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Yıl 2024, Cilt: 14 Sayı: 28, 223 - 250, 25.12.2024


Günümüzde giderek artan sayıda mal dijitalleşmeye konu olmaktadır. Dijitalleşmeye konu olan mallardan biri de günümüzde daha fazla tartışmada kendine yer edinen dijital kamu mallarıdır. Geleneksel kamu mallarının tanımından, niteliklerinden ve finansman mekanizmalarından farklılaşarak dijital kamu mallarının büyük bir ekonomik potansiyele sahip olduğu ortaya çıkmaktadır. Açık kaynaklı yazılımları, verileri, yapay zekâ modellerini, standartları ve içerikleri Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma Hedefleri ile birleştiren dijital kamu malları maliyetleri düşürerek devletlerin dijital kamu altyapısını inşa etmesine katkıda bulunmakta ve ekonomideki farklı aktörler arasındaki iş birliğini artırmaktadır. Ancak dijital kamu malları sağlayabileceği potansiyel yararlara rağmen hala finansman zorlukları ile mücadele etmektedir. Bu çalışmada dijital kamu malları kavramı teorik olarak tanıtılmakta ve bu tür malların geleneksel kamu mallarından farklılaştığı ve uygun düştüğü noktalar ortaya konulmaktadır. Ayrıca bu konudaki pratik anlayışımızın daha fazla gelişmesi amacıyla dijital bir kamu malı olan Modüler Açık Kaynak Kimlik Platformu kamusal mal boyutundan incelenmektedir.


