Araştırma Makalesi
BibTex RIS Kaynak Göster
Yıl 2023, Sayı: 33, 1424 - 1438, 26.04.2023



  • Aleksiejuk, K. (2016). Pseudonyms. In C. Hough (Ed.), The Oxford handbook of names and naming (pp. 438-452). Oxford University Press.
  • Altick, R. D. (1991). The presence of the present: Topics of the day in the Victorian novel. Ohio University Press.
  • Ay, T. (2021). Edebiyatımızda unutulanlar ve kaybedenler 1. Ötüken.
  • Ay, T. (2023). Edebiyatımızda unutulanlar ve kaybedenler 2. Ötüken.
  • Ayvazoğlu, B. (1998). Peyami: Hayatı, sanatı, felsefesi, dramı. Ötüken.
  • Bauer, D. M. (2019). Nineteenth-century American women's serial novels. Cambridge University Press.
  • Birch, E. (2018). Fictions of the press in nineteenth-century France. Springer.
  • Bode, K. (2016). Thousands of titles without authors: Digitized newspapers, serial fiction, and the challenges of anonymity. Book History, 19(1), 284-316.
  • Borovaya, O. (2003). The serialized novel as rewriting: The case of Ladino Belles lettres. Jewish Social Studies, 10(1), 30-68.
  • Brake, L. (2001). Print in transition: Studies in media and book history. Springer.
  • Couégnas, D. (2006). Forms of popular narrative in France and England: 1700-1900. In F. Moretti (Ed.), The novel, volume 1: History, geography, and culture (pp. 313-335). Princeton University Press.
  • Delafield, C. (2015). Serialization and the novel in Mid-Victorian magazines. Ashgate.
  • Denissova, N. (2020). Turkish translations of Lolita. Babel. Revue internationale de la traduction, 66(3), 420-433.
  • Durbaş, R. (2012, December 12). Bir "tarihi roman" olayı... Birgün. Retrieval Date: November 15, 2017.
  • Erkul Yağcı, A. S. (2011). Turkey's reading (r)evolution: A study on books, readers and translation (1840-1940) [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Boğaziçi University.
  • Fólica, L., Roig-Sanz, D., & Caristia, S. (Eds.). (2020). Literary translation in periodicals: Methodological challenges for a transnational approach. John Benjamins Publishing Company.
  • Guidali, F. (2020). A historian’s approach to quantitative analysis: The case of translated short stories in Italian women’s rotocalchi (1933–1938). In L. Fólica, D. Roig-Sanz, & S. Caristia (Eds.), Literary translation in periodicals: Methodological challenges for a transnational approach (pp. 153-174). John Benjamins Publishing Company.
  • Güler, C. N. (1935, September 27). Bay amcaya göre. Akşam, p. 3.
  • Güler, C. N. (1942, June 15). [Cartoon about adaptations]. Akşam, p. 1.
  • Hayward, J. (1997). Consuming pleasures: Active audiences and serial fictions from Dickens to soap opera. The University Press of Kentucky.
  • Karadağ, A. B. (2008). Çevirinin tanıklığında 'medeniyet'in dönüşümü. Diye.
  • Lambert, J. (2006). In quest of literary world maps. In D. Delabastita, L. D’hulst, & R. Meylaerts (Eds.), Functional approaches to culture and translation: Selected papers by Jose Lambert (pp. 63-75). John Benjamins Publishing Company.
  • Law, G. (2000). Serializing fiction in the Victorian press. Springer.
  • Law, G., & Morita, N. (2003). Japan and the internationalization of the serial fiction market. Book History, 6(1), 109-125.
  • Lefevere, A. (1992). Translation, rewriting, and the manipulation of literary fame. Routledge.
  • Li, B. (2019). Serialized literary translation in Hong Kong Chinese newspapers. Translation and Interpreting Studies, 14(2), 306-324.
  • Littau, K. (2011). First steps towards a media history of translation. Translation Studies, 4(3), 261-281.
  • Littau, K. (2016). Translation and the materialities of communication. Translation Studies, 9(1), 82-96.
  • Lund, M. (1993). America's continuing story: An introduction to serial fiction, 1850-1900. Wayne State University Press.
  • Lynch, J. (2006). The perfectly acceptable practice of literary theft: Plagiarism, copyright, and the eighteenth century. Colonial Williamsburg, 24(4), 51-54.
  • Martí-López, E. (2002). Borrowed words: Translation, imitation, and the making of the nineteenth-century novel in Spain. Bucknell University Press.
  • Nesin, A. (2000). Okuduğum Kitaplar. Adam Yayınları.
  • O’Connor, A. (2019). Translation in nineteenth-century periodicals. Translation and/in Periodical Publications, 14(2), 243-264.
  • Okker, P. (2003). Social stories: The magazine novel in nineteenth-century America. University of Virginia Press.
  • Okker, P. (2012). Transnationalism and American serial fiction. Routledge.
  • Okker, P., & West, N. (2011). Serialization. In P. M. Logan (Ed.), The Encyclopedia of the novel (pp. 730-738). Wiley Blackwell.
