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Reliability Study of the Upper Quarter Y Dynamic Balance Test Applied by Holding the Lower Extremity and Hip Center Fixed

Yıl 2020, , 45 - 53, 26.06.2020


This study was conducted to determine the measurement reliability of the full standard application of the upper extremity Y dynamic balance test by keeping the lower extremity and hip center stable. In our study, a total of 203 volunteers from different sports branches with a sports age of 9.42 ± 5.27 years, average age 21.40 ± 2.63 years, height 174 ± 0.09 cm, weight 67.95 ± 12.38 kg athletes participated (female = 72, male = 131). The relationship between the upper extremity Y dynamic balance test-retest scores was found with the Pearson moments product correlation coefficient. In addition, intraclass correlation coefficient testing (ICC) was performed to determine the İnternal consistency reliability of the Test (95% confidence intervals). Among the first and second measurements of the upper extremity Y dynamic balance test, the highest intraclass reliability coefficient was determined as right= 0.93 and left = 0.94. It has been found that the reliability of applying the upper extremity Y dynamic balance test in the push-up position of the measurement standard, controlled with an inclinometer, with the legs and hip center fixed, is quite high. Using this test data, the evaluation of vertebrae and upper extremity mobility, shoulder joint instability, flexibility of the upper extremity and balance performance can be performed. In addition, the upper extremity balance asymmetry of the athlete can be determined and the level of susceptibility to injuries can be used for both scientific research and applications.