  • Akyol, S. ve Ulutürk, S. (2007). Küresel Kamu Malları: Hegemonya ve İstikrarın Küresel Ekonomi Politiği Akdeniz İİBF Dergisi, 7(13), 62-85.
  • Altınışık, İ. ve Peker, H. S. (2009). Küresel Kamusal Mallar ve Finansmanı, Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Meslek Yüksekokulu Dergisi, 12(1-2), 323-332.
  • Alonso, C., Bhojwani, T., Hanedar, E., Prihardini, D., Una, G. & Zhabska, K. (2023). Stacking up the Benefits Lessons from India’s Digital Journey, IMF Working Paper, WP/23/78, International Monetary Fund.
  • Ay, H. (2021). Kamu Maliyesi, 7. Baskı, İzmir.
  • Barış, A. & Barlas, E. (2017). Kamu Maliyesi Teorisinde Küresel Kamusal Mallar, Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Araştırmaları Dergisi, 12(1), 129-152.
  • Bartholomae, F. W. (2018). Digital Transformation, International Competition and Specialization, CESifo Forum, ISSN 2190-717X, ifo Institut – Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung an der Universität München, München, 19(4), 23-28.
  • Bessen, J. (2006). Open Source Software: Free Provision of Complex Public Goods, İçinde J. Bitzer ve P.J.H. Schröder (Eds.), The Economics of Open Source Software Development, 57-81, Elsevier.
  • CBR (2023). Pratiksha Trust Extra-Mural Support for Transformational Aging Brain Research (EMSTAR),, (Erişim Tarihi: 18.12.2023).
  • Correa, C. M. (2020). Data In Legal Limbo: Ownership, Sovereignty, Or A Digital Public Goods Regime, Research Paper 117, South Centre.
  • Callaghan, F. (2022). The challenges and opportunities of scaling digital public goods,, (Erişim Tarihi: 14.10.2023).
  • Chakraborty, S., Bijapurkar, A., Gark, A. ve Bansal, S. (2021). Building India’s Digital Highways: The Potential of Open Digital Ecosystems (ODEs), Omidyar Network India and Boston Consulting Group.
  • Çelebi, A. K. & Yalçın, A. Z. (2008). Kamusal Mallar Teorisinin Değişimi: Bölgesel Kamusal Mallar, Yönetim ve Ekonomi Dergisi, 15(2), 1-18.
  • Dasari, A., Woods, V., Zakari, K., Forney, R., Gueye, A., and Tucker, C. (2022). West Africa conference on digital public goods and cybersecurity, Cambridge Open Engage, doi:10.33774/coe-2022-tnzdv
  • Dedebek, E. (2017). Küresel Kamusal Malların Finansmanı, Balkan Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 6(11), 19-32.
  • DHIS2 (2023). About DHIS2,, (Erişim Tarihi: 15.10.2023)
  • Diouf, L. D. (2021). What Are Digital Public Goods?, FOCUS, 4, 4-5.
  • DPG Charter (2022). The Charter for Digital Public Goods,, (Erişim Tarihi: 18.11.2023).
  • DPGA (2021a). Digital Public Goods Alliance 5 Year Strategy (2021-2026): Promoting digital public goods to create a more equitable world,, (Erişim Tarihi: 12.12.2023).
  • DPGA (2021b). 2021 Annual Report: Reviewing a year of digital public goods,, (Erişim Tarihi: 28.10.2023).
  • DPGA (2022). Unpacking concepts & definitions – digital public Infrastructure, building blocks, and their relation to digital public goods,, (Erişim Tarihi: 11.11.2023).
  • DPGA (2023). Digital Public Goods Standard,, (Erişim Tarihi: 11.12.2023).
  • DPGA (2024a). Registry,, (Erişim Tarihi: 04.05.2024).
  • DPGA (2024b). Modular Open Source Identity Platform,, (Erişim Tarihi: 04.11.2023).
  • Eaves, D., Bolte, L., Chuqulhuara, O. ve Hodlgere, S. (2022). Best Practices for the Governance of Digital Public Goods, Policy Briefs Series, Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation Harvard Kennedy School.
  • Eryiğit, B. H. (2013). Yerel Mal ve Hizmetlerin Kapsamındaki Değişmenin İktisadi Açıdan Değerlendirilmesi, Mevzuat Dergisi, 181.
  • Gelb, A. ve Metz, A. D. (2017). Identification Revolution: Can Digital ID Be Harnessed for Development?, CGD Brief, Center for Global Development.
  • Göker, Z. (2008). Kamusal Mallar Tanımında Farklı Görüşler, Maliye Dergisi, 155, 108-118.
  • Goldfarb, A. ve Tucker, C. (2019). Digital Economics. Journal of Economic Literature, 57(1), 3-43.
  • Guarda, T., Balseca, J., Garcia, K., Gonzalez J., Yagual, F. ve Castillo-Beltran, H. (2021). Digital transformation trends and innovation, İçinde IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. (Vol. 1099, No. 1, p. 012062). IOP Publishing.
  • Hunter, P. (2022). How Digital Public Goods Are Bringing the $10 Trillion Informal Economy Into the Digital Payments Loop, Open Source in Finance Forum,, (Erişim Tarihi: 10.10.2023).
  • Hume, David. 1961 [1739]. A Treatise of Human Nature. Garden City, NJ: Dolphin Books.
  • ID4Africa (2024). Why countries need an open and affordable identity solution: The Modular Open Source Identity Platform,, (Erişim Tarihi: 28.12.2023).
  • Ingram, G., McArthur, J. W. ve Vora, P. (2022). How can digital public technologies accelerate progress on the Sustainable Development Goals?, Brookings Global Working Paper #174, Brookings Center for Sustainable Development.
  • İşler, İ. (2021). Kamu Ekonomisi Perspektifinden Küresel Kamusal Malların Analizi. İçinde K. K. Razzokov, L. P. L. Cavaliere, S. Ademoğlu & A. Ahmad (Eds.), International CEO (Communication, Economics, Organization) Social Sciences Congress Proceedings E-Book, Ukraine, December 24-25, 2021.
  • Jongh, M. (2021). Public goods: why government should provide them, Ethical Annotation #8, Ethics Institute, Utrecht University.
  • Kanbur, R., Sandler, T. ve Morrison, K. M. (1999). The of Development Assistance: Common Pools and International Public Goods, ODC Policy Essay No. 25,, (Erişim Tarihi: 15.08.2024).
  • Kaul, I., Grunberg, I. & Stern, M. A. (Eds.) (1999). Global Public Goods: International Cooperation in the 21st Century, New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Kindleberger, C. P. (1986). International public goods without international government, The American Economic Review, 76(1), 1-13.
  • Kirmanoğlu, H., Yılmaz, B. E. & Susam, N. (2006). Maliye Teorisi’nin Çıkmazı: Küresel Kamusal Mallar (Kalkınma Yardımları İçinde Küresel Kamusal Malların Finansmanı), Maliye Dergisi, 150, 25-52.
  • Krasodomski-Jones, A. ve Eaves, D. (2023). Laying the Foundation for the Future: Open Source Sustainability and the Adoption of Digital Public Goods, T20 Policy Briefs.
  • Kuldosheva, G. (2021). Challenges And Opportunities Of Digital Transformation In The Public Sector In Transition Economies: Examination Of The Case Of Uzbekistan, ADBI Working Paper Series 1248, Asian Development Bank Institute.
  • Loebbecke, C. (2003). Digital Goods: An Economic Perspective. Encyclopedia of Information Systems, Vol 1, 635-647.
  • Meier, C. ve Arensen, H. (2023). Co-Creating Our Digital Future: How open-source technology can expand inclusive digital public infrastructure, Digital Impact Alliance.
  • Mishra, D., Kedia, M., Kanwar, S. ve Das, B. (2023). Aadhaar: Platform Or Infrastructure? Developing A Taxonomy For India’s Digital Public Ecosystem, Policy Brief 3, ICRIER-Prosus Centre for Internet and Digital Economy.
  • MOSIP (2023a). MOSIP Docs 1.1.5,, (Erişim Tarihi: 10.12.2023).
  • MOSIP (2023b). Country Partners,, (Erişim Tarihi: 10.12.2023).
  • MOSIP (2023c). Home,, (Erişim Tarihi: 10.12.2023).
  • MOSIP (2023d). The MOSIP Project,, (Erişim Tarihi: 10.12.2023).
  • Nicholson, B., Nielsen, P., Sahay, S. & Sæbø, J. I. (2022a). Digital public goods platforms for development: The challenge of scaling, The Information Society, 38(5), 364-376.
  • Nicholson, B., Nielsen, P., Sæbø, J. I. & Tavares, A. P. (2022b). Digital Public Goods for Development: A Conspectus and Research Agenda, İçinde Y. Zheng, P. Abbott & J. A. Robles-Flores (Eds.), Freedom and Social Inclusion in a Connected World, 17th IFIP WG 9.4 International Conference on Implications of Information and Digital Technologies for Development, ICT4D 2022, Lima, Peru, May 25–27, 2022, Proceedings.
  • Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2023). Digital transformation and development policy, Meld. St. 11 (2019–2020) Report to the Storting (white paper).
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Yıl 2024, Cilt: 14 Sayı: 28, 223 - 250, 25.12.2024


