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Anaokulu Dış Mekan Politikalarının ve Fiziksel Ortamların Çocukların Oyun Oynama Olanaklarına Etkisi

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 21 Sayı: 1, 52 - 61, 30.06.2021


Anaokulunun dış mekan fiziksel ortamlarının ve pedagojik politikaların belirli kalite göstergelerinin varlığı, çocukların oyun davranışını ve motor ve sosyo-duygusallığını etkileyen farklı oyun oynama olanaklarını teşvik ediyor gibi görünmektedir (Berti, Cigala ve Sharmahd, 2019a, 2019b; Houser et al., 2019; Kyttä, 2004; GT Moore, Piwoni ve Kennedy, 2015) Bu makale, 19 anaokulunun dış mekan fiziksel ortamlarının ve pedagojik politikalarının kalitesini analiz etmeyi amaçlayan bir doktora projesinde kullanılacak bir metodoloji sunmaktadır. Gondomar'da (Portekiz), okul öncesi çocukların oyun olanakları üzerindeki etkilerini belirlemek için. İki aşamada kapsamlı bir karma metodoloji uygulanacaktır. İlk aşamada, bir in-loco gözlem ölçeği ve anaokulunun yöneticileri ve eğitimcileri tarafından tamamlanan anketler, dış mekân fiziksel çevresi ve pedagojik politikaların kalitesini değerlendirmek için kullanılacaktır. İkinci aşamada, 2 anaokulu seçilecektir (biri yüksek puanlı diğeri kalite değerlendirmesinde düşük puanlı). Her birinde oyun alanı seçimleri, oyun türleri ve akranlarla etkileşim RFDI sensörleri, katılımcı ve sistematik gözlem ve video kayıtları aracılığıyla analiz edilecektir. Çocukların motor ve sosyo-duygusal yeterliliği, standartlaştırılmış değerlendirme pilleri aracılığıyla değerlendirilecektir. Çocukların anaokulu dış mekânı hakkındaki algıları da çizimler ve röportajlar aracılığıyla analiz edilecek. Anketler, eğitimciler ve ebeveynler tarafından açık havada oyun hakkındaki algılarını değerlendirmek için tamamlanacak. Bu çalışma, çocukların oyun davranışları üzerindeki etkilerini değerlendirerek, açık hava fiziksel ortamı ve anaokullarının pedagojik uygulamaları ile ilgili kalite göstergeleri hakkında bilimsel bilginin artırılmasına katkıda bulunmayı amaçlamaktadır. Bu sorun, açık havada oyun davranışlarının ve hareketlerinin daha kısıtlı olduğu ve kaçınılmaz olarak değiştiği COVID-19 salgınının neden olduğu uzun bir kapanma döneminden sonra özel bir öneme sahiptir (Graber ve diğerleri, 2020; SA Moore ve diğerleri, 2020; Pombo , Luz, Rodrigues ve Cordovil, 2020).


