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Kelime öğreniminde öğrenen özerkliğinin rolü

Yıl 2022, Sayı: 31, 1534 - 1545, 21.12.2022


Yabancı dil öğreniminde kelime gelişimi önemli noktalardan biridir. Diğer bir deyişle kelime sadece üretici beceriler için değil alıcı beceriler için de gereklidir. Bu yüzden, öğrenciler sınıf dışında da kelime öğrenimine devam etmelilerdir. Kelime çalışırken öğrenciler kendi çalışmalarını planlamak, öğrenmek ve kendilerini gözlemlemek zorundadırlar. Bunu başarabilmek için, öğrenen özerkliğine sahip olmaları gereklidir. Öğrenen özerkliğinin dil öğrenmedeki etkisini göz önünde bulundurarak, bu çalışma öğrencilerin ne kadar özerk olduğunu belirlemeyi ve öğrenen özerkliğinin kelime öğrenimini nasıl etkilediğini bulmayı hedeflemiştir. Bu çalışmaya 26 hazırlık sınıfı öğrencisi katılmıştır. Veriler, öğrenen özerkliği ölçeği, bir ön kelime testi, bir son kelime testi ve bir açık uçlu öğrenci anketi ile veriler toplanmıştır. Sonuçlara göre, bütün maddelerin ortalama değerleri 3.19 (±1.021) olduğu için öğrenciler orta seviye özerk öğrenci olarak adlandırabilirler. Ancak, öğrenen özerkliği kelime öğrenimindeki değişimi istatiksel olarak anlamlı bir şekilde etkilememektedir. Öğrenen özerkliği, kelime öğrenimindeki değişimin ancak %4’nü açıklamaktadır. Bu da çok küçük bir etkidir. Daha sonraki çalışmalar için, öğrenen özerkliğini arttırmak için deneysel bir çalışma tasarlanabilir ve dil öğrenme stratejileri ve motivasyon gibi diğer bağımsız değişkenler kelime öğrenimi açısından incelenebilir.


  • Abadi, E. A. M., & Baradaran, A. (2013). The relationship between learner autonomy and vocabulary learning strategies in Iranian EFL learners with different language proficiency level. International Journal of Applied Linguistics & English Literature, 2(3), 176-185.
  • Almusharraf, N. (2018). English as a foreign language learner autonomy in vocabulary development: Variation in student autonomy levels and teacher support. Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching & Learning, 11(2), 159-177. https:// 10.1108/JRIT-09-2018-0022
  • Balcı, Ö., & Çakır, A. (2012). Teaching vocabulary through collocations in EFL classes: The case of Turkey. International Journal of Research Studies in Language Learning, 1(1), 21-32. https://
  • Balçıkanlı, C. (2008a). Learner Autonomy (LA) in EFL Settings. Gazi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 28(3), 1- 16.
  • Balçıkanlı, C. (2008b). Fostering learner autonomy in EFL classrooms. Kastamonu Eğitim Dergisi,16(1), 277-284.
  • Benson, P. (1996). Concepts of autonomy in language learning. In R. Pemberton, E. S. L. Li, W. W. F. Or & H. D. Pierson (Eds.), Taking control: Autonomy in language learning (pp.27-34). Hong Kong University Press.
  • Davis, J. M. (2015). Sampling and what it means. In J. D. Brown, & C. Coombe (Eds.), The Cambridge guide to research in language teaching and learning (pp. 198-205). Cambridge University Press.
  • Dişlen-Dağgöl, G. (2022). Revisiting EFL students’ language learning autonomy and lifelong learning tendencies. RumeliDE Dil ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi, 30, 1061-1075. https://
  • Elizondo, L.B., & Garita, C.O. (2013). A closer look into learner autonomy in the EFL classroom. Revista de Lenguas Modernas, 19, 325-343.
  • Esch, E. (1996). Promoting learner autonomy: criteria for the selection of appropriate methods. In R. Pemberton, E. S. L. Li, W. W. F. Or & H. D. Pierson (Eds.), Taking control: Autonomy in language learning (pp.35-48). Hong Kong University Press.
  • Haddad, R. H. (2016). Developing learner autonomy in vocabulary learning in classroom: how and why can it be fostered?. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 232, 784 – 791.
  • Kartal, G., & Balci, Ö. (2021). Vocabulary learning autonomy and vocabulary size of Turkish ELT student teachers: a correlational study. Acta Educationis Generalis, 11(1), 92-110.
  • Kırmızı, Ö., & Kıraç, K. (2018). A comparative study of learner autonomy in terms of gender and learning contexts. Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 22, 2955-2967.
  • Korlu, H.,& Mede, E. (2018). Autonomy in vocabulary learning of Turkish EFL learners. The EuroCALL Review, 26(2), 58-70.
  • Little, D. (2001). Learner autonomy and the challenge of tandem language learning via the Internet. In A. Chambers & G. Davies (Eds.), ICT and language learning: A European Perspective (pp.29-38). Swets & Zeitlinger Publishers
  • Mertens, D. M. (2010). Research and evaluation in education and psychology: Integrating diversity with quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods. Sage.
  • Nunan, D. (2003). Nine steps to learner autonomy. Symposium, 2003, 193–204.
  • Orakcı, Ş., & Gelişli, Y. (2017). Learner autonomy scale: A scale development study. Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Sciences, 5(4), 25-35.
  • Shams, I. E. (2013). Hybrid learning and Iranian EFL learners' autonomy in vocabulary
  • Shams, I. E. Learning. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 93, 1587-1592.
  • Sedighi, E., & Tamjid, N.H. (2016). The relationship between Iranian EFL learners’ autonomy and their vocabulary learning strategies with a focus on gender. The Journal of Applied Linguistics, 9(18), 183-196.
  • Vela, V., & Rushidi, J. (2016). The effect of keeping vocabulary notebooks on vocabulary acquisition and learner autonomy. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 232, 201-208.
  • Teng, M. F. (2019). Autonomy, agency, and identity in teaching and learning English as a foreign language. Springer.
  • Tilfarlioglu, F.Y., & Sherwani, S. (2018). An analysis of the relationship among EFL learners’ autonomy, self-esteem, and choice of vocabulary learning strategies. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 8(8), 933-947.
  • Tran, T. Q. (2020). EFL students’ attitudes towards learner autonomy in English vocabulary learning. English Language Teaching Educational Journal, 3(2), 86-94. https://
  • Tseng, W.T., Liou, H.J., & Chu, H.C. (2020). Vocabulary learning in virtual environments: Learner autonomy and collaboration. System, 88. https:// 2019. 102190
  • Yıldırım, Ö. (2008). Turkish EFL learners’ readiness for learner autonomy. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 4 (1), 65-80.

