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13. Yüzyılda Anadolu ve Kafkasya: Mkhargrdzeli Sülalesine Bağlı Mimaride Papa I. Sylvester Figürü

Yıl 2022, Sayı: 47, 235 - 250, 15.06.2022


Mkhargrdzeli sülalesine bağlı mimari; Orta Çağ Anadolu ve Kafkasya’nın dinî, askerî, siyasi ve sosyal ortamına ışık tutmaktadır. Kars Ani Tigran Honents’in Aziz Gregorios Kilisesi (1215-1225) ve Ermenistan Akhtala Kilisesi’nde (1205-1213) kilise babalarından Roma Piskoposu I. Sylvester’ın (314-335) resmedilmesi buna örnektir. Bir Roma piskoposunun bölgedeki bilinen sadece iki örneğinin, Mkhargrdzeli ailesiyle ilgili yapılarda yer alması açıklanmalıdır. Roma piskoposu bu iki kilisenin en kutsal duvarında neden resmedilmiştir? Bir yandan Bizans’tan ümidini kesen bölgenin Hıristiyan devletleri, güçlenen Müslümanlara karşı sözde Hıristiyan Prester John’un (David) beklentisinin rivayet olduğunun farkına varmış, diğer yandan Batı Hıristiyanları doğuda emellerini gerçekleştirmek için destek arayışına girmiştir. Mkhargrdzeli sülalesine bağlı mimari de bu bağlamda dönemin mücadelelerini ve anlaşmalarını aydınlatmaktadır. Elde edilen verilerden yola çıkarak I. Sylvester figürünün Mkhargrdzeli sülalesinin kiliselerinde yer alması sorusuna ve duvar görsellerinin tarihlendirilmesine yeni öneriler getirilmiş, duvar görsellerinin bölgede gelişen siyasi ve dinî olaylarla bağı ortaya konulmuştur.