  • 1. Amasay, T., & Hall, G. A., Shapiro S, Ludwig, K. (2016). The Relation between Scapular Dyskinesis and the Upper Quarter Y-Balance Test. Int J Anat Appl Physiol, 2(2), 20-25.
  • 2. Ateş, B., Çetin, E., Yarım, İ. (2017). Kadın sporcularda denge yeteneği ve denge antrenmanları. Gaziantep Üniversitesi Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 2(2), 66-79. ISSN: 2536-5339.
  • 3. Bahar, A. (2019). Y denge test performansı ile hamstring esnekliği arasındaki ilişki. Gaziantep Üniversitesi Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 4(1), 93-103. Doi: 10.31680/gaunjss.514993
  • 4. Batt, M. E., Jaques, R., Stone, M. (2004). Preparticipation examination (screening): practical issues as determined by sport: a United Kingdom perspective. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine, 14(3), 178-182. ISSN: 1050-642X.
  • 5. Butler, R. J., Lehr, M. E., Fink, M. L., Kiesel, K. B., Plisky, P. J. (2013). Dynamic balance performance and noncontact lower extremity injury in college football players: an initial study. Sports health, 5(5), 417-422. Doi: 10.1177/1941738113498703
  • 6. Chimera, N. J., Smith, C. A., Warren, M. (2015). Injury history, sex, and performance on the functional movement screen and Y balance test. Journal of athletic training, 50(5), 475-485. Doi: 10.4085/1062-6050-49.6.02
  • 7. Cramer, J., Quintero, M., Rhinehart, A., Rutherford, C., Nasypany, A., May, ve diğ. (2017). Exploration of score agreement on a modified upper quarter Y-balance test kit as compared to the upper quarter Y-balance test. International journal of sports physical therapy, 12(1), 117.
  • 8. Ercan, İ., Kan, İ. (2004). Ölçeklerde güvenirlik ve geçerlik. Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, 30(3), 211-216. ID: JA68ZN85VB.
  • 9. Falsone, S. A., Gross, M. T., Guskiewicz, K. M., Schneider, R. A. (2002). One-arm hop test: reliability and effects of arm dominance. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy, 32(3), 98-103. Doi: 10.2519/jospt.2002.32.3.98
  • 10. Fuller, C. W., Ojelade, E. O., Taylor, A. (2007). Preparticipation medical evaluation in professional sport in the UK: theory or practice? British journal of sports medicine, 41(12), 890-896. Doi: 10.1136/bjsm.2007.038935.
  • 11. Goldbeck, T. G., Davies, G. J. (2000). Test-retest reliability of the closed kinetic chain upper extremity stability test: a clinical field test. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation, 9(1), 35-45. Doi: 10.1123/jsr.9.1.35
  • 12. Gorman, P. P., Butler, R. J., Plisky, P. J., & Kiesel, K. B. (2012). Upper Quarter Y Balance Test: reliability and performance comparison between genders in active adults. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 26(11), 3043-3048.
  • 13. Gribble, P. A., Hertel, J., Plisky, P. (2012). Using the star excursion balance test to assess dynamic postural-control deficits and outcomes in lower extremity injury: a literature and systematic review. Journal of athletic training, 47(3), 339-357. Doi: 10.4085/1062-6050-47.3.08.
  • 14. Güçhan, Z., Özaydınlı, E. I., Demirel, S., Yüzlü, V., Nilgün, B. E. K. (2014). Ayakkabı kullanımı ile ayak deformiteleri, denge ve fonksiyonel performans arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi. Journal of Exercise Therapy and Rehabilitation, 1(1), 35-42. ID: JA64ET77CG.
  • 15. Hale, S. A., Hertel, J., Olmsted-Kramer, L. C. (2007). The effect of a 4-week comprehensive rehabilitation program on postural control and lower extremity function in individuals with chronic ankle instability. Journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy, 37(6), 303-311. Doi: 10.2519/jospt.2007.2322.
  • 16. Hazar, Z., Ulug, N., & Yuksel, I. (2014). Upper Quarter Y-Balance Test Score of Patients with Shoulder Impingement Syndrome. Orthopaedic journal of sports medicine, 2(11_suppl3), 2325967114S00275.
  • 17. Koçak, U. Z., Ünver, B. (2019). Kadın futbolcularda yaralanma riski belirleyicileri olarak fonksiyonel hareket analizi ve y denge testi arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi. Spor Hekimliği Dergisi, 54(1), 001-008. Doi: 10.5152/tjsm.2019.110.
  • 18. Myers, H., Poletti, M., & Butler, R. J. (2017). Difference in functional performance on the upper-quarter y-balance test between high school baseball players and wrestlers. Journal of sport rehabilitation, 26(3), 253-259.
  • 19. Olmsted, L. C., Carcia, C. R., Hertel, J., Shultz, S. J. (2002). Efficacy of the star excursion balance tests in detecting reach deficits in subjects with chronic ankle instability. Journal of athletic training, 37(4), 501. PMID: 12937574.
  • 20. Plisky, P. J., Rauh, M. J., Kaminski, T. W., Underwood, F. B. (2006). Star Excursion Balance Test as a predictor of lower extremity injury in high school basketball players. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy, 36(12), 911-919. Doi: 10.2519/jospt.2006.2244
  • 21. Plisky, P. J., Gorman, P. P., Butler, R. J., Kiesel, K. B., Underwood, F. B., Elkins, B. (2009). The reliability of an instrumented device for measuring components of the star excursion balance test. North American journal of sports physical therapy: NAJSPT, 4(2), 92. PMID: 21509114.
  • 22. Roush, J. R., Kitamura, J., Waits, M. C. (2007). Reference values for the closed kinetic chain upper extremity stability test (CKCUEST) for collegiate baseball players. North American journal of sports physical therapy: NAJSPT, 2(3), 159. PMID: 21522211.
  • 23. Salo, T. D., & Chaconas, E. (2017). The Effect of Fatigue on Upper Quarter Y-Balance Test Scores in Recreational Weightlifters: A Randomized Controlled Trial. International journal of sports physical therapy, 12(2), 199.
  • 24. Teyhen, D. S., Riebel, M. A., McArthur, D. R., Savini, M., Jones, M. J., Goffar, ve diğ. (2014). Normative data and the influence of age and gender on power, balance, flexibility, and functional movement in healthy service members. Military medicine, 179(4), 413-420.
  • 25. Westrick, R. B., Miller, J. M., Carow, S. D., & Gerber, J. P. (2012). Exploration of the y-balance test for assessment of upper quarter closed kinetic chain performance. International journal of sports physical therapy, 7(2), 139.
  • 26. Wilson, L., Wright, S., & Neza, D. (2013). The assessment of arm dominance in water polo players using the Upper Quarter Y Balance Test. In British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences Conference (pp. 3-5).

Alt Ekstremite ve Kalça Merkezi Sabit Tutularak Uygulanan Üst Ekstremite Y Dinamik Denge Testi Güvenirlik Çalışması