The role of learner autonomy on vocabulary learning

Yıl 2022, Sayı: 31, 1534 - 1545, 21.12.2022


Developing vocabulary is one of the important parts in foreign language learning. In other words, vocabulary is necessary not only for productive skills but also receptive skills. Thus, students have to continue vocabulary development beyond the classroom. Students have to plan, learn and monitor themselves while they are studying vocabulary. In order to achieve it, they need to be autonomous learners. Considering the effect of learner autonomy on language learning, this study aimed to identify to what extent Turkish EFL students were autonomous and how the learner autonomy affected their vocabulary learning. 26 preparatory class students participated in this study. Data were collected via learner autonomy scale, a pre-vocabulary test, a post- vocabulary test, and students’ questionnaire with 1 open-ended question. Results showed that students could be categorized as moderately autonomous as the mean values of the items were more than 3.19 (±1.021). However, learner autonomy did not statistically significantly explain the variation in vocabulary learning. Learner autonomy explained 4% of the variation in vocabulary learning, which was a very small effect on vocabulary learning. As a suggestion for further studies, an experimental study could be designed to promote learner autonomy and language learning strategies and motivation as other independent variables could be examined in terms of vocabulary learning.


  • Abadi, E. A. M., & Baradaran, A. (2013). The relationship between learner autonomy and vocabulary learning strategies in Iranian EFL learners with different language proficiency level. International Journal of Applied Linguistics & English Literature, 2(3), 176-185.
  • Almusharraf, N. (2018). English as a foreign language learner autonomy in vocabulary development: Variation in student autonomy levels and teacher support. Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching & Learning, 11(2), 159-177. https:// 10.1108/JRIT-09-2018-0022
  • Balcı, Ö., & Çakır, A. (2012). Teaching vocabulary through collocations in EFL classes: The case of Turkey. International Journal of Research Studies in Language Learning, 1(1), 21-32. https://
  • Balçıkanlı, C. (2008a). Learner Autonomy (LA) in EFL Settings. Gazi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 28(3), 1- 16.
  • Balçıkanlı, C. (2008b). Fostering learner autonomy in EFL classrooms. Kastamonu Eğitim Dergisi,16(1), 277-284.
  • Benson, P. (1996). Concepts of autonomy in language learning. In R. Pemberton, E. S. L. Li, W. W. F. Or & H. D. Pierson (Eds.), Taking control: Autonomy in language learning (pp.27-34). Hong Kong University Press.
  • Davis, J. M. (2015). Sampling and what it means. In J. D. Brown, & C. Coombe (Eds.), The Cambridge guide to research in language teaching and learning (pp. 198-205). Cambridge University Press.
  • Dişlen-Dağgöl, G. (2022). Revisiting EFL students’ language learning autonomy and lifelong learning tendencies. RumeliDE Dil ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi, 30, 1061-1075. https://
  • Elizondo, L.B., & Garita, C.O. (2013). A closer look into learner autonomy in the EFL classroom. Revista de Lenguas Modernas, 19, 325-343.
  • Esch, E. (1996). Promoting learner autonomy: criteria for the selection of appropriate methods. In R. Pemberton, E. S. L. Li, W. W. F. Or & H. D. Pierson (Eds.), Taking control: Autonomy in language learning (pp.35-48). Hong Kong University Press.
  • Haddad, R. H. (2016). Developing learner autonomy in vocabulary learning in classroom: how and why can it be fostered?. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 232, 784 – 791.
  • Kartal, G., & Balci, Ö. (2021). Vocabulary learning autonomy and vocabulary size of Turkish ELT student teachers: a correlational study. Acta Educationis Generalis, 11(1), 92-110.
  • Kırmızı, Ö., & Kıraç, K. (2018). A comparative study of learner autonomy in terms of gender and learning contexts. Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 22, 2955-2967.
  • Korlu, H.,& Mede, E. (2018). Autonomy in vocabulary learning of Turkish EFL learners. The EuroCALL Review, 26(2), 58-70.
  • Little, D. (2001). Learner autonomy and the challenge of tandem language learning via the Internet. In A. Chambers & G. Davies (Eds.), ICT and language learning: A European Perspective (pp.29-38). Swets & Zeitlinger Publishers
  • Mertens, D. M. (2010). Research and evaluation in education and psychology: Integrating diversity with quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods. Sage.
  • Nunan, D. (2003). Nine steps to learner autonomy. Symposium, 2003, 193–204.
  • Orakcı, Ş., & Gelişli, Y. (2017). Learner autonomy scale: A scale development study. Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Sciences, 5(4), 25-35.
  • Shams, I. E. (2013). Hybrid learning and Iranian EFL learners' autonomy in vocabulary
  • Shams, I. E. Learning. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 93, 1587-1592.
  • Sedighi, E., & Tamjid, N.H. (2016). The relationship between Iranian EFL learners’ autonomy and their vocabulary learning strategies with a focus on gender. The Journal of Applied Linguistics, 9(18), 183-196.
  • Vela, V., & Rushidi, J. (2016). The effect of keeping vocabulary notebooks on vocabulary acquisition and learner autonomy. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 232, 201-208.
  • Teng, M. F. (2019). Autonomy, agency, and identity in teaching and learning English as a foreign language. Springer.
  • Tilfarlioglu, F.Y., & Sherwani, S. (2018). An analysis of the relationship among EFL learners’ autonomy, self-esteem, and choice of vocabulary learning strategies. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 8(8), 933-947.
  • Tran, T. Q. (2020). EFL students’ attitudes towards learner autonomy in English vocabulary learning. English Language Teaching Educational Journal, 3(2), 86-94. https://
  • Tseng, W.T., Liou, H.J., & Chu, H.C. (2020). Vocabulary learning in virtual environments: Learner autonomy and collaboration. System, 88. https:// 2019. 102190
  • Yıldırım, Ö. (2008). Turkish EFL learners’ readiness for learner autonomy. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 4 (1), 65-80.
Yıl 2022, Sayı: 31, 1534 - 1545, 21.12.2022