  • Agathangelos (1976). History of the Armenians. R. W. Thomson (Ed.), Albany: State University of New York Press.
  • Annales ecclesiastici (1864-1883). Annales ecclesiastici Caesaris Baronii. 37 cilt, C. Baronii, O. Raynaldus, J. Laderchii, A. Theiner (Ed.), Barri-Ducis: L. Guerin.
  • Bedrosian, R. (1979). The Turco-Mongol invasions and the lords of Armenian in the 13th-14th centuries. PhD dissertation, New York: Columbia University.
  • Bulia, M. & Janialia, M. (November 2016). Medieval art and modern approaches: a new look at the Akhtala paintings. Convivium, 3 içinde (s. 106-123). iss. supplementum.
  • Donabédian, P. (2019). Ani multicultural milieu and new trends in Armenian architecture during Queen Tamar’s period Z. Skhirtladze (Ed.), Ani at the Crossroads. International Conference, Tbilissi, Université d’Etat I. Javakhishvili, 17-18 novembre 2017 içinde (s. 121-152). Tbilisi, Georgia: Université d’Etat Ivane Javakhishvili. halshs-02904993f
  • Drambian, I. & Kotanjian,N. (1990). The frescoes in the church of St. Gregory the Illuminator founded by Tigran Honents in Ani, Armenian Review, 43, 4/172, 41-65.
  • Eastmond, A. (2004). Art and identity in thirteenth-century Byzantium: Hagia Sophia and the Empire of Trebizond. Ashgate: Variorum.
  • Garitte, G. (1946). Documents pour l’étude du livre d’Agathange. Citta del Vaticano: Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Studi e Testi 127.
  • Gül, M. (2018). Ani Tigran Honents kilisesi duvar görselleri (Yüksek lisans tezi). Erişim adresi:
  • Hakobyan, Z. A. (2017). Фрески церкви Тиграна Оненца (св. Григория) (1215) в Ани. Конфессиональный аспект (The Frescoes of the Church of Tigran Honents (St. Gregory) (1215) in Ani: confessional aspect). Actual problems of theory and history of art: collection of articles, Vol. 7 içinde (s. 269-279, 753-754). St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg Univ. Press. doi: 10.18688/aa177-2-27.
  • Halfter, P. (1996). Das Papsttum und die Armenier im frühen und hohen Mittelalter. von den ersten Kontakten bis zur Fixierung der Kirchenunion im Jahre 1198. Köln: Böhlau.
  • Halfter, P. (2006). Zum geschichtlichen Hintergrund des apokryphen Freundschaftspaktes zwischen Konstantin und Trdat, Grigor dem Erleuchter und Papst Silvester. Le Muséon, 119, 3-4, 399-428.
  • Hautala, R. (Хаутала, Роман) (2015). От “Давида, Царя Индий” До “Ненавистного Плебса Сатаны. Антология Ранних Латинских Сведений О Татаро-Монголах (“David, King of the Indies” to “Detestable plebs of Satan”: an anthology of early Latin information about the Tatar-Mongols). Kazan: Sh. Marjanı Institute of History of Arts.
  • Hewsen, R. H. (2001). Armenia: A historical atlas. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  • Honigman, E. (1970). Bizans devletinin doğu sınırı. (F. Işıltan, Çev.). Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu Basımevi.
  • Kakovkin, A. Ia. (1983). The wall paintings of the Tigran Honents in Ani: the iconography programme and main concept. Vestnik EGU (Bulletin of Yerevan University), no. 2 (50), 106-114 (Rusça).
  • Kartlis (2014). Kartlis Tskhovreba a history of Georgia. Tbilisi: Artanuji Publishing.
  • Khalpakhtchian, H. (1986). Le tombeau des Zakarides à Sanahin: Ensemble commémoratif original de l'Arménie du Moyen Age. Armenian Studies in Memoriam Haïg Berbérian içinde (s. 357-374). Lisbon: Calouste Gulbenkian.
  • Kirakos Gandzakets (1986). Kirakos Gandzakets’i's history of the Armenians. (R. Bedrosian, Çev.). New York: Sources of the Armenian Tradition.
  • Kirion, B. (2005). Akhtal’skii monastyr’. Tbilisi.
  • La Porta, S. (2012). The Kingdom and the Sultanate were conjoined: legitimizing land and power in Armenia during the 12th and early 13th centuries. Revue des études arméniennes, 34, 73-118.
  • Lidov, A. (1991). The mural paintings of Akhtala, Nauka Publishers, Moscow.
