A Study on Alternative Raw Material Source for Giant reed (Arundo donax L.)
Yıl 2014,
Cilt: 18 Sayı: 3, 90 - 96, 07.01.2015
Turgut Şahin
Burak Arslan
Gaint reed is an important plant that in the Mediterranean climate zone. It is a perennial and a fast-growing species that can grow in various conditions. Humans have been utilized that plant for the thousands of years. The windy instruments as well as traditional and regional purpose goods are the main application areas of that specie. In Turkey, it is a raw material for the manufacture of weaving goods as well as vegetable and herbal essentials. Due to its chemical and fibrous properties, it is a potential raw material for cellulose and paper industry as well as composite industry. In suitable conditions, up to 100 tonnes/year of biomass from hectares can be harvested. However, It’s fibrous properties and chemical constituents similar to wood species. At the Mediterranean countries as well as United States, it became a popular biomass material but it is not consider an biomass source in our country. In this study, the general characteristics of giant reed have been established with literature findings. Hence, the main objective of that study to be a potential utilization of Giant reed in future research
- Altheimer, E., Wolcott, M., 1999. Arundo donax pulp, paper products, and particle board. Alex-Alt Biomass, Inc (US) Patent WO 99/066119, Dec, 23,1999.
- Angelini, L.G, Ceccarini, L, Bonari, E., 2005. Biomass yield and energy balance of Giant reed (Arundo Donax L.) cropped in central Italy as related to different management practices. European Journal of Agronomy, 22, 375–389.
- Angelini, L.G, Ceccarini, L, Di Nasso, N,N, Bonari, E., 2009. Comparison of Arundo donax L. and Miscanthus giganteus in a long-term field experiment in Central Italy: Analysis of productive characteristics andeEnergy balance. Biomass and Bioenergy, 33, 635-43.
- Arslan, M., Üremiş, İ., Şener, O., Bozkurt, S., Dağhan, H., 2012. Hatay İli Samandağ İlçesi Ney kamışlıklarının durumu ve sürdürülebilirliği. MKÜ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 17 (2), 87-96.
- Asan, Ü., 1998. Fonksiyonel planlamada idare Süreleri ve amaç çapları. İstanbul Üniversitesi, Orman Fak. Dergisi 1-2-3-4, 23-40.
- Aysu, T., Küçük, M.M., 2013. Liquefaction of Giant reed (Arundo donax L.) by supercritical fluid extraction. Fuel 103, 758–763.
- Bacher, W., Sauerbeck, G., Wagner, G.M., Bassam, N.E., 2001. Giant reed (Arundo donax) network, improvement, productivity and biomass quality. Final Report FAIR CT96-2028, Braunschweig, 72 p.
- Baharoğlu, M., Nemli, G., Sarı, B., Birtürk, T., Bardak, S. 2013. Effects of anatomical and chemical properties of wood on the quality of particleboard. Composites: Part B, 5, 282–285.
- Bari, I.D., Liuzzi, F., Villone, A., Braccio, G., 2013. Hydrolysis of concentrated suspensions of steam pretreated Arundo donax. Applied Energy, 102, 179– 189.
- Bezirci, Z., 2007. Göller bölgesi’nde bitkisel dokumacılık ve üretilen hasır dokumaların bazı özellikleri üzerinde bir araştırma, Doktora Tezi, Ankara Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 201s, Ankara.
- Christou, M., Mardikis, M., Alexopoulou, E., Cosentino, S.L., Copani, V., Sanzone, E.S., 2003. Environmental studies on Arundo donax. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Lemnos Island, Greece, 102-110.
- Flores, J.A, Pastor, J.J, Gabarron, A.M, Blanes, F.J.G, Guisado, I.R, Frutos, M.J., 2011. Arundo donax chipboard based on Urea-formaldehyde resin using under 4 mm particles size meets the standard criteria for indoor use. Industrial Crops and Products 34, 1538–1542.
- Ghalehno, M.D., Madhoushi, M., Tabarsa, T., Nazerian, M., 2011. The manufacture of particleboards using mixture of Reed (Surface layer) and commercial species (Middle layer). European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 69, 341–344.
- Gordon, D.R., Tancig, K.J., Onderdonk, D.A., Gantz, C.A., 2011. Assessing the invasive potential of species proposed for Florida and the United States using the Australian Weed risk assessment. Biomass Bioenergy 35, 74-79.
- Guarrera, P.M., 2008. Handicrafts, handlooms and dye plants in Italian folks tradition. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, 7, 67-69.
- Gücel S., 2010. Arundo donax L. (Giant reed) use by Turkish cypriots. Ethnobotany Research and Applications, 8, 245-248.
