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Geleneksele İsyan: Emma Rice ve Bir Yaz Gecesi Rüyası

Yıl 2025, Sayı: 45, 82 - 89, 21.03.2025


Shakespeare’in oyunları yüzyıllar boyunca farklı yorumlarla sahneye aktarılmıştır. Günümüzde son derece deneysel yorumlarla karşılaşmak mümkündür. Çoğu eleştirmen bu deneysel yorumlar için genelleme yapılmaması gerektiğini ve her yorumu kendi içinde özel olarak değerlendirilmesi gerektiğini ifade eder çünkü “deneysel oyun” ifadesi bir oyunun stili ya da başarısı hakkında hiçbir şey anlatmaz. Bu tespit son derece sıradan gibi görünse de altı çizilen bu meselenin temeli özellikle Shakespeare oyunlarında derin bir ayrıma işaret eder. Yazara sadık kalma endişesi taşıyan gelenekselciler ile çağdaş yorumlarla yaratıcılığın sınırlarını zorlamak isteyenler arasındaki tartışmalar halen sürmektedir. Orijinal ve geleneksel Shakespeare ifadeleri ise akıllara ilk olarak Shakespeare’in Globe Tiyatrosu’nu getirir. Özellikle Emma Rice’ın Globe Tiyatrosu’nun başına genel sanat yönetmeni olarak atanmasıyla sahnelenen çarpıcı deneysel Shakespeare oyunları gelenekselciler ile deneyselciler arasındaki çatışmayı tekrar gündeme getirir. Bu makale, bu çatışmanın özünde yatan nedenleri irdelemeyi amaçlamaktadır zira gündeme gelen sebepler olayların sadece bir boyutuna işaret eder. Ne var ki bu meselenin özünde sahne üstünde ve tiyatro yönetimlerinde ataerkil yapının varlığı, cinsiyet eşitliği gibi hassas konular yatmaktadır.


  • Bennet, S. (2017). Experimental Shakespeare. (İçinde) James C. Bulman (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Shakespeare and Performance,(ss. 13-27). Oxford Unv. Press.
  • Brook, P. (1968). Empty space. Antheneum.
  • Cornford, T. (2017). Backpages:The editing of Emma Rice. Contemporary Theatre Review 27(1), 134-148.
  • Radosavljevic, D. (2010). Emma Rice in interview with Duska Radosavljevic. Journal of Adaptation in Film and Performance 3(1), 89-98.
  • Solga, K. (2017). Shakespeare’s property ladder: women directors and the politics of ownership (İçinde) James C. Bulman (ed.), The Oxford handbook of Shakespeare and performance, (ss.104-121). Oxford Unv. Press.
  • Worthen, W. B. (1997). Shakespeare and the authority of performance. Cambridge University Press.
  • İnternet Kaynakça
  • Billington, M. (2012, Aug. 12). Michael Billington on experimental Shakespeare. The Guardian.
  • Billington, M. (2015, May, 1). At Shakespeare’s Globe, Emma Rice must both respect and deconstruct the classics. The Guardian.
  • Bowie-Sell, D. (2018, Jan. 4). Michelle Terry: ‘Emma Rice was the best thing that happened to the Globe’ Whats on Stage.
  • Cox. G. (2016, July, 20). New Shakespeare’s Globe chief talks diversity, gay updates and Brexit. Variety.
  • Gallagher, P. (2016, Jan. 16). Shakespearean black and ethnic minority actors ‘still only getting minor roles’. Independent.
  • Gardner, L. (2016a, Oct. 25). As Emma Rice departs, the Globe has egg on its face – and no vision. The Guardian.
  • Gardner, L. (2016b, May, 6). A Midsummer Night’s Dream review – Emma Rice makes a rowdy Globe debut. The Guardian.
  • Gardner, L. (2016c, Sep. 28) Emma Rice is right to experiment at the Globe – art should reinvent not replicate. The Guardian.
  • Hutchison, D. (2016, Oct. 20).Emma Rice speaks out against sexist criticism. The Stage.
  • Kellaway, K. (2018, Jul. 1). Interview Emma Rice: ‘I don’t know how I got to be so controversial’ The Guardian.
  • Lane, V. (2020, April, 30). Original practices at Shakespeare’s Globe. GlobeTheatre.
  • Lester, G. (2016, Nov. 3). Put out the light, and then put out the light. Howldround Theatre Commons.
  • Moosa, H. (2021). Review of Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Directed by Emma Rice) at Shakespeare’s Globe, London, 5 May – 11 September 2016, Shown as Part of “Culture in Quarantine” on BBC
  • iPlayer, 23 April to 22 August 2020. Streamed Online on 8 August 2020. Shakespeare, 17(1), 58–63.
  • Morrison, R. (2016, Oct. 30). The Globe has been a success story — and Emma Rice is wrecking it. The Times.
  • Snow, G. (2016, Aug. 31). Gender-blind Shakespeare casting ‘stupid’, says playwright Ronald Harwood. The Stage.
  • Trueman, M. (2016a, Oct. 25). Emma Rice’s departure is not about lighting. Whatsonstage.
  • Trueman, M. (2016b, May, 16) London theater review: ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ directed by Emma Rice. Variety.
  • Watson, E. (2016, July 19). A (queer) Midsummer Night’s Dream. MsMagazine.

