Araştırma Makalesi
BibTex RIS Kaynak Göster
Yıl 2019, , 119 - 126, 01.08.2019



  • 1. Petersson EE, Andersson L, Sorensen S. Traumatic oral vs non-oral injuries. Swed Dent J, 1997;21:55–68.
  • 2. Glendor U. Epidemiology of traumatic dental injuries–a 12 year review of the literature. Dent Traumatol 2008;24:603–11.
  • 3. Lygidakis NA, Marinou D, Katsaris N. Analysis of dental emergencies presenting to a community paediatric dentistry centre. Int J Paediatr Dent 1998;8:181–190.
  • 4. Andreasen JO, Ravn JJ. Epidemiology of traumatic dental injuries to primary and permanent teeth in a Danish population sample. Int J Oral Surg, 1972;1:235–9.
  • 5. Bastone EB, Freer TJ, McNamara JR. Epidemiology of dental trauma: a review of the literature. Aust Dent J 2000;45:2–9.
  • 6. Flores MT. Traumatic injuries in the primary dentition. Dent Traumatol 2002;18:287–98.
  • 7. Skaare AB, Jacobsen I. Dental injuries in Norwegians aged 7–18. Dent Traumatol, 2003;19:67–71.
  • 8. Canakci V, Akgul HM, Akgul N, Canakci CF. Prevalence and handedness correlates of traumatic injuries to the permanent incisors in 13–17 year-old adolescents in Erzurum,Turkey. Dent Traumatol, 2003;19:248–54
  • 9. Perez R, Berkowitz R, McIlveen L, Forrester D. Dental trauma in children: a survey. Endod Dent Traumatol 1991;7:212–3.
  • 10. Cortes MI, Marcenes W, Sheiham A. Impact of traumatic injuries to the permanent teeth on the oral health-related quality of life in 12-14-year-old children. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol.2002; 30:193–8.
  • 11. Ramos-Jorge ML, Bosco VL, Peres MA, Nunes AC. The impact of treatment of dental trauma on the quality of life ofadolescents - a case-control study in southern Brazil. Dent Traumatol, 2007;23:114–9.
  • 12. Altay N, Gungor HC. A retrospective study of dentoalveolar injuries of children in Ankara, Turkey. Dent Traumatol, 2001;17:201–4.
  • 13. Kahabuka FK, Willemsen W, van’t Hof M, Ntabaye MK, Burgersdijk R, Frankenmolen F. Initial treatment of traumatic dental injuries by dental practitioners. Endod Dent Traumatol, 1998;14:206–9.
  • 14. Toprak ME, Tuna EB, Seymen F, Gençay K. Traumatic dental injuries in Turkish children, Istanbul. Dent Traumatol, 2014;30:280-284
  • 15. Borum MK, Andreasen JO.Therapeutic and economic implications of traumatic dental injuries in Denmark: An estimate based on 7549 patients treated at a major trauma centre. Int J Paediatr Dent, 2001;11: 249-258
  • 16.Kargul B, Caglar E, Tanboga I. Dental trauma in Turkish children, Istanbul. Dent Traumatol, 2003;19:72–5.
  • 17. Sandallı N, Cıldır S, Guler N. Clinical investigation of traumatic injurıes in Yeditepe Unıversty, Turkey during the last 3 years. Dent Traumatology, 2005;21:188–94.
  • 18. Hasan AA, Qudeimat MA, Andersson L. Prevalence of traumatic dental injuries in preschoolchildren in Kuwait – a screening study. DentTraumatol, 2010;26:346-350.
  • 19. Noori AJ, Al-Obaidi WA. Traumatic dental injuries among primary school children in Sulaimani city, Iraq. Dental Traumatology 2009;25: 442–446
  • 20. Kovacs M, Pacurar M, Petcu B, Bukhari C. Prevalence of traumatic dental injuries in children who attended two dental clinics in Targu Mures between 2003 and 2011. Oral Health Dent Manag, 2012;11:116-124.
  • 21. Aren G, Sepet E, Pınar Erdem A, Tolgay CG, Kuru S, Ertekin C, Güloğlu R, Aren A. Predominant causes and types of orofacial injury in children seen in the emergency department. Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg, 2013;19: 246-250.
  • 22. Elbay M, Elbay ÜŞ, Uğurluel C, Kaya C. Bir üniversite hastanesindeki pedodonti kliniğine başvuran 156 dental travma olgusunun değerlendirilmesi: Retrospektif araştırma. Selcuk Dent J, 2016; 3: 48-55.
  • 23. Oliveira LB, Marcenes W, Ardenghi TM, Sheiham A, Bo¨necker M. Traumatic dental injuries and associated factors among Brazilian preschool children. Dental Traumatology, 2007;23:76-81
  • 24. Grimm S, Fraza˜o P, Antunes JLF, Castellanos RA, Narvai PC. Dental injury among Brazilian schoolchildren in the state of San Paulo. Dent Traumatol, 2004;20:134–8
  • 25. Marcenes W, Murray S. Social deprivation and dental injuries among 14 year old school children in Newham, London. Endod Dent Traumatol, 2000;16:1–4.
  • 26. Al-Kassab AG. Evaluation of primary schools students with traumatized anterior permanent incisors in relation to different variables in Mosul city. [MSc thesis]. Baghdad: College of Dentistry, University of Baghdad; 2005
  • 27. Kania MJ, Keeling SD, McGorray SP, Wheeler TT, King GJ. Risk factors associated with incisor injury in elementary school children. Angle Orthod, 1996;66:423–32.
  • 28. Jarvinen S. Incisal overjet and traumatic injuries to upper permanent incisors. A retrospective study. Acta Odontol Scand, 1978;36:359–62.
  • 29. Zhang Y, Zhu Y, Su W, Zhou Z, Jin Y, Wang X. Retrospective study of pediatric traumatic dental injuries in Xi’an, China. Dental Traumatology, 2013;30:211-215.
  • 30. Cho SY. Dental luxation and avulsion injuries in Hong Kong primary school children. Hong Kong Med J, 2015;21: 339-344.
  • 31. Naidoo S, Sheiham A, Tsakos G. Traumatic dental injuries of permanent incisors in 11- to 13-year-old South African school children. Dental Traumatology, 2009;25: 224–228.

