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Aktörden Eyleyene "Kurumsal İş" Tasarımı: Yeni Kurumsal Kuram Kapsamında Bir Değerlendirme

Yıl 2012, Cilt: 17 Sayı: 2, 405 - 421, 01.06.2012



  • 1. Aldrich E.Howard. (2010), “Beam me up Scott(ie)! Institutional Theorists’ Struggles with the Emergent Nature of Entrepreneurship”, Research in the Sociology of Work, Vol: 21. pp. 329-364
  • 2. Battilana Julie ve D’ Aunno Thomas (2009), “Institutional work and the paradox of embedded agency”, Edt: Thomas B. Lawrence, Roy Suddaby ve Bernard Leca, Institutional Work, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
  • 3. Battilana julie, Leca Bernard ve Boxenbaum Eva (2011), “How Actors Change Institutions: Towards a Theory of Institutional Entrepreneurship”, The Academy of Management Annals, Vol. 3(1), pp. 65-107
  • 4. Friedland & Alford (1991), “Bringing Society Back In: Symbols, Practices, and Institutional Contradictions”. Edt: Walter W. Powell ve Paul J. DiMaggio, The New Institutionalism in Organizational Analysis., The University of Chicago Press, Chicago
  • 5. Delmestri Guiseppe (2006) , “Streams of inconsistent institutional influences: Middle managers as carriers of multiple identities”, Human Relations, Vol:59, pp.1515-1541
  • 6. Devereux P. Jennings. ve Greenwood Royston (2003), “Constructing the Iron Cage: Institutional Theory and Enactment”, Edt: Westwood Robert ve Steward Clegg, Debating organization: point-counterpoint in organization studies, Blackwell Publishing, Massachusetts
  • 7. DiMaggio J. Paul ve Powell W.Walte (1983),”The Iron Cage Revisited: Institutional Isomorphism and Collective Rationality in Organizational Fields”, American Sociological Review, Vol.48(2), pp.147-160
  • 8. DiMaggio and Powell. 1991. “Introduction”. The New Institutionalism in Organizational Analysis içinde s.1-38.Edt: Powell W.Walter ve DiMaggio The University of Chicago Press, Chicago
  • 9. DiMaggio J. Paul (1988), “Institutional patterns and organizations”. Edt: Zucker G. Lynne, Institutional Patterns and Organizations: Culture and Environment, Ballinger Publishing, Cambridge 10. Dorado Silvia (2005), “Institutional entrepreneurship, partaking, and convening”, Organization Studies, Vol: 26(3), pp. 385–414
  • 11. Eisenstadt S.N. (1980), Cultural orientations, institutional entrepreneurs, and social change: comparative analysis of traditional civilizations”, American Journal of Sociology, Vol: 85(4), pp. 840-869
  • 12. Emirbayer Mustafa ve Mische Ann (1998), “What is Agency?”, American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 103(4), pp. 962-1023
  • 13. Fligstein Neil (1996), “ Markets as Politics: A Political-Cultural Approach to Market Institutions”, American Sociological Review. Vol. 61(4), pp. 656-673
  • 14. Fligstein Neil (1997), Social Skill and Institutional Theory, American Behavioral Scientist, Vol: 40(4). pp.397-407
  • 15. Garud Raghu, Jain Sancay ve Kumaraswamy Arun (2002), “Institutional entrepreneurship in the sponsorship of common technological standarts: the case of Sun Microsystems and Java”, Academy of Magamenet Journal, Vol: 45(1). pp. 196-214
  • 16. Greenwood Royston ve Suddbay Roy, (2006), “Institutional Entrepreneurship in Mature Fields: The Big Five Accounting Firms”, Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 49(1), pp. 27–48
  • 17. Hallet Tim ve Ventresca J. Marc 2006. “Inhabited institutions: Social interactions and organizational forms in Gouldner’s Patterns of Industrial Bureaucracy”. Theory and Society, Vol:3. pp.213–236
