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Yıl 2018, Cilt: 23 Sayı: 4, 1455 - 1477, 30.10.2018


Inclusive growth is the economic growth creating opportunities for all segments of the society and distributes the dividends of increased prosperity, both in monetary and non-monetary terms while comprising both outcomes and processes. It is a hybrid approach based on development theories focusing on the best sub-set among a variety of growth scenarios which vary across country profiles. Despite the growing literature on country spesific studies, there is no such study determining the theoretical framework of inclusiveness between the past and future. This study aims to fulfill this gap by examining the theoretical framework of inclusive growth while evaluating current and potential parameters of inclusiveness analysis at the same time.


  • Ali, I, Hwa Son, H. (2007). Measuring Inclusive Growth. Asian Development Review, Vol. 24, No(1), pp.11–31.
  • Barbier, Jean-Claude (2001). Welfare to Work Policies: The Current Challenges of Activation Policies. Centre d’études de l’emploi Document de Travaıl, No(11).
  • Barbier, Jean-Claude (2013). The Road to Social Europe: A Contemporary Approach to Political Cultures and Diversity in Europe. (Trans. Gruenheck Taponier, S.). New York: Routledge.
  • Balassa, Bela (1961). Towards a Theory of Economic Integration. Kyklos, Vol 14, Issue 1, pp. 1-17.
  • Barro, R.J., Sala I Martin, X. (1990). Economic Growth and Convergence across the United States. NBER Working Paper Series, No(3419).
  • Barro, R.J., Sala I Martin, X. (1991). Convergence across States and Regions. Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Vol. 1991, No(1).
  • Bhalla, Sheila (2007). Inclusive Growth? Focus on Employment. Social Scientist, Vol. 35, No(7/8), 2007, pp. 24–43.
  • Biswas, Arindam (2016). Insight on the evolution and distinction of inclusive growth. Development in Practice, Volume 26, No 4.
  • Brys, B., Perret, S., Thomas, A., O’Reilly, P. (2016). Tax Design for Inclusive Economic Growth. OECD Taxation Working Papers, No. 26, Paris: OECD Publishing.
  • BITCOIN (2018). Erişim Tarihi: 15.02.2018,
  • Chandrasekhar, C.P. (2007). Financial Policies. UN DESA National Development Strategies Policy Notes.
  • Chenery,H, C. Ahluwalia, D. Bell, Jolly, R. (1979). Redistribution with Growth, Published for the World Bank-Oxford University Press.
  • Friedman, Milton (1962). Capitalism and Freedom, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
  • Global Basic Income Foundation (2017). What is a global basic income?. Erişim Tarihi: 31.08.2017,
  • Goldwasser, S., Micali, S., Rackof, C. (1989). The Knowledge Complexity of Interactive Proof-Systems. SIAM Journal on Computing, Vol. 18, No(1), pp. 186-208.
  • Government of Ontario (2018). Ontario’s Basic Income Pilot: Studying the impact of a basic income. Erişim Tarihi: 17.03.2018,
  • Gylfason, Thorvaldur (1999). Principles of Economic Growth, Oxford University Press.
  • Habito, Cielito F. (2009). Patterns of Inclusive Growth in Asia: Insights from an Enhanced GrowthPoverty Elasticity Analysis. ADBI Working Paper Series, No(145), Tokyo, Asian Development Bank Institute.
  • He, D., Habermeier, K., Leckow, R., Almeida, Y., Kashima, M. Kyriakos-Saad, N., Oura, H., Saadi Sedik, T., Stetsenko, N., Verdugo-Yepes, C. (2016). Virtual Currencies and Beyond: Initial Considerations. IMF Staff Discussion Note.
  • Higgitt, Ryan (2013). South-South Cooperation and Inclusive Growth. Internatioanl Policy Center for Inclusive Growth, One Pager, No(213).
  • Ianchovichina, E., Lundstrom, S., Garrido, L. (2009). What is Inclusive Growth. Erişim Tarihi: 26.02.2011,
  • Ianchovichina, E., Lundstrom, S. (2009). Inclusive Growth Analytics: Framework and Application. Policy Research Working Paper, No(4851), Washington, World Bank.