  • Abadi, E. A. M., & Baradaran, A. (2013). The relationship between learner autonomy and vocabulary learning strategies in Iranian EFL learners with different language proficiency level. International Journal of Applied Linguistics & English Literature, 2(3), 176-185.
  • Almusharraf, N. (2018). English as a foreign language learner autonomy in vocabulary development: Variation in student autonomy levels and teacher support. Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching & Learning, 11(2), 159-177. https:// 10.1108/JRIT-09-2018-0022
  • Balcı, Ö., & Çakır, A. (2012). Teaching vocabulary through collocations in EFL classes: The case of Turkey. International Journal of Research Studies in Language Learning, 1(1), 21-32. https://
  • Balçıkanlı, C. (2008a). Learner Autonomy (LA) in EFL Settings. Gazi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 28(3), 1- 16.
  • Balçıkanlı, C. (2008b). Fostering learner autonomy in EFL classrooms. Kastamonu Eğitim Dergisi,16(1), 277-284.
  • Benson, P. (1996). Concepts of autonomy in language learning. In R. Pemberton, E. S. L. Li, W. W. F. Or & H. D. Pierson (Eds.), Taking control: Autonomy in language learning (pp.27-34). Hong Kong University Press.
  • Davis, J. M. (2015). Sampling and what it means. In J. D. Brown, & C. Coombe (Eds.), The Cambridge guide to research in language teaching and learning (pp. 198-205). Cambridge University Press.
  • Dişlen-Dağgöl, G. (2022). Revisiting EFL students’ language learning autonomy and lifelong learning tendencies. RumeliDE Dil ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi, 30, 1061-1075. https://
  • Elizondo, L.B., & Garita, C.O. (2013). A closer look into learner autonomy in the EFL classroom. Revista de Lenguas Modernas, 19, 325-343.
  • Esch, E. (1996). Promoting learner autonomy: criteria for the selection of appropriate methods. In R. Pemberton, E. S. L. Li, W. W. F. Or & H. D. Pierson (Eds.), Taking control: Autonomy in language learning (pp.35-48). Hong Kong University Press.
  • Haddad, R. H. (2016). Developing learner autonomy in vocabulary learning in classroom: how and why can it be fostered?. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 232, 784 – 791.
  • Kartal, G., & Balci, Ö. (2021). Vocabulary learning autonomy and vocabulary size of Turkish ELT student teachers: a correlational study. Acta Educationis Generalis, 11(1), 92-110.
  • Kırmızı, Ö., & Kıraç, K. (2018). A comparative study of learner autonomy in terms of gender and learning contexts. Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 22, 2955-2967.
  • Korlu, H.,& Mede, E. (2018). Autonomy in vocabulary learning of Turkish EFL learners. The EuroCALL Review, 26(2), 58-70.
  • Little, D. (2001). Learner autonomy and the challenge of tandem language learning via the Internet. In A. Chambers & G. Davies (Eds.), ICT and language learning: A European Perspective (pp.29-38). Swets & Zeitlinger Publishers
  • Mertens, D. M. (2010). Research and evaluation in education and psychology: Integrating diversity with quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods. Sage.
  • Nunan, D. (2003). Nine steps to learner autonomy. Symposium, 2003, 193–204.
  • Orakcı, Ş., & Gelişli, Y. (2017). Learner autonomy scale: A scale development study. Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Sciences, 5(4), 25-35.
  • Shams, I. E. (2013). Hybrid learning and Iranian EFL learners' autonomy in vocabulary
  • Shams, I. E. Learning. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 93, 1587-1592.
  • Sedighi, E., & Tamjid, N.H. (2016). The relationship between Iranian EFL learners’ autonomy and their vocabulary learning strategies with a focus on gender. The Journal of Applied Linguistics, 9(18), 183-196.
  • Vela, V., & Rushidi, J. (2016). The effect of keeping vocabulary notebooks on vocabulary acquisition and learner autonomy. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 232, 201-208.
  • Teng, M. F. (2019). Autonomy, agency, and identity in teaching and learning English as a foreign language. Springer.
  • Tilfarlioglu, F.Y., & Sherwani, S. (2018). An analysis of the relationship among EFL learners’ autonomy, self-esteem, and choice of vocabulary learning strategies. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 8(8), 933-947.
  • Tran, T. Q. (2020). EFL students’ attitudes towards learner autonomy in English vocabulary learning. English Language Teaching Educational Journal, 3(2), 86-94. https://
  • Tseng, W.T., Liou, H.J., & Chu, H.C. (2020). Vocabulary learning in virtual environments: Learner autonomy and collaboration. System, 88. https:// 2019. 102190
  • Yıldırım, Ö. (2008). Turkish EFL learners’ readiness for learner autonomy. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 4 (1), 65-80.
Yıl 2022, Sayı: 31, 1534 - 1545, 21.12.2022