  • Barker, R. G. (1968). Ecological psychology: Concepts and methods for studying the environment of human behavior. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press
  • Barley, R., & Russell, L. (2019). Participatory visual methods: exploring young people’s identities, hopes and feelings. Ethnography and Education.
  • Berti, S., Cigala, A., & Sharmahd, N. (2019a). The meanings of spaces in Early Childhood Education and care centres centres: a literature review (Vol. 2019, Issue May).
  • Berti, S., Cigala, A., & Sharmahd, N. (2019b). Early Childhood Education and Care Physical Environment and Child Development: State of the art and Reflections on Future Orientations and Methodologies. Educational Psychology Review, 31, 991–1021.
  • Biddle, S. J., Gorely, T., & Stensel, D. J. (2004). Health-enhancing physical activity and sedentary behaviour in children and adolescents. Journal of Sports and Science, 22(8), 679-701. doi:10.1080/02640410410001712412 Bilton, H. (2010). Outdoor Learning in the Early Years - Management and Innovation (Third Edit). London and New Yoirk: Routledge.
  • Birbili, M. (2019). Children’s interests in the early years classroom: Views, practices and challenges. Learning, Culture and Social Interaction, 23(October), 0–1.
  • Brussoni, M., Ishikawa, T., Brunelle, S., & Herrington, S. (2017). Landscapes for play: Effects of an intervention to promote nature-based risky play in early childhood centres. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 54, 139–150.
  • Cameron, H. (2005). Asking the tough questions: A guide to ethical practices in interviewing young children. Early Child Development and Care, 175(6), 597–610.
  • Cordovil, R., & Lopes, F. (2020). Moving and Learning Outside Final Results Report. Retrieved from ResultsReport.pdf
  • Direção Geral da Educação. (2020). Orientações - Pré-escolar, Reabertura Educação. 1–12. Retrieved from
  • Gibson, J. J. (1979). Gibson, James J. “The Theory of Affordances” The Ecological Approach to Visual Perception. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1979. Print. The Ecological Approach to Visual Perception.
  • Goodman, R. (1997). The strengths and difficulties questionnaire: A research note. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 38(5), 581-586. doi:10.1111/j.1469-7610.1997.tb01545.x
  • Graber, K. M., Byrne, E. M., Goodacre, E. J., Kirby, N., Kulkarni, K., Farrelly, C. O., & Ramchandani, P. G. (2020). A rapid review of the impact of quarantine and restricted environments on children’s play and health outcomes. Kelsey M. Graber, Elizabeth M. Byrne, Emily J. Goodacre, Natalie Kirby, Krishna Kulkarni, Christine O’Farrelly, and Paul G. Ramchandani. Child:Care, Health and Development, 47(2), 143–153.
  • Hayball, F. Z. L., & Pawlowski, C. S. (2018). Using participatory approaches with children to better understand their physical activity behaviour. Health Education Journal, 77(5), 542–554.
  • Houser, N. E., Cawley, J., Kolen, A., Rainham, D., Rehman, L., Turner, J., Kirk, S., & Stone, M. (2019). A Loose Parts Randomized Controlled Trial to Promote Active Outdoor Play in Preschool-aged Children: Physical Literacy in the Early Years (PLEY) Project. Methods and Protocols, 2(2), 27.
  • Kantrowitz, E. J., & Evans, G. W. (2004). The relation between the ratio of children per activity area and off-task behavior and type of play in day care centers. Environment and Behavior, 36(4), 541–557.
  • Kesicioglu, O. S., Yıldırım Hacıibrahimoğlu, B., & Aktaş, B. (2019). An Examination of Preschool Aged Children’s Perceptions of Play. International Journal of Society Researches, 11(18), 49–60.
  • Kuckartsz, U. & Rädiker, S. (2019). Analyzing qualitative data with MAXQDA. Text, Audio and Video. German:Springer. Kyttä, M. (2002). Affordances of children’s environments in the context of cities, small towns, suburbs and rural villages in Finland and Belarus. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 22(1–2), 109–123.
  • Kyttä, M. (2004). The extent of children’s independent mobility and the number of actualized affordances as criteria for child-friendly environments. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 24(2), 179–198.
  • Lopes da Silva, I., Marques, L., Mata, L., & Rosa, M. (2016). Orientações Curriculares para a Educação Pré-Escolar. Retrieved from Lopes, F., Cordovil, R., & Neto, C. (2018). Independent Mobility and Social Affordances of Places for Urban Neighborhoods: A Youth-Friendly Per-spective. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 1–21.