Yıl 2020, , 45 - 53, 26.06.2020


Bu çalışma üst ekstremite Y dinamik denge testinin alt ekstremiteyi ve kalça merkezini sabit tutarak tam standart uygulamasının ölçüm güvenirliğini belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Çalışmaya branşında 9,42±5,27 yıllık spor geçmişine sahip, yaş ortalamaları 21,40±2,63 yıl, boy ortalamaları 174±0,09 cm, ağırlık ortalamaları 67,95±12,38 kg olan farklı spor branşlarından toplam 203 gönüllü (kadın=72, erkek=131) sporcu katılmıştır. Üst Ekstremite Y dinamik denge testi test-retest skorları arasındaki ilişki Pearson Momentler Çarpımı Korelasyon Katsayısı ile bulunmuş, ayrıca testin sınıf içi güvenirliğinin belirlenmesinde Intraclass Correlation Coefficient testi (ICC) uygulanmıştır (%95 confidence intervals). Elde edilen bulgular doğrultusunda toplam değerler olan sağ composite1-composite2 r=0,87 (r2=0,77) olarak ve sol composite1-composite2 r=0,89 (r2=0,79) olarak yüksek ilişki tespit edilmiştir. Üst ekstremite Y dinamik denge testi ilk ve ikinci ölçümleri sınıf içi güvenirlik katsayısı en yüksek sağ=0,93 ve sol=0,94 olarak tespit edilmiştir. Üst ekstremite Y dinamik denge testinin, ölçüm standardı şınav pozisyonunda, inklinometre ile kontrol edilerek, bacaklar ve kalça merkezi birlikte sabit olarak sağlanmış şekilde uygulanmasının güvenirliğinin oldukça yüksek olduğu anlaşılmıştır. Testin bu şekilde kullanılması daha güvenilir sonuçlar elde edilmesini sağlayacaktır. Bu test verileri kullanılarak, omurga ve üst ekstremite hareketliliği, omuz eklemi instabilitesi, üst ekstremitenin esnekliği ve denge performansının değerlendirilmesi yapılabilir. Bunun yanı sıra hem bilimsel araştırmalarda hem de uygulamalarda kullanılmak üzere sporcunun üst ekstremite denge asimetrisi belirlenebilir ve sakatlıklara yatkınlık düzeyi söylenebilir.