  • 18. Heugens P.M.A.R. Pursey ve Lander W. Michel (2009), “Sturcture! Agency! (And other Quarrels): A Meta-Analysis of Institutiona Theories of Organization”, Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 52(1), pp. 61–85
  • 19. Hirsch M. Paul ve Lounsbury Michael (1997), “Ending the Family Quarrel : Toward a Reconciliation of ''Old'' and ''New'' Institutionalisms”, American Behavioral Scientist, Vol: 40, pp. 406-418
  • 20. Holm P. 1995. “The Dynamics of Institutionalization: Transformation Processes in Norwegian Fisheries”. Administrative Science Quarterly. Vol: 40 s.398-422
  • 21. Hwang Hokyu ve Colyvas A.Jeannette (2011), “Problematizing Actors and Institutions in Institutional Work”, Journal of Management Inquiry, Vol.20(1), pp. 62–66
  • 22. Kaghan William ve Lounsbury Michael (2011), “Institutions and Work”, Journal of Management Inquiry, Vol:20, pp. 73-81
  • 23. Kraatz, (2011), “Two Cheers for Institutional Work”, Journal of Management Inquiry, Vol:20, pp. 59-61
  • 24. Lawrence B. Thomas ve Suddaby Roy (2006), “lnstitutions and institutional work”, Edt: Steward R. Clegg, Cynthia Hardy, Thomas B. Lawrence ve Walter R. Nord, Handbook of organization studies, Sage, London
  • 25. Lawrence B. Thomas, Suddaby Roy ve Leca Bernard (2009), “Introduction: theorizing and studying institutional work”, Edt: Thomas B. Lawrence, Roy Suddaby ve Bernard Leca, Institutional Work, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
  • 26. Lawrence Thomas B., Suddaby Roy ve Leca Bernard (2011), “Institutional Work: Refocusing Institutional Studies of Organization”, Journal of Management Inquiry, Vol: 20, pp. 52-58
  • 27. Meyer W.John ve Rowan B.(1977),”Institutionalized Organizations: Formal Structure as Myth and Ceremony”, The American Journal of Sociology; Vol.83(2), pp.340-363
  • 28. Meyer W. John, Boli John ve Thomas M. George (1994), “Ontology and Rationalization in the Western Cultural Account”, Edt: W. Richard W. Scott ve John W. Meyer, Institutional Environments and Organizations, Sage, Thousand Oaks
  • 29. Meyer E. Renate (2006), “Visiting relatives: Current developments in the new sociology of knowledge”, Organization, Vol:13(5), pp.725–738
  • 30. Oliver Christine (1991), “Strategic Responses to Institutional Processes”, The Academy of Management Review, Vol: 16(1), s.145-179
  • 31. Oliver Christine (1992), “The Antecedents of Deinstitutionalization”, Organization Studies, Vol: 13(4), pp. 563-588
  • 32. Özen Şükrü ve Özen Hayriye (2009), Peasants Against MNCs and the State: The Role of the Bergama Struggle in the Institutional Construction of the Gold-Mining Field in Turkey, Organization, Vol: 16, pp. 547-583
  • 33. Perkmann Markus ve Spicer Andre (2008), “How are management fashions institutionalized? The role of institutional work”, Human Relations, Vol: 61(6), pp. 811–844
  • 34. Riaz Suhaib, Buchanan Sean ve Bapuji Hari , (2011) Institutional work amidst the financial crisis: emerging positions of elite actors, Organization, Vol: 18, pp. 187-214
  • 35. Rojas Fabio, (2010), “Power through Institutional Work: Acquiring Academic Authority in the 1968 Third World Strike”, Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 53(6), pp. 1263–1280
  • 36. Scott W.Richard, (1995), Institutions and Organizations, Sage PublicationsĖ California
  • 37. Scott W.Richard. (2008), “Approaching adulthood: the maturing of institutional theory”, Theory and Society, Vol: 37, pp.427–442 38. Suddaby Roy, 2010, “Challenges for Institutional Theory”, Journal of Management Inquiry, Vol:19, pp. 14-20