  • O'Neil-Henry, A. (2017). Mastering the marketplace: Popular literature in nineteenth-century France. University of Nebraska Press.
  • Özcan, E. G. (2017). A Descriptive Analysis of the Turkish Translations of Agatha Christie’s Murder on the Orient Express within the Framework of Retranslation Hypothesis [Unpublished master's thesis]. Hacettepe University.
  • Özmen, C. (2016). The periodical as a site of translational inquiry into Hollywood-driven vernacular modernism: The Turkish film magazine Yıldız (1938–1954) [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Boğaziçi University.
  • Özmen, C. (2018). Mâbadı (devamı) var… Osmanlı/Türk kültür repertuvarında çeviri tefrika roman. Journal of Turkish Studies, 49, 281-294.
  • Özmen, C. (2019). Beyond the book: The periodical as an ‘excavation site’ for translation studies. TranscUlturAl: A Journal of Translation and Cultural Studies, 11(1), 3-21.
  • Paker, S. (2011). Translation, the pursuit of inventiveness and Ottoman poetics: A systemic approach. In R. Sela-Sheffy & T. Gideon (Eds.), Culture contacts and the making of cultures: Papers in homage to Itamar Even-Zohar (pp. 459-474). Tel Aviv University: Unit of Culture Research.
  • Paker, S. (2014). Terceme, te'lîf ve özgünlük meselesi. In H. Aynur, M. Çakır, H. Koncu, S. S. Kuru, & A. E. Özyıldırım (Eds.), Metnin Hâlleri: Osmanlı’da Telif, Tercüme ve Şerh (pp. 36-71). Klasik.
  • Paker, S. (2015). On the poetic practices of a “singularly uninventive people” and the anxiety of imitation. In Ş. Tahir-Gürçaglar, S. Paker, & J. Milton (Eds.), Tradition, Tension and translation in Turkey (pp. 27-52). John Benjamins Publishing Company.
  • Queffélec-Dumasy, L. (1989). Le Roman-feuilleton français au XIXe siecle. Presses Universitaires de France.
  • Queffélec-Dumasy, L. (1999). La querelle du Roman-feuilleton: Littérature, presse et politique, un débat précurseur (1836-1848). ELLUG.
  • Serdar, A., & Tutumlu Serdar, R. (2014). Tradition of Serial Novels in Ottoman/Turkish Literature. In ATINER’s Conference Paper Series No: LIT2014-1239.
  • Serdar, A., & Tutumlu, R. (2022). Tefrika romanlarla Osmanlı/Türk romanına kanonun ötesinden bakmak. Zemin, (3), 186-222.
  • Tahir-Gürçağlar, Ş. (2002). Translation as conveyor: Critical thought in Turkey in the 1960s. Works and Days, 20(1-2), 253-278.
  • Tahir-Gürçağlar, Ş. (2014a). The translational anatomy of a children’s magazine: The life and times of Doğan Kardeş. TRANS. Revista de Traductología, 18, 15-33.
  • Tahir-Gürçağlar, Ş. (2014b, November). The Periodical Press as a “Translation Studies Lab” [Conference session]. Conférences midi du département de linguistique et de traduction, Université de Montréal.
  • Tahir-Gürçağlar, Ş. (2019). Periodical codes and translation: An analysis of Varlık in 1933–1946. Translation and Interpreting Studies, 14(2), 174-197.
  • Tutumlu, R., & Serdar, A. (2019). A distant reading of the Ottoman/Turkish serial novel tradition (1831–1908). In D. Stein & L. Wiele (Eds.), Nineteenth-century serial narrative in transnational perspective, 1830s−1860s: Popular culture—Serial culture (pp. 95-114). Springer.
  • Uçuk, C. (2003). Yıllar Sadece Sayı / Silsilename II. YKY.
  • Üstün Külünk, S. (2019). Recontextualizing Turkish Islamist discourse: Hilal (1958-1980) as a site of translational repertoire construction [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Boğaziçi University.
  • Üyepazarcı, E. (2016). Unutulmuş ilginç bir uygulama: Tefrika romanlar (I). Müteferrika, 50, 145-177.
  • Üyepazarcı, E. (2017a). Unutulmuş ilginç bir uygulama: Tefrika romanlar (II). Müteferrika, 51, 131-151.
  • Üyepazarcı, E. (2017b). Unutulmuş ilginç bir uygulama: Tefrika romanlar (III). Müteferrika, 52, 5-55.
  • Üyepazarcı, E. (2019). Unutulanlar, hiç bilinmeyenler ve bilinmek istemeyenler: Türkiye’de popüler romanın ilk yüzyılının öyküsü (1875-1975). Oğlak Yayınları.
  • Üyepazarcı, E. (2020). Pehlivan tefrikaları. Atlas Tarih, 62, 104-109.
  • van Doorsaler, L. (2010). Source-nation- or source-language-based censorship? The (non-)translation of serial stories in Flemish newspapers. In D. Merkle, C. O'Sullivan, & L. van Doorslaer (Eds.), The power of the pen: Translation & censorship in nineteenth-century Europe (pp. 55-76). LIT Verlag Münster.
  • van Doorslaer, L. (2011). The relative neglect of newspapers in translation studies research. In A. Chalvin, A. Lange, & D. Monticelli (Eds.), Between cultures and texts: Itineraries in translation history (pp. 25-34). Peter Lang.
  • Wakabayashi, J. (2019). Digital approaches to translation history. The International Journal of Translation and Interpreting Research, 11(2), 132-145.

