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Yıl 2009, Sayı: 10, 13 - 25, 01.12.2009


Temel amaçlarından birisinin de girişimci birey yetiştirilmesi olduğu kabul edilen işletme bölümlerinde okuyan iki farklı devlet üniversitenin 1. ve 4. sınıf öğrencileri üzerinde yapılan bu çalışmada, işletme bölümlerinde verilen eğitimin girişimcilik hisleri üzerindeki etkileri araştırılmıştır. Bu çalışma sonucu girişimci olarak adlandırılan bireylerde varlığı tespit edilmiş olan girişimci hislerinin lisans eğitimi başında ve sonunda girişimci adayı öğrenciler üzerindeki durumları karşılaştırılmış, buna bağlı olarak öğrencilerin risk alma eğilimi, belirsizliğe karşı tolerans ve kendine güven hislerinde ortaya çıkan pozitif gelişme tespit edilmiştir


  • Brockhaus, R. H.; Horwitz, P. S. (1986). The psychology of the entrepreneur: The Art and Science of Entrepreneurship. Ballinger: Cambridge, 25-48.
  • Cromie, S., (2000). Assessing Entrepreneurial Inclinations: Some Approaches Empirical Evidence, European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, (9).1: 13-30
  • De Wit, G., Van Winden, F.A., (1989). An Empirical Analysis of Self- Employment in the Netherlands. Small Business Economics 1 (4):27-35
  • Duygulu, E., (2008). Institutional Profiles and Entrepreneurship Orientation: A Case of Turkish Graduate Students. MPRA Paper 7247:12-15
  • Entreialgo, M., Fernandez, E. ve Vazquez, C., (2000), Characteristics of Managers as Determinants of Entrepreneurial Orientation: Some Management Studies, (1),2:29-32 Enterprise and Innovation
  • Gartner, W., ve K. Vesper. (1999). University Entrepreneurship Programs. Los Angeles: Lloyd Grief Center for Entrepreneurial Studies, University of Southern California.
  • Girginer, N. ve Uçkun, N., (2004). İşletmecilik Eğitimi Alan Lisans Öğrencilerinin Osmangazi Üniversitesi İ.İ.B.F İşletme Bölümü Öğrencilerine Yönelik Bir Uygulama, 3. Ulusal Bilgi, Ekonomi ve Yönetim Kongresi, 25-26 Kasım, Eskişehir. Açıları: Eskişehir
  • Gürol Y., Atsan N., (2006), Entrepreneurial characteristics amongst university students, Education & Training; 48: 25
  • Hazeldine M.; Miles M., (2007), Measuring Entrepreneurship in Business Schools, Journal of Education for Business; Mar/Apr 2007; 82, 4:234
  • Henderson R. ve Robertson M. (1999), Who wants to be an entrepreneur? Young adult attitudes to entrepreneurship as a career, Education & Training; 1999; 41: 236
  • Hisrich, R. D., Peters M., (1998), Entrepreneurship, Irwin McGrawhill
  • Hwang Jinyoung, Akdede Sacit Hadi, (2006) Schooling, Risk Attitude and Growth, Yönetim ve Ekonomi 13(2): Celal Bayar Üniversitesi İ.İ.B.F. Manisa.
  • Klein G. ve Bullock J., (2006) Can Entrepreneurship Be Taught?, Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economic 16.Feb.2006.:2-20
  • Koh Hian C., (1996). Testing hypotheses of entrepreneurial characteristics. Journal of Managerial Psychology, (11)3:12-25
  • Kourilsky M., Walstad W., (1998)Entrepreneurship and Female Youth: Knowledge, Attitudes and Gender Differences and Educational Practices, Journal of Business Venturing, 13:78
  • Kuratko, D.F. (2003). Entrepreneurship Education: Emerging Trends and Challenges for the 21st Century. White Paper, U.S. Association of Small Business Education
  • Mitton, D. G. , (1989). The complete entrepreneur , Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice,(13): 9-19
  • Pervin, L. A. , (1980), Personality: Theory, Assesment and Research, John Wiley & Sons, New York.
  • Robinson, P. B. Huefner, J. C. ve Hunt, H. K. , (1991). An Attitude Approach to the Prediction of Entrepreneurship , Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, (15):13-31
  • Rotter, J. B. , (1966). Generalized Expectancies for Internal Versus External Locus of Control of Reinforcement , Psychological Monographs: General and Applied, (609)80: 1-28
  • Schumpeter, Joseph Alois, (1942). Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy
  • Sexton, D.L., Bowman, N., (1985). The Entrepreneur: A Capable Executive and More. Journal of Business Venturing 1 (3):129–140.
  • Silver, David., (1983). Entrepreneurial Life, John Wiley, New York
  • Stevenson, H.H., R. Hamermesh, P.W. Marshall, and M.J. Roberts. (2002). Entrepreneurship: It Can Be Taught. HBS New Business
  • Wang C., Wong P., (2004) Entrepreneurial interest of university students in Singapore, Technovation 24: 163–172.