  • Abadi, E. A. M., & Baradaran, A. (2013). The relationship between learner autonomy and vocabulary learning strategies in Iranian EFL learners with different language proficiency level. International Journal of Applied Linguistics & English Literature, 2(3), 176-185.
  • Almusharraf, N. (2018). English as a foreign language learner autonomy in vocabulary development: Variation in student autonomy levels and teacher support. Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching & Learning, 11(2), 159-177. https:// 10.1108/JRIT-09-2018-0022
  • Balcı, Ö., & Çakır, A. (2012). Teaching vocabulary through collocations in EFL classes: The case of Turkey. International Journal of Research Studies in Language Learning, 1(1), 21-32. https://
  • Balçıkanlı, C. (2008a). Learner Autonomy (LA) in EFL Settings. Gazi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 28(3), 1- 16.
  • Balçıkanlı, C. (2008b). Fostering learner autonomy in EFL classrooms. Kastamonu Eğitim Dergisi,16(1), 277-284.
  • Benson, P. (1996). Concepts of autonomy in language learning. In R. Pemberton, E. S. L. Li, W. W. F. Or & H. D. Pierson (Eds.), Taking control: Autonomy in language learning (pp.27-34). Hong Kong University Press.
  • Davis, J. M. (2015). Sampling and what it means. In J. D. Brown, & C. Coombe (Eds.), The Cambridge guide to research in language teaching and learning (pp. 198-205). Cambridge University Press.
  • Dişlen-Dağgöl, G. (2022). Revisiting EFL students’ language learning autonomy and lifelong learning tendencies. RumeliDE Dil ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi, 30, 1061-1075. https://
  • Elizondo, L.B., & Garita, C.O. (2013). A closer look into learner autonomy in the EFL classroom. Revista de Lenguas Modernas, 19, 325-343.
  • Esch, E. (1996). Promoting learner autonomy: criteria for the selection of appropriate methods. In R. Pemberton, E. S. L. Li, W. W. F. Or & H. D. Pierson (Eds.), Taking control: Autonomy in language learning (pp.35-48). Hong Kong University Press.
  • Haddad, R. H. (2016). Developing learner autonomy in vocabulary learning in classroom: how and why can it be fostered?. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 232, 784 – 791.
  • Kartal, G., & Balci, Ö. (2021). Vocabulary learning autonomy and vocabulary size of Turkish ELT student teachers: a correlational study. Acta Educationis Generalis, 11(1), 92-110.
  • Kırmızı, Ö., & Kıraç, K. (2018). A comparative study of learner autonomy in terms of gender and learning contexts. Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 22, 2955-2967.
  • Korlu, H.,& Mede, E. (2018). Autonomy in vocabulary learning of Turkish EFL learners. The EuroCALL Review, 26(2), 58-70.
  • Little, D. (2001). Learner autonomy and the challenge of tandem language learning via the Internet. In A. Chambers & G. Davies (Eds.), ICT and language learning: A European Perspective (pp.29-38). Swets & Zeitlinger Publishers
  • Mertens, D. M. (2010). Research and evaluation in education and psychology: Integrating diversity with quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods. Sage.
  • Nunan, D. (2003). Nine steps to learner autonomy. Symposium, 2003, 193–204.
  • Orakcı, Ş., & Gelişli, Y. (2017). Learner autonomy scale: A scale development study. Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Sciences, 5(4), 25-35.
  • Shams, I. E. (2013). Hybrid learning and Iranian EFL learners' autonomy in vocabulary
  • Shams, I. E. Learning. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 93, 1587-1592.
  • Sedighi, E., & Tamjid, N.H. (2016). The relationship between Iranian EFL learners’ autonomy and their vocabulary learning strategies with a focus on gender. The Journal of Applied Linguistics, 9(18), 183-196.
  • Vela, V., & Rushidi, J. (2016). The effect of keeping vocabulary notebooks on vocabulary acquisition and learner autonomy. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 232, 201-208.
  • Teng, M. F. (2019). Autonomy, agency, and identity in teaching and learning English as a foreign language. Springer.
  • Tilfarlioglu, F.Y., & Sherwani, S. (2018). An analysis of the relationship among EFL learners’ autonomy, self-esteem, and choice of vocabulary learning strategies. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 8(8), 933-947.
  • Tran, T. Q. (2020). EFL students’ attitudes towards learner autonomy in English vocabulary learning. English Language Teaching Educational Journal, 3(2), 86-94. https://
  • Tseng, W.T., Liou, H.J., & Chu, H.C. (2020). Vocabulary learning in virtual environments: Learner autonomy and collaboration. System, 88. https:// 2019. 102190
  • Yıldırım, Ö. (2008). Turkish EFL learners’ readiness for learner autonomy. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 4 (1), 65-80.
Yıl 2022, Sayı: 31, 1534 - 1545, 21.12.2022



  • Abadi, E. A. M., & Baradaran, A. (2013). The relationship between learner autonomy and vocabulary learning strategies in Iranian EFL learners with different language proficiency level. International Journal of Applied Linguistics & English Literature, 2(3), 176-185.
  • Almusharraf, N. (2018). English as a foreign language learner autonomy in vocabulary development: Variation in student autonomy levels and teacher support. Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching & Learning, 11(2), 159-177. https:// 10.1108/JRIT-09-2018-0022
  • Balcı, Ö., & Çakır, A. (2012). Teaching vocabulary through collocations in EFL classes: The case of Turkey. International Journal of Research Studies in Language Learning, 1(1), 21-32. https://
  • Balçıkanlı, C. (2008a). Learner Autonomy (LA) in EFL Settings. Gazi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 28(3), 1- 16.
  • Balçıkanlı, C. (2008b). Fostering learner autonomy in EFL classrooms. Kastamonu Eğitim Dergisi,16(1), 277-284.
  • Benson, P. (1996). Concepts of autonomy in language learning. In R. Pemberton, E. S. L. Li, W. W. F. Or & H. D. Pierson (Eds.), Taking control: Autonomy in language learning (pp.27-34). Hong Kong University Press.
  • Davis, J. M. (2015). Sampling and what it means. In J. D. Brown, & C. Coombe (Eds.), The Cambridge guide to research in language teaching and learning (pp. 198-205). Cambridge University Press.
  • Dişlen-Dağgöl, G. (2022). Revisiting EFL students’ language learning autonomy and lifelong learning tendencies. RumeliDE Dil ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi, 30, 1061-1075. https://
  • Elizondo, L.B., & Garita, C.O. (2013). A closer look into learner autonomy in the EFL classroom. Revista de Lenguas Modernas, 19, 325-343.
  • Esch, E. (1996). Promoting learner autonomy: criteria for the selection of appropriate methods. In R. Pemberton, E. S. L. Li, W. W. F. Or & H. D. Pierson (Eds.), Taking control: Autonomy in language learning (pp.35-48). Hong Kong University Press.
  • Haddad, R. H. (2016). Developing learner autonomy in vocabulary learning in classroom: how and why can it be fostered?. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 232, 784 – 791.
  • Kartal, G., & Balci, Ö. (2021). Vocabulary learning autonomy and vocabulary size of Turkish ELT student teachers: a correlational study. Acta Educationis Generalis, 11(1), 92-110.
  • Kırmızı, Ö., & Kıraç, K. (2018). A comparative study of learner autonomy in terms of gender and learning contexts. Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 22, 2955-2967.
  • Korlu, H.,& Mede, E. (2018). Autonomy in vocabulary learning of Turkish EFL learners. The EuroCALL Review, 26(2), 58-70.
  • Little, D. (2001). Learner autonomy and the challenge of tandem language learning via the Internet. In A. Chambers & G. Davies (Eds.), ICT and language learning: A European Perspective (pp.29-38). Swets & Zeitlinger Publishers
  • Mertens, D. M. (2010). Research and evaluation in education and psychology: Integrating diversity with quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods. Sage.
  • Nunan, D. (2003). Nine steps to learner autonomy. Symposium, 2003, 193–204.
  • Orakcı, Ş., & Gelişli, Y. (2017). Learner autonomy scale: A scale development study. Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Sciences, 5(4), 25-35.
  • Shams, I. E. (2013). Hybrid learning and Iranian EFL learners' autonomy in vocabulary
  • Shams, I. E. Learning. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 93, 1587-1592.
  • Sedighi, E., & Tamjid, N.H. (2016). The relationship between Iranian EFL learners’ autonomy and their vocabulary learning strategies with a focus on gender. The Journal of Applied Linguistics, 9(18), 183-196.
  • Vela, V., & Rushidi, J. (2016). The effect of keeping vocabulary notebooks on vocabulary acquisition and learner autonomy. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 232, 201-208.
  • Teng, M. F. (2019). Autonomy, agency, and identity in teaching and learning English as a foreign language. Springer.
  • Tilfarlioglu, F.Y., & Sherwani, S. (2018). An analysis of the relationship among EFL learners’ autonomy, self-esteem, and choice of vocabulary learning strategies. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 8(8), 933-947.
  • Tran, T. Q. (2020). EFL students’ attitudes towards learner autonomy in English vocabulary learning. English Language Teaching Educational Journal, 3(2), 86-94. https://
  • Tseng, W.T., Liou, H.J., & Chu, H.C. (2020). Vocabulary learning in virtual environments: Learner autonomy and collaboration. System, 88. https:// 2019. 102190
  • Yıldırım, Ö. (2008). Turkish EFL learners’ readiness for learner autonomy. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 4 (1), 65-80.
Yıl 2022, Sayı: 31, 1534 - 1545, 21.12.2022