The serial novel as an object of research in translation history: Methodological implications for historiography of translation

Yıl 2023, Sayı: 33, 1424 - 1438, 26.04.2023


Despite their incontestable worldwide influence on culture and literature in the 19th and 20th centuries, serial novels are underrepresented in translation history research. This paper calls attention to serial novels as a fertile source of historical knowledge regarding translation, reception, and circulation drawing from a comprehensive study of translated and indigenous serial novels in three Turkish daily newspapers, namely Cumhuriyet, Akşam, and Vakit, published between 1928 and 1960. Based on this premise, the aim of the paper is twofold. The first is to display some common characteristics of serial novels, such as plasticity, anonymity, topicality, and ephemerality, along with the substantial impact these characteristics made on the way translations were performed in history. The second is to problematize the neglect of serial novels in translation historiography and suggest their inclusion in translation history research. The paper argues that serial novels and, when available, other serial publications are crucial primary sources for many sub-fields of historical research related to translation to the extent that their exclusion inevitably leads to gaps and, in some cases, even misrepresentations of historical reality. In order to abstain from such historiographical drawbacks, researchers of translation history, especially those focusing on retranslation, reception, and circulation of literary works, need to pay due heed to the practice of serialization.


  • Aleksiejuk, K. (2016). Pseudonyms. In C. Hough (Ed.), The Oxford handbook of names and naming (pp. 438-452). Oxford University Press.
  • Altick, R. D. (1991). The presence of the present: Topics of the day in the Victorian novel. Ohio University Press.
  • Ay, T. (2021). Edebiyatımızda unutulanlar ve kaybedenler 1. Ötüken.
  • Ay, T. (2023). Edebiyatımızda unutulanlar ve kaybedenler 2. Ötüken.
  • Ayvazoğlu, B. (1998). Peyami: Hayatı, sanatı, felsefesi, dramı. Ötüken.
  • Bauer, D. M. (2019). Nineteenth-century American women's serial novels. Cambridge University Press.
  • Birch, E. (2018). Fictions of the press in nineteenth-century France. Springer.
  • Bode, K. (2016). Thousands of titles without authors: Digitized newspapers, serial fiction, and the challenges of anonymity. Book History, 19(1), 284-316.
  • Borovaya, O. (2003). The serialized novel as rewriting: The case of Ladino Belles lettres. Jewish Social Studies, 10(1), 30-68.
  • Brake, L. (2001). Print in transition: Studies in media and book history. Springer.
  • Couégnas, D. (2006). Forms of popular narrative in France and England: 1700-1900. In F. Moretti (Ed.), The novel, volume 1: History, geography, and culture (pp. 313-335). Princeton University Press.
  • Delafield, C. (2015). Serialization and the novel in Mid-Victorian magazines. Ashgate.
  • Denissova, N. (2020). Turkish translations of Lolita. Babel. Revue internationale de la traduction, 66(3), 420-433.
  • Durbaş, R. (2012, December 12). Bir "tarihi roman" olayı... Birgün. Retrieval Date: November 15, 2017.
  • Erkul Yağcı, A. S. (2011). Turkey's reading (r)evolution: A study on books, readers and translation (1840-1940) [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Boğaziçi University.
  • Fólica, L., Roig-Sanz, D., & Caristia, S. (Eds.). (2020). Literary translation in periodicals: Methodological challenges for a transnational approach. John Benjamins Publishing Company.
  • Guidali, F. (2020). A historian’s approach to quantitative analysis: The case of translated short stories in Italian women’s rotocalchi (1933–1938). In L. Fólica, D. Roig-Sanz, & S. Caristia (Eds.), Literary translation in periodicals: Methodological challenges for a transnational approach (pp. 153-174). John Benjamins Publishing Company.