  • Lopes, F., Cordovil, R. & Quitério, A. (2019). Desenhar o brincar no exterior: uma perspectiva participativa. In K. O’Hara, B. Travassos & C. Lourenço (Eds.). Estudos em Desenvolvimento Motor da Criança XIV (pp. 159-164). Covilhã: UBI Edições
  • Luz C, Rodrigues LP, Almeida G, Cordovil R.(2016). Development and validation of a model of motor competence in children and adolescents. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 19(7), 568-72.
  • Määttä, S., Gubbels, J., Ray, C., Koivusilta, L., Nislin, M., Sajaniemi, N., … Roos, E. (2019). Children’s physical activity and the preschool physical environment: The moderating role of gender. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 47, 39–48.
  • Maxwell, L. E., Mitchell, M. R., & Evans, G. W. (2008). Effects of Play Equipment and Loose Parts on Preschool Children’s Outdoor Play Behavior: An Observational Study and Design Intervention. Children, Youth and Environments, 18(2), 37–63.
  • McWilliams, C., Ball, S. C., Benjamin, S. E., Hales, D., Vaughn, A., & Ward, D. S. (2009). Best-practice guidelines for physical activity at child care. Pediatrics, 124(6), 1650–1659.
  • Moore, G. T., Piwoni, J. L., & Kennedy, D. (2015). Designing child care centers using the children’s environment’s pattern language: the Northen Michigan University Children’s Center. Children’s Environments Quarterly, 6(4), 54–63
  • Moore, S. A., Faulkner, G., Rhodes, R. E., Brussoni, M., Chulak-Bozzer, T., Ferguson, L. J., Mitra, R., O’Reilly, N., Spence, J. C., Vanderloo, L. M., & Tremblay, M. S. (2020). Impact of the COVID-19 virus outbreak on movement and play behaviours of Canadian children and youth: A national survey. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 17(1), 1–11.
  • Moreira, M., Cordovil, R., Veiga, G., & Lopes, F. (2020a). Times change, kindergartens change. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the quality of physical environment and kindergarten practices and its influence on the behavior of preschool children [in Portuguese]. Cadernos de Educação de Infância, 121, 15–20.
  • Moreira, M., Cordovil, R., Veiga, G. & Lopes, F. (2020b). Children's Physical Environment Rating Scale (CPERS5): Processo de Tradução e Adaptação para avaliação do envolvimento físico do jardim de infância em Portugal. In R. Mendes, M. J. C. Silva & E. Sá, (Eds.). Estudos em Desenvolvimento Motor da Criança 13. Coimbra: CIDAF & FCT.
  • National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE). (2002). Active Start: A Statement of Physical Activity Guidelines for Children Birth to Five Years. Reston, VA: NASPE Publications
  • Pombo, A., Luz, C., Rodrigues, L. P., & Cordovil, R. (2020). COVID-19 Confinement In Portugal: Effects On The Household Routines Of Children Under 13. 1–16.
  • Raymond, C. M., Kyttä, M., & Stedman, R. (2017). Sense of place, fast and slow: The potential contributions of affordance theory to sense of place. Frontiers in Psychology.
  • Rieffe, C., Terwogt, M. M., Koops, W., Stegge, H., & Oomen, A. (2001). Preschoolers’ appreciation of uncommon desires and subsequent emotions. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 19(2), 259–274.
  • Rodrigues, L. P., Luz, C., Cordovil, R., Bezerra, P., Silva, B., Camões, M., & Lima, R. (2019). Normative values of the motor competence assessment (MCA) from 3 to 23 years of age. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 22 (9), 1038-1043. doi:
  • Sandseter, E. B. H., Cordovil, R., Hagen, T. L., & Lopes, F. (2020). Barriers for Outdoor Play in Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) Institutions: Perception of Risk in Children’s Play among European Parents and ECEC Practitioners. Child Care in Practice, 26(2), 111–129.
  • Veiga, G., de Leng, W., Cachucho, R., Ketelaar, L., Kok, J. N., Knobbe, A., … Rieffe, C. (2017). Social Competence at the Playground: Preschoolers During Recess. Infant and Child Development, 26(1), 1–15.
  • Veiga, G., Neto, C., & Rieffe, C. (2016). Preschoolers’ free play - Connections with emotional and social functioning. International Journal of Emotional Education.
  • Waller, T., Ärlemalm-Hagsér, E., Sandseter, E., Lee-Hammond, L., Lekies, K., Wyver, S., & Waters, J. (2017). Affordance Theory in Outdoor Play. In The SAGE Handbook of Outdoor Play and Learning.
  • Ward, D. S., Mazzucca, S., Mcwilliams, C., & Hales, D. (2016). Use of the Environment and Policy Evaluation and Observation as a Self-Report Instrument ( EPAO-SR ) to measure nutrition and physical activity environments in child care settings : validity and reliability evidence. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, February.