6-12 yaş arası okul çağı çocuklarda travmatik dental yaralanmaların görülme sıklığı

Yıl 2019, , 119 - 126, 01.08.2019


Amaç: Travmatik
dental yaralanmalar, dünyadaki çocuk popülasyonunda sıklıkla görülen
problemlerden birisidir. Bu çalışmanın amacı 6-12 yaş arası okul çağı
çocuklarında görülen travmatik dental yaralanmaların meydana gelme sıklığı ve
travma ile ilişkili faktörlerin değerlendirilmesidir. 

Gereç ve Yöntemler:Bu
çalışma, Nevşehir ve İstanbul illerinde 
bulunan  toplamda beş farklı
okuldan, ortalama yaşı 8.9±0.84 olan  897
çocuk  (472 kız , 425 erkek) üzerinde
yapılmıştır. Kayıtlar diş hekimleri tarafından cinsiyet, yaş, travmanın tipi,
etkilenen dişin tipi, sağlanan tedavi, travmanın nedeni ve dental bilgilere
göre (diş eksikliği, supernumerer diş, baş başa kapanış, overjet, openbite,
deepbite, croosbite) değerlendirildi ve ailedeki ebeveynlerin çalışma durumu
ile kardeş sayısının sosyoekonomik ve sosyokültürel olarak verileri kaydedildi.
İstatistiksel değerlendirmeler
p<0.05 anlamlılık
düzeyinde değerlendirilmiştir.