  • Lidov, A. (1998). Byzantine church decoration and the Great Schism of 1054. Byzantion 68, Nr. 2, 381-405.
  • Macharashvili, T. (2003). The Schism of 1054 and the Georgian Church. Tbilisi. Historical Studies. (Gürcüce).
  • Mahé, J. P. (2001) Le testament de Tigran Honenc': la fortune d'un marchand arménien d'Ani aux XIIe-XIIIe siècles, Comptes-rendus des séances de l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, 145e année, N. 3, 1319-1342.
  • Margaryan, H. (1994). Զաքարյանների ծագումը (The origin of the Zakaryans), Patma- banasirakan Handes (1-2), 156 170.
  • Minorsky, V. (1953). Studies in Caucasian history. London: Taylor’s Foreign Press.
  • Muradian P. M. (Мурадян П. М.) (1985). Строительство и конфессия церкви Тиграна Оненца по памятникам эпиграфики // ИФЖ (The Building and the Confession of Tigran Honents’s Church According to Epigraphy. Istoriko-filologicheskii Zhurnal (Historical-Philological Journal), № 4, 174-189.
  • Mutafian, C. (2012). L’Arménie du Levant (XIe–XIVe siecle), Vol. 1-2. Paris: Les Belles Lettres.
  • Mutafian, C. (1993). Le royaume arménien de Cilicie XIIe–XIVe siecle, Paris: CNRS Editions.
  • Nersessian, S. Der (1973). Armenia and its divide history. Byzantine and Armenian Studies, tome I içinde (s. 291-308). Louvain: Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation.
  • Nersessian, S. Der (1966). Les portraits de Grégoire l’illuminateur dans l’art Byzantin. Byzantion, XXXVI, Universitaire de Belgique, 386-395.
  • Ormanian, M. (1910). L’Église arménienne. Paris: Ernest Leroux.
  • Özyurt Özcan, H. (2008). Tigran Honents (Aydınlatıcı Aziz Gregorios) kilisesinin freskoları ne kadar Bizans’lı?. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 25/1, 163-186.
  • Papashvili M., Karchava T., Tsitlanadze, T. & Kvachadze, B. (2019). Relations of Eastern Christians With Holy See – the Lyon Council of 1274 and Georgia. Journal of the Belarusian State University. History, 4, 83-94.
  • Papashvili, M. (1995). Relationship between Georgia and Rome. Tbilisi. (Gürcüce)
  • Pertz & Rodenberg (1883). Epistolae saeculi XIII e regestis pontificum romanorum selectae. C. 1/ G. H. Pertz, C. Rodenberg (Ed.). Berolini: Monumenta Germaniae Historica.
  • Registres de Grégoire IX (1907). Les registres de Grégoire IX: recueil des bulles de ce pape publiées ou analysées d’après les manuscrits originaux des archives du Vatican. C. 2, (4 Cilt, 1896-1955) / L. Auvray (Ed.). Paris: Albert Fontemoing.
  • Richard, J. (1977). La papauté et les missions d'Orient au Moyen-Âge (XIII-XIVème siècle). Rome: École Française de Rome.
  • Rubruck (2010). The mission of friar William of Rubruck: his journey to the court of the great khan Möngke 1253-1255. P. Jackson, D. Morgan (Ed. ve çev.). London: The Hakluyt Society.
  • Sarkissian, K. (1965). The Council of Chalcedon and the Armenian Church. London: S.P.C.K.
  • Stopka, K. (2017). Armenia Christiana, Armenian religious identity and the churches of Costantinople and Rome (4th-15th Century). (T. Baluk-Ulewiczowa Çev.). Krakow: Jagiellonian University Press.
  • Tamarashvili, M. (1902). The History of Catholicism among Georgians. Tiflis: Siesta, reprint, Tbilisi, Siesta. (Gürcüce).
  • Thierry, M. & Donabedian, P. (1987). Les arts Arméniens. Paris. Editions Citadelles.
  • Thierry, N. & Thierry, M. (1993). L'église Saint-Grégoire de Tigran Honenc’ à Ani (1215), Peeters, Louvain, Paris.
  • Toramanyan, T. (2011). Saint Gregory the Illuminator (Tigran Honents) Church Complex of Ani, Yerevan.
  • Velmans, T. & Novello, A. A. (1996). Mirroire de l’invisible, peintures murales et architecture de la Géorgie (VIe-XVe s.). Milano: Zodiaque, Editoriale Jaca Book.
  • Vardan Arewelcʿi (1989). The historical compilation of Vardan Arewelcʿi. (R. W. Thomson, Çev.). Dumbarton Oaks Papers, 43, 125-226.