  • Güler, C. N. (1935, September 27). Bay amcaya göre. Akşam, p. 3.
  • Güler, C. N. (1942, June 15). [Cartoon about adaptations]. Akşam, p. 1.
  • Hayward, J. (1997). Consuming pleasures: Active audiences and serial fictions from Dickens to soap opera. The University Press of Kentucky.
  • Karadağ, A. B. (2008). Çevirinin tanıklığında 'medeniyet'in dönüşümü. Diye.
  • Lambert, J. (2006). In quest of literary world maps. In D. Delabastita, L. D’hulst, & R. Meylaerts (Eds.), Functional approaches to culture and translation: Selected papers by Jose Lambert (pp. 63-75). John Benjamins Publishing Company.
  • Law, G. (2000). Serializing fiction in the Victorian press. Springer.
  • Law, G., & Morita, N. (2003). Japan and the internationalization of the serial fiction market. Book History, 6(1), 109-125.
  • Lefevere, A. (1992). Translation, rewriting, and the manipulation of literary fame. Routledge.
  • Li, B. (2019). Serialized literary translation in Hong Kong Chinese newspapers. Translation and Interpreting Studies, 14(2), 306-324.
  • Littau, K. (2011). First steps towards a media history of translation. Translation Studies, 4(3), 261-281.
  • Littau, K. (2016). Translation and the materialities of communication. Translation Studies, 9(1), 82-96.
  • Lund, M. (1993). America's continuing story: An introduction to serial fiction, 1850-1900. Wayne State University Press.
  • Lynch, J. (2006). The perfectly acceptable practice of literary theft: Plagiarism, copyright, and the eighteenth century. Colonial Williamsburg, 24(4), 51-54.
  • Martí-López, E. (2002). Borrowed words: Translation, imitation, and the making of the nineteenth-century novel in Spain. Bucknell University Press.
  • Nesin, A. (2000). Okuduğum Kitaplar. Adam Yayınları.
  • O’Connor, A. (2019). Translation in nineteenth-century periodicals. Translation and/in Periodical Publications, 14(2), 243-264.
  • Okker, P. (2003). Social stories: The magazine novel in nineteenth-century America. University of Virginia Press.
  • Okker, P. (2012). Transnationalism and American serial fiction. Routledge.
  • Okker, P., & West, N. (2011). Serialization. In P. M. Logan (Ed.), The Encyclopedia of the novel (pp. 730-738). Wiley Blackwell.
  • O'Neil-Henry, A. (2017). Mastering the marketplace: Popular literature in nineteenth-century France. University of Nebraska Press.
  • Özcan, E. G. (2017). A Descriptive Analysis of the Turkish Translations of Agatha Christie’s Murder on the Orient Express within the Framework of Retranslation Hypothesis [Unpublished master's thesis]. Hacettepe University.
  • Özmen, C. (2016). The periodical as a site of translational inquiry into Hollywood-driven vernacular modernism: The Turkish film magazine Yıldız (1938–1954) [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Boğaziçi University.
  • Özmen, C. (2018). Mâbadı (devamı) var… Osmanlı/Türk kültür repertuvarında çeviri tefrika roman. Journal of Turkish Studies, 49, 281-294.
  • Özmen, C. (2019). Beyond the book: The periodical as an ‘excavation site’ for translation studies. TranscUlturAl: A Journal of Translation and Cultural Studies, 11(1), 3-21.
  • Paker, S. (2011). Translation, the pursuit of inventiveness and Ottoman poetics: A systemic approach. In R. Sela-Sheffy & T. Gideon (Eds.), Culture contacts and the making of cultures: Papers in homage to Itamar Even-Zohar (pp. 459-474). Tel Aviv University: Unit of Culture Research.
  • Paker, S. (2014). Terceme, te'lîf ve özgünlük meselesi. In H. Aynur, M. Çakır, H. Koncu, S. S. Kuru, & A. E. Özyıldırım (Eds.), Metnin Hâlleri: Osmanlı’da Telif, Tercüme ve Şerh (pp. 36-71). Klasik.