  • Abadi, E. A. M., & Baradaran, A. (2013). The relationship between learner autonomy and vocabulary learning strategies in Iranian EFL learners with different language proficiency level. International Journal of Applied Linguistics & English Literature, 2(3), 176-185.
  • Almusharraf, N. (2018). English as a foreign language learner autonomy in vocabulary development: Variation in student autonomy levels and teacher support. Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching & Learning, 11(2), 159-177. https:// 10.1108/JRIT-09-2018-0022
  • Balcı, Ö., & Çakır, A. (2012). Teaching vocabulary through collocations in EFL classes: The case of Turkey. International Journal of Research Studies in Language Learning, 1(1), 21-32. https://
  • Balçıkanlı, C. (2008a). Learner Autonomy (LA) in EFL Settings. Gazi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 28(3), 1- 16.
  • Balçıkanlı, C. (2008b). Fostering learner autonomy in EFL classrooms. Kastamonu Eğitim Dergisi,16(1), 277-284.
  • Benson, P. (1996). Concepts of autonomy in language learning. In R. Pemberton, E. S. L. Li, W. W. F. Or & H. D. Pierson (Eds.), Taking control: Autonomy in language learning (pp.27-34). Hong Kong University Press.
  • Davis, J. M. (2015). Sampling and what it means. In J. D. Brown, & C. Coombe (Eds.), The Cambridge guide to research in language teaching and learning (pp. 198-205). Cambridge University Press.
  • Dişlen-Dağgöl, G. (2022). Revisiting EFL students’ language learning autonomy and lifelong learning tendencies. RumeliDE Dil ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi, 30, 1061-1075. https://
  • Elizondo, L.B., & Garita, C.O. (2013). A closer look into learner autonomy in the EFL classroom. Revista de Lenguas Modernas, 19, 325-343.
  • Esch, E. (1996). Promoting learner autonomy: criteria for the selection of appropriate methods. In R. Pemberton, E. S. L. Li, W. W. F. Or & H. D. Pierson (Eds.), Taking control: Autonomy in language learning (pp.35-48). Hong Kong University Press.
  • Haddad, R. H. (2016). Developing learner autonomy in vocabulary learning in classroom: how and why can it be fostered?. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 232, 784 – 791.
  • Kartal, G., & Balci, Ö. (2021). Vocabulary learning autonomy and vocabulary size of Turkish ELT student teachers: a correlational study. Acta Educationis Generalis, 11(1), 92-110.
  • Kırmızı, Ö., & Kıraç, K. (2018). A comparative study of learner autonomy in terms of gender and learning contexts. Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 22, 2955-2967.
  • Korlu, H.,& Mede, E. (2018). Autonomy in vocabulary learning of Turkish EFL learners. The EuroCALL Review, 26(2), 58-70.
  • Little, D. (2001). Learner autonomy and the challenge of tandem language learning via the Internet. In A. Chambers & G. Davies (Eds.), ICT and language learning: A European Perspective (pp.29-38). Swets & Zeitlinger Publishers
  • Mertens, D. M. (2010). Research and evaluation in education and psychology: Integrating diversity with quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods. Sage.
  • Nunan, D. (2003). Nine steps to learner autonomy. Symposium, 2003, 193–204.
  • Orakcı, Ş., & Gelişli, Y. (2017). Learner autonomy scale: A scale development study. Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Sciences, 5(4), 25-35.
  • Shams, I. E. (2013). Hybrid learning and Iranian EFL learners' autonomy in vocabulary
  • Shams, I. E. Learning. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 93, 1587-1592.
  • Sedighi, E., & Tamjid, N.H. (2016). The relationship between Iranian EFL learners’ autonomy and their vocabulary learning strategies with a focus on gender. The Journal of Applied Linguistics, 9(18), 183-196.
  • Vela, V., & Rushidi, J. (2016). The effect of keeping vocabulary notebooks on vocabulary acquisition and learner autonomy. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 232, 201-208.
  • Teng, M. F. (2019). Autonomy, agency, and identity in teaching and learning English as a foreign language. Springer.
  • Tilfarlioglu, F.Y., & Sherwani, S. (2018). An analysis of the relationship among EFL learners’ autonomy, self-esteem, and choice of vocabulary learning strategies. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 8(8), 933-947.
  • Tran, T. Q. (2020). EFL students’ attitudes towards learner autonomy in English vocabulary learning. English Language Teaching Educational Journal, 3(2), 86-94. https://
  • Tseng, W.T., Liou, H.J., & Chu, H.C. (2020). Vocabulary learning in virtual environments: Learner autonomy and collaboration. System, 88. https:// 2019. 102190
  • Yıldırım, Ö. (2008). Turkish EFL learners’ readiness for learner autonomy. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 4 (1), 65-80.
Yıl 2022, Sayı: 31, 1534 - 1545, 21.12.2022