- Güneş, K., Saygin, Ö., 1996. Productivity of the energy crops: Giant reed and sweet sorghum in Turkey. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 5, 756–761.
- Hidalgo M, Fernandez J., 2000. Biomass production of ten populations of Giant reed (Arundo donax L.) under the environmental conditions of Madrid (Spain). Biomass for Energy and Industry: Proceeding of the First World Conference, Sevilla, Spain. London: James & James (Science Publishers) Ltd., 1881–1884.
- Kalaycıoglu, H,, Nemli, G., 2006. Producing composite particleboard from Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.) stalks. Industrial Crops and Products, 24, 177–180.
- Koca, F., 2002. Ney'in tarihi gelişimi ve dini musikimizdeki yeri. Dini Araştırmalar, 4, 181-96.
- Lewandowski, I., Scurlock J.M.O, Lindvall E, Christou M., 2003. The development and current status of perennial rhizomatous grasses as energy crops in the US and Europe. Biomass and Bioenergy, 25, 335-61.
- Neto, C. P., Seca, A., Nunes, A.M., Coimbra, M.A., Domingues, F., Evtuguin, D., Silvestre, A., Cavaleiro, J.A.S., 1997. Variations in chemical composition and structure of macromolecular components in different morphological regions and maturity stages of Arundo donax. Industrial Crops and Products, 6, 51-58.
- Nikvash, N., Kraft, R., Kharazipour, A., Euring, M., 2010. Comparative properties of Bagasse, Canola and Hemp particleboards. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 68, 323–327.
- Nugroho, N., Ando, N., 2000. Development of structural composite products made from Bamboo I: fundamental properties of Bamboo Zephyr Board. Journal of Wood Science, 46, 68-74.
- Odero, D., Robert, R., Ferrell, J., Helsel, Z., 2011. Production of Giant reed for biofuel. University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, SS AGR, 318.
- Olesen, P.O., Plackett, D.V., 1999. Perspectives on the performance of natural plant fibres. Proceedings of the natural fibres performance forum. Copenhagen, Denmark, 1–7.
- Ortunõ, T.G., Rodrígues, J.A., García, M.T.F., Villena, M.F., García, C.E.F., 2011. Evaluation of the physical an mechanical properties of particleboard made from Giant reed (Arundo donax L.) BioResources, 6, 477- 486.
- Palenscar, K.T., 2012. The Role of native riparian vegetation in resisting invasion by Giant reed, Arundo donax. Ph. D. Dissertation, Department of Botany and Plant Sciences, University of California, Riverside.
- Papadopoulos, A.N., Hague, J.R.B., 2003. The potential for using Flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) shiv as a lignocellulosic raw material for particleboard. Industrial Crops and Products, 17, 143-147.
- Perdue, R.E., 1958. Arundo donax—Source of musical reeds and industrial cellulose. Economic Botany, 12, 368–404.
- Pilu, R, Bucci, A., Badone, F.C., Landoni, M., 2012. Giant reed (Arundo Donax L.) : A weed plant or a promising energy crop? African Journal of Biotechnology. 11, 9163-9174.
- Pilu, R., Manca, A., Landoni, M., 2013. Arundo donax as an energy crop: Pros and Cons of the utilization of this perennial plant. Maydica E-Publication, 58, 54-59 Quinn, L.D., Holt, J.S., 2008. Ecological correlates of invasion by Arundo donax in three Southern California riparian habitats. Biological Invasions, 10, 591-601.
- Quinn, L.D., Rauterku, R.A., Holt, J.S., 2007. Effects of nitrogen enrichment and competition on growth and spread of Giant reed (Arundo donax). Weed Science, 55, 319-326.
- Rodriguez, J.A., Medina, E., Garcia, M.T.F., Vıllena, M.F., Garcia, C.E.F., Paredes, C., M. Bustamante, M.A., Caselles, J.M., 2013. Agricultural and industrial valorization of Arundo donax L. communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 44, 598–609. Sarıoğlu,
- hammaddelerinden Söğüt (Salix L.) ve kargı kamışı 'nın (Arundo donax L.) bazı teknolojik özelliklerinin incelenmesi. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 4, 63-68.
- Shatalov, A.A, Pereira, H., 2000. Arundo donax L. (Giant Reed) as a source of fibres for paper industry: perspectives for modern ecologically friendly pulping technologies. Biomass for Energy and Industry: Proceeding of the First World Conference, Sevilla, Spain. London: James & James (Science Publishers) Ltd., 2001, 1183–1186.
- Shatalov, A.A., Pereira, H.. 2001. Arundo donax L. Reed—new perspectives for pulping and bleaching. 2. Organosolv delignification. Tappi Journal, 84(11), 1– 14.