  • Paker, S. (2015). On the poetic practices of a “singularly uninventive people” and the anxiety of imitation. In Ş. Tahir-Gürçaglar, S. Paker, & J. Milton (Eds.), Tradition, Tension and translation in Turkey (pp. 27-52). John Benjamins Publishing Company.
  • Queffélec-Dumasy, L. (1989). Le Roman-feuilleton français au XIXe siecle. Presses Universitaires de France.
  • Queffélec-Dumasy, L. (1999). La querelle du Roman-feuilleton: Littérature, presse et politique, un débat précurseur (1836-1848). ELLUG.
  • Serdar, A., & Tutumlu Serdar, R. (2014). Tradition of Serial Novels in Ottoman/Turkish Literature. In ATINER’s Conference Paper Series No: LIT2014-1239.
  • Serdar, A., & Tutumlu, R. (2022). Tefrika romanlarla Osmanlı/Türk romanına kanonun ötesinden bakmak. Zemin, (3), 186-222.
  • Tahir-Gürçağlar, Ş. (2002). Translation as conveyor: Critical thought in Turkey in the 1960s. Works and Days, 20(1-2), 253-278.
  • Tahir-Gürçağlar, Ş. (2014a). The translational anatomy of a children’s magazine: The life and times of Doğan Kardeş. TRANS. Revista de Traductología, 18, 15-33.
  • Tahir-Gürçağlar, Ş. (2014b, November). The Periodical Press as a “Translation Studies Lab” [Conference session]. Conférences midi du département de linguistique et de traduction, Université de Montréal.
  • Tahir-Gürçağlar, Ş. (2019). Periodical codes and translation: An analysis of Varlık in 1933–1946. Translation and Interpreting Studies, 14(2), 174-197.
  • Tutumlu, R., & Serdar, A. (2019). A distant reading of the Ottoman/Turkish serial novel tradition (1831–1908). In D. Stein & L. Wiele (Eds.), Nineteenth-century serial narrative in transnational perspective, 1830s−1860s: Popular culture—Serial culture (pp. 95-114). Springer.
  • Uçuk, C. (2003). Yıllar Sadece Sayı / Silsilename II. YKY.
  • Üstün Külünk, S. (2019). Recontextualizing Turkish Islamist discourse: Hilal (1958-1980) as a site of translational repertoire construction [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Boğaziçi University.
  • Üyepazarcı, E. (2016). Unutulmuş ilginç bir uygulama: Tefrika romanlar (I). Müteferrika, 50, 145-177.
  • Üyepazarcı, E. (2017a). Unutulmuş ilginç bir uygulama: Tefrika romanlar (II). Müteferrika, 51, 131-151.
  • Üyepazarcı, E. (2017b). Unutulmuş ilginç bir uygulama: Tefrika romanlar (III). Müteferrika, 52, 5-55.
  • Üyepazarcı, E. (2019). Unutulanlar, hiç bilinmeyenler ve bilinmek istemeyenler: Türkiye’de popüler romanın ilk yüzyılının öyküsü (1875-1975). Oğlak Yayınları.
  • Üyepazarcı, E. (2020). Pehlivan tefrikaları. Atlas Tarih, 62, 104-109.
  • van Doorsaler, L. (2010). Source-nation- or source-language-based censorship? The (non-)translation of serial stories in Flemish newspapers. In D. Merkle, C. O'Sullivan, & L. van Doorslaer (Eds.), The power of the pen: Translation & censorship in nineteenth-century Europe (pp. 55-76). LIT Verlag Münster.
  • van Doorslaer, L. (2011). The relative neglect of newspapers in translation studies research. In A. Chalvin, A. Lange, & D. Monticelli (Eds.), Between cultures and texts: Itineraries in translation history (pp. 25-34). Peter Lang.
  • Wakabayashi, J. (2019). Digital approaches to translation history. The International Journal of Translation and Interpreting Research, 11(2), 132-145.
Toplam 63 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Devrim Ulaş Arslan Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-2520-7131

Müge Işıklar Koçak Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-7010-8653

Ahu Selin Erkul Yağcı Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-2184-9498

Yayımlanma Tarihi 26 Nisan 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Sayı: 33

Kaynak Göster

APA Arslan, D. U., Işıklar Koçak, M., & Erkul Yağcı, A. S. (2023). The serial novel as an object of research in translation history: Methodological implications for historiography of translation. RumeliDE Dil Ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi(33), 1424-1438.