed by Perdikaki(2017a) is used. This model is chosen because it is the first one to offer a systematic analysis of changes that occur in adaptations. Although the model was developed for film adaptations, Perdikaki(2017a) proposes the application of this model to different genres and adaptation types. In line with her suggestion, this study applies the model of adaptation shifts to the above-mentioned video game, by treating it as an audiovisual product and a multimedium text. The analysis is conducted with a special emphasis on the descriptive component of this model where shifts can be observed since this category investigates the factors that are independent of the text type. As a result, it is concluded that adaptation shifts are observable on the descriptive level such as the plot structure, narrative techniques, characterization, and setting and that these shifts are observable through modifications and modulations; molding the adapted videogame version of the original work. This study also sets out to be one of the initial studies that show the applicability of this model to a different genre and adapted text type.


  • Akseki, S. (2019). A critique on the film adaptation of Neil Gaiman's novel Stardust . Çeviribilim ve Uygulamaları Dergisi , (27) 1-15 . DOI: 10.37599/ceviri.572745
  • Bastin, G. (2014). Adaptation is the paramount communication strategy. Linguaculture. 2014.10.1515/lincu-2015-0013.
  • Baydaş Sayılgan Ö. (2012). Bir Siberdrama Biçimi Olarak Dijital Oyun: ‘alice Harikalar Diyarında’ Örneği.Folklor/Edebiyat
  • Cattrysse, P. (2014). Descriptive adaptation studies: Epistemological and Methodological Issues. Antwerp and Apeldoorn: Garant
  • Cintas, J.D., & Remael, A. (2007). Audiovisual translation: Subtitling (1st ed.). Routledge.
  • Carroll, L. (1865). Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. London: Penguin, 1994.
  • Desilla, L. (2012). Implicatures in film: Construal and functions in Bridget Jones romantic comedies, Journal of Pragmatics 44: 30-53.
  • Fawcett, C. (2016). American McGee’s Alice: Madness returns and traumatic memory. The Journal of Popular Culture .49. 492-521. 10.1111/jpcu.12414.
  • Farrell, J. K. (2015). Psychology is technology: A steampunk reading of alice: Madness returns. Foundation, 44(120), 42-51. Retrieved from
  • Folléa C. (2020). Videogames’ Specific Forms of Immersion into the Past, Present, and Future:Experiencing Progress in American McGee’s Alice (2000) and Alice: Madness Returns (2011) , Polysèmes [En ligne], 23 | 2020, mis en ligne le 30 juin 2020, consulté le 05 janvier 2022. URL : ; DOI :
  • Gottlieb, H. (2007). Multidimensional translation: Semantics turned semiotics. H. Gerzymisch-Arbogast & S. Nauert (Eds.), Proceedings of the Marie Curie Euroconferences MuTra “Challenges of Multidimensional Translation” (2-6 May 2005, pp. 33-61). Retrieved January 01,2022 from
  • Flanagan, K. (2017). Videogame adaptation. In T. Leitch (eds). The Oxford Handbook of Adaptation Studies, (pp. 441-55). Oxford: Oxford UP.
  • Harris, D. (2013, December 13). Little China Doll: How Spicy Horse Imagined Alice: Madness Returns. RPS,, last accessed 03 January 2022.
  • Hutcheon, L. (2013). A theory of adaptation. (2nd ed.). London and New York: Routledge.
  • Jakobson, R. (1959/2000) On linguistic aspects of translation, in R. Brower (ed.) (1959) On Translation, Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press, (pp.232–9), reprinted in L. Venuti(ed.), (2000), 113–18.
  • Karamitroglou F. (1998). A proposed set of subtitling standards in Europe. Translation Journal 2 (2), 1-15, 1998. 509, 1998.
  • Kerchy, A. (2016). Alice in Transmedia Wonderland: Curiouser and Curiouser New Forms of a Children’s Classic. Jefferson, N. C.: McFarland & Co.
  • Loffredo, E., and M. Perteghella (2006). Introduction in Translation and Creativity, Manuela Perteghella and Eugenia Loffredo (eds), London, Continuum: 1-16.