  • ING (2018a). ING launches Zero-Knowledge Range Proof solution, a major addition to blockchain technology. Erişim Tarihi: 16.02.2018,
  • ING (2018b). Compelling results for blockchain oil-trade test ING and Société Générale. ING Insights, Erişim Tarihi: 16.02.2018,
  • INVESTOPEDIA (2018). Smart Contracts. Erişim Tarihi: 15.02.2018,
  • İçke, Mehmet Akif (2009). Bölgesel Finansal Entegrasyon: Finansal Küreselleşmeye Bir Yanıt. İstanbul: Derin Yayınları.
  • Jessop, Bob (1993). Towards a Schumpeterian Workfare State? Preliminary Remarks on Post- Fordist Political Economy. Studies in Political Economy, No(40).
  • Kakwani, N., Khandker, S., Son, H.H. (2004). Pro-poor Growth: Concepts and Measurement with Country Case Studies. International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth Working Paper, No(1),Brasília.
  • Kela (2018). Universal basic income options to be weighed. Erişim Tarihi: 17.03.2018,
  • Kela (2018). Objectives and implementation of the Basic Income Experiment. Erişim Tarihi: 17.03.2018,,
  • Kela (2018). The Basic Income Experiment will continue for another year – Analysis of the effects will begin in 2019. Erişim Tarihi: 17.03.2018,
  • Khan, Mushtaq (2012). The Political Economy of Inclusive Growth. , pp. 15-53, In de Mello, L., Dutz, M.A. (eds), Promoting Inclusive Growth: Challenges and Policies, (pp. 15-53), OECD Publishing.
  • Klasen, S. (2010). Measuring and Monitoring Inclusive Growth: Multiple Definitions, Open Questions, and Some Constructive Proposals. ADB Sustainable Development Working Paper Series, No(12), Philippines, Asian Development Bank.
  • Koens, T., Ramaekers, C., van Wijk, C. (2017). Efficient Zero-Knowledge Range Proofs in Ethereum. ING-Zero Knowledge Range Proof White Paper, Erişim Tarihi: 16.02.2018,
  • Maupin, Julie (2017). The G20 countries should engage with blockchain technologies to build an inclusive, transparent, and accountable digital economy for all. Economics Discussion Paper, No(2017-48) Erişim Tarihi: 17.03.2018,
  • McKinley, Terry (2007). Pro-Poor Growth: Though a Contested Marriage, Still a Premature Divorce. UN-International Poverty Center, One Pager, No(45).
  • McKinley, Terry (2010). Inclusive Growth Criteria and Indicators: An Inclusive Growth Index for Diagnosis of Country Progress. ADB Sustainable Development Working Paper Series, No(14), Philippines, Asian Development Bank.
  • MEDICI (2018). Know more about Blockchain: Overview, Technology, Application Areas and Use Cases. Erişim Tarihi: 15.02.2018,
  • Kakwani, N., Pernia E. (2000). What is Pro-Poor Growth?, Asian Development Review.
  • OECD. Inclusive Growth. Erişim Tarihi: 27.02.2018,
  • Saad-Filho, Alfredo (2010). Growth, Poverty and Inequality: From Washington Consensus to Inclusive Growth. Economic and Social Affairs: UNDP DESA Working Papers, No. 100.
  • Paine, Thomas (1795). Agrarian Justice, Digital edition 1999, Erişim Tarihi: 29.08.2017,
  • Rauniyar, G., Kanbur, R. (2010). Inclusive Development: Two Papers on Conceptualization, Application, and the ADB Perspective. Philippines, Asian Development Bank.
  • Ravallion, Martin (2004). ‘Pro-Poor Growth: A Primer’. World Bank Research Working Paper No: 3242.
  • Romer, Paul M. (1986). Increasing Returns and Long-Run Growth. The Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 94, No(5), pp. 1002-1037.
  • Romer, Paul M. (1994). The Origins of Endogenous Growth. The Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol. 8, No(1), pp. 3-22.
  • Samans, R., Blanke, J., Drzeniek Hanouz, M., Corrigan, G. (2017). The Inclusive Growth and Development Report, Geneva, World Economic Forum.