Tradition Defied: Emma Rice and A Midsummer Night’s Dream

Yıl 2025, Sayı: 45, 82 - 89, 21.03.2025


This article explores Emma Rice’s experimental approach to Shakespearean theater, with a focus on her productions at the Globe Theatre, including her rendition of A Midsummer Night’s Dream. By incorporating modern elements like contemporary music, Rice’s work actively challenges conventional norms and emphasizes themes of inclusivity, diversity, and gender parity, which resonate with younger and more diverse audiences. Her interpretations have sparked critical debates about the extent to which creative liberties can be exercised within Shakespearean drama. Traditionalists argue that these adaptations stray too far from Shakespeare’s original intent, often revealing an underlying patriarchal bias in theater criticism that privileges conventional interpretations over experimental ones. The term "experimental," however, can be vague and reductive, failing to capture the artistic complexities of directors like Rice. This article advocates for a more nuanced evaluation, taking into account each production’s unique stylistic approach and contributions to broader cultural conversations. These tensions within Shakespearean theater mirror broader societal debates about tradition, progress, and inclusivity in the arts, highlighting the ongoing challenge of balancing fidelity to Shakespeare’s texts with the freedom to creatively reinvent them for new generations.


  • Bennet, S. (2017). Experimental Shakespeare. (İçinde) James C. Bulman (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Shakespeare and Performance,(ss. 13-27). Oxford Unv. Press.
  • Brook, P. (1968). Empty space. Antheneum.
  • Cornford, T. (2017). Backpages:The editing of Emma Rice. Contemporary Theatre Review 27(1), 134-148.
  • Radosavljevic, D. (2010). Emma Rice in interview with Duska Radosavljevic. Journal of Adaptation in Film and Performance 3(1), 89-98.
  • Solga, K. (2017). Shakespeare’s property ladder: women directors and the politics of ownership (İçinde) James C. Bulman (ed.), The Oxford handbook of Shakespeare and performance, (ss.104-121). Oxford Unv. Press.
  • Worthen, W. B. (1997). Shakespeare and the authority of performance. Cambridge University Press.
  • İnternet Kaynakça
  • Billington, M. (2012, Aug. 12). Michael Billington on experimental Shakespeare. The Guardian.
  • Billington, M. (2015, May, 1). At Shakespeare’s Globe, Emma Rice must both respect and deconstruct the classics. The Guardian.
  • Bowie-Sell, D. (2018, Jan. 4). Michelle Terry: ‘Emma Rice was the best thing that happened to the Globe’ Whats on Stage.
  • Cox. G. (2016, July, 20). New Shakespeare’s Globe chief talks diversity, gay updates and Brexit. Variety.
  • Gallagher, P. (2016, Jan. 16). Shakespearean black and ethnic minority actors ‘still only getting minor roles’. Independent.
  • Gardner, L. (2016a, Oct. 25). As Emma Rice departs, the Globe has egg on its face – and no vision. The Guardian.
  • Gardner, L. (2016b, May, 6). A Midsummer Night’s Dream review – Emma Rice makes a rowdy Globe debut. The Guardian.
  • Gardner, L. (2016c, Sep. 28) Emma Rice is right to experiment at the Globe – art should reinvent not replicate. The Guardian.
  • Hutchison, D. (2016, Oct. 20).Emma Rice speaks out against sexist criticism. The Stage.
  • Kellaway, K. (2018, Jul. 1). Interview Emma Rice: ‘I don’t know how I got to be so controversial’ The Guardian.
  • Lane, V. (2020, April, 30). Original practices at Shakespeare’s Globe. GlobeTheatre.
  • Lester, G. (2016, Nov. 3). Put out the light, and then put out the light. Howldround Theatre Commons.
  • Moosa, H. (2021). Review of Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Directed by Emma Rice) at Shakespeare’s Globe, London, 5 May – 11 September 2016, Shown as Part of “Culture in Quarantine” on BBC
  • iPlayer, 23 April to 22 August 2020. Streamed Online on 8 August 2020. Shakespeare, 17(1), 58–63.
  • Morrison, R. (2016, Oct. 30). The Globe has been a success story — and Emma Rice is wrecking it. The Times.
  • Snow, G. (2016, Aug. 31). Gender-blind Shakespeare casting ‘stupid’, says playwright Ronald Harwood. The Stage.
  • Trueman, M. (2016a, Oct. 25). Emma Rice’s departure is not about lighting. Whatsonstage.
  • Trueman, M. (2016b, May, 16) London theater review: ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ directed by Emma Rice. Variety.
  • Watson, E. (2016, July 19). A (queer) Midsummer Night’s Dream. MsMagazine.
Toplam 26 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Elif Baş İyibozkurt 0000-0002-8481-8912

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 21 Mart 2025
Yayımlanma Tarihi 21 Mart 2025
Gönderilme Tarihi 13 Mayıs 2024
Kabul Tarihi 27 Şubat 2025
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025 Sayı: 45

Kaynak Göster

APA Baş İyibozkurt, E. (2025). Geleneksele İsyan: Emma Rice ve Bir Yaz Gecesi Rüyası. Sanat Ve Yorum(45), 82-89.

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