Anatolia and Caucasia in the Thirteenth Century: The Depiction of Pope Sylvester I in the Churches of the Mkhargrdzeli Family

Yıl 2022, Sayı: 47, 235 - 250, 15.06.2022


The architectural patronage of the Mkhargrdzeli family sheds light on the ecclesial, political, and social milieu of medieval Anatolia and Caucasia. The depiction of Pope Sylvester I in the churches of Ani St Gregorios of Tigran Honents (1215-1225) in Turkey and Akhtala (1205-1213) in Armenia are instances. The presence of the only two depictions of Sylvester I in the churches related to the Mkhargrdzeli family in the region must be clarified. Why is the pope pictured on the holiest wall of the church? On the one hand, the Christians of this region realized that the Christianity of Prester John was in vain, and on the other hand, the Christians of the West were compelled to reach out for help, in the East, against the empowered Muslims. In this context, the architectural patronage of the Mkhargrdzeli family gives insight into the conflicts and agreements of the period. In conclusion, having analyzed written sources and archaeological data, new suggestions are proposed to explain the presence of the figure of Sylvester I in the churches of the Mkhargrdzeli family and the relations of the wall paintings to the political and ecclesial developments that are revealed.


  • Agathangelos (1976). History of the Armenians. R. W. Thomson (Ed.), Albany: State University of New York Press.
  • Annales ecclesiastici (1864-1883). Annales ecclesiastici Caesaris Baronii. 37 cilt, C. Baronii, O. Raynaldus, J. Laderchii, A. Theiner (Ed.), Barri-Ducis: L. Guerin.
  • Bedrosian, R. (1979). The Turco-Mongol invasions and the lords of Armenian in the 13th-14th centuries. PhD dissertation, New York: Columbia University.
  • Bulia, M. & Janialia, M. (November 2016). Medieval art and modern approaches: a new look at the Akhtala paintings. Convivium, 3 içinde (s. 106-123). iss. supplementum.
  • Donabédian, P. (2019). Ani multicultural milieu and new trends in Armenian architecture during Queen Tamar’s period Z. Skhirtladze (Ed.), Ani at the Crossroads. International Conference, Tbilissi, Université d’Etat I. Javakhishvili, 17-18 novembre 2017 içinde (s. 121-152). Tbilisi, Georgia: Université d’Etat Ivane Javakhishvili. halshs-02904993f
  • Drambian, I. & Kotanjian,N. (1990). The frescoes in the church of St. Gregory the Illuminator founded by Tigran Honents in Ani, Armenian Review, 43, 4/172, 41-65.
  • Eastmond, A. (2004). Art and identity in thirteenth-century Byzantium: Hagia Sophia and the Empire of Trebizond. Ashgate: Variorum.
  • Garitte, G. (1946). Documents pour l’étude du livre d’Agathange. Citta del Vaticano: Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Studi e Testi 127.
  • Gül, M. (2018). Ani Tigran Honents kilisesi duvar görselleri (Yüksek lisans tezi). Erişim adresi:
  • Hakobyan, Z. A. (2017). Фрески церкви Тиграна Оненца (св. Григория) (1215) в Ани. Конфессиональный аспект (The Frescoes of the Church of Tigran Honents (St. Gregory) (1215) in Ani: confessional aspect). Actual problems of theory and history of art: collection of articles, Vol. 7 içinde (s. 269-279, 753-754). St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg Univ. Press. doi: 10.18688/aa177-2-27.
  • Halfter, P. (1996). Das Papsttum und die Armenier im frühen und hohen Mittelalter. von den ersten Kontakten bis zur Fixierung der Kirchenunion im Jahre 1198. Köln: Böhlau.
  • Halfter, P. (2006). Zum geschichtlichen Hintergrund des apokryphen Freundschaftspaktes zwischen Konstantin und Trdat, Grigor dem Erleuchter und Papst Silvester. Le Muséon, 119, 3-4, 399-428.
  • Hautala, R. (Хаутала, Роман) (2015). От “Давида, Царя Индий” До “Ненавистного Плебса Сатаны. Антология Ранних Латинских Сведений О Татаро-Монголах (“David, King of the Indies” to “Detestable plebs of Satan”: an anthology of early Latin information about the Tatar-Mongols). Kazan: Sh. Marjanı Institute of History of Arts.
  • Hewsen, R. H. (2001). Armenia: A historical atlas. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  • Honigman, E. (1970). Bizans devletinin doğu sınırı. (F. Işıltan, Çev.). Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu Basımevi.
  • Kakovkin, A. Ia. (1983). The wall paintings of the Tigran Honents in Ani: the iconography programme and main concept. Vestnik EGU (Bulletin of Yerevan University), no. 2 (50), 106-114 (Rusça).
  • Kartlis (2014). Kartlis Tskhovreba a history of Georgia. Tbilisi: Artanuji Publishing.
  • Khalpakhtchian, H. (1986). Le tombeau des Zakarides à Sanahin: Ensemble commémoratif original de l'Arménie du Moyen Age. Armenian Studies in Memoriam Haïg Berbérian içinde (s. 357-374). Lisbon: Calouste Gulbenkian.
