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Bir Açık İnovasyon Aracı Olarak "Crowdsourcing" ve Üniversitelerde Uygulanabilirliği - Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi İİBF Örneği

Yıl 2012, Cilt: 17 Sayı: 3, 485 - 508, 01.09.2012



  • 1. AFUAH, Allan (2009), Strategic Innovation: New Game Strategies For Competitive Advantage, Routledge, NewYork, USA.
  • 2. ARAKJI, Reina. Y., ve Karl R. Lang (2007), “The Virtual Cathedral and the Virtual Bazaar”, The Database for Advances in Information Systems , 38, pp. 33-39.
  • 3. BACKER, Keon De ve Mario Cervantes (2008), “Open Innovation In Global Networks”,http://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/science-and-technology /open-innovation-in-global-networks_9789264047693-en, 05.06.2011.
  • 4. BAKER, William E. ve James M. Sinkula (2002), “Market Orientation, Learning Orientation and Product Innovation: Delving into the Organization's Black Box”, Journal of Market-Focused Management , 5(1):5-23.
  • 5. BALKIN, David B., Gideon D. Markman ve Luis R. Gomez-Mejia (2000), “ Is CEO Pay In High-Technology Frms Related to Innovation?”, The Academy of Management Journal ;43(6):1118–29.
  • 6. BOJIN, Nis (2011), “Designing and Deploying a ‘Compact’ Crowdsourcing Infrastructure: A Case Study”, Business Information Review, 28(1) 41–48.
  • 7. BRABHAM, Daren C. (2011a), “Crowdsourcing: A Model for Leveraging Online Communities”,
  • 8. http://dbrabham.files.wordpress.com/2011/03/brabham _handbook_crow dsourcing.pdf, Erişim: 10.05.2011.
  • 9. BRABHAM, Daren C. (2011b), “Reining in Crowdsourcing”, http://www.crowdsourcing.org/editorial/reining-in-crowdsourcing/2547, Erişim: 12.05.2011.
  • 10. CHESBROUGH, Henry (2003), Open Innovation: The New Imperative for Creating and Profiting from Technology, Harvard Business School Press Boston, USA.
  • 11. CHESBROUGH, Henry (2006),“New Puzzles and New Findings
  • 12. http://www.openinnovation.net/Book/NewParadigm/Chapters/ 02.pdf, 25.04.2011.
  • 13. COOPER, Robert Gravlin (1993), Winning at New ProductsAccelerating the Process from Idea to Launch, 2nd Edition, Perseus Publishing, Cambridge, England.
  • 14. DARROCH, Jenny ve Rod McNaugton (2002), “Examining the Link Between Knowledge Management Practices and Types of Innovation” Journal of Intellectual Capital, 3(3):210–22.
  • 15. DAVIS, Randy. J. ve Darlene Banks (2004), “The Benefits of Outsourcing State and Local Property Tax Functions”
  • 16. http://www.mfpoer.com/uploads/The%20Benefits%20of% 20Outsourcin g.pdf, 06.05.2011.
  • 17. DEBRUYNE, Marion, Rudy Moenaert, Abbie Griffin, Susan Hart, Erik Jan Hultink ve Henry Robben (2002), “The Impact of New Product Launch Strategies on Competitive Reaction in Industrial Markets”, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 19(2): 159-170.
  • 18. DOCHERTY, Michael (2006), “Primer On Open Innovation Principles and Practice”, PDMA Visions, XXX(2):13-17.
  • 19. FUNK, Tom (2011), Social Media Playbook for Business, Greenwood Publishing, Santa Barbara, USA.
  • 20. GEROSKI, Paul ve Steve Machin (1992), “Do Innovating Firms Outperform Non-Innovators?”, Business Strategy Review, 3: 79–90.
  • 21. GOFFIN, Keith, Fred Lemke ve Ursula Koners (2010), Identifying Hidden Needs: Creating Breakthrough Products, Palgrave Macmillan, New York, USA.
  • 22. HAUSCHILDT, Jürgen ve Sören SALOMO (2007), Innovations Management, 4td Edition, Franz Vahlen GmbH, München, Deutschland.
  • 23. HERZOG, Philip (2011), Open and Closed Innovation: Different Cultures for Different Strategies, Verlag-Springer, Germany.