Today, an increasing number of goods are subject to digitalization. One of the goods that are subject to digitalization is digital public goods, which have gained a place in more debates today. Differing from the definition, characteristics and financing mechanisms of traditional public goods, digital public goods have a great economic potential. By combining open-source software, data, artificial intelligence models, standards and content with the Sustainable Development Goals, digital public goods help states build digital public infrastructure by reducing costs and increasing cooperation between different actors in the economy. However, despite their potential benefits, digital public goods still struggle with financing challenges. This paper introduces the concept of digital public goods theoretically and identifies where such goods differ from and fit with traditional public goods. In addition, the Modular Open Source Identity Platform, a digital public good, is analyzed from a public good perspective in order to further improve our practical understanding of this issue.


  • Akyol, S. ve Ulutürk, S. (2007). Küresel Kamu Malları: Hegemonya ve İstikrarın Küresel Ekonomi Politiği Akdeniz İİBF Dergisi, 7(13), 62-85.
  • Altınışık, İ. ve Peker, H. S. (2009). Küresel Kamusal Mallar ve Finansmanı, Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Meslek Yüksekokulu Dergisi, 12(1-2), 323-332.
  • Alonso, C., Bhojwani, T., Hanedar, E., Prihardini, D., Una, G. & Zhabska, K. (2023). Stacking up the Benefits Lessons from India’s Digital Journey, IMF Working Paper, WP/23/78, International Monetary Fund.
  • Ay, H. (2021). Kamu Maliyesi, 7. Baskı, İzmir.
  • Barış, A. & Barlas, E. (2017). Kamu Maliyesi Teorisinde Küresel Kamusal Mallar, Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Araştırmaları Dergisi, 12(1), 129-152.
  • Bartholomae, F. W. (2018). Digital Transformation, International Competition and Specialization, CESifo Forum, ISSN 2190-717X, ifo Institut – Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung an der Universität München, München, 19(4), 23-28.
  • Bessen, J. (2006). Open Source Software: Free Provision of Complex Public Goods, İçinde J. Bitzer ve P.J.H. Schröder (Eds.), The Economics of Open Source Software Development, 57-81, Elsevier.
  • CBR (2023). Pratiksha Trust Extra-Mural Support for Transformational Aging Brain Research (EMSTAR),, (Erişim Tarihi: 18.12.2023).
  • Correa, C. M. (2020). Data In Legal Limbo: Ownership, Sovereignty, Or A Digital Public Goods Regime, Research Paper 117, South Centre.
  • Callaghan, F. (2022). The challenges and opportunities of scaling digital public goods,, (Erişim Tarihi: 14.10.2023).
  • Chakraborty, S., Bijapurkar, A., Gark, A. ve Bansal, S. (2021). Building India’s Digital Highways: The Potential of Open Digital Ecosystems (ODEs), Omidyar Network India and Boston Consulting Group.
  • Çelebi, A. K. & Yalçın, A. Z. (2008). Kamusal Mallar Teorisinin Değişimi: Bölgesel Kamusal Mallar, Yönetim ve Ekonomi Dergisi, 15(2), 1-18.
  • Dasari, A., Woods, V., Zakari, K., Forney, R., Gueye, A., and Tucker, C. (2022). West Africa conference on digital public goods and cybersecurity, Cambridge Open Engage, doi:10.33774/coe-2022-tnzdv
  • Dedebek, E. (2017). Küresel Kamusal Malların Finansmanı, Balkan Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 6(11), 19-32.
  • DHIS2 (2023). About DHIS2,, (Erişim Tarihi: 15.10.2023)
  • Diouf, L. D. (2021). What Are Digital Public Goods?, FOCUS, 4, 4-5.
  • DPG Charter (2022). The Charter for Digital Public Goods,, (Erişim Tarihi: 18.11.2023).
  • DPGA (2021a). Digital Public Goods Alliance 5 Year Strategy (2021-2026): Promoting digital public goods to create a more equitable world,, (Erişim Tarihi: 12.12.2023).
  • DPGA (2021b). 2021 Annual Report: Reviewing a year of digital public goods,, (Erişim Tarihi: 28.10.2023).
  • DPGA (2022). Unpacking concepts & definitions – digital public Infrastructure, building blocks, and their relation to digital public goods,, (Erişim Tarihi: 11.11.2023).
  • DPGA (2023). Digital Public Goods Standard,, (Erişim Tarihi: 11.12.2023).
  • DPGA (2024a). Registry,, (Erişim Tarihi: 04.05.2024).
  • DPGA (2024b). Modular Open Source Identity Platform,, (Erişim Tarihi: 04.11.2023).