  • 39. Suddaby Roy ve Viaele Thiery (2011), “Professionals and field-level change: Institutional work and the Professional Project”, Current Sociology, Vol:59, pp.423-442
  • 40. Tolbert S. P. ve Zucker G. Lynne (1983), “Institutional Sources of Change in the Formal Structure of Organizations: The Diffusion of Civil Service Reform, 1880-1935”, Administrative Science Quarterly, Vol. 28, Pp. 22-39
  • 41. Willmott Hugh (2011) , ''Institutional Work'' for What? Problems and Prospects of Institutional Theory”, Journal of Management Inquiry, Vol: 20: 67-72
  • 42. Zietsma Charlene ve Lawrence B. Thomas (2010), “Institutional Work in the Transformation of an Organizational Field: The Interplay of Boundary Work and Practice Work”, Administrative Science Quarterly, Vol:55 pp.189–221


Yıl 2012, Cilt: 17 Sayı: 2, 405 - 421, 01.06.2012


Daha çok Kuzey Amerika kökenli yeni kurumsal kuramın, makro örgüt yazınına en önemli katkısı; örgütsel alanlardaki değişimi değil istikrarı, çeşitliliği değil benzerliği (eşbiçimliliği) açıklaması olmuştur. Yeni kurumsal kuramın ikinci kuşak çalışmaları ise, yöneltilen eleştirileri de dikkate alarak değişim ve çeşitliliği tartışmaya ve araştırmaya yönelmişlerdir. Paul DiMaggio’nun ‘Institutional Patterns and Organizations’ isimli makalesinde ‘kurumsal girişimcilik’ üzerine yaptığı belirlemelerini takip eden Lawrence ve Suddaby (2006) yılında yazdıkları ‘Institutions and Institutional Work’ isimli kitap bölümleri ile kurumların yaratılması, sürdürülmesi ve bozulması açısından kurumsal iş kavramının gelişimine yaşamsal katkı sağlamışlardır. Bu çalışmada, yeni kurumsal kuram kapsamında “kurumsal iş” kavramı aktör ve eyleyenlik ile kurumsal işlerin türleri ve bunların gerektirdiği yetkinlikler özelinde ele alınmıştır. Buna göre, kurumsal düzenlemelerin yaratılması, sürdürülmesi ve bozulmasına dayalı kurumsal iş tasarımının, az veya çok bilinçli aktör olarak eyleyen kavramıyla sıkı sıkıya ilişkilendirildiği, bu çerçevede yapılacak politik görevlerde politik ve sosyal; kültürel görevlerde kültürel ve sosyal; ve teknik görevlerde ise analitik yetkinliklerin kullanılabileceği belirlenmiştir. Mevcut çalışmanın “kurumsal iş” başlığı altındaki bu yönleriyle yerli yazın açısından çıkış noktası olması beklenmektedir


  • 1. Aldrich E.Howard. (2010), “Beam me up Scott(ie)! Institutional Theorists’ Struggles with the Emergent Nature of Entrepreneurship”, Research in the Sociology of Work, Vol: 21. pp. 329-364
  • 2. Battilana Julie ve D’ Aunno Thomas (2009), “Institutional work and the paradox of embedded agency”, Edt: Thomas B. Lawrence, Roy Suddaby ve Bernard Leca, Institutional Work, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
  • 3. Battilana julie, Leca Bernard ve Boxenbaum Eva (2011), “How Actors Change Institutions: Towards a Theory of Institutional Entrepreneurship”, The Academy of Management Annals, Vol. 3(1), pp. 65-107
  • 4. Friedland & Alford (1991), “Bringing Society Back In: Symbols, Practices, and Institutional Contradictions”. Edt: Walter W. Powell ve Paul J. DiMaggio, The New Institutionalism in Organizational Analysis., The University of Chicago Press, Chicago
  • 5. Delmestri Guiseppe (2006) , “Streams of inconsistent institutional influences: Middle managers as carriers of multiple identities”, Human Relations, Vol:59, pp.1515-1541
