Bu makale belirli bir kültürel bağlamı taşıma, gösterme, değiştirme ya da değişen kültürel tasarımlara görünürlük kazandırma potansiyeli açısından çalgıları ve çalgı kullanımına ilişkin örneklerin incelenmesini merkez almaktadır. Çalgılara ilişkin literatürü incelerken özellikle Popular Music And Society dergisinin söz konusu bağlama yerleşen özel sayısından yararlanmaktadır. Bu sayıdaki makalelerin hepsi, değişik konuları ele alsalar da çalgıları kültürel bağlamları içinde değerlendirildikleri için ortak bir merkez çevresinde toplanmaktadırlar.
Schaeffner: les collections d’instruments de musique du Muséé de Homme”, Revue de Musicologie, s: 214-220.
GRUNFELD, Frederick. (1969). The Art And Times of The Guitar: An Illustrated History of The Guitars and Guitarists, Collier Books Guides Ltd. New York.
HASGÜL, Nejdet. (1996). “Cumhuriyet Dönemi Müzik Politikaları”, Dans Müzik Kültür, Sayı: 62, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Yayınevi, İstanbul, s: 27-45.
HÜREL, Feridun. (2000). 3 Hürel Bir Efsanenin Öyküsü, Ada Yayıncılık ve Müzik Tic. Ltd. Şti. İstanbul.
IZOKOWITZ, Karl G. (1935). Musical and Other Sound Instruments of the South American Indians, Göteberg: Wettergen
KARTOMI, Margaret. (1991). On Concepts and Classifications of Musical Instruments, University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
KARTOMI, Margaret. (2001). “The Classification of Musical Instruments: Changing Trends in Research from the Late Nineteenth Centry, with Special Reference to the 1990s”, Ethnomusicology, Vol 45, No.2 s: 283-314.
LA RUE, Helene. (1997). “Music, Literature and Etiquette: Musical Instruments and Social Identity from Castiglione to Austen”, Ethnicity, Identity and Music, ed: Stokes, Martin, Berg Publishers. s: 189-204, New York.
LINN, Karen. (1994). That Half Barbaric Twang: The Banjo in American Popular Culture, Urbana University of Illinois Press, Illinois.
LYDON, Michael, Ellen Mandel. (1980). Boogie Lightning: How Music Became Electric, Da Capo Pres. New York.
MERRIAM, Alan P. (1964). The Anthropology of Music, Evenston: Northwestern University Press.
NORLIND, Tobias. (1932). “Musikinstrumentensystematik”, Svensk Tidskrift for Musikforsking, vol 14, s: 95-123.
SHILLING, Chris. (1993). The Body and Social Theory, London: Sage Publications.
SMALL, Christopher. (1998), Musicking, Wesleyan University Press, Connecticut.
STOKES, Martin. (1997). “Introduction”, Ethnicity, Identity and Culture in Anthropology, Oxford.
WAKSMAN, Steve. (2003). “Reading The Instrument: An Introduction”, Popular Music and Society, Vol. 26, No: 3, Ro- utledge Publications, London, s: 251-261.
Instrument-Oriented Studies in Ethnomusicology and "Musical Instrument" with its Cultural Context
This article focuses on the musical instruments with regard to their potential of carrying, displaying and changing the cultural context or making these transformed cultural
designs visible and also aims to analyse the examples on the usage of the musical instruments. While analysing the literature regarding the musical instruments, the special issue
of the Popular Science and Society Magazine that corresponds with the aforementioned
context was referred to. Although all of the articles in this issue focus on different subjects,
they share a common ground handling the musical instrument with its cultural context.
Schaeffner: les collections d’instruments de musique du Muséé de Homme”, Revue de Musicologie, s: 214-220.
GRUNFELD, Frederick. (1969). The Art And Times of The Guitar: An Illustrated History of The Guitars and Guitarists, Collier Books Guides Ltd. New York.
HASGÜL, Nejdet. (1996). “Cumhuriyet Dönemi Müzik Politikaları”, Dans Müzik Kültür, Sayı: 62, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Yayınevi, İstanbul, s: 27-45.
HÜREL, Feridun. (2000). 3 Hürel Bir Efsanenin Öyküsü, Ada Yayıncılık ve Müzik Tic. Ltd. Şti. İstanbul.
IZOKOWITZ, Karl G. (1935). Musical and Other Sound Instruments of the South American Indians, Göteberg: Wettergen
KARTOMI, Margaret. (1991). On Concepts and Classifications of Musical Instruments, University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
KARTOMI, Margaret. (2001). “The Classification of Musical Instruments: Changing Trends in Research from the Late Nineteenth Centry, with Special Reference to the 1990s”, Ethnomusicology, Vol 45, No.2 s: 283-314.
LA RUE, Helene. (1997). “Music, Literature and Etiquette: Musical Instruments and Social Identity from Castiglione to Austen”, Ethnicity, Identity and Music, ed: Stokes, Martin, Berg Publishers. s: 189-204, New York.
LINN, Karen. (1994). That Half Barbaric Twang: The Banjo in American Popular Culture, Urbana University of Illinois Press, Illinois.
LYDON, Michael, Ellen Mandel. (1980). Boogie Lightning: How Music Became Electric, Da Capo Pres. New York.
MERRIAM, Alan P. (1964). The Anthropology of Music, Evenston: Northwestern University Press.
NORLIND, Tobias. (1932). “Musikinstrumentensystematik”, Svensk Tidskrift for Musikforsking, vol 14, s: 95-123.
SHILLING, Chris. (1993). The Body and Social Theory, London: Sage Publications.
SMALL, Christopher. (1998), Musicking, Wesleyan University Press, Connecticut.
STOKES, Martin. (1997). “Introduction”, Ethnicity, Identity and Culture in Anthropology, Oxford.
WAKSMAN, Steve. (2003). “Reading The Instrument: An Introduction”, Popular Music and Society, Vol. 26, No: 3, Ro- utledge Publications, London, s: 251-261.