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Türk İngilizce Öğretmeni Eğitimcilerinin Deneyimledikleri Zorluklar ve Uyguladıkları Stratejiler: Fenomenolojik Bir Çalışma

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 21 Sayı: 2, 183 - 195, 30.12.2021


Alan yazınında yıllardır yer alan etkili öğretmen eğitimi araştırmaları, yeni odağını öğretmen eğitimcilerine kaydırmıştır. Türkiye'de aktif olarak çalışan Türk İngilizce öğretmenliği eğitimcilerinin yaşadıkları zorlukları, bu zorlukların altında yatan nedenleri ve bu zorlukların üstesinden gelmek için uygulanan stratejileri görmek için bu araştırmanın amaçlı örneklemini 35 gönüllü öğretmen eğitimcisi oluşturmuştur. Bu fenomenolojik çalışmanın nitel analizi için açık uçlu sorulardan oluşan bir anket ve ve yarı yapılandırılmış görüşmelerden edinilen veriler ile bu fenomenolojik çalışmada içerik analizi yapılmıştır. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre, öğretmen eğitimcilerinin kariyerlerinin başında çoğunlukla öğretim stratejilerinde zorluklar yaşadıkları, ancak kariyerleri boyunca fazladan sorumlulukları yönetmenin onlar için devam eden bir zorluk olduğu ortaya çıkmıştır. Altta yatan nedenler olarak destek eksikliği ve öğretim deneyimi bulunurken, öğretmen eğitimcilerinin destekleyici stratejiler olarak danışma ve araştırmayı kullandıkları bildirildi.