  • 6. Devereux P. Jennings. ve Greenwood Royston (2003), “Constructing the Iron Cage: Institutional Theory and Enactment”, Edt: Westwood Robert ve Steward Clegg, Debating organization: point-counterpoint in organization studies, Blackwell Publishing, Massachusetts
  • 7. DiMaggio J. Paul ve Powell W.Walte (1983),”The Iron Cage Revisited: Institutional Isomorphism and Collective Rationality in Organizational Fields”, American Sociological Review, Vol.48(2), pp.147-160
  • 8. DiMaggio and Powell. 1991. “Introduction”. The New Institutionalism in Organizational Analysis içinde s.1-38.Edt: Powell W.Walter ve DiMaggio The University of Chicago Press, Chicago
  • 9. DiMaggio J. Paul (1988), “Institutional patterns and organizations”. Edt: Zucker G. Lynne, Institutional Patterns and Organizations: Culture and Environment, Ballinger Publishing, Cambridge 10. Dorado Silvia (2005), “Institutional entrepreneurship, partaking, and convening”, Organization Studies, Vol: 26(3), pp. 385–414
  • 11. Eisenstadt S.N. (1980), Cultural orientations, institutional entrepreneurs, and social change: comparative analysis of traditional civilizations”, American Journal of Sociology, Vol: 85(4), pp. 840-869
  • 12. Emirbayer Mustafa ve Mische Ann (1998), “What is Agency?”, American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 103(4), pp. 962-1023
  • 13. Fligstein Neil (1996), “ Markets as Politics: A Political-Cultural Approach to Market Institutions”, American Sociological Review. Vol. 61(4), pp. 656-673
  • 14. Fligstein Neil (1997), Social Skill and Institutional Theory, American Behavioral Scientist, Vol: 40(4). pp.397-407
  • 15. Garud Raghu, Jain Sancay ve Kumaraswamy Arun (2002), “Institutional entrepreneurship in the sponsorship of common technological standarts: the case of Sun Microsystems and Java”, Academy of Magamenet Journal, Vol: 45(1). pp. 196-214
  • 16. Greenwood Royston ve Suddbay Roy, (2006), “Institutional Entrepreneurship in Mature Fields: The Big Five Accounting Firms”, Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 49(1), pp. 27–48
  • 17. Hallet Tim ve Ventresca J. Marc 2006. “Inhabited institutions: Social interactions and organizational forms in Gouldner’s Patterns of Industrial Bureaucracy”. Theory and Society, Vol:3. pp.213–236
  • 18. Heugens P.M.A.R. Pursey ve Lander W. Michel (2009), “Sturcture! Agency! (And other Quarrels): A Meta-Analysis of Institutiona Theories of Organization”, Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 52(1), pp. 61–85
  • 19. Hirsch M. Paul ve Lounsbury Michael (1997), “Ending the Family Quarrel : Toward a Reconciliation of ''Old'' and ''New'' Institutionalisms”, American Behavioral Scientist, Vol: 40, pp. 406-418
  • 20. Holm P. 1995. “The Dynamics of Institutionalization: Transformation Processes in Norwegian Fisheries”. Administrative Science Quarterly. Vol: 40 s.398-422
  • 21. Hwang Hokyu ve Colyvas A.Jeannette (2011), “Problematizing Actors and Institutions in Institutional Work”, Journal of Management Inquiry, Vol.20(1), pp. 62–66
  • 22. Kaghan William ve Lounsbury Michael (2011), “Institutions and Work”, Journal of Management Inquiry, Vol:20, pp. 73-81
  • 23. Kraatz, (2011), “Two Cheers for Institutional Work”, Journal of Management Inquiry, Vol:20, pp. 59-61
  • 24. Lawrence B. Thomas ve Suddaby Roy (2006), “lnstitutions and institutional work”, Edt: Steward R. Clegg, Cynthia Hardy, Thomas B. Lawrence ve Walter R. Nord, Handbook of organization studies, Sage, London
  • 25. Lawrence B. Thomas, Suddaby Roy ve Leca Bernard (2009), “Introduction: theorizing and studying institutional work”, Edt: Thomas B. Lawrence, Roy Suddaby ve Bernard Leca, Institutional Work, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