The Impact of Kindergarten Outdoor Policies and Physical Environments on Children’s Affordances to Play

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 21 Sayı: 1, 52 - 61, 30.06.2021


The existence of specific quality indicators of kindergarten outdoor physical environments and pedagogical policies seems to promote different affordances to play, which impacts on children’s play behavior, and on their motor and socio-emotional (Berti, Cigala, & Sharmahd, 2019a, 2019b; Houser et al., 2019; Kyttä, 2004; G. T. Moore, Piwoni, & Kennedy, 2015) This article presents a methodology to be used in a PhD project, which aims to analyze the quality of the outdoor physical environments and pedagogical policies of 19 kindergartens in Gondomar (Portugal), to determine their impact on preschool children's play affordances. A comprehensive mixed methodology will be applied in two stages. At the first stage, an in-loco observation scale, and surveys completed by the kindergarten’s directors and educators will be used to assess the quality of outdoor physical environment and pedagogical policies. In the second stage, 2 kindergartens will be selected (one with high scores and one with low scores in the quality assessment). In each of them, the play yard choices, types of play and interaction with the peers will be analysed through RFDI sensors, participant and systematic observation, and video records. Children’s motor and socio-emotional competence will be assessed through standardized assessment batteries. Children’s perception about the kindergarten outdoor space will also be analyzed trough drawings and interviews. Surveys will be completed by educators and parents to assess their perceptions about outdoor play. This study aims to contribute to increase the scientific knowledge about the quality indicators regarding the outdoors physical environment and pedagogical practices of kindergartens, assessing their impact on children’s play behavior. This issue has particular importance after a long period of lockdown caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, in which outdoor play behaviors and movement were more restricted and have inevitably changed (Graber et al., 2020; S. A. Moore et al., 2020; Pombo, Luz, Rodrigues, & Cordovil, 2020).
Keywords: Outdoor; Kindergarten; Policies; Physical Environment; Affordances; Children; Play