- Shatalov, A.A.,Pereira, H., 2013. High-grade sulfur- free cellulose fibers by Pre-hydrolysis and ethanol- alkali delignification of Giant reed (Arundo donax L.) stems. Industrial Crops and Products, 43: 623–630.
- Shatalov, A.A., Quilhó, T., Pereira, H., 2001. Arundo donax L. reed: New perspectives for pulping and bleaching 1. Raw material characterization. Tappi Journal, 84(1), 1–12.
- Sjöström, E., 1993. Wood chemistry. fundamentals and aplications. 2. ed,: Academic Press, New York. 293 pp.
- Skousen, J., Keene, T., Marra, M., Gutta, B., 2013. Reclamation of mined land with Switchgrass, Miscanthus, and Arundo for biofuel production. Journal American Society of Mining and Reclamation, 2(1), 177-191.
- Soyak, A., 2009. Aşağı Seyhan Ovası sulama sistemlerindeki yabancı otlanma ve yabancı ot türleri ile üzerindeki doğal düşmanların saptanması, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Çukurova Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 117s, Adana.
- Sun, O., Uğurlu, S., Özer, E., 1980. Kızılçam türüne ait biyolojik kütlenin saptanması OAE Yayınları Teknik Bülten Serisi, No: 104, Ankara, 32s.
- Temiz, A., Akbas, S., Panov, D., Terziev, N., Alma, M. H., Parlak, S., Kose, G., 2013. Chemical composition and eficiency of bio-oil obtained from Giant cane (Arundo donax L.) as a wood preservative, BioResources. 8(2), 2084-2098.
- Ververis, C., Georghiou, K., Christodoulakis, N., Santas, P., Santas, R., 2004. Fiber dimensions, lignin and cellulose content of various plant materials and their suitability for paper production. Industrial Crops and Products, 19, 245–254.
Alternatif Hammadde Kaynağı Olarak Kargı Kamışı (Arundo donax L.) Üzerine Bir İnceleme
Yıl 2014,
Cilt: 18 Sayı: 3, 90 - 96, 07.01.2015
Turgut Şahin
Burak Arslan
Kargı kamışı Akdeniz iklim kuşağının önemli bir C3 bitkisidir. Farklı ekolojik koşullarda yetişebilen, hızlı gelişebilen çok yıllık bir türdür. İnsanlardan tarafından kullanımı binlerce yıl öncesine dayanmaktadır. Üflemeli çalgı aleti ile geleneksel ve yöresel amaçlı eşyaların yapımı başlıca kullanım alanlarıdır. Türkiye' de ney yapımında kullanılmasının yanı sıra bitkisel örücülük ve bitkisel dokumacılığın vazgeçilmez hammadde kaynağıdır. Kimyasal içeriği ve lifsel özelliklerinden dolayı potansiyel olarak selüloz ve kağıt endüstrisi ile kompozit levha üretimi için uygun bir hammadde özelliği taşımaktadır. Uygun şartlar oluştuğunda, hektarda 100 ton/ yıl a kadar biyokütle verebilmektedir. Lif özellikleri ve kimyasal içerik bakımından yapraklı ağaç liflerine benzemektedir. Başta Akdeniz ülkeleri ve Amerika Birleşik Devletleri olmak üzere dünya genelinde ilgi gören bir biyokütle kaynağı olan kargı kamışına ülkemizce yeteri kadar alaka gösterilmemektedir. Bu çalışmada kargı kamışının genel özellikleri ve kullanım alanlarına yönelik literatür bilgileri araştırılmıştır. Kargı kamışının endüstriyel kullanımına yönelik çalışmalara altlık oluşturmak amaçlanmıştır.
- Altheimer, E., Wolcott, M., 1999. Arundo donax pulp, paper products, and particle board. Alex-Alt Biomass, Inc (US) Patent WO 99/066119, Dec, 23,1999.
- Angelini, L.G, Ceccarini, L, Bonari, E., 2005. Biomass yield and energy balance of Giant reed (Arundo Donax L.) cropped in central Italy as related to different management practices. European Journal of Agronomy, 22, 375–389.
- Angelini, L.G, Ceccarini, L, Di Nasso, N,N, Bonari, E., 2009. Comparison of Arundo donax L. and Miscanthus giganteus in a long-term field experiment in Central Italy: Analysis of productive characteristics andeEnergy balance. Biomass and Bioenergy, 33, 635-43.