  • Anderson, J. R., Reder, L. M., & Simon, H. A. (1996). Situated learning and education. Educational researcher, 25(4), 5-11.
  • Ataş, U. (2018). Professional development and competence profiles of English language teacher educators in Turkey (Doctoral dissertation). Available from YOKTEZ database. (Thesis No. 512507)
  • Berry, A. (2008). Tensions in teaching about teaching: Understanding practice as a teacher educator (Vol. 5). Springer Science & Business Media.
  • Borg, M. (2004). The apprenticeship of observation. ELT journal, 58(3), 274-276.
  • Boyd, P., Harris, K., & Murray, J. (2007). Becoming a teacher educator. ESCalate Newsletter, 8(Summer), 1-2.
  • Byram, M. (2002). Routledge encyclopedia of language teaching and learning. Routledge.
  • Cochran-Smith, M. (2003). Learning and unlearning: The education of teacher educators. Teaching and teacher education, 19(1), 5-28.
  • Cohen, L., Manion, L., & Morrison, K. (2018). Research methods in education (eight edition). Abingdon, Oxon.
  • Cook, V. (2016). Second language learning and language teaching. Routledge.
  • Crandall, J. J. (2000). Language teacher education. Annual review of applied linguistics, 20, 34-55.
  • Creswell, J. W., & Poth, C. N. (2016). Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among five approaches. Sage publications.
  • Çelik, S. (2011). Characteristics and competencies for teacher educators: Addressing the need for improved professional standards in Turkey. Australian Journal of Teacher Education (Online), 36(4), 18-32.
  • Darling-Hammond, L., & McLaughlin, M. W. (1995). Policies that support professional development in an era of reform. Phi delta kappan, 76(8), 597-604.
  • Dengerink, J., Lunenberg, M., & Kools, Q. (2015). What and how teacher educators prefer to learn. Journal of education for teaching, 41(1), 78-96.
  • European Commission. (2013). Supporting Teacher Educators for Better Learning Outcomes. Brussels: European Commission.
  • Fransson, G., & Gustafsson, C. (2008). Newly qualified teachers in Northern Europe: Comparative perspectives on promoting professional development. Gävle University Press.
  • Giorgi, A. (2010). Phenomenology and the practice of science. Existential Analysis: Journal of the Society for Existential Analysis, 21(1).
  • Golan, M., & Fransson, G. (2009). Professional Codes of Conduct; Towards an Ethical Framework for Novice Teacher Educators. In Becoming a Teacher Educator (pp. 45-57). Springer, Dordrecht.
  • Guillen, L., & Zeichner, K. (2018). A university-community partnership in teacher education from the perspectives of community-based teacher educators. Journal of Teacher Education, 69(2), 140-153.
  • Izadinia, M. (2014). Teacher educators’ identity: A review of literature. European Journal of Teacher Education, 37(4), 426-441.
  • Johnson, K. (2017). An introduction to foreign language learning and teaching. Routledge.
  • Knowles, J. G., & Cole, A. L. (1994). We're just like the beginning teachers we study: Letters and reflections on our first year as beginning professors. Curriculum Inquiry, 24(1), 27-52.
  • Korthagen, F. A. (2001). Linking practice and theory: The pedagogy of realistic teacher education. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers.
  • Korthagen, F., Loughran, J., & Lunenberg, M. L. (2005). Teaching teachers: studies into expertise of teacher educators: An introduction to this theme issue. Teaching and teacher education, 21(2), 107-115.
  • Kosnik, C., Cleovoulou, Y., Fletcher, T., Harris, T., McGlynn-Stewart, M., & Beck, C. (2011). Becoming teacher educators: An innovative approach to teacher educator preparation. Journal of education for teaching, 37(3), 351-363.
  • Kumaravadivelu, B. (2006). Understanding language teaching: From method to postmethod. Routledge.
  • Lanier, J. E., & Little, J. (1986). Research on teacher education. In M. C. Wittrock (Ed.), Handbook of research on teaching (pp. 527–569).
  • Lave, J., & Wenger, E. (1991). Situated learning: Legitimate peripheral participation. Cambridge university press.
  • Ling, L., Ling, P., Burman, E., & Cooper, M. (2000). The changing nature of academic work. Keynote address to the Association for Teacher Education in Europe (ATEE) Barcelona.
  • Lortie, D. (1975). Schoolteacher: A Sociological Study. London: University of Chicago Press.
  • Loughran, J. (2011). On becoming a teacher educator. Journal of education for teaching, 37(3), 279-291.
  • Lunenberg, M., Dengerink, J., & Korthagen, F. (2014). The professional teacher educator: Roles, behaviour, and professional development of teacher educators. Springer Science & Business Media.
  • Lunenberg, M., Korthagen, F., & Swennen, A. (2007). The teacher educator as a role model. Teaching and teacher education, 23(5), 586-601.
  • Lunenberg, M., Loughran, J., Schildkamp, K., Beishuizen, J., Meirink, J., & Zwart, R. (2007). Self-study in a Community of Learning Researchers: what can we do to help teachers/teacher educators benefit from our research?. European Educational Research Journal, 6(4), 411-423.
  • Murray, J., & Male, T. (2005). Becoming a teacher educator: Evidence from the field. Teaching and teacher education, 21(2), 125-142.
  • O'Hear, A. (1988). Who teaches the teachers?: a contribution to public debate of the DES Green Paper. Social Affairs Unit.
  • Pajares, F. (1993). Preservice teachers' beliefs: A focus for teacher education. Action in teacher education, 15(2), 45-54.
  • Patton, C. M. (2020). Phenomenology for the holistic nurse researcher: Underpinnings of descriptive and interpretive traditions. Journal of Holistic Nursing, 38(3), 278-286.
  • Patton, M. Q. (2014). Qualitative research & evaluation methods: Integrating theory and practice. Sage publications.
  • Ping, C., Schellings, G., & Beijaard, D. (2018). Teacher educators' professional learning: A literature review. Teaching and teacher education, 75, 93-104.
  • Russell, T. (2007). How experience changed my values as a teacher educator. In Enacting a pedagogy of teacher education (pp. 192-201). Routledge.
  • Safi, F., Wenzel, T., & Spalding, L. A. T. (2020). Remote learning community: Supporting teacher educators during unprecedented times. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 28(2), 211-222.
  • Smith, K. (2003). So, what about the professional development of teacher educators?. European journal of teacher education, 26(2), 201-215.
  • Smith, K. (2005). Teacher educators’ expertise: What do novice teachers and teacher educators say?. Teaching and teacher education, 21(2), 177-192.
  • Stevens, W. D., Kahne, J., & Cooper, L. (2006). Professional communities and instructional improvement practices: A study of small high schools in Chicago. Chicago Community Trust.
  • Wenger, E. (1998). Communities of practice: Learning as a social system. Systems thinker, 9(5), 2-3.
  • Williams, J., Ritter, J., & Bullock, S. M. (2012). Understanding the complexity of becoming a teacher educator: Experience, belonging, and practice within a professional learning community. Studying Teacher Education, 8(3), 245-260.
  • Zeichner, K. (2005). Becoming a teacher educator: A personal perspective. Teaching and teacher education, 21(2), 117-124.