  • Littau, K. (2011). First steps towards a media history of translation, Translation Studies 4, (3): 261-81.
  • Manning, K. M. (2011). ‘That’s the effect of living backwards’: Technological change, Lewis Carroll’s Alice Books, and Tim Burton’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Neo-Victorian Studies 4.2 (2011): 154-179.
  • McGee, A. (2018, March 22). Let’s Play ‘American McGee’s Alice’ with American McGee!!![Video].Youtube., last accessed 01 January 2022
  • Milton, J. (2009). Between the cat and the devil: Adaptation studies and translation studies. Journal of Adaptation in Film & Performance. 2. 47-64. 10.1386/jafp.2.1.47_1.
  • Molina, L. & Albir, A. (2002). Translation techniques revisited: A dynamic and functionalist approach. Meta: Journal des traducteurs. 47. 498. 10.7202/008033ar.
  • Nedergaard‐Larsen, B. (2010). Culture-Bound problems in subtitling. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology. 1. 207-240. 10.1080/0907676X.1993.9961214.
  • Nord, C. (1994) Translation as a Process of Linguistic and Cultural Adaption. In: Dollerup, C. and Lindegaard, A., Eds., Teaching Translation and Interpreting 2: Insights, Aims, Visions. Papers from the Second Language International Conference Elsinore, Denmark, 4-6 June 1993, Benjamins, Amsterdam, Philadelphia, 59-67.
  • Perdikaki, K. (2017a). Towards a model for the study of film adaptation as intersemiotic translation. In TRAlinea, special issue: Building bridges between film studies and translation studies.
  • Perdikaki, K. (2017b). Film adaptation as an act of communication: Adopting a translation oriented approach to the analysis of adaptation shifts. Meta, 62(1), 3-18.doi:10.7202/1040464ar
  • Perdikaki, K. (2017c). Film adaptation as translation: An analysis of adaptation shifts in Silver Linings Playbook. Anafora, 4(2), 249-265. doi: 10. 29162/ANAFORA.v4i2.5
  • Perdikaki, K. (2018). Film adaptation as the interface between creative translation and cultural transformation: The case of Baz Luhrmann’s The Great Gatsby. The Journal of Specialized Translation, 29, 169-187.
  • Pérez-González, L. (2014). Multimodality in translation and interpreting studies in Bermann S. and Porter C. (eds), A Companion to Translation Studies, Chichester, Wiley-Blackwell: 119-31.
  • Stobbart, D. (2018). Adaptation and new media:Establishing the videogame as an adaptive medium. The Routledge Companion to Adaptation. Routledge Companions. Routledge, London (pp. 382-389). ISBN 9781138915404
  • Valdés, C. (2011) Advertising translation. in Gambier Y. and van Doorslaer L. (eds) Handbook of Translation Studies 2. Amsterdam and Philadelphia, John Benjamins: 1-5.
  • Vandal-Sirois, H., and Bastin G. (2012) Adaptation and appropriation: Is there a limit? Laurence Raw (ed.), Translation, Adaptation and Transformation, London, Continuum: 21-41.
  • Van Leuven-Zwart, K. (1989) Translation and original: Similarities and dissimilarities, Target 1, (2):151-81.
  • Venuti, L. (2007). Adaptation, translation, critique. Journal of Visual Culture. 6. 25-43. 10.1177/1470412907075066.
  • Vinay, J. P. & J. Darbelnet (1958/1995). trans. and ed. J. C. Sager and M.-J. Hamel (1995) as Comparative Stylistics of French and English: A Methodology for Translation, Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
  • Tymoczko, M. (2007). Enlarging translation, empowering translators. Manchester, UK: St. Jerome Pub.
Toplam 37 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
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Bölüm Dünya dilleri, kültürleri ve edebiyatları

Tules Önenç Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-2275-7111

Yayımlanma Tarihi 21 Ekim 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Sayı: 30

Kaynak Göster

APA Önenç, T. (2022). Investigating adaptation shifts: Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland vs. Alice: Madness Returns. RumeliDE Dil Ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi(30), 1155-1169.