- Arslan, M., Üremiş, İ., Şener, O., Bozkurt, S., Dağhan, H., 2012. Hatay İli Samandağ İlçesi Ney kamışlıklarının durumu ve sürdürülebilirliği. MKÜ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 17 (2), 87-96.
- Asan, Ü., 1998. Fonksiyonel planlamada idare Süreleri ve amaç çapları. İstanbul Üniversitesi, Orman Fak. Dergisi 1-2-3-4, 23-40.
- Aysu, T., Küçük, M.M., 2013. Liquefaction of Giant reed (Arundo donax L.) by supercritical fluid extraction. Fuel 103, 758–763.
- Bacher, W., Sauerbeck, G., Wagner, G.M., Bassam, N.E., 2001. Giant reed (Arundo donax) network, improvement, productivity and biomass quality. Final Report FAIR CT96-2028, Braunschweig, 72 p.
- Baharoğlu, M., Nemli, G., Sarı, B., Birtürk, T., Bardak, S. 2013. Effects of anatomical and chemical properties of wood on the quality of particleboard. Composites: Part B, 5, 282–285.
- Bari, I.D., Liuzzi, F., Villone, A., Braccio, G., 2013. Hydrolysis of concentrated suspensions of steam pretreated Arundo donax. Applied Energy, 102, 179– 189.
- Bezirci, Z., 2007. Göller bölgesi’nde bitkisel dokumacılık ve üretilen hasır dokumaların bazı özellikleri üzerinde bir araştırma, Doktora Tezi, Ankara Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 201s, Ankara.
- Christou, M., Mardikis, M., Alexopoulou, E., Cosentino, S.L., Copani, V., Sanzone, E.S., 2003. Environmental studies on Arundo donax. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Lemnos Island, Greece, 102-110.
- Flores, J.A, Pastor, J.J, Gabarron, A.M, Blanes, F.J.G, Guisado, I.R, Frutos, M.J., 2011. Arundo donax chipboard based on Urea-formaldehyde resin using under 4 mm particles size meets the standard criteria for indoor use. Industrial Crops and Products 34, 1538–1542.
- Ghalehno, M.D., Madhoushi, M., Tabarsa, T., Nazerian, M., 2011. The manufacture of particleboards using mixture of Reed (Surface layer) and commercial species (Middle layer). European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 69, 341–344.
- Gordon, D.R., Tancig, K.J., Onderdonk, D.A., Gantz, C.A., 2011. Assessing the invasive potential of species proposed for Florida and the United States using the Australian Weed risk assessment. Biomass Bioenergy 35, 74-79.
- Guarrera, P.M., 2008. Handicrafts, handlooms and dye plants in Italian folks tradition. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, 7, 67-69.
- Gücel S., 2010. Arundo donax L. (Giant reed) use by Turkish cypriots. Ethnobotany Research and Applications, 8, 245-248.
- Güneş, K., Saygin, Ö., 1996. Productivity of the energy crops: Giant reed and sweet sorghum in Turkey. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 5, 756–761.
- Hidalgo M, Fernandez J., 2000. Biomass production of ten populations of Giant reed (Arundo donax L.) under the environmental conditions of Madrid (Spain). Biomass for Energy and Industry: Proceeding of the First World Conference, Sevilla, Spain. London: James & James (Science Publishers) Ltd., 1881–1884.
- Kalaycıoglu, H,, Nemli, G., 2006. Producing composite particleboard from Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.) stalks. Industrial Crops and Products, 24, 177–180.
- Koca, F., 2002. Ney'in tarihi gelişimi ve dini musikimizdeki yeri. Dini Araştırmalar, 4, 181-96.
- Lewandowski, I., Scurlock J.M.O, Lindvall E, Christou M., 2003. The development and current status of perennial rhizomatous grasses as energy crops in the US and Europe. Biomass and Bioenergy, 25, 335-61.
- Neto, C. P., Seca, A., Nunes, A.M., Coimbra, M.A., Domingues, F., Evtuguin, D., Silvestre, A., Cavaleiro, J.A.S., 1997. Variations in chemical composition and structure of macromolecular components in different morphological regions and maturity stages of Arundo donax. Industrial Crops and Products, 6, 51-58.
- Nikvash, N., Kraft, R., Kharazipour, A., Euring, M., 2010. Comparative properties of Bagasse, Canola and Hemp particleboards. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 68, 323–327.
- Nugroho, N., Ando, N., 2000. Development of structural composite products made from Bamboo I: fundamental properties of Bamboo Zephyr Board. Journal of Wood Science, 46, 68-74.
- Odero, D., Robert, R., Ferrell, J., Helsel, Z., 2011. Production of Giant reed for biofuel. University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, SS AGR, 318.