  • Barker, R. G. (1968). Ecological psychology: Concepts and methods for studying the environment of human behavior. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press
  • Barley, R., & Russell, L. (2019). Participatory visual methods: exploring young people’s identities, hopes and feelings. Ethnography and Education.
  • Berti, S., Cigala, A., & Sharmahd, N. (2019a). The meanings of spaces in Early Childhood Education and care centres centres: a literature review (Vol. 2019, Issue May).
  • Berti, S., Cigala, A., & Sharmahd, N. (2019b). Early Childhood Education and Care Physical Environment and Child Development: State of the art and Reflections on Future Orientations and Methodologies. Educational Psychology Review, 31, 991–1021.
  • Biddle, S. J., Gorely, T., & Stensel, D. J. (2004). Health-enhancing physical activity and sedentary behaviour in children and adolescents. Journal of Sports and Science, 22(8), 679-701. doi:10.1080/02640410410001712412 Bilton, H. (2010). Outdoor Learning in the Early Years - Management and Innovation (Third Edit). London and New Yoirk: Routledge.
  • Birbili, M. (2019). Children’s interests in the early years classroom: Views, practices and challenges. Learning, Culture and Social Interaction, 23(October), 0–1.
  • Brussoni, M., Ishikawa, T., Brunelle, S., & Herrington, S. (2017). Landscapes for play: Effects of an intervention to promote nature-based risky play in early childhood centres. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 54, 139–150.
  • Cameron, H. (2005). Asking the tough questions: A guide to ethical practices in interviewing young children. Early Child Development and Care, 175(6), 597–610.
  • Cordovil, R., & Lopes, F. (2020). Moving and Learning Outside Final Results Report. Retrieved from ResultsReport.pdf
  • Direção Geral da Educação. (2020). Orientações - Pré-escolar, Reabertura Educação. 1–12. Retrieved from
  • Gibson, J. J. (1979). Gibson, James J. “The Theory of Affordances” The Ecological Approach to Visual Perception. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1979. Print. The Ecological Approach to Visual Perception.
  • Goodman, R. (1997). The strengths and difficulties questionnaire: A research note. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 38(5), 581-586. doi:10.1111/j.1469-7610.1997.tb01545.x
  • Graber, K. M., Byrne, E. M., Goodacre, E. J., Kirby, N., Kulkarni, K., Farrelly, C. O., & Ramchandani, P. G. (2020). A rapid review of the impact of quarantine and restricted environments on children’s play and health outcomes. Kelsey M. Graber, Elizabeth M. Byrne, Emily J. Goodacre, Natalie Kirby, Krishna Kulkarni, Christine O’Farrelly, and Paul G. Ramchandani. Child:Care, Health and Development, 47(2), 143–153.
  • Hayball, F. Z. L., & Pawlowski, C. S. (2018). Using participatory approaches with children to better understand their physical activity behaviour. Health Education Journal, 77(5), 542–554.
  • Houser, N. E., Cawley, J., Kolen, A., Rainham, D., Rehman, L., Turner, J., Kirk, S., & Stone, M. (2019). A Loose Parts Randomized Controlled Trial to Promote Active Outdoor Play in Preschool-aged Children: Physical Literacy in the Early Years (PLEY) Project. Methods and Protocols, 2(2), 27.
  • Kantrowitz, E. J., & Evans, G. W. (2004). The relation between the ratio of children per activity area and off-task behavior and type of play in day care centers. Environment and Behavior, 36(4), 541–557.
  • Kesicioglu, O. S., Yıldırım Hacıibrahimoğlu, B., & Aktaş, B. (2019). An Examination of Preschool Aged Children’s Perceptions of Play. International Journal of Society Researches, 11(18), 49–60.
  • Kuckartsz, U. & Rädiker, S. (2019). Analyzing qualitative data with MAXQDA. Text, Audio and Video. German:Springer. Kyttä, M. (2002). Affordances of children’s environments in the context of cities, small towns, suburbs and rural villages in Finland and Belarus. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 22(1–2), 109–123.
  • Kyttä, M. (2004). The extent of children’s independent mobility and the number of actualized affordances as criteria for child-friendly environments. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 24(2), 179–198.
  • Lopes da Silva, I., Marques, L., Mata, L., & Rosa, M. (2016). Orientações Curriculares para a Educação Pré-Escolar. Retrieved from Lopes, F., Cordovil, R., & Neto, C. (2018). Independent Mobility and Social Affordances of Places for Urban Neighborhoods: A Youth-Friendly Per-spective. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 1–21.
  • Lopes, F., Cordovil, R. & Quitério, A. (2019). Desenhar o brincar no exterior: uma perspectiva participativa. In K. O’Hara, B. Travassos & C. Lourenço (Eds.). Estudos em Desenvolvimento Motor da Criança XIV (pp. 159-164). Covilhã: UBI Edições
  • Luz C, Rodrigues LP, Almeida G, Cordovil R.(2016). Development and validation of a model of motor competence in children and adolescents. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 19(7), 568-72.