Yıl 2009, Sayı: 10, 13 - 25, 01.12.2009


The main purpose of this study is to point out the differences between the entrepreneurially inclined students’ entrepreneurial characteristics and individual background by being freshmen or senior. This study was conducted on a sample of undergraduate students in department of business administration from two state universities in Turkey. The findings show that entrepreneurially inclined students in both groups have positive differences at characteristics named propensity to take risk, tolerating the ambiguity and having self-confidence


  • Brockhaus, R. H.; Horwitz, P. S. (1986). The psychology of the entrepreneur: The Art and Science of Entrepreneurship. Ballinger: Cambridge, 25-48.
  • Cromie, S., (2000). Assessing Entrepreneurial Inclinations: Some Approaches Empirical Evidence, European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, (9).1: 13-30
  • De Wit, G., Van Winden, F.A., (1989). An Empirical Analysis of Self- Employment in the Netherlands. Small Business Economics 1 (4):27-35
  • Duygulu, E., (2008). Institutional Profiles and Entrepreneurship Orientation: A Case of Turkish Graduate Students. MPRA Paper 7247:12-15
  • Entreialgo, M., Fernandez, E. ve Vazquez, C., (2000), Characteristics of Managers as Determinants of Entrepreneurial Orientation: Some Management Studies, (1),2:29-32 Enterprise and Innovation
  • Gartner, W., ve K. Vesper. (1999). University Entrepreneurship Programs. Los Angeles: Lloyd Grief Center for Entrepreneurial Studies, University of Southern California.
  • Girginer, N. ve Uçkun, N., (2004). İşletmecilik Eğitimi Alan Lisans Öğrencilerinin Osmangazi Üniversitesi İ.İ.B.F İşletme Bölümü Öğrencilerine Yönelik Bir Uygulama, 3. Ulusal Bilgi, Ekonomi ve Yönetim Kongresi, 25-26 Kasım, Eskişehir. Açıları: Eskişehir
  • Gürol Y., Atsan N., (2006), Entrepreneurial characteristics amongst university students, Education & Training; 48: 25
  • Hazeldine M.; Miles M., (2007), Measuring Entrepreneurship in Business Schools, Journal of Education for Business; Mar/Apr 2007; 82, 4:234
  • Henderson R. ve Robertson M. (1999), Who wants to be an entrepreneur? Young adult attitudes to entrepreneurship as a career, Education & Training; 1999; 41: 236
  • Hisrich, R. D., Peters M., (1998), Entrepreneurship, Irwin McGrawhill
  • Hwang Jinyoung, Akdede Sacit Hadi, (2006) Schooling, Risk Attitude and Growth, Yönetim ve Ekonomi 13(2): Celal Bayar Üniversitesi İ.İ.B.F. Manisa.
  • Klein G. ve Bullock J., (2006) Can Entrepreneurship Be Taught?, Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economic 16.Feb.2006.:2-20
  • Koh Hian C., (1996). Testing hypotheses of entrepreneurial characteristics. Journal of Managerial Psychology, (11)3:12-25
  • Kourilsky M., Walstad W., (1998)Entrepreneurship and Female Youth: Knowledge, Attitudes and Gender Differences and Educational Practices, Journal of Business Venturing, 13:78
  • Kuratko, D.F. (2003). Entrepreneurship Education: Emerging Trends and Challenges for the 21st Century. White Paper, U.S. Association of Small Business Education
  • Mitton, D. G. , (1989). The complete entrepreneur , Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice,(13): 9-19
  • Pervin, L. A. , (1980), Personality: Theory, Assesment and Research, John Wiley & Sons, New York.
  • Robinson, P. B. Huefner, J. C. ve Hunt, H. K. , (1991). An Attitude Approach to the Prediction of Entrepreneurship , Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, (15):13-31
  • Rotter, J. B. , (1966). Generalized Expectancies for Internal Versus External Locus of Control of Reinforcement , Psychological Monographs: General and Applied, (609)80: 1-28
  • Schumpeter, Joseph Alois, (1942). Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy
  • Sexton, D.L., Bowman, N., (1985). The Entrepreneur: A Capable Executive and More. Journal of Business Venturing 1 (3):129–140.
  • Silver, David., (1983). Entrepreneurial Life, John Wiley, New York
  • Stevenson, H.H., R. Hamermesh, P.W. Marshall, and M.J. Roberts. (2002). Entrepreneurship: It Can Be Taught. HBS New Business
  • Wang C., Wong P., (2004) Entrepreneurial interest of university students in Singapore, Technovation 24: 163–172.
Toplam 25 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA28DZ98TY
Bölüm Makaleler

İsa İpçioğlu Bu kişi benim

Atıl Taşer Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2009
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2009 Sayı: 10

Kaynak Göster

APA İpçioğlu, İ., & Taşer, A. (2009). İŞLETME BÖLÜMLERİNDE VERİLEN EĞİTİMİN GİRİŞİMCİ ADAYI ÖĞRENCİLER ÜZERİNDEKİ ETKİLERİ. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi(10), 13-25.