Turkish EFL Teacher Educators’ Experienced Challenges and Applied Strategies: A Phenomenological Study

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 21 Sayı: 2, 183 - 195, 30.12.2021


Research on effective teacher education, which has been in the field literature for years, has newly shifted its focus to teacher educators. In order to see the challenges experienced by Turkish EFL teacher educators actively working in Turkey, the underlying reasons for these challenges, and the strategies applied in overcoming these challenges, 35 voluntary teacher educators comprised the purposive sample of this research. For the qualitative analysis of this phenomenological study, content analysis was carried with a questionnaire consisting of open-ended questions and semi-structured interviews. According to the research results, it was revealed that teacher educators had challenges at the beginning of their careers, mostly in instructional strategies, yet managing extra responsibilities has been an ongoing challenge for them throughout their careers. While lack of support and teaching experience were found as the underlying reasons, the teacher educators reportedly used consultation and research as supporting strategies.


  • Anderson, J. R., Reder, L. M., & Simon, H. A. (1996). Situated learning and education. Educational researcher, 25(4), 5-11.
  • Ataş, U. (2018). Professional development and competence profiles of English language teacher educators in Turkey (Doctoral dissertation). Available from YOKTEZ database. (Thesis No. 512507)
  • Berry, A. (2008). Tensions in teaching about teaching: Understanding practice as a teacher educator (Vol. 5). Springer Science & Business Media.
  • Borg, M. (2004). The apprenticeship of observation. ELT journal, 58(3), 274-276.
  • Boyd, P., Harris, K., & Murray, J. (2007). Becoming a teacher educator. ESCalate Newsletter, 8(Summer), 1-2.
  • Byram, M. (2002). Routledge encyclopedia of language teaching and learning. Routledge.
  • Cochran-Smith, M. (2003). Learning and unlearning: The education of teacher educators. Teaching and teacher education, 19(1), 5-28.
  • Cohen, L., Manion, L., & Morrison, K. (2018). Research methods in education (eight edition). Abingdon, Oxon.
  • Cook, V. (2016). Second language learning and language teaching. Routledge.
  • Crandall, J. J. (2000). Language teacher education. Annual review of applied linguistics, 20, 34-55.
  • Creswell, J. W., & Poth, C. N. (2016). Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among five approaches. Sage publications.
  • Çelik, S. (2011). Characteristics and competencies for teacher educators: Addressing the need for improved professional standards in Turkey. Australian Journal of Teacher Education (Online), 36(4), 18-32.
  • Darling-Hammond, L., & McLaughlin, M. W. (1995). Policies that support professional development in an era of reform. Phi delta kappan, 76(8), 597-604.
  • Dengerink, J., Lunenberg, M., & Kools, Q. (2015). What and how teacher educators prefer to learn. Journal of education for teaching, 41(1), 78-96.
  • European Commission. (2013). Supporting Teacher Educators for Better Learning Outcomes. Brussels: European Commission.
  • Fransson, G., & Gustafsson, C. (2008). Newly qualified teachers in Northern Europe: Comparative perspectives on promoting professional development. Gävle University Press.
  • Giorgi, A. (2010). Phenomenology and the practice of science. Existential Analysis: Journal of the Society for Existential Analysis, 21(1).
  • Golan, M., & Fransson, G. (2009). Professional Codes of Conduct; Towards an Ethical Framework for Novice Teacher Educators. In Becoming a Teacher Educator (pp. 45-57). Springer, Dordrecht.
  • Guillen, L., & Zeichner, K. (2018). A university-community partnership in teacher education from the perspectives of community-based teacher educators. Journal of Teacher Education, 69(2), 140-153.
  • Izadinia, M. (2014). Teacher educators’ identity: A review of literature. European Journal of Teacher Education, 37(4), 426-441.
  • Johnson, K. (2017). An introduction to foreign language learning and teaching. Routledge.
  • Knowles, J. G., & Cole, A. L. (1994). We're just like the beginning teachers we study: Letters and reflections on our first year as beginning professors. Curriculum Inquiry, 24(1), 27-52.
  • Korthagen, F. A. (2001). Linking practice and theory: The pedagogy of realistic teacher education. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers.