  • 26. Lawrence Thomas B., Suddaby Roy ve Leca Bernard (2011), “Institutional Work: Refocusing Institutional Studies of Organization”, Journal of Management Inquiry, Vol: 20, pp. 52-58
  • 27. Meyer W.John ve Rowan B.(1977),”Institutionalized Organizations: Formal Structure as Myth and Ceremony”, The American Journal of Sociology; Vol.83(2), pp.340-363
  • 28. Meyer W. John, Boli John ve Thomas M. George (1994), “Ontology and Rationalization in the Western Cultural Account”, Edt: W. Richard W. Scott ve John W. Meyer, Institutional Environments and Organizations, Sage, Thousand Oaks
  • 29. Meyer E. Renate (2006), “Visiting relatives: Current developments in the new sociology of knowledge”, Organization, Vol:13(5), pp.725–738
  • 30. Oliver Christine (1991), “Strategic Responses to Institutional Processes”, The Academy of Management Review, Vol: 16(1), s.145-179
  • 31. Oliver Christine (1992), “The Antecedents of Deinstitutionalization”, Organization Studies, Vol: 13(4), pp. 563-588
  • 32. Özen Şükrü ve Özen Hayriye (2009), Peasants Against MNCs and the State: The Role of the Bergama Struggle in the Institutional Construction of the Gold-Mining Field in Turkey, Organization, Vol: 16, pp. 547-583
  • 33. Perkmann Markus ve Spicer Andre (2008), “How are management fashions institutionalized? The role of institutional work”, Human Relations, Vol: 61(6), pp. 811–844
  • 34. Riaz Suhaib, Buchanan Sean ve Bapuji Hari , (2011) Institutional work amidst the financial crisis: emerging positions of elite actors, Organization, Vol: 18, pp. 187-214
  • 35. Rojas Fabio, (2010), “Power through Institutional Work: Acquiring Academic Authority in the 1968 Third World Strike”, Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 53(6), pp. 1263–1280
  • 36. Scott W.Richard, (1995), Institutions and Organizations, Sage PublicationsĖ California
  • 37. Scott W.Richard. (2008), “Approaching adulthood: the maturing of institutional theory”, Theory and Society, Vol: 37, pp.427–442 38. Suddaby Roy, 2010, “Challenges for Institutional Theory”, Journal of Management Inquiry, Vol:19, pp. 14-20
  • 39. Suddaby Roy ve Viaele Thiery (2011), “Professionals and field-level change: Institutional work and the Professional Project”, Current Sociology, Vol:59, pp.423-442
  • 40. Tolbert S. P. ve Zucker G. Lynne (1983), “Institutional Sources of Change in the Formal Structure of Organizations: The Diffusion of Civil Service Reform, 1880-1935”, Administrative Science Quarterly, Vol. 28, Pp. 22-39
  • 41. Willmott Hugh (2011) , ''Institutional Work'' for What? Problems and Prospects of Institutional Theory”, Journal of Management Inquiry, Vol: 20: 67-72
  • 42. Zietsma Charlene ve Lawrence B. Thomas (2010), “Institutional Work in the Transformation of an Organizational Field: The Interplay of Boundary Work and Practice Work”, Administrative Science Quarterly, Vol:55 pp.189–221
Toplam 40 adet kaynakça vardır.


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  Yrd.Doç.Dr.Oktay Koç Bu kişi benim

Yrd.Doç.Dr.Levent Vurgun Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2012
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2012 Cilt: 17 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Koç, .Y., & Vurgun, Y. (2012). AKTÖRDEN EYLEYENE ‘KURUMSAL İŞ’ TASARIMI: YENİ KURUMSAL KURAM KAPSAMINDA BİR DEĞERLENDİRME. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 17(2), 405-421.