dental yaralanmaların meydana gelme sıklığı %3.5 olarak gözlenmiştir. Bu
yaralanmalardan en sık görüleni mine çatlağı (%35.5)
  ve mine kırığıdır (%38.7). Üst keser dişler
özellikle üst santral kesiciler (%64.5) travmadan en çok etkilenen dişlerdir. Travmaya
maruz kalmış dişlerin %48.4’ü tedaviden yararlanmıştır. Travmadan etkilenen
çocukların %48.3’de normal okluzyon, %45.1 sınıf II, %6.4 sınıf III okluzyon
bulunmaktadır. Sınıf II malokluzyonun bulunma sıklığı istatistiksel olarak
diğer malokluzyonlara göre anlamlı derecede daha yüksektir (p<0.01). Bu
çalışma kızların (%54.8)
  erkeklere (%45.1)  göre dental travmaya daha eğilimli olduğunu
ortaya koymuştur (ortalama yaş 7.93±0.85). En sık rastlanan travma tipinin
düşme olduğu görülmüştür (%54.8). 

çalışmada 6-12 yaş arası okul çağı çocuklarında daimi keser dişlerde meydana
gelen travmatik dental yaralanmaların meydana gelme sıklığının düşük olduğu


Anahtar Kelimeler: travmatik dental yaralanmalar, epidemiyoloji,
sürekli diş


  • 1. Petersson EE, Andersson L, Sorensen S. Traumatic oral vs non-oral injuries. Swed Dent J, 1997;21:55–68.
  • 2. Glendor U. Epidemiology of traumatic dental injuries–a 12 year review of the literature. Dent Traumatol 2008;24:603–11.
  • 3. Lygidakis NA, Marinou D, Katsaris N. Analysis of dental emergencies presenting to a community paediatric dentistry centre. Int J Paediatr Dent 1998;8:181–190.
  • 4. Andreasen JO, Ravn JJ. Epidemiology of traumatic dental injuries to primary and permanent teeth in a Danish population sample. Int J Oral Surg, 1972;1:235–9.
  • 5. Bastone EB, Freer TJ, McNamara JR. Epidemiology of dental trauma: a review of the literature. Aust Dent J 2000;45:2–9.
  • 6. Flores MT. Traumatic injuries in the primary dentition. Dent Traumatol 2002;18:287–98.
  • 7. Skaare AB, Jacobsen I. Dental injuries in Norwegians aged 7–18. Dent Traumatol, 2003;19:67–71.
  • 8. Canakci V, Akgul HM, Akgul N, Canakci CF. Prevalence and handedness correlates of traumatic injuries to the permanent incisors in 13–17 year-old adolescents in Erzurum,Turkey. Dent Traumatol, 2003;19:248–54
  • 9. Perez R, Berkowitz R, McIlveen L, Forrester D. Dental trauma in children: a survey. Endod Dent Traumatol 1991;7:212–3.
  • 10. Cortes MI, Marcenes W, Sheiham A. Impact of traumatic injuries to the permanent teeth on the oral health-related quality of life in 12-14-year-old children. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol.2002; 30:193–8.
  • 11. Ramos-Jorge ML, Bosco VL, Peres MA, Nunes AC. The impact of treatment of dental trauma on the quality of life ofadolescents - a case-control study in southern Brazil. Dent Traumatol, 2007;23:114–9.
  • 12. Altay N, Gungor HC. A retrospective study of dentoalveolar injuries of children in Ankara, Turkey. Dent Traumatol, 2001;17:201–4.
  • 13. Kahabuka FK, Willemsen W, van’t Hof M, Ntabaye MK, Burgersdijk R, Frankenmolen F. Initial treatment of traumatic dental injuries by dental practitioners. Endod Dent Traumatol, 1998;14:206–9.
  • 14. Toprak ME, Tuna EB, Seymen F, Gençay K. Traumatic dental injuries in Turkish children, Istanbul. Dent Traumatol, 2014;30:280-284
  • 15. Borum MK, Andreasen JO.Therapeutic and economic implications of traumatic dental injuries in Denmark: An estimate based on 7549 patients treated at a major trauma centre. Int J Paediatr Dent, 2001;11: 249-258