  • Korthagen, F., Loughran, J., & Lunenberg, M. L. (2005). Teaching teachers: studies into expertise of teacher educators: An introduction to this theme issue. Teaching and teacher education, 21(2), 107-115.
  • Kosnik, C., Cleovoulou, Y., Fletcher, T., Harris, T., McGlynn-Stewart, M., & Beck, C. (2011). Becoming teacher educators: An innovative approach to teacher educator preparation. Journal of education for teaching, 37(3), 351-363.
  • Kumaravadivelu, B. (2006). Understanding language teaching: From method to postmethod. Routledge.
  • Lanier, J. E., & Little, J. (1986). Research on teacher education. In M. C. Wittrock (Ed.), Handbook of research on teaching (pp. 527–569).
  • Lave, J., & Wenger, E. (1991). Situated learning: Legitimate peripheral participation. Cambridge university press.
  • Ling, L., Ling, P., Burman, E., & Cooper, M. (2000). The changing nature of academic work. Keynote address to the Association for Teacher Education in Europe (ATEE) Barcelona.
  • Lortie, D. (1975). Schoolteacher: A Sociological Study. London: University of Chicago Press.
  • Loughran, J. (2011). On becoming a teacher educator. Journal of education for teaching, 37(3), 279-291.
  • Lunenberg, M., Dengerink, J., & Korthagen, F. (2014). The professional teacher educator: Roles, behaviour, and professional development of teacher educators. Springer Science & Business Media.
  • Lunenberg, M., Korthagen, F., & Swennen, A. (2007). The teacher educator as a role model. Teaching and teacher education, 23(5), 586-601.
  • Lunenberg, M., Loughran, J., Schildkamp, K., Beishuizen, J., Meirink, J., & Zwart, R. (2007). Self-study in a Community of Learning Researchers: what can we do to help teachers/teacher educators benefit from our research?. European Educational Research Journal, 6(4), 411-423.
  • Murray, J., & Male, T. (2005). Becoming a teacher educator: Evidence from the field. Teaching and teacher education, 21(2), 125-142.
  • O'Hear, A. (1988). Who teaches the teachers?: a contribution to public debate of the DES Green Paper. Social Affairs Unit.
  • Pajares, F. (1993). Preservice teachers' beliefs: A focus for teacher education. Action in teacher education, 15(2), 45-54.
  • Patton, C. M. (2020). Phenomenology for the holistic nurse researcher: Underpinnings of descriptive and interpretive traditions. Journal of Holistic Nursing, 38(3), 278-286.
  • Patton, M. Q. (2014). Qualitative research & evaluation methods: Integrating theory and practice. Sage publications.
  • Ping, C., Schellings, G., & Beijaard, D. (2018). Teacher educators' professional learning: A literature review. Teaching and teacher education, 75, 93-104.
  • Russell, T. (2007). How experience changed my values as a teacher educator. In Enacting a pedagogy of teacher education (pp. 192-201). Routledge.
  • Safi, F., Wenzel, T., & Spalding, L. A. T. (2020). Remote learning community: Supporting teacher educators during unprecedented times. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 28(2), 211-222.
  • Smith, K. (2003). So, what about the professional development of teacher educators?. European journal of teacher education, 26(2), 201-215.
  • Smith, K. (2005). Teacher educators’ expertise: What do novice teachers and teacher educators say?. Teaching and teacher education, 21(2), 177-192.
  • Stevens, W. D., Kahne, J., & Cooper, L. (2006). Professional communities and instructional improvement practices: A study of small high schools in Chicago. Chicago Community Trust.
  • Wenger, E. (1998). Communities of practice: Learning as a social system. Systems thinker, 9(5), 2-3.
  • Williams, J., Ritter, J., & Bullock, S. M. (2012). Understanding the complexity of becoming a teacher educator: Experience, belonging, and practice within a professional learning community. Studying Teacher Education, 8(3), 245-260.
  • Zeichner, K. (2005). Becoming a teacher educator: A personal perspective. Teaching and teacher education, 21(2), 117-124.
Toplam 48 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Alan Eğitimleri
Bölüm Makaleler

Elif Bozyiğit 0000-0002-5258-7638

Gonca Ekşi 0000-0003-3555-7258

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 15 Aralık 2021
Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Aralık 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 4 Ekim 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Cilt: 21 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Bozyiğit, E., & Ekşi, G. (2021). Turkish EFL Teacher Educators’ Experienced Challenges and Applied Strategies: A Phenomenological Study. Sakarya Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 21(2), 183-195.