  • Eaves, D., Bolte, L., Chuqulhuara, O. ve Hodlgere, S. (2022). Best Practices for the Governance of Digital Public Goods, Policy Briefs Series, Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation Harvard Kennedy School.
  • Eryiğit, B. H. (2013). Yerel Mal ve Hizmetlerin Kapsamındaki Değişmenin İktisadi Açıdan Değerlendirilmesi, Mevzuat Dergisi, 181.
  • Gelb, A. ve Metz, A. D. (2017). Identification Revolution: Can Digital ID Be Harnessed for Development?, CGD Brief, Center for Global Development.
  • Göker, Z. (2008). Kamusal Mallar Tanımında Farklı Görüşler, Maliye Dergisi, 155, 108-118.
  • Goldfarb, A. ve Tucker, C. (2019). Digital Economics. Journal of Economic Literature, 57(1), 3-43.
  • Guarda, T., Balseca, J., Garcia, K., Gonzalez J., Yagual, F. ve Castillo-Beltran, H. (2021). Digital transformation trends and innovation, İçinde IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. (Vol. 1099, No. 1, p. 012062). IOP Publishing.
  • Hunter, P. (2022). How Digital Public Goods Are Bringing the $10 Trillion Informal Economy Into the Digital Payments Loop, Open Source in Finance Forum,, (Erişim Tarihi: 10.10.2023).
  • Hume, David. 1961 [1739]. A Treatise of Human Nature. Garden City, NJ: Dolphin Books.
  • ID4Africa (2024). Why countries need an open and affordable identity solution: The Modular Open Source Identity Platform,, (Erişim Tarihi: 28.12.2023).
  • Ingram, G., McArthur, J. W. ve Vora, P. (2022). How can digital public technologies accelerate progress on the Sustainable Development Goals?, Brookings Global Working Paper #174, Brookings Center for Sustainable Development.
  • İşler, İ. (2021). Kamu Ekonomisi Perspektifinden Küresel Kamusal Malların Analizi. İçinde K. K. Razzokov, L. P. L. Cavaliere, S. Ademoğlu & A. Ahmad (Eds.), International CEO (Communication, Economics, Organization) Social Sciences Congress Proceedings E-Book, Ukraine, December 24-25, 2021.
  • Jongh, M. (2021). Public goods: why government should provide them, Ethical Annotation #8, Ethics Institute, Utrecht University.
  • Kanbur, R., Sandler, T. ve Morrison, K. M. (1999). The of Development Assistance: Common Pools and International Public Goods, ODC Policy Essay No. 25,, (Erişim Tarihi: 15.08.2024).
  • Kaul, I., Grunberg, I. & Stern, M. A. (Eds.) (1999). Global Public Goods: International Cooperation in the 21st Century, New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Kindleberger, C. P. (1986). International public goods without international government, The American Economic Review, 76(1), 1-13.
  • Kirmanoğlu, H., Yılmaz, B. E. & Susam, N. (2006). Maliye Teorisi’nin Çıkmazı: Küresel Kamusal Mallar (Kalkınma Yardımları İçinde Küresel Kamusal Malların Finansmanı), Maliye Dergisi, 150, 25-52.
  • Krasodomski-Jones, A. ve Eaves, D. (2023). Laying the Foundation for the Future: Open Source Sustainability and the Adoption of Digital Public Goods, T20 Policy Briefs.
  • Kuldosheva, G. (2021). Challenges And Opportunities Of Digital Transformation In The Public Sector In Transition Economies: Examination Of The Case Of Uzbekistan, ADBI Working Paper Series 1248, Asian Development Bank Institute.
  • Loebbecke, C. (2003). Digital Goods: An Economic Perspective. Encyclopedia of Information Systems, Vol 1, 635-647.
  • Meier, C. ve Arensen, H. (2023). Co-Creating Our Digital Future: How open-source technology can expand inclusive digital public infrastructure, Digital Impact Alliance.
  • Mishra, D., Kedia, M., Kanwar, S. ve Das, B. (2023). Aadhaar: Platform Or Infrastructure? Developing A Taxonomy For India’s Digital Public Ecosystem, Policy Brief 3, ICRIER-Prosus Centre for Internet and Digital Economy.
  • MOSIP (2023a). MOSIP Docs 1.1.5,, (Erişim Tarihi: 10.12.2023).
  • MOSIP (2023b). Country Partners,, (Erişim Tarihi: 10.12.2023).
  • MOSIP (2023c). Home,, (Erişim Tarihi: 10.12.2023).
  • MOSIP (2023d). The MOSIP Project,, (Erişim Tarihi: 10.12.2023).
  • Nicholson, B., Nielsen, P., Sahay, S. & Sæbø, J. I. (2022a). Digital public goods platforms for development: The challenge of scaling, The Information Society, 38(5), 364-376.
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Toplam 88 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Kamu Maliyesi, Maliye Kuramı
Bölüm Makaleler