  • 24. HOWE, Jeff (2006), ‘Crowdsourcing: A Definition’, Crowdsourcing: Tracking the Rise of the Amateur”, http://crowdsourcing.typepad.com/cs/2006/06/crowdsourcing_a.html, 01.05.2011.
  • 25. HOWE, Jeff (2008), Crowdsourcing-Why the Power of the Crowd is Driving the Future of Business, Crown Business, New York, USA.
  • 26. KANTER, Beth ve Allison Fine (2010), The Networked Nonprofit: Connecting with Social Media to Drive Change, Jossey Bass Wiley, Chichester, England.
  • 27. KLEEMANN, Frank, G. Günter Voß ve Kerstin Rieder (2008), “Un(der) paid Innovators: The Commercial Utilization of Consumer Wo Through Crowdsourcing”, Science, Technology \&Innovation Studies STI Studies, Vol. 4, p. 5-26.
  • 28. LEADBEATER, Charles (2007), Open Platform to Develop and Share Innovative New Business Ideas, 05.04.2008.
  • 29. www.openbusiness.cc/2007/3/14/two-faces-of-open-innovation/ 30. Lithium Technologies (2009), Succeeding with Online Idea Exchanges, 31. http://www.innovationtools.com/PDF/succeeding_with_online_ideas_ex changes.pdf. 05.05.2011.
  • 32. LUNDVALL, Bengt-Åke (2006): ‘Innovation System Research and Policy: Where it Came Fromand Where It Should Go’: Second Version of Draft Paper for Kistep Forum on Innovation: Seoul.
  • 33. LYON, Dougles W. ve Walter J. Ferrier (2002), “Enhancing Performance With Product–Market Innovation: TheInfluence of the Top Management Team”, Journal of Managerial Issues, 14(14):452–69.
  • 34. MARGARIA, Tiziana ve Berhard Steffen (2010), Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification, and Validation, Part 1, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany.
  • 35. MILLER, William L. (2001), “Innovationfor Business Growth”, ResearchTechnology Management, 44(5), 26-41.
  • 36. ROBERTS, Edward B. (1988), “Managing Invention and Innovation: What We've Learnt”, Research· Technology Management, Vol. 31, No. 1,pp:11-29.
  • 37. SCHENK, Eric ve Claude GUITTARD (2009), “Crowdsourcing:
  • 38. What Can Be Outsourced to the Crowd, and Why ?”
  • 39. http://cournot.u-strasbg.fr/users/osi/program/Guittard%20schenk.pdf, 01.06.2011.
  • 40. SLOANE, Paul (2011), A Guide to Open Innovation and Crowdsourcing, Koganpage Limited, Londra, England.
  • 41. SUROWIECKI, James (2004), The Wisdom of Crowds: Why the Many Are Smarter Than the Fewand How Collective Wisdom Shapes Business, Economies, Societies and Nations, Random Large House Print, New York, USA.
  • 42. SUROWIECKI, James (2005), The Wisdom Of Crowds, Anchor Books, New York, USA.
  • 43. TIDD, Joe, John Bessant ve KetihPavitt (2005), Managing Innovation: Integrating Technological, Market and Organizational Change, John Wiley&Sons Ltd., England
  • 44. UTTERBACK, James M. (1994) Mastering the Dynamics of Innovation: How Companies Can Seize Opportunities in the Face of Technological Change. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press, USA.
  • 45. VRAKKING, Willem J. (1990), “The Innovative Organization”, Long Range Planning, 23(2), pp.94-102.
  • 46. WOLFE, Richard A. (1994), “Organizational Innovation: Review, Critique and Suggested Research Directions”, Journal of Management Studies, 31(3):405–31.


Yıl 2012, Cilt: 17 Sayı: 3, 485 - 508, 01.09.2012


Bu çalışmanın iki amacı bulunmaktadır. Birincisi nispeten yeni olan bu kavramın detaylı bir şekilde incelenerek literatüre katkı sağlanması, ikincisi ise üniversitelerde “crowdsourcing” uygulamalarının yapılabilirliğinin belirlenmesidir. Üniversiteler interneti yoğun kullanan nitelikli bir “kalabalık”tan oluşmasına rağmen, üniversitelerde çok az “crowdsourcing” uygulamasına yer verilmektedir. Bu çelişki çalışmanın temel araştırma sorusudur. Veri toplamak amacıyla Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesinde 2010-2011 akademik yılı içerisinde rasgele örneklem metodu ile 400 öğrenci seçilmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda üniversitelerde crowdsourcing uygulamaları yapılmasına öğrencilerin genel olarak olumlu baktıkları, öğrencilerin fikirleri karşılığında daha çok maddi ödülleri tercih ettikleri, en çok sosyal faaliyetlere yönelik projelere katılmak istedikleri ve fikir çağrısının afiş yolu ile duyurulmasını istedikleri görülmüştür


  • 1. AFUAH, Allan (2009), Strategic Innovation: New Game Strategies For Competitive Advantage, Routledge, NewYork, USA.