  • Sen, Kunal (2010). Towards Inclusive Financial Development for Achieving the MDGs in Asia and the Pacific. MPDD Working Papers, WP/10/07, UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific Macroeconomic Policy and Development Division, Thailand.
  • Steuerle, C. Eugene (2012). Fiscal democracy or why sound fiscal policy, budget consolidation and inclusive growth require fewer, not more, attempts to control the future. In de Mello, L., Dutz, M.A. (eds), Promoting Inclusive Growth: Challenges and Policies, (pp. 147-177), OECD Publishing.
  • Suryanarayana, M.H. (2008). What Is Exclusive About ‘Inclusive Growth’?. Economic and Political Weekly, India.
  • Suryanarayana, M.H. (2013). Inclusive Growth: A Sustainable Perspective. UNDP, India.
  • Tabb, William K. (1999). Reconstructing Political Economy: The Great Divide in Economic Thought, Routledge, London and New York.
  • The World Bank (2015). How to Measure Financial Inclusion. Erişim Tarihi: 10.09.2015,
  • UN (2006). Building Inclusive Financial Sectors for Development. New York: UN Publications.
  • UNDP. What is Inclusive Growth. Erişim Tarihi: 27.02.2018,
  • Van Waveren, Bob (2017). Dutch municipalities start experiment with red tape-trimmed social assistance benefits. European Commission-European Social Policy Network Flash Report 2017/18.
  • Wiseman, Michael (1986). Workfare and Welfare Policy. FOCUS, University of Wisconsin Institute for Research on Poverty, Volume 9, No(3 )


Yıl 2018, Cilt: 23 Sayı: 4, 1455 - 1477, 30.10.2018


Kapsayıcı büyüme nüfusun tüm katmanlarına refahlarını yükseltebilme imkanını yaratan, parasal- parasal olmayan tüm refah bileşenlerini toplum içerisine adaletle dağıtan ve bununla beraber hem süreç hem de sonucu aynı anda tanımlayan türden büyümedir. Kapsayıcı büyüme kalkınma teorileriyle beslenmiş, ülke dokularına göre farklılaşan, çeşitli büyüme senaryolarının arasından bir alt küme üzerine odaklanan melez bir büyüme yorumudur. Konu üzerine pek çok uygulamalı çalışma yapılmış olsa da henüz kapsayıcılığın teorik sınırlarını geçmiş-gelecek ilişkisi üzerinden değerlendiren bir çalışma yoktur. Bu nedenle çalışmada kapsayıcı büyümenin teorik çerçevesi ile büyümenin kapsayıcılığında etkili olan cari ve potansiyel parametreler değerlendirilmiştir.


  • Ali, I, Hwa Son, H. (2007). Measuring Inclusive Growth. Asian Development Review, Vol. 24, No(1), pp.11–31.
  • Barbier, Jean-Claude (2001). Welfare to Work Policies: The Current Challenges of Activation Policies. Centre d’études de l’emploi Document de Travaıl, No(11).
  • Barbier, Jean-Claude (2013). The Road to Social Europe: A Contemporary Approach to Political Cultures and Diversity in Europe. (Trans. Gruenheck Taponier, S.). New York: Routledge.
  • Balassa, Bela (1961). Towards a Theory of Economic Integration. Kyklos, Vol 14, Issue 1, pp. 1-17.
  • Barro, R.J., Sala I Martin, X. (1990). Economic Growth and Convergence across the United States. NBER Working Paper Series, No(3419).
  • Barro, R.J., Sala I Martin, X. (1991). Convergence across States and Regions. Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Vol. 1991, No(1).
  • Bhalla, Sheila (2007). Inclusive Growth? Focus on Employment. Social Scientist, Vol. 35, No(7/8), 2007, pp. 24–43.
  • Biswas, Arindam (2016). Insight on the evolution and distinction of inclusive growth. Development in Practice, Volume 26, No 4.
  • Brys, B., Perret, S., Thomas, A., O’Reilly, P. (2016). Tax Design for Inclusive Economic Growth. OECD Taxation Working Papers, No. 26, Paris: OECD Publishing.