İlker Yaman 0000-0002-3724-7467

Yayımlanma Tarihi 25 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 18 Ocak 2024
Kabul Tarihi 5 Eylül 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 14 Sayı: 28

Kaynak Göster

APA Yaman, İ. (2024). DİJİTAL KAMUSAL MALLAR VE MODÜLER AÇIK KAYNAK KİMLİK PLATFORMU ÖRNEĞİ. Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 14(28), 223-250.
Chicago Yaman, İlker. “DİJİTAL KAMUSAL MALLAR VE MODÜLER AÇIK KAYNAK KİMLİK PLATFORMU ÖRNEĞİ”. Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 14, sy. 28 (Aralık 2024): 223-50.
EndNote Yaman İ (01 Aralık 2024) DİJİTAL KAMUSAL MALLAR VE MODÜLER AÇIK KAYNAK KİMLİK PLATFORMU ÖRNEĞİ. Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 14 28 223–250.
ISNAD Yaman, İlker. “DİJİTAL KAMUSAL MALLAR VE MODÜLER AÇIK KAYNAK KİMLİK PLATFORMU ÖRNEĞİ”. Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 14/28 (Aralık 2024), 223-250.
MLA Yaman, İlker. “DİJİTAL KAMUSAL MALLAR VE MODÜLER AÇIK KAYNAK KİMLİK PLATFORMU ÖRNEĞİ”. Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, c. 14, sy. 28, 2024, ss. 223-50.



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