  • 2. ARAKJI, Reina. Y., ve Karl R. Lang (2007), “The Virtual Cathedral and the Virtual Bazaar”, The Database for Advances in Information Systems , 38, pp. 33-39.
  • 3. BACKER, Keon De ve Mario Cervantes (2008), “Open Innovation In Global Networks”,http://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/science-and-technology /open-innovation-in-global-networks_9789264047693-en, 05.06.2011.
  • 4. BAKER, William E. ve James M. Sinkula (2002), “Market Orientation, Learning Orientation and Product Innovation: Delving into the Organization's Black Box”, Journal of Market-Focused Management , 5(1):5-23.
  • 5. BALKIN, David B., Gideon D. Markman ve Luis R. Gomez-Mejia (2000), “ Is CEO Pay In High-Technology Frms Related to Innovation?”, The Academy of Management Journal ;43(6):1118–29.
  • 6. BOJIN, Nis (2011), “Designing and Deploying a ‘Compact’ Crowdsourcing Infrastructure: A Case Study”, Business Information Review, 28(1) 41–48.
  • 7. BRABHAM, Daren C. (2011a), “Crowdsourcing: A Model for Leveraging Online Communities”,
  • 8. http://dbrabham.files.wordpress.com/2011/03/brabham _handbook_crow dsourcing.pdf, Erişim: 10.05.2011.
  • 9. BRABHAM, Daren C. (2011b), “Reining in Crowdsourcing”, http://www.crowdsourcing.org/editorial/reining-in-crowdsourcing/2547, Erişim: 12.05.2011.
  • 10. CHESBROUGH, Henry (2003), Open Innovation: The New Imperative for Creating and Profiting from Technology, Harvard Business School Press Boston, USA.
  • 11. CHESBROUGH, Henry (2006),“New Puzzles and New Findings
  • 12. http://www.openinnovation.net/Book/NewParadigm/Chapters/ 02.pdf, 25.04.2011.
  • 13. COOPER, Robert Gravlin (1993), Winning at New ProductsAccelerating the Process from Idea to Launch, 2nd Edition, Perseus Publishing, Cambridge, England.
  • 14. DARROCH, Jenny ve Rod McNaugton (2002), “Examining the Link Between Knowledge Management Practices and Types of Innovation” Journal of Intellectual Capital, 3(3):210–22.
  • 15. DAVIS, Randy. J. ve Darlene Banks (2004), “The Benefits of Outsourcing State and Local Property Tax Functions”
  • 16. http://www.mfpoer.com/uploads/The%20Benefits%20of% 20Outsourcin g.pdf, 06.05.2011.
  • 17. DEBRUYNE, Marion, Rudy Moenaert, Abbie Griffin, Susan Hart, Erik Jan Hultink ve Henry Robben (2002), “The Impact of New Product Launch Strategies on Competitive Reaction in Industrial Markets”, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 19(2): 159-170.
  • 18. DOCHERTY, Michael (2006), “Primer On Open Innovation Principles and Practice”, PDMA Visions, XXX(2):13-17.
  • 19. FUNK, Tom (2011), Social Media Playbook for Business, Greenwood Publishing, Santa Barbara, USA.
  • 20. GEROSKI, Paul ve Steve Machin (1992), “Do Innovating Firms Outperform Non-Innovators?”, Business Strategy Review, 3: 79–90.
  • 21. GOFFIN, Keith, Fred Lemke ve Ursula Koners (2010), Identifying Hidden Needs: Creating Breakthrough Products, Palgrave Macmillan, New York, USA.
  • 22. HAUSCHILDT, Jürgen ve Sören SALOMO (2007), Innovations Management, 4td Edition, Franz Vahlen GmbH, München, Deutschland.