  • Abadi, E. A. M., & Baradaran, A. (2013). The relationship between learner autonomy and vocabulary learning strategies in Iranian EFL learners with different language proficiency level. International Journal of Applied Linguistics & English Literature, 2(3), 176-185.
  • Almusharraf, N. (2018). English as a foreign language learner autonomy in vocabulary development: Variation in student autonomy levels and teacher support. Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching & Learning, 11(2), 159-177. https:// 10.1108/JRIT-09-2018-0022
  • Balcı, Ö., & Çakır, A. (2012). Teaching vocabulary through collocations in EFL classes: The case of Turkey. International Journal of Research Studies in Language Learning, 1(1), 21-32. https://
  • Balçıkanlı, C. (2008a). Learner Autonomy (LA) in EFL Settings. Gazi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 28(3), 1- 16.
  • Balçıkanlı, C. (2008b). Fostering learner autonomy in EFL classrooms. Kastamonu Eğitim Dergisi,16(1), 277-284.
  • Benson, P. (1996). Concepts of autonomy in language learning. In R. Pemberton, E. S. L. Li, W. W. F. Or & H. D. Pierson (Eds.), Taking control: Autonomy in language learning (pp.27-34). Hong Kong University Press.
  • Davis, J. M. (2015). Sampling and what it means. In J. D. Brown, & C. Coombe (Eds.), The Cambridge guide to research in language teaching and learning (pp. 198-205). Cambridge University Press.
  • Dişlen-Dağgöl, G. (2022). Revisiting EFL students’ language learning autonomy and lifelong learning tendencies. RumeliDE Dil ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi, 30, 1061-1075. https://
  • Elizondo, L.B., & Garita, C.O. (2013). A closer look into learner autonomy in the EFL classroom. Revista de Lenguas Modernas, 19, 325-343.
  • Esch, E. (1996). Promoting learner autonomy: criteria for the selection of appropriate methods. In R. Pemberton, E. S. L. Li, W. W. F. Or & H. D. Pierson (Eds.), Taking control: Autonomy in language learning (pp.35-48). Hong Kong University Press.
  • Haddad, R. H. (2016). Developing learner autonomy in vocabulary learning in classroom: how and why can it be fostered?. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 232, 784 – 791.
  • Kartal, G., & Balci, Ö. (2021). Vocabulary learning autonomy and vocabulary size of Turkish ELT student teachers: a correlational study. Acta Educationis Generalis, 11(1), 92-110.
  • Kırmızı, Ö., & Kıraç, K. (2018). A comparative study of learner autonomy in terms of gender and learning contexts. Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 22, 2955-2967.
  • Korlu, H.,& Mede, E. (2018). Autonomy in vocabulary learning of Turkish EFL learners. The EuroCALL Review, 26(2), 58-70.
  • Little, D. (2001). Learner autonomy and the challenge of tandem language learning via the Internet. In A. Chambers & G. Davies (Eds.), ICT and language learning: A European Perspective (pp.29-38). Swets & Zeitlinger Publishers
  • Mertens, D. M. (2010). Research and evaluation in education and psychology: Integrating diversity with quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods. Sage.
  • Nunan, D. (2003). Nine steps to learner autonomy. Symposium, 2003, 193–204.
  • Orakcı, Ş., & Gelişli, Y. (2017). Learner autonomy scale: A scale development study. Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Sciences, 5(4), 25-35.
  • Shams, I. E. (2013). Hybrid learning and Iranian EFL learners' autonomy in vocabulary
  • Shams, I. E. Learning. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 93, 1587-1592.
  • Sedighi, E., & Tamjid, N.H. (2016). The relationship between Iranian EFL learners’ autonomy and their vocabulary learning strategies with a focus on gender. The Journal of Applied Linguistics, 9(18), 183-196.
  • Vela, V., & Rushidi, J. (2016). The effect of keeping vocabulary notebooks on vocabulary acquisition and learner autonomy. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 232, 201-208.
  • Teng, M. F. (2019). Autonomy, agency, and identity in teaching and learning English as a foreign language. Springer.
  • Tilfarlioglu, F.Y., & Sherwani, S. (2018). An analysis of the relationship among EFL learners’ autonomy, self-esteem, and choice of vocabulary learning strategies. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 8(8), 933-947.
  • Tran, T. Q. (2020). EFL students’ attitudes towards learner autonomy in English vocabulary learning. English Language Teaching Educational Journal, 3(2), 86-94. https://
  • Tseng, W.T., Liou, H.J., & Chu, H.C. (2020). Vocabulary learning in virtual environments: Learner autonomy and collaboration. System, 88. https:// 2019. 102190
  • Yıldırım, Ö. (2008). Turkish EFL learners’ readiness for learner autonomy. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 4 (1), 65-80.
Yıl 2022, Sayı: 31, 1534 - 1545, 21.12.2022