  • BITCOIN (2018). Erişim Tarihi: 15.02.2018,
  • Chandrasekhar, C.P. (2007). Financial Policies. UN DESA National Development Strategies Policy Notes.
  • Chenery,H, C. Ahluwalia, D. Bell, Jolly, R. (1979). Redistribution with Growth, Published for the World Bank-Oxford University Press.
  • Friedman, Milton (1962). Capitalism and Freedom, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
  • Global Basic Income Foundation (2017). What is a global basic income?. Erişim Tarihi: 31.08.2017,
  • Goldwasser, S., Micali, S., Rackof, C. (1989). The Knowledge Complexity of Interactive Proof-Systems. SIAM Journal on Computing, Vol. 18, No(1), pp. 186-208.
  • Government of Ontario (2018). Ontario’s Basic Income Pilot: Studying the impact of a basic income. Erişim Tarihi: 17.03.2018,
  • Gylfason, Thorvaldur (1999). Principles of Economic Growth, Oxford University Press.
  • Habito, Cielito F. (2009). Patterns of Inclusive Growth in Asia: Insights from an Enhanced GrowthPoverty Elasticity Analysis. ADBI Working Paper Series, No(145), Tokyo, Asian Development Bank Institute.
  • He, D., Habermeier, K., Leckow, R., Almeida, Y., Kashima, M. Kyriakos-Saad, N., Oura, H., Saadi Sedik, T., Stetsenko, N., Verdugo-Yepes, C. (2016). Virtual Currencies and Beyond: Initial Considerations. IMF Staff Discussion Note.
  • Higgitt, Ryan (2013). South-South Cooperation and Inclusive Growth. Internatioanl Policy Center for Inclusive Growth, One Pager, No(213).
  • Ianchovichina, E., Lundstrom, S., Garrido, L. (2009). What is Inclusive Growth. Erişim Tarihi: 26.02.2011,
  • Ianchovichina, E., Lundstrom, S. (2009). Inclusive Growth Analytics: Framework and Application. Policy Research Working Paper, No(4851), Washington, World Bank.
  • ING (2018a). ING launches Zero-Knowledge Range Proof solution, a major addition to blockchain technology. Erişim Tarihi: 16.02.2018,
  • ING (2018b). Compelling results for blockchain oil-trade test ING and Société Générale. ING Insights, Erişim Tarihi: 16.02.2018,
  • INVESTOPEDIA (2018). Smart Contracts. Erişim Tarihi: 15.02.2018,
  • İçke, Mehmet Akif (2009). Bölgesel Finansal Entegrasyon: Finansal Küreselleşmeye Bir Yanıt. İstanbul: Derin Yayınları.
  • Jessop, Bob (1993). Towards a Schumpeterian Workfare State? Preliminary Remarks on Post- Fordist Political Economy. Studies in Political Economy, No(40).
  • Kakwani, N., Khandker, S., Son, H.H. (2004). Pro-poor Growth: Concepts and Measurement with Country Case Studies. International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth Working Paper, No(1),Brasília.
  • Kela (2018). Universal basic income options to be weighed. Erişim Tarihi: 17.03.2018,
  • Kela (2018). Objectives and implementation of the Basic Income Experiment. Erişim Tarihi: 17.03.2018,,
  • Kela (2018). The Basic Income Experiment will continue for another year – Analysis of the effects will begin in 2019. Erişim Tarihi: 17.03.2018,
  • Khan, Mushtaq (2012). The Political Economy of Inclusive Growth. , pp. 15-53, In de Mello, L., Dutz, M.A. (eds), Promoting Inclusive Growth: Challenges and Policies, (pp. 15-53), OECD Publishing.
  • Klasen, S. (2010). Measuring and Monitoring Inclusive Growth: Multiple Definitions, Open Questions, and Some Constructive Proposals. ADB Sustainable Development Working Paper Series, No(12), Philippines, Asian Development Bank.