  • 1. Amasay, T., & Hall, G. A., Shapiro S, Ludwig, K. (2016). The Relation between Scapular Dyskinesis and the Upper Quarter Y-Balance Test. Int J Anat Appl Physiol, 2(2), 20-25.
  • 2. Ateş, B., Çetin, E., Yarım, İ. (2017). Kadın sporcularda denge yeteneği ve denge antrenmanları. Gaziantep Üniversitesi Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 2(2), 66-79. ISSN: 2536-5339.
  • 3. Bahar, A. (2019). Y denge test performansı ile hamstring esnekliği arasındaki ilişki. Gaziantep Üniversitesi Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 4(1), 93-103. Doi: 10.31680/gaunjss.514993
  • 4. Batt, M. E., Jaques, R., Stone, M. (2004). Preparticipation examination (screening): practical issues as determined by sport: a United Kingdom perspective. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine, 14(3), 178-182. ISSN: 1050-642X.
  • 5. Butler, R. J., Lehr, M. E., Fink, M. L., Kiesel, K. B., Plisky, P. J. (2013). Dynamic balance performance and noncontact lower extremity injury in college football players: an initial study. Sports health, 5(5), 417-422. Doi: 10.1177/1941738113498703
  • 6. Chimera, N. J., Smith, C. A., Warren, M. (2015). Injury history, sex, and performance on the functional movement screen and Y balance test. Journal of athletic training, 50(5), 475-485. Doi: 10.4085/1062-6050-49.6.02
  • 7. Cramer, J., Quintero, M., Rhinehart, A., Rutherford, C., Nasypany, A., May, ve diğ. (2017). Exploration of score agreement on a modified upper quarter Y-balance test kit as compared to the upper quarter Y-balance test. International journal of sports physical therapy, 12(1), 117.
  • 8. Ercan, İ., Kan, İ. (2004). Ölçeklerde güvenirlik ve geçerlik. Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, 30(3), 211-216. ID: JA68ZN85VB.
  • 9. Falsone, S. A., Gross, M. T., Guskiewicz, K. M., Schneider, R. A. (2002). One-arm hop test: reliability and effects of arm dominance. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy, 32(3), 98-103. Doi: 10.2519/jospt.2002.32.3.98
  • 10. Fuller, C. W., Ojelade, E. O., Taylor, A. (2007). Preparticipation medical evaluation in professional sport in the UK: theory or practice? British journal of sports medicine, 41(12), 890-896. Doi: 10.1136/bjsm.2007.038935.
  • 11. Goldbeck, T. G., Davies, G. J. (2000). Test-retest reliability of the closed kinetic chain upper extremity stability test: a clinical field test. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation, 9(1), 35-45. Doi: 10.1123/jsr.9.1.35
  • 12. Gorman, P. P., Butler, R. J., Plisky, P. J., & Kiesel, K. B. (2012). Upper Quarter Y Balance Test: reliability and performance comparison between genders in active adults. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 26(11), 3043-3048.
  • 13. Gribble, P. A., Hertel, J., Plisky, P. (2012). Using the star excursion balance test to assess dynamic postural-control deficits and outcomes in lower extremity injury: a literature and systematic review. Journal of athletic training, 47(3), 339-357. Doi: 10.4085/1062-6050-47.3.08.
  • 14. Güçhan, Z., Özaydınlı, E. I., Demirel, S., Yüzlü, V., Nilgün, B. E. K. (2014). Ayakkabı kullanımı ile ayak deformiteleri, denge ve fonksiyonel performans arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi. Journal of Exercise Therapy and Rehabilitation, 1(1), 35-42. ID: JA64ET77CG.
  • 15. Hale, S. A., Hertel, J., Olmsted-Kramer, L. C. (2007). The effect of a 4-week comprehensive rehabilitation program on postural control and lower extremity function in individuals with chronic ankle instability. Journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy, 37(6), 303-311. Doi: 10.2519/jospt.2007.2322.
  • 16. Hazar, Z., Ulug, N., & Yuksel, I. (2014). Upper Quarter Y-Balance Test Score of Patients with Shoulder Impingement Syndrome. Orthopaedic journal of sports medicine, 2(11_suppl3), 2325967114S00275.
  • 17. Koçak, U. Z., Ünver, B. (2019). Kadın futbolcularda yaralanma riski belirleyicileri olarak fonksiyonel hareket analizi ve y denge testi arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi. Spor Hekimliği Dergisi, 54(1), 001-008. Doi: 10.5152/tjsm.2019.110.
  • 18. Myers, H., Poletti, M., & Butler, R. J. (2017). Difference in functional performance on the upper-quarter y-balance test between high school baseball players and wrestlers. Journal of sport rehabilitation, 26(3), 253-259.
  • 19. Olmsted, L. C., Carcia, C. R., Hertel, J., Shultz, S. J. (2002). Efficacy of the star excursion balance tests in detecting reach deficits in subjects with chronic ankle instability. Journal of athletic training, 37(4), 501. PMID: 12937574.
  • 20. Plisky, P. J., Rauh, M. J., Kaminski, T. W., Underwood, F. B. (2006). Star Excursion Balance Test as a predictor of lower extremity injury in high school basketball players. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy, 36(12), 911-919. Doi: 10.2519/jospt.2006.2244
  • 21. Plisky, P. J., Gorman, P. P., Butler, R. J., Kiesel, K. B., Underwood, F. B., Elkins, B. (2009). The reliability of an instrumented device for measuring components of the star excursion balance test. North American journal of sports physical therapy: NAJSPT, 4(2), 92. PMID: 21509114.
  • 22. Roush, J. R., Kitamura, J., Waits, M. C. (2007). Reference values for the closed kinetic chain upper extremity stability test (CKCUEST) for collegiate baseball players. North American journal of sports physical therapy: NAJSPT, 2(3), 159. PMID: 21522211.
  • 23. Salo, T. D., & Chaconas, E. (2017). The Effect of Fatigue on Upper Quarter Y-Balance Test Scores in Recreational Weightlifters: A Randomized Controlled Trial. International journal of sports physical therapy, 12(2), 199.
  • 24. Teyhen, D. S., Riebel, M. A., McArthur, D. R., Savini, M., Jones, M. J., Goffar, ve diğ. (2014). Normative data and the influence of age and gender on power, balance, flexibility, and functional movement in healthy service members. Military medicine, 179(4), 413-420.
  • 25. Westrick, R. B., Miller, J. M., Carow, S. D., & Gerber, J. P. (2012). Exploration of the y-balance test for assessment of upper quarter closed kinetic chain performance. International journal of sports physical therapy, 7(2), 139.
  • 26. Wilson, L., Wright, S., & Neza, D. (2013). The assessment of arm dominance in water polo players using the Upper Quarter Y Balance Test. In British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences Conference (pp. 3-5).
Toplam 26 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Spor Hekimliği
Bölüm Makaleler

Cenab Türkeri 0000-0003-4850-9810

Bilgihan Büyüktaş 0000-0002-6816-7275

Barışcan Öztürk 0000-0001-7001-3032

Yayımlanma Tarihi 26 Haziran 2020
Gönderilme Tarihi 24 Ocak 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020

Kaynak Göster

APA Türkeri, C., Büyüktaş, B., & Öztürk, B. (2020). Alt Ekstremite ve Kalça Merkezi Sabit Tutularak Uygulanan Üst Ekstremite Y Dinamik Denge Testi Güvenirlik Çalışması. Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 31(2), 45-53.



Yayın hakkı © Hacettepe Üniversitesi Spor Bilimleri Fakültesi