  • Abadi, E. A. M., & Baradaran, A. (2013). The relationship between learner autonomy and vocabulary learning strategies in Iranian EFL learners with different language proficiency level. International Journal of Applied Linguistics & English Literature, 2(3), 176-185.
  • Almusharraf, N. (2018). English as a foreign language learner autonomy in vocabulary development: Variation in student autonomy levels and teacher support. Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching & Learning, 11(2), 159-177. https:// 10.1108/JRIT-09-2018-0022
  • Balcı, Ö., & Çakır, A. (2012). Teaching vocabulary through collocations in EFL classes: The case of Turkey. International Journal of Research Studies in Language Learning, 1(1), 21-32. https://
  • Balçıkanlı, C. (2008a). Learner Autonomy (LA) in EFL Settings. Gazi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 28(3), 1- 16.
  • Balçıkanlı, C. (2008b). Fostering learner autonomy in EFL classrooms. Kastamonu Eğitim Dergisi,16(1), 277-284.
  • Benson, P. (1996). Concepts of autonomy in language learning. In R. Pemberton, E. S. L. Li, W. W. F. Or & H. D. Pierson (Eds.), Taking control: Autonomy in language learning (pp.27-34). Hong Kong University Press.
  • Davis, J. M. (2015). Sampling and what it means. In J. D. Brown, & C. Coombe (Eds.), The Cambridge guide to research in language teaching and learning (pp. 198-205). Cambridge University Press.
  • Dişlen-Dağgöl, G. (2022). Revisiting EFL students’ language learning autonomy and lifelong learning tendencies. RumeliDE Dil ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi, 30, 1061-1075. https://
  • Elizondo, L.B., & Garita, C.O. (2013). A closer look into learner autonomy in the EFL classroom. Revista de Lenguas Modernas, 19, 325-343.
  • Esch, E. (1996). Promoting learner autonomy: criteria for the selection of appropriate methods. In R. Pemberton, E. S. L. Li, W. W. F. Or & H. D. Pierson (Eds.), Taking control: Autonomy in language learning (pp.35-48). Hong Kong University Press.
  • Haddad, R. H. (2016). Developing learner autonomy in vocabulary learning in classroom: how and why can it be fostered?. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 232, 784 – 791.
  • Kartal, G., & Balci, Ö. (2021). Vocabulary learning autonomy and vocabulary size of Turkish ELT student teachers: a correlational study. Acta Educationis Generalis, 11(1), 92-110.
  • Kırmızı, Ö., & Kıraç, K. (2018). A comparative study of learner autonomy in terms of gender and learning contexts. Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 22, 2955-2967.
  • Korlu, H.,& Mede, E. (2018). Autonomy in vocabulary learning of Turkish EFL learners. The EuroCALL Review, 26(2), 58-70.
  • Little, D. (2001). Learner autonomy and the challenge of tandem language learning via the Internet. In A. Chambers & G. Davies (Eds.), ICT and language learning: A European Perspective (pp.29-38). Swets & Zeitlinger Publishers
  • Mertens, D. M. (2010). Research and evaluation in education and psychology: Integrating diversity with quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods. Sage.
  • Nunan, D. (2003). Nine steps to learner autonomy. Symposium, 2003, 193–204.
  • Orakcı, Ş., & Gelişli, Y. (2017). Learner autonomy scale: A scale development study. Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Sciences, 5(4), 25-35.
  • Shams, I. E. (2013). Hybrid learning and Iranian EFL learners' autonomy in vocabulary
  • Shams, I. E. Learning. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 93, 1587-1592.
  • Sedighi, E., & Tamjid, N.H. (2016). The relationship between Iranian EFL learners’ autonomy and their vocabulary learning strategies with a focus on gender. The Journal of Applied Linguistics, 9(18), 183-196.
  • Vela, V., & Rushidi, J. (2016). The effect of keeping vocabulary notebooks on vocabulary acquisition and learner autonomy. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 232, 201-208.
  • Teng, M. F. (2019). Autonomy, agency, and identity in teaching and learning English as a foreign language. Springer.
  • Tilfarlioglu, F.Y., & Sherwani, S. (2018). An analysis of the relationship among EFL learners’ autonomy, self-esteem, and choice of vocabulary learning strategies. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 8(8), 933-947.
  • Tran, T. Q. (2020). EFL students’ attitudes towards learner autonomy in English vocabulary learning. English Language Teaching Educational Journal, 3(2), 86-94. https://
  • Tseng, W.T., Liou, H.J., & Chu, H.C. (2020). Vocabulary learning in virtual environments: Learner autonomy and collaboration. System, 88. https:// 2019. 102190
  • Yıldırım, Ö. (2008). Turkish EFL learners’ readiness for learner autonomy. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 4 (1), 65-80.
Yıl 2022, Sayı: 31, 1534 - 1545, 21.12.2022



  • Abadi, E. A. M., & Baradaran, A. (2013). The relationship between learner autonomy and vocabulary learning strategies in Iranian EFL learners with different language proficiency level. International Journal of Applied Linguistics & English Literature, 2(3), 176-185.
  • Almusharraf, N. (2018). English as a foreign language learner autonomy in vocabulary development: Variation in student autonomy levels and teacher support. Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching & Learning, 11(2), 159-177. https:// 10.1108/JRIT-09-2018-0022
  • Balcı, Ö., & Çakır, A. (2012). Teaching vocabulary through collocations in EFL classes: The case of Turkey. International Journal of Research Studies in Language Learning, 1(1), 21-32. https://
  • Balçıkanlı, C. (2008a). Learner Autonomy (LA) in EFL Settings. Gazi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 28(3), 1- 16.
  • Balçıkanlı, C. (2008b). Fostering learner autonomy in EFL classrooms. Kastamonu Eğitim Dergisi,16(1), 277-284.
  • Benson, P. (1996). Concepts of autonomy in language learning. In R. Pemberton, E. S. L. Li, W. W. F. Or & H. D. Pierson (Eds.), Taking control: Autonomy in language learning (pp.27-34). Hong Kong University Press.
  • Davis, J. M. (2015). Sampling and what it means. In J. D. Brown, & C. Coombe (Eds.), The Cambridge guide to research in language teaching and learning (pp. 198-205). Cambridge University Press.
  • Dişlen-Dağgöl, G. (2022). Revisiting EFL students’ language learning autonomy and lifelong learning tendencies. RumeliDE Dil ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi, 30, 1061-1075. https://
  • Elizondo, L.B., & Garita, C.O. (2013). A closer look into learner autonomy in the EFL classroom. Revista de Lenguas Modernas, 19, 325-343.
  • Esch, E. (1996). Promoting learner autonomy: criteria for the selection of appropriate methods. In R. Pemberton, E. S. L. Li, W. W. F. Or & H. D. Pierson (Eds.), Taking control: Autonomy in language learning (pp.35-48). Hong Kong University Press.
  • Haddad, R. H. (2016). Developing learner autonomy in vocabulary learning in classroom: how and why can it be fostered?. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 232, 784 – 791.
  • Kartal, G., & Balci, Ö. (2021). Vocabulary learning autonomy and vocabulary size of Turkish ELT student teachers: a correlational study. Acta Educationis Generalis, 11(1), 92-110.
  • Kırmızı, Ö., & Kıraç, K. (2018). A comparative study of learner autonomy in terms of gender and learning contexts. Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 22, 2955-2967.
  • Korlu, H.,& Mede, E. (2018). Autonomy in vocabulary learning of Turkish EFL learners. The EuroCALL Review, 26(2), 58-70.
  • Little, D. (2001). Learner autonomy and the challenge of tandem language learning via the Internet. In A. Chambers & G. Davies (Eds.), ICT and language learning: A European Perspective (pp.29-38). Swets & Zeitlinger Publishers
  • Mertens, D. M. (2010). Research and evaluation in education and psychology: Integrating diversity with quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods. Sage.
  • Nunan, D. (2003). Nine steps to learner autonomy. Symposium, 2003, 193–204.
  • Orakcı, Ş., & Gelişli, Y. (2017). Learner autonomy scale: A scale development study. Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Sciences, 5(4), 25-35.
  • Shams, I. E. (2013). Hybrid learning and Iranian EFL learners' autonomy in vocabulary
  • Shams, I. E. Learning. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 93, 1587-1592.
  • Sedighi, E., & Tamjid, N.H. (2016). The relationship between Iranian EFL learners’ autonomy and their vocabulary learning strategies with a focus on gender. The Journal of Applied Linguistics, 9(18), 183-196.
  • Vela, V., & Rushidi, J. (2016). The effect of keeping vocabulary notebooks on vocabulary acquisition and learner autonomy. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 232, 201-208.
  • Teng, M. F. (2019). Autonomy, agency, and identity in teaching and learning English as a foreign language. Springer.
  • Tilfarlioglu, F.Y., & Sherwani, S. (2018). An analysis of the relationship among EFL learners’ autonomy, self-esteem, and choice of vocabulary learning strategies. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 8(8), 933-947.
  • Tran, T. Q. (2020). EFL students’ attitudes towards learner autonomy in English vocabulary learning. English Language Teaching Educational Journal, 3(2), 86-94. https://
  • Tseng, W.T., Liou, H.J., & Chu, H.C. (2020). Vocabulary learning in virtual environments: Learner autonomy and collaboration. System, 88. https:// 2019. 102190
  • Yıldırım, Ö. (2008). Turkish EFL learners’ readiness for learner autonomy. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 4 (1), 65-80.
Yıl 2022, Sayı: 31, 1534 - 1545, 21.12.2022