  • Kirakos Gandzakets (1986). Kirakos Gandzakets’i's history of the Armenians. (R. Bedrosian, Çev.). New York: Sources of the Armenian Tradition.
  • Kirion, B. (2005). Akhtal’skii monastyr’. Tbilisi.
  • La Porta, S. (2012). The Kingdom and the Sultanate were conjoined: legitimizing land and power in Armenia during the 12th and early 13th centuries. Revue des études arméniennes, 34, 73-118.
  • Lidov, A. (1991). The mural paintings of Akhtala, Nauka Publishers, Moscow.
  • Lidov, A. (1998). Byzantine church decoration and the Great Schism of 1054. Byzantion 68, Nr. 2, 381-405.
  • Macharashvili, T. (2003). The Schism of 1054 and the Georgian Church. Tbilisi. Historical Studies. (Gürcüce).
  • Mahé, J. P. (2001) Le testament de Tigran Honenc': la fortune d'un marchand arménien d'Ani aux XIIe-XIIIe siècles, Comptes-rendus des séances de l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, 145e année, N. 3, 1319-1342.
  • Margaryan, H. (1994). Զաքարյանների ծագումը (The origin of the Zakaryans), Patma- banasirakan Handes (1-2), 156 170.
  • Minorsky, V. (1953). Studies in Caucasian history. London: Taylor’s Foreign Press.
  • Muradian P. M. (Мурадян П. М.) (1985). Строительство и конфессия церкви Тиграна Оненца по памятникам эпиграфики // ИФЖ (The Building and the Confession of Tigran Honents’s Church According to Epigraphy. Istoriko-filologicheskii Zhurnal (Historical-Philological Journal), № 4, 174-189.
  • Mutafian, C. (2012). L’Arménie du Levant (XIe–XIVe siecle), Vol. 1-2. Paris: Les Belles Lettres.
  • Mutafian, C. (1993). Le royaume arménien de Cilicie XIIe–XIVe siecle, Paris: CNRS Editions.
  • Nersessian, S. Der (1973). Armenia and its divide history. Byzantine and Armenian Studies, tome I içinde (s. 291-308). Louvain: Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation.
  • Nersessian, S. Der (1966). Les portraits de Grégoire l’illuminateur dans l’art Byzantin. Byzantion, XXXVI, Universitaire de Belgique, 386-395.
  • Ormanian, M. (1910). L’Église arménienne. Paris: Ernest Leroux.
  • Özyurt Özcan, H. (2008). Tigran Honents (Aydınlatıcı Aziz Gregorios) kilisesinin freskoları ne kadar Bizans’lı?. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 25/1, 163-186.
  • Papashvili M., Karchava T., Tsitlanadze, T. & Kvachadze, B. (2019). Relations of Eastern Christians With Holy See – the Lyon Council of 1274 and Georgia. Journal of the Belarusian State University. History, 4, 83-94.
  • Papashvili, M. (1995). Relationship between Georgia and Rome. Tbilisi. (Gürcüce)
  • Pertz & Rodenberg (1883). Epistolae saeculi XIII e regestis pontificum romanorum selectae. C. 1/ G. H. Pertz, C. Rodenberg (Ed.). Berolini: Monumenta Germaniae Historica.
  • Registres de Grégoire IX (1907). Les registres de Grégoire IX: recueil des bulles de ce pape publiées ou analysées d’après les manuscrits originaux des archives du Vatican. C. 2, (4 Cilt, 1896-1955) / L. Auvray (Ed.). Paris: Albert Fontemoing.
  • Richard, J. (1977). La papauté et les missions d'Orient au Moyen-Âge (XIII-XIVème siècle). Rome: École Française de Rome.
  • Rubruck (2010). The mission of friar William of Rubruck: his journey to the court of the great khan Möngke 1253-1255. P. Jackson, D. Morgan (Ed. ve çev.). London: The Hakluyt Society.
  • Sarkissian, K. (1965). The Council of Chalcedon and the Armenian Church. London: S.P.C.K.
  • Stopka, K. (2017). Armenia Christiana, Armenian religious identity and the churches of Costantinople and Rome (4th-15th Century). (T. Baluk-Ulewiczowa Çev.). Krakow: Jagiellonian University Press.
  • Tamarashvili, M. (1902). The History of Catholicism among Georgians. Tiflis: Siesta, reprint, Tbilisi, Siesta. (Gürcüce).
  • Thierry, M. & Donabedian, P. (1987). Les arts Arméniens. Paris. Editions Citadelles.
  • Thierry, N. & Thierry, M. (1993). L'église Saint-Grégoire de Tigran Honenc’ à Ani (1215), Peeters, Louvain, Paris.
  • Toramanyan, T. (2011). Saint Gregory the Illuminator (Tigran Honents) Church Complex of Ani, Yerevan.
  • Velmans, T. & Novello, A. A. (1996). Mirroire de l’invisible, peintures murales et architecture de la Géorgie (VIe-XVe s.). Milano: Zodiaque, Editoriale Jaca Book.
  • Vardan Arewelcʿi (1989). The historical compilation of Vardan Arewelcʿi. (R. W. Thomson, Çev.). Dumbarton Oaks Papers, 43, 125-226.
Toplam 48 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Haziran 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 2 Temmuz 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Sayı: 47

Kaynak Göster

APA Ataç, N. (2022). 13. Yüzyılda Anadolu ve Kafkasya: Mkhargrdzeli Sülalesine Bağlı Mimaride Papa I. Sylvester Figürü. Selçuk Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi(47), 235-250.

Selcuk University Journal of Faculty of Letters will start accepting articles for 2025 issues on Dergipark as of September 15, 2024.