- Olesen, P.O., Plackett, D.V., 1999. Perspectives on the performance of natural plant fibres. Proceedings of the natural fibres performance forum. Copenhagen, Denmark, 1–7.
- Ortunõ, T.G., Rodrígues, J.A., García, M.T.F., Villena, M.F., García, C.E.F., 2011. Evaluation of the physical an mechanical properties of particleboard made from Giant reed (Arundo donax L.) BioResources, 6, 477- 486.
- Palenscar, K.T., 2012. The Role of native riparian vegetation in resisting invasion by Giant reed, Arundo donax. Ph. D. Dissertation, Department of Botany and Plant Sciences, University of California, Riverside.
- Papadopoulos, A.N., Hague, J.R.B., 2003. The potential for using Flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) shiv as a lignocellulosic raw material for particleboard. Industrial Crops and Products, 17, 143-147.
- Perdue, R.E., 1958. Arundo donax—Source of musical reeds and industrial cellulose. Economic Botany, 12, 368–404.
- Pilu, R, Bucci, A., Badone, F.C., Landoni, M., 2012. Giant reed (Arundo Donax L.) : A weed plant or a promising energy crop? African Journal of Biotechnology. 11, 9163-9174.
- Pilu, R., Manca, A., Landoni, M., 2013. Arundo donax as an energy crop: Pros and Cons of the utilization of this perennial plant. Maydica E-Publication, 58, 54-59 Quinn, L.D., Holt, J.S., 2008. Ecological correlates of invasion by Arundo donax in three Southern California riparian habitats. Biological Invasions, 10, 591-601.
- Quinn, L.D., Rauterku, R.A., Holt, J.S., 2007. Effects of nitrogen enrichment and competition on growth and spread of Giant reed (Arundo donax). Weed Science, 55, 319-326.
- Rodriguez, J.A., Medina, E., Garcia, M.T.F., Vıllena, M.F., Garcia, C.E.F., Paredes, C., M. Bustamante, M.A., Caselles, J.M., 2013. Agricultural and industrial valorization of Arundo donax L. communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 44, 598–609. Sarıoğlu,
- hammaddelerinden Söğüt (Salix L.) ve kargı kamışı 'nın (Arundo donax L.) bazı teknolojik özelliklerinin incelenmesi. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 4, 63-68.
- Shatalov, A.A, Pereira, H., 2000. Arundo donax L. (Giant Reed) as a source of fibres for paper industry: perspectives for modern ecologically friendly pulping technologies. Biomass for Energy and Industry: Proceeding of the First World Conference, Sevilla, Spain. London: James & James (Science Publishers) Ltd., 2001, 1183–1186.
- Shatalov, A.A., Pereira, H.. 2001. Arundo donax L. Reed—new perspectives for pulping and bleaching. 2. Organosolv delignification. Tappi Journal, 84(11), 1– 14.
- Shatalov, A.A.,Pereira, H., 2013. High-grade sulfur- free cellulose fibers by Pre-hydrolysis and ethanol- alkali delignification of Giant reed (Arundo donax L.) stems. Industrial Crops and Products, 43: 623–630.
- Shatalov, A.A., Quilhó, T., Pereira, H., 2001. Arundo donax L. reed: New perspectives for pulping and bleaching 1. Raw material characterization. Tappi Journal, 84(1), 1–12.
- Sjöström, E., 1993. Wood chemistry. fundamentals and aplications. 2. ed,: Academic Press, New York. 293 pp.
- Skousen, J., Keene, T., Marra, M., Gutta, B., 2013. Reclamation of mined land with Switchgrass, Miscanthus, and Arundo for biofuel production. Journal American Society of Mining and Reclamation, 2(1), 177-191.
- Soyak, A., 2009. Aşağı Seyhan Ovası sulama sistemlerindeki yabancı otlanma ve yabancı ot türleri ile üzerindeki doğal düşmanların saptanması, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Çukurova Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 117s, Adana.
- Sun, O., Uğurlu, S., Özer, E., 1980. Kızılçam türüne ait biyolojik kütlenin saptanması OAE Yayınları Teknik Bülten Serisi, No: 104, Ankara, 32s.
- Temiz, A., Akbas, S., Panov, D., Terziev, N., Alma, M. H., Parlak, S., Kose, G., 2013. Chemical composition and eficiency of bio-oil obtained from Giant cane (Arundo donax L.) as a wood preservative, BioResources. 8(2), 2084-2098.
- Ververis, C., Georghiou, K., Christodoulakis, N., Santas, P., Santas, R., 2004. Fiber dimensions, lignin and cellulose content of various plant materials and their suitability for paper production. Industrial Crops and Products, 19, 245–254.