  • 16.Kargul B, Caglar E, Tanboga I. Dental trauma in Turkish children, Istanbul. Dent Traumatol, 2003;19:72–5.
  • 17. Sandallı N, Cıldır S, Guler N. Clinical investigation of traumatic injurıes in Yeditepe Unıversty, Turkey during the last 3 years. Dent Traumatology, 2005;21:188–94.
  • 18. Hasan AA, Qudeimat MA, Andersson L. Prevalence of traumatic dental injuries in preschoolchildren in Kuwait – a screening study. DentTraumatol, 2010;26:346-350.
  • 19. Noori AJ, Al-Obaidi WA. Traumatic dental injuries among primary school children in Sulaimani city, Iraq. Dental Traumatology 2009;25: 442–446
  • 20. Kovacs M, Pacurar M, Petcu B, Bukhari C. Prevalence of traumatic dental injuries in children who attended two dental clinics in Targu Mures between 2003 and 2011. Oral Health Dent Manag, 2012;11:116-124.
  • 21. Aren G, Sepet E, Pınar Erdem A, Tolgay CG, Kuru S, Ertekin C, Güloğlu R, Aren A. Predominant causes and types of orofacial injury in children seen in the emergency department. Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg, 2013;19: 246-250.
  • 22. Elbay M, Elbay ÜŞ, Uğurluel C, Kaya C. Bir üniversite hastanesindeki pedodonti kliniğine başvuran 156 dental travma olgusunun değerlendirilmesi: Retrospektif araştırma. Selcuk Dent J, 2016; 3: 48-55.
  • 23. Oliveira LB, Marcenes W, Ardenghi TM, Sheiham A, Bo¨necker M. Traumatic dental injuries and associated factors among Brazilian preschool children. Dental Traumatology, 2007;23:76-81
  • 24. Grimm S, Fraza˜o P, Antunes JLF, Castellanos RA, Narvai PC. Dental injury among Brazilian schoolchildren in the state of San Paulo. Dent Traumatol, 2004;20:134–8
  • 25. Marcenes W, Murray S. Social deprivation and dental injuries among 14 year old school children in Newham, London. Endod Dent Traumatol, 2000;16:1–4.
  • 26. Al-Kassab AG. Evaluation of primary schools students with traumatized anterior permanent incisors in relation to different variables in Mosul city. [MSc thesis]. Baghdad: College of Dentistry, University of Baghdad; 2005
  • 27. Kania MJ, Keeling SD, McGorray SP, Wheeler TT, King GJ. Risk factors associated with incisor injury in elementary school children. Angle Orthod, 1996;66:423–32.
  • 28. Jarvinen S. Incisal overjet and traumatic injuries to upper permanent incisors. A retrospective study. Acta Odontol Scand, 1978;36:359–62.
  • 29. Zhang Y, Zhu Y, Su W, Zhou Z, Jin Y, Wang X. Retrospective study of pediatric traumatic dental injuries in Xi’an, China. Dental Traumatology, 2013;30:211-215.
  • 30. Cho SY. Dental luxation and avulsion injuries in Hong Kong primary school children. Hong Kong Med J, 2015;21: 339-344.
  • 31. Naidoo S, Sheiham A, Tsakos G. Traumatic dental injuries of permanent incisors in 11- to 13-year-old South African school children. Dental Traumatology, 2009;25: 224–228.
Toplam 31 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Diş Hekimliği
Bölüm Araştırma

Mine Koruyucu

Ceren İlisulu

Esra Parmaksız Bu kişi benim

Figen Seymen

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ağustos 2019
Gönderilme Tarihi 14 Ağustos 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Koruyucu M, İlisulu C, Parmaksız E, Seymen F. 6-12 yaş arası okul çağı çocuklarda travmatik dental yaralanmaların görülme sıklığı. Selcuk Dent J. 2019;6(2):119-26.