  • 23. HERZOG, Philip (2011), Open and Closed Innovation: Different Cultures for Different Strategies, Verlag-Springer, Germany.
  • 24. HOWE, Jeff (2006), ‘Crowdsourcing: A Definition’, Crowdsourcing: Tracking the Rise of the Amateur”, http://crowdsourcing.typepad.com/cs/2006/06/crowdsourcing_a.html, 01.05.2011.
  • 25. HOWE, Jeff (2008), Crowdsourcing-Why the Power of the Crowd is Driving the Future of Business, Crown Business, New York, USA.
  • 26. KANTER, Beth ve Allison Fine (2010), The Networked Nonprofit: Connecting with Social Media to Drive Change, Jossey Bass Wiley, Chichester, England.
  • 27. KLEEMANN, Frank, G. Günter Voß ve Kerstin Rieder (2008), “Un(der) paid Innovators: The Commercial Utilization of Consumer Wo Through Crowdsourcing”, Science, Technology \&Innovation Studies STI Studies, Vol. 4, p. 5-26.
  • 28. LEADBEATER, Charles (2007), Open Platform to Develop and Share Innovative New Business Ideas, 05.04.2008.
  • 29. www.openbusiness.cc/2007/3/14/two-faces-of-open-innovation/ 30. Lithium Technologies (2009), Succeeding with Online Idea Exchanges, 31. http://www.innovationtools.com/PDF/succeeding_with_online_ideas_ex changes.pdf. 05.05.2011.
  • 32. LUNDVALL, Bengt-Åke (2006): ‘Innovation System Research and Policy: Where it Came Fromand Where It Should Go’: Second Version of Draft Paper for Kistep Forum on Innovation: Seoul.
  • 33. LYON, Dougles W. ve Walter J. Ferrier (2002), “Enhancing Performance With Product–Market Innovation: TheInfluence of the Top Management Team”, Journal of Managerial Issues, 14(14):452–69.
  • 34. MARGARIA, Tiziana ve Berhard Steffen (2010), Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification, and Validation, Part 1, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany.
  • 35. MILLER, William L. (2001), “Innovationfor Business Growth”, ResearchTechnology Management, 44(5), 26-41.
  • 36. ROBERTS, Edward B. (1988), “Managing Invention and Innovation: What We've Learnt”, Research· Technology Management, Vol. 31, No. 1,pp:11-29.
  • 37. SCHENK, Eric ve Claude GUITTARD (2009), “Crowdsourcing:
  • 38. What Can Be Outsourced to the Crowd, and Why ?”
  • 39. http://cournot.u-strasbg.fr/users/osi/program/Guittard%20schenk.pdf, 01.06.2011.
  • 40. SLOANE, Paul (2011), A Guide to Open Innovation and Crowdsourcing, Koganpage Limited, Londra, England.
  • 41. SUROWIECKI, James (2004), The Wisdom of Crowds: Why the Many Are Smarter Than the Fewand How Collective Wisdom Shapes Business, Economies, Societies and Nations, Random Large House Print, New York, USA.
  • 42. SUROWIECKI, James (2005), The Wisdom Of Crowds, Anchor Books, New York, USA.
  • 43. TIDD, Joe, John Bessant ve KetihPavitt (2005), Managing Innovation: Integrating Technological, Market and Organizational Change, John Wiley&Sons Ltd., England
  • 44. UTTERBACK, James M. (1994) Mastering the Dynamics of Innovation: How Companies Can Seize Opportunities in the Face of Technological Change. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press, USA.
  • 45. VRAKKING, Willem J. (1990), “The Innovative Organization”, Long Range Planning, 23(2), pp.94-102.
  • 46. WOLFE, Richard A. (1994), “Organizational Innovation: Review, Critique and Suggested Research Directions”, Journal of Management Studies, 31(3):405–31.
Toplam 44 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Eylül 2012
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2012 Cilt: 17 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Yiğit, .A., & Aras, A. (2012). BİR AÇIK İNOVASYON ARACI OLARAK “CROWDSOURCING” VE ÜNİVERSİTELERDE UYGULANABİLİRLİĞİ-GAZİOSMANPAŞA ÜNİVERSİTESİ İİBF ÖRNEĞİ. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 17(3), 485-508.