  • Koens, T., Ramaekers, C., van Wijk, C. (2017). Efficient Zero-Knowledge Range Proofs in Ethereum. ING-Zero Knowledge Range Proof White Paper, Erişim Tarihi: 16.02.2018,
  • Maupin, Julie (2017). The G20 countries should engage with blockchain technologies to build an inclusive, transparent, and accountable digital economy for all. Economics Discussion Paper, No(2017-48) Erişim Tarihi: 17.03.2018,
  • McKinley, Terry (2007). Pro-Poor Growth: Though a Contested Marriage, Still a Premature Divorce. UN-International Poverty Center, One Pager, No(45).
  • McKinley, Terry (2010). Inclusive Growth Criteria and Indicators: An Inclusive Growth Index for Diagnosis of Country Progress. ADB Sustainable Development Working Paper Series, No(14), Philippines, Asian Development Bank.
  • MEDICI (2018). Know more about Blockchain: Overview, Technology, Application Areas and Use Cases. Erişim Tarihi: 15.02.2018,
  • Kakwani, N., Pernia E. (2000). What is Pro-Poor Growth?, Asian Development Review.
  • OECD. Inclusive Growth. Erişim Tarihi: 27.02.2018,
  • Saad-Filho, Alfredo (2010). Growth, Poverty and Inequality: From Washington Consensus to Inclusive Growth. Economic and Social Affairs: UNDP DESA Working Papers, No. 100.
  • Paine, Thomas (1795). Agrarian Justice, Digital edition 1999, Erişim Tarihi: 29.08.2017,
  • Rauniyar, G., Kanbur, R. (2010). Inclusive Development: Two Papers on Conceptualization, Application, and the ADB Perspective. Philippines, Asian Development Bank.
  • Ravallion, Martin (2004). ‘Pro-Poor Growth: A Primer’. World Bank Research Working Paper No: 3242.
  • Romer, Paul M. (1986). Increasing Returns and Long-Run Growth. The Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 94, No(5), pp. 1002-1037.
  • Romer, Paul M. (1994). The Origins of Endogenous Growth. The Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol. 8, No(1), pp. 3-22.
  • Samans, R., Blanke, J., Drzeniek Hanouz, M., Corrigan, G. (2017). The Inclusive Growth and Development Report, Geneva, World Economic Forum.
  • Sen, Kunal (2010). Towards Inclusive Financial Development for Achieving the MDGs in Asia and the Pacific. MPDD Working Papers, WP/10/07, UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific Macroeconomic Policy and Development Division, Thailand.
  • Steuerle, C. Eugene (2012). Fiscal democracy or why sound fiscal policy, budget consolidation and inclusive growth require fewer, not more, attempts to control the future. In de Mello, L., Dutz, M.A. (eds), Promoting Inclusive Growth: Challenges and Policies, (pp. 147-177), OECD Publishing.
  • Suryanarayana, M.H. (2008). What Is Exclusive About ‘Inclusive Growth’?. Economic and Political Weekly, India.
  • Suryanarayana, M.H. (2013). Inclusive Growth: A Sustainable Perspective. UNDP, India.
  • Tabb, William K. (1999). Reconstructing Political Economy: The Great Divide in Economic Thought, Routledge, London and New York.
  • The World Bank (2015). How to Measure Financial Inclusion. Erişim Tarihi: 10.09.2015,
  • UN (2006). Building Inclusive Financial Sectors for Development. New York: UN Publications.
  • UNDP. What is Inclusive Growth. Erişim Tarihi: 27.02.2018,
  • Van Waveren, Bob (2017). Dutch municipalities start experiment with red tape-trimmed social assistance benefits. European Commission-European Social Policy Network Flash Report 2017/18.
  • Wiseman, Michael (1986). Workfare and Welfare Policy. FOCUS, University of Wisconsin Institute for Research on Poverty, Volume 9, No(3 )
Toplam 57 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Hatice Özütler Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-2213-3483

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Ekim 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018 Cilt: 23 Sayı: 4

Kaynak Göster

APA Özütler, H. (2018). KAPSAYICI BÜYÜMENİN KURAMSAL ÇERÇEVESİ ÜZERİNE BİR ARAŞTIRMA. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 23(4), 1455-1477.