  • Määttä, S., Gubbels, J., Ray, C., Koivusilta, L., Nislin, M., Sajaniemi, N., … Roos, E. (2019). Children’s physical activity and the preschool physical environment: The moderating role of gender. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 47, 39–48.
  • Maxwell, L. E., Mitchell, M. R., & Evans, G. W. (2008). Effects of Play Equipment and Loose Parts on Preschool Children’s Outdoor Play Behavior: An Observational Study and Design Intervention. Children, Youth and Environments, 18(2), 37–63.
  • McWilliams, C., Ball, S. C., Benjamin, S. E., Hales, D., Vaughn, A., & Ward, D. S. (2009). Best-practice guidelines for physical activity at child care. Pediatrics, 124(6), 1650–1659.
  • Moore, G. T., Piwoni, J. L., & Kennedy, D. (2015). Designing child care centers using the children’s environment’s pattern language: the Northen Michigan University Children’s Center. Children’s Environments Quarterly, 6(4), 54–63
  • Moore, S. A., Faulkner, G., Rhodes, R. E., Brussoni, M., Chulak-Bozzer, T., Ferguson, L. J., Mitra, R., O’Reilly, N., Spence, J. C., Vanderloo, L. M., & Tremblay, M. S. (2020). Impact of the COVID-19 virus outbreak on movement and play behaviours of Canadian children and youth: A national survey. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 17(1), 1–11.
  • Moreira, M., Cordovil, R., Veiga, G., & Lopes, F. (2020a). Times change, kindergartens change. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the quality of physical environment and kindergarten practices and its influence on the behavior of preschool children [in Portuguese]. Cadernos de Educação de Infância, 121, 15–20.
  • Moreira, M., Cordovil, R., Veiga, G. & Lopes, F. (2020b). Children's Physical Environment Rating Scale (CPERS5): Processo de Tradução e Adaptação para avaliação do envolvimento físico do jardim de infância em Portugal. In R. Mendes, M. J. C. Silva & E. Sá, (Eds.). Estudos em Desenvolvimento Motor da Criança 13. Coimbra: CIDAF & FCT.
  • National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE). (2002). Active Start: A Statement of Physical Activity Guidelines for Children Birth to Five Years. Reston, VA: NASPE Publications
  • Pombo, A., Luz, C., Rodrigues, L. P., & Cordovil, R. (2020). COVID-19 Confinement In Portugal: Effects On The Household Routines Of Children Under 13. 1–16.
  • Raymond, C. M., Kyttä, M., & Stedman, R. (2017). Sense of place, fast and slow: The potential contributions of affordance theory to sense of place. Frontiers in Psychology.
  • Rieffe, C., Terwogt, M. M., Koops, W., Stegge, H., & Oomen, A. (2001). Preschoolers’ appreciation of uncommon desires and subsequent emotions. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 19(2), 259–274.
  • Rodrigues, L. P., Luz, C., Cordovil, R., Bezerra, P., Silva, B., Camões, M., & Lima, R. (2019). Normative values of the motor competence assessment (MCA) from 3 to 23 years of age. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 22 (9), 1038-1043. doi:
  • Sandseter, E. B. H., Cordovil, R., Hagen, T. L., & Lopes, F. (2020). Barriers for Outdoor Play in Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) Institutions: Perception of Risk in Children’s Play among European Parents and ECEC Practitioners. Child Care in Practice, 26(2), 111–129.
  • Veiga, G., de Leng, W., Cachucho, R., Ketelaar, L., Kok, J. N., Knobbe, A., … Rieffe, C. (2017). Social Competence at the Playground: Preschoolers During Recess. Infant and Child Development, 26(1), 1–15.
  • Veiga, G., Neto, C., & Rieffe, C. (2016). Preschoolers’ free play - Connections with emotional and social functioning. International Journal of Emotional Education.
  • Waller, T., Ärlemalm-Hagsér, E., Sandseter, E., Lee-Hammond, L., Lekies, K., Wyver, S., & Waters, J. (2017). Affordance Theory in Outdoor Play. In The SAGE Handbook of Outdoor Play and Learning.
  • Ward, D. S., Mazzucca, S., Mcwilliams, C., & Hales, D. (2016). Use of the Environment and Policy Evaluation and Observation as a Self-Report Instrument ( EPAO-SR ) to measure nutrition and physical activity environments in child care settings : validity and reliability evidence. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, February.
Toplam 39 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Alan Eğitimleri
Bölüm Makaleler

Mariana Moreira 0000-0002-9809-736X

Gueda Veiga 0000-0002-0575-1757

Frederico Lopes 0000-0002-1266-116X

Rita Cordovil 0000-0002-4907-7186

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Haziran 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 14 Mayıs 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Cilt: 21 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Moreira, M., Veiga, G., Lopes, F., Cordovil, R. (2021). The Impact of Kindergarten Outdoor Policies and Physical Environments on Children’s Affordances to Play. Sakarya Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 21(1), 52-61.