  • Abadi, E. A. M., & Baradaran, A. (2013). The relationship between learner autonomy and vocabulary learning strategies in Iranian EFL learners with different language proficiency level. International Journal of Applied Linguistics & English Literature, 2(3), 176-185.
  • Almusharraf, N. (2018). English as a foreign language learner autonomy in vocabulary development: Variation in student autonomy levels and teacher support. Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching & Learning, 11(2), 159-177. https:// 10.1108/JRIT-09-2018-0022
  • Balcı, Ö., & Çakır, A. (2012). Teaching vocabulary through collocations in EFL classes: The case of Turkey. International Journal of Research Studies in Language Learning, 1(1), 21-32. https://
  • Balçıkanlı, C. (2008a). Learner Autonomy (LA) in EFL Settings. Gazi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 28(3), 1- 16.
  • Balçıkanlı, C. (2008b). Fostering learner autonomy in EFL classrooms. Kastamonu Eğitim Dergisi,16(1), 277-284.
  • Benson, P. (1996). Concepts of autonomy in language learning. In R. Pemberton, E. S. L. Li, W. W. F. Or & H. D. Pierson (Eds.), Taking control: Autonomy in language learning (pp.27-34). Hong Kong University Press.
  • Davis, J. M. (2015). Sampling and what it means. In J. D. Brown, & C. Coombe (Eds.), The Cambridge guide to research in language teaching and learning (pp. 198-205). Cambridge University Press.
  • Dişlen-Dağgöl, G. (2022). Revisiting EFL students’ language learning autonomy and lifelong learning tendencies. RumeliDE Dil ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi, 30, 1061-1075. https://
  • Elizondo, L.B., & Garita, C.O. (2013). A closer look into learner autonomy in the EFL classroom. Revista de Lenguas Modernas, 19, 325-343.
  • Esch, E. (1996). Promoting learner autonomy: criteria for the selection of appropriate methods. In R. Pemberton, E. S. L. Li, W. W. F. Or & H. D. Pierson (Eds.), Taking control: Autonomy in language learning (pp.35-48). Hong Kong University Press.
  • Haddad, R. H. (2016). Developing learner autonomy in vocabulary learning in classroom: how and why can it be fostered?. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 232, 784 – 791.
  • Kartal, G., & Balci, Ö. (2021). Vocabulary learning autonomy and vocabulary size of Turkish ELT student teachers: a correlational study. Acta Educationis Generalis, 11(1), 92-110.
  • Kırmızı, Ö., & Kıraç, K. (2018). A comparative study of learner autonomy in terms of gender and learning contexts. Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 22, 2955-2967.
  • Korlu, H.,& Mede, E. (2018). Autonomy in vocabulary learning of Turkish EFL learners. The EuroCALL Review, 26(2), 58-70.
  • Little, D. (2001). Learner autonomy and the challenge of tandem language learning via the Internet. In A. Chambers & G. Davies (Eds.), ICT and language learning: A European Perspective (pp.29-38). Swets & Zeitlinger Publishers
  • Mertens, D. M. (2010). Research and evaluation in education and psychology: Integrating diversity with quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods. Sage.
  • Nunan, D. (2003). Nine steps to learner autonomy. Symposium, 2003, 193–204.
  • Orakcı, Ş., & Gelişli, Y. (2017). Learner autonomy scale: A scale development study. Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Sciences, 5(4), 25-35.
  • Shams, I. E. (2013). Hybrid learning and Iranian EFL learners' autonomy in vocabulary
  • Shams, I. E. Learning. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 93, 1587-1592.
  • Sedighi, E., & Tamjid, N.H. (2016). The relationship between Iranian EFL learners’ autonomy and their vocabulary learning strategies with a focus on gender. The Journal of Applied Linguistics, 9(18), 183-196.
  • Vela, V., & Rushidi, J. (2016). The effect of keeping vocabulary notebooks on vocabulary acquisition and learner autonomy. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 232, 201-208.
  • Teng, M. F. (2019). Autonomy, agency, and identity in teaching and learning English as a foreign language. Springer.
  • Tilfarlioglu, F.Y., & Sherwani, S. (2018). An analysis of the relationship among EFL learners’ autonomy, self-esteem, and choice of vocabulary learning strategies. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 8(8), 933-947.
  • Tran, T. Q. (2020). EFL students’ attitudes towards learner autonomy in English vocabulary learning. English Language Teaching Educational Journal, 3(2), 86-94. https://
  • Tseng, W.T., Liou, H.J., & Chu, H.C. (2020). Vocabulary learning in virtual environments: Learner autonomy and collaboration. System, 88. https:// 2019. 102190
  • Yıldırım, Ö. (2008). Turkish EFL learners’ readiness for learner autonomy. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 4 (1), 65-80.
Toplam 27 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Dilbilim, Eğitim Üzerine Çalışmalar
Bölüm Dünya dilleri, kültürleri ve edebiyatları

Semahat Aysu Bu kişi benim 0000-0001-6431-9983

Yayımlanma Tarihi 21 Aralık 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Sayı: 31

Kaynak Göster

APA Aysu, S. (2022). The role of learner autonomy on vocabulary learning. RumeliDE Dil Ